Randi Holmestad
Dr. Holmestad (born in 1967) is professor at Dept. of Physics NTNU (since 99). Degrees: Dr. ing. (PhD) in materials physics, NTH, 1994, Siv. ing (MSc) in technical physics, NTH, 1991. Holmestad's present research interests are focussed on materials physics; transmission electron diffraction and microscopy (TEM), materials microstructure and the relation to macroscopic properties. Ongoing projects are on aluminium alloys, solar cell materials, electron diffraction and new functional materials. She has educated 19 PhD students and 70 MSc students, in addition to co-supervision of 8 PhD students. Holmestad has had several sabbaticals abroad - 6 months in 2005 and 2012, both at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA and 2 months at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia in 2019. Web of Science (Oct 2021): Cited documents = 240, Citations ~4100, h index = 35. See also Google Scholar.
She has initiated and been project leader for several externally funded projects over the past twenty years, funded mainly by the Norwegian Research Council and NOrwegian aluminium industry. In addition she has been leader of TEM Gemini Centre (SINTEF, NTNU) 2006, 2008-2013, . She was the project leader of NORTEM, Norwegian Centre of transmission electron microscopy, 2010-2013, 2017- >) a large scale infrastructure project in TEM, from SINTEF, UiO and NTNU (total project 115 MNOK, 2011-20). Since 2015 she is involved in the SFI project CASA, Centre of advanced structural analysis, and since 2021 in SFI PhysMet.
Research interests
- Electron microscopy and spectroscopy (TEM, HREM, EDS, EELS, STEM)
- Electron diffraction; Quantitative Convergent Beam electron Diffraction (CBED), Electron crystallography, scanning precession electron diffraction (SPED)
- Microstructure characterization of inorganic materials, alloys and intermetallics, precipitation in aluminium alloys, functional oxides, solar cell materials, relationships between micro/nano-structure and properties of materials, bonding
- Modelling and simulations in materials physics; Solid state calculations
Hai, Vu Ngoc;
Lee, Seungwon;
Tsuchiya, Taiki;
Katsumi, Tetsuya;
Kita, Kazuhiko;
Khanh, Pham Mai.
Effect of Deformation on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Al-1%Cu-0.96%Mg-0.36%Si (mass%) Alloy.
Materials transactions
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Zuiko, I.S.;
Holmestad, Randi;
Gazizova, M.Yu.;
Kaibyshev, R.O..
Particle morphology characterization in an over-aged Al-Cu-Mg-Si alloy using TEM.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Sørhaug, Jørgen Andre;
Elkjær, Aksel Sean;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Bergh, Tina;
Grong, Øystein;
Vullum, Per Erik.
Al-Cu intermetallic phase growth in hybrid metal extrusion & bonding welds exposed to isothermal annealing or direct current cycling.
Materials & design
Academic article
Celotto, Ambra;
Sandnes, Lise;
Grong, Øystein;
Sørhaug, Jørgen Andre;
Stefani, Gaia;
Wan, Di.
Cold butt welding of dissimilar aluminum alloys: Characterization and interface bonding conditions.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Hell, Christoph Martin;
Frafjord, Jonas;
Friis, Jesper;
Bjørge, Ruben.
Atomic structure of clusters and GP-zones in an Al-Mg-Si alloy.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Li, Chunan;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
hatzoglou, constantinos;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmestad, Randi;
Li, Yanjun.
Accelerating precipitation hardening by natural aging in a 6082 Al-Mg-Si alloy.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Chrominski, W.;
Christiansen, Emil;
Choinska, E.;
Holmestad, Randi;
Lewandowska, M..
Enhancing homogenous precipitation and strengthening effectiveness in AlCuMg alloy.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T)
Academic article
Hell, Christoph Martin;
Frafjord, Jonas;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Friis, Jesper;
Holmestad, Randi.
On the visibility of GP-zones in 6xxx Al alloys in atomic LAADF-STEM.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Rhee, Yujin;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Ryggetangen, Oskar;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi;
Kobayashi, Equo.
Effect of Pre-Deformation on Precipitation in Al–Zn–Mg–Cu Alloy.
Metals and Materials International
Academic article
Bartawi, Emad H.;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Shaban, Ghada;
Rahimi, Ehsan;
Mishin, Oleg V.;
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer.
Effects of grain boundary chemistry and precipitate structure on intergranular corrosion in Al-Mg-Si alloys doped with Cu and Zn.
Corrosion Science
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Mironov, S.Yu.;
Holmestad, Randi;
Gazizova, M.Yu.;
Kaibyshev, R.O..
Effect of ECAP and aging on microstructure of an Al-Cu-Mg-Si alloy.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Milkereit, Benjamin;
Rowolt, Christian;
Chatterjee, Dipanwita;
Holmestad, Randi;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Villa, Matteo.
On the precipitation and transformation kinetics of precipitation-hardening
steel X5CrNiCuNb16-4 in a wide range of heating and cooling rates.
Academic article
Bartawi, Emad H.;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Shaban, Ghada;
Hatzoglou, Constantinos;
Holmestad, Randi;
Ambat, Rajan.
Atomic Structure of Hardening Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si Alloys: Influence of Minor Additions of Cu and Zn.
ACS Nano
Academic article
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Bergh, Tina;
Thorsen, Tor Inge;
Christiansen, Emil;
Frafjord, Jonas;
Crout, Philip.
Scanning precession electron diffraction data analysis approaches for phase mapping of precipitates in aluminium alloys.
Academic article
Shah, Sohail;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
De Geuser, Frederic;
Hatzoglou, Constantinos;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
On the Use of a Cluster Identification Method and a Statistical Approach for Analyzing Atom Probe Tomography Data for GP Zones in Al–Zn–Mg(–Cu) Alloys.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Lysne, Hogne;
Reenaas, Turid Dory;
Sabatino, Marisa Di;
Holmestad, Randi.
Design and fabrication of (Cr + N) co-doped TiO2 films with a continuous compositional spread.
Doctoral dissertation
Sørhaug, Jørgen Andre;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Holmestad, Randi.
Observation Of Al-Cu Interface Instability During Room Temperature Storage.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Bergh, Tina;
Holmestad, Randi;
Christiansen, Emil;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Nordahl, Gregory;
Nord, Magnus.
Scanning Electron Diffraction: To Precess or not to Precess?.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Holmestad, Randi;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Kawahara, Yasuhito;
Bergh, Tina;
Sørhaug, Jørgen Andre;
Hell, Christoph Martin.
Nucleation and Phase Development of Precipitates in Age-hardenable Aluminium Alloys Studied by 4D-STEM.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Bergh, Tina;
Fyhn, Hursanay;
Sandnes, Lise;
Blindheim, Jørgen;
Grong, Øystein;
Holmestad, Randi.
Multi-material Joining of an Aluminum Alloy to Copper, Steel, and Titanium by Hybrid Metal Extrusion & Bonding.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Bergh, Tina;
Ånes, Håkon Wiik;
Aune, Ragnhild;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi;
Ren, Xiaobo.
Intermetallic Phase Layers in Cold Metal Transfer Aluminium-Steel Welds with an Al–Si–Mn Filler Alloy.
Materials transactions
Academic article
Hell, Christoph Martin;
Holmedal, Bjørn;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
The microstructural origin of a hardness double-peak in an age-hardened EN-AW 6082.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Belyakov, Andrey;
Holmestad, Randi;
Gazizova, M.Yu.;
Krasnikov, V.S.;
Bezborodova, P.A..
The coarsening behavior of strengthening particles in an Al–Cu–Mg–Ag alloy during creep.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Shah, Sohail;
Hatzoglou, Constantinos;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle.
The evolution of precipitates in an Al–Zn–Mg alloy.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T)
Academic article
Frafjord, Jonas;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Holmestad, Randi;
Friis, Jesper.
On the Atomic Structure of the β′′ Precipitate by Density Functional Theory.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Ellingsen, Kjerstin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Bilen din gjenfødes som telysholdere. Den burde heller bli en ny bil.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Haugen, Randi Wenche;
Gautun, Hanna Sofie Holme;
Holmestad, Randi;
Christiansen, Emil;
Paso, Kristofer Gunnar.
NTNU Kveld: NANO – en reise inn i et usynlig univers.
NTNU Kveld: NANO – en reise inn i et usynlig univers
Other presentation
Hell, Christoph Martin;
Søreide, Hanne-Sofie Marie Scisly;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Li, Yanjun;
Holmestad, Randi.
Influence of natural aging and ramping before artificial aging on the microstructure of two different 6xxx alloys.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T)
Academic article
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Holmestad, Randi;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Akola, Jaakko.
The effect of natural ageing on clustering and precipitation in heat-treatable aluminium alloys.
NTNU Grafisk Trykk
Doctoral dissertation
Tvedt, Haakon;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Hell, Christoph Martin;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmestad, Randi.
AutomAl 6000: Semi-automatic structural labelling of HAADF-STEM images of precipitates in Al–Mg–Si(–Cu) alloys.
Academic article
Hagen, Anette Brocks;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Wan, Di;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Local mechanical properties and precipitation inhomogeneity in large-grained Al–Mg–Si alloy.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Mørkeseth, Hanne;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Minakuchi, Kazuhiro;
Katsumi, Tetsuya;
Marthinsen, Knut.
The Effect of Small Additions of Fe and Heavy Deformation on the Precipitation in an Al–1.1Mg–0.5Cu–0.3Si At. Pct Alloy.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Bakardjieva, Snejana;
Mares, Jakub;
Koci, Eva;
Tolasz, Jakub;
Fajgar, Radek;
Ryukhtin, Vasyl.
Effect of Multiply Twinned Ag(0) Nanoparticles on Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2 Nanosheets and TiO2 Nanostructured Thin Films.
Academic article
Dehghan-Niri, Roya;
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Voronov, Alexey;
Holmen, Anders;
Holmestad, Randi;
Vullum, Per Erik.
NanostructuralAnalysisof Co-Re/γ-Al2O3 Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst by TEM and XRD.
Academic article
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Bergh, Tina;
Christiansen, Emil;
Thorsen, Thor Inge;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Holmestad, Randi.
Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction and What We Get Out of Such Data in Studies of Aluminium Alloys.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Ciancio, Regina;
Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E.;
Snoeck, Etienne;
Kociak, Matheiu;
Holmestad, Randi;
Verbeeck, Johan.
e-DREAM: the European Distributed Research Infrastructure for Advanced Electron Microscopy.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Belyakov, Andrey;
Holmestad, Randi;
Gazizova, M.Yu.;
Krasnikov, V.S.;
Bezborodova, P.A.
The deformation behavior of the {111}Al plates in an Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Shah, Sohail;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Hatzoglou, Constantinos;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Effect of cyclic ageing on the early-stage clustering in Al–Zn–Mg(-Cu) alloys.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Bergh, Tina;
Arbo, Siri Marthe;
Hagen, Anette Brocks;
Blindheim, Jørgen;
Friis, Jesper;
Khalid, Muhammad Zeeshan.
On intermetallic phases formed during interdiffusion between aluminium alloys and stainless steel.
Intermetallics (Barking)
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Boev, A.O.;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi;
Gazizova, M.Yu.;
Kaibyshev, Rustam.
Edge interfaces of the Ω plates in a peak-aged Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Chen, Xuanliang;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Friis, Jesper;
Lervik, Adrian;
Holmestad, Randi.
Precipitation processes and structural evolutions of various GPB zones and two types of S phases in a cold-rolled Al-Mg-Cu alloy.
Materials & design
Academic article
Ou, Yizi;
Jiang, Yong;
Wang, Yiren;
Liu, Zhengqing;
Lervik, Adrian;
Holmestad, Randi.
Vacancy and solute co-segregated η1 interface in over-aged Al-Zn-Mg alloys.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Chen, Xuanliang;
Daehan, Kim;
O, Minho;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Lervik, Adrian.
Effect of pre-deformation on age-hardening behaviors in an Al-Mg-Cu alloy.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Celotto, Ambra;
Grong, Øystein;
Holmestad, Randi;
Sørhaug, Jørgen A;
Torgersen, Jan;
Vullum, Per Erik.
Preliminary in-situ study of FIB-assisted method for aluminium solid-state welding at the microscale.
Procedia Structural Integrity
Academic article
Gazizov, M.R.;
Boev, A.O.;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi;
Aksyonov, D.A.;
Gazizova, M.Yu..
Precipitate/matrix incompatibilities related to the {111}Al Ω plates in an Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Frafjord, Jonas;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Hopperstad, Odd Sture;
Holmestad, Randi;
Friis, Jesper.
Corrigendum to “First principles calculations of pressure dependent yielding in solute strengthened aluminium alloys” [Comput. Mater. Sci. 184 (2020) 109902] (Computational Materials Science (2020) 184, (S0927025620303931), (10.1016/j.commatsci.2020.109902)).
Computational Materials Science
Gazizov, M R;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Kaibyshev, R O.
Quantitative analysis of {100}Al plate/lath- and <100>Al rod-shaped precipitates in an aged Al-Cu-Mg-Si alloy using TEM.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Chen, Xuanliang;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Friis, Jesper;
Lervik, Adrian;
Holmestad, Randi.
Data on atomic structures of precipitates in an Al-Mg-Cu alloy studied by high resolution transmission electron microscopy and first-principles calculations.
Data in Brief
Academic article
Lu, Feng;
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi;
Holmedal, Bjørn.
An improved modelling framework for strength and work hardening of precipitate strengthened Al–Mg–Si alloys.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Frafjord, Jonas;
Friis, Jesper;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle.
Studying GPI zones in Al-Zn-Mg alloys by 4D-STEM.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Vatanparast, Maryam;
Shao, Yu-Tsun;
Rajpalke, Mohana;
Fimland, Bjørn-Ove;
Reenaas, Turid Dory;
Holmestad, Randi.
Detecting minute amounts of nitrogen in GaNAs thin films using STEM and CBED.
Academic article
Chen, Xuanliang;
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Minho, O.;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Enhanced mechanical properties in 6082 aluminum alloy processed by cyclic deformation.
Academic article
Sandnes, Lise;
Bergh, Tina;
Grong, Øystein;
Holmestad, Randi;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Berto, Filippo.
Interface Microstructure and Tensile Properties of a Third Generation Aluminium-Steel Butt Weld Produced Using the Hybrid Metal Extrusion & Bonding (HYB) Process.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi.
On the microstructural origins of improvements in conductivity by heavy deformation and ageing of Al-Mg-Si alloy 6101.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Kim, DaeHan;
Kim, JaeHwang;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Precipitation behavior of Al-Si-Cu-Mg(-Fe) alloys by a deformation-semisolid extrusion process.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Lu, Feng;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmedal, Bjørn;
Holmestad, Randi.
Linking mechanical properties to precipitate microstructure in three Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) alloys.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
The effect of low Cu additions on precipitate crystal structures in overaged Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) alloys.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Christiansen, Emil;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Multislice image simulations of sheared needle‐like precipitates in an Al‐Mg‐Si alloy.
Journal of Microscopy
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Friis, Jesper;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi;
Kaibyshev, Rustam.
Unique hybrid precipitate structures forming in an Al–Cu–Mg–Si alloy.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Lervik, Adrian;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Lunder, Otto;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Grain boundary structures and their correlation with intergranular corrosion in an extruded Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Bergh, Tina;
Sandnes, Lise;
Johnstone, Duncan Neil;
Grong, Øystein;
Berto, Filippo;
Holmestad, Randi.
Microstructural and mechanical characterisation of a second generation hybrid metal extrusion & bonding aluminium-steel butt joint.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Frafjord, Jonas;
Dumoulin, Stephane;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Holmestad, Randi;
Friis, Jesper.
Fully resolved strain field of the β’’ precipitate calculated by density functional theory.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Lervik, Adrian;
Holmestad, Randi;
Walmsley, John C..
Microstructural Characterisation of Features Related to Grain Boundary Corrosion Phenomena in Aluminium Alloys.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2020:260)
Doctoral dissertation
Lervik, Adrian;
Walmsley, John;
Lodgaard, Lars;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Johnsen, Roy;
Lunder, Otto.
Stress Corrosion Cracking in an Extruded Cu-Free Al-Zn-Mg Alloy.
Academic article
Frafjord, Jonas;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Hopperstad, Odd Sture;
Holmestad, Randi;
Friis, Jesper.
First principle calculations of pressure dependent yielding in solute strengthened aluminium alloys.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Lervik, Adrian;
Danbolt, Turid;
Furu, Trond;
Holmestad, Randi;
Lunder, Otto.
Comparing intergranular corrosion in Al‐Mg‐Si‐Cu alloys with and without α‐Al(Fe,Mn,Cu)Si particles.
Materials and corrosion - Werkstoffe und Korrosion
Academic article
Christiansen, Emil;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Holmedal, Bjørn;
Hopperstad, Odd Sture.
Detailed investigation of the shearing mechanism of β" precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
MATEC Web of Conferences
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Boev, A.O.;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmestad, Randi;
Kaibyshev, Rustam.
The unique hybrid precipitate in a peak-aged Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Lervik, Adrian;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Kubowicz, Stephan;
Holmestad, Randi.
Copper enrichment on aluminium surfaces after electropolishing and its effect on electron imaging and diffraction.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marioara, Calin Daniel.
The Effect of Elevated Temperatures on Precipitation in Aluminium Alloys.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (229)
Doctoral dissertation
Lervik, Adrian;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Friis, Jesper;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Bendo, Artenis.
Atomic structure of solute clusters in Al-Zn-Mg alloys.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Grong, Øystein;
Sandnes, Lise;
Bergh, Tina;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Holmestad, Randi;
Berto, Filippo.
An analytical framework for modelling intermetallic compound (IMC) formation and optimising bond strength in aluminium‐steel welds.
Material Design & Processing Communications (MDPC)
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Friis, Jesper;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi;
Kaibyshev, Rustam.
Precipitation behavior in an Al-Cu-Mg-Si alloy during ageing.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Bendo, Artenis;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Lervik, Adrian;
Tsuru, Tomohito;
Nishimura, Katsuhiko;
Nunomura, Norio.
An unreported precipitate orientation relationship in Al-Zn-Mg based alloys.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Bendo, Artenis;
Maeda, Tomoyoshi;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Lervik, Adrian;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marioara, Calin Daniel.
Characterisation of structural similarities of precipitates in Mg–Zn and Al–Zn–Mg alloys systems.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Christiansen, Emil;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Van Helvoort, Antonius.
Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction to aid Aluminum Alloy Development.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Gaukås, Nikolai Helth;
Dale, Silje Marie;
Ræder, Trygve Magnus;
Toresen, Andreas;
Holmestad, Randi;
Glaum, Julia.
Controlling Phase Purity and Texture of K0.5Na0.5NbO3 Thin Films by Aqueous Chemical Solution Deposition.
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Johnstone, D.N.;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Midgley, Paul A.;
Holmestad, Randi.
Crystallographic relationships of T-/S-phase aggregates in an Al–Cu–Mg–Ag alloy.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Nishimura, Katsuhiko;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Lee, Seungwon;
Namiki, Takahiro.
Muon Spin Relaxation Study of Solute–Vacancy Interactions During Natural Aging of Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloys.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Matsuda, Kenji;
Yasumoto, Toru;
Bendo, Artenis;
Tsuchiya, Taiki;
Lee, Seungwon;
Nishimura, Katsuhiko.
Effect of copper addition on precipitation behavior near grain boundary in Al-Zn-Mg alloy.
Materials transactions
Academic article
Bergh, Tina;
Johnstone, Duncan N.;
Crout, Phillip;
Høgås, Simon;
Midgley, Paul Anthony;
Holmestad, Randi.
Nanocrystal segmentation in scanning precession electron diffraction data.
Journal of Microscopy
Academic article
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Minakuchi, Kazuhiro;
Katsumi, Tetsuya;
Erga, Iven.
The effect of heavy deformation on the precipitation in an Al-1.3Cu-1.0Mg-0.4Si wt.% alloy.
Materials & design
Academic article
Christiansen, Emil;
Holmestad, Randi;
Hopperstad, Odd Sture;
Marioara, Calin Daniel.
Nanoscale Characterisation of Deformed Aluminium Alloys.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (252)
Doctoral dissertation
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Westermann, Ida;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Pedersen, Ketill Olav;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Røyset, Jostein.
The effect of elastic strain and small plastic deformation on tensile strength of a lean Al-Mg-Si alloy.
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Holmestad, Randi;
Kaibyshev, R.
Comparative analysis of the microstructure and mechanical properties of an Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy peak-aged at relatively low and high temperatures.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Lervik, Adrian;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Kadanik, Maria;
Walmsley, JC;
Milkereit, Benjamin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Precipitation in an extruded AA7003 aluminium alloy: Observations of 6xxx-type hardening phases.
Materials & design
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi.
In situ heating TEM observations of evolving nanoscale Al‐Mg‐Si‐Cu precipitates.
Journal of Microscopy
Academic article
Christiansen, Emil;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmedal, Bjørn;
Hopperstad, Odd Sture;
Holmestad, Randi.
Nano-scale characterisation of sheared β” precipitates in a deformed Al-Mg-Si alloy.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Christiansen, Emil;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Hopperstad, Odd Sture;
Holmestad, Randi.
Lattice rotations in precipitate free zones in an Al-Mg-Si alloy.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Holmestad, Randi.
The evolution of precipitate crystal structures in an Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) alloy studied by a combined HAADF-STEM and SPED approach.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Undheim, Espen;
Maeda, Kensaku;
Arnberg, Lars;
Holmestad, Randi;
Fujiwara, Kozo;
Di Sabatino Lundberg, Marisa.
In-situ studies of multicrystalline silicon nucleation and growth on alpha- and beta-Si3N4 coated substrates.
Journal of Crystal Growth
Academic article
Nakayasu, Hiroki;
Kobayashi, Equo;
Sato, Tatsuo;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marthinsen, Knut.
Orientation relationships of phase transformation in α-Al12Mn3Si pseudomorphs after plate-like Al6Mn precipitate in an AA3004 Al-Mn based alloy.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Lervik, Adrian;
Grønvold, Julie;
Lunder, Otto;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Furu, Trond.
The correlation between intergranular corrosion resistance and copper content in the precipitate microstructure in an AA6005A alloy.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Hatakeyama, Daichi;
Nishimura, Katsuhiko;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Namiki, Takahiro;
Lee, Seungwon;
Nunomura, Norio.
Effect of copper addition on the cluster formation behavior of Al-Mg-Si, Al-Zn-Mg, and Al-Mg-Ge in the natural aging.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Undheim, Espen;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Holmestad, Randi;
Arnberg, Lars;
Di Sabatino Lundberg, Marisa.
Orientation relationship between b-Si3N4 and Si in multicrystalline silicon ingots for PV applications.
Journal of Crystal Growth
Academic article
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Friis, Jesper;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi.
Precipitates in aluminium alloys.
Advances in Physics: X
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi;
Kaibyshev, Rustam.
Effect of thermomechanical processing on microstructure and mechanical properties in an Al-Cu-Mg-Si alloy.
Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kemsies, Richard H;
Milkereit, Benjamin;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi;
Kessler, Olaf.
In situ DSC investigation into the kinetics and microstructure of dispersoid formation in Al-Mn-Fe-Si(-Mg) alloys.
Materials & design
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Friis, Jesper.
Atomic structures of precipitates in Al–Mg–Si alloys with small additions of other elements.
Advanced Engineering Materials
Academic literature review
Wenner, Sigurd;
Jones, Lewys;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Atomic-resolution chemical mapping of ordered precipitates in Al alloys using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.
Academic article
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Friis, Jesper;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Du, Qiang;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem.
Directionality and column arrangement principles of precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-(Cu) and Al-Mg-Cu linked to line defect in Al.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Vatanparast, Maryam;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Zuo, Jian Min;
Reenaas, Turid Worren;
Holmestad, Randi.
Strategy for reliable strain measurement in InAs/GaAs materials from high-resolution Z-contrast STEM images.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Vatanparast, Maryam;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Reenaas, Turid Worren;
Holmestad, Randi;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer.
Methodology to Improve Strain Measurement in III–V Semiconductors Materials.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Vullum, Per Erik;
MacLaren, I;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Atomap - Automated Analysis of Atomic Resolution STEM Images.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Johnstone, Duncan;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Midgley, Paul A.;
Holmestad, Randi.
Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction Study of Hybrid Precipitates in a 6xxx Series Aluminium Alloy.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Paulsen, Øyvind;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi.
Precipitate statistics in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy from scanning precession electron diffraction data.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Du, Qiang;
Tang, Kai;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmedal, Bjørn;
Holmestad, Randi.
Modeling over-ageing in Al-Mg-Si alloys by a multi-phase CALPHAD-coupled Kampmann-Wagner Numerical model.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Friis, Jesper;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Du, Qiang;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem.
Directionality and Column Arrangement Principles of Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-(Cu) and Al-Mg-Cu Linked to Line Defect in Al.
Trans Tech Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Friis, Jesper;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Atomistic details of precipitates in lean Al–Mg–Si alloys with trace additions of Ag and Ge studied by HAADF-STEM and DFT.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Jones, Lewys;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Ninive, Per Harald;
Løvvik, Ole Martin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Optimising multi-frame ADF-STEM for high-precision atomic-resolution strain mapping.
Academic article
Vullum, Per Erik;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Vatanparast, Maryam;
Thomassen, Sedsel Fretheim;
Boothroyd, Chris;
Holmestad, Randi.
Quantitative strain analysis of InAs/GaAs quantum dot materials.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Vatanparast, Maryam;
Egoavil, Ricardo;
Reenaas, Turid Worren;
Verbeeck, Johan;
Holmestad, Randi;
Vullum, Per Erik.
Bandgap measurement of high refractive index materials by off-axis EELS.
Academic article
Balducci, E;
Ceschini, L;
Messieri, S;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi.
Thermal stability of the lightweight 2099 Al-Cu-Li alloy: Tensile tests and microstructural investigations after overaging.
Materials & design
Academic article
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Moreau, Magnus;
Chopdekar, R.V.;
Christiansen, Emil;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Vullum, Per Erik.
Magnetic domain configuration of (111)-oriented LaFeO3 epitaxial thin films.
APL Materials
Academic article
Matsuda, Kenji;
Kawai, Akihiro;
Watanabe, Katsumi;
Seungwon, Lee;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Wenner, Sigurd.
Extra electron diffraction spots caused by fine precipitates formed at the early stage of aging in Al-Mg-X (X=Si, Ge, Zn)-Cu alloys.
Materials transactions
Academic article
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Vullum, Per Erik;
MacLaren, Ian;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Atomap: a new software tool for the automated analysis of atomic resolution images using two-dimensional Gaussian fitting.
Advanced Structural and Chemical Imaging
Academic article
Matsuda, Kenji;
Kawai, Akihiro;
Watanabe, Katsumi;
Lee, Seungwon;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Wenner, Sigurd.
Effect of copper on fine precipitates at the early stage of aging in Al-Mg-X (X=Si, Ge, Zn) alloys.
Academic article
Balducci, Eleonora;
Ceschini, Lorella;
Messieri, S;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi.
Effects of overaging on microstructure and tensile properties of the 2055 Al-Cu-Li-Ag alloy.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Jones, Lewys;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Ninive, Per Harald;
Løvvik, Ole Martin;
Marioara, Calin Daniel.
Mapping the chemistry within, and the strain around, Al-alloy precipitates at atomic resolution by multi-frame scanning transmission electron microscopy.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Moreau, Magnus;
Grutter, A;
Nord, Martin;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Gilbert, DA.
Concurrent magnetic and structural reconstructions at the interface of (111)-oriented L a0.7 S r0.3Mn O3/LaFe O3.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Friis, Jesper;
Wenner, Sigurd.
The effects and behaviour of Li and Cu alloying agents in lean Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Nematollahi, Mohammadreza;
Yang, Xiaodong;
Seim, Eivind;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Holmestad, Randi;
Gibson, Ursula.
Compositional and structural properties of pulsed laser-deposited ZnS:Cr films.
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Hernandez-Maldonado, David;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Marioara, Calin Daniel.
Cu atoms suppress misfit dislocations at the β″/Al interface in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Cooil, Simon Phillip;
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Mazzola, Federico;
Jorge, Marina;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Edmonds, M T.
Thermal migration of alloying agents in aluminium.
Materials Research Express
Academic article
Undheim, Espen;
Ekstrøm, Kai Erik;
Arnberg, Lars;
Holmestad, Randi;
Di Sabatino, Marisa.
The effect of holding time on the size distribution of β-Si3N4 particles and nucleation undercooling in multicrystalline silicon.
Physica Status Solidi. C, Current topics in solid state physics
Academic article
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Røyset, Jostein;
Reiso, Oddvin;
Holmestad, Randi.
TEM and HAADF-STEM investigations on the effect of Cu and Ge additions on precipitation in 6xxx Al alloys.
Microscopy and Analysis
Academic article
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Assessing electron beam sensitivity for SrTiO3 and La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 using electron energy loss spectroscopy.
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi.
Accurately measured precipitate–matrix misfit in an Al–Mg–Si alloy by electron microscopy.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Chrominski, Witold;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi;
Lewandowska, Malgorzata.
Strengthening mechanisms in ultrafine grained Al-Mg-Si alloy processed by hydrostatic extrusion – Influence of ageing temperature.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Friis, Jesper;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Precipitation in a mixed Al-Cu-Mg/Al-Zn-Mg alloy system.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Bolstad, Torstein;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Longo, Paulo.
Effect of polar (111)-oriented SrTiO3 on initial perovskite growth.
Crystal Growth & Design
Academic article
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Longo, Paulo;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Elemental electron energy loss mapping of a precipitate in a multi-component aluminium alloy.
Academic article
Mihara, Mami;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmestad, Randi;
Kobayashi, Equo;
Sato, Tatsuo.
Precipitation in an Al-Mg-Cu alloy and the effect of a low amount of Ag.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Balci, Mustafa H.;
Aas, Lars Martin Sandvik;
Kildemo, Morten;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Holmestad, Randi;
Lindgren, Mikael.
White light emitting silicon nano-crystals-polymeric hybrid films prepared by single batch solution based method.
Thin Solid Films
Academic article
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Røyset, Jostein;
Reiso, Oddvin;
Holmestad, Randi.
The effect of Cu and Ge additions on strength and precipitation in a lean 6xxx aluminium alloy.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Nishimura, Katsuhiko;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Komaki, R.;
Nunomra, Norio;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi.
Solute-vacancy clustering in Al-Mg-Si alloys studied by muon spin relaxation technique.
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
Academic article
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Røyset, Jostein;
Reiso, Oddvin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Effects of Germanium, Copper, and Silver Substitutions on Hardness and Microstructure in Lean Al-Mg-Si Alloys.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Christiansen, Emil;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Structural investigation of epitaxial LaFeO_3 thin films on (111) oriented SrTiO_3 by transmission electron microscopy.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Friis, Jesper;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmestad, Randi.
Structural modifications and electron beam damage in aluminium alloy precipitate θ'-Al2Cu.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Christiansen, Emil;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Holmestad, Randi.
TEM Characterization of LaFeO3 Thin Films on SrTiO3 (111) Substrates.
