Ramune Grambaite
I am an associate professor in clinical neuropsychology at the Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU. I am also a certified specialist in clinical neuropsychology and a member of the Neuropsychological Expert Committee for the Norwegian Psychological Association, NPF.
My research focuses on understanding cognitive, emotional and brain changes in stroke, mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer disease.
The main research methods I use include neuropsychological examination, magnetic resonance imaging and cerebrospinal fluid analysis.
I am the leader of the Vascular Diseases (VaDi) Research Group that focuses on understanding cognitive and emotional symptoms after stroke as well as related brain changes.
We are studying these stroke sequelae in relation to imaging biomarkers such as white matter connectivity (DTI derived), default mode network disruption (rs-fMRI derived) and perfusion (ASL derived). Currently, five PhD students at NTNU, who I am the main supervisor for, are studying cognitive and emotional symptoms in the acute phase as well as up to 3 years after stroke. The group works closely together with an interdisciplinary team, including both national and international collaborators.
Gjestad, Elise Ødegård;
Nerdal, Vilde Kristine;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Lydersen, Stian;
Kliem, Elisabeth;
Ryum, Truls.
Delirium in acute stroke is associated with increased cognitive and psychiatric symptoms over time: The Nor-COAST study.
Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases
Academic article
Navickaite, Egle;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Lydersen, Stian;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege Beate;
Grambaite, Ramune.
Diagnostic accuracy of the Clock Drawing Test in screening for early post-stroke neurocognitive disorder: the Nor-COAST study.
BMC Neurology
Academic article
Luzum, Geske;
Thrane, Gyrd;
Aam, Stina;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild.
A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Post-stroke Fatigue. The Nor-COAST study.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Bjelkarøy, Maria Torheim;
Simonsen, Tone Breines;
Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal;
Cheng, Socheat;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Saltyte Benth, Jurate.
Mortality and health-related quality of life in older adults with long-term use of opioids, z-hypnotics or benzodiazepines: a prospective observational study at 5 years follow-up.
BMJ Open
Academic article
Bjelkarøy, Maria Torheim;
Simonsen, Tone Breines;
Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal;
Halset, Sigrid;
Cheng, Socheat;
Grambaite, Ramune.
Brief Intervention as a Method to Reduce Z-Hypnotic Use by Older Adults: Feasibility Case Series.
JMIR Formative Research
Academic article
Kliem, Elisabeth;
Labberton, Angela Susan;
Barra, Mathias;
Olsen, Alexander;
Thommessen, Bente;
Thomas, Owen Matthew Truscott.
Self-reported cognitive and psychiatric symptoms at 3 months predict single-item measures of fatigue and daytime sleep 12 months after ischemic stroke.
Frontiers in Neurology
Academic article
Nerdal, Vilde Kristine;
Gjestad, Elise Ødegård;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege;
Ryum, Truls.
The relationship of acute delirium with cognitive and psychiatric symptoms after stroke: a longitudinal study.
BMC Neurology
Academic article
Grambaite, Ramune;
Arnesen, Marie;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Fladby, Tormod;
Thommessen, Bente.
Hukommelse etter iskemisk hjerneslag.
Nevropsykologi : Medlemsblad for Norsk Nevropsykologisk Forening
Academic article
Løhre, Audhild;
Østerlie, Ove;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Grambaite, Ramune.
Attention and target shooting practice: Longitudinal results in a controlled mixed method study on adolescents in Norway.
International Journal of Educational Research Open
Academic article
Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal;
Bjelkarøy, Maria Torheim;
Cheng, Socheat;
Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Lundqvist, Christofer.
The effect of cognitive function and central nervous system depressant use on mortality—A prospective observational study of previously hospitalised older patients.
Academic article
Bjelkarøy, Maria Torheim;
Cheng, Socheat;
Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal;
Saltyte Benth, Jurate;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug.
The association between pain and central nervous system depressing medication among hospitalised Norwegian older adults.
