Ruth Woods
The Research Centre on Zero Emission neighbourhoods in Smart Cities (FME ZEN)
At the Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods (ZEN) in Smart Cities, we create solutions for the zero emission buildings and neighbourhoods of the future. This is our contribution to a low carbon society.
ARV: Climate positive circular communities
ARV is a H2020 EU-funded project aiming at creating climate positive circular communities in Europe and increasing the building renovation rate in the continent.
Berker, Thomas;
Henriksen, Hanne Marit;
Sutcliffe, Thomas Edward;
Woods, Ruth.
A sustainable campus for an uncertain future. Two cases of infrastructural transformation at Norway’s largest university.
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
Academic article
Woods, Ruth;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Korsnes, Marius;
Solbu, Gisle.
Energy-efficiency policies reinforce energy injustices: The caring energy practices of low-income households in Norway.
Energy Research & Social Science
Academic article
Thomsen, Judith;
Homaei, Shabnam;
Aakervik, Anne-Lise;
Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth ;
Rokseth, Lillian Sve;
Andersen, Kamilla Heimar.
Insights into ZEN pilot projects: An overview and experience summary.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (66)
Woods, Ruth;
Thomsen, Judith;
Rokseth, Lillian Sve.
ARV: Gjenbruks kunstworkshop .
Kunstworkshop for 9. klasse ved Bjølsen skole
Other presentation
Staňková, Nicol;
Dvořáková, Klára;
Bošková, Kateřina;
Stará, Soňa;
Branderup, Anne;
Curci, Marcello.
D3.3 CPCC Living Labs reports.
European Commission
European Commission
Woods, Ruth.
A climate boot camp at Voldsløkka school in Oslo.
KULT, Vestfolds tidsskrift for kunst, kultur- og samfunnsspørsmål
Popular scientific article
Woods, Ruth;
Berker, Thomas.
Homelife in a Norwegian forest: a rural approach to the sustainable transition.
Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius Støylen;
Heidenreich, Sara Lena Brigitte;
Næss, Robert;
Woods, Ruth.
Er det betre å lenke seg fast enn å lime seg fast?.
Feature article
Solbu, Gisle;
Korsnes, Marius;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Henriksen, Ida Marie;
Woods, Ruth;
Næss, Robert.
Klimastrategier for forbruk som ikke forsterker sosial og økonomiske forskjeller.
Næss, Robert;
Solbu, Gisle;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Henriksen, Ida Marie;
Woods, Ruth;
Korsnes, Marius.
Klimastrategier for mobilitet som ikke
forsterker sosiale og økonomiske forskjeller.
Woods, Ruth;
Henriksen, Ida Marie;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Næss, Robert;
Korsnes, Marius;
Solbu, Gisle.
Klimastrategier for bolig som ikke forsterker sosiale og økonomiske forskjeller.
Salom, Jaume;
Maskova, Julia;
Graziesschi, Gianluca;
Woods, Ruth;
Schneider-Marin, Patricia;
Brudal, Ørjan.
D2.1 Assessment Framework for CPCC.
European Commision
Visetti, Pietro;
Lazarevic, Sladana;
Woods, Ruth;
Thomsen, Judith;
Cheng, Caroline Y;
Lolli, Nicola.
D.9.1 Develop an annual ARV Innovation Intel for Impact report.
European Commission
European Commission
Næss, Robert;
Solbu, Gisle;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Korsnes, Marius;
Kristiansson, Nora;
Woods, Ruth.
Klimatiltak øker kløften mellom fattig og rik. Vi må skape muligheter for alle til å delta i omstillingen.
Bergens Tidende
Feature article
Woods, Ruth;
Berker, Thomas.
Norwegian pilots: Navigating the technological logic of sustainable architecture.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Olsson, Nils;
Arica, Emrah;
Woods, Ruth;
Madrid, Javier Alonso.
Industry 4.0 in a project context: Introducing 3D printing in construction projects.
Project Leadership and Society (PLS)
Academic article
Woods, Ruth;
Thomsen, Judith.
Unboxing buildings: Engaging with occupants during design, testing and use.
Academic article
Woods, Ruth.
COJUSTs qualitative approach - the joys and frustrations.
Website (informational material)
Næss, Robert;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Woods, Ruth;
Korsnes, Marius.
Er det grønne skiftet bare for de rike?.
Feature article
Arntsen, Kim-André Myhre;
Berker, Thomas;
Woods, Ruth.
En blågrønn fremtid? En kvalitativ analyse av hvordan sirkulærøkonomi oppfattes innen havbruksnæringen i norske distrikter.
Masters thesis
Berker, Thomas;
Woods, Ruth.
Identifying and addressing reverse salients in infrastructural change. The case of a small zero emission campus in Southern Norway.
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
Academic article
Woods, Ruth;
Berker, Thomas.
Citizen participation in Steinkjer: Stories about the "old NRK building at Lø".
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Sartori, Igor;
Sørensen, Åse Lekang;
Woods, Ruth;
Wolfgang, Ove.
ZEN Case - Energisystem Risvollan: Analyse av energisystensløsninger, kostnader og beslutningsprosess for Risvollan borettslag.
ZEN Memo No. 24
Woods, Ruth;
Remøe, Katinka Sætersdal;
Hestnes, Anne Grete;
Gustavsen, Arild.
Annual report 2018.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (15)
Woods, Ruth;
Andresen, Inger;
Skaar, Christofer;
Berker, Thomas.