Masters thesis
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Moreau, Magnus;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Selbach, Sverre Magnus;
Holmestad, Randi.
Structural phases driven by oxygen vacancies at the La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3 hetero-interface.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Muggerud, Astrid Marie Flattum;
Walmsley, John;
Holmestad, Randi;
Li, Yanjun.
Combining HAADF STEM tomography and electron diffraction for studies of α-Al(Fe,Mn)Si dispersoids in 3xxx aluminium alloys.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Ervik, Martin;
Holmestad, Randi.
A hybrid aluminium alloy and its zoo of interacting nano-precipitates.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Holmestad, Randi.
Down to the atom, alloys by design.
International innovations
Popular scientific article
Muggerud, Astrid Marie Flattum;
Li, Yanjun;
Holmestad, Randi.
Orientation studies of á-Al(Fe,Mn)Si dispersoids in 6xxx Al alloys.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Nishimura, Katsuhiko;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Komaki, R;
Nunomura, Norio;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi.
µSR study of Al-0.67%Mg-0.77%Si alloys.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Holmestad, Randi.
Aberration-corrected HAADF-STEM investigations of precipitate structures in Al-Mg-Si alloys with low Cu additions.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Ninive, Per Harald;
Strandlie, Are;
Gulbrandsen-Dahl, Sverre;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle.
Detailed atomistic insight into the β″ phase in Al–Mg–Si alloys.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Røyset, Jostein;
Holmestad, Randi.
Effect of low Cu addition and thermo-mechanical history on precipitation in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Osmundsen, Elisa;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Røyset, Jostein.
The Effect of Zn on precipitation in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Røyset, Jostein;
Reiso, Oddvin;
Gulbrandsen-Dahl, Sverre;
Nicolaisen, Tor-Erik.
Improving thermal stability in Cu-containing Al-Mg-Si alloys by precipitate optimization.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Boothroyd, Chris.
Phase stabilization principle and precipitate-host lattice influences for Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy precipitates.
Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Ramasse, Quentin;
Kepaptsoglou, Despoina Maria;
Hage, Fredrik Sydow.
Atomic-resolution elemental mapping of precipitates in a 7449 aluminium alloy.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Hernandez-Maldonado, D;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Marioara, Calin Daniel.
HAADF-STEM and DFT investigations of the Zn-containing β'' phase in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Muggerud, Astrid Marie Flattum;
Li, Yanjun;
Holmestad, Randi;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle.
Mackay icosahedron explaining orientation relationship of dispersoids in aluminium alloys.
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science
Academic article
Liu, M;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi;
Banhart, John.
Ageing characteristics of Al-Mg-(Ge,Si)-Cu alloys.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Holmestad, Randi.
Structural investigation of precipitates with Cu and Zn atomic columns in Al-Mg-Si alloys by aberration-corrected HAADF-STEM.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Holmestad, Randi;
Reenaas, Turid Worren;
Seim, Eivind.
TEM characterization of Cr-doped ZnS Thin Films for Solar Cell applications.
Masters thesis
Holmestad, Randi;
Reenaas, Turid Worren;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Espen, Undheim.
Transmission electron microscopy characterization of quantum dot based intermediate band solar cells.
Masters thesis
Wenner, Sigurd;
Nishimura, Katsuhiko;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Matsuzaki, Teiichiro;
Tomono, Dai;
Pratt, Francis L..
Clustering and Vacancy Behavior in High- and Low-Solute Al-Mg-Si Alloys.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Ramasse, Quentin;
Kepaptsoglou, Despoina Maria;
Hage, Fredrik Sydow;
Holmestad, Randi.
Atomic-resolution electron energy loss studies of precipitates in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu-Ag alloy.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Arivazhagan, V;
Parvathi, Manonmani;
Rajesh, S;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Holmestad, Randi.
Quantum confinement of PbSe nanocrystals embedded in a spacer ZnSe matrix for solar cell applications.
Solar Energy
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Røyset, Jostein.
Transmission electron microscopy and muon spin relaxation studies of precipitation in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
NTNU Trykk
Doctoral dissertation
Saito, Takeshi;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Røyset, Jostein;
Holmestad, Randi.
Influence of low Cu addition on quench sensitivity in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Advanced Materials Research
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Røyset, Jostein;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Holmestad, Randi.
The effects of quench rate and pre-deformation on precipitation hardening in Al–Mg–Si alloys with different Cu amounts.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Westermann, Ida;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Pedersen, Ketill Olav;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Røyset, Jostein.
The effect of elastic straining on a 6060 Aluminium alloy during natural or artificial ageing.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Dumoulin, Stephane;
Holmestad, Randi.
3D modelling of β'' in Al-Mg-Si: towards an atomistic level ab initio based examination of a full precipitate enclosed in a host lattice.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Dumoulin, Stephane;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Holmestad, Randi.
Interfacial and strain energy analysis from ab initio based hierarchical multi-scale modelling: the Al–Mg–Si alloy β'' phase.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Muggerud, Astrid Marie F;
Li, Yanjun;
Holmestad, Randi.
Composition and orientation relationships of constituent particles in 3xxx aluminum alloys.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Dumoulin, Stephane;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Holmestad, Randi.
Interface energy determination for the fully coherent β'' phase in Al-Mg-Si: making a case for a first principles based hybrid atomistic modelling scheme.
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
BALCI, Mustafa H.;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Maria, Jerome;
Lindgren, Mikael;
Holmestad, Randi;
Grande, Tor.
Solution based synthesis of simple fcc Si nano-crystals under ambient conditions.
Dalton Transactions
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Muraishi, Shinji;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Jostein, Røyset;
Holmestad, Randi.
The Effects of Low Cu Additions and Predeformation on the Precipitation in a 6060 Al-Mg-Si Alloy.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Mathieu, Roland;
Grepstad, Jostein;
Holmestad, Randi.
In-plane structural order of domain engineered La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Muggerud, Astrid Marie F;
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Li, Yanjun;
Holmestad, Randi.
Dispersoid strengthening in AA3xxx alloys with varying Mn and Si content during annealing at low temperatures,.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmestad, Randi.
How calcium prevents precipitation hardening in Al–Mg–Si alloys.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Nishimura, Katsuhiko;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Matsuzaki, Teiichiro;
Tomono, Dai;
Pratt, Francis L..
Muon kinetics in heat treated Al (–Mg)(–Si) alloys.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Lee, S;
Rzchowski, M;
Vullum, Per Erik.
Surface stability of epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films on (111)-oriented SrTiO3.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Kim, JaeHwang;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi;
Kobayashi, Equo;
Sato, Tatsuo.
Effects of Cu and Ag additions on age-hardening behavior during multi-step aging in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Arivazhagan, V;
Parvathi, Manonmani;
Rajesh, S;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Holmestad, Randi.
Quantum confinement in two dimensional layers of PbSe/ZnSe multiple quantum well structures.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Bjørge, Ruben;
Holmestad, Randi.
Precipitation in an Al-Mg-Si-Ge-Cu Alloy.
Imaging and Microscopy
Academic literature review
Wenner, Sigurd;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Nishimura, Katsuhiko;
Matsuzaki, Teiichiro;
Tomono, Dai;
Pratt, Francis L..
μSR experiments on Al–Mg–Si alloys.
RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report
Short communication
Pitt, Mark;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Sørby, Magnus Helgerud;
Emerich, H.;
Paskevicius, M.;
Buckley, C. E..
Crystalline Al1-xTix phases in the hydrogen cycled NaAlH4+0.02TiCl(3) system.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Holmestad, Randi.
Ab initio based interface modeling for fully coherent precipitates of arbitrary size in Al alloys.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Pitt, Mark;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Sørby, Magnus Helgerud;
Sulic, M.P.;
Emerich, H.;
Paskevicius, Mark.
Functionality of the nanoscopic crystalline Al/amorphous Al50Ti50 surface embedded composite observed in the NaAlH4 + xTiCl(3) system after milling.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Pitt, Mark;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Sørby, Magnus Helgerud;
Blanchard, Didier;
Sulic, M.P.;
Emerich, H..
The location of Ti containing phases after the completion of the NaAlH4 + xTiCl(3) milling process.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Pitt, Mark;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Sørby, Magnus Helgerud;
Emerich, H.;
Paskevicius, Mark;
Buckley, Craig E..
Amorphous Al1-xTix, Al1-xVx, and Al1-xFex phases in the hydrogen cycled TiCl3, VCl3 and FeCl3 enhanced NaAlH4 systems.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Weigand, Christian Carl;
Tveit, Johannes;
Ladam, Cecile;
Holmestad, Randi;
Grepstad, Jostein;
Weman, Helge.
Epitaxial relationships of ZnO nanostructures grown by Au-assisted pulsed laser deposition on c- and a-plane sapphire.
Journal of Crystal Growth
Academic article
Bjørge, Ruben;
Dwyer, Christian;
Weyland, Matthew;
Nakashima, Philip N.H.;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle.
Aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy study of beta '-like precipitates in an Al-Mg-Ge alloy.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Kauko, Hanne;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Holmestad, Randi;
Van Helvoort, Antonius.
Quantitative HAADF-STEM on heterostructured GaAs nanwires.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Holmestad, Randi;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Torsæter, Malin;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle.
Characterization and structure of precipitates in 6xxx Aluminium Alloys.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Nishimura, K.;
Matsuzaki, T;
Tomono, D.
Probing defects in Al-Mg-Si alloys using muon spin relaxation.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmestad, Randi.
Effect of room temperature storage time on precipitation in Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) alloys with different Mg/Si ratios.
International Journal of Materials Research - Zeitschrift für Metallkunde
Academic article
Bjørge, Ruben;
Dwyer, Christian;
Weyland, Matthew;
Nakashima, Philip N.H.;
Etheridge, Joanne;
Holmestad, Randi.
Quantitative HAADF STEM study of β-like precipitates in an Al-Mg-Ge alloy.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Torsæter, Malin;
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmestad, Randi.
Applying precipitate–host lattice coherency for compositional determination of precipitates in Al–Mg–Si–Cu alloys.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Pitt, Mark;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Sørby, Magnus Helgerud;
Emerich, Herman;
Paskevicius, Mark;
Webb, Colin J..
Hydrogen absorption kinetics and structural features of NaAlH4 enhanced with transition-metal and Ti-based nanoparticles.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Martinsen, Fredrik A;
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Torsæter, Malin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Reversal of the negative natural aging effect in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Pitt, Mark;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Sørby, Magnus Helgerud;
Emerich, Hermann;
Paskevicius, Mark;
Buckley, Craig E..
Hydrogen Absorption Kinetics of the Transition-Metal-Chloride-Enhanced NaAlH4 System.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Nakamura, J;
Matsuda, K.;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmestad, Randi;
Sato, T..
HAADF-STEM study of beta '-type precipitates in an over-aged Al-Mg-Si-Ag alloy.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Pitt, Mark;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Sørby, Magnus Helgerud;
Emerich, Hermann;
Paskevicius, M.;
Buckley, C. E..
A structural review of nanoscopic Al1-xTMx phase formation in the TMCln enhanced NaAlH4 system.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Sunde, Tor Olav Løveng;
Garskaite, Edita;
Otter, Benjamin;
Fossheim, Helle Ervik;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Holmestad, Randi.
Transparent and conducting ITO thin films by spin coating of an aqueous precursor solution.
Journal of Materials Chemistry
Academic article
Bjørge, Ruben;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Etheridge, Joanne;
Holmestad, Randi.
Scanning transmission electron microscopy investigation of an Al-Mg-Si-Ge-Cu alloy.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Vullum, Per Erik;
Pitt, Mark P.;
Walmsley, John C.;
Hauback, Bjørn C.;
Holmestad, Randi.
TEM characterization of pure and transition metal enhanced NaAlH4.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Eberg, Espen;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Takahashi, Ryota;
Gass, Mhairi;
Mendis, Budhika;
Bleloch, Andrew.
Electron energy loss spectroscopy investigation of Pb and Ti hybridization with O at the PbTiO3/SrTiO3 interface.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Nagayoshi, H;
Nordmark, Heidi;
Nishimura, S;
Terashima, K;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Walmsley, John.
Vapor-solid-solid Si nano-whiskers growth using pure hydrogen as the source gas.
Thin Solid Films
Academic article
Torsæter, Malin;
LeFebvre, William;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Walmsley, John;
Holmestad, Randi.
Study of intergrown L and Q ' precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Madaro, Francesco;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Tolchard, Julian R;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann;
Holmestad, Randi;
Grande, Tor.
Molten salt synthesis of K4Nb6O17, K2Nb4O11 and KNb3O8 crystals with needle- or plate-like morphology.
Academic article
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Flage-Larsen, Espen;
Friis, Jesper;
Løvvik, Ole Martin;
Pacaud, Jerome;
Marthinsen, Knut.
Experimental and theoretical study of electron density and structure factors in CoSb3.
Academic article
Teichmann, Katharina;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Pedersen, Ketill Olav;
Gulbrandsen-Dahl, Sverre;
Kolar, Michal.
HRTEM study of the effect of deformation on the early precipitation behaviour in an AA6060 Al-Mg-Si alloy.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Matsuda, Kenji;
Nakamura, Junya;
Kawabata, T;
Ikeno, Susum;
Sato, Tatsuo;
Marioara, Calin Daniel.
Effect of Additional Elements (Cu, Ag) on Precipitation in 6xxx (Al-Mg-Si) Alloys.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Nordmark, Heidi;
Ulyashin, Alexander;
Walmsley, John;
Holmestad, Randi.
H-initiated extended defects from plasma treatment: Comparison between c-Si and mc-Si.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Weigand, Christian Carl;
Bergren, M.R.;
Ladam, Cecile;
Tveit, Johannes;
Holmestad, Randi;
Vullum, Per Erik.
Formation of ZnO Nanosheets Grown by Catalyst-Assisted Pulsed Laser Deposition.
Crystal Growth & Design
Academic article
Bjørge, Ruben;
Nakashima, Philip N.H.;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Muddle, Barry C.;
Etheridge, Joanne.
Precipitates in an Al-Mg-Ge alloy studied by aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Rørvik, Per Martin Ljønes;
You, Chang Chuan;
Holmestad, Randi;
Tybell, Thomas;
Grande, Tor.
Polarization control in ferroelectric PbTiO3 nanorods.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Ehlers, Flemming;
Holmestad, Randi.
Direct Approach to Atomistic Ab Initio Studies of Precipitate Growth in Alloys.
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings
Academic article
Marioara, CD;
Andersen, Sigmund J.;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Holmestad, Randi.
Si/Ge network connecting precipitates in Al-Mg-Si/Ge-Cu(-Ag) alloys.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nakamura, Junya;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Sato, Tatsuo;
Marioara, CD;
Andersen, Sigmund J.;
Holmestad, Randi.
Effect of Silver addition on crystal structure for beta' phase in Al-Mg-Si alloy.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Torsæter, Malin;
Hasting, Håkon Stokka;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Walmsley, John;
Andersen, S. J..
The influence of composition and natural aging on clustering during preaging in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Holmestad, Jon;
Marioara, C.D.;
Andersen, Sigmund J.;
Holmestad, Randi.
Microstructure of Two Overaged Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloys.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Sigmund J;
Marioara, CD;
Holmestad, Randi.
Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys. Relations to Zintl-phases and polar intermetallics.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Holmestad, Jon;
Marioara, CD;
Andersen, Sigmund J.;
Holmestad, Randi.
The effect of Ag on Hardness and Microstructure during Overageing of Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloys.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Torsæter, Malin;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Marioara, CD;
Andersen, Sigmund J.;
Walmsley, John;
Holmestad, Randi.
The study of clustering in Al-based alloys by APT.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, S.J.;
Marioara, C.D.;
Torsæter, Malin;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Holmestad, Randi.
Behind Structure and Relation of Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si and Related Alloys.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Holmestad, Randi;
Marioara, C.D.;
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Torsæter, Malin;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Røyset, Jostein.
Precipitation in 6xxx Aluminium Alloys.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Torsæter, Malin;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Andersen, S.J.;
Marioara, C.D.;
Walmsley, JC;
Holmestad, Randi.
Clustering Behaviour in Al-Mg-Si Alloys Investigated by APT.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørge, Ruben;
Marioara, Calin D;
Andersen, Sigmund J;
Holmestad, Randi.
Precipitation in Two Al-Mg-Ge Alloys.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Andersen, Sigmund J;
Marioara, CD;
Vissers, Rene;
Torsæter, Malin;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Ehlers, Flemming.
The dual nature of precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Zhou, Dayong;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Sharma, Gaurav;
Thomassen, Sedsel Fretheim;
Holmestad, Randi;
Reenaas, Turid Worren.
Positioning effects on quantum dot solar cells grown by molecular beam epitaxy.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Stange, Marit;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Walmsley, John C.
Surface characterization of Pd/Ag23 wt% membranes after different thermal treatments.
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Selbach, Sverre Magnus;
Ravindran, Ponniah;
Grande, Tor;
Holmestad, Randi.
Electronic structure of multiferroic BiFeO3 and related compounds: Electron energy loss spectroscopy and density functional study.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Mauroy, Henrik;
Walmsley, John;
Deledda, Stefano;
Holmestad, Randi;
Hauback, Bjørn.
The effects of ball milling intensity on morphology of multiwall carbon nanotubes.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Bjørge, Ruben;
Marioara, Calin D;
Andersen, Sigmund J;
Holmestad, Randi.
Germanium network connecting precipitates in an Mg-rich Al-Mg-Ge alloy.
Journal of Electron Microscopy
Academic article
Nordmark, Heidi;
Nagayoshi, H;
Matsumoto, N;
Nishimura, S;
Terashima, K;
Marioara, CD.
Si substrates texturing and vapor-solid-solid Si nanowhiskers growth using pure hydrogen as source gas.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Vullum, Per Erik;
Pitt, M;
Walmsley, John C;
Hauback, Bjørn-Christian;
Holmestad, Randi.
Observations of nanoscopic, face centered cubic Ti and TiH (x).
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing
Academic article
Peters, TA;
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Stange, M;
Walmsley, JC;
Holmestad, Randi.
Thin Pd-23%Ag/stainless steel composite membranes: Long-term stability, life-time estimation and post-process characterisation.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Hasting, Håkon Stokka;
Frøseth, Anders Gudmund;
Andersen, Sigmund J;
Vissers, Rene;
Walmsley, John C;
Marioara, Calin D.
Composition of beta'' precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys by atom probe tomography and first principles calculations.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Walmsley, John C;
Stange, M;
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Mathiesen, Ragnvald.
Microstructural studies of self-supported (1.5-10 mu m) Pd/23 wt% Ag hydrogen separation membranes subjected to different heat treatments.
Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Flage-Larsen, E.;
Prytz, Ø.;
Prytz, Øystein;
Taftø, J.;
Taftø, Johan.
Electron energy loss spectroscopy of the L2,3 edge of phosphorus skutterudites and electronic structure calculations.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Stange, Marit;
Walmsley, John C;
Holmestad, Randi;
Bredesen, Rune.
Effects of thermal activation on hydrogen permeation properties of thin, self-supported Pd/Ag membranes.
Separation and Purification Technology
Academic article
Mokkelbost, Tommy;
Lein, Hilde Lea;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Holmestad, Randi;
Grande, Tor;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann.
Thermal and mechanical properties of LaNbO4-based ceramics.
Ceramics International
Academic article
Nordmark, Heidi;
Holmestad, Randi;
Walmsley, JC;
Ulyashin, A.
Transmission electron microscopy study of hydrogen defect formation at extended defects in hydrogen plasma treated multicrystalline silicon.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Binetti, S;
Libal, J;
Acciarri, M;
Di Sabatino, Marisa;
Nordmark, Heidi;
Øvrelid, E. J..
Study of defects and impurities in multicrystalline silicon grown from metallurgical silicon feedstock.
Materials Science & Engineering: B. Solid-state Materials for Advanced Technology
Academic article
Vullum, Per Erik;
Pitt, Mark;
Walmsley, John C;
Hauback, Bjørn;
Holmestad, Randi.
Transmission electron microscopy characterization of NaAlH4.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Arstad, Bjørnar;
Klette, Hallgeir;
Walmsley, John C;
Bredesen, Rune;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Microstructural characterization of self-supported 1.6µm Pd/Ag membranes.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Rørvik, Per Martin;
Almli, Åsmund;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Holmestad, Randi;
Tybell, Thomas;
Grande, Tor.
PbTiO3 nanorod arrays grown by self-assembly of nanocrystals.
Academic article
Rørvik, Per Martin;
Lyngdal, Tone;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Holmestad, Randi;
Grande, Tor.
Influence of volatile chlorides on the molten salt synthesis of ternary oxide nanorods and nanoparticles.
Inorganic Chemistry
Academic article
Eberg, Espen;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Tybell, Thomas;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Holmestad, Randi.
Comparison of TEM specimen preparation of perovskite thin films by tripod polishing and conventional ion milling.
Journal of Electron Microscopy
Academic article
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Wang, Guozhong;
Rørvik, Per Martin;
Tanem, Bjørn Steiner;
Grande, Tor.
Detailed TEM characterisation of PbTiO3 nanorods.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Nagayoshi, H;
Nordmark, Heidi;
Holmestad, Randi;
Matsumoto, N;
Nishimura, S;
Tersahima, K.
Silicon Whisker Growth Using Hot Filament Reactor with Hydrogen as Source Gas.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP)
Academic article
Marioara, C.D.;
Andersen, S.J.;
Birkeland, Asgeir;
Holmestad, Randi.
Orientation of silicon particles in a binary Al–Si alloy.
Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Pitt, Mark;
Vullum, Per Erik;
sørby, M.H.;
sulic, M.P.;
Jensen, CM;
Walmsley, John C.
Structural properties of the nanoscopic Al85Ti15 solid solution observed in the hydrogen-cycled NaAlH4 + 0.1TiCl3 system.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Vullum, Per Erik;
Lein, Hilde Lea;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann;
Grande, Tor;
Holmestad, Randi.
TEM observations of rhombohedral and monoclinic domains in LaCoO3-based ceramics.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Nordmark, Heidi;
Ulyashin, Alexander;
Walmsley, John C;
Holt, Arve;
Holmestad, Randi.
The temperature evolution of the hydrogen plasma induced structural defects in crystalline silicon.
Solid State Phenomena
Academic article
Nordmark, Heidi;
Ulyashin, Alexander;
Walmsley, John C;
Holmestad, Randi.
A comparative analysis of structural defect formation in Si+ implanted and then plasma hydrogenated and in H+ implanted crystalline silicon.
Solid State Phenomena
Academic article
Prytz, Øystein;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Holmestad, Randi;
Taftø, Johan.
Investigations of bonding in skutterudites by electron energy loss spectroscopy.
Materials Research Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Torsæter, Malin;
Vissers, Rene;
Marioara, Calin D;
Andersen, Sigmund J;
Holmestad, Randi.
Simulation and Modelling: Crystal Structure Determination of the Q' and C-type Plate Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-Cu (6xxx) Alloys.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vissers, Rene;
Marioara, Calin D;
Andersen, Sigmund J;
Holmestad, Randi.
Process, Mechanical and Heat Treatment Modelling: Crystal Structure determination of the B' phase in Al-Mg-Si Alloys by combining Quantitative Electron diffraction and ab initio Calculations.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Sigmund J;
Marioara, Calin D;
Vissers, Rene;
Holmestad, Randi.
Effect of Defects: Atomic Structure of precipitates in AlMgSi(Cu) Insights into precipitation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Marioara, Calin D;
Andersen, Sigmund J;
Stene, Tore;
Hasting, Håkon Stokka;
Walmsley, John C;
Van Helvoort, Antonius.
Microstructure: The influence of Cu on Hardness and Microstructure in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sandberg, Nils;
Slabanja, M;
Holmestad, Randi.
Ab initio simulations of clustering and precipitation in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Wang, Guozhong;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Rørvik, Per Martin;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Holmestad, Randi;
Grande, Tor.
Self-assembled growth of PbTiO3 nanoparticles into microspheres and bur-like structures.
Chemistry of Materials
Academic article
Vullum, Per Erik;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Holmestad, Randi;
Mastin, Johann Roland M;
Andersen, Øystein Skottun;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann.
Grain boundary analysis and secondary phases in LaCoO3-based perovskites.
Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Marioara, CD;
Andersen, Sigmund;
Stene, Tore;
Hasting, Håkon Stokka;
Walmsley, John C;
Van Helvoort, Antonius.
The effect of Cu on precipitation in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Hasting, Håkon Stokka;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Marioara, Calin D;
Walmsley, John C;
Andersen, Sigmund;
Holmestad, Randi.
Comparative study of the beta ''-phase in a 6xxx Al alloy by 3DAP and HRTEM.
Surface and Interface Analysis
Academic article
Wang, Guozhong;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Rørvik, Per Martin;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Holmestad, Randi;
Grande, Tor.
Hierarchical nanostructures of PbTiO3 through mesocrystal formation.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Academic article
Vullum, Per Erik;
Holmestad, Randi;
Lein, Hilde Lea;
Mastin, Johann Roland M;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann;
Grande, Tor.
Monoclinic ferroelastic domains in LaCoO3-based perovskites.
Advanced Materials
Academic article
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Tanem, Bjørn Steiner;
Holmestad, Randi.
Annular bright and dark field imaging of soft materials.
Institute of Physics Conference Series
Academic article
Hasting, Håkon Stokka;
Walmsley, John C;
Marioara, Calin D;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Holmestad, Randi;
Danoix, Frederic.
Characterisation of early precipitation stages in 6xxx series aluminium alloys.
Institute of Physics Conference Series
Academic article
Hasting, Håkon Stokka;
Walmsley, John;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Marioara, Calin D;
Andersen, Sigmund;
Holmestad, Randi.
Z-contrast imaging of the arrangement of Cu-precipitates in 6xxx-series aluminium alloys.
Philosophical Magazine Letters
Academic article
Arstad, Bjørnar;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Klette, Hallgeir;
Walmsley, John;
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Holmestad, Randi.
Studies of self-supported 1,6 μm Pd/23 wt.% Ag membranes during and after hydrogen production in a catalytic membrane reactor.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Vullum, Per Erik;
Mastin, Johann Roland M;
Wright, J;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann;
Holmestad, Randi;
Grande, Tor.
In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction of ferroelastic La0.8Ca0.2CoO3 ceramics during uniaxial compression.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Sandberg, N;
Holmestad, Randi.
First-principles calculations of impurity diffusion activation energies in Al.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Marioara, CD;
Nordmark, Heidi;
Andersen, Sigmund;
Holmestad, Randi.
Post-beta '' phases and their influence on microstructure and hardness in 6xxx Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Nordmark, Heidi;
Ulyashin, Alexander;
Ulyashin, Alexander;
Walmsley, John C;
Tøtdal, Bård;
Totdal, Bard.
Evolution of hydrogen induced defects during annealing of plasma treated Czochralski silicon.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Reseach B
Academic article
Lein, Hilde Lea;
Andersen, Øystein Skottun;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Lara-Curzio, E;
Holmestad, Randi;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann.
Mechanical properties of mixed conducting La0.5Sr0.5Fe1-xCoxO3-delta (0 <= x <= 1) materials.
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry
Academic article
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Aardal, Brynjar Fausk;
Klette, Hallgeir;
Arstad, Bjørnar;
Bredesen, Rune.
Pd-based thin films in catalytic membrane reactor applications.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andrei, Carmen;
Walmsley, John;
Brinks, HW;
Holmestad, Randi;
Srinivasan, SS;
Jensen, CM.
Electron-microscopy studies of NaAlH4 with TiF3 additive: hydrogen-cycling effects.
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing
Academic article
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Dahl, Øystein;
Soleim, Bjørn Gunnar;
Holmestad, Randi;
Tybell, Thomas.
Imaging of out-of-plane interfacial strain in epitaxial PbTiO3/SrTiO3 thin films.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Friis, Jesper;
Jiang, Bin;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Holmestad, Randi.
A study of charge density in copper.
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography
Academic article
Marioara, Calin D;
Andersen, S.J.;
Zandbergen, HW;
Holmestad, Randi.
The influence of alloy composition on precipitates of the Al-Mg-Si system.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Faaland, Sonia;
Grande, Tor;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Holmestad, Randi.
Stress-strain behavior during compression of polycrystalline La1-xCaCoO3 ceramics.
Journal of The American Ceramic Society
Academic article
Andrei, Carmen;
Walmsley, John;
Brinks, Hendrik;
Holmestad, Randi;
Blanchard, D;
Hauback, Bjørn C..
Analytical electron microscopy studies of lithium aluminum hydrides with Ti- and V-based additives.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Academic article
Andrei, Carmen;
Walmsley, John Charles;
Blanchard, D;
Brinks, Hendrik;
Holmestad, Randi;
Hauback, Bjørn C..
Electron microscopy studies of lithium aluminium hydrides.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Wærnhus, Ivar;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Holmestad, Randi;
Grande, Tor;
Wiik, Kjell.
Electronic properties of polycrystalline LaFeO3. Part I: Experimental results and the qualitative role of Schottky defects.
Solid State Ionics
Academic article
Friis, Jesper;
Jiang, Bin;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Holmestad, Randi.
QCBED measurements in strontium titanate.
Proceedings / European Microscopy Congress
Academic article
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Knowles, KM;
Holmestad, Randi.
Compositional characterisation of electrostatic bonds.
Institute of Physics Conference Series
Academic article
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Knowles, KM;
Holmestad, Randi;
Fernie, JA.
Anodic oxidation during electrostatic bonding.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Friis, Jesper;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Holmestad, Randi.
Retrieval of anisotropic displacement parameters in Mg from convergent beam electron diffraction experiments.
Institute of Physics Conference Series
Academic article
Jiang, B;
Friis, Jesper;
Holmestad, Randi;
Zuo, JM;
O'keeffe, Michael;
Spence, JCH.
Electron density and implication for bonding in Cu.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Friis, Jesper;
Jiang, Bin;
Spence, John C. H.;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Holmestad, Randi.
Extinction-free electron diffraction refinement of bonding in SrTiO3.
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography
Academic article
Andrei, Carmen;
Holmestad, Randi;
Walmsley, John.
Electron Microscopy Studies of Materials Used for Hydrogen Storage.
Doctoral dissertation
Friis, Jesper;
Madsen, Georg;
Larsen, Finn krebs;
Jiang, Bin;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Holmestad, Randi.
Magnesium: Comparison of density functional theory calculations with electron and x-ray diffraction experiments.
Journal of Chemical Physics
Academic article
Friis, Jesper;
Jiang, Bin;
Spence, John C. H.;
Holmestad, Randi.
Quantitative Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction Measurements of Low-Order Structure Factors in Copper.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Andrei, Carmen;
Yu, Yingda;
Walmsley, John;
Brinks, Hendrik;
Hauback, Bjørn;
Holmestad, Randi.
Electron microscopy studies of TbNiAl compound processed by the HDDR route.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Friis, Jesper;
Jiang, Bin;
Spence, John;
Holmestad, Randi.
Quantitative Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction Measurements of Low-Order Structure Factors in Copper.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Frøseth, Anders Gudmund;
Holmestad, Randi;
Derlet, Peter;
Marthinsen, Knut.