Scandinavian Journal of Pain
Academic article
Kliem, Elisabeth;
Gjestad, Elise Ødegård;
Ryum, Truls;
Olsen, Alexander;
Thommessen, Bente;
Indredavik, Bent.
The Relationship of Psychiatric Symptoms with Performance-Based and Self-Reported Cognitive Function After Ischemic Stroke.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
Academic article
Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal;
Cheng, Socheat;
Gossop, Michael;
Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Lundqvist, Christofer.
Association between prescribed central nervous system depressant drugs, comorbidity and cognition among hospitalised older patients: a cross-sectional study.
BMJ Open
Academic article
Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal;
Cheng, Socheat;
Mellingsæter, Marte;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Gulbrandsen, Pål;
Lundqvist, Christofer.
“What should I do when I get home?” treatment plan discussion at discharge between specialist physicians and older in-patients: mixed method study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Grambaite, Ramune;
Bieliauskas, Linas;
Grušauskienė, Evelina;
Bagdonas, Albinas.
Clinical Neuropsychology: Status in Western Countries and Potential in Lithuania.
Academic literature review
Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal;
Cheng, Socheat;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Michele, Gossop;
Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug;
Lundqvist, Christofer.
Long-term use of central nervous system depressant medications is associated with reduced cognitive function in hospitalised older patients: a cross sectional study.
European Journal of Neurology
Grambaite, Ramune;
Sundby, Jørgen;
Lundervold, Astri;
Solbakk, Anne-Kristin;
Hessen, Erik;
Olsen, Alexander.
Undervisning i klinisk nevropsykologi på profesjonsstudiene i Norge.
Nevropsykologi : Medlemsblad for Norsk Nevropsykologisk Forening
Academic literature review
Eliassen, Carl F Andestad;
Reinvang, Ivar;
Selnes, Per;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Fladby, Tormod;
Hessen, Erik.
Biomarkers in subtypes of mild cognitive impairment and subjective cognitive decline.
Brain and Behavior
Academic article
Fladby, Tormod;
Pålhaugen, Lene;
Selnes, Per;
Waterloo, Knut;
Bråthen, Geir;
Hessen, Erik.
Detecting at-risk Alzheimer's disease cases.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Academic article
Almdahl, Ina;
Lauridsen, Camilla;
Selnes, Per;
Kalheim, Lisa Flem;
Coello, Christopher;
Gajdzik, Beata.
Cerebrospinal fluid levels of amyloid beta 1-43 mirror 1-42 in relation to imaging biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease.
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Academic article
Selnes, Per;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Rincon, Mariano;
Bjørnerud, Atle;
Gjerstad, Leif;
Hessen, Erik.
Hippocampal complex atrophy in poststroke and mild cognitive impairment.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
Academic article
Auning, Eirik;
Selnes, Per;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Saltyte Benth, Jurate;
Haram, Astrid;
Løvli, Ane Oppi.
Neurobiological correlates of depressive symptoms in people with subjective and mild cognitive impairment.
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
Academic article
Grambaite, Ramune;
Hessen, Erik;
Auning, Eirik;
Aarsland, Dag;
Selnes, Per;
Fladby, Tormod.
Correlates of subjective and mild cognitive impairment: Depressive symptoms and CSF biomarkers.
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra
Academic article
Selnes, Per;
Aarsland, Dag;
Bjørnerud, Atle;
Gjerstad, Leif;
Wallin, Anders;
Hessen, Erik.
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Surpasses Cerebrospinal Fluid as Predictor of Cognitive Decline and Medial Temporal Lobe Atrophy in Subjective Cognitive Impairment and Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Academic article
Amlien, Inge;
Fjell, Anders Martin;
Walhovd, Kristine B;
Selnes, Per;
Stenset, Vidar;
Grambaite, Ramune.
Mild cognitive impairment: cerebrospinal fluid tau biomarker pathologic levels and longitudinal changes in white matter integrity.
Academic article
Selnes, Per;
Fjell, Anders Martin;
Gjerstad, Leif;
Bjørnerud, Atle;
Wallin, Anders;
Due-Tønnessen, Paulina.