Utvikling av pilotprosjekt i Steinkjer kommune: Historier om «det gamle NRK bygget på Lø» og evaluering av prosessen.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (16)
Woods, Ruth;
Booker, Charles Alexander.
Byen bli ikke nødvendigvis bedre av at vi bor tettere.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Woods, Ruth;
Berker, Thomas.
Living labs in a zero emission neighbourhood context.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Skeie, Kristian;
Korsnes, Marius;
Woods, Ruth.
Reanalysis of occupant experiment in ZEB Living Lab.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Woods, Ruth;
Lerme, Wenche.
Aesthetic Preference as Starting Point for Citizen Dialogues on Urban Design: Stories from Hammarkullen, Gothenburg.
Urban Planning
Academic article
Woods, Ruth;
Baer, Daniela;
Berker, Thomas;
Bø, Lars Arne.
ZEN LIVING LABS definition, ideas and examples.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (18)
Remøe, Katinka Sætersdal;
Woods, Ruth.
En slik by vil vi ha, sier ungdommen.
Website (informational material)
Backe, Stian;
Sørensen, Åse Lekang;
Pinel, Dimitri;
Clauß, John;
Lausselet, Carine;
Woods, Ruth.
Consequences of Local Energy Supply in Norway: A case study on the ZEN pilot project Campus Evenstad.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (17)
Lolli, Nicola;
Nocente, Alessandro;
Brozovsky, Johannes;
Woods, Ruth;
Grynning, Steinar.
Automatic vs manual control strategy for window blinds and ceiling lights: Consequences to perceived visual and thermal discomfort.
Journal of Daylighting
Academic article
Woods, Ruth;
Remøe, Katinka Sætersdal.
Hvordan får vi alle med på laget i ambisiøse energi- og miljøprosjekter?.
Website (informational material)
Woods, Ruth;
Korsnes, Marius.
Homemaking in a Living Laboratory: Interpretations of a Zero Emission Housing Solution.
Home Cultures
Academic article
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Woods, Ruth.
Bærekraftig Sveberg.
Woods, Ruth.
Hvordan får vi alle med på laget i ambisiøse energi- og miljøprosjekter?.
Website (informational material)
Woods, Ruth.
Erfaringer fra ZEN living lab på Evenstad: brukerinvolvering i praksis.
Website (informational material)
Korsnes, Marius;
Berker, Thomas;
Woods, Ruth.
Domestication, acceptance and zero emission ambitions: Insights from a mixed method, experimental research design in a Norwegian Living Lab.
Energy Research & Social Science
Academic article
Thomsen, Judith;
Woods, Ruth;
Lolli, Nicola.
1, 2, 3 Housing! Good, affordable and energy efficient housing for refugees.
SINTEF Notat (31)
Woods, Ruth.
Levende igjen i ZEB Living Lab .
Website (informational material)
Woods, Ruth.
Erfaringer fra ZEN living lab på Evenstad: brukerinvolvering i praksis. (SINTEFblogg 12/04/2018).
Website (informational material)
Georges, Laurent;
Alonso, Maria Justo;
Woods, Ruth;
Wen, Kang;
Håheim, Fredrik;
Liu, Peng.
Evaluation of Simplified Space-Heating Hydronic Distribution for Norwegian Passive Houses.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEB Project report (39)
Woods, Ruth;
Skeie, Kristian Stenerud;
Haase, Matthias.
The Influence of User Behaviour on Energy Use in
European Shopping Centres.
Sustainable Development
Academic article
Woods, Ruth;
Wågø, Solvår Irene;
Thomsen, Judith.
BO¤BLI. Preferanser, behov og anbefalinger ved utvikling av boliger for tilflyttere.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
SINTEF Notat (21)
Woods, Ruth;
Samdal, Morten.
ZEB Final report 2009-2017.
The Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME)
Woods, Ruth;
Korsnes, Marius.
Between craft and regulations: experiences with the construction of two “super insulated” buildings in Norway.
Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies
Academic article
Woods, Ruth;
Gullbrekken, Lars.
Overhalla bolig: Rimelig oppgradering av kommunal bolig i samarbeid med videregående skole.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
SINTEF Notat (19)
De Groote, Maarten;
Bointner, Raphael;
Toleikyte, Agne;
Haase, Matthias;
Woods, Ruth.
CommONEnergy – Transforming shopping malls into lighthouses of
energy efficient architectures.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Woods, Ruth;
Verstad, Tor Ingar Skjelvan;
Gullbrekken, Lars;
Høyland, Karin;
Nesje, Arne Jan.
Robuste boliger i Melhus kommune.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
SINTEF Notat (20)
Woods, Ruth;
Berker, Thomas;
Korsnes, Marius.
Making a home in Living Lab: the limitations and potentials associated with living in a research laboratory.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haase, Matthias;
Skeie, Kristian;
Woods, Ruth;
Mellegård, Sofie Elisabet;
Schlanbusch, Reidun Dahl;
Homolka, Sarah.
Typical functional patterns and socio-cultural context.
Haase, Matthias;
Skeie, Kristian Stenerud;
Woods, Ruth.
Customer behaviour and energy use in European shopping centres.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Woods, Ruth;
Mellegård, Sofie Elisabet;
Schlanbusch, Reidun Dahl;
Skeie, Kristian;
Haase, Matthias.
Shopping malls inefficiencies.