Improved tight binding parametrization for the simulation of stacking faults in Aluminium.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Friis, Jesper;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marthinsen, Knut.
Quantitative Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction and Charge Density Studies.
Doctoral dissertation
Høier, Rangvald;
Birkeland, Christophe;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marthinsen, Knut.
Three-phase structure invariants and structure factors determined with the quantitative convergent-beam electron diffraction method.
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography
Academic article
Holmestad, Randi;
Birkeland, Christophe;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Høier, Rangvald;
Zuo, Jian Min.
Use of quantitative convergent-beam electron diffraction in materials science.
Microscopy research and technique (Print)
Academic article
Derlet, Peter;
Høier, Rangvald;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Ryum, Nils.
The embedded-atom model applied to vacancy formation in bulk aluminium and lithium.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Academic article
Birkeland, Christophe;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Høier, Rangvald.
Use of supercomputers in quantitative electron diffraction.
Journal of Scientific Computing
Academic article
Birkeland, Christophe;
Holmestad, Randi.
Charge-density determination in TiAl-Cr and TiAl-V using quantitative convergent beam electron diffraction.
Philosophical magazine. A. Physics of condensed matter. Defects and mechanical properties
Academic article
Lie, Knut;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Høier, Rangvald.
Experimental and theoretical investigations of EELS near-edge fine structure in TiAl with and without ternary addition of V, Cr, or Mn.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Birkeland, Christophe R.;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Høier, Rangvald.
Efficient beam-selection criteria in quantitative convergent beam electron diffraction.
Academic article
Journal publications
Hai, Vu Ngoc;
Lee, Seungwon;
Tsuchiya, Taiki;
Katsumi, Tetsuya;
Kita, Kazuhiko;
Khanh, Pham Mai.
Effect of Deformation on Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Al-1%Cu-0.96%Mg-0.36%Si (mass%) Alloy.
Materials transactions
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Zuiko, I.S.;
Holmestad, Randi;
Gazizova, M.Yu.;
Kaibyshev, R.O..
Particle morphology characterization in an over-aged Al-Cu-Mg-Si alloy using TEM.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Sørhaug, Jørgen Andre;
Elkjær, Aksel Sean;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Bergh, Tina;
Grong, Øystein;
Vullum, Per Erik.
Al-Cu intermetallic phase growth in hybrid metal extrusion & bonding welds exposed to isothermal annealing or direct current cycling.
Materials & design
Academic article
Celotto, Ambra;
Sandnes, Lise;
Grong, Øystein;
Sørhaug, Jørgen Andre;
Stefani, Gaia;
Wan, Di.
Cold butt welding of dissimilar aluminum alloys: Characterization and interface bonding conditions.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Hell, Christoph Martin;
Frafjord, Jonas;
Friis, Jesper;
Bjørge, Ruben.
Atomic structure of clusters and GP-zones in an Al-Mg-Si alloy.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Li, Chunan;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
hatzoglou, constantinos;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmestad, Randi;
Li, Yanjun.
Accelerating precipitation hardening by natural aging in a 6082 Al-Mg-Si alloy.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Chrominski, W.;
Christiansen, Emil;
Choinska, E.;
Holmestad, Randi;
Lewandowska, M..
Enhancing homogenous precipitation and strengthening effectiveness in AlCuMg alloy.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T)
Academic article
Hell, Christoph Martin;
Frafjord, Jonas;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Friis, Jesper;
Holmestad, Randi.
On the visibility of GP-zones in 6xxx Al alloys in atomic LAADF-STEM.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Rhee, Yujin;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Ryggetangen, Oskar;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi;
Kobayashi, Equo.
Effect of Pre-Deformation on Precipitation in Al–Zn–Mg–Cu Alloy.
Metals and Materials International
Academic article
Bartawi, Emad H.;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Shaban, Ghada;
Rahimi, Ehsan;
Mishin, Oleg V.;
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer.
Effects of grain boundary chemistry and precipitate structure on intergranular corrosion in Al-Mg-Si alloys doped with Cu and Zn.
Corrosion Science
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Mironov, S.Yu.;
Holmestad, Randi;
Gazizova, M.Yu.;
Kaibyshev, R.O..
Effect of ECAP and aging on microstructure of an Al-Cu-Mg-Si alloy.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Milkereit, Benjamin;
Rowolt, Christian;
Chatterjee, Dipanwita;
Holmestad, Randi;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Villa, Matteo.
On the precipitation and transformation kinetics of precipitation-hardening
steel X5CrNiCuNb16-4 in a wide range of heating and cooling rates.
Academic article
Bartawi, Emad H.;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Shaban, Ghada;
Hatzoglou, Constantinos;
Holmestad, Randi;
Ambat, Rajan.
Atomic Structure of Hardening Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si Alloys: Influence of Minor Additions of Cu and Zn.
ACS Nano
Academic article
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Bergh, Tina;
Thorsen, Tor Inge;
Christiansen, Emil;
Frafjord, Jonas;
Crout, Philip.
Scanning precession electron diffraction data analysis approaches for phase mapping of precipitates in aluminium alloys.
Academic article
Shah, Sohail;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
De Geuser, Frederic;
Hatzoglou, Constantinos;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
On the Use of a Cluster Identification Method and a Statistical Approach for Analyzing Atom Probe Tomography Data for GP Zones in Al–Zn–Mg(–Cu) Alloys.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Sørhaug, Jørgen Andre;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Holmestad, Randi.
Observation Of Al-Cu Interface Instability During Room Temperature Storage.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Bergh, Tina;
Holmestad, Randi;
Christiansen, Emil;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Nordahl, Gregory;
Nord, Magnus.
Scanning Electron Diffraction: To Precess or not to Precess?.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Holmestad, Randi;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Kawahara, Yasuhito;
Bergh, Tina;
Sørhaug, Jørgen Andre;
Hell, Christoph Martin.
Nucleation and Phase Development of Precipitates in Age-hardenable Aluminium Alloys Studied by 4D-STEM.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Bergh, Tina;
Fyhn, Hursanay;
Sandnes, Lise;
Blindheim, Jørgen;
Grong, Øystein;
Holmestad, Randi.
Multi-material Joining of an Aluminum Alloy to Copper, Steel, and Titanium by Hybrid Metal Extrusion & Bonding.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Bergh, Tina;
Ånes, Håkon Wiik;
Aune, Ragnhild;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi;
Ren, Xiaobo.
Intermetallic Phase Layers in Cold Metal Transfer Aluminium-Steel Welds with an Al–Si–Mn Filler Alloy.
Materials transactions
Academic article
Hell, Christoph Martin;
Holmedal, Bjørn;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
The microstructural origin of a hardness double-peak in an age-hardened EN-AW 6082.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Belyakov, Andrey;
Holmestad, Randi;
Gazizova, M.Yu.;
Krasnikov, V.S.;
Bezborodova, P.A..
The coarsening behavior of strengthening particles in an Al–Cu–Mg–Ag alloy during creep.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Shah, Sohail;
Hatzoglou, Constantinos;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle.
The evolution of precipitates in an Al–Zn–Mg alloy.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T)
Academic article
Frafjord, Jonas;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Holmestad, Randi;
Friis, Jesper.
On the Atomic Structure of the β′′ Precipitate by Density Functional Theory.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Ellingsen, Kjerstin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Bilen din gjenfødes som telysholdere. Den burde heller bli en ny bil.
Dagens næringsliv
Feature article
Hell, Christoph Martin;
Søreide, Hanne-Sofie Marie Scisly;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Li, Yanjun;
Holmestad, Randi.
Influence of natural aging and ramping before artificial aging on the microstructure of two different 6xxx alloys.
Journal of Materials Research and Technology (JMR&T)
Academic article
Tvedt, Haakon;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Hell, Christoph Martin;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmestad, Randi.
AutomAl 6000: Semi-automatic structural labelling of HAADF-STEM images of precipitates in Al–Mg–Si(–Cu) alloys.
Academic article
Hagen, Anette Brocks;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Wan, Di;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Local mechanical properties and precipitation inhomogeneity in large-grained Al–Mg–Si alloy.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Mørkeseth, Hanne;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Minakuchi, Kazuhiro;
Katsumi, Tetsuya;
Marthinsen, Knut.
The Effect of Small Additions of Fe and Heavy Deformation on the Precipitation in an Al–1.1Mg–0.5Cu–0.3Si At. Pct Alloy.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Bakardjieva, Snejana;
Mares, Jakub;
Koci, Eva;
Tolasz, Jakub;
Fajgar, Radek;
Ryukhtin, Vasyl.
Effect of Multiply Twinned Ag(0) Nanoparticles on Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2 Nanosheets and TiO2 Nanostructured Thin Films.
Academic article
Dehghan-Niri, Roya;
Tsakoumis, Nikolaos;
Voronov, Alexey;
Holmen, Anders;
Holmestad, Randi;
Vullum, Per Erik.
NanostructuralAnalysisof Co-Re/γ-Al2O3 Fischer-Tropsch Catalyst by TEM and XRD.
Academic article
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Bergh, Tina;
Christiansen, Emil;
Thorsen, Thor Inge;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Holmestad, Randi.
Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction and What We Get Out of Such Data in Studies of Aluminium Alloys.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Ciancio, Regina;
Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E.;
Snoeck, Etienne;
Kociak, Matheiu;
Holmestad, Randi;
Verbeeck, Johan.
e-DREAM: the European Distributed Research Infrastructure for Advanced Electron Microscopy.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Belyakov, Andrey;
Holmestad, Randi;
Gazizova, M.Yu.;
Krasnikov, V.S.;
Bezborodova, P.A.
The deformation behavior of the {111}Al plates in an Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Shah, Sohail;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Hatzoglou, Constantinos;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Effect of cyclic ageing on the early-stage clustering in Al–Zn–Mg(-Cu) alloys.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Bergh, Tina;
Arbo, Siri Marthe;
Hagen, Anette Brocks;
Blindheim, Jørgen;
Friis, Jesper;
Khalid, Muhammad Zeeshan.
On intermetallic phases formed during interdiffusion between aluminium alloys and stainless steel.
Intermetallics (Barking)
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Boev, A.O.;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi;
Gazizova, M.Yu.;
Kaibyshev, Rustam.
Edge interfaces of the Ω plates in a peak-aged Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Chen, Xuanliang;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Friis, Jesper;
Lervik, Adrian;
Holmestad, Randi.
Precipitation processes and structural evolutions of various GPB zones and two types of S phases in a cold-rolled Al-Mg-Cu alloy.
Materials & design
Academic article
Ou, Yizi;
Jiang, Yong;
Wang, Yiren;
Liu, Zhengqing;
Lervik, Adrian;
Holmestad, Randi.
Vacancy and solute co-segregated η1 interface in over-aged Al-Zn-Mg alloys.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Chen, Xuanliang;
Daehan, Kim;
O, Minho;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Lervik, Adrian.
Effect of pre-deformation on age-hardening behaviors in an Al-Mg-Cu alloy.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Celotto, Ambra;
Grong, Øystein;
Holmestad, Randi;
Sørhaug, Jørgen A;
Torgersen, Jan;
Vullum, Per Erik.
Preliminary in-situ study of FIB-assisted method for aluminium solid-state welding at the microscale.
Procedia Structural Integrity
Academic article
Gazizov, M.R.;
Boev, A.O.;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi;
Aksyonov, D.A.;
Gazizova, M.Yu..
Precipitate/matrix incompatibilities related to the {111}Al Ω plates in an Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Frafjord, Jonas;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Hopperstad, Odd Sture;
Holmestad, Randi;
Friis, Jesper.
Corrigendum to “First principles calculations of pressure dependent yielding in solute strengthened aluminium alloys” [Comput. Mater. Sci. 184 (2020) 109902] (Computational Materials Science (2020) 184, (S0927025620303931), (10.1016/j.commatsci.2020.109902)).
Computational Materials Science
Gazizov, M R;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Kaibyshev, R O.
Quantitative analysis of {100}Al plate/lath- and <100>Al rod-shaped precipitates in an aged Al-Cu-Mg-Si alloy using TEM.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Chen, Xuanliang;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Friis, Jesper;
Lervik, Adrian;
Holmestad, Randi.
Data on atomic structures of precipitates in an Al-Mg-Cu alloy studied by high resolution transmission electron microscopy and first-principles calculations.
Data in Brief
Academic article
Lu, Feng;
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi;
Holmedal, Bjørn.
An improved modelling framework for strength and work hardening of precipitate strengthened Al–Mg–Si alloys.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Frafjord, Jonas;
Friis, Jesper;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle.
Studying GPI zones in Al-Zn-Mg alloys by 4D-STEM.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Vatanparast, Maryam;
Shao, Yu-Tsun;
Rajpalke, Mohana;
Fimland, Bjørn-Ove;
Reenaas, Turid Dory;
Holmestad, Randi.
Detecting minute amounts of nitrogen in GaNAs thin films using STEM and CBED.
Academic article
Chen, Xuanliang;
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Minho, O.;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Enhanced mechanical properties in 6082 aluminum alloy processed by cyclic deformation.
Academic article
Sandnes, Lise;
Bergh, Tina;
Grong, Øystein;
Holmestad, Randi;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Berto, Filippo.
Interface Microstructure and Tensile Properties of a Third Generation Aluminium-Steel Butt Weld Produced Using the Hybrid Metal Extrusion & Bonding (HYB) Process.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi.
On the microstructural origins of improvements in conductivity by heavy deformation and ageing of Al-Mg-Si alloy 6101.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Kim, DaeHan;
Kim, JaeHwang;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Precipitation behavior of Al-Si-Cu-Mg(-Fe) alloys by a deformation-semisolid extrusion process.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Lu, Feng;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmedal, Bjørn;
Holmestad, Randi.
Linking mechanical properties to precipitate microstructure in three Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) alloys.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
The effect of low Cu additions on precipitate crystal structures in overaged Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) alloys.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Christiansen, Emil;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Multislice image simulations of sheared needle‐like precipitates in an Al‐Mg‐Si alloy.
Journal of Microscopy
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Friis, Jesper;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi;
Kaibyshev, Rustam.
Unique hybrid precipitate structures forming in an Al–Cu–Mg–Si alloy.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Lervik, Adrian;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Lunder, Otto;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Grain boundary structures and their correlation with intergranular corrosion in an extruded Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Bergh, Tina;
Sandnes, Lise;
Johnstone, Duncan Neil;
Grong, Øystein;
Berto, Filippo;
Holmestad, Randi.
Microstructural and mechanical characterisation of a second generation hybrid metal extrusion & bonding aluminium-steel butt joint.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Frafjord, Jonas;
Dumoulin, Stephane;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Holmestad, Randi;
Friis, Jesper.
Fully resolved strain field of the β’’ precipitate calculated by density functional theory.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Lervik, Adrian;
Walmsley, John;
Lodgaard, Lars;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Johnsen, Roy;
Lunder, Otto.
Stress Corrosion Cracking in an Extruded Cu-Free Al-Zn-Mg Alloy.
Academic article
Frafjord, Jonas;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Hopperstad, Odd Sture;
Holmestad, Randi;
Friis, Jesper.
First principle calculations of pressure dependent yielding in solute strengthened aluminium alloys.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Lervik, Adrian;
Danbolt, Turid;
Furu, Trond;
Holmestad, Randi;
Lunder, Otto.
Comparing intergranular corrosion in Al‐Mg‐Si‐Cu alloys with and without α‐Al(Fe,Mn,Cu)Si particles.
Materials and corrosion - Werkstoffe und Korrosion
Academic article
Christiansen, Emil;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Holmedal, Bjørn;
Hopperstad, Odd Sture.
Detailed investigation of the shearing mechanism of β" precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
MATEC Web of Conferences
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Boev, A.O.;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmestad, Randi;
Kaibyshev, Rustam.
The unique hybrid precipitate in a peak-aged Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Lervik, Adrian;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Kubowicz, Stephan;
Holmestad, Randi.
Copper enrichment on aluminium surfaces after electropolishing and its effect on electron imaging and diffraction.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Lervik, Adrian;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Friis, Jesper;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Bendo, Artenis.
Atomic structure of solute clusters in Al-Zn-Mg alloys.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Grong, Øystein;
Sandnes, Lise;
Bergh, Tina;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Holmestad, Randi;
Berto, Filippo.
An analytical framework for modelling intermetallic compound (IMC) formation and optimising bond strength in aluminium‐steel welds.
Material Design & Processing Communications (MDPC)
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Friis, Jesper;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi;
Kaibyshev, Rustam.
Precipitation behavior in an Al-Cu-Mg-Si alloy during ageing.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Bendo, Artenis;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Lervik, Adrian;
Tsuru, Tomohito;
Nishimura, Katsuhiko;
Nunomura, Norio.
An unreported precipitate orientation relationship in Al-Zn-Mg based alloys.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Bendo, Artenis;
Maeda, Tomoyoshi;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Lervik, Adrian;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marioara, Calin Daniel.
Characterisation of structural similarities of precipitates in Mg–Zn and Al–Zn–Mg alloys systems.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Christiansen, Emil;
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Van Helvoort, Antonius.
Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction to aid Aluminum Alloy Development.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Gaukås, Nikolai Helth;
Dale, Silje Marie;
Ræder, Trygve Magnus;
Toresen, Andreas;
Holmestad, Randi;
Glaum, Julia.
Controlling Phase Purity and Texture of K0.5Na0.5NbO3 Thin Films by Aqueous Chemical Solution Deposition.
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Johnstone, D.N.;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Midgley, Paul A.;
Holmestad, Randi.
Crystallographic relationships of T-/S-phase aggregates in an Al–Cu–Mg–Ag alloy.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Nishimura, Katsuhiko;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Lee, Seungwon;
Namiki, Takahiro.
Muon Spin Relaxation Study of Solute–Vacancy Interactions During Natural Aging of Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloys.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Matsuda, Kenji;
Yasumoto, Toru;
Bendo, Artenis;
Tsuchiya, Taiki;
Lee, Seungwon;
Nishimura, Katsuhiko.
Effect of copper addition on precipitation behavior near grain boundary in Al-Zn-Mg alloy.
Materials transactions
Academic article
Bergh, Tina;
Johnstone, Duncan N.;
Crout, Phillip;
Høgås, Simon;
Midgley, Paul Anthony;
Holmestad, Randi.
Nanocrystal segmentation in scanning precession electron diffraction data.
Journal of Microscopy
Academic article
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Minakuchi, Kazuhiro;
Katsumi, Tetsuya;
Erga, Iven.
The effect of heavy deformation on the precipitation in an Al-1.3Cu-1.0Mg-0.4Si wt.% alloy.
Materials & design
Academic article
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Westermann, Ida;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Pedersen, Ketill Olav;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Røyset, Jostein.
The effect of elastic strain and small plastic deformation on tensile strength of a lean Al-Mg-Si alloy.
Academic article
Gazizov, Marat;
Holmestad, Randi;
Kaibyshev, R.
Comparative analysis of the microstructure and mechanical properties of an Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloy peak-aged at relatively low and high temperatures.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Lervik, Adrian;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Kadanik, Maria;
Walmsley, JC;
Milkereit, Benjamin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Precipitation in an extruded AA7003 aluminium alloy: Observations of 6xxx-type hardening phases.
Materials & design
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi.
In situ heating TEM observations of evolving nanoscale Al‐Mg‐Si‐Cu precipitates.
Journal of Microscopy
Academic article
Christiansen, Emil;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmedal, Bjørn;
Hopperstad, Odd Sture;
Holmestad, Randi.
Nano-scale characterisation of sheared β” precipitates in a deformed Al-Mg-Si alloy.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Christiansen, Emil;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Hopperstad, Odd Sture;
Holmestad, Randi.
Lattice rotations in precipitate free zones in an Al-Mg-Si alloy.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Holmestad, Randi.
The evolution of precipitate crystal structures in an Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) alloy studied by a combined HAADF-STEM and SPED approach.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Undheim, Espen;
Maeda, Kensaku;
Arnberg, Lars;
Holmestad, Randi;
Fujiwara, Kozo;
Di Sabatino Lundberg, Marisa.
In-situ studies of multicrystalline silicon nucleation and growth on alpha- and beta-Si3N4 coated substrates.
Journal of Crystal Growth
Academic article
Nakayasu, Hiroki;
Kobayashi, Equo;
Sato, Tatsuo;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marthinsen, Knut.
Orientation relationships of phase transformation in α-Al12Mn3Si pseudomorphs after plate-like Al6Mn precipitate in an AA3004 Al-Mn based alloy.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Lervik, Adrian;
Grønvold, Julie;
Lunder, Otto;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Furu, Trond.
The correlation between intergranular corrosion resistance and copper content in the precipitate microstructure in an AA6005A alloy.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Hatakeyama, Daichi;
Nishimura, Katsuhiko;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Namiki, Takahiro;
Lee, Seungwon;
Nunomura, Norio.
Effect of copper addition on the cluster formation behavior of Al-Mg-Si, Al-Zn-Mg, and Al-Mg-Ge in the natural aging.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Undheim, Espen;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Holmestad, Randi;
Arnberg, Lars;
Di Sabatino Lundberg, Marisa.
Orientation relationship between b-Si3N4 and Si in multicrystalline silicon ingots for PV applications.
Journal of Crystal Growth
Academic article
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Friis, Jesper;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi.
Precipitates in aluminium alloys.
Advances in Physics: X
Academic article
Kemsies, Richard H;
Milkereit, Benjamin;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi;
Kessler, Olaf.
In situ DSC investigation into the kinetics and microstructure of dispersoid formation in Al-Mn-Fe-Si(-Mg) alloys.
Materials & design
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Friis, Jesper.
Atomic structures of precipitates in Al–Mg–Si alloys with small additions of other elements.
Advanced Engineering Materials
Academic literature review
Wenner, Sigurd;
Jones, Lewys;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Atomic-resolution chemical mapping of ordered precipitates in Al alloys using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy.
Academic article
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Friis, Jesper;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Du, Qiang;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem.
Directionality and column arrangement principles of precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-(Cu) and Al-Mg-Cu linked to line defect in Al.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Vatanparast, Maryam;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Zuo, Jian Min;
Reenaas, Turid Worren;
Holmestad, Randi.
Strategy for reliable strain measurement in InAs/GaAs materials from high-resolution Z-contrast STEM images.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Vatanparast, Maryam;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Reenaas, Turid Worren;
Holmestad, Randi;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer.
Methodology to Improve Strain Measurement in III–V Semiconductors Materials.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Vullum, Per Erik;
MacLaren, I;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Atomap - Automated Analysis of Atomic Resolution STEM Images.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Johnstone, Duncan;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Midgley, Paul A.;
Holmestad, Randi.
Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction Study of Hybrid Precipitates in a 6xxx Series Aluminium Alloy.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Paulsen, Øyvind;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi.
Precipitate statistics in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy from scanning precession electron diffraction data.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Du, Qiang;
Tang, Kai;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmedal, Bjørn;
Holmestad, Randi.
Modeling over-ageing in Al-Mg-Si alloys by a multi-phase CALPHAD-coupled Kampmann-Wagner Numerical model.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Friis, Jesper;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Atomistic details of precipitates in lean Al–Mg–Si alloys with trace additions of Ag and Ge studied by HAADF-STEM and DFT.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Jones, Lewys;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Ninive, Per Harald;
Løvvik, Ole Martin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Optimising multi-frame ADF-STEM for high-precision atomic-resolution strain mapping.
Academic article
Vullum, Per Erik;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Vatanparast, Maryam;
Thomassen, Sedsel Fretheim;
Boothroyd, Chris;
Holmestad, Randi.
Quantitative strain analysis of InAs/GaAs quantum dot materials.
Scientific Reports
Academic article
Vatanparast, Maryam;
Egoavil, Ricardo;
Reenaas, Turid Worren;
Verbeeck, Johan;
Holmestad, Randi;
Vullum, Per Erik.
Bandgap measurement of high refractive index materials by off-axis EELS.
Academic article
Balducci, E;
Ceschini, L;
Messieri, S;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi.
Thermal stability of the lightweight 2099 Al-Cu-Li alloy: Tensile tests and microstructural investigations after overaging.
Materials & design
Academic article
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Moreau, Magnus;
Chopdekar, R.V.;
Christiansen, Emil;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Vullum, Per Erik.
Magnetic domain configuration of (111)-oriented LaFeO3 epitaxial thin films.
APL Materials
Academic article
Matsuda, Kenji;
Kawai, Akihiro;
Watanabe, Katsumi;
Seungwon, Lee;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Wenner, Sigurd.
Extra electron diffraction spots caused by fine precipitates formed at the early stage of aging in Al-Mg-X (X=Si, Ge, Zn)-Cu alloys.
Materials transactions
Academic article
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Vullum, Per Erik;
MacLaren, Ian;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Atomap: a new software tool for the automated analysis of atomic resolution images using two-dimensional Gaussian fitting.
Advanced Structural and Chemical Imaging
Academic article
Matsuda, Kenji;
Kawai, Akihiro;
Watanabe, Katsumi;
Lee, Seungwon;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Wenner, Sigurd.
Effect of copper on fine precipitates at the early stage of aging in Al-Mg-X (X=Si, Ge, Zn) alloys.
Academic article
Balducci, Eleonora;
Ceschini, Lorella;
Messieri, S;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi.
Effects of overaging on microstructure and tensile properties of the 2055 Al-Cu-Li-Ag alloy.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Jones, Lewys;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Ninive, Per Harald;
Løvvik, Ole Martin;
Marioara, Calin Daniel.
Mapping the chemistry within, and the strain around, Al-alloy precipitates at atomic resolution by multi-frame scanning transmission electron microscopy.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Moreau, Magnus;
Grutter, A;
Nord, Martin;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Gilbert, DA.
Concurrent magnetic and structural reconstructions at the interface of (111)-oriented L a0.7 S r0.3Mn O3/LaFe O3.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem;
Friis, Jesper;
Wenner, Sigurd.
The effects and behaviour of Li and Cu alloying agents in lean Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Nematollahi, Mohammadreza;
Yang, Xiaodong;
Seim, Eivind;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Holmestad, Randi;
Gibson, Ursula.
Compositional and structural properties of pulsed laser-deposited ZnS:Cr films.
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Hernandez-Maldonado, David;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Marioara, Calin Daniel.
Cu atoms suppress misfit dislocations at the β″/Al interface in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Cooil, Simon Phillip;
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Mazzola, Federico;
Jorge, Marina;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Edmonds, M T.
Thermal migration of alloying agents in aluminium.
Materials Research Express
Academic article
Undheim, Espen;
Ekstrøm, Kai Erik;
Arnberg, Lars;
Holmestad, Randi;
Di Sabatino, Marisa.
The effect of holding time on the size distribution of β-Si3N4 particles and nucleation undercooling in multicrystalline silicon.
Physica Status Solidi. C, Current topics in solid state physics
Academic article
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Røyset, Jostein;
Reiso, Oddvin;
Holmestad, Randi.
TEM and HAADF-STEM investigations on the effect of Cu and Ge additions on precipitation in 6xxx Al alloys.
Microscopy and Analysis
Academic article
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Assessing electron beam sensitivity for SrTiO3 and La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 using electron energy loss spectroscopy.
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi.
Accurately measured precipitate–matrix misfit in an Al–Mg–Si alloy by electron microscopy.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Chrominski, Witold;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi;
Lewandowska, Malgorzata.
Strengthening mechanisms in ultrafine grained Al-Mg-Si alloy processed by hydrostatic extrusion – Influence of ageing temperature.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Friis, Jesper;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Precipitation in a mixed Al-Cu-Mg/Al-Zn-Mg alloy system.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Bolstad, Torstein;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Longo, Paulo.
Effect of polar (111)-oriented SrTiO3 on initial perovskite growth.
Crystal Growth & Design
Academic article
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Longo, Paulo;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi.
Elemental electron energy loss mapping of a precipitate in a multi-component aluminium alloy.
Academic article
Mihara, Mami;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmestad, Randi;
Kobayashi, Equo;
Sato, Tatsuo.
Precipitation in an Al-Mg-Cu alloy and the effect of a low amount of Ag.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Balci, Mustafa H.;
Aas, Lars Martin Sandvik;
Kildemo, Morten;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Holmestad, Randi;
Lindgren, Mikael.
White light emitting silicon nano-crystals-polymeric hybrid films prepared by single batch solution based method.
Thin Solid Films
Academic article
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Røyset, Jostein;
Reiso, Oddvin;
Holmestad, Randi.
The effect of Cu and Ge additions on strength and precipitation in a lean 6xxx aluminium alloy.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Nishimura, Katsuhiko;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Komaki, R.;
Nunomra, Norio;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi.
Solute-vacancy clustering in Al-Mg-Si alloys studied by muon spin relaxation technique.
Archives of Metallurgy and Materials
Academic article
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Røyset, Jostein;
Reiso, Oddvin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Effects of Germanium, Copper, and Silver Substitutions on Hardness and Microstructure in Lean Al-Mg-Si Alloys.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Christiansen, Emil;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Structural investigation of epitaxial LaFeO_3 thin films on (111) oriented SrTiO_3 by transmission electron microscopy.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Friis, Jesper;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmestad, Randi.
Structural modifications and electron beam damage in aluminium alloy precipitate θ'-Al2Cu.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Moreau, Magnus;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Selbach, Sverre Magnus;
Holmestad, Randi.
Structural phases driven by oxygen vacancies at the La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3 hetero-interface.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Muggerud, Astrid Marie Flattum;
Walmsley, John;
Holmestad, Randi;
Li, Yanjun.
Combining HAADF STEM tomography and electron diffraction for studies of α-Al(Fe,Mn)Si dispersoids in 3xxx aluminium alloys.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Ervik, Martin;
Holmestad, Randi.
A hybrid aluminium alloy and its zoo of interacting nano-precipitates.
Materials Characterization
Academic article
Holmestad, Randi.
Down to the atom, alloys by design.
International innovations
Popular scientific article
Muggerud, Astrid Marie Flattum;
Li, Yanjun;
Holmestad, Randi.
Orientation studies of á-Al(Fe,Mn)Si dispersoids in 6xxx Al alloys.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Nishimura, Katsuhiko;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Komaki, R;
Nunomura, Norio;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi.
µSR study of Al-0.67%Mg-0.77%Si alloys.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Holmestad, Randi.
Aberration-corrected HAADF-STEM investigations of precipitate structures in Al-Mg-Si alloys with low Cu additions.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Ninive, Per Harald;
Strandlie, Are;
Gulbrandsen-Dahl, Sverre;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle.
Detailed atomistic insight into the β″ phase in Al–Mg–Si alloys.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Røyset, Jostein;
Holmestad, Randi.
Effect of low Cu addition and thermo-mechanical history on precipitation in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Osmundsen, Elisa;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Røyset, Jostein.
The Effect of Zn on precipitation in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Røyset, Jostein;
Reiso, Oddvin;
Gulbrandsen-Dahl, Sverre;
Nicolaisen, Tor-Erik.
Improving thermal stability in Cu-containing Al-Mg-Si alloys by precipitate optimization.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Boothroyd, Chris.