White matter imaging changes in subjective and mild cognitive impairment.
Alzheimer's & Dementia
Academic article
Reinvang, Ivar;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Espeseth, Thomas.
Executive Dysfunction in MCI: Subtype or Early Symptoms.
International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Academic literature review
Grambaite, Ramune;
Reinvang, Ivar;
Selnes, Per;
Fjell, Anders Martin;
Walhovd, Kristine B;
Stenset, Vidar.
Pre-dementia Memory Impairment is Associated with White Matter Tract Affection.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
Academic article
Selnes, Per;
Bjerke, M;
Wallin, A;
Kjaervik, V;
Auning, Eirik;
Gjerstad, Leif.
European Journal of Neurology
Grambaite, Ramune;
Selnes, Per;
Reinvang, Ivar;
Årsland, Dag;
Hessen, Erik;
Gjerstad, Leif.
Executive Dysfunction in Mild Cognitive Impairment is Associated with Changes in Frontal and Cingulate White Matter Tracts.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Academic article
Grambaite, Ramune;
Stenset, Vidar;
Reinvang, Ivar;
Walhovd, Kristine B;
Fjell, Anders Martin;
Fladby, Tormod.
White matter diffusivity predicts memory in patients with subjective and mild cognitive impairment and normal CSF total tau levels.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
Academic article
Walhovd, Kristine B;
Fjell, Anders Martin;
Amlien, Inge;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Stenset, Vidar Tveit Vasfaret;
Bjørnerud, Atle.
Multimodal imaging in mild cognitive impairment: Metabolism, morphometry and diffusion of the temporal-parietal memory network.
Academic article
Walhovd, Kristine B;
Fjell, Anders Martin;
Amlien, Inge;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Stenset, Vidar Tveit Vasfaret;
Bjørnerud, Atle.
Multimodal imaging in mild cognitive impairment: Metabolism. morphometry and diffusion of the temporal-parietal memory network.
Academic article
Fjell, Anders Martin;
Walhovd, Kristine B;
Amlien, Inge;
Bjørnerud, Atle;
Reinvang, Ivar;
Gjerstad, Leif.
Morphometric changes in the episodic memory network and tau pathologic features correlate with memory performance in patients with mild cognitive impairment.
American Journal of Neuroradiology
Academic article
Stenset, Vidar;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Reinvang, Ivar;
Hessen, Erik;
Bjørnerud, Atle;
Gjerstad, Leif.
Diaschisis after thalamic stroke: a comparison of metabolic and structural changes in a patient with amnesic syndrome.
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica
Academic article
Grambaite, Ramune;
Sargautyte, Ruta.
Academic article
Journal publications
Gjestad, Elise Ødegård;
Nerdal, Vilde Kristine;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Lydersen, Stian;
Kliem, Elisabeth;
Ryum, Truls.
Delirium in acute stroke is associated with increased cognitive and psychiatric symptoms over time: The Nor-COAST study.
Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases
Academic article
Navickaite, Egle;
Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina;
Lydersen, Stian;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege Beate;
Grambaite, Ramune.
Diagnostic accuracy of the Clock Drawing Test in screening for early post-stroke neurocognitive disorder: the Nor-COAST study.
BMC Neurology
Academic article
Luzum, Geske;
Thrane, Gyrd;
Aam, Stina;
Eldholm, Rannveig Sakshaug;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild.
A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Post-stroke Fatigue. The Nor-COAST study.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Bjelkarøy, Maria Torheim;
Simonsen, Tone Breines;
Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal;
Cheng, Socheat;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Saltyte Benth, Jurate.
Mortality and health-related quality of life in older adults with long-term use of opioids, z-hypnotics or benzodiazepines: a prospective observational study at 5 years follow-up.
BMJ Open
Academic article
Bjelkarøy, Maria Torheim;
Simonsen, Tone Breines;
Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal;
Halset, Sigrid;
Cheng, Socheat;
Grambaite, Ramune.