Haase, Matthias;
Woods, Ruth;
Mellegård, Sofie Elisabet;
Skeie, Kristian;
Lollini, Roberto.
Main drivers for deep retrofitting of shopping malls.
Haase, Matthias;
Skeie, Kristian Stenerud;
Woods, Ruth.
The key drivers for energy retrofitting of European shopping centres.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Høyland, Karin;
Kirkevold, Øyvind;
Woods, Ruth;
Haugan, Gørill.
Er smått alltid godt i demensomsorgen?
Om bo- og tjenestetilbud for personer med demens.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
SINTEF Fag (33)
Haugan, Gørill;
Woods, Ruth;
Høyland, Karin;
Øyvind, Kirkevold.
Er smått alltid godt i eldreomsorgen?
SINTEF akademisk forlag
SINTEF Notat (16)
Bointner, Raphael;
Toleikyte, Agne;
Woods, Ruth;
Atanasiu, Bogdan;
De Ferrari, Antonio;
Farinea, Chiara.
Shopping malls features in EU-28 + Norway.
Woods, Ruth;
Kjølle, Kari;
Gullbrekken, Lars.
Beboernes og boligenes behov : Beboermedvirkning og beboeropplæring – i kommunale boliger i Steinkjer.
SINTEF Notat (12)
Røe, Melina;
Woods, Ruth;
Jæger, Irene.
Stolt beboer : Folk og hus i Tollåsenga.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Woods, Ruth;
Høyland, Karin.
Omsorgsboliger bygd i regi av boligbyggelag : Kartlegging og erfaringer.
SINTEF Fag (26)
Kleiven, Tommy;
Woods, Ruth;
Risholt, Birgit Dagrun.
Retrofitting multifamily buildings with prefabricated modules – RETROKIT : Stakeholder needs and views.
SINTEF Fag (21)
Kleiven, Tommy;
Woods, Ruth;
Risholt, Birgit Dagrun.
Retrofitting with prefabricated modules. Stakeholders' views and needs.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haase, Matthias;
Woods, Ruth;
Homolka, Sarah;
Schneider, Sarah;
Gantner, Johannes.
Sustainability assessment of shopping centres.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haase, Matthias;
Skeie, Kristian Stenerud;
Woods, Ruth.
Systemic inefficiencies in retail buildings in Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haase, Matthias;
Woods, Ruth;
Skeie, Kristian Stenerud.
Capacities in shopping malls to supply grid services.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Klakegg, Ole Jonny;
Kjølle, Kari;
Mehaug, Cecilie Gillesen;
Olsson, Nils;
Shiferaw, Asmamaw Tadege;
Woods, Ruth.
7th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation, Trondheim, June 12-14, 2013.
Akademika forlag
Akademika forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Woods, Ruth;
Haase, Matthias.
The role of shopping centres in the sustainable transition of neighbourhoods.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Woods, Ruth;
Kjølle, Kari;
Gullbrekken, Lars.
Rimelige boliger for vanskeligstilte : Fase 3 - "Åfjordmodellen".
SINTEF Notat (9)
Woods, Ruth;
Kjølle, Kari;
Gullbrekken, Lars.
Sustainable low cost housing for the socially disadvantaged: the Vassneset example.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Woods, Ruth.
Shopping with Art: How art creates its role in public places.
Norges teknisk naturvitenskapelig universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Høyland, Karin;
Denizou, Karine;
Woods, Ruth;
Christophersen, Jon.
Med virkeligheten som lærebok : fra tilgjengelighet for rullestolbruker til økt brukskvalitet for alle?.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
SINTEF Byggforsk Prosjektrapport (101)
Woods, Ruth.
A Nice Dandelion: Visual Experiences at a Shopping Centre in Trondheim.
Suomen Antropologi
Academic article
Woods, Ruth.
Løvetannen og oksen en studie i symbolbruken ved to kjøpesentre.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Woods, Ruth.
Cities of the Future, Apolonija Sustersic: The Social Life of a Sandpit: Discussing Urban Redevelopment.
Popular scientific book
Journal publications
Berker, Thomas;
Henriksen, Hanne Marit;
Sutcliffe, Thomas Edward;
Woods, Ruth.
A sustainable campus for an uncertain future. Two cases of infrastructural transformation at Norway’s largest university.
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
Academic article
Woods, Ruth;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Korsnes, Marius;
Solbu, Gisle.
Energy-efficiency policies reinforce energy injustices: The caring energy practices of low-income households in Norway.
Energy Research & Social Science
Academic article
Woods, Ruth.
A climate boot camp at Voldsløkka school in Oslo.
KULT, Vestfolds tidsskrift for kunst, kultur- og samfunnsspørsmål
Popular scientific article
Woods, Ruth;
Berker, Thomas.
Homelife in a Norwegian forest: a rural approach to the sustainable transition.
Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius Støylen;
Heidenreich, Sara Lena Brigitte;
Næss, Robert;
Woods, Ruth.
Er det betre å lenke seg fast enn å lime seg fast?.
Feature article
Næss, Robert;
Solbu, Gisle;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Korsnes, Marius;
Kristiansson, Nora;
Woods, Ruth.
Klimatiltak øker kløften mellom fattig og rik. Vi må skape muligheter for alle til å delta i omstillingen.
Bergens Tidende
Feature article
Olsson, Nils;
Arica, Emrah;
Woods, Ruth;
Madrid, Javier Alonso.
