Rita Duarte Pimentel
Pimentel, Rita;
Risstad, Morten;
Westgaard, Sjur.
Predicting interest rate distributions using PCA & quantile regression.
Digital Finance
Academic article
Nunes, Cláudia;
Pimentel, Rita;
Prior, Ana.
The solution to a differential-difference equation arising in optimal stopping of a jump-diffusion process.
REVSTAT-Statistical Journal
Academic article
Nunes, Cláudia;
Oliveira, Carlos;
Pimentel, Rita.
Quasi-analytical solution of an investment problem with decreasing investment cost due to technological innovations.
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Academic article
Hagspiel, Verena;
Kort, Peter M.;
Nunes, Cláudia;
Pimentel, Rita;
Støre, Kristian.
Capacity optimization of an innovating firm.
International Journal of Production Economics
Academic article
Tahvili, Sahar;
Hatvani, Leo;
Ramentol, Enislay;
Pimentel, Rita;
Afzal, Wasif;
Herrera, Francisco.
A novel methodology to classify test cases using natural language processing and imbalanced learning.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Academic article
Hagspiel, Verena;
Huisman, Kuno J.M.;
Kort, Peter M.;
Lavrutich, Maria;
Nunes, Cláudia;
Pimentel, Rita.
Technology adoption in a declining market.
European Journal of Operational Research
Academic article
Tahvili, Sahar;
Pimentel, Rita;
Afzal, Wasif;
Ahlberg, Marcus;
Fornander, Eric;
Bohlin, Markus.
sOrTES: A Supportive Tool for Stochastic Scheduling of Manual Integration Test Cases.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Gaspar, Raquel M.;
Pimentel, Rita.
On swap rate dynamics: to freeze or not to freeze?.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics
Academic article
Nunes, Cláudia;
Pimentel, Rita.
Analytical solution for an investment problem under uncertainties with shocks.
European Journal of Operational Research
Academic article
Pimentel, Rita;
Risstad, Morten;
Westgaard, Sjur.
Predicting interest rate distributions using PCA & quantile regression.
Digital Finance
Academic article
Nunes, Cláudia;
Pimentel, Rita;
Prior, Ana.
The solution to a differential-difference equation arising in optimal stopping of a jump-diffusion process.
REVSTAT-Statistical Journal
Academic article
Nunes, Cláudia;
Oliveira, Carlos;
Pimentel, Rita.
Quasi-analytical solution of an investment problem with decreasing investment cost due to technological innovations.
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Academic article
Hagspiel, Verena;
Kort, Peter M.;
Nunes, Cláudia;
Pimentel, Rita;
Støre, Kristian.
Capacity optimization of an innovating firm.
International Journal of Production Economics
Academic article
Tahvili, Sahar;
Hatvani, Leo;
Ramentol, Enislay;
Pimentel, Rita;
Afzal, Wasif;
Herrera, Francisco.
A novel methodology to classify test cases using natural language processing and imbalanced learning.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Academic article
Hagspiel, Verena;
Huisman, Kuno J.M.;
Kort, Peter M.;
Lavrutich, Maria;
Nunes, Cláudia;
Pimentel, Rita.
Technology adoption in a declining market.
European Journal of Operational Research
Academic article
Tahvili, Sahar;
Pimentel, Rita;
Afzal, Wasif;
Ahlberg, Marcus;
Fornander, Eric;
Bohlin, Markus.
sOrTES: A Supportive Tool for Stochastic Scheduling of Manual Integration Test Cases.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Gaspar, Raquel M.;
Pimentel, Rita.
On swap rate dynamics: to freeze or not to freeze?.
International Journal of Computer Mathematics
Academic article
Nunes, Cláudia;
Pimentel, Rita.
Analytical solution for an investment problem under uncertainties with shocks.
European Journal of Operational Research
Academic article
- TIØ4900 - Investering, finans, økonomistyring, masteroppgave
- IØ8304 - Prognosemodeller i økonomi og finans
- TIØ4140 - Prosjektfinans og -analyse
- TIØ4550 - Investering, finans og økonomistyring, fordypningsprosjekt
- IØ8815 - Bedriftsøkonomi i kunstig intelligens-æraen
- IØ6060 - Miljø- og klimarisiko i låneportefølje
- IØ8814 - Agentbasert modellering i grenseflata mellom økonomi og psykologi
- IØ8813 - Avansert kurs i økonomiske anvendelser av maskinlæring og kunstig intelligens
- TIØ4557 - Investering, finans og økonomistyring fordypningsemne
- IØ8812 - Introduksjon til metoder for maskinlæring og kunstig intelligens med økonomiske anvendelser
Academic lectureDobranszky, Peter; Pimentel, Rita. (2017) Analysis of the incremental loss in case of default events. 2nd International Conference on Computational Finance 2017 , Lisbon 2017-09-04 - 2017-09-08