Brief Intervention as a Method to Reduce Z-Hypnotic Use by Older Adults: Feasibility Case Series.
JMIR Formative Research
Academic article
Kliem, Elisabeth;
Labberton, Angela Susan;
Barra, Mathias;
Olsen, Alexander;
Thommessen, Bente;
Thomas, Owen Matthew Truscott.
Self-reported cognitive and psychiatric symptoms at 3 months predict single-item measures of fatigue and daytime sleep 12 months after ischemic stroke.
Frontiers in Neurology
Academic article
Nerdal, Vilde Kristine;
Gjestad, Elise Ødegård;
Saltvedt, Ingvild;
Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild;
Ihle-Hansen, Hege;
Ryum, Truls.
The relationship of acute delirium with cognitive and psychiatric symptoms after stroke: a longitudinal study.
BMC Neurology
Academic article
Grambaite, Ramune;
Arnesen, Marie;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Fladby, Tormod;
Thommessen, Bente.
Hukommelse etter iskemisk hjerneslag.
Nevropsykologi : Medlemsblad for Norsk Nevropsykologisk Forening
Academic article
Løhre, Audhild;
Østerlie, Ove;
Hjemdal, Odin;
Grambaite, Ramune.
Attention and target shooting practice: Longitudinal results in a controlled mixed method study on adolescents in Norway.
International Journal of Educational Research Open
Academic article
Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal;
Bjelkarøy, Maria Torheim;
Cheng, Socheat;
Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Lundqvist, Christofer.
The effect of cognitive function and central nervous system depressant use on mortality—A prospective observational study of previously hospitalised older patients.
Academic article
Bjelkarøy, Maria Torheim;
Cheng, Socheat;
Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal;
Saltyte Benth, Jurate;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug.
The association between pain and central nervous system depressing medication among hospitalised Norwegian older adults.
Scandinavian Journal of Pain
Academic article
Kliem, Elisabeth;
Gjestad, Elise Ødegård;
Ryum, Truls;
Olsen, Alexander;
Thommessen, Bente;
Indredavik, Bent.
The Relationship of Psychiatric Symptoms with Performance-Based and Self-Reported Cognitive Function After Ischemic Stroke.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
Academic article
Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal;
Cheng, Socheat;
Gossop, Michael;
Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Lundqvist, Christofer.
Association between prescribed central nervous system depressant drugs, comorbidity and cognition among hospitalised older patients: a cross-sectional study.
BMJ Open
Academic article
Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal;
Cheng, Socheat;
Mellingsæter, Marte;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Gulbrandsen, Pål;
Lundqvist, Christofer.
“What should I do when I get home?” treatment plan discussion at discharge between specialist physicians and older in-patients: mixed method study.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Grambaite, Ramune;
Bieliauskas, Linas;
Grušauskienė, Evelina;
Bagdonas, Albinas.
Clinical Neuropsychology: Status in Western Countries and Potential in Lithuania.
Academic literature review
Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal;
Cheng, Socheat;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Michele, Gossop;
Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug;
Lundqvist, Christofer.
Long-term use of central nervous system depressant medications is associated with reduced cognitive function in hospitalised older patients: a cross sectional study.
European Journal of Neurology
Grambaite, Ramune;
Sundby, Jørgen;
Lundervold, Astri;
Solbakk, Anne-Kristin;
Hessen, Erik;
Olsen, Alexander.
Undervisning i klinisk nevropsykologi på profesjonsstudiene i Norge.
Nevropsykologi : Medlemsblad for Norsk Nevropsykologisk Forening
Academic literature review
Eliassen, Carl F Andestad;
Reinvang, Ivar;
Selnes, Per;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Fladby, Tormod;
Hessen, Erik.
Biomarkers in subtypes of mild cognitive impairment and subjective cognitive decline.
Brain and Behavior
Academic article
Fladby, Tormod;
Pålhaugen, Lene;
Selnes, Per;
Waterloo, Knut;
Bråthen, Geir;
Hessen, Erik.