Industry 4.0 in a project context: Introducing 3D printing in construction projects.
Project Leadership and Society (PLS)
Academic article
Woods, Ruth;
Thomsen, Judith.
Unboxing buildings: Engaging with occupants during design, testing and use.
Academic article
Næss, Robert;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Woods, Ruth;
Korsnes, Marius.
Er det grønne skiftet bare for de rike?.
Feature article
Berker, Thomas;
Woods, Ruth.
Identifying and addressing reverse salients in infrastructural change. The case of a small zero emission campus in Southern Norway.
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education
Academic article
Woods, Ruth;
Berker, Thomas.
Citizen participation in Steinkjer: Stories about the "old NRK building at Lø".
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Woods, Ruth;
Booker, Charles Alexander.
Byen bli ikke nødvendigvis bedre av at vi bor tettere.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Woods, Ruth;
Berker, Thomas.
Living labs in a zero emission neighbourhood context.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Skeie, Kristian;
Korsnes, Marius;
Woods, Ruth.
Reanalysis of occupant experiment in ZEB Living Lab.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES)
Academic article
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Woods, Ruth;
Lerme, Wenche.
Aesthetic Preference as Starting Point for Citizen Dialogues on Urban Design: Stories from Hammarkullen, Gothenburg.
Urban Planning
Academic article
Lolli, Nicola;
Nocente, Alessandro;
Brozovsky, Johannes;
Woods, Ruth;
Grynning, Steinar.
Automatic vs manual control strategy for window blinds and ceiling lights: Consequences to perceived visual and thermal discomfort.
Journal of Daylighting
Academic article
Woods, Ruth;
Korsnes, Marius.
Homemaking in a Living Laboratory: Interpretations of a Zero Emission Housing Solution.
Home Cultures
Academic article
Korsnes, Marius;
Berker, Thomas;
Woods, Ruth.
Domestication, acceptance and zero emission ambitions: Insights from a mixed method, experimental research design in a Norwegian Living Lab.
Energy Research & Social Science
Academic article
Woods, Ruth;
Skeie, Kristian Stenerud;
Haase, Matthias.
The Influence of User Behaviour on Energy Use in
European Shopping Centres.
Sustainable Development
Academic article
Woods, Ruth;
Korsnes, Marius.
Between craft and regulations: experiences with the construction of two “super insulated” buildings in Norway.
Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies
Academic article
Haase, Matthias;
Skeie, Kristian Stenerud;
Woods, Ruth.
The key drivers for energy retrofitting of European shopping centres.
Energy Procedia
Academic article
Woods, Ruth.
A Nice Dandelion: Visual Experiences at a Shopping Centre in Trondheim.
Suomen Antropologi
Academic article
Woods, Ruth.
Løvetannen og oksen en studie i symbolbruken ved to kjøpesentre.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Artistic productions
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Woods, Ruth.
Bærekraftig Sveberg.
Klakegg, Ole Jonny;
Kjølle, Kari;
Mehaug, Cecilie Gillesen;
Olsson, Nils;
Shiferaw, Asmamaw Tadege;
Woods, Ruth.
7th Nordic Conference on Construction Economics and Organisation, Trondheim, June 12-14, 2013.
Akademika forlag
Akademika forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Woods, Ruth.
Cities of the Future, Apolonija Sustersic: The Social Life of a Sandpit: Discussing Urban Redevelopment.
Popular scientific book
Part of book/report
Woods, Ruth;
Berker, Thomas.
Norwegian pilots: Navigating the technological logic of sustainable architecture.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
De Groote, Maarten;
Bointner, Raphael;
Toleikyte, Agne;
Haase, Matthias;
Woods, Ruth.
CommONEnergy – Transforming shopping malls into lighthouses of
energy efficient architectures.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Woods, Ruth;
Berker, Thomas;
Korsnes, Marius.
Making a home in Living Lab: the limitations and potentials associated with living in a research laboratory.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haase, Matthias;
Skeie, Kristian Stenerud;
Woods, Ruth.
Customer behaviour and energy use in European shopping centres.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kleiven, Tommy;
Woods, Ruth;
Risholt, Birgit Dagrun.
Retrofitting with prefabricated modules. Stakeholders' views and needs.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haase, Matthias;
Woods, Ruth;
Homolka, Sarah;
Schneider, Sarah;
Gantner, Johannes.
Sustainability assessment of shopping centres.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haase, Matthias;
Skeie, Kristian Stenerud;
Woods, Ruth.
Systemic inefficiencies in retail buildings in Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haase, Matthias;
Woods, Ruth;
Skeie, Kristian Stenerud.
Capacities in shopping malls to supply grid services.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Woods, Ruth;
Haase, Matthias.
The role of shopping centres in the sustainable transition of neighbourhoods.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Woods, Ruth;
Kjølle, Kari;
Gullbrekken, Lars.
Sustainable low cost housing for the socially disadvantaged: the Vassneset example.
Akademika forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thomsen, Judith;
Homaei, Shabnam;
Aakervik, Anne-Lise;
Wiik, Marianne Rose Kjendseth ;
Rokseth, Lillian Sve;
Andersen, Kamilla Heimar.
Insights into ZEN pilot projects: An overview and experience summary.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (66)
Staňková, Nicol;
Dvořáková, Klára;
Bošková, Kateřina;
Stará, Soňa;
Branderup, Anne;
Curci, Marcello.