Phase stabilization principle and precipitate-host lattice influences for Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy precipitates.
Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Ramasse, Quentin;
Kepaptsoglou, Despoina Maria;
Hage, Fredrik Sydow.
Atomic-resolution elemental mapping of precipitates in a 7449 aluminium alloy.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Hernandez-Maldonado, D;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Marioara, Calin Daniel.
HAADF-STEM and DFT investigations of the Zn-containing β'' phase in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Muggerud, Astrid Marie Flattum;
Li, Yanjun;
Holmestad, Randi;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle.
Mackay icosahedron explaining orientation relationship of dispersoids in aluminium alloys.
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science
Academic article
Liu, M;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi;
Banhart, John.
Ageing characteristics of Al-Mg-(Ge,Si)-Cu alloys.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Holmestad, Randi.
Structural investigation of precipitates with Cu and Zn atomic columns in Al-Mg-Si alloys by aberration-corrected HAADF-STEM.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Nishimura, Katsuhiko;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Matsuzaki, Teiichiro;
Tomono, Dai;
Pratt, Francis L..
Clustering and Vacancy Behavior in High- and Low-Solute Al-Mg-Si Alloys.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Ramasse, Quentin;
Kepaptsoglou, Despoina Maria;
Hage, Fredrik Sydow;
Holmestad, Randi.
Atomic-resolution electron energy loss studies of precipitates in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu-Ag alloy.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Arivazhagan, V;
Parvathi, Manonmani;
Rajesh, S;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Holmestad, Randi.
Quantum confinement of PbSe nanocrystals embedded in a spacer ZnSe matrix for solar cell applications.
Solar Energy
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Røyset, Jostein;
Holmestad, Randi.
Influence of low Cu addition on quench sensitivity in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Advanced Materials Research
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Røyset, Jostein;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Holmestad, Randi.
The effects of quench rate and pre-deformation on precipitation hardening in Al–Mg–Si alloys with different Cu amounts.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Westermann, Ida;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Pedersen, Ketill Olav;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Røyset, Jostein.
The effect of elastic straining on a 6060 Aluminium alloy during natural or artificial ageing.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Dumoulin, Stephane;
Holmestad, Randi.
3D modelling of β'' in Al-Mg-Si: towards an atomistic level ab initio based examination of a full precipitate enclosed in a host lattice.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Dumoulin, Stephane;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Holmestad, Randi.
Interfacial and strain energy analysis from ab initio based hierarchical multi-scale modelling: the Al–Mg–Si alloy β'' phase.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Muggerud, Astrid Marie F;
Li, Yanjun;
Holmestad, Randi.
Composition and orientation relationships of constituent particles in 3xxx aluminum alloys.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Dumoulin, Stephane;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Holmestad, Randi.
Interface energy determination for the fully coherent β'' phase in Al-Mg-Si: making a case for a first principles based hybrid atomistic modelling scheme.
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
BALCI, Mustafa H.;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Maria, Jerome;
Lindgren, Mikael;
Holmestad, Randi;
Grande, Tor.
Solution based synthesis of simple fcc Si nano-crystals under ambient conditions.
Dalton Transactions
Academic article
Saito, Takeshi;
Muraishi, Shinji;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Jostein, Røyset;
Holmestad, Randi.
The Effects of Low Cu Additions and Predeformation on the Precipitation in a 6060 Al-Mg-Si Alloy.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Mathieu, Roland;
Grepstad, Jostein;
Holmestad, Randi.
In-plane structural order of domain engineered La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Muggerud, Astrid Marie F;
Mørtsell, Eva Anne;
Li, Yanjun;
Holmestad, Randi.
Dispersoid strengthening in AA3xxx alloys with varying Mn and Si content during annealing at low temperatures,.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmestad, Randi.
How calcium prevents precipitation hardening in Al–Mg–Si alloys.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Nishimura, Katsuhiko;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Matsuzaki, Teiichiro;
Tomono, Dai;
Pratt, Francis L..
Muon kinetics in heat treated Al (–Mg)(–Si) alloys.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Hallsteinsen, Ingrid;
Boschker, Jos Emiel;
Nord, Magnus Kristofer;
Lee, S;
Rzchowski, M;
Vullum, Per Erik.
Surface stability of epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films on (111)-oriented SrTiO3.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Kim, JaeHwang;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Holmestad, Randi;
Kobayashi, Equo;
Sato, Tatsuo.
Effects of Cu and Ag additions on age-hardening behavior during multi-step aging in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Materials Science & Engineering: A
Academic article
Arivazhagan, V;
Parvathi, Manonmani;
Rajesh, S;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Holmestad, Randi.
Quantum confinement in two dimensional layers of PbSe/ZnSe multiple quantum well structures.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Bjørge, Ruben;
Holmestad, Randi.
Precipitation in an Al-Mg-Si-Ge-Cu Alloy.
Imaging and Microscopy
Academic literature review
Wenner, Sigurd;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Nishimura, Katsuhiko;
Matsuzaki, Teiichiro;
Tomono, Dai;
Pratt, Francis L..
μSR experiments on Al–Mg–Si alloys.
RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report
Short communication
Pitt, Mark;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Sørby, Magnus Helgerud;
Emerich, H.;
Paskevicius, M.;
Buckley, C. E..
Crystalline Al1-xTix phases in the hydrogen cycled NaAlH4+0.02TiCl(3) system.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Holmestad, Randi.
Ab initio based interface modeling for fully coherent precipitates of arbitrary size in Al alloys.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Pitt, Mark;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Sørby, Magnus Helgerud;
Sulic, M.P.;
Emerich, H.;
Paskevicius, Mark.
Functionality of the nanoscopic crystalline Al/amorphous Al50Ti50 surface embedded composite observed in the NaAlH4 + xTiCl(3) system after milling.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Pitt, Mark;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Sørby, Magnus Helgerud;
Blanchard, Didier;
Sulic, M.P.;
Emerich, H..
The location of Ti containing phases after the completion of the NaAlH4 + xTiCl(3) milling process.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Pitt, Mark;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Sørby, Magnus Helgerud;
Emerich, H.;
Paskevicius, Mark;
Buckley, Craig E..
Amorphous Al1-xTix, Al1-xVx, and Al1-xFex phases in the hydrogen cycled TiCl3, VCl3 and FeCl3 enhanced NaAlH4 systems.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Weigand, Christian Carl;
Tveit, Johannes;
Ladam, Cecile;
Holmestad, Randi;
Grepstad, Jostein;
Weman, Helge.
Epitaxial relationships of ZnO nanostructures grown by Au-assisted pulsed laser deposition on c- and a-plane sapphire.
Journal of Crystal Growth
Academic article
Bjørge, Ruben;
Dwyer, Christian;
Weyland, Matthew;
Nakashima, Philip N.H.;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle.
Aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy study of beta '-like precipitates in an Al-Mg-Ge alloy.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Kauko, Hanne;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Holmestad, Randi;
Van Helvoort, Antonius.
Quantitative HAADF-STEM on heterostructured GaAs nanwires.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Holmestad, Randi;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Torsæter, Malin;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle.
Characterization and structure of precipitates in 6xxx Aluminium Alloys.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Nishimura, K.;
Matsuzaki, T;
Tomono, D.
Probing defects in Al-Mg-Si alloys using muon spin relaxation.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Wenner, Sigurd;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmestad, Randi.
Effect of room temperature storage time on precipitation in Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) alloys with different Mg/Si ratios.
International Journal of Materials Research - Zeitschrift für Metallkunde
Academic article
Bjørge, Ruben;
Dwyer, Christian;
Weyland, Matthew;
Nakashima, Philip N.H.;
Etheridge, Joanne;
Holmestad, Randi.
Quantitative HAADF STEM study of β-like precipitates in an Al-Mg-Ge alloy.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Torsæter, Malin;
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmestad, Randi.
Applying precipitate–host lattice coherency for compositional determination of precipitates in Al–Mg–Si–Cu alloys.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Pitt, Mark;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Sørby, Magnus Helgerud;
Emerich, Herman;
Paskevicius, Mark;
Webb, Colin J..
Hydrogen absorption kinetics and structural features of NaAlH4 enhanced with transition-metal and Ti-based nanoparticles.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Academic article
Martinsen, Fredrik A;
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Torsæter, Malin;
Holmestad, Randi.
Reversal of the negative natural aging effect in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Pitt, Mark;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Sørby, Magnus Helgerud;
Emerich, Hermann;
Paskevicius, Mark;
Buckley, Craig E..
Hydrogen Absorption Kinetics of the Transition-Metal-Chloride-Enhanced NaAlH4 System.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Academic article
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Nakamura, J;
Matsuda, K.;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Holmestad, Randi;
Sato, T..
HAADF-STEM study of beta '-type precipitates in an over-aged Al-Mg-Si-Ag alloy.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Pitt, Mark;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Sørby, Magnus Helgerud;
Emerich, Hermann;
Paskevicius, M.;
Buckley, C. E..
A structural review of nanoscopic Al1-xTMx phase formation in the TMCln enhanced NaAlH4 system.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Sunde, Tor Olav Løveng;
Garskaite, Edita;
Otter, Benjamin;
Fossheim, Helle Ervik;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Holmestad, Randi.
Transparent and conducting ITO thin films by spin coating of an aqueous precursor solution.
Journal of Materials Chemistry
Academic article
Bjørge, Ruben;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Etheridge, Joanne;
Holmestad, Randi.
Scanning transmission electron microscopy investigation of an Al-Mg-Si-Ge-Cu alloy.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Vullum, Per Erik;
Pitt, Mark P.;
Walmsley, John C.;
Hauback, Bjørn C.;
Holmestad, Randi.
TEM characterization of pure and transition metal enhanced NaAlH4.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Eberg, Espen;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Takahashi, Ryota;
Gass, Mhairi;
Mendis, Budhika;
Bleloch, Andrew.
Electron energy loss spectroscopy investigation of Pb and Ti hybridization with O at the PbTiO3/SrTiO3 interface.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Nagayoshi, H;
Nordmark, Heidi;
Nishimura, S;
Terashima, K;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Walmsley, John.
Vapor-solid-solid Si nano-whiskers growth using pure hydrogen as the source gas.
Thin Solid Films
Academic article
Torsæter, Malin;
LeFebvre, William;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Walmsley, John;
Holmestad, Randi.
Study of intergrown L and Q ' precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Madaro, Francesco;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Tolchard, Julian R;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann;
Holmestad, Randi;
Grande, Tor.
Molten salt synthesis of K4Nb6O17, K2Nb4O11 and KNb3O8 crystals with needle- or plate-like morphology.
Academic article
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Flage-Larsen, Espen;
Friis, Jesper;
Løvvik, Ole Martin;
Pacaud, Jerome;
Marthinsen, Knut.
Experimental and theoretical study of electron density and structure factors in CoSb3.
Academic article
Teichmann, Katharina;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Pedersen, Ketill Olav;
Gulbrandsen-Dahl, Sverre;
Kolar, Michal.
HRTEM study of the effect of deformation on the early precipitation behaviour in an AA6060 Al-Mg-Si alloy.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Matsuda, Kenji;
Nakamura, Junya;
Kawabata, T;
Ikeno, Susum;
Sato, Tatsuo;
Marioara, Calin Daniel.
Effect of Additional Elements (Cu, Ag) on Precipitation in 6xxx (Al-Mg-Si) Alloys.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Nordmark, Heidi;
Ulyashin, Alexander;
Walmsley, John;
Holmestad, Randi.
H-initiated extended defects from plasma treatment: Comparison between c-Si and mc-Si.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Weigand, Christian Carl;
Bergren, M.R.;
Ladam, Cecile;
Tveit, Johannes;
Holmestad, Randi;
Vullum, Per Erik.
Formation of ZnO Nanosheets Grown by Catalyst-Assisted Pulsed Laser Deposition.
Crystal Growth & Design
Academic article
Bjørge, Ruben;
Nakashima, Philip N.H.;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Muddle, Barry C.;
Etheridge, Joanne.
Precipitates in an Al-Mg-Ge alloy studied by aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Rørvik, Per Martin Ljønes;
You, Chang Chuan;
Holmestad, Randi;
Tybell, Thomas;
Grande, Tor.
Polarization control in ferroelectric PbTiO3 nanorods.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Ehlers, Flemming;
Holmestad, Randi.
Direct Approach to Atomistic Ab Initio Studies of Precipitate Growth in Alloys.
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings
Academic article
Torsæter, Malin;
Hasting, Håkon Stokka;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Walmsley, John;
Andersen, S. J..
The influence of composition and natural aging on clustering during preaging in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Bjørge, Ruben;
Marioara, Calin D;
Andersen, Sigmund J;
Holmestad, Randi.
Precipitation in Two Al-Mg-Ge Alloys.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Andersen, Sigmund J;
Marioara, CD;
Vissers, Rene;
Torsæter, Malin;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Ehlers, Flemming.
The dual nature of precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Materials Science Forum
Academic article
Zhou, Dayong;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Sharma, Gaurav;
Thomassen, Sedsel Fretheim;
Holmestad, Randi;
Reenaas, Turid Worren.
Positioning effects on quantum dot solar cells grown by molecular beam epitaxy.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Stange, Marit;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Walmsley, John C.
Surface characterization of Pd/Ag23 wt% membranes after different thermal treatments.
Applied Surface Science
Academic article
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Selbach, Sverre Magnus;
Ravindran, Ponniah;
Grande, Tor;
Holmestad, Randi.
Electronic structure of multiferroic BiFeO3 and related compounds: Electron energy loss spectroscopy and density functional study.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Mauroy, Henrik;
Walmsley, John;
Deledda, Stefano;
Holmestad, Randi;
Hauback, Bjørn.
The effects of ball milling intensity on morphology of multiwall carbon nanotubes.
Scripta Materialia
Academic article
Bjørge, Ruben;
Marioara, Calin D;
Andersen, Sigmund J;
Holmestad, Randi.
Germanium network connecting precipitates in an Mg-rich Al-Mg-Ge alloy.
Journal of Electron Microscopy
Academic article
Nordmark, Heidi;
Nagayoshi, H;
Matsumoto, N;
Nishimura, S;
Terashima, K;
Marioara, CD.
Si substrates texturing and vapor-solid-solid Si nanowhiskers growth using pure hydrogen as source gas.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Vullum, Per Erik;
Pitt, M;
Walmsley, John C;
Hauback, Bjørn-Christian;
Holmestad, Randi.
Observations of nanoscopic, face centered cubic Ti and TiH (x).
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing
Academic article
Peters, TA;
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Stange, M;
Walmsley, JC;
Holmestad, Randi.
Thin Pd-23%Ag/stainless steel composite membranes: Long-term stability, life-time estimation and post-process characterisation.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Hasting, Håkon Stokka;
Frøseth, Anders Gudmund;
Andersen, Sigmund J;
Vissers, Rene;
Walmsley, John C;
Marioara, Calin D.
Composition of beta'' precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys by atom probe tomography and first principles calculations.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Walmsley, John C;
Stange, M;
Ramachandran, Amutha;
Mathiesen, Ragnvald.
Microstructural studies of self-supported (1.5-10 mu m) Pd/23 wt% Ag hydrogen separation membranes subjected to different heat treatments.
Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Flage-Larsen, E.;
Prytz, Ø.;
Prytz, Øystein;
Taftø, J.;
Taftø, Johan.
Electron energy loss spectroscopy of the L2,3 edge of phosphorus skutterudites and electronic structure calculations.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Stange, Marit;
Walmsley, John C;
Holmestad, Randi;
Bredesen, Rune.
Effects of thermal activation on hydrogen permeation properties of thin, self-supported Pd/Ag membranes.
Separation and Purification Technology
Academic article
Mokkelbost, Tommy;
Lein, Hilde Lea;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Holmestad, Randi;
Grande, Tor;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann.
Thermal and mechanical properties of LaNbO4-based ceramics.
Ceramics International
Academic article
Nordmark, Heidi;
Holmestad, Randi;
Walmsley, JC;
Ulyashin, A.
Transmission electron microscopy study of hydrogen defect formation at extended defects in hydrogen plasma treated multicrystalline silicon.
Journal of Applied Physics
Academic article
Binetti, S;
Libal, J;
Acciarri, M;
Di Sabatino, Marisa;
Nordmark, Heidi;
Øvrelid, E. J..
Study of defects and impurities in multicrystalline silicon grown from metallurgical silicon feedstock.
Materials Science & Engineering: B. Solid-state Materials for Advanced Technology
Academic article
Vullum, Per Erik;
Pitt, Mark;
Walmsley, John C;
Hauback, Bjørn;
Holmestad, Randi.
Transmission electron microscopy characterization of NaAlH4.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Arstad, Bjørnar;
Klette, Hallgeir;
Walmsley, John C;
Bredesen, Rune;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen.
Microstructural characterization of self-supported 1.6µm Pd/Ag membranes.
Journal of Membrane Science
Academic article
Rørvik, Per Martin;
Almli, Åsmund;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Holmestad, Randi;
Tybell, Thomas;
Grande, Tor.
PbTiO3 nanorod arrays grown by self-assembly of nanocrystals.
Academic article
Rørvik, Per Martin;
Lyngdal, Tone;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Holmestad, Randi;
Grande, Tor.
Influence of volatile chlorides on the molten salt synthesis of ternary oxide nanorods and nanoparticles.
Inorganic Chemistry
Academic article
Eberg, Espen;
Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad;
Tybell, Thomas;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Holmestad, Randi.
Comparison of TEM specimen preparation of perovskite thin films by tripod polishing and conventional ion milling.
Journal of Electron Microscopy
Academic article
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Wang, Guozhong;
Rørvik, Per Martin;
Tanem, Bjørn Steiner;
Grande, Tor.
Detailed TEM characterisation of PbTiO3 nanorods.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Nagayoshi, H;
Nordmark, Heidi;
Holmestad, Randi;
Matsumoto, N;
Nishimura, S;
Tersahima, K.
Silicon Whisker Growth Using Hot Filament Reactor with Hydrogen as Source Gas.
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP)
Academic article
Marioara, C.D.;
Andersen, S.J.;
Birkeland, Asgeir;
Holmestad, Randi.
Orientation of silicon particles in a binary Al–Si alloy.
Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Pitt, Mark;
Vullum, Per Erik;
sørby, M.H.;
sulic, M.P.;
Jensen, CM;
Walmsley, John C.
Structural properties of the nanoscopic Al85Ti15 solid solution observed in the hydrogen-cycled NaAlH4 + 0.1TiCl3 system.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Vullum, Per Erik;
Lein, Hilde Lea;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann;
Grande, Tor;
Holmestad, Randi.
TEM observations of rhombohedral and monoclinic domains in LaCoO3-based ceramics.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Nordmark, Heidi;
Ulyashin, Alexander;
Walmsley, John C;
Holt, Arve;
Holmestad, Randi.
The temperature evolution of the hydrogen plasma induced structural defects in crystalline silicon.
Solid State Phenomena
Academic article
Nordmark, Heidi;
Ulyashin, Alexander;
Walmsley, John C;
Holmestad, Randi.
A comparative analysis of structural defect formation in Si+ implanted and then plasma hydrogenated and in H+ implanted crystalline silicon.
Solid State Phenomena
Academic article
Sandberg, Nils;
Slabanja, M;
Holmestad, Randi.
Ab initio simulations of clustering and precipitation in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Computational Materials Science
Academic article
Wang, Guozhong;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Rørvik, Per Martin;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Holmestad, Randi;
Grande, Tor.
Self-assembled growth of PbTiO3 nanoparticles into microspheres and bur-like structures.
Chemistry of Materials
Academic article
Vullum, Per Erik;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Holmestad, Randi;
Mastin, Johann Roland M;
Andersen, Øystein Skottun;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann.
Grain boundary analysis and secondary phases in LaCoO3-based perovskites.
Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Marioara, CD;
Andersen, Sigmund;
Stene, Tore;
Hasting, Håkon Stokka;
Walmsley, John C;
Van Helvoort, Antonius.
The effect of Cu on precipitation in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Hasting, Håkon Stokka;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Marioara, Calin D;
Walmsley, John C;
Andersen, Sigmund;
Holmestad, Randi.
Comparative study of the beta ''-phase in a 6xxx Al alloy by 3DAP and HRTEM.
Surface and Interface Analysis
Academic article
Wang, Guozhong;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Rørvik, Per Martin;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Holmestad, Randi;
Grande, Tor.
Hierarchical nanostructures of PbTiO3 through mesocrystal formation.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
Academic article
Vullum, Per Erik;
Holmestad, Randi;
Lein, Hilde Lea;
Mastin, Johann Roland M;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann;
Grande, Tor.
Monoclinic ferroelastic domains in LaCoO3-based perovskites.
Advanced Materials
Academic article
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Tanem, Bjørn Steiner;
Holmestad, Randi.
Annular bright and dark field imaging of soft materials.
Institute of Physics Conference Series
Academic article
Hasting, Håkon Stokka;
Walmsley, John C;
Marioara, Calin D;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Holmestad, Randi;
Danoix, Frederic.
Characterisation of early precipitation stages in 6xxx series aluminium alloys.
Institute of Physics Conference Series
Academic article
Hasting, Håkon Stokka;
Walmsley, John;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Marioara, Calin D;
Andersen, Sigmund;
Holmestad, Randi.
Z-contrast imaging of the arrangement of Cu-precipitates in 6xxx-series aluminium alloys.
Philosophical Magazine Letters
Academic article
Arstad, Bjørnar;
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Klette, Hallgeir;
Walmsley, John;
Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen;
Holmestad, Randi.
Studies of self-supported 1,6 μm Pd/23 wt.% Ag membranes during and after hydrogen production in a catalytic membrane reactor.
Catalysis Today
Academic article
Vullum, Per Erik;
Mastin, Johann Roland M;
Wright, J;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann;
Holmestad, Randi;
Grande, Tor.
In situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction of ferroelastic La0.8Ca0.2CoO3 ceramics during uniaxial compression.
Acta Materialia
Academic article
Sandberg, N;
Holmestad, Randi.
First-principles calculations of impurity diffusion activation energies in Al.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Marioara, CD;
Nordmark, Heidi;
Andersen, Sigmund;
Holmestad, Randi.
Post-beta '' phases and their influence on microstructure and hardness in 6xxx Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Journal of Materials Science
Academic article
Nordmark, Heidi;
Ulyashin, Alexander;
Ulyashin, Alexander;
Walmsley, John C;
Tøtdal, Bård;
Totdal, Bard.
Evolution of hydrogen induced defects during annealing of plasma treated Czochralski silicon.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Reseach B
Academic article
Lein, Hilde Lea;
Andersen, Øystein Skottun;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Lara-Curzio, E;
Holmestad, Randi;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann.
Mechanical properties of mixed conducting La0.5Sr0.5Fe1-xCoxO3-delta (0 <= x <= 1) materials.
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry
Academic article
Andrei, Carmen;
Walmsley, John;
Brinks, HW;
Holmestad, Randi;
Srinivasan, SS;
Jensen, CM.
Electron-microscopy studies of NaAlH4 with TiF3 additive: hydrogen-cycling effects.
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing
Academic article
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Dahl, Øystein;
Soleim, Bjørn Gunnar;
Holmestad, Randi;
Tybell, Thomas.
Imaging of out-of-plane interfacial strain in epitaxial PbTiO3/SrTiO3 thin films.
Applied Physics Letters
Academic article
Friis, Jesper;
Jiang, Bin;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Holmestad, Randi.
A study of charge density in copper.
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography
Academic article
Marioara, Calin D;
Andersen, S.J.;
Zandbergen, HW;
Holmestad, Randi.
The influence of alloy composition on precipitates of the Al-Mg-Si system.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Academic article
Faaland, Sonia;
Grande, Tor;
Einarsrud, Mari-Ann;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Holmestad, Randi.
Stress-strain behavior during compression of polycrystalline La1-xCaCoO3 ceramics.
Journal of The American Ceramic Society
Academic article
Andrei, Carmen;
Walmsley, John;
Brinks, Hendrik;
Holmestad, Randi;
Blanchard, D;
Hauback, Bjørn C..
Analytical electron microscopy studies of lithium aluminum hydrides with Ti- and V-based additives.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Academic article
Andrei, Carmen;
Walmsley, John Charles;
Blanchard, D;
Brinks, Hendrik;
Holmestad, Randi;
Hauback, Bjørn C..
Electron microscopy studies of lithium aluminium hydrides.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Wærnhus, Ivar;
Vullum, Per Erik;
Holmestad, Randi;
Grande, Tor;
Wiik, Kjell.
Electronic properties of polycrystalline LaFeO3. Part I: Experimental results and the qualitative role of Schottky defects.
Solid State Ionics
Academic article
Friis, Jesper;
Jiang, Bin;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Holmestad, Randi.
QCBED measurements in strontium titanate.
Proceedings / European Microscopy Congress
Academic article
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Knowles, KM;
Holmestad, Randi.
Compositional characterisation of electrostatic bonds.
Institute of Physics Conference Series
Academic article
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Knowles, KM;
Holmestad, Randi;
Fernie, JA.
Anodic oxidation during electrostatic bonding.
Philosophical Magazine
Academic article
Friis, Jesper;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Holmestad, Randi.
Retrieval of anisotropic displacement parameters in Mg from convergent beam electron diffraction experiments.
Institute of Physics Conference Series
Academic article
Jiang, B;
Friis, Jesper;
Holmestad, Randi;
Zuo, JM;
O'keeffe, Michael;
Spence, JCH.
Electron density and implication for bonding in Cu.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Friis, Jesper;
Jiang, Bin;
Spence, John C. H.;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Holmestad, Randi.
Extinction-free electron diffraction refinement of bonding in SrTiO3.
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography
Academic article
Friis, Jesper;
Madsen, Georg;
Larsen, Finn krebs;
Jiang, Bin;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Holmestad, Randi.
Magnesium: Comparison of density functional theory calculations with electron and x-ray diffraction experiments.
Journal of Chemical Physics
Academic article
Friis, Jesper;
Jiang, Bin;
Spence, John C. H.;
Holmestad, Randi.
Quantitative Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction Measurements of Low-Order Structure Factors in Copper.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Andrei, Carmen;
Yu, Yingda;
Walmsley, John;
Brinks, Hendrik;
Hauback, Bjørn;
Holmestad, Randi.
Electron microscopy studies of TbNiAl compound processed by the HDDR route.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Academic article
Friis, Jesper;
Jiang, Bin;
Spence, John;
Holmestad, Randi.
Quantitative Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction Measurements of Low-Order Structure Factors in Copper.
Microscopy and Microanalysis
Academic article
Frøseth, Anders Gudmund;
Holmestad, Randi;
Derlet, Peter;
Marthinsen, Knut.
Improved tight binding parametrization for the simulation of stacking faults in Aluminium.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Høier, Rangvald;
Birkeland, Christophe;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marthinsen, Knut.
Three-phase structure invariants and structure factors determined with the quantitative convergent-beam electron diffraction method.
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations of Crystallography
Academic article
Holmestad, Randi;
Birkeland, Christophe;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Høier, Rangvald;
Zuo, Jian Min.
Use of quantitative convergent-beam electron diffraction in materials science.
Microscopy research and technique (Print)
Academic article
Derlet, Peter;
Høier, Rangvald;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Ryum, Nils.
The embedded-atom model applied to vacancy formation in bulk aluminium and lithium.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Academic article
Birkeland, Christophe;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Høier, Rangvald.
Use of supercomputers in quantitative electron diffraction.
Journal of Scientific Computing
Academic article
Birkeland, Christophe;
Holmestad, Randi.
Charge-density determination in TiAl-Cr and TiAl-V using quantitative convergent beam electron diffraction.
Philosophical magazine. A. Physics of condensed matter. Defects and mechanical properties
Academic article
Lie, Knut;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Høier, Rangvald.
Experimental and theoretical investigations of EELS near-edge fine structure in TiAl with and without ternary addition of V, Cr, or Mn.
Physical Review B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Academic article
Birkeland, Christophe R.;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marthinsen, Knut;
Høier, Rangvald.
Efficient beam-selection criteria in quantitative convergent beam electron diffraction.
Academic article
Part of book/report
Gazizov, Marat;
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi;
Kaibyshev, Rustam.
Effect of thermomechanical processing on microstructure and mechanical properties in an Al-Cu-Mg-Si alloy.
Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Sigmund Jarle;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Friis, Jesper;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Du, Qiang;
Ringdalen, Inga Gudem.
Directionality and Column Arrangement Principles of Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-(Cu) and Al-Mg-Cu Linked to Line Defect in Al.
Trans Tech Publications
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Marioara, CD;
Andersen, Sigmund J.;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Holmestad, Randi.
Si/Ge network connecting precipitates in Al-Mg-Si/Ge-Cu(-Ag) alloys.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nakamura, Junya;
Matsuda, Kenji;
Sato, Tatsuo;
Marioara, CD;
Andersen, Sigmund J.;
Holmestad, Randi.
Effect of Silver addition on crystal structure for beta' phase in Al-Mg-Si alloy.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Holmestad, Jon;
Marioara, C.D.;
Andersen, Sigmund J.;
Holmestad, Randi.
Microstructure of Two Overaged Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloys.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Sigmund J;
Marioara, CD;
Holmestad, Randi.
Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys. Relations to Zintl-phases and polar intermetallics.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Holmestad, Jon;
Marioara, CD;
Andersen, Sigmund J.;
Holmestad, Randi.
The effect of Ag on Hardness and Microstructure during Overageing of Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloys.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Torsæter, Malin;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Marioara, CD;
Andersen, Sigmund J.;
Walmsley, John;
Holmestad, Randi.
The study of clustering in Al-based alloys by APT.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, S.J.;
Marioara, C.D.;
Torsæter, Malin;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Holmestad, Randi.
Behind Structure and Relation of Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si and Related Alloys.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Holmestad, Randi;
Marioara, C.D.;
Ehlers, Flemming J H;
Torsæter, Malin;
Bjørge, Ruben;
Røyset, Jostein.
Precipitation in 6xxx Aluminium Alloys.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Torsæter, Malin;
Lefebvre, Williams;
Andersen, S.J.;
Marioara, C.D.;
Walmsley, JC;
Holmestad, Randi.
Clustering Behaviour in Al-Mg-Si Alloys Investigated by APT.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Prytz, Øystein;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Holmestad, Randi;
Taftø, Johan.
Investigations of bonding in skutterudites by electron energy loss spectroscopy.
Materials Research Society
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Torsæter, Malin;
Vissers, Rene;
Marioara, Calin D;
Andersen, Sigmund J;
Holmestad, Randi.
Simulation and Modelling: Crystal Structure Determination of the Q' and C-type Plate Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-Cu (6xxx) Alloys.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vissers, Rene;
Marioara, Calin D;
Andersen, Sigmund J;
Holmestad, Randi.
Process, Mechanical and Heat Treatment Modelling: Crystal Structure determination of the B' phase in Al-Mg-Si Alloys by combining Quantitative Electron diffraction and ab initio Calculations.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andersen, Sigmund J;
Marioara, Calin D;
Vissers, Rene;
Holmestad, Randi.