Detecting at-risk Alzheimer's disease cases.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Academic article
Almdahl, Ina;
Lauridsen, Camilla;
Selnes, Per;
Kalheim, Lisa Flem;
Coello, Christopher;
Gajdzik, Beata.
Cerebrospinal fluid levels of amyloid beta 1-43 mirror 1-42 in relation to imaging biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease.
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Academic article
Selnes, Per;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Rincon, Mariano;
Bjørnerud, Atle;
Gjerstad, Leif;
Hessen, Erik.
Hippocampal complex atrophy in poststroke and mild cognitive impairment.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
Academic article
Auning, Eirik;
Selnes, Per;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Saltyte Benth, Jurate;
Haram, Astrid;
Løvli, Ane Oppi.
Neurobiological correlates of depressive symptoms in people with subjective and mild cognitive impairment.
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica
Academic article
Grambaite, Ramune;
Hessen, Erik;
Auning, Eirik;
Aarsland, Dag;
Selnes, Per;
Fladby, Tormod.
Correlates of subjective and mild cognitive impairment: Depressive symptoms and CSF biomarkers.
Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra
Academic article
Selnes, Per;
Aarsland, Dag;
Bjørnerud, Atle;
Gjerstad, Leif;
Wallin, Anders;
Hessen, Erik.
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Surpasses Cerebrospinal Fluid as Predictor of Cognitive Decline and Medial Temporal Lobe Atrophy in Subjective Cognitive Impairment and Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Academic article
Amlien, Inge;
Fjell, Anders Martin;
Walhovd, Kristine B;
Selnes, Per;
Stenset, Vidar;
Grambaite, Ramune.
Mild cognitive impairment: cerebrospinal fluid tau biomarker pathologic levels and longitudinal changes in white matter integrity.
Academic article
Selnes, Per;
Fjell, Anders Martin;
Gjerstad, Leif;
Bjørnerud, Atle;
Wallin, Anders;
Due-Tønnessen, Paulina.
White matter imaging changes in subjective and mild cognitive impairment.
Alzheimer's & Dementia
Academic article
Reinvang, Ivar;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Espeseth, Thomas.
Executive Dysfunction in MCI: Subtype or Early Symptoms.
International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Academic literature review
Grambaite, Ramune;
Reinvang, Ivar;
Selnes, Per;
Fjell, Anders Martin;
Walhovd, Kristine B;
Stenset, Vidar.
Pre-dementia Memory Impairment is Associated with White Matter Tract Affection.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
Academic article
Selnes, Per;
Bjerke, M;
Wallin, A;
Kjaervik, V;
Auning, Eirik;
Gjerstad, Leif.
European Journal of Neurology
Grambaite, Ramune;
Selnes, Per;
Reinvang, Ivar;
Årsland, Dag;
Hessen, Erik;
Gjerstad, Leif.
Executive Dysfunction in Mild Cognitive Impairment is Associated with Changes in Frontal and Cingulate White Matter Tracts.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease
Academic article
Grambaite, Ramune;
Stenset, Vidar;
Reinvang, Ivar;
Walhovd, Kristine B;
Fjell, Anders Martin;
Fladby, Tormod.
White matter diffusivity predicts memory in patients with subjective and mild cognitive impairment and normal CSF total tau levels.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society
Academic article
Walhovd, Kristine B;
Fjell, Anders Martin;
Amlien, Inge;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Stenset, Vidar Tveit Vasfaret;
Bjørnerud, Atle.
Multimodal imaging in mild cognitive impairment: Metabolism, morphometry and diffusion of the temporal-parietal memory network.
Academic article
Walhovd, Kristine B;
Fjell, Anders Martin;
Amlien, Inge;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Stenset, Vidar Tveit Vasfaret;
Bjørnerud, Atle.
Multimodal imaging in mild cognitive impairment: Metabolism. morphometry and diffusion of the temporal-parietal memory network.
Academic article
Fjell, Anders Martin;
Walhovd, Kristine B;
Amlien, Inge;
Bjørnerud, Atle;
Reinvang, Ivar;
Gjerstad, Leif.