D3.3 CPCC Living Labs reports.
European Commission
European Commission
Solbu, Gisle;
Korsnes, Marius;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Henriksen, Ida Marie;
Woods, Ruth;
Næss, Robert.
Klimastrategier for forbruk som ikke forsterker sosial og økonomiske forskjeller.
Næss, Robert;
Solbu, Gisle;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Henriksen, Ida Marie;
Woods, Ruth;
Korsnes, Marius.
Klimastrategier for mobilitet som ikke
forsterker sosiale og økonomiske forskjeller.
Woods, Ruth;
Henriksen, Ida Marie;
Heidenreich, Sara;
Næss, Robert;
Korsnes, Marius;
Solbu, Gisle.
Klimastrategier for bolig som ikke forsterker sosiale og økonomiske forskjeller.
Salom, Jaume;
Maskova, Julia;
Graziesschi, Gianluca;
Woods, Ruth;
Schneider-Marin, Patricia;
Brudal, Ørjan.
D2.1 Assessment Framework for CPCC.
European Commision
Visetti, Pietro;
Lazarevic, Sladana;
Woods, Ruth;
Thomsen, Judith;
Cheng, Caroline Y;
Lolli, Nicola.
D.9.1 Develop an annual ARV Innovation Intel for Impact report.
European Commission
European Commission
Arntsen, Kim-André Myhre;
Berker, Thomas;
Woods, Ruth.
En blågrønn fremtid? En kvalitativ analyse av hvordan sirkulærøkonomi oppfattes innen havbruksnæringen i norske distrikter.
Masters thesis
Sartori, Igor;
Sørensen, Åse Lekang;
Woods, Ruth;
Wolfgang, Ove.
ZEN Case - Energisystem Risvollan: Analyse av energisystensløsninger, kostnader og beslutningsprosess for Risvollan borettslag.
ZEN Memo No. 24
Woods, Ruth;
Remøe, Katinka Sætersdal;
Hestnes, Anne Grete;
Gustavsen, Arild.
Annual report 2018.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (15)
Woods, Ruth;
Andresen, Inger;
Skaar, Christofer;
Berker, Thomas.
Utvikling av pilotprosjekt i Steinkjer kommune: Historier om «det gamle NRK bygget på Lø» og evaluering av prosessen.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (16)
Woods, Ruth;
Baer, Daniela;
Berker, Thomas;
Bø, Lars Arne.
ZEN LIVING LABS definition, ideas and examples.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (18)
Backe, Stian;
Sørensen, Åse Lekang;
Pinel, Dimitri;
Clauß, John;
Lausselet, Carine;
Woods, Ruth.
Consequences of Local Energy Supply in Norway: A case study on the ZEN pilot project Campus Evenstad.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEN Report (17)
Thomsen, Judith;
Woods, Ruth;
Lolli, Nicola.
1, 2, 3 Housing! Good, affordable and energy efficient housing for refugees.
SINTEF Notat (31)
Georges, Laurent;
Alonso, Maria Justo;
Woods, Ruth;
Wen, Kang;
Håheim, Fredrik;
Liu, Peng.
Evaluation of Simplified Space-Heating Hydronic Distribution for Norwegian Passive Houses.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
ZEB Project report (39)
Woods, Ruth;
Wågø, Solvår Irene;
Thomsen, Judith.
BO¤BLI. Preferanser, behov og anbefalinger ved utvikling av boliger for tilflyttere.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
SINTEF Notat (21)
Woods, Ruth;
Samdal, Morten.
ZEB Final report 2009-2017.
The Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME)
Woods, Ruth;
Gullbrekken, Lars.
Overhalla bolig: Rimelig oppgradering av kommunal bolig i samarbeid med videregående skole.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
SINTEF Notat (19)
Woods, Ruth;
Verstad, Tor Ingar Skjelvan;
Gullbrekken, Lars;
Høyland, Karin;
Nesje, Arne Jan.
Robuste boliger i Melhus kommune.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
SINTEF Notat (20)
Haase, Matthias;
Skeie, Kristian;
Woods, Ruth;
Mellegård, Sofie Elisabet;
Schlanbusch, Reidun Dahl;
Homolka, Sarah.
Typical functional patterns and socio-cultural context.
Woods, Ruth;
Mellegård, Sofie Elisabet;
Schlanbusch, Reidun Dahl;
Skeie, Kristian;
Haase, Matthias.
Shopping malls inefficiencies.
Haase, Matthias;
Woods, Ruth;
Mellegård, Sofie Elisabet;
Skeie, Kristian;
Lollini, Roberto.
Main drivers for deep retrofitting of shopping malls.
Høyland, Karin;
Kirkevold, Øyvind;
Woods, Ruth;
Haugan, Gørill.
Er smått alltid godt i demensomsorgen?
Om bo- og tjenestetilbud for personer med demens.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
SINTEF Fag (33)
Haugan, Gørill;
Woods, Ruth;
Høyland, Karin;
Øyvind, Kirkevold.
Er smått alltid godt i eldreomsorgen?
SINTEF akademisk forlag
SINTEF Notat (16)
Bointner, Raphael;
Toleikyte, Agne;
Woods, Ruth;
Atanasiu, Bogdan;
De Ferrari, Antonio;
Farinea, Chiara.
Shopping malls features in EU-28 + Norway.
Woods, Ruth;
Kjølle, Kari;
Gullbrekken, Lars.