Effect of Defects: Atomic Structure of precipitates in AlMgSi(Cu) Insights into precipitation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Marioara, Calin D;
Andersen, Sigmund J;
Stene, Tore;
Hasting, Håkon Stokka;
Walmsley, John C;
Van Helvoort, Antonius.
Microstructure: The influence of Cu on Hardness and Microstructure in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Venvik, Hilde Johnsen;
Mejdell, Astrid Lervik;
Aardal, Brynjar Fausk;
Klette, Hallgeir;
Arstad, Bjørnar;
Bredesen, Rune.
Pd-based thin films in catalytic membrane reactor applications.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lysne, Hogne;
Reenaas, Turid Dory;
Sabatino, Marisa Di;
Holmestad, Randi.
Design and fabrication of (Cr + N) co-doped TiO2 films with a continuous compositional spread.
Doctoral dissertation
Thronsen, Elisabeth;
Holmestad, Randi;
Van Helvoort, Antonius;
Wenner, Sigurd;
Akola, Jaakko.
The effect of natural ageing on clustering and precipitation in heat-treatable aluminium alloys.
NTNU Grafisk Trykk
Doctoral dissertation
Lervik, Adrian;
Holmestad, Randi;
Walmsley, John C..
Microstructural Characterisation of Features Related to Grain Boundary Corrosion Phenomena in Aluminium Alloys.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2020:260)
Doctoral dissertation
Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marioara, Calin Daniel.
The Effect of Elevated Temperatures on Precipitation in Aluminium Alloys.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (229)
Doctoral dissertation
Christiansen, Emil;
Holmestad, Randi;
Hopperstad, Odd Sture;
Marioara, Calin Daniel.
Nanoscale Characterisation of Deformed Aluminium Alloys.
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (252)
Doctoral dissertation
Christiansen, Emil;
Tybell, Per Thomas Martin;
Holmestad, Randi.
TEM Characterization of LaFeO3 Thin Films on SrTiO3 (111) Substrates.
Masters thesis
Holmestad, Randi;
Reenaas, Turid Worren;
Seim, Eivind.
TEM characterization of Cr-doped ZnS Thin Films for Solar Cell applications.
Masters thesis
Holmestad, Randi;
Reenaas, Turid Worren;
Sæterli, Ragnhild;
Espen, Undheim.
Transmission electron microscopy characterization of quantum dot based intermediate band solar cells.
Masters thesis
Wenner, Sigurd;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marioara, Calin Daniel;
Røyset, Jostein.
Transmission electron microscopy and muon spin relaxation studies of precipitation in Al-Mg-Si alloys.
NTNU Trykk
Doctoral dissertation
Andrei, Carmen;
Holmestad, Randi;
Walmsley, John.
Electron Microscopy Studies of Materials Used for Hydrogen Storage.
Doctoral dissertation
Friis, Jesper;
Holmestad, Randi;
Marthinsen, Knut.
Quantitative Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction and Charge Density Studies.
Doctoral dissertation
Haugen, Randi Wenche;
Gautun, Hanna Sofie Holme;
Holmestad, Randi;
Christiansen, Emil;
Paso, Kristofer Gunnar.
NTNU Kveld: NANO – en reise inn i et usynlig univers.
NTNU Kveld: NANO – en reise inn i et usynlig univers
Other presentation
InterviewSørhaug, Jørgen Andre; Holmestad, Randi. (2025) Dette kan forbedre rekkevidden til elkjøretøy. Gemini.no Gemini.no [Newspaper] 2025-01-14
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Bergh, Tina; Sørhaug, Jørgen Andre; Hell, Christoph Martin; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Bjørge, Ruben. (2024) Advanced electron microscopy – SPED and HAADF-STEM – of age hardenable aluminium alloys. Belgrade academy of Science and Arts ELMINA24 , Belgrade 2024-09-09 - 2024-09-13
LectureHolmestad, Randi. (2024) Aluminium microstructure and alloy development by TEM – ongoing projects etc . Hydro Seminar Hydro Extrusions Finspång , Finspång 2024-10-16 - 2024-10-16
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Bergh, Tina; Sørhaug, Jørgen Andre; Hell, Christoph Martin; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Bjørge, Ruben. (2024) Advanced TEM studies of precipitation in aluminium alloys. AIT AUSTRIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GMBH Ranshofener Leichtmetalltage 2024 , Saalfelden 2024-09-26 - 2024-09-27
Academic lectureHell, Christoph Martin; Fröck, Hannes; Frafjord, Jonas; Broer, Jette; Bjørge, Ruben; Milkereit, Benjamin. (2024) Correlative DSC and (S)TEM analysis of GP-zone formation and precipitation in an Al-Mg-Si alloy. Georgia Tech ICAA19 - International conference on Aluminium alloys , Atlanta, GA 2024-06-23 - 2024-06-27
Academic lectureSørhaug, Jørgen Andre; Elkjær, Aksel Sean; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Bergh, Tina; Grong, Øystein; Vullum, Per Erik. (2024) Microstructural characterisation of Al/Cu joints welded using hybrid metal extrusion & bonding. Georgia Tech ICAA19 - International conference on Aluminium alloys , Atlanta, GA 2024-06-23 - 2024-06-27
Academic lectureBjørge, Ruben; Haugland, Tor Strømsem; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Wenner, Sigurd; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle. (2024) Structural Connections Between Al-Mg-Zn Alloy Phases and a Quasicrystalline Phase in an Al-Mg-Cu-Ag Alloy. Georgia Institute of Technology International Conference on Aluminum Alloys , Atlanta, Georgia, USA 2024-06-23 - 2024-06-27
Academic lectureSørhaug, Jørgen Andre; Elkjær, Aksel Sean; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Bergh, Tina; Grong, Øystein; Vullum, Per Erik. (2024) Characterisation of the microstructure in Al/Cu joints welded using hybrid metal extrusion & bonding . University of Toyama CAMRIC 2024 , Toyama, Japan 2024-11-20 - 2024-11-26
PosterRyggetangen, Oskar; Bjørge, Ruben; Wenner, Sigurd; Holmestad, Randi. (2024) Detection of quasicrystalline symmetries in electron diffraction data. EMC 2024 , København 2024-08-25 - 2024-08-30
Academic lectureBergh, Tina; Nordahl, Gregory; Holmestad, Randi; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Sørhaug, Jørgen Andre; Christiansen, Emil. (2024) Scanning precession electron diffraction (SPED) at NTNU. NordTEMhub+ARTEMI 3D ED workshop , Stockholm 2024-04-17 -
Academic lectureBergh, Tina; Wenner, Sigurd; Celotto, Ambra; Sørhaug, Jørgen Andre; Soland, Hedda Christine; Nordahl, Gregory. (2024) Electrons and ions –use cases like FIB-SEM tomography and TEM lamellae. Nordic Nanolab User Meeting (NNUM) 2024-05-03 - 2024-05-04
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Gunnæs, Anette Eleonora; Nord, Magnus; Hage, Fredrik Sydow; Hansen, Vidar Folke; Prytz, Øystein. (2024) Electron diffraction in physical science in Norway – past, present, and future . European Microscopy Society /SCANDEM EMC2024 (European Microscopy Conference) , Copenhagen 2024-08-25 - 2024-08-30
Academic lectureBergh, Tina; Sørhaug, Jørgen Andre; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Frøystein, Kristin; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Vullum, Per Erik. (2023) In situ heating and STEM studies of the evolution of precipitates in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy. INTPART Workshop , Tokyo Institute of Technology 2023-04-14 - 2023-04-15
Academic lectureBergh, Tina; Sørhaug, Jørgen Andre; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Frøystein, Kristin; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Vullum, Per Erik. (2023) Scanning transmission electron microscopy and in situ heating reveal the development of individual nanoscale precipitates in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy. EMAG MMC , Manchester 2023-07-04 - 2023-07-06
Academic lectureBergh, Tina; Sørhaug, Jørgen Andre; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Frøystein, Kristin; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Vullum, Per Erik. (2023) Studying the evolution of individual precipitates in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy by in situ heating and scanning precession electron diffraction. LightMAT , Trondheim 2023-06-21 - 2023-06-23
Academic lectureThronsen, Elisabeth; Bergh, Tina; Thorsen, Tor Inge; Christiansen, Emil; Frafjord, Jonas; Crout, Philip. (2023) Phase mapping of precipitates in Al alloys by 4D-STEM. NTNU / Tokyo Institute of Technology INTPART workshop , Tokyo Institute of Technology 2023-04-14 - 2023-04-15
Academic lectureThronsen, Elisabeth; Bergh, Tina; Sørhaug, Jørgen Andre; Frøystein, Kristin; Wenner, Sigurd; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer. (2023) Studying precipitation in aluminium alloys using 4D-STEM. Korean Society of Microscopy (KSM) and International Federation of Societies for Microscopy (IFSM) The 20th International Microscopy Congress (IMC20) , Busan 2023-09-10 - 2023-11-15
Academic lectureBergh, Tina; Holmestad, Randi; Christiansen, Emil; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Nordahl, Gregory; Nord, Magnus. (2023) Stepping and turning the electron beam and getting more out of the TEM data. NTNU Nano Norwegian Nano-symposium , Trondheim 2023-11-28 - 2023-11-29
PosterLudacka, Ursula; Konow, Inga; Jørgensen, Sindre Vie; Wenner, Sigurd; Bjørge, Ruben; Michels, Leander. (2023) From steel to silicon; A journey through TEM characterization of industrially relevant materials. NTNU Nano Norwegian Nano-symposium , Trondheim 2023-11-28 - 2023-11-29
PosterRyggetangen, Oskar; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Wenner, Sigurd; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Bjørge, Ruben; Holmestad, Randi. (2023) Advanced Electron Diffraction of Quasicrystalline Precipitates in Al Alloys. International Union of Crystallography IUCr 2023 - Twenty-Sixth Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography , Melbourne 2023-08-22 - 2023-08-29
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2023) Advanced TEM to study precipitation in (deformed) aluminium alloys. TU Graz THERMEC 2023 , Vienna, 2023-07-02 - 2023-07-07
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2023) Studying aluminium alloys with scanning precession electron diffraction . Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e.V. LightMat 2023 , Trondheim, 2023-06-21 - 2023-06-23
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2023) 4DSTEM used to study Precipitates in age-hardenable Aluminium Alloys. Uppsala University SCANDEM 2023 , Uppsala 2023-06-12 - 2023-06-15
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Kawahara, Yasuhito; Bergh, Tina; Sørhaug, Jørgen Andre; Hell, Christoph Martin. (2023) Nucleation and Phase Development of Precipitates in age-hardenable Aluminium Alloys studied by 4D-STEM. Microscopy Society America Microscopy and Analysis , Minneapolis 2023-07-23 - 2023-07-27
Academic lectureBergh, Tina; Holmestad, Randi; Christiansen, Emil; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Nordahl, Gregory; Nord, Magnus. (2023) Scanning Electron Diffraction: To Precess or not to Precess? . Microscopy Society America Microscopy and Analysis , Minneapolis 2023-07-23 - 2023-07-27
LectureHolmestad, Randi. (2023) SPED and applications of STEM/CBED. IUCr Electron Crystallography /Monash University IUCr Electron Crystallography School 2023 , Melbourne 2023-08-19 - 2023-08-21
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Wenner, Sigurd; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle. (2023) The L-phase precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys. IUCr IUCr -Twenty-Sixth Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography , Melbourne 2023-08-22 - 2023-08-29
PosterSørhaug, Jørgen Andre; Korsvold, Håkon; Grong, Øystein; Vullum, Per Erik; Holmestad, Randi. (2023) Multiscale study of a HYB welded Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy using electron backscattered diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. LightMAT , Trondheim 2023-06-21 - 2023-06-23
PosterSørhaug, Jørgen Andre; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Grong, Øystein; Vullum, Per Erik; Holmestad, Randi. (2023) Observation of Al-Cu interface instability in a HYB joint TEM sample during room temperature storage. Microscopy & microanalysis , Minneapolis 2023-07-23 - 2023-07-27
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2023) A short presentation about NTNU, SINTEF and what our group does…. Toyo Aluminium Visit to Toyo Aluminium , Osaka 2023-04-16 - 2023-04-16
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2023) SPED studies of precipitates in age hardenable Aluminium alloys. Prof Eiji Abe, Tokyo University Seminar at Tokyo University , Tokyo 2023-04-12 - 2023-04-12
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2023) Joining Aluminium and Copper . INTPART Workshop Tokyo Institute of Technology , Tokyo 2023-04-14 - 2023-04-15
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Wenner, Sigurd; Bergh, Tina; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle. (2023) The interesting L-phase precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys . Toyama University CAMRIC- FORUM9 , Toyama (online) 2023-09-13 - 2023-09-24
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2023) Crash course in TEM . Toyama University Global Engineering Lectures 2023 in Toyama University , Toyama (online) 2023-10-11 - 2023-11-20
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Bergh, Tina; Chatterjee, Dipanwita; Christiansen, Emil. (2022) Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction – experimental setup, data analysis and results obtained in Trondheim. Arizona State University Imaging, Diffraction and Crystallography - where John Spence’s Legacy Leads Us , Tempe, Arizona 2022-10-11 - 2022-10-13
Academic lectureThronsen, Elisabeth; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Wenner, Sigurd; Frafjord, Jonas; Friis, Jesper; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle. (2022) The evolution of precipitates in an Al-Zn-Mg alloy. Japan Institute of Light Metals (JILM) ICAA18 , Toyama, Japan 2022-09-04 - 2022-09-08
PosterCelotto, Ambra; Grong, Øystein; Holmestad, Randi; Sørhaug, Jørgen A; Vullum, Per Erik; Wan, Di. (2022) Unconventional use of Ga+ FIB and Xe+ Plasma-FIB for performing and investigating microscale cold-welding of dissimilar aluminium alloys. Research School TNNN 1st National Junior Scientist Research Conference in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology , Trondheim 2022-11-30 - 2022-12-02
PosterSørhaug, Jørgen Andre; Celotto, Ambra; Vullum, Per Erik; Holmestad, Randi. (2022) Scanning transmission electron microscopy investigations on an Al-Al joint interface made using FIB-assisted cold welding. TNNN Konferanse , Trondheim 2022-11-30 - 2022-12-02
Academic lectureThronsen, Elisabeth; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Wenner, Sigurd; Frafjord, Jonas; Friis, Jesper; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle. (2022) 4D-STEM used to study GPI zones in Al-Zn-Mg alloys. Japan Institute of Light metals ICAA18, International conference of aluminium alloys , Toyama 2022-09-04 - 2022-09-08
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2022) Crash course in TEM (with examples from microstructure and precipitates in Al alloys). Toyama University Global Engineering lectures , Toyama (online) 2022-11-02 - 2022-11-02
Academic lectureBergh, Tina; Fyhn, Hursanay; Sandnes, Lise; Blindheim, Jørgen; Grong, Øystein; Holmestad, Randi. (2022) Hybrid metal extrusion & bonding for multi-material welding of aluminium alloys to copper, steel, and titanium. ICAA 18 , Toyama 2022-09-04 - 2022-09-08
Academic lectureThronsen, Elisabeth; Bergh, Tina; Christiansen, Emil; Thorsen, Thor Inge; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi. (2022) Phase Mapping of Precipitates in Aluminium Alloys by SPED. Tampere University SCANDEM online conference , Finland 2022-06-20 - 2022-06-22
Academic lectureThronsen, Elisabeth; Bergh, Tina; Christiansen, Emil; Thorsen, Thor Inge; Crout, Phillip; Midgley, Paul A.. (2022) ANALYSIS OF PRECIPITATES IN ALUMINIUM ALLOYS FROM DIRECT DETECTION SPED DATA . Max Planck Institute, Jülich PICO conference , Castle Verbrook 2022-05-08 - 2022-05-12
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Bergh, Tina; Christiansen, Emil; Thorsen, Thor Inge; Van Helvoort, Antonius. (2022) Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction and What We Get Out of Such Data in Studies of Aluminium Alloys. Microscopy Society America M&M, , Portland, USA 2022-07-30 - 2022-08-04
Popular scientific lectureChristiansen, Emil; Holmestad, Randi. (2022) Nano- en reise inn i et usynlig univers. Hvem vant Kavliprisen i nanovitenskap og hvorfor?. NTNU NTNU kveld , Dokkhuset 2022-09-07 - 2022-09-07
PosterRyggetangen, Oskar; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Wenner, Sigurd; Holmestad, Randi; Mihara, Mami. (2022) SPED studies of quasicrystalline phases in Al-Mg-Cu-Ag alloys. ICAA 18 - The 18th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys , Toyama 2022-09-04 - 2022-09-08
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2022) Aluminium at the nanoscale . NTNU SFI PhysMet Honorary Doctor Seminar for Dierk Raabe:Sustainable Materials and Materials Processing , Trondheim 2022-11-17 - 2022-11-17
LectureHolmestad, Randi. (2022) ‘Advanced materials testing’ Aluminium alloys studied at the nanoscale. NTNU CANAl summer school 2022 , Trondheim, NTNU 2022-06-14 - 2022-06-16
Academic lectureThronsen, Elisabeth; Mørkeseth, Hanne; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Minakutchi, Kazuhiro; Katsumi, Tetsuya; Marthinsen, Knut. (2022) Effects on precipitation from small Fe additions and heavy deformation in an Al-1.1 Mg-0.5 Cu-0.3 Si at% alloy . Japan Institute of Light metals CAMRIC- FORUM8 , Toyama (online) 2022-10-25 - 2022-10-31
Academic lectureBergh, Tina; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Christiansen, Emil Frang; Frafjord, Jonas; Thorsen, Tor Inge; Nordahl, Gregory. (2022) Scanning precession electron diffraction for phase mapping . Electron diffraction for solving engineering problems 2022-06-21 - 2022-06-23
Academic lectureRosnes, Andreas; Lysne, Hogne; Christiansen, Emil; Reenaas, Turid Dory; Holmestad, Randi. (2022) Differentiating Polyamorphous SiO2 by SPED, PDF and Blind Source Separation Algorithm. Tampere University Scandem 2022 , Helsinki 2022-06-20 - 2022-06-22
LectureCelotto, Ambra; Grong, Øystein; Wan, Di; Vullum, Per Erik; Holmestad, Randi; Sørhaug, Jørgen A. (2022) Cold Pressure Welding of aluminium: conventional and FIB-assisted microscale techniques. ESIS European Structural Integrity Society ECF23 European Conference on Fracture 2022 , Madeira 2022-06-27 - 2022-07-01
LectureCelotto, Ambra; Grong, Øystein; Holmestad, Randi; Vullum, Per Erik; Wan, Di; Sørhaug, Jørgen A. (2022) Cold bonding aluminium in a Focused Ion Beam microscope: development and qualitative in-situ assessment of the microscale technique. AGFME, GSEMM, IGF, SEIE-GEF 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity (MedFract2) , Catania 2022-02-14 - 2022-02-16
InterviewBazilchuk, Nancy Reney; Frøland, Hans Otto; Holmestad, Randi; Brandtzæg, Svein Richard. (2022) Hermann Göring’s Luftwaffe and the $6 billion deal. https://play.acast.com/s/63-degrees-north/hermann-gorings-lu https://play.acast.com/s/63-degrees-north/hermann-gorings-lu [Internet] 2022-03-16
InterviewLervik, Adrian; Holmestad, Randi; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Brandslet, Steinar. (2021) Why do some alloys become stronger at room temperature?. norwegianscitechnews.com norwegianscitechnews.com [Internet] 2021-04-15
LectureHolmestad, Randi. (2021) Crash course in TEM (with examples from microstructure and precipitates in Al alloys). Toyama University Global Engineering Lectures, Toyama University , Toyama (online) 2021-09-28 - 2021-09-28
Academic lectureLervik, Adrian; Wenner, Sigurd; Lunder, Otto; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmestad, Randi. (2021) Correlation between grain boundary orientation and intergranular corrosion in an extruded Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy . Toyama University 7th Forum of Center for Advanced Materials Research and International Collaboration (CAMRIC7) , Toyama (online) 2021-09-24 - 2021-10-08
LectureHolmestad, Randi. (2021) TEM used to study microstructure and precipitates for understanding 6xxx alloys. Toyama University Global Engineering Lectures, Toyama University , Toyama (online) 2021-09-28 - 2021-09-28
InterviewLervik, Adrian; Holmestad, Randi; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Brandslet, Steinar. (2021) Hvorfor blir noen legeringer sterkere i romtemperatur?. Gemini.no Gemini.no [Internet] 2021-04-06
Academic lectureThronsen, Elisabeth; Lervik, Adrian; Hell, Christoph Martin; Bjørge, Ruben; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Wenner, Sigurd. (2021) Clustering and precipitate nucleation in Al alloys studied by SPED and HAADF-STEM. Ernst Ruska-Centrum für Mikroskopie und Spektroskopie mit El PICO 2021 (Conference on Frontiers of Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy) , Virtuell 2021-05-02 - 2021-05-06
Academic lectureChristiansen, Emil; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Holmestad, Randi. (2021) Nanoscale characterisation of deformed Al-Mg-Si alloys. Graz University Thermec 2021 Virtual conference , Virtuell 2021-06-01 - 2021-06-06
Popular scientific lectureChristiansen, Emil; Holmestad, Randi; Soleim, Bjørn Gunnar; Wenner, Sigurd; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Rosnes, Andreas. (2021) Krystaller på atomnivå / Se innsiden av et elektronmikroskop. NTNU Researchers' Night , NTNU 2021-09-24 - 2021-09-24
Academic lectureLysne, Hogne; Brakstad, Thomas Vågenes; Di Sabatino Lundberg, Marisa; Inzani, Katherine; Kildemo, Morten; Selbach, Sverre Magnus. (2021) Pulsed laser deposition of doped TiO2 thin films with lateral composition gradients. Norwegian solar cell conference 2021 2021-11-01 - 2021-11-02
Academic lectureChristiansen, Emil; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmestad, Randi. (2021) Deformed Al-Mg-Si alloys studied at the nanoscale. Materials Research Society of Japan. MRM2021- Materials Research Meeting , Yokohama 2021-12-13 - 2021-12-17
Academic lectureThronsen, Elisabeth; Lervik, Adrian; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Wenner, Sigurd; Friis, Jesper; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle. (2021) The atomic structure of GPI zones in Al-Zn-Mg alloys. EUROMAT 2021 2021-09-13 - 2021-09-17
Academic lectureThronsen, Elisabeth; Lervik, Adrian; Peng, Ding; Friis, Jesper; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle. (2021) Studying clustering in Al alloys by 4D-STEM. Microscopy & Microanalysis 2021 2021-08-01 - 2021-08-05
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2021) People, Instrumentation and Research in the TEM Gemini Centre in Trondheim . NordTEMHub, Nordic Network NordTEMHub kick-off seminar , online 2021-06-18 - 2021-06-18
LectureHolmestad, Randi. (2021) Characterisation of paint and nano-particles by TEM . Jotun Seminar at Jotun, between NV, NTNU and Jotun , Sandefjord 2021-09-19 - 2021-09-20
LectureCelotto, Ambra; Grong, Øystein; Holmestad, Randi; Sørhaug, Jørgen A; Torgersen, Jan; Vullum, Per Erik. (2021) Iterative development of a novel technique for in-situ cold welding of aluminium inside the Focused Ion Beam microscope. Universidade do Porto 2nd International Conference of Advanced Joining Processes , Sintra, Portugal 2021-10-21 - 2021-10-22
Academic lectureSunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Wenner, Sigurd; Holmestad, Randi. (2021) Heavy deformation and ageing of the Al-Mg-Si alloy 6101 to improve conductivity . Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Czech Academy of ICPMAT - International Conference on the Physical Properties and Application of Advanced Materials 2021-10-18 - 2021-10-19
Popular scientific lectureCelotto, Ambra; Grong, Øystein; Holmestad, Randi; Sørhaug, Jørgen A; Torgersen, Jan; Vullum, Per Erik. (2021) Preliminary in situ study of FIB-assisted method for aluminium solid-state welding at the microscale. Italian Group of Fracture 26th International Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity , Turin 2021-05-26 - 2021-05-31
LectureCelotto, Ambra; Grong, Øystein; Holmestad, Randi; Sørhaug, Jørgen A; Torgersen, Jan; Vullum, Per Erik. (2021) Preliminary in situ study of FIB-assisted method for aluminium solid-state welding at the microscale . Italian Group of Fracture 26th International Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity , Turin&Web https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2t_r-BaWwUM&t=4s 2021-05-26 - 2021-05-31
Academic lectureThronsen, Elisabeth; Lervik, Adrian; Hell, Christoph Martin; Wenner, Sigurd; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Bjørge, Ruben. (2021) Studying clusters and nano-precipitates in Aluminium alloys using (S)PED and ADF-STEM. Microscopy Society of America Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M) 2021 , USA (virtual meeting, supposed to be in Pittsburg) 2021-08-01 - 2021-08-05
Academic lectureSunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Lervik, Adrian; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Hell, Christoph Martin; Christiansen, Emil; Marioara, Calin Daniel. (2020) How TEM is used in aluminium alloy development. Norsk metallurgisk selskap Nasjonal konferanse for Materialteknologi 2020 , online 2020-12-02 - 2020-12-03
Academic lectureChristiansen, Emil; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Ringdalen, Inga Gudem; Bjørge, Ruben; Holmedal, Bjørn; Hopperstad, Odd Sture. (2020) Detailed investigation of the shearing mechanism of β” precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys. 17th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys , Online 2020-10-26 - 2020-10-29
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2020) SPED and HAADF- STEM used to aid aluminium alloy developments. Australian National University 26th Australian Conference on Microscopy and Microanalysis (ACMM) , Canberra, Australia 2020-02-16 - 2020-02-20
Academic lectureSunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Wenner, Sigurd; Holmestad, Randi. (2020) tracking the growth and transformation of Al-Mg-Si-Cu precipitates by in-situ heating TEM. Toyama University 6th Forum of Center for Advanced Materials Research and International Collaboration (CAMRIC6) , Toyama (online) 2020-09-28 - 2020-10-08
LectureHolmestad, Randi. (2020) Crash course in TEM -(with examples from microstructure and precipitates in Al alloys). Toyama University Global Engineering Lectures, Toyama University , Toyama (online) 2020-10-06 - 2020-10-06
PosterHaakon, Tvedt; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Holmestad, Randi; Friis, Jesper. (2020) AutomAl 6000: Automatic structural labeling of STEM images of hybrid precipitates in 6xxx alloys. University of the Alps, Grenoble France International conference of aluminium alloys (ICAA 17) , Grenoble, France (online) 2020-10-26 - 2020-10-29
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Wenner, Sigurd; Friis, Jesper; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle. (2020) Precipitation and clustering in age hardenable Al alloys. University of the Alps, Grenoble France International conference of aluminium alloys (ICAA 17) , Grenoble, France (online) 2020-10-26 - 2020-10-29
LectureHolmestad, Randi. (2020) TEM used to study microstructure and precipitates for understanding 6xxx alloys. Toyama University Global Engineering Lectures , Toyama (online) 2020-10-06 - 2020-10-06
Academic lectureKim, Daehan; Kim, JaeHwang; Wenner, Sigurd; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmestad, Randi; Kobayashi, Equo. (2020) Age-hardening behavior of Al-Si-Cu-Mg(-Fe) alloys by deformation-semisolid extrusion process. Kagawa University Annual meeting in Japanese Institute of Light Metals , Kagawa 2020-05-05 - 2020-05-07
Academic lectureChen, X; Mørtsell, Eva Anne; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmestad, Randi; Kobayashi, Equo. (2020) Effect of clustering and dislocation loop formation during cyclic deformation on mechanical properties of 6082 extruded aluminium alloy. Kagawa University Annual meeting in Japanese Institute of Light Metals, , Kagawa 2020-05-05 - 2920-05-07
Academic lectureThronsen, Elisabeth; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Friis, Jesper; Matsuda, Kenji; Holmestad, Randi. (2020) Precipitates in a heavy pre-deformed Al-1.3Cu-1.0Mg-0.4Si wt.% alloy. ICAA conferences ICAA17 , Online 2020-10-26 - 2020-12-29
Academic lectureThronsen, Elisabeth; Lervik, Adrian; Friis, Jesper; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Bendo, Artenis; Wenner, Sigurd. (2020) The atomic structure of solute clusters in Al-Zn-Mg alloys. NTNU Nasjonal konferanse for materialteknologi , Online 2020-12-02 - 2020-12-03
PosterBergh, Tina; Sandnes, Lise; Mathiasson, Marie; Johnstone, Duncan; Midgley, Paul A.; Berto, Filippo. (2019) Interface Microstructural Characterisation of Hybrid Metal Extrusion & Bonding Aluminium-Steel Joints. EMAG MMC 2019-07-01 - 2019-07-04
PosterVatanparast, Maryam; Undheim, Espen; Vullum, Per Erik; Fimland, Bjørn-Ove; Reenaas, Turid Dory; Holmestad, Randi. (2019) Advanced TEM Studies of High Efficiency Quantum Dot Intermediate Band Solar Cells . UiO Fysikkermøte 2019 , Oslo 2019-08-08 - 2019-08-09
PosterLysne, Hogne; Ristola, Markus Joel Benjamin; Sørhaug, Jørgen Andre; Di Sabatino Lundberg, Marisa; Holmestad, Randi; Reenaas, Turid Dory. (2019) Tungsten doped silicon for intermediate band solar cells. Norwegian solar cell conference 2019 2019-05-20 - 2019-05-21
InterviewHolmestad, Randi; Lervik, Adrian; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Marioara, Calin Daniel. (2019) Norsk forskning på nanonivå bidrar til at aluminium kan brukes i alt fra biler til glidelåser. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Journal] 2019-06-10
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2019) Precipitation in Aluminium alloys – studied with advanced TEM. AGH university and Polish Materials Society XXII Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science Conference: Advanced Materials and Technologies AMT 2019 , BukowinaTatrzańska 2019-06-09 - 2019-06-12
