Nina Petersen Reed
I am a social worker, with a masters degree in social work from NTNU. I completed a PhD in health sciences/mental health work in October 2020.
I am employed as an associate professor at the Department of Mental Health. I am program leader for a further education program in mental health-, substance use- and addiction work. I also teach at the master program in mental health. At both study programs I teach subjects such as mental health recovery, therapeutic relationships, milieu therapy and practical training. My research interests include mental health recovery, community mental health work, everyday life and activities, and relational wellfare. I am leader of the research group "Mental health in relational and societal contexts".
Promoting Student Mental Health and Wellbeing in Gjøvik and Trondheim through Service Design and Relational Welfare
Volunteers' contribution to building social networks for individuals with mental health problems
The aim of the project is to explore how activities organized by volunteers may help individuals build social networks and support social inclusion.
Reed, Nina Petersen;
Josephsson, Staffan;
Alsaker, Sissel.
A narrative study of mental health recovery: exploring unique, open-ended and collective processes.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Reed, Nina Petersen;
Josephsson, Staffan;
Alsaker, Sissel.
Exploring Narrative Meaning Making through Everyday Activities - A Case of Collective Mental health Recovery?.
Journal of Recovery in Mental Health
Academic article
Reed, Nina Petersen;
Josephsson, Staffan;
Alsaker, Sissel.
Community Mental Health Work - negotiating support of users' recovery.
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
Academic article
Journal publications
Reed, Nina Petersen;
Josephsson, Staffan;
Alsaker, Sissel.
A narrative study of mental health recovery: exploring unique, open-ended and collective processes.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Reed, Nina Petersen;
Josephsson, Staffan;
Alsaker, Sissel.
Exploring Narrative Meaning Making through Everyday Activities - A Case of Collective Mental health Recovery?.
Journal of Recovery in Mental Health
Academic article
Reed, Nina Petersen;
Josephsson, Staffan;
Alsaker, Sissel.
Community Mental Health Work - negotiating support of users' recovery.
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing
Academic article
- MDV6402 - Communication and interaction in mental health work
- MDV6430 - Introduction to mental health
- MDV6408 - Mental Health Care as a Profession
- MDV6427 - Approaches in mental health, substance abuse and addiction work
- MDV6425 - Perspectives and interaction in work within mental health, substance use and addictions
- MDV6426 - Organisation, legislation and ethics