Beboernes og boligenes behov : Beboermedvirkning og beboeropplæring – i kommunale boliger i Steinkjer.
SINTEF Notat (12)
Røe, Melina;
Woods, Ruth;
Jæger, Irene.
Stolt beboer : Folk og hus i Tollåsenga.
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
Woods, Ruth;
Høyland, Karin.
Omsorgsboliger bygd i regi av boligbyggelag : Kartlegging og erfaringer.
SINTEF Fag (26)
Kleiven, Tommy;
Woods, Ruth;
Risholt, Birgit Dagrun.
Retrofitting multifamily buildings with prefabricated modules – RETROKIT : Stakeholder needs and views.
SINTEF Fag (21)
Woods, Ruth;
Kjølle, Kari;
Gullbrekken, Lars.
Rimelige boliger for vanskeligstilte : Fase 3 - "Åfjordmodellen".
SINTEF Notat (9)
Woods, Ruth.
Shopping with Art: How art creates its role in public places.
Norges teknisk naturvitenskapelig universitet
Doctoral dissertation
Høyland, Karin;
Denizou, Karine;
Woods, Ruth;
Christophersen, Jon.
Med virkeligheten som lærebok : fra tilgjengelighet for rullestolbruker til økt brukskvalitet for alle?.
SINTEF akademisk forlag
SINTEF Byggforsk Prosjektrapport (101)
Woods, Ruth;
Thomsen, Judith;
Rokseth, Lillian Sve.
ARV: Gjenbruks kunstworkshop .
Kunstworkshop for 9. klasse ved Bjølsen skole
Other presentation
Woods, Ruth.
COJUSTs qualitative approach - the joys and frustrations.
Website (informational material)
Remøe, Katinka Sætersdal;
Woods, Ruth.
En slik by vil vi ha, sier ungdommen.
Website (informational material)
Woods, Ruth;
Remøe, Katinka Sætersdal.
Hvordan får vi alle med på laget i ambisiøse energi- og miljøprosjekter?.
Website (informational material)
Woods, Ruth.
Hvordan får vi alle med på laget i ambisiøse energi- og miljøprosjekter?.
Website (informational material)
Woods, Ruth.
Erfaringer fra ZEN living lab på Evenstad: brukerinvolvering i praksis.
Website (informational material)
Woods, Ruth.
Levende igjen i ZEB Living Lab .
Website (informational material)
Woods, Ruth.
Erfaringer fra ZEN living lab på Evenstad: brukerinvolvering i praksis. (SINTEFblogg 12/04/2018).
Website (informational material)
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureSchmidt, August; Woods, Ruth. (2024) Diversity of Earth – Norway Workshop as a tool to discover the future in the past . UFBA Universidade Federal da Bahia Terra Brasil UFBA 2024 , Salvador 2024-03-27 - 2024-03-30
LectureHenriksen, Ida Marie; Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe; Branlat, Jennifer Elise; Woods, Ruth. (2023) Hvordan kan Elvia hjelpe disse målgruppene med å senke og endre strømbruket sitt? . Elvia Fag kafé , Oslo 2023-09-29 - 2023-09-29
Academic lectureWoods, Ruth; Berker, Thomas; Henriksen, Hanne Marit. (2023) Sustainability transitions in Oslo’s suburbia: Furuset’s microgrid. Nordic STS Nordic STS: Energy Communities and Urban Sociotechnical Transformations , Oslo 2023-06-07 - 2023-06-09
Academic lectureBerker, Thomas; Henriksen, Hanne Marit; Woods, Ruth; Røe, Per Gunnar. (2023) Splintering Furuset The history and possible effects of a well-intentioned urban climate mitigation pilot . Team Society NTNU BEYOND CRISIS/BEYOND NORMAL , Trondheim 2023-09-27 - 2023-09-28
Popular scientific lectureWoods, Ruth; Andresen, Inger; Danielsen, Anna-Laila; Garcia Melo, Jesus Daniel; Lolli, Nicola; Skaar, Marianne. (2023) ARV Climate Bootcamp . NTNU/SINTEF ARV Climate Bootcamp , Voldsløkka Skole, Oslo 2023-11-21 - 2023-11-22
Academic lectureHenriksen, Hanne Marit; Woods, Ruth. (2023) Non-trivial resistance against Zero Emission Neighbourhoods. UiO Nordic STS , Oslo 2023-06-07 - 2023-06-09
LectureWoods, Ruth. (2022) Rettferdig omstilling . Norconsult Norconsult: Fagsamling Arkitektur , Trondheim 2022-10-28 - 2022-10-28
LectureNæss, Robert; Woods, Ruth. (2022) Klimautvalget 2050: rettferdighet. Trøndelag fylkeskommune Klimautvalget 2050: rettferdighet , Trondheim 2022-08-23 - 2022-08-23
PosterWoods, Ruth; Korsnes, Marius; Kristiansson, Nora; Næss, Robert; Heidenreich, Sara; Solbu, Gisle. (2022) Sustainable practices in the Norwegian social housing sector. ERSS 3rd International Conference on Energy Research and Social Science 2022 , Manchester, UK 2022-06-20 - 2022-06-23
Academic lectureWoods, Ruth; Berker, Thomas; Henriksen, Hanne Marit; Sutcliffe, Thomas Edward. (2022) “I love this”: experimenting with second-hand furniture in a university living lab. European association of social anthropologists 17th EASA Biennial Conference EASA2022: Transformation, Hope and the Commons , Belfast 2022-07-26 - 2022-07-29