InterviewHolmestad, Randi; Lervik, Adrian; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Marioara, Calin Daniel. (2019) Norske løsninger for industrigiganter. Gemini.no - forskningsnytt fra NTNU og SINTEF Gemini.no - forskningsnytt fra NTNU og SINTEF [Journal] 2019-06-03
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2019) Overview of TEM activities at the TEM Gemini Centre in Trondheim . Kyushu University Bilateral Japan-Norway workshop , Fukuoka 2019-05-09 - 2019-05-09
Popular scientific lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2019) Activities in the INTPART project. Innovation Norway signing ceremony, INTPART project , Norwegian Embassy, Tokyo 2019-05-13 - 2019-05-13
Academic lectureSunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Wenner, Sigurd; Holmestad, Randi. (2019) Crystallographic orientation relationships of T-/S-phase aggregates in an Al–Cu–Mg–Ag alloy . Japan Institute of light metals The 136th Conference of Japan Institute of Light Metals , Toyama 2019-05-11 - 2019-05-12
PosterChristiansen, Emil; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Lervik, Adrian; Bergh, Tina; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Marioara, Calin Daniel. (2019) Activities on aluminium alloy design in the TEM Gemini Centre . European Aluminium Workshop of the Aluminium Innovation Hub: Digitalisation for smart processes and product design , Trondheim 2019-06-12 - 2019-06-13
Academic lectureSunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Wenner, Sigurd; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi. (2019) Scanning electron diffraction as a versatile tool for studying the microstructure of Al alloys. Royal Microscopical Society Microscience Microscopy Congress 2019 , Manchester, Storbritannia 2019-07-01 - 2019-07-04
Academic lectureChristiansen, Emil; Ringdalen, Inga Gudem; Bjørge, Ruben; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmestad, Randi. (2019) TEM image simulations of overlapping phases - a case study of sheared β” precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys. Institute of Physics, Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group EMAG , Manchester 2019-07-01 - 2019-07-04
Academic lectureGazizov, Marat; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Christiansen, Emil; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Lervik, Adrian; Wenner, Sigurd. (2019) Precipitates in aluminium alloys – studied by advanced (S)TEM techniques. aroyal Microscopy Society Microscience Microscopy Congress (MMC) - EMAG , Manchester 2019-07-01 - 2019-07-04
LectureHolmestad, Randi. (2019) Crash course in TEM with examples from microstructure and precipitates in Al alloys. Toyama Univesrity Toyama University - CAMRIC Forum , Toyama 2019-10-02 - 2019-10-02
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2019) Precipitation in age hardenable Al alloys -studied at the nanoscale. MCEM, Monash University Seminar - Monash Centre of Electron Microscopy (MCEM) , Melbourne 2019-11-27 - 2019-11-27
Academic lectureWenner, Sigurd; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Friis, Jesper; Holmestad, Randi. (2019) Precipitates in aluminium alloys – studied by scanning transmission electron microscopy and diffraction. federation of European materials societies EUROMAT 2019 , Stockholm 2019-09-01 - 2019-09-05
Academic lectureChristiansen, Emil; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Bjørge, Ruben; Ringdalen, Inga Gudem; Holmedal, Bjørn; Hopperstad, Odd Sture. (2019) (S)TEM characterisation and simulations of sheared 𝛃′′ precipitates in a deformed Al-Mg-Si alloy. Toyama University 5th Forum of Center for Advanced Materials Research and International Collaboration (CAMRIC-FORUM5) , Toyama 2019-10-03 - 2019-10-04
Academic lectureSunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Christiansen, Emil; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Wenner, Sigurd; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Van Helvoort, Antonius. (2019) Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction to Aid Aluminum Alloy Development. Microscopy Society of America Microscopy and microanalysis , Portland 2019-08-04 - 2019-08-08
Academic lectureHallsteinsen, Ingrid; Kjærnes, Kristoffer; Slöetjes, Samuel Dingeman; Moreau, Magnus; Grutter, Alexander; Nord, Magnus Kristofer. (2019) Engineering antiferromagnetism in complex oxides. Washington State University Washington State University seminar , Pullman, WA, USA 2019-07-07 -
PosterSørhaug, Jørgen A; Lysne, Hogne; Lundberg, Marisa di Sabatino; Reenaas, Turid Dory; Holmestad, Randi. (2019) TEM characterization of W-implanted Si. SuSolTech Norwegian solar cell conference , Son 2019-05-20 - 2019-05-21
Academic lectureFrafjord, Jonas; Friis, Jesper; Wenner, Sigurd; Holmedal, Bjørn; Holmestad, Randi; Ringdalen, Inga Gudem. (2019) The Effect of Multiple Solute Species in Solute Strengthening in Aluminium Alloys - MD study. Technion Dislocations 2019 , Haifa 2019-10-15 - 2019-10-21
Academic lectureThronsen, Elisabeth; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Marthinsen, Knut; Holmestad, Randi; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Minakuchi, Kazuhiro. (2019) Studying the influence of heavy deformation and natural aging on precipitation in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy. The 136th conference of Japan institute of light metals 2019-05-11 - 2019-05-12
Academic lectureRingdalen, Inga Gudem; Christiansen, Emil; Frafjord, Jonas; Wenner, Sigurd; Khadyko, Mikhail; Marian, Jaime. (2019) Plasticity and dislocation mechanisms in aluminium alloys containing precipitate free zones . Technion Dislocations 2019 , Haifa 2019-09-15 - 2019-09-21
PosterThronsen, Elisabeth; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmestad, Randi. (2019) Studying precipitates in pre-deformed Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys by atomic resolution STEM and scanning electron diffraction. SCANDEM 2019 , Gøteborg 2019-06-11 - 2019-06-14
Academic lectureBergh, Tina; Aune, Ragnhild; Lervik, Adrian; Holmestad, Randi; Vullum, Per Erik. (2018) The Interface between Aluminium and Steel Joined by Cold Metal Transfer - A Transmission Electron Microscopy Study. 8th Aluminium Surface Science & Technology Symposium , Helsingør 2018-05-27 - 2018-05-31
Academic lectureSunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi. (2018) Quantitative analysis of precipitate crystal structure evolution in Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys using scanning precession electron diffraction. AMS IMC19 , Melbourne 2018-09-09 - 2018-09-14
PosterBergh, Tina; Arbo, Siri Marthe; Westermann, Ida; Holmestad, Randi; Vullum, Per Erik. (2018) The Interface between Aluminium and Steel Joined by Cold Roll Bonding and by Hybrid Metal Extrusion and Bonding. 19th International Microscopy Congress , Sydney 2018-09-09 - 2018-09-14
Academic lectureChristiansen, Emil; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Marthinsen, Knut; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Holmestad, Randi. (2018) Precipitates and Precipitate Free Zones in 6xxx alloys. Hydro R&D Sunndalsøra Hydro Technical Meeting , Sunndalsøra 2018-09-14 -
Academic lectureChristiansen, Emil; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Marthinsen, Knut; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Holmestad, Randi. (2018) Understanding deformation on the nano-scale. SFI CASA, NTNU CASA Seminar , Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel, Oslo 2018-09-18 - 2018-09-20
Academic lectureChristiansen, Emil; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Marthinsen, Knut; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Holmestad, Randi. (2018) Lattice rotations in precipitate free zones in an Al-Mg-Si alloy. FractAl Topics in ductile fracture of metals , Hotel Scandic Nidelven, Trondheim 2018-10-17 - 2018-10-18
Academic lectureVan Helvoort, Antonius; Wenner, Sigurd; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Fauske, Vidar Tonaas; Vullum, Per Erik; Holmestad, Randi. (2018) Value of multidimensional data analysis. IFY-TEM group 5th ARM user meeting , Trondheim 2018-06-14 - 2018-06-15
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Wenner, Sigurd; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Christiansen, Emil; Lervik, Adrian; Marioara, Calin Daniel. (2018) Using TEM to study precipitates in age hardenable aluminium alloys . Dresdner Fraunhofer Cluster Nanoanalysis 6th Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium: Materials challenges for automotive industry - Micro- and nanoscale characterization , Dresden 2018-08-31 - 2018-08-31
Academic lectureLervik, Adrian; Friis, Jesper; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Holmestad, Randi. (2018) Co-precipitation in a Si containing 7xxx type Aluminum alloy. Australian microscopy and microanalysis society and IFSM 19th international Microscopy Conference (IMC19) , Sydney 2018-09-09 - 2018-09-14
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Wenner, Sigurd; Christiansen, Emil; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Van Helvoort, Antonius. (2018) Phase and orientation mapping in Al alloys using SPED . Monash University, Centre for Electron MIcroscopy Workshop on STEM with Advanced detectors , Grange Cleveland Winery, Victoria 2018-09-04 - 2018-09-07
Academic lectureSunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi. (2018) Studying the effect of low Cu additions in 6082 alloys. NTNU, University of Toyama and Tokyo Tech Third INTPART Workshop between NTNU, University of Toyama and Tokyo Tech , Ookayama Campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology 2018-05-07 - 2018-05-08
Academic lectureLervik, Adrian; Lodgaard, Lars; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Walmsley, John; Holmestad, Randi. (2018) The effect of overaging on stress corrosion cracking in a low Cu Al-Zn-Mg alloy. ICAA16 - International Conference on Aluminum Alloys , McGill, Montreal 2018-06-17 - 2018-06-21
LectureHolmestad, Randi. (2018) Crash course in TEM with examples from microstructure and precipitates in Al alloys. University of Toyama International lectures for Master students, Faculty of Sustainable Design, Univesrity of Toyama , Toyama 2018-10-30 - 2018-10-30
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Wenner, Sigurd; Christiansen, Emil; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Van Helvoort, Antonius. (2018) Phase and orientation mapping in Al alloys using SPED . Univesrity of Toyama CAMRIC-FORUM4 (4th Forum of Centre of Advanced Materials Research and International Collaboration , Toyama 2018-10-31 - 2018-11-01
PosterLervik, Adrian; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Friis, Jesper; Holmestad, Randi. (2018) Structure and interface of the η1-MgZn2 precipitate studied using TEM and DFT calculations. The Japanese Society of Microscopy The 61st Symposium of The Japanese Society of Microscopy , Toyama, Japan 2018-11-01 - 2018-11-03
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Matsuda, Kenji. (2018) Scanning precession electron diffraction used to determine precipitate microstructure and its evolution during aging in Al-Mg-Si(-Cu) alloys . Japanese Society of Microscopy 61. Japanese Microscopy Symphosium , Toyama 2018-11-01 - 2018-11-03
Academic lectureMarioara, Calin Daniel; Lervik, Adrian; Grønvold, Julie; Lunder, Otto; Wenner, Sigurd; Furu, Trond. (2018) The Correlation Between Intergranular Corrosion Resistance and Copper Content in the Precipitate Microstructure in an AA6005A Aluminium Alloy. ASST 2018 , Helsingør 2018-05-27 - 2018-05-31
Academic lectureHallsteinsen, Ingrid; Kjærnes, Kristoffer; Moreau, Magnus; Grutter, Alexander; Bolstad, Torstein; Nord, Magnus Kristofer. (2018) Controlling magnetic spin reconstruction by geometrical lattice engineering: (111)-oriented La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/LaFeO3 heterostructure. The American Ceramic Society Conference on electronic and advanced materials , Orlando, Florida 2018-01-17 - 2018-01-19
Academic lectureMørtsell, Eva Anne; Paulsen, Øyvind; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Reiso, Oddvin; Røyset, Jostein. (2018) PRECIPITATION HARDENING OPTIMIZATION BY PARTIAL SUBSTITUTION OF Si AND Mg WITH Ge AND Li IN LEAN 6XXX ALLOYS . MetSoc ICAA16 , Montreal 2018-06-17 - 2018-06-21
Academic lectureFriis, Jesper; Ringdalen, Inga Gudem; Jensen, Ingvild Julie Thue; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Ofstad, Sigurd; Frafjord, Jonas. (2018) Influence of precipitate interface structure on alloy properties in the Al-Mg-Si system. ICAA16 , Montreal 2018-06-17 - 2018-06-21
Academic lectureVan Helvoort, Antonius; Wenner, Sigurd; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Fauske, Vidar Tonaas; Vullum, Per Erik; Holmestad, Randi. (2018) Low-dimensional nanomaterials and transmission electron microscopy (TEM): How low can we go?. IFE NNSP meeting Low-dimensional structures , Kjeller 2018-05-14 - 2018-05-15
PosterVatanparast, Maryam; Vullum, Per Erik; Fimland, Bjørn-Ove; Reenaas, Turid Dory; Holmestad, Randi. (2018) Bandgap Measurements of High Refractive Index Semiconductor Materials by EELS. MRS Material Research Society Spring Meeting (MRS) , Phoenix, AZ 2018-06-02 - 2019-06-06
PosterLysne, Hogne; Hauge, Heidi Sæverud; Nematollahi, Mohammadreza; Di Sabatino Lundberg, Marisa; Holmestad, Randi; Reenaas, Turid Dory. (2018) Hyperdoped silicon for intermediate band solar cells. Norwegian solar cell conference 2018 2018-05-02 - 2018-05-03
PosterLysne, Hogne; Hauge, Heidi Sæverud; Nematollahi, Mohammadreza; Di Sabatino Lundberg, Marisa; Holmestad, Randi; Reenaas, Turid Dory. (2018) Hyperdoped silicon for intermediate band solar cells. International Summer School on Photovoltaics and New Concepts of Quantum Solar Energy Conversion 2018 2018-09-02 - 2018-09-09
Academic lectureGazizov, Marat; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Wenner, Sigurd; Holmestad, Randi; Kaibyshev, Rustam. (2018) Effect of thermomechanical processing on microstructure and mechanical properties in an Al-Cu-Mg-Si alloy. INTPART Third INTPART Workshop between NTNU, University of Toyama and Tokyo Tech , Tokyo Tech 2018-05-07 - 2018-05-08
Academic lectureGaukås, Nikolai Helth; Dale, Silje Marie; Toresen, Andreas; Holmestad, Randi; Glaum, Julia; Einarsrud, Mari-Ann. (2018) Controlling texture in lead-free KNN ferroelectric thin films by aqueous chemical solution deposition. The American Ceramic Society 42nd International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites , Daytona Beach, Florida 2018-01-22 - 2018-01-26
PosterFrafjord, Jonas; Holmedal, Bjørn; Holmestad, Randi; Ringdalen, Inga Gudem; Ofstad, Sigurd; Friis, Jesper. (2018) Ab Initio Calculations of Dislocation Core Using a Cluster Model Approach. Multiscale Materials Modelling, 9th , Osaka 2018-10-28 - 2018-11-02
Academic lectureFrafjord, Jonas; Ringdalen, Inga Gudem; Holmestad, Randi; Svenum, Ingeborg-Helene; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Friis, Jesper. (2018) Pressure Dependent Yielding in Solute Strengthened Aluminium - An Ab Initio Study. ICAA16 , Montreal 2018-06-17 - 2018-06-21
Academic lectureThronsen, Elisabeth; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Erga, Iven; Minakuchi, Kazuhiro; Katsumi, Tetsuya. (2018) Characterizing precipitates in a heavily deformed Al alloy, a TEM study. Third INTPART Workshop between NTNU, University of Toyama and Tokyo Tech 2018-05-07 - 2018-05-08
Academic lectureMarioara, Calin Daniel; Lervik, Adrian; Grønvold, Julie; Lunder, Otto; Wenner, Sigurd; Furu, Trond. (2018) The Connection Between Inter-Granular Corrosion Resistance and Precipitate Microstructure in an AA6005A Alloy. Japanese Society of Microscopy The 61st Symposium of The Japanese Society of Microscopy , Toyama, Japan 2018-11-01 - 2018-11-03
Academic lectureLervik, Adrian; Holmestad, Randi; Marioara, Calin Daniel. (2018) Stress Corrosion Cracking in a Cu-free 7xxx alloy. NTNU, Tokyo University of Science and Technology Third INTPART Workshop between NTNU, University of Toyama and Tokyo Tech , Tokyo University of science and technology, Ookayama, Tokyo 2018-05-07 - 2018-05-08
Academic lectureLervik, Adrian; Lodgaard, Lars; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Walmsley, John; Holmestad, Randi. (2018) The effect of quench rate on stress corrosion cracking in a low Cu Al-Zn-Mg alloy. 8th Aluminium Surface Science & Technology Symposium , Helsingør 2018-05-27 - 2018-05-31
Academic lectureSunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmestad, Randi. (2018) The effect of low Cu additions in overaged Al-Mg-Si alloys studied by advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques. Metallurgy & Materials Society of CIM International Conference on Aluminium Alloys (ICAA16) , Montreal 2018-06-17 - 2018-06-21
Academic lectureChristiansen, Emil; Sævareid, Sondre; Frodal, Bjørn Håkon; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Holmestad, Randi. (2018) Precipitate Free Zones and Crack Propagation in Al-Mg-Si Alloys. MetSoc 16th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys (ICAA16) , McGill Univeristy, Montréal, Québec 2018-06-17 - 2018-06-21
PosterBergh, Tina; Holmestad, Randi; Vullum, Per Erik. (2017) Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction for Phase Mapping of Intermetallic Compounds. Quantitative Electron Microscopy 2017 4th edition 2017-05-22 - 2017-06-01
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2017) Utilizing smart data analysis to get the most out of TEM result . University of Tokyo Visit to University of Tokyo, Ikuhara group , Tokyo 2017-10-11 - 2017-10-11
LectureHolmestad, Randi. (2017) Norwegian-Japanese Aluminium alloy Research and Education Collaboration - Industrial aspects and internships . SIU, Innovation Norway, NFR Japan-Norway project leader seminar , Norwegian Embassy, Tokyo 2017-10-13 - 2017-10-13
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Wenner, Sigurd; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Christiansen, Emil; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle. (2017) precipitates in age hardenable aluminium alloys studied by advanced TEM. International EM conference in Poland 2017-09-10 - 2017-09-13
PosterRajpalke, Mohana; Patra, Saroj Kumar; Vatanparast, Maryam; Dahl, Øystein; Vullum, Per Erik; Holmestad, Randi. (2017) InAs/(Al)GaAs quantum-dot-based intermediate band solar cells. Nano Network Nano Network Workshop 2017 , Bergen 2017-06-12 - 2017-06-14
LectureHolmestad, Randi. (2017) Use of TEM in developing automotive alloys. Norsk Hydro Hydro Automotive Forum , Trondheim 2017-05-23 -
Academic lectureNord, Magnus Kristofer; Vullum, Per Erik; MacLaren, Ian; Tybell, Per Thomas Martin; Holmestad, Randi. (2017) Atomap - Automated Analysis of Atomic Resolution STEM Images. Microscpy Society of America Microscopy and Microanalysis 2017 , St Louis 2017-08-06 - 2017-08-10
PosterVatanparast, Maryam; Vullum, Per Erik; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Zuo, Jian Min; Reenaas, Turid Worren; Holmestad, Randi. (2017) Strategy for reliable strain measurement in InAs/GaAs materials from high-resolution Z-contrast STEM images. Royal Microscopy Society MMC conference , Manchester 2017-07-02 - 2017-07-06
LectureVatanparast, Maryam; Vullum, Per Erik; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Reenaas, Turid Worren; Holmestad, Randi. (2017) Methodology to Improve Strain Measurement in III–V Semiconductors Materials. MSA M&M conference , St. Louis 2017-08-05 - 2017-08-11
Academic lectureChristiansen, Emil; Chrominski, Witold; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Holmestad, Randi. (2017) Precipitate Free Zones in Deformed Al-Mg-Si Alloys. University of Iceland and SCANDEM SCANDEM2017 , Reykjavik 2017-06-05 - 2017-06-09
LectureSunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Johnstone, Duncan; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Midgley, Paul A.; Holmestad, Randi. (2017) Crystallographic evolution of 6xxx series aluminium precipitates studied by scanning precession electron diffraction. IoP/RMS EMAG2017/MMC2017 , Manchester 2017-07-03 - 2017-07-06
Academic lectureSunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Johnstone, Duncan; Wenner, Sigurd; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Midgley, Paul A.. (2017) Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction Study of Hybrid Precipitates in a 6xxx Series Aluminium Alloy. MSA Microscopy & Microanalysis 2017 , St Louis 2017-08-07 - 2017-08-10
LectureVullum, Per Erik; Wenner, Sigurd; Fauske, vidar T.; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi. (2017) High performance imaging and spectroscopy without beam damage. Rouen University /JEOL Germany High performance imaging and spectroscopy without beam damage , Rouen 2017-06-20 - 2017-06-21
Academic lectureVan Helvoort, Antonius; Vullum, Per Erik; Wenner, Sigurd; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Fauske, vidar T.; Holmestad, Randi. (2017) Transmission electron microscopy (TEM): What more to see?. NFS NFS Fysikermøtet , Tromsø 2017-08-07 - 2017-08-09
Academic lectureHallsteinsen, Ingrid; Moreau, Magnus; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Grutter, Alexander; Gilbert, Dustin A.; Kirby, Brian. (2017) Induced ferromagnetism in oxides by geometrical lattice engineering. Center for Neutron Research, NIST Low Q seminar , Gaithersburg, Maryland 2017-05-17 -
Academic lectureHallsteinsen, Ingrid; Kjærnes, Kristoffer; Grutter, Alexander; Gilbert, Dustin A.; Bolstad, Torstein; Slöetjes, Samuel Dingeman. (2017) Controlling the magnetic spin reconstruction in (111)-orienetd La0.7Sr0.3Mn03/LaFeO3 heterostructure. The International Workshop on Oxide Electronics , Chicago, Illinois 2017-09-24 - 2017-09-27
Academic lectureHallsteinsen, Ingrid; Moreau, Magnus; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Christiansen, Emil; Grutter, Alexander; Gilbert, Dustin A.. (2017) Spin reconstruction as a function of thickness at the (111)-oriented La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/LaFeO3 interface. Materials Research Society Materials Research Society spring meeting , Phoenix, Arizona 2017-04-17 - 2017-04-21
Academic lectureHallsteinsen, Ingrid; Kjærnes, Kristoffer; Moreau, Magnus; Grutter, Alexander; Slöetjes, Samuel Dingeman; Nord, Magnus Kristofer. (2017) Magnetic anisotropy of interface induced ferromagnetism in (111)-oriented La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/LaFeO3 epitaxial thin films. Advanced Light Source ALS Users meeting , Berkeley, California 2017-10-02 - 2017-10-04
Academic lectureLervik, Adrian; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Ånes, Håkon Wiik; Wenner, Sigurd; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi. (2017) Characterization using scanning precession electron diffraction. NORTEM-Oslo NORTEM-Oslo Christmas Seminar , Forskningsparken (Gaustadalleen 21), University of Oslo 2017-12-13 - 2017-12-13
Academic lectureLysne, Hogne; Hauge, Heidi Sæverud; Nematollahi, Mohammadreza; Di Sabatino Lundberg, Marisa; Reenaas, Turid Dory; Sæterli, Ragnhild. (2017) TEM characterization of silver implanted silicon for intermediate band solar cells. Norwegian solar cell conference 2017 2017-05-09 - 2017-05-10
Academic lectureÅnes, Håkon Wiik; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Holmestad, Randi; Van Helvoort, Antonius. (2017) Crystal phase and orientation mapping of nanomaterials. NTNU NanoLab Nano@NTNU symposium 2017 , Trondheim 2017-12-06 - 2017-12-07
LectureHolmestad, Randi. (2017) TEM used to study microstructure and precipitates for understanding 6xxx alloys. University of Toyama Lecture series for Master students in Toyama Univesrity , Toyama 2017-10-12 - 2017-10-12
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Wenner, Sigurd; Mørtsell, Eva Anne; Christiansen, Emil; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Marioara, Calin Daniel. (2017) Precipitates in age hardenable Al alloys studied by (S)TEM techniques. Univ. of Toyama, 3rd Forum of Center for Advanced Materials Research and International (CAMRIC3)/13th Light Metals International Workshop By Japan Institute of Light Metals , Toyama 2017-10-12 - 2017-10-13
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Wenner, Sigurd; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Friis, Jesper; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle. (2017) Nanoscale phase, strain and composition mapping of Al-Mg-Si alloys. Scandem og University of Island SCANDEM 2017 , Reykjavik, 2017-06-06 - 2017-06-08
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2017) Alloy development through advanced characterization and modeling - 1) Crash course in TEM and 2) TEM used to study microstructure and precipitates in 6xxx alloys. NTNU 14th International Summer School on Al Alloy Technology , Trondheim 2017-06-19 - 2017-06-23
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2017) Introduction; diffraction theory, kinematic and dynamical, overview - how to utilize the reciprocal space, new trends. NTNU Diffraction workshop , Trondheim 2017-06-12 - 2017-06-14
Academic lectureHallsteinsen, Ingrid; Moreau, Magnus; Grutter, Alexander; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Vullum, Per Erik; Gilbert, Dustin A.. (2016) Effect of structural reconstructions at the interface of (111)-oriented La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/LaFeO3. Material Research Society Material Research Society Fall Meeting , Boston 2016-11-27 - 2016-12-02
Academic lectureHallsteinsen, Ingrid; Moreau, Magnus; Grutter, Alexander; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Vullum, Per Erik; Gilbert, Dustin A.. (2016) Induced ferromagnetism at the interface of complex oxides. Advanced Light Source Advanced Light Source user meeting , Berkeley 2016-10-03 - 2016-10-04
LectureLervik, Adrian; Holmestad, Randi; Walmsley, John. (2016) Nanoscale Investigation(s) of Intergranular Corrosion in Aluminium Alloys. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Toyama Uni. Second INTPART Workshop between NTNU, University of Toyama and Tokyo Tech , University of Toyama, Toyama, Japan 2016-10-12 - 2016-10-12
Academic lectureChristiansen, Emil; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Holmestad, Randi. (2016) Deformation induced subgrains in PFZs of AA6060 alloy subjected to uniaxial compression. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Toyama Uni. Second INTPART Workshop between NTNU, University of Toyama and Tokyo Tech , University of Toyama, Toyama, Japan 2016-10-12 - 2016-10-12
LectureJohnstone, D.N.; Krakow, R.; Wenner, Sigurd; Holmestad, Randi; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Rae, C.M.F.. (2016) Crystallographic mapping in engineering alloys by scanning precession electron diffraction. Scandem 67th Scandem Meeting , Trondheim 2016-06-07 - 2016-06-10
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2016) Precipitates in age hardenable Al alloys studied by (S)TEM techniques. University of Toyama 2nd Forum of Ongoing Establishment of Centre for Advanced Materials Research and International Collaboration (CAMRIC-FORUM2) , Toyama 2016-10-13 - 2016-10-14
Academic lectureJohnstone, D.N.; knowles, A.J.; Krakow, R.; Wenner, Sigurd; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi. (2016) Crystallographic mapping in engineering alloys by scanning precession electron diffraction. EMS European Microscopy Congress , Lyon 2016-08-28 - 2016-09-02
PosterSunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Wenner, Sigurd; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Johnstone, Duncan; Midgley, Paul A.; Holmestad, Randi. (2016) Phase mapping of 2xxx-series aluminium alloys by scanning precession electron diffraction. EMS European Microscopy Congress 2016 , Lyon 2016-08-28 - 2016-09-02
Academic lectureFriis, Jesper; Ringdalen, Inga Gudem; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Wenner, Sigurd; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Holmestad, Randi. (2016) Precipitation and formation of precipitate free zones in aluminium alloys. Invited presentation at colloquium in the Dept. of Physics at University of Montreal 2016-01-25 -
Academic lectureChristiansen, Emil; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Holmestad, Randi. (2016) Subgrain-formation in precipitate free zones in aluminium alloys subjected uniaxial compression. Norsk Materialteknisk Selskap, Norsk Metallografisk forening Nasjonal konferanse for Materialteknologi 2016 , Trondheim 2016-08-24 - 2016-08-25
LectureMørtsell, Eva Anne; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Reiso, Oddvin; Røyset, Jostein; Holmestad, Randi. (2016) The effect of Li additions on strength and precipitation in a lean Al 6xxx alloy. International Conference on Aluminium alloys , Chonqing 2016-06-12 - 2016-06-16
LectureMørtsell, Eva Anne; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Røyset, Jostein; Friis, Jesper; Holmestad, Randi. (2016) Characterization of multicomponent Al alloys by TEM, HAADF-STEM, EELS and DFT. European Microscopy Congress , Lyon 2016-08-28 - 2016-09-02
LectureMørtsell, Eva Anne; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmestad, Randi. (2016) HAADF-STEM Analysis of Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si Alloys. NTNU SCANDEM , Trondheim 2016-06-07 - 2016-06-10
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Wenner, Sigurd; Mørtsell, Eva Anne; Sunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Friis, Jesper. (2016) Precipitates in Al alloys across and between industrially common compositions. Graz University THERMEC , Graz 2016-05-29 - 2016-06-03
Academic lectureChristiansen, Emil; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Holmestad, Randi. (2016) Transmission Electron Microscopy of Precipitate Free Zones in Aluminium Alloys Subjected to Uniaxial Compression. Scandem, Nordic Microscopy Society SCANDEM2016 , Trondheim 2016-06-07 - 2016-06-10
Academic lectureDu, Qiang; Tang, Kai; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Holmedal, Bjørn; Holmestad, Randi. (2016) Modeling over-ageing in Al-Mg-Si alloys by a multi-phase CALPHAD-coupled Kampmann-Wagner Numerical model. Chongqing University, China The 15th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys (ICAA15) , Chongqing 2016-06-12 - 2016-06-16