Morphometric changes in the episodic memory network and tau pathologic features correlate with memory performance in patients with mild cognitive impairment.
American Journal of Neuroradiology
Academic article
Stenset, Vidar;
Grambaite, Ramune;
Reinvang, Ivar;
Hessen, Erik;
Bjørnerud, Atle;
Gjerstad, Leif.
Diaschisis after thalamic stroke: a comparison of metabolic and structural changes in a patient with amnesic syndrome.
Acta Neurologica Scandinavica
Academic article
Grambaite, Ramune;
Sargautyte, Ruta.
Academic article
Academic lectureEtesami, Maede sadat; Saltyte Benth, Jurate; Kliem, Elisabeth; Weider, Siri; Hestad, Knut; Grambaite, Ramune. (2023) Cognitive improvement after stroke: prevalence and trend during the first three months. The International Society of Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders VasCog , Gothenborg, Sweden 2023-09-13 - 2023-09-16
PosterGjestad, Elise Ødegård; Nerdal, Vilde Kristine; Saltvedt, Ingvild Tina; Lydersen, Stian; Kliem, Elisabeth; Ryum, Truls. (2023) Post-stroke delirium is associated with cognitive and psychiatric symptoms over time. Int Soc of Vascular, Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders VasCog 2023 , Göteborg 2023-09-13 - 2023-09-16
PosterBjelkarøy, Maria Torheim; Simonsen, Tone Breines; Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal; Halset, Sigrid; Cheng, Socheat; Grambaite, Ramune. (2022) Brief intervention as a method for reducing use of z-hypnotics in older adult – a feasibility study . European Pain Federation European Pain Federation Congress 2022, Pain in Europe XII , Dublin 2022-04-27 - 2022-04-30
PosterKliem, Elisabeth; Roaldsnes, Ragnhild; Grambaite, Ramune. (2022) The Relationship Between Brain Reserve and Executive Function During the First 3 Months After Ischemic Stroke . World Stroke Organization Conference , Singapore 2022-10-26 - 2022-10-29
PosterBjelkarøy, Maria Torheim; Simonsen, Tone Breines; Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal; Halset, Sigrid; Cheng, Socheat; Grambaite, Ramune. (2022) Brief intervention as a method for reducing use of z-hypnotics in older adult – a feasibility study . European Chiropractors' Union ECU 2022 Convention , Utrecht 2022-05-27 - 2022-05-29
PosterGjestad, Elise Ødegård; Aam, Stina; Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Kliem, Elisabeth; Saltyte Benth, Jurate. (2022) Identifying Neurocognitive Disorder after Stroke. European Stroke Organisation ESOC 2022 , Lyon 2022-05-04 - 2022-05-06
PosterKliem, Elisabeth; Labberton, Angela Susan; Barra, Mathias; Gjestad, Elise Ødegård; Olsen, Alexander; Thommessen, Bente. (2022) Self-reported mental distress at 3 months predicts daytime sleep and fatigue 12 months after ischemic stroke: A structural equation modeling analysis. ESOC 2022 2022-05-04 - 2022-05-06
PosterGjestad, Elise Ødegård; Vaskinn, Anja; Kliem, Elisabeth; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Grambaite, Ramune. (2021) Social Cognition is Associated with General Cognitive Function Post-Stroke. VasCog VasCog Virtual 2021 , Newcastle 2021-09-08 - 2021-09-09
PosterKliem, Elisabeth; Labberton, Angela Susan; Barra, Mathias; Gjestad, Elise Ødegård; Indredavik, Bent; Grambaite, Ramune. (2021) Self-Reported Cognitive Decline, Emotional Symptoms and Daytime Sleep After Ischemic Stroke. VasCog Virtual 2021 2021-09-08 - 2021-09-09
PosterBjelkarøy, Maria Torheim; Cheng, Socheat; Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal; Benth, Jurate Saltythè; Grambaite, Ramune; Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug. (2021) Pain and central nervous system depressing medication in hospitalised Norwegian older adults. Nasjonalt forskningsnettverk for muskelskjeletthelse (MUSS) 10. Nasjonale forskningskonferanse innen muskelskjelletthelse 2021 , Gardermoen 2021-11-04 - 2021-11-05
