Rannveig Frøseth Sinkaberg
I am PhD candidate and my professional background is social worker with Master's degree in Social Work, NTNU. I have worked in different areas, as for example Day Centre for the deaf and deafblind, counselling service office for the deaf and deafblind, housing agency - all at Trondheim municipality - but I have also worked at a reception centre for refugees, governmental deaf school and governmental centre of competence, and in Dominican Republic at a special school and institution for disabled children and youths.
Since October 2018 I have been working as a PhD candidate at Department for Social Work, NTNU. The theme for the PhD project is Deaf women in Norway and India and participation in society.
Professional fields of interest are disability and society, deaf people, intersectionality, Global South and North, deaf refugees and immigrants, diversity and society, CRPD (Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities), inequity and social work.
I am an associated member of the research groups Disability and Society (FUNKIS) and (KUPSA).
Research article in Disability & Society April 2024:
Scientific paper in the trade journal FONTENE 02.11.2018:
Master's thesis in social work - "Døve innvandrere og flyktninger i møte med offentlige tjenester - Kommunikasjon, trygghet og tillit" (Deaf immigrants and refugees encountering public services - Communication, security and trust") the spring 2017 :
Scientific paper in the trade journal FONTENE 02.11.2018:
Master's thesis in social work - "Døve innvandrere og flyktninger i møte med offentlige tjenester - Kommunikasjon, trygghet og tillit" (Deaf immigrants and refugees encountering public services - Communication, security and trust") the spring 2017 :
Sinkaberg, Rannveig Frøseth.
A deaf researcher in an Indian and Norwegian context–an autoethnographic journey.
Disability & Society
Academic article
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Torkildsby, Anne Britt;
Sinkaberg, Rannveig F.;
Ringsø, Torill.
Haster: En oppfordring til personer med nedsatt funksjonsevne.
Reader opinion piece
Sinkaberg, Rannveig F.;
Kermit, Patrick Stefan;
Fladvad Nielsen, Brita;
Løkken, Marita.
Agnes-saken og «friskmeldingen» av dagens tjenesteapparat.
Feature article
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Ringsø, Torill;
Torkildsby, Anne Britt;
Bjerck, Mari;
Høiseth, Marikken;
Wattne, Ole Edward.
Ønsker ikke NTNU at fremtidens campus skal være for alle studenter og ansatte?.
Reader opinion piece
Sinkaberg, Rannveig Frøseth.
Kongens tale til nasjonen gjelder ikke for døve?.
Reader opinion piece
Journal publications
Sinkaberg, Rannveig Frøseth.
A deaf researcher in an Indian and Norwegian context–an autoethnographic journey.
Disability & Society
Academic article
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Torkildsby, Anne Britt;
Sinkaberg, Rannveig F.;
Ringsø, Torill.
Haster: En oppfordring til personer med nedsatt funksjonsevne.
Reader opinion piece
Sinkaberg, Rannveig F.;
Kermit, Patrick Stefan;
Fladvad Nielsen, Brita;
Løkken, Marita.
Agnes-saken og «friskmeldingen» av dagens tjenesteapparat.
Feature article
Nielsen, Brita Fladvad;
Ringsø, Torill;
Torkildsby, Anne Britt;
Bjerck, Mari;
Høiseth, Marikken;
Wattne, Ole Edward.
Ønsker ikke NTNU at fremtidens campus skal være for alle studenter og ansatte?.
Reader opinion piece
Sinkaberg, Rannveig Frøseth.
Kongens tale til nasjonen gjelder ikke for døve?.
Reader opinion piece
Diversity and inclusion webinar, launching toolkit NTNU 23.03.2023
Does it matter who we are? Doing disability research in the global south. Seminar 13.08.2024
Academic lectureSinkaberg, Rannveig Frøseth. (2024) Social work, disability and power - how are these aspects related?. NORWEL (Norges forskerskole i sosialt arbeid og barnevern) Workshop Symposium NORWEL , Trondheim 2024-11-28 - 2024-11-29
Academic lectureSinkaberg, Rannveig Frøseth. (2024) The deaf Norwegian researcher in Indian context. FAFO og Atlas-alliansen Does it matter who we are? Doing Disability Research in the Global South. , Arendalsuka 2024-08-13 - 2024-08-13
LectureSinkaberg, Rannveig Frøseth. (2023) Del 1: Døve flyktninger og innvandrere, og norske offentlige tjenester. Del 2: Phd-prosjektet Døve kvinner i Norge og India - arbeid og samfunnsdeltakelse. NAV tolketjenesten Faglig foredrag, NAV tolketjenesten (digital) , Digitalt 2023-02-16 - 2023-02-16
Academic lectureSinkaberg, Rannveig Frøseth. (2023) Deaf women in Norway. Experiences and perceptions of accessibility at work. Nordic Network on Disability Research NNDR 16th Research Conference , Reykjavik 2023-05-10 - 2023-05-12
PosterSinkaberg, Rannveig Frøseth. (2023) Doing research in an Indian and Norwegian context as a deaf PhD candidate . Norsk Forskningskonferanse om tegnspråk og døvesamfunn , Trondheim 2023-02-06 - 2023-02-07
Academic lectureSinkaberg, Rannveig Frøseth. (2022) Deaf women, participation in society and work. Norwegian Research School in Social Work and Child Welfare (NORWEL) The Norwegian Research School in Social Work and Child Welfare (NORWEL) Symposium , Tromsø 2022-11-07 - 2022-11-08
Academic lectureSinkaberg, Rannveig Frøseth. (2022) Funksjonshemmede sin plass i sosialt arbeid? Betraktninger fra en stipendiats ståsted. Institutt for sosialt arbeid, NTNU Jubileumsseminar 60 år med sosialt arbeid i Trondheim. , Trondheim 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-29
PosterSinkaberg, Rannveig Frøseth. (2022) Doing research in an Indian and Norwegian context as a deaf PhD candidate. . Institutt for sosialt arbeid, NTNU Jubileumsseminar - 60 år med sosialt arbeid i Trondheim , Trondheim 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-29
Academic lectureSinkaberg, Rannveig Frøseth. (2021) Metodiske utfordringer i møter med indiske døve kvinner. Erfaringer fra feltarbeid i India 2020. Nettverksseminar for doktorgradskandidater med tematikk knyttet til tegnspråk, tolking og døvesamfunn 2021-03-11 - 2021-03-12
Academic lectureSinkaberg, Rannveig Frøseth. (2020) Deaf women in Norway and India – participation in society and work. Norwegian Research School of Global Health Program for NRSGH annual PHD conference 2020 (Digital) 2020-09-29 - 2020-09-30
Academic lectureSinkaberg, Rannveig F.; Moe, Anne. (2019) Hvilke diskurser kan vi se i diskusjonene om funksjonshemming og CRPD? En analyse av diskusjoner i forbindelse med Norges FN-høring i 2019 . FORSA-Norge (Forening for forskning i sosialt arbeid) FORSA konferanse , Stavanger 2019-11-14 - 2019-11-15