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Wenner, Sigurd; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Mørtsell, Eva Anne; Vullum, Per Erik; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle. (2016) 6xxx aluminium alloy development - aided by the double corrected ARM200CF. JEOL UK ARM Group User meeting , Glasgow University 2016-06-14 - 2016-06-15
LectureSunde, Jonas Kristoffer; Wenner, Sigurd; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Johnstone, D.N.; Midgley, Paul A.; Holmestad, Randi. (2016) Phase Mapping of 2xxx-Series Aluminium Alloys by Scanning Precession Electron Diffraction. Scandem 67th Scandem Meeting , Trondheim 2016-06-07 - 2016-06-10
Academic lectureMørtsell, Eva Anne; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Friis, Jesper; Reiso, Oddvin; Røyset, Jostein. (2015) The Effect of Cu and Ge Additions on Strength and Precipitation in a lean 6xxx Aluminium Alloy. EMAG MMC/EMAG2015 , Manchester 2015-06-29 - 2015-07-02
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Wenner, Sigurd; Mørtsell, Eva Anne; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle. (2015) (S)TEM studies of precipitation in age hardenable aluminium alloys. Materias and Engineering Department Seminar series at Chongqing University , Chongqing 2015-11-19 - 2015-11-19
Popular scientific lectureDiplas, Spyridon; Walmsley, John; Holmestad, Randi; Prytz, Øystein. (2015) An introduction to NORTEM by the NORTEM management group. NORTEM NORTEM opening seminar , Oslo 2015-09-10 - 2015-09-11
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Wenner, Sigurd; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Mørtsell, Eva Anne; Vullum, Per Erik; Marioara, Calin Daniel. (2015) Materials development aided by atomic-resolution electron microscopy. American Microscopy Society Microscopy & Microanalysis 2015 Meeting , Portland, Oregon 2015-08-02 - 2015-08-06
Academic lectureAndersen, Sigmund Jarle; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmestad, Randi; Røyset, Jostein; Reiso, Oddvin; Tundal, Ulf. (2015) Advanced precipitate characterization and development of Al-Mg-Si alloys. 7th Light Metals Technology Conference , Port Elisabeth 2015-07-27 - 2015-07-29
LectureHolmestad, Randi; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Vullum, Per Erik; Sæterli, Ragnhild; Soleim, Bjørn Gunnar; Walmsley, John. (2015) NORTEM ‐ the national infrastructure for Transmission Electron Microscopy. NTNU NanoLab Nano-MatchMaking Seminar , Trondheim 2015-06-02 - 2015-06-02
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Wenner, Sigurd; Saito, Takeshi; Mørtsell, Eva Anne; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle. (2015) TEM studies of precipitation in age hardenable aluminium alloys. Tokyo Institute of Technology Progress of Light Metals for the future - Retirement seminar for Prof. T. Sato , Tokyo 2015-03-13 - 2015-03-13
LectureHolmestad, Randi. (2015) Precipitation in 6xxx Aluminum Alloys. Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Toyama Forelesninger ved Toyama University , Toyama 2015-11-24 - 2015-11-24
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Wenner, Sigurd; Mørtsell, Eva Anne; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle. (2015) Precipitates in aluminium alloys – studied by HAADF-STEM. Chongqing University Workshop on Advanced Electron MIcroscopy and Characterisation, Inauguration of EM Centre at Chongqing University , Chongqing 2015-11-19 - 2015-11-20
PosterNord, Magnus Kristofer; Hallsteinsen, Ingrid; Vullum, Per Erik; Tybell, Per Thomas Martin; Holmestad, Randi. (2015) Analysing the electronic structure of perovskite oxides using Transmission Electron Microscopy. Nano network seminar , Oslo 2015-06-15 - 2015-06-15
PosterNord, Magnus Kristofer; Hallsteinsen, Ingrid; Vullum, Per Erik; Tybell, Per Thomas Martin; Holmestad, Randi. (2015) Advanced quantitative fine structure analyzes of perovskite oxides using electron energy loss spectroscopy. IOP MMC/EMAG2015 , Manchester 2015-06-29 - 2015-07-02
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Vullum, Per Erik; Wenner, Sigurd; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Fauske, Vidar Tonaas. (2015) Instrumentation and activity at the Trondheim NORTEM –node (NTNU). NORTEM NORTEMopening seminar , Oslo 2015-09-10 - 2015-09-11
Academic lectureHallsteinsen, Ingrid; Olsen, Fredrik Kjemperud; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Moreau, Magnus; Vullum, Per Erik; Holmestad, Randi. (2015) The effect of oxygen octahedral coupling in (111)-oriented LSMO and LFO epitaxial heterostructures on STO(111). European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) spring meeting , Lille 2015-05-11 - 2015-05-15
Academic lectureHallsteinsen, Ingrid; Olsen, Fredrik Kjemperud; Bolstad, Torstein; Moreau, Magnus; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Holmestad, Randi. (2015) Induced magnetism in (111)-oriented LSMO/LFO heterostructures. Nano Network Nano Network , Oslo 2015-06-15 - 2015-06-17
Academic lectureHallsteinsen, Ingrid; Moreau, Magnus; Folven, Erik; Grepstad, Jostein; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Holmestad, Randi. (2015) Magnetic coupling in (111)-oriented LSMO and LFO epitaxial heterostructures. To-Be COST action Towards oxide based electronics (To-Be) , Aveiro 2015-03-29 - 2015-04-02
Academic lectureFriis, Jesper; Wenner, Sigurd; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmestad, Randi. (2015) Detailed Structure Analysis of Precipitates Combining TEM and DFT. The University of British Columbia Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials - PTM2015 , Whistler, BC 2015-06-28 - 2015-07-03
PosterChristiansen, Emil; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Hallsteinsen, Ingrid; Vullum, Per Erik; Tybell, Per Thomas Martin; Holmestad, Randi. (2015) Structural investigation of epitaxial LaFeO_3 thin films on (111) oriented SrTiO_3 by transmission electron microscopy. Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group EMAG , Manchester 2015-06-29 - 2015-07-02
PosterNematollahi, Mohammadreza; Yang, Xiaodong; Seim, Eivind; Vullum, Per Erik; Holmestad, Randi; Gibson, Ursula. (2015) Highly Cr-doped ZnS for intermediate band solar cells. 17th International Conference on II-VI Compounds and Related Materials , Paris 2015-09-13 - 2015-09-18
Academic lectureMoreau, Magnus; Hallsteinsen, Ingrid; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Bolstad, Torstein; Grutter, Alexander; Holmestad, Randi. (2015) Structural and Electronic Reconstructions at (111)-oriented Oxide Interfaces. Nano@NTNU Symposium 2015 2015-11-11 - 2015-11-11
PosterHallsteinsen, Ingrid; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Moreau, Magnus; Grutter, Alexander; Olsen, Fredrik Kjemperud; Bolstad, Torstein. (2015) Emerging Magnetism at the Interface of (111)-Oriented Epitaxial Ferromagnetic La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 and Antiferromagnetic LaFeO3. Materials Research Society Materials Research Society Fall Meeting , Boston 2015-11-29 - 2015-12-04
Popular scientific lectureWenner, Sigurd; Christiansen, Emil; Holstad, Theodor S.; Holmestad, Randi. (2015) Krystaller på atomnivå / Se innsiden av et elektronmikroskop. NTNU Researchers' Night 2015-09-25 - 2015-09-25
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Vullum, Per Erik; Bjørge, Ruben; Wenner, Sigurd. (2015) Results from the first double corrected coldFEG TEM/STEM in Scandinavia. Scandem Scandem2015 , Jyvaskyla 2015-06-09 - 2015-06-11
Academic lectureWenner, Sigurd; Ervik, Martin; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Holmestad, Randi. (2015) Atomic Resolution Electron Microscopy of a Hybrid Aluminium Alloy and All Its Phases. Nordic Microscopy Society Scandem2015 , Jyväskylä 2015-06-07 - 2015-06-11
PosterHallsteinsen, Ingrid; Folven, Erik; Grepstad, Jostein; Holmestad, Randi; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Tybell, Thomas. (2014) Magnetic properties and exchange mechanisms in epitaxial (111)-oriented magnetic heterostructures. Material Research Society Material Research Society - Spring meeting 2014 , San Francisco 2014-04-21 - 2014-04-25
InterviewHolmestad, Randi; Saito, Takeshi. (2014) Dette skrapet er gull verdt for industrien. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Business/trade/industry journal] 2014-08-15
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2014) HAADF-STEM studies of Ag-, Cu- and Zn-containing precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys. 18th International Microscopy Congress (IMC) , Prague, Czech Republic 2014-09-07 - 2014-09-12
Academic lectureWenner, Sigurd; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Lefebvre, Williams; Ramasse, Quentin; Kepaptsoglou, Despoina Maria; Hage, Fredrik Sydow. (2014) Atomic-resolution elemental mapping of precipitates in a 7449 aluminium alloy. NTNU International conference on aluminium alloys (ICAA14) , Trondheim 2014-06-15 - 2014-06-19
Popular scientific lectureWenner, Sigurd; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Holmestad, Randi. (2014) Se et elektronmikroskop i aksjon. NTNU Researchers' Night 2014 , Trondheim 2014-09-26 - 2014-09-26
PosterWenner, Sigurd; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmestad, Randi. (2014) Precipitation in Al-Cu-Mg(-Zn) alloys. AGH University of Science and Technology ICPMAT2014 , Krakow 2014-09-14 - 2014-09-18
PosterEspen, Undheim; Maryam, Vatanparast; Vullum, Per Erik; Reenaas, Turid Worren; Holmestad, Randi. (2014) TEM studies of quantum dots for intermediate band solar cells. Annual Conference of the Nordic Microscopy Society 2014-06-10 - 2014-06-14
PosterGan, Yanjie; Walmsley, John; Holmestad, Randi; Peters, Thijs; Stange, Marit Synnøve Sæverud. (2014) TEM characterization of H2-seclective Pd-based membranes. 18th International Microscopy Congress , Prague 2014-09-07 - 2014-09-12
Academic lectureNord, Magnus Kristofer; Vullum, Per Erik; Hallsteinsen, Ingrid; Boschker, Jos Emiel; Holmestad, Randi; Tybell, Thomas. (2014) Comparison of (001) and (111) La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3 interface using TEM. Nano Network workshop 5th annual workshop 2014-06-16 - 2014-06-18
Academic lectureNord, Magnus Kristofer; Boschker, Jos Emiel; Moreau, Magnus; Vullum, Per Erik; Selbach, Sverre Magnus; Tybell, Thomas. (2014) Structural and electronic characterization of altered structure at the La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3 heteroepitaxial interface. Materials Research Society 2014 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit , San Francisco, California 2014-04-21 - 2014-04-25
PosterGan, Yanjie; Walmsley, John; Holmestad, Randi; Peters, Thijs; Stange, Marit Synnøve Sæverud. (2014) TEM characterization of H2-selective Pd-based membranes. NFR CLIMIT & BIGCCS PhD Seminar 2014 , Oslo 2014-10-20 - 2014-10-21
LectureSaito, Takeshi; Lefebvre, Williams; Marioara, Calin D.; Andersen, Sigmund J.; Holmestad, Randi. (2013) Investigation of Cu and Zn atomic columns on the precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys by aberration-corrected scanning electron microscope. EMAG 2013 2013-09-03 - 2013-09-06
PosterWenner, Sigurd; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Holmestad, Randi. (2013) Precipitation in Al-Mg-Si alloys with Ca additions. THERMEC 2013 , Las Vegas 2013-12-02 - 2013-12-06
Popular scientific lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2013) Elektroner som briller. Norske fysikkstudenters forening Norske fysikkstudenters konferanse , Trondheim 2013-03-02 - 2013-03-03
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2013) Nanoscale precipitates in 6xxx aluminium alloys. Thermec 2013 , Las Vegas 2013-12-01 - 2013-12-06
LectureHolmestad, Randi; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Friis, Jesper. (2013) Highlights from activities within NTNU and SINTEFon 6xxx Al alloy development. Hydro Alumium Hydro Research division seminar , Oslo 2013-06-30 - 2013-06-30
DocumentaryEhlers, Flemming J H; Holmestad, Randi. (2013) Prøver å forstå styrken til aluminium. Teknisk ukeblad Teknisk ukeblad [Business/trade/industry journal] 2013-04-17
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Walmsley, John; Soleim, Bjørn Gunnar; Vullum, Per Erik; Van Helvoort, Antonius. (2013) NORTEM - new possibilities for atomic scale structure characterization. NTNU Nanolab 8th Nanolab usermeeting , Trondheim 2013-11-12 - 2013-11-12
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Klaus, Leifer. (2013) TEM- Why, how and where?. NorFab and MyFab NorFab-MyFab user meeting , Uppsala 2013-04-17 - 2013-04-18
Popular scientific lectureHolmestad, Randi; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Walmsley, John. (2013) NORTEM Trondheim node - past, present and future. TEM Gemini Centre NORTEM inauguration , Trondheim 2013-09-10 - 2013-09-10
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Walmsley, John. (2013) TEM instrumentation and activities at NTNU. NTNU NanoLab Texas- Norway seminar and workshop on Nanoscience and -technology , Trondheim 2013-10-14 - 2013-10-17
PosterSaito, Takeshi; Lefebvre, Williams; Marioara, Calin D.; Andersen, Sigmund J.; Holmestad, Randi. (2013) Cu and Zn atomic columns of precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys investigated by aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy. MC2013 2013-08-25 - 2013-08-30
PosterSaito, Takeshi; Marioara, Calin D.; Røyset, Jostein; Holmestad, Randi. (2013) The effect of low Cu additions on quench sensitivity of an Al-Mg-Si alloy. Thermec 2013 2013-12-02 - 2013-12-06
Academic lectureNord, Magnus Kristofer; Boschker, Jos Emiel; Vullum, Per Erik; Tybell, Thomas; Holmestad, Randi. (2013) Study of electronic reconstruction in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3 thin film interface using Transmission Electron Microscopy. 4th annual workshop arranged by the Norwegian PhD Network on Nanotechnology for Microsystems 2013-06-17 - 2013-06-19
Academic lectureEhlers, Flemming J H; Dumoulin, Stephane; Holmestad, Randi. (2013) 3D hybrid atomistic modeling of β'' in Al–Mg–Si: putting the full coherency of a needle shaped precipitate to the test. 2nd World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering , Salt Lake City, Utah 2013-07-07 - 2013-07-11
Academic lectureHallsteinsen, Ingrid; Folven, Erik; Chopdekar, Rajesh V.; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Christiansen, Emil; Vullum, Per Erik. (2013) Magnetic switching of epitaxial (111)-oriented La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 /SrTiO3 thin films. 8th NTNU NanoLab symposium 2013-11-12 - 2013-11-12
InterviewHolmestad, Randi. (2013) Nytt supermikroskop styrker norsk konkurranseevne. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2013-09-11
InterviewHolmestad, Randi. (2013) Avkoder styrken I aluminium. forskning.no forskning.no [Internet] 2013-04-20
InterviewHolmestad, Randi. (2013) Monterer nytt supermikroskop ved NTNU. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Business/trade/industry journal] 2013-09-10
PosterMørtsell, Eva Anne; Westermann, Ida; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Pedersen, Ketill Olav; Røyset, Jostein; Holmestad, Randi. (2013) Elastic Ageing of an Aluminium 6060 Alloy. DTU Scandem , København 2013-06-10 - 2014-06-14
Academic lectureWenner, Sigurd; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Røyset, Jostein; Holmestad, Randi. (2013) Transmission electron microscopy and muon spin relaxation studies of precipitation in Al–Mg–Si alloys. University of Toyama BILAT meeting 2013 , Toyama 2013-06-04 - 2013-06-07
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Walmsley, John Charles; Prytz, Øystein; Soleim, Bjørn Gunnar; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Olsen, Arne. (2012) NORTEM – ambitions and plans. Scandem Scandem 2012 , Bergen 2012-06-13 - 2012-06-15
PosterWenner, Sigurd; Matsuda, Kenji; Nishimura, Katsuhiko; Banhart, John; Matsuzaki, Teiichiro; Tomono, Dai. (2012) Muon spin relaxation and positron annihilation spectroscopy studies of solute clustering in Al-Mg-Si alloys. NTNU ICPMAT2012 , Trondheim 2012-06-17 - 2012-06-20
PosterSaito, Takeshi; Muraishi, Shinji; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmestad, Randi. (2012) Influence of low Cu amounts in combination with pre-deformation on the precipitate structures in Al-Mg-Si alloys. 7th International Conference on the Physical Properties and Application of Advanced Materials 2012-06-17 - 2012-06-20
Academic lectureSaito, Takeshi; Muraishi, Shinji; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmestad, Randi. (2012) Effect of low Cu amounts and pre-deformation on the precipitation in Al-Mg-Si alloys. 13th International Conference on Aluminum Alloy (ICAA13) 2012-06-03 - 2012-06-07
Academic lectureHallsteinsen, Ingrid; Boschker, Jos Emiel; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Lee, S; Rzchowski, M; Vullum, Per Erik. (2012) Controlled surfaces of epitaxial (111)-oriented perovskite thin films. STINT STINT Workshop on Oxide and Interface Magnetism , Trondheim 2012-12-05 - 2012-12-06
Academic lectureHallsteinsen, Ingrid; Boschker, Jos Emiel; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Lee, S; Rzchowski, M; Vullum, Per Erik. (2012) Film growth of (111)-oriented perovskite systems. NTNU Nano-lab 7th annual Nanolab meeting , Trondheim 2012-12-12 -
Academic lectureHallsteinsen, Ingrid; Boschker, Jos Emiel; Nord, Magnus Kristofer; Lee, S; Rzchowski, M; Vullum, Per Erik. (2012) Surface stability of epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films on (111)-oriented SrTiO3. Material Research Society Material Research Society - Fall meeting 2012 , Boston 2012-11-25 - 2012-11-30
Academic lectureWenner, Sigurd; Matsuda, Kenji; Nishimura, Katsuhiko; Banhart, John; Matsuzaki, Teiichiro; Tomono, Dai. (2012) Muon spin relaxation and positron annihilation spectroscopy studies of solute clustering in Al-Mg-Si alloys. TMS ICAA13 , Pittsburgh 2012-06-03 - 2012-06-07
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2012) Precipitation in 6XXX aluminum alloys. UIUC Hard Materials Seminar, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois, at Urbana-Champaign , Urbana-Champaign 2012-09-27 -
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2012) Formation of clusters and precipitates in age hardenable Al alloys. UIUC Condensed Matter Physics seminar, Dept. of Physics, University of Illinois, at Urbana-Champaign , Urbana- Champaign 2012-10-26 -
Academic lectureBjørge, Ruben; Holmestad, Randi; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; weyland, Matthew; Etheridge, Joanne. (2012) Quantitative STEM Study of the beta'-Ge Phase in Al-Mg-Ge Alloys. Microscopy society of America Microscopy and Microanalysis (M&M) 2012 meeting , Phoenix, Arizona 2012-07-29 - 2012-08-02
PosterNord, Magnus Kristofer; Boschker, Jos Emiel; Vullum, Per Erik; Tybell, Thomas; Holmestad, Randi. (2012) Transmission Electron Microscopy characterization of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3 ferroelastic thin films. 2012 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit 2012-11-25 - 2012-11-30
PosterNord, Magnus Kristofer; Boschker, Jos Emiel; Vullum, Per Erik; Tybell, Thomas; Holmestad, Randi. (2012) Transmission Electron Microscopy characterization of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3 ferroelastic thin films. Nordic Microscopy Society scandem 2012 2012-06-13 - 2012-06-15
PosterNord, Magnus Kristofer; Boschker, Jos Emiel; Vullum, Per Erik; Tybell, Thomas; Holmestad, Randi. (2012) Domain Relaxation in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3 Thin Films due to Declamping. Microscopy & Microanalysis 2012 Meeting 2012-07-29 - 2012-08-02
PosterNord, Magnus Kristofer; Boschker, Jos Emiel; Vullum, Per Erik; Tybell, Thomas; Holmestad, Randi. (2012) Transmission Electron Microscopy characterization of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrTiO3 ferroelastic thin films. NanoNetwork 3rd annual workshop 2012-06-11 - 2012-06-13
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2012) Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloys - Structure, Composition, Coherency and Interfaces. MRS Fall Meeting , Boston 2012-11-25 - 2012-11-30
Academic lectureKauko, Hanne; Bjørge, Ruben; Holmestad, Randi; Van Helvoort, Antonius. (2011) Quantitative HAADF-STEM on heterostructured GaAs nanowires. Scandem Scandem2011 , Oulu 2011-06-08 - 2011-06-10
Academic lectureBjørge, Ruben; Dwyer, Christian; Weyland, Matthew; Nakashima, Philip N.H.; Etheridge, Joanne; Holmestad, Randi. (2011) Quantitative HAADF STEM study of β’-like precipitates in an Al-Mg-Ge alloy. EMAG2011 , Birmingham 2011-09-06 - 2011-09-09
Academic lectureWenner, Sigurd; Torsæter, Malin; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmestad, Randi. (2011) The Role of Copper in Clustering and Precipitation in Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloys. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde ECAA 2011 , Bremen 2011-10-05 - 2011-10-07
Popular scientific lecture
PosterSæterli, Ragnhild; Selbach, Sverre Magnus; Ravindran, Ponniah; Grande, Tor; Holmestad, Randi. (2011) Experimental and theoretical study of the electronic structure of multiferroic BiFeO3 and related compounds. Scandem (Scandinavian elektronmicroscopy society SCANDEM 2011 , Oulu 2011-06-08 - 2011-06-10
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Bjørge, Ruben; Ehlers, Flemming J H; Matsuda, Kenji; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle. (2011) Imperfect (and ‘perfect’!) precipitates in 6xxx Aluminium Alloys. 6th International Conference on the Physical Properties and Application of Advanced MATerials (ICPMAT2011), , Shanghai 2011-10-11 - 2011-10-15
Academic lectureFriis, Jesper; Ehlers, Flemming J H; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Dumoulin, Stephane; Marthinsen, Knut; Holmestad, Randi. (2011) Multi-scale precipitation modelling for age-hardenable Al-Mg-Si alloys. European Aluminium Associatiation 1st European Conference on Aluminium Alloys , Bremen 2011-10-05 - 2011-10-07
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Bjørge, Ruben; Ehlers, Flemming J H; Matsuda, Kenji; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle. (2011) Imperfect precipitates in 6xxx Aluminium Alloys. Institute of Physics EMAG2011 , Birmingham 2011-09-06 - 2011-09-09
Academic lectureEberg, Espen; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Takahashi, Ryota; Gass, Mhairi; Mendis, Budhika; Bleloch, Andrew. (2011) EELS (and HAADF-STEM) studies of the PbTiO3 /SrTiO3 interface in ferroelectric thin films. 6th International Conference on the Physical Properties and Application of Advanced MATerials (ICPMAT2011) , Shanghai 2011-10-11 - 2011-10-15
Academic lectureKauko, Hanne; Bjørge, Ruben; Holmestad, Randi; Van Helvoort, Antonius. (2011) Quantitative HAADF-STEM on heterostructured GaAs nanowires. IoP EMAG2011 , Birmingham 2011-09-06 - 2011-09-06
Academic lectureWeigand, Christian Carl; Skåre, Daniel; Tveit, Johannes; Ladam, Cecile; Holmestad, Randi; Grepstad, Jostein. (2011) Growth of ZnO nanostructures on c- and a-plane sapphire by Au-assisted pulsed laser deposition. CNRS GDR Semiconductor Nanowires and Nanotubes , Porquerolles 2011-10-17 - 2011-10-21
PosterEberg, Espen; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Selbach, Sverre Magnus; Soleim, Bjørn Gunnar; Folven, Erik; Choudhury, P.R.. (2011) Epitaxial perovskite nanostructures: effect of topology and stoichiometry. 18th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics Napa Valley , Napa Valley, California 2011-09-26 - 2011-09-28
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Marioara, CD; Ehlers, Flemming; Torsæter, Malin; Bjørge, Ruben; Røyset, Jostein. (2010) Precipitate Structure Determination in 6xxx Aluminium Alloys. 17th International Microscopy Congress - IMC 2010 , Rio de Janeiro 2010-09-19 - 2010-09-24
PosterTorsæter, Malin; Hasting, Håkon Stokka; Lefebvre, Williams; Marioara, Calin D; Walmsley, John C.; Andersen, Sigmund J.. (2010) The influence of composition and natural ageing on clustering during pre-ageing in Al-Mg-Si alloys. SCANDEM 2010-06-08 - 2010-06-11
Academic lectureTorsæter, Malin; Lefebvre, Williams; Marioara, C.D.; Andersen, S. J.; Walmsley, John C.; Holmestad, Randi. (2010) The study of clustering in Al-based alloys by APT. JCNCS , Toyama 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-15
Academic lectureTorsæter, Malin; Lefebvre, Williams; Andersen, S. J.; Marioara, C.D.; Walmsley, John C.; Holmestad, Randi. (2010) Clustering behaviour in Al-Mg-Si alloys investigated by APT. Japan Institute of Light Metals 12th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys (ICAA) , Yokohama 2010-09-05 - 2010-09-09
Academic lectureEhlers, Flemming; Andersen, Sigmund J.; Marioara, Calin D.; Holmestad, Randi. (2010) Atomistic Ab Initio Studies Of Precipitate/Host Lattice Interfaces. 12th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys (ICAA) , Yokohama 2010-09-05 - 2010-09-09
Academic lectureHasting, Håkon Stokka; Frøseth, Anders Gudmund; Andersen, Sigmund J.; Vissers, Rene; Walmsley, John; Marioara, CD. (2010) Composition of β” precipitates in Al-Mg-Si alloys by atom probe tomography and first principles calculations. ’Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials’ (PTM) 2010-06-06 - 2010-06-11
Academic lectureAndersen, Sigmund J.; Marioara, CD; Torsæter, Malin; Bjørge, Ruben; Ehlers, Flemming J H; Holmestad, Randi. (2010) Behind Structure and Relation of Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si and Related Alloys. International conference on Aluminium alloys ICAA , yokohama 2010-09-05 - 2010-09-11
Academic lectureNakamura, J; Matsuda, Kenji; Sato, Tatsuo; Marioara, CD; Andersen, Sigmund J.; Holmestad, Randi. (2010) The Effect of Ag Addition on Transition of Crystal Structure for β’-phase in Al-Mg-Si Alloy. Internaational Conference on Aluminium ICAA 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-11
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2010) Physics in Aluminium?!. Friday colloquium, NTNU, Department of Physics 2010-11-05 - 2010-11-05
InterviewHolmestad, Randi. (2010) Ser innover i nanoverdenen. Adresseavisen Adresseavisen [Newspaper] 2010-10-12
Academic lectureTorsæter, Malin; lefebvre, Williams; Andersen, Sigmund J; Walmsley, John; Holmestad, Randi. (2010) Investigation of clustering in Al-Mg-Si alloys by Atom Probe Tomography. 17th International Microscopy Congress - IMC 2010 , Rio de Janeiro 2010-09-19 - 2010-09-24
PosterDehghan-Niri, Roya; Hansen, Thomas W.; Wagner, Jakob Birkedal; Holmen, Anders; Rytter, Erling; Borg, Øyvind. (2010) Using environmental transmission electron microscope to study the in-situ reduction of Co3O4 supported on α-Al2O3. 17th International Microscopy Congress - IMC 2010 , Rio de Janeiro 2010-09-19 - 2010-09-24
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Marioara, CD; Ehlers, Flemming; Torsæter, Malin; Bjørge, Ruben; Røyset, Jostein. (2010) Precipitation in 6xxx Aluminum Alloys. 12th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys (ICAA) , Yokohama 2010-09-05 - 2010-09-09
PosterBjørge, Ruben; Nakashima, Philip N.H.; Marioara, Calin D.; Andersen, Sigmund J.; Muddle, Barry C.; Etheridge, Joanne. (2010) β' precipitate in an Al-Mg-Ge alloy studied by Cs-corrected STEM. ESTEEM Workshop on Aberration-Corrected STEM , Daresbury 2010-07-03 - 2010-07-05
Academic lectureBjørge, Ruben; Nakashima, Philip N.H.; Marioara, Calin D.; Andersen, Sigmund J.; Muddle, Barry C.; Etheridge, Joanne. (2010) Precipitate/Matrix Interface in an Al-Mg-Ge Alloy Studied by Annular Dark-Field Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy. Japan Institute of Light Metals The 12th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys , Yokohama 2010-09-05 - 2010-09-09
Academic lectureHolmestad, Jon; Marioara, C.D.; Andersen, Sigmund J.; Holmestad, Randi. (2010) The Effect of Ag on Hardness and Microstructure during Overageing of Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloys. JCNCS , Toyama 2010-09-12 - 2010-09-15
Academic lectureHolmestad, Jon; Marioara, C.D.; Andersen, Sigmund J.; Holmestad, Randi. (2010) Microstructure of Two Overaged Al-Mg-Si-Cu Alloys. Japan Institute of Light Metals 12th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys (ICAA) , Yokohama 2010-09-05 - 2010-09-09
Academic lectureMarioara, CD; Andersen, Sigmund J.; boothroyd, Chris; Holmestad, Randi. (2010) Disordered Precipitates in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu-Ag Alloy. International Conference on Aluminium Alloys 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-11
Academic lectureNordmark, Heidi; Ulyashin, Alexander; Walmsley, John; Holmestad, Randi. (2010) H-initiated extended defects from plasma treatment: Comparison between c-Si and mc-Si. International Conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors (EDS2010) , Brighton 2010-09-19 - 2010-09-24
Academic lectureVan Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi; Walmsley, John C. (2010) TEM as tool in nanotechnology at NTNU. NTNU Nanolab 5th NTNU Nanolab usermeeting , Trondheim 2010-09-10 - 2010-09-10
Academic lectureWalmsley, John C; Dehghan-Niri, Roya; Vullum, Per Erik; Holmestad, Randi; Rønning, Magnus; Holmen, Anders. (2010) TEM analysis of catalyst and energy storage materials. Fritz-Haber-Institute of Max-Planck Society International Symposium on Advanced Electron Microscopy for Catalysis and Energy Storage Materials , Berlin 2010-01-17 - 2010-01-20
Academic lectureEberg, Espen; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Takahashi, Ryota; Gass, Mhairi; Mendis, Budhika; Holmestad, Randi. (2010) Evidence of Change in Ti/Pb-O Hybridization at the PbTiO3 / SrTiO3 Interfaces. MRS MRS Spring meeting , San Fransico 2010-04-05 - 2010-04-07
Academic lectureRørvik, Per Martin; Sæterli, Ragnhild; You, Chang Chuan; Holmestad, Randi; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Tybell, Thomas. (2010) Annealing effect on the domain orientation in PbTiO3 nanorods. Electroceramics XII , Trondheim 2010-06-13 - 2010-06-16