PosterBjelkarøy, Maria Torheim; Cheng, Socheat; Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal; Benth, Jurate Saltythè; Grambaite, Ramune; Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug. (2021) Pain and central nervous system depressing medication in hospitalised Norwegian older adults. Norsk Kiropraktorforening Norske kiropraktorers faglig kongress 2021 , Trondheim 2021-10-29 - 2021-10-30
Academic lectureBjelkarøy, Maria Torheim; Cheng, Socheat; Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal; Benth, Jūratė Šaltytė; Grambaite, Ramune; Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug. (2021) The association between pain and central nervous system depressing medication among hospitalised Norwegian older adults ( - and onwards from there; a pilot RCT). SASP 2021 CONFERENCE The many "why's" of pain. SASP 2021 Conference , Virtuelt 2021-10-07 - 2021-10-08
PosterNerdal, Vilde; Gjestad, Elise Ødegård; Saltvedt, Ingvild; Munthe-Kaas, Ragnhild; Ihle-Hansen, Hege; Ryum, Truls. (2021) The Relationship of Acute Delirium with Cognitive and Psychiatric Symptoms After Stroke: A Longitudinal Study. The International Society of Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders VasCog Virtual 2021 , Virtual 2021-09-08 - 2021-09-09
PosterRoaldsnes, Ragnhild; Kliem, Elisabeth; Grambaite, Ramune. (2021) The Relationship Between Cognitive Reserve and Change in Cognition During The First Three Months Post-Stroke. The International Society of Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders VasCog Virtual 2021 , Virtual 2021-09-08 - 2021-09-09
PosterBjelkarøy, Maria Torheim; Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal; Cheng, Socheat; Benth, Jurate Saltythè; Simonsen, Tone Breines; Halset, Sigrid. (2021) Brief intervention as a method for reducing z hypnotics in the older adult a feasibility study. Nasjonalt forskningsnettverk for muskelskjeletthelse (MUSS) 10. Nasjonale forskningskonferanse innen muskelskjelletthelse 2021 , Gardermoen 2021-11-04 - 2021-11-05
PosterBjelkarøy, Maria Torheim; Cheng, Socheat; Siddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal; Grambaite, Ramune; Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Lundqvist, Christofer. (2020) P.424 Prolonged use of central nervous system depressant medication and cognitive function are associated with experienced pain among older adults. 33rd ECNP Congress – Vienna 2020 , Virtuelt 2020-09-12 - 2020-09-15
Academic lectureSiddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal; Cheng, Socheat; Grambaite, Ramune; Mellingsæter, Marte; Gulbrandsen, Pål; Lundqvist, Christofer. (2020) Discharge conversation between geriatric patients and specialists physicians. The International Conference on Communication in Healthcare The International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH) - online. , Vienna 2020-09-09 - 2020-09-11
PosterKliem, Elisabeth; Gjestad, Elise Ødegård; Ryum, Truls; Olsen, Alexander; Thommessen, Bente; Indredavik, Bent. (2020) Relations Between Psychiatric Symptoms, Performance-based and Self-Reported Cognitive Function After Stroke . ESO-WSO 2020 2020-11-07 - 2020-11-09
PosterSiddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal; Cheng, Socheat; Grambaite, Ramune; Marte, Mellingsæter; Pål, Gulbrandsen; Lundqvist, Christofer. (2020) Discharge conversations between specialist physicians and geriatric patients with polypharmacy. The European College of Neuropsychopharmacology 33rd ECNP Congress Virtual , online 2020-09-13 - 2020-09-15
PosterSiddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal; Cheng, Socheat; Grambaite, Ramune; Michele, Gossop; Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Lundqvist, Christofer. (2019) Long-term use of central nervous system depressant medications is associated with reduced cognitive function in hospitalised older patients: a cross sectional study. European Academy of Neurology 5th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology , Lillestrøm 2019-06-20 - 2019-07-02