InterviewSeehusen, Joachim; Woods, Ruth. (2021) Barn gir mamma skylden for klimaendringer. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Business/trade/industry journal] 2021-04-07
Academic lectureHeidenreich, Sara; Kristiansson, Nora; Næss, Robert; Woods, Ruth. (2021) Can low-income households participate in the sustainability transition? Justice and equality in energy and climate policies of three Norwegian cities. Third SIAC National Conference Future: Anthropologies of the Future, the Future of Anthropology Rome , Roma/digitalt 2021-09-22 - 2021-09-25
Academic lectureWoods, Ruth; Berker, Thomas. (2021) The good life is in the middle of a Norwegian forest: reflections on a zero emission neighbourhood concept. Society of Italian anthropologists CFP – Un/sustainable futures: The hidden abode of the ‘ecological transition’ , SIAC Conference , Roma 2021-09-22 - 2021-09-25
InterviewWoods, Ruth; Seehusen, Joachim. (2021) Barn gir mamma skylden for klimaendringer Mamma kjører til trening, til barnehage og til kjøpesenteret. Det er mamma som handler, og også mamma som håndterer familiens avfall. Pappa er på jobb. TU: Teknisk ukeblad TU: Teknisk ukeblad [Business/trade/industry journal] 2021-04-07
Academic lectureWoods, Ruth. (2020) ZEN Ydalir: the good life?. Trondheim kommune Climathon Trondheim 2020 - student track , Trondheim 2020-11-13 - 2020-11-13
Academic lectureWoods, Ruth; Berker, Thomas. (2020) Citizen participation in Steinkjer: Stories about the “old NRK building at Lø” . Chalmers university of technology Beyond 2020 World sustainable built environment conference , Gothenburg 2020-11-02 - 2020-11-04
Academic lectureWoods, Ruth; Thomsen, Judith. (2020) Messy practices: the design and construction of sustainable buildings. 4S the society for social studies of science EASST/4S conference Prague from 18-21st August 2020. “Locating and Timing Matters: Significance and agency of STS in emerging worlds” , Prague 2020-08-18 - 2020-08-21
InterviewWoods, Ruth; Tonjer, Anna-Thekla. (2020) ZEN living lab på Ydalir. NRK P1 og P2 NRK P1 og P2 [Radio] 2020-09-10
InterviewWoods, Ruth; Tonjer, Anna-Thekla. (2020) Når Ruth Skal forske på det gode liv i Elverum, må hun starte med de yngste innbyggerne. Østlendingen Østlendingen [Newspaper] 2020-09-14
InterviewWoods, Ruth; Lien, Anne Gunnarshaug; Opheim, Aagot. (2020) Da de ansatte ble sendt hjem i mars, var det en ting nesten alle savnet. [Newspaper] 2020-09-21
InterviewWoods, Ruth; Nielsen, Brita Fladvad. (2019) Bidrar til å forske på bærekraft. Malviknytt Malviknytt [Internet] 2019-04-12
LectureSørensen, Åse Lekang; Backe, Stian; Pinel, Dimitri; Clauß, John; Lausselet, Carine; Woods, Ruth. (2019) Lokal energiforsyning på Evenstad. Statsbygg ZEN Pilotprosjekt campus Evenstad - erfaringsseminar , Oslo 2019-05-08 -
Academic lectureWoods, Ruth. (2019) From sufficiency to energy efficiency at Campus Evenstad . NTNU 8th Nordic geographers meeting , Trondheim 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-19
LectureWoods, Ruth. (2019) Living labs in a zero emission neighbourhood context. NTNU 1st Nordic conference on zero emission and plus energy buildings , Trondheim 2019-11-06 - 2019-11-07
Programme participation
Academic lectureBerker, Thomas; Woods, Ruth. (2019) Infrastructure Laboratories. NTNU, NFR 8th Nordic Geographers Meeting , Trondheim 2019-06-17 - 2019-06-19
Academic lectureThomsen, Judith; Woods, Ruth; Lolli, Nicola. (2019) Evaluation of housing and energy supply solutions for refugees in a Norwegian Municipality. European Network of Housing Research European Network of Housing Research Conference 2019 , Athen 2019-08-27 - 2019-08-30
InterviewWoods, Ruth; Nielsen, Brita Fladvad. (2019) Bidrar til å forske på bærekraft. Malviknytt Malviknytt [Internet] 2019-04-12
Academic lectureWoods, Ruth. (2019) Promising local innovations and the role of social science. Universitet i Oslo, strategic research area: Energy UIO: Energy Forum , Forskningsparken Oslo 2019-11-27 - 2019-11-27
Popular scientific lectureNielsen, Brita Fladvad; Woods, Ruth. (2019) Bærekraftig Sveberg. PI-SEC og ZEN Presentasjon av hvordan man lager bærekraftige og energismarte nabolag, til 4. klassinger , Sveberg, Malvik kommune 2019-04-11 - 2019-04-11
Academic lectureWoods, Ruth; Berker, Thomas. (2018) Supporting sustainable ambitions: a zero emission neighbourhood living lab. European sociological association 4th Energy and society conference , Exeter 2018-09-03 - 2018-09-05