PosterReenaas, Turid Worren; Vullum, Per Erik; Song, Y.; Sadeghi, M.; Thomassen, Sedsel Fretheim; Holmestad, Randi. (2010) Comparative study of spacer layers for InAs quantum dot stacks. 22nd International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials , Takamatsu 2010-05-31 - 2010-06-04
PosterWeigand, Christian Carl; Grepstad, Jostein; Weman, Helge; Ladam, C.; Vullum, Per Erik; Dahl, Øystein. (2010) ZnO nanosheets grown by pulsed laser deposition. 5th Nanowire Growth Workshop , Rome 2010-11-03 - 2010-11-05
Academic lectureRørvik, Per Martin; Sæterli, Ragnhild; Almli, Åsmund; You, Chang Chuan; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi. (2009) Hierarchical growth of ferroelectric PbTiO3 nanorods. NTNU NanoLab 4th NTNU NanoLab User Meeting , Trondheim 2009-05-13 - 2009-05-13
Academic lectureRørvik, Per Martin; Sæterli, Ragnhild; Almli, Åsmund; You, Chang Chuan; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi. (2009) Hierarchical growth of ferrolectric PbTiO3 nanorods. NANOMAT NANOMAT Conference 2009 , Lillehammer 2009-06-16 - 2009-06-17
Academic lectureEhlers, Flemming; Holmestad, Randi. (2009) Direct Approach to Atomistic Ab Initio Studies of Precipitate Growth in Alloys. Materials Research Society MRS Fall Meeting 2009 , Boston, MA 2009-11-30 - 2009-12-04
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2009) TEM activities in materials science in Trondheim. UiO, Strukturfysikk NORTEM Workshop , Oslo 2009-05-07 - 2009-05-08
Academic lectureVullum, Per Erik; Eberg, Espen; Sæterli, Ragnhild; Horvli, Mari E; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Soleim, Bjørn Gunnar. (2009) TEM specimen preparation of ceramic materials by tripod wedge polishing and Ar-ion milling. Electron Microscopy for Ceramic Materials (EMCM) 2009-08-08 - 2009-08-13
Academic lectureVullum, Per Erik; Thomassen, Sedsel Fretheim; Holmestad, Randi; Fimland, Bjørn-Ove; Reenaas, Turid Worren. (2009) TEM characterization of quantum dot intermediate band solar cell materials. SCANDEM 2009, Annual Meeting of the Nordic Microscopy Society , Reykjavik 2009-06-08 - 2009-06-10
Academic lectureVullum, Per Erik; Thomassen, Sedsel Fretheim; Sadeghi, Mahdad; Holmestad, Randi; Fimland, Bjørn-Ove; Wang, Shumin. (2009) Transmission electron microscopy characterization of quantum dot intermediate band solar cell materials. NanoMat meeting 2009-06-15 - 2009-06-19
Academic lectureVullum, Per Erik; Thomassen, Sedsel Fretheim; Holmestad, Randi; Fimland, Bjørn-Ove; Reenaas, Turid Worren. (2009) TEM characterization of intermediate band quantum dot solar cell materials. 4th NTNU Nanolab user meeting 2009-05-13 - 2009-05-13
Academic lectureBjørge, Ruben; Holmestad, Randi; Marioara, Calin D; Andersen, Sigmund J. (2009) Precipitation in two Al-Mg-Ge alloys. SCANDEM 2009 2009-06-08 - 2009-06-10
PosterSæterli, Ragnhild; Flage-Larsen, Espen; Prytz, Øystein; Taftø, Johan; Marthinsen, Knut; Holmestad, Randi. (2009) Electron energy loss near edge structure of phosphorus L2,3 edges in skutterudites. Edge 2009 2009-05-17 - 2009-05-22
PosterDehghan-Niri, Roya; Hansen, Thomas W.; Walmsley, John C; Holmen, Anders; Rytter, Erling; Holmestad, Randi. (2009) Advanced TEM study of Co Fischer-Tropsch catalysts. InGap, UIO, NTNU InGap summer school , Trondheim 2009-06-22 - 2009-06-26
PosterDehghan-Niri, Roya; Holmestad, Randi; Walmsley, John C; Holmen, Anders; Rytter, Erling; Hansen, Thomas W.. (2009) Advanced TEM study of Co Fischer-Tropsch catalyst. Norges Forskningsråd NanoMat meeting , Lillehammer 2009-06-15 - 2009-06-19
PosterHolmestad, Randi; Olsen, Arne; Walmsley, John C. (2009) Norwegian TEM environment sourcing out – NORTEM initiative needed. Norges Forskningsråd NanoMat Meeting , Lillehammer 2009-06-15 - 2009-06-19
PosterThomassen, Sedsel Fretheim; Reenaas, Turid Worren; Fimland, Bjørn-Ove; Vullum, Per Erik; Holmestad, Randi; Wang, Shumin. (2009) Material studies for quantum dot intermediate band solar cells. Euro MBE 2009 2009-03-08 - 2009-03-11
Academic lectureVissers, Rene; Marioara, Calin D; Andersen, Sigmund J; Holmestad, Randi. (2008) Process, Mechanical and Heat Treatment Modelling: Crystal Structure determination of the B' phase in Al-Mg-Si Alloys by combining Quantitative Electron diffraction and ab initio Calculations. ICAA 11 , Aachen 2008-09-22 - 2008-09-26
Academic lectureMarioara, Calin D; Andersen, Sigmund J; Stene, Tore; Hasting, Håkon Stokka; Walmsley, John C; Van Helvoort, Antonius. (2008) Microstructure: The influence of Cu on Hardness and Microstructure in Al-Mg-Si alloys. ICAA 11 , Aachen 2008-09-22 - 2008-09-26
Academic lectureRørvik, Per Martin; Almli, Åsmund; You, Chang Chuan; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi; Tybell, Thomas. (2008) Template-free hydrothermal synthesis of PbTiO3 nanorod arrays. Electroceramics XI , Manchester 2008-08-31 - 2008-09-03
Academic lectureAndersen, Sigmund J; Marioara, Calin D; Vissers, Rene; Holmestad, Randi. (2008) Effect of Defects: Atomic Structure of precipitates in AlMgSi(Cu) Insights into precipitation. ICAA 11 , Aachen 2008-09-22 - 2008-09-26
Academic lectureBjørge, Ruben; Marioara, Calin D; Andersen, Sigmund J; Holmestad, Randi. (2008) Precipitation in an Al-Mg-Ge alloy. European Microscopy Society 14th European Microscopy Congress , Aachen 2008-09-01 - 2008-09-05
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Walmsley, John C; Van Helvoort, Antonius. (2008) Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy - Studying Materials with a Nanometer Electron Probe. NTNU Nanolab Nanotechnology NTNU 2008 , Trondheim 2008-09-11 - 2008-09-12
Academic lectureRørvik, Per Martin; Amli, Åsmund; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi; Tybell, Thomas; Grande, Tor. (2008) Template-free hydrothermal synthesis of PbTiO3 nanorod arrays. NTNU Nanolab 3rd NTNU Nanolab User Meeting , Trondheim 2008-03-06 - 2008-03-06
Academic lectureVan Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi; Walmsley, John C. (2008) Transmission Electron Microscopy: now and in the very near future, an invitation to enter a new field of physics. NTNU Nanolab 3rd NTNU Nanolab User Meeting , Trondheim 2008-03-06 - 2008-03-06
Academic lectureVan Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi; Sæterli, Ragnhild; Jacobsen, Arnhild. (2008) Hand-on TEM for short time student projects?. SCANDEM SCANDEM conference , DTU Copenhagen 2008-06-02 - 2008-06-04
Academic lectureTucho, Wakshum Mekonnen; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen; Walmsley, John C; Bredesen, Rune; Holmestad, Randi. (2008) Permeation and microstructure studies of Pd-Ag membranes for H2 separation. NTNU Nanolab 3rd NTNU Nanolab User Meeting , Trondheim 2008-03-06 - 2008-03-06
PosterRørvik, Per Martin; Almli, Åsmund; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi; Tybell, Thomas; Grande, Tor. (2008) Hydrothermal synthesis of PbTiO3 nanorod arrays. Zing Conference on Solid State Chemistry , Cancun 2008-03-10 - 2008-03-13
PosterNordmark, Heidi; Holmestad, Randi; Walmsley, John C; Di Sabatino, Marisa; Øvrelid, Eivind. (2008) TEM studies of grain boundaries and precipitation in multicrystalline silicon. SCANDEM SCANDEM conference , DTU Copenhagen 2008-06-02 - 2008-06-04
PosterEberg, Espen; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Soleim, Bjørn Gunnar; Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad; Tybell, Thomas; Holmestad, Randi. (2008) Comparison of TEM specimen preparation of perovskite thin films by conventional Ar ion milling and tripod polishing. European MIcroscopy Society European Microscopy Society Meeting , Achen 2008-09-01 - 2008-09-05
PosterEberg, Espen; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Soleim, Bjørn Gunnar; Monsen, Åsmund Fløystad; Wennberg, Lena C; Tybell, Thomas. (2008) TEM specimen preparation of perovskite thin films. NTNU Nanolab 1st Nanotechnology@NTNU International Symposium , Trondheim 2008-09-11 - 2008-09-12
PosterRørvik, Per Martin; Almli, Åsmund; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi; Tybell, Thomas; Grande, Tor. (2008) Hydrothermal synthesis of PbTiO3 nanorod arrays. NTNU Nanolab 1st Nanotechnology@NTNU International Symposium , Trondheim 2008-09-11 - 2008-09-12
PosterTorsæter, Malin; Vissers, Rene; Marioara, Calin D; Andersen, Sigmund J; Holmestad, Randi. (2008) Simulation and Modelling: Crystal Structure Determination of the Q' and C-type Plate Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-Cu (6xxx) Alloys. International aluminium association ICAA 11 , Aachen 2008-09-22 - 2008-09-26
PosterSæterli, Ragnhild; Wang, Guozhong; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Rørvik, Per Martin; Einarsrud, Mari-Ann; Grande, Tor. (2008) TEM characterisation of lead titanate nanorods. NTNU Nanolab 1st Nanotechnology@NTNU International Symposium , Trondheim 2008-09-11 - 2008-09-12
Academic lectureHasting, Håkon Stokka; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Walmsley, John C; Marioara, CD; Andersen, Sigmund; Holmestad, Randi. (2007) Precipitation phases in AlMgSiCu alloys studied by Z-contrast STEM. Scandem SCANDEM , Helsinki 2007-06-06 - 2007-06-09
Academic lectureRørvik, Per Martin; Almli, Åsmund; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi; Tybell, Thomas; Grande, Tor. (2007) Template-free hydrothermal synthesis of PbTiO3 nanorod arrays. KIFEE KIFEE International Symposium on Environment, Energy and Materials , Otsu 2007-12-04 - 2007-12-07
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2007) Nanoskala materialkarakterisering ved hjelp av TEM. Universitetet i Stavanger Seminar i Naturvitenskap ved UIS , Stavanger 2007-10-03 - 2007-10-03
Academic lectureFriis, Jesper; Marthinsen, Knut; Holmestad, Randi. (2007) Charge density studies using convergent beam electron diffraction. Gordon Research Conferences Gordon Research Conference,: Electron distribution and chemical bonding , Mount Holyoke College 2007-07-01 - 2007-07-06
Academic lectureFriis, Jesper; Marthinsen, Knut; Holmestad, Randi. (2007) Charge density studies by QCBED. Dept. of physics, Univ. of Oslo, Dept. of physics, NTNU Workshop on electronic structure of thermoelectric materials , Reykjavik 2007-07-30 - 2007-08-01
Academic lectureVullum, Per Erik; pitt, mark; Walmsley, John C; Hauback, Bjørn C.; Holmestad, Randi. (2007) TEM characterization of doped NaAlH4 - Possibilities and limitations. Gordon Research Conference: Hydrogen-Metal Systems , Colby College, Waterville, Maine 2007-07-08 - 2007-07-13
Academic lectureVullum, Per Erik; pitt, mark; Walmsley, John C; Hauback, Bjørn C.; Holmestad, Randi. (2007) Transition metal enhanced NaAlH4 – a combined TEM and synchrotron X-ray diffraction study. EMAG of the Institute of Physics Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group (EMAG) , Gøasgpw Caøedpmoam University, Glasgow 2007-09-03 - 2007-09-07
Academic lectureNordmark, Heidi; Ulyashin, Alexander; Walmsley, John C; Holmestad, Randi. (2007) The temperature evolution of the hydrogen plasma induced structural defects in crystalline silicon. 12th International Autumn meeting Gettereing and Defect Engeneering in Semiconductor Technology (GADEST) , Erice, Sicilia 2007-10-15 - 2007-10-19
Academic lectureSæterli, Ragnhild; Prytz, Øystein; Marthinsen, Knut; Holmestad, Randi; Taftø, Johan. (2007) EELS study of phosphorus L-edges of skutterudites. Talk at the Workshop on the electronic structure and functionality of thermoelectric materials 2007-07-30 - 2007-08-01
Academic lectureTucho, Wakshum Mekonnen; Walmsley, John C; Holmestad, Randi; Mejdell, Astrid Lervik; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen; Bredesen, Rune. (2007) Microstructural studies of thin self-supported Pd/Ag membranes tested in air and in inert gas: a comparative study. FUNMAT meeting , Bergen 2007-06-08 - 2007-06-08
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Hasting, Håkon Stokka; Marioara, Calin D; Andersen, Sigmund. (2007) New insight into precipitation and aging in AlMgSi(Cu)-alloys,. Doctor Technicae Honoris Causa Dave Embury Seminar, NTNU 2007-05-31 - 2007-05-31
InterviewHolmestad, Randi. (2007) Newton, innslag om Karbon nanorør og TEM. Trondheim Trondheim [TV] 2007-05-13
Academic lectureSæterli, Ragnhild; Wang, Guozhong; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Rørvik, Per Martin; Einarsrud, Mari-Ann; Grande, Tor. (2007) Transmission electron microscopy of ferroelectric lead titanate nanorods. Nanomat 2007-06-05 - 2007-06-07
Academic lectureRamachandran, Amutha; Peters, Thijs A.; Mejdell, Astrid Lervik; Stange, M.; Klette, Hallgeir; Tucho, Wakshum Mekonnen. (2007) AFM, XPS and TEM investigations of the stability of supported PdAg membranes under WGS conditions. NANOMAT Conference , Bergen 2007-06-05 - 2007-06-07
Academic lectureMarioara, CD; Andersen, Sigmund; Vissers, Rene; Holmestad, Randi. (2007) Recent advances on precipitation in AlMgSi(Cu) alloys. Japan-China-Australia Cooperative Symposium on Materials Science and Nanotechnology , Toyama 2007-11-14 - 2007-11-17
Academic lectureSæterli, Ragnhild; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Wang, Guozhong; Rørvik, Per Martin; Tanem, Bjørn Steinar; Grande, Tor. (2007) Detailed TEM characterization of PbTiO3 nanorods. Electron microscopy and Analysis Group Conference 2007-09-03 - 2007-09-07
Academic lectureSæterli, Ragnhild; Prytz, Øystein; Vullum, Per Erik; Taftø, Johan; Holmestad, Randi. (2007) EELS and CBED studies of skutterudites. Electronic structure and functionality of thermoelectric materials 2007-07-30 - 2007-08-01
Posterniri-dehghan, Roya; Walmsley, John C; Holmestad, Randi; Holmen, Anders; Rønning, Magnus; Rytter, Erling. (2007) Advanced TEM of Catalyst particles. Scandem SCANDEM , Helsinki 2007-06-06 - 2007-06-09
PosterVullum, Per Erik; Walmsley, John C; Holmestad, Randi; Hauback, Bjørn C.; pitt, mark. (2007) TEM studies of the complex alanate NaAlH4 added Ti. Scandem SCANDEM , helsinki 2007-06-06 - 2007-09-06
PosterTucho, Wakshum Mekonnen; Mejdell, Astrid Lervik; Klette, Hallgeir; Walmsley, John C; Holmestad, Randi; Bredesen, Rune. (2007) H2 permeation and microstructure studies of 1.5 µm Pd/Ag membranes. NANOMAT Conference , Bergen 2007-06-05 - 2007-06-07
PosterSæterli, Ragnhild; Prytz, Øystein; Holmestad, Randi; Marthinsen, Knut; Taftø, Johan. (2007) The local electronic structure of phosphorus in skutterudites studied by electron energy-loss spectroscopy. Annual scientific meeting of the Condensed matter and atomic physics division of the Norwegian Physical Society 2007-06-05 -
PosterSæterli, Ragnhild; Prytz, Øystein; Vullum, Per Erik; Friis, Jesper; Marthinsen, Knut; Holmestad, Randi. (2007) Convergent beam electron diffraction experiments on thermoelectric skutterudites. Materials Research Socitey Fall Meeting 2007-09-26 - 2007-09-30
PosterSæterli, Ragnhild; Prytz, Øystein; Vullum, Per Erik; Marthinsen, Knut; Holmestad, Randi; Taftø, Johan. (2007) Convergent beam electron diffraction experiments on thermoelectric skutterudites. Materials Research Society Fall Meeting 2007-11-26 - 2007-11-30
PosterSæterli, Ragnhild; Wang, Guozhong; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Rørvik, Per Martin; Einarsrud, Mari-Ann; Grande, Tor. (2007) TEM characterization of lead titanate nanorods. Nanomat 2007-06-05 - 2007-06-07
PosterNordmark, Heidi; Ulyashin, Alexander; Walmsley, John C; Holmestad, Randi. (2007) Comparative Analysis of the Surface Texturing of Silicon by Hydrogen Plasma Treatments or Hydrogen Radicals Generated by Tungsten Hot Filament. 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition , Milano 2007-09-03 - 2007-09-07
PosterRørvik, Per Martin; Almli, Åsmund; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi; Tybell, Thomas; Einarsrud, Mari-Ann. (2007) Template-free hydrothermal synthesis of PbTiO3 nanorod arrays. The 14th International Workshop on Oxide Electronics , Jeju 2007-10-07 - 2007-10-10
PosterNordmark, Heidi; Ulyashin, Alexander; Walmsley, John C; Holmestad, Randi. (2007) A Comparative Analysis of Structural Defect Formation in Si+ Implanted and then Plasma Hydrogenated and in H+ Implanted Crystalline Silicon. 12th Annual Meeting Gettering and Defect Engeneering in Semiconductor Technology (GADEST) , Erice 2007-10-15 - 2007-10-19
PosterNordmark, Heidi; Di sabatino, Marisa; Øvrelid, E. J.; Walmsley, John C; Holmestad, Randi. (2007) TEM characterisation of a multicrystalline si material for PV applications. 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition , Milano 2007-09-03 - 2007-09-07
PosterSæterli, Ragnhild; Prytz, Øystein; Holmestad, Randi; Marthinsen, Knut; Taftø, Johan. (2007) The local electronic structure of phosphorus in skutterudites studied by electron energy-loss spectroscopy. Nanomat 2007-06-05 - 2007-06-07
PosterPrytz, Øystein; Sæterli, Ragnhild; Holmestad, Randi; Taftø, Johan. (2007) Investigations of bonding in skutterudites by electron energy loss spectroscopy. Materials Research Society Fall Meeting 2007-09-26 - 2007-09-30
Academic lectureRørvik, Per Martin; Einarsrud, Mari-Ann; Grande, Tor; Lyngdal, Tone; Holmestad, Randi; Van Helvoort, Antonius. (2006) Chemical preparation of ferroelectric nanorods. Third national FUNMAT meeting , Trondheim 2006-01-05 - 2006-01-06
Academic lectureVan Helvoort, Antonius; Eberg, Espen; Holmestad, Randi; Soleim, Bjørn Gunnar; Dahl, Øystein; Tybell, Thomas. (2006) Ferroelectric thin film interfacial characterisation. 4th THIOX meeting , Jægtvolden 2006-03-19 - 2006-03-20
Academic lectureVan Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi; Soleim, Bjørn Gunnar; Eberg, Espen; Dahl, Øystein; Tybell, Thomas. (2006) Ferroelectric thin film-substrate interfacial characterisation. International Federation of Societies for Microscopy 16th Internation Microscopy Conference (IMC16) , Sapporo 2006-09-03 - 2006-09-08
Academic lectureHasting, Håkon Stokka; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Marioara, Calin D; Andersen, Sigmund; Holmestad, Randi; Walmsley, John C. (2006) Z-contrast of precipitation phases in AlMgSiCu alloys. International Federation of Societies for Microscopy 16th Internation Microscopy Conference (IMC16) , Sapporo 2006-09-03 - 2006-09-08
Academic lectureVan Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi; Walmsley, John C. (2006) Opportunities of using electrons for (sub) nanometer characterisation. 1st NTNU Nanolab User Meeting , Jægtvolden 2006-03-09 - 2006-03-10
Academic lectureVan Helvoort, Antonius; Soleim, Bjørn Gunnar; Dahl, Øystein; Holmestad, Randi; Tybell, Thomas. (2006) Ferroelectric thin films study using various transmission electron microscopy techniques. Third national FUNMAT meeting , Trondheim 2006-01-05 - 2006-01-06
Academic lectureNordmark, Heidi; Ulyashin, Alexander; Walmsley, John C; Tøtdal, Bård; Holmestad, Randi. (2006) Evolution of hydrogen induced defects during annealing of plasma treated Czochralski silicon. European Materials Research Society spring meeting 2006 , Nice 2006-05-29 - 2006-06-02
PosterTucho, Wakshum Mekonnen; Holmestad, Randi; Walmsley, John C.; Arstad, Bjørnar; Klette, Hallgeir; Venvik, Hilde Johnsen. (2006) Microstructural Characterization of Free-Standing Pd/Ag Membranes for Hydrogen Separation. 9th International Conference on Inorganic Membranes , Lillehammer 2006-06-25 - 2006-06-29
PosterUlyashin, Alexander; Nordmark, Heidi; Walmsley, John C; Tøtdal, Bård; Holmestad, Randi. (2006) INFLUENCE OF AN INTENSIVE HYDROGENATION ON STRUCTURAL AND POINT DEFECT FORMATION IN SILICON. 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference , Dresden 2006-09-03 - 2006-09-08
Academic lectureVan Helvoort, Antonius; Soleim, Bjørn Gunnar; Dahl, Øystein; Holmestad, Randi; Tybell, Thomas. (2005) Scanning transmission electron microscopy of ferroelectric thin films. 2nd FUNMAT meeting , Oslo 2005-01-05 - 2005-01-07
Academic lectureHasting, Håkon Kortner; Walmsley, John; Holmestad, Randi; Marioara, Calin D; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Danoix, Frederic. (2005) Characterisation of early precipitation phases in 6xxx series aluminium alloys. Institute of Physics EMAG-NANO 2005 , Leeds 2005-08-31 - 2005-09-02
Academic lectureVan Helvoort, Antonius; Wennberg, Lena C; Soleim, Bjørn Gunnar; Dahl, Øystein; Holmestad, Randi; Tybell, Thomas. (2005) Sample preparation for advanced transmission electron microscopy of thin SrRuO3 films. 7th Multinational Congress on Microscopy , Portorož 2005-06-26 - 2005-06-30
PosterVan Helvoort, Antonius; Soleim, Bjørn Gunnar; Dahl, Øystein; Holmestad, Randi; Tybell, Thomas. (2005) Annular dark field study of lead titanate thin films. NANOMAT - Birkeland conference 2005 2005-06-02 - 2005-06-03
PosterMastin, Johann Roland M; Vullum, Per Erik; Holmestad, Randi; Einarsrud, Mari-Ann; Grande, Tor. (2005) Non-elastic deformation of LaCoO3-based ferroelastic ceramics. Materials Research Society MRS Meeting , Boston 2005-11-27 - 2005-12-02
PosterVan Helvoort, Antonius; Tanem, Bjørn Steiner; Holmestad, Randi. (2005) Advanced transmission electron microscopy of nanostructured soft materials. Nanomat - Birkeland conference 2005 2005-06-02 - 2005-06-03
PosterVan Helvoort, Antonius; Dahl, Øystein; Soleim, Bjørn Gunnar; Holmestad, Randi; Zuo, Jian-Min; Tybell, Thomas. (2005) (S)TEM studies of epitaxial PbTiO3/SrTiO3 ferroelectric thin films. MRS Fall Meeting , Boston 2005-11-27 - 2005-12-02
Academic lectureVan Helvoort, Antonius; Tanem, Bjørn Steinar; Holmestad, Randi. (2005) Annular bright and dark field imaging of soft materials. Institute of Physics EMAG-NANO 2005 , Leeds 2005-08-31 - 2005-09-02
Academic lectureHasting, Håkon Kortner; Walmsley, John; Marioara, Calin D; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Holmestad, Randi; Danoix, Frederic. (2005) Characterisation of early precipitation stages in 6xxx series aluminium alloys. EMAG-NANO 2005 2005-08-30 - 2005-09-02
InterviewHolmestad, Randi; Van Helvoort, Antonius. (2004) Nyheter - Nytt Elektronmikroskop ved Institutt for fysikk, NTNU. TV Trøndelag og TV Norge TV Trøndelag og TV Norge [TV] 2004-06-07
InterviewHolmestad, Randi. (2004) Intervju - nytt elektronmikroskop ved Instuitutt for fysikk, NTNU. Radioadressa Radioadressa [Radio] 2004-06-07
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi. (2004) TEM activities in the department of physics. Institutt for fysikk, NTNU Inauguration seminar - New TEM , Dept. of physics , Trondheim 2004-06-11 -
Academic lectureVullum, Per Erik; Holmestad, Randi; Lein, Hilde Lea; Einarsrud, Mari-Ann; Grande, Tor. (2004) TEM observations of an adaptive phase in rombohedral LaCoO3 based plolycrystals. European Microscopy Society and Belgium Micr. Soc. 13th European Microscopy Congress , University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium 2004-08-22 - 2004-08-27
Academic lectureDahl, Øystein; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Soleim, B.G.; Grepstad, Jostein; Holmestad, Randi; Grande, Tor. (2004) The influence of thickness in epitaxial PbTiO3 thin films. Tokyo Institute of Technology 11th Intl. Workshop on Oxide Electronics , Hakone 2004-10-03 - 2004-10-05
PosterVan Helvoort, Antonius; Soleim, Bjørn Gunnar; Dahl, Øystein; Friis, Jesper; Holmestad, Randi; Tybell, Thomas. (2004) Homogeneity in epitaxial lead titanate thin films on strontium titante. European Microscopy Society and the Belgian Society for Mic The thirteenth European Microscopy Congress , Antwerpen 2004-08-22 - 2004-08-27
PosterFriis, Jesper; Jiang, Bin; Marthinsen, Knut; Holmestad, Randi. (2004) A Charge Density Study of Strontium Titanate with Quantitative Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction. Gordon Research Conference on Electron Distribution & Chemical Bonding. The Chemical Bond: Densities and Dynamics , Mount Holyoke College 2004-07-04 - 2004-07-09
PosterDahl, Øystein; Van Helvoort, Antonius; Nilsen, Elin; Holmestad, Randi; Grande, Tor; Tybell, Thomas. (2004) The influence of thickness in thin epitaxial PbTiO3 thin films. THIOX 1st topical THIOX meeteing , St. Margarita 2004-03-17 - 2004-03-19
PosterHolmestad, Randi; Walmsley, John; Van Helvoort, Antonius. (2004) Transmission electron microscopy: a key tool in nanotechnology. NFR NANOMAT-konferansen 2004 , Soria Moria, Oslo 2004-06-03 - 2004-06-04
Academic lectureFriis, Jesper; Marthinsen, Knut; Holmestad, Randi. (2004) Retrieval of anisotropic displacement parameters in Mg from convergent beam electron diffraction. Electron Microscopy and Analysis Conference (EMAG2003) , Oxford, UK 2003-09-05 -
Academic lectureFriis, Jesper; Madsen, Georg; Larsen, Finn krebs; Jiang, Bin; Marthinsen, Knut; Holmestad, Randi. (2003) Comparison of density functional theory with electron and X-ray diffraction experiments on magnesium. Århus Universitet ECDM-III , Sandbjerg Estate 2003-06-24 - 2003-06-29
Academic lectureFriis, Jesper; Jiang, Bin; Marthinsen, Knut; Holmestad, Randi. (2003) Combination of structure factors from x-ray and convergent beam electron diffraction. Workshop on Advanced Methods in X-ray Diffraction Analysis , Buffalo, NY 2003-05-12 - 2003-05-17
Academic lecturevan Helvoort, A.J.T.; Holmestad, Randi; Knowles, Kevin. (2003) Compositional characterisation of electrostatic bonds. Electron Microscopy and Analysis Conference (EMAG2003) , Oxford, UK 2003-09-05 -
Academic lectureAndrei, Carmen; Hauback, Bjørn; Brinks, Hendrik; Holmestad, Randi; Walmsley, John. (2003) TEM studies of microstructure evolution of TbNiAl during HDDR process. Electron Microscopy and Analysis Conference (EMAG2003) , Oxford, UK 2003-09-05 -
Academic lectureAndrei, Carmen; Walmsley, John; Yu, Yingda; Brinks, Hendrik; Holmestad, Randi; Hauback, Bjørn. (2002) TEM studies of TbNiAl in the Disproportionation Stage of the HDDR Process. Microscopy and microanalysis 2002 , Quebec, Canada 2002-08-08 -
Academic lectureAndrei, Carmen; Walmsley, John; Yu, Yingda; Brinks, Hendrik; Holmestad, Randi; Hauback, Bjørn. (2002) TEM studies of TbNiAl in the Disproportionation Stage of the HDDR Process. International Symposium on Metal Hydrogen Systems, 2002 , Annecy, France 2002-09-06 -
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Friis, Jesper. (2002) Quantitative Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction. Microscopy Society of America Microscopy and Microanalysis Annual Meeting , Quebec 2002-08-05 - 2002-08-08
Academic lectureFriis, Jesper; Holmestad, Randi. (2002) A Study of Bonding in Copper by Low Order QCBED Measurements. Microscopy and Microanalysis annual meeting , Quebec 2002-08-05 - 2002-08-08
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Birkeland, Christophe Rene; Marthinsen, Knut; Høier, Rangvald; Zuo, Jian Min. (1999) Use of quantitative CBED in Materials Science. International Union of Crystallography congress XVIII, , Glasgow, 4-13 august 1999
Academic lectureDerlet, Peter; Høier, Rangvald; Holmestad, Randi; Marthinsen, Knut; Ryum, Nils. (1999) A study of vacancies in pure aluminium and their role in the diffusion of lithium in a dilute Al-Li alloy using the embedded atom model. MRS 1998 Fall Meeting , Boston, Massachusetts, USA, Nov. 30 - Dec. 4
Academic lectureBirkeland, Christophe; Høier, Rangvald; Holmestad, Randi; Marthinsen, Knut. (1998) Structure-Factor Refinements in Non-Centrosymmetric Crystals Using Convergent Beam Intensities and Inaccurate Input Data. The International Centennial Symposium on the Electron , Cambridge, England
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Høier, Rangvald; Ryum, Nils. (1998) A precipitation sequence in an AlMgZn-alloy. International Conference on Electron Microscopy, ICEM14 , Cancun, Mexico
Popular scientific lectureDerlet, Peter; Høier, Rangvald; Holmestad, Randi; Marthinsen, Knut; Ryum, Nils. (1998) Embedded Atom Model applied to vacancy formation in bulk aluminium and lithium. Rondablikk Seminatet 1998 , Rondablikk Høyfjellshotell, 2650 Kvam, Norway
Popular scientific lectureHolmestad, Randi. (1997) Charge density and bonding in TiAl intermetallics studied by QCBED and ELNES. Microscopy Discussion Seminar , Arizona State University
Academic lectureLie, Knut; Holmestad, Randi; Marthinsen, Knut; Høier, Rangvald. (1997) Electronic structure investigations of _y-TiAl. Microscopical Society of America. Annual Meeting , Cleveland, Ohio
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Morniroli, J.-P.; Zuo, J.M.; Spence, J.C.H.. (1997) Determination of atomic positions in SiC 4H using quantitative convergent beam refinements. Microscopical Society of America. Annual Meeting , Cleveland, Ohio
Academic lectureBirkeland, Christophe R.; Høier, Rangvald; Holmestad, Randi; Marthinsen, Knut. (1997) A convergent beam method for detrmination of structure factor phases and amplitudes from center disk inensity. Institute of Physics Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Con ference , Cambridge
Academic lectureHolmestad, Randi; Morniroli, J.P.; Zuo, J.M.; Spence, J.C.H.; Avilov, A.. (1997) Quantitative CBED studies of SiC 4H. Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference , Cambridge
PosterHolmestad, Randi; Zuo, J.M.; Spence, J.; Morniroli, J.-P.. (1997) Determination of low order structure factors and atomic positions in SiC 4H using quantitative convergent beam refinements. Sagamore XII , University of Regina, Saskatchewan
PosterLie, Knut; Holmestad, Randi; Marthinsen, Knut; Høier, Rangvald. (1997) Chemical bonding studies in TiAl with and without ternary addition of V, Cr or Mn. Seminar i kondenserte fasers fysikk og kjemi , Rondablikk
PosterBirkeland, Christophe; Høier, Rangvald; Holmestad, Randi; Marthinsen, Knut. (1997) Non-centric crystals-structure factor information from CBED center disk with inaccurate input data. International Centennial Symposium on the Electron , Cambridge
Popular scientific lectureHøier, Rangvald; Holmestad, Randi; Taftø, Johan. (1997) Intermetallic materials. Seminar i kondenserte fasers fysikk og kjemi , Rondablikk
Academic lectureForbord, Børge; Holmestad, Randi; Daaland, Ole; Nes, Erik Aasmund. (1996) The influence of second phase particles on subgrain growth and recrystallization in a low-eutectic Al-Fe-Mn alloy. 3rd International Conference on Recrystallization and Related P henomena , Monterey, Calif.