Academic lectureGjestad, Elise Ødegård; Grambaite, Ramune; Ryum, Truls; Saltvedt, Ingvild. (2019) Identifying Neurocognitive Disorder after Stroke-Research Diagnostic Criteria versus Clinical Diagnosis. NRSN The 7th National PhD Conference in Neuroscience , Bekkjarvik 2019-09-25 - 2019-09-27
PosterSiddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal; Cheng, Socheat; Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Gossop, Michael; Grambaite, Ramune; Lundqvist, Christofer. (2019) The association between central nervous system depressant medications and cognitive function in hospitalised older patients: a cross sectional study. . Norwegian Research School in Neuroscience The 7th annual NRSN conference , Bergen 2019-09-25 - 2019-09-27
Academic lectureSiddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal; Cheng, Socheat; Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Gossop, Michael; Grambaite, Ramune; Lundqvist, Christofer. (2019) Prescribed Central Nervous System Depressants are associated with Cognitive side effects among older patients. Workshop: Health Policy, Health Management, and Health Servi Workshop: Health Policy, Health Management, and Health Services Research , Uppsala 2019-07-13 - 2019-07-14
PosterSiddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal; Cheng, Socheat; Gossop, Michael; Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug; Grambaite, Ramune; Lundqvist, Christofer. (2019) Prescribed Central Nervous System Depressants are associated with reduced cognition among hospitalised older patients. European College of Neuropsychopharmacology 32nd Congress European College of Neuropsychopharmacology , Copenhagen 2019-09-07 - 2019-09-10
PosterKliem, Elisabeth; Olsen, Alexander; Indredavik, Bent; Grambaite, Ramune. (2019) Cognitive and Emotional Functioning Post-Stroke - Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Evidence From Two Cohorts. 7th National PhD Conference in Neuroscience 2019-09-25 - 2019-09-27
Academic lectureSiddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal; Cheng, Socheat; Grambaite, Ramune; LUNDQVIST, CHRISTOFER. (2018) Association between cognition and centrally acting medication in older patients . Norwegian research school in neuroscience The 6th National PhD conference in Neuroscience , Trondheim 2018-09-19 - 2018-09-21
PosterGjestad, Elise Ødegård; Grambaite, Ramune. (2018) Executive impairment and emotional symptoms post-stroke . The International Conference of The International Society of Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders , Hong Kong 2018-09-14 - 2018-09-17
PosterArnesen, Marie; Grambaite, Ramune. (2018) Memory changes one week to three months post-stroke. The International Conference of The International Society of Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders , Hong Kong 2018-09-14 - 2018-09-17
PosterGrambaite, Ramune; Selnes, Per; Hessen, Erik; Fladby, Tormod. (2018) Memory intrusions and CSF biomarkers in subjective and mild cognitive impairment. Alzheimer's Association International Conference , Chicago 2018-07-21 - 2018-07-26
Academic lectureSiddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal; Cheng, Socheat; Grambaite, Ramune; Lundqvist, Christofer. (2018) Medication use and cognitive function in older adults. Norwegian Research School in Neuroscience The 6th Norwegian Research School in Neuroscience PhD Conference , Trondheim 2018-09-19 - 2018-09-21
Academic lectureSiddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal; Cheng, Socheat; Lundqvist, Christofer; Grambaite, Ramune. (2018) Association between cognition and centrally acting medication in elderly patients. Nasjonalt nettverk for helsetjenesteforskning Najsonal Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen 2018 , Oslo 2018-03-13 - 2018-03-14
PosterSiddiqui, Tahreem Ghazal; Cheng, Socheat; LUNDQVIST, CHRISTOFER; Grambaite, Ramune. (2017) Neuropsychological assessment of elderly at risk of cognitive impairment due to central depressant medication. Nordic Memory Clinic Conference 2017-09-25 - 2017-09-26