DocumentaryWoods, Ruth; Skeie, Kristian. (2018) Levende igjen i ZEB living lab. #SINTEF blogg #SINTEF blogg [Internet] 2018-11-14
DocumentaryWoods, Ruth; Larssæther, Stig. (2018) Erfaringer fra ZEN living lab på Evenstad: brukerinvolvering i praksis. #SINTEF blogg #SINTEF blogg [Internet] 2018-04-12
LectureWoods, Ruth. (2018) Enabling user participation in zero emission neighbourhoods. Future Earth Exponential Climate Action for Cities workshop , Kista 2018-04-12 - 2018-04-13
Academic lectureWoods, Ruth. (2018) The zero emission kindergarten at Lø: a contested site for a zero emission future. European association for the study of science and technology EASST conference , Lancaster 2018-07-25 - 2018-07-28
InterviewNitter, Kathrine; Gustavsen, Arild; Woods, Ruth. (2018) Nullutslipp på alle områder. SINTEF SINTEF [Internet] 2018-02-09
LectureWoods, Ruth. (2017) Brukeradferd i passivhus. ZEB; Husbanken Evaluering av forenklede vannbårne oppvarmingssystem i norske passivhus , Trondheim 2017-10-17 -
LectureAndresen, Inger; Woods, Ruth. (2017) ZEN Pilotprosjekter og Living Labs. ZEN / NTNU / SINTEF Seminar om ZEN Pilotprosjekter og Living Labs , Evenstad 2017-10-26 - 2017-10-26
InterviewWoods, Ruth; Korsnes, Marius; Bazilchuk, Nancy Reney. (2017) Living in a Zero Emission House. Gemini Gemini [Business/trade/industry journal] 2017-06-01
LectureFoldvik, Sandra; Werner, Tobias Mohn; Woods, Ruth. (2017) Dialog med beboere fra ZEB Living Lab. ZEB konferansen 2017. Nullutslippsbygg , Trondheim 2017-01-19 -
LectureWoods, Ruth. (2017) Nullutslippslivet i et nullutslippshus: Beboereksperimentet i ZEB Living Lab. NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet NTNU Kveld , Dokkhuset, Trondheim 2017-10-02 - 2017-11-02
Academic lectureWoods, Ruth; Andresen, Inger. (2017) Pilot prosjekter og Living labs. the Research Centre on Zero Emission Neighbourhoods ZEN Partnerseminar Evenstad , Camus Evenstad, Høyskolen i Innlandet 2017-10-26 - 2017-10-26
Academic lectureWågø, Solvår Irene; Woods, Ruth. (2016) Designing Housing for Migrant Workers in a Norwegian Coastal Community. Nordic Ruralities 4th Nordic Rural Research Conference , Akureyri 2016-05-22 - 2016-05-24
Popular scientific lectureWoods, Ruth. (2016) The Research Centre on Zero Emission Buildings. Danish Embassy Innovasjon Norge Paris - Nordic Efficiency , Paris 2016-11-08 - 2016-11-08
Popular scientific lectureWoods, Ruth. (2016) ZEB Living Lab: En bolig seks ulike husholdninger. Faggruppe for bygnings- og materialteknikk ved Norges teknis Norsk bygningsfysikkdag 2016 , Ullevaal konferanse senter Oslo 2016-11-24 - 2016-11-24
Academic lectureKorsnes, Marius; Berker, Thomas; Woods, Ruth. (2016) Compliance and Deviation: How occupants interact with a high performance zero emission building. DEMAND Centre DEMAND Centre Conference 2016: 'What energy is for: the making and dynamics of demand' , Lancaster University 2016-04-13 - 2016-04-15
Academic lectureGullbrekken, Lars; Woods, Ruth; Kjølle, Kari Hovin. (2015) Overhalla housing: Affordable retrofitting of municipal housing in partnership with Secondary Schools. Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference 2015 2015-06-09 - 2015-06-11
LectureHøyland, Karin; Wågø, Solvår Irene; Woods, Ruth. (2015) ” A neighbourhood for all?" Housing for people with extensive disabilities. . ENHR ENHR 2015 , Lisboa 2015-06-28 - 2015-07-01
Academic lectureWoods, Ruth; Wågø, Solvår Irene. (2014) Architectural quality and rural development. Centre for Rural Research 3rd Nordic Conference for Rural Research , Trondheim 2014-10-08 - 2014-10-10
Academic lectureWoods, Ruth. (2009) Shopping with Art: How Art Creates its Space within Public Places. CRESC CRESC Annual Conference 2009: Objects - What Matters , Manchester 2009-09-01 - 2009-09-04
Academic lectureWoods, Ruth. (2008) Public Art: From Institution to Public Space. Geografisk institutt, NTNU Contemporary Art, Geography, Home , Lademoen Kunstnerverksteder 2008-04-03 - 2008-04-03
Academic lectureWoods, Ruth. (2008) The Bull and the Dandelion: Understanding the use of Symbols at Shopping Centres. Norsk antropologisk forening Forestillinger om felleskap , UIO, Blindern 2008-05-23 - 2008-05-25
DocumentaryWoods, Ruth. (2007) Kronikk:Hva er det kunst gjør med oss?. Adressavisa Adressavisa [Newspaper] 2007-06-07
Popular scientific lectureWoods, Ruth. (2007) Kunst og kjøpesentre. Steen og Strøm utviklingsavdeling foredrag , Steen og Strøm kontor Akerbrygge, Oslo 2007-06-11 - 2007-06-11