Priscilla Marie Ringrose
I am Professor of Gender Studies and French Literature at the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture and the Department of Language and Literature. I hold an MA (Glasgow University, 1985) in French and Arabic, and worked as a translator and researcher at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK before completing my PhD (Edinburgh University, 2000) in feminist Francophone literature.
Research Interests
My areas of research include migration and gender, migration and education, domestic labour, new media and Middle East war, Islamic fundamentalisms, intercultural cinema and 20th century francophone literature.
I am leading the forthcoming Norwegian Research Council project (2023-2026) Family Reunification and Unaccompanied Refugee Minors. Psychosocial Health, Integration and Support Services (FAMREUN) which will research the psychosocial health and integration of unaccompanied refugee minors (URM) who have been reunited with their families in Norway, and on the support services who work with them. The aim of the project is to gain knowledge of these young people’s experiences of family reunification, and of the health and integration services’ experiences of working with URM who have been family-reunited, as well as to optimise the quality, competence, effectiveness, and cooperation between these services.
I am also a WP leader in the Norway Norway-Japan: Bridging Research and Education in Gender Equality and Diversity (NJ_BREGED) project, a three-year research and teaching collaboration (2019 - 2022) between the Center for Gender Research (CGR) at Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture at NTNU (Norway) and the Institute for Gender Studies (IGS) at Ochanomizu University (Tokyo, Japan) in the fields of gender equality and diversity.
From 2017 to 2020, I was leader of the Norwegian Research Council FINNUT (Research and Innovation in the Educational Sector) project, Language, Integration, Media,, which researched and developed innovative and engaging learning opportunities for Norwegian and migrant secondary school age students, with the aim of improving academic and integration outcomes.
Between 2011 to 2016, I led a Norwegian Research Council VAM (Welfare, Working Life and Migration) funded project. Buying and Selling (gender) Equality: Feminized Migration and Gender Equality in Contemporary Norway. The project addressed paid domestic labour and au paring in Norway, looking at the concurrence between increasing gender equality ambitions and dependence on feminized migration. The project’s co-edited anthology Paid Migrant Domestic Labour in a Changing Europe: Questions of Gender Equality and Citizenship (Palgrave 2016) analyses the changing face of work, gender equality and citizenship in Europe. Focusing on the discourses, social relations and political processes that surround migrant domestic labour in Europe, it rethinks the vital relationship between this kind of employment, the formal and informal citizenship of migrant workers, and the cultural and political value of gender equality.
I am also interested in paid domestic labour and au pairing in other national contexts, and have recently published on medializations of ‘granny’ au pairing services in France. I have also researchied medializations of migrant domestic work in documentaries on migrant domestic labour in Lebanon.
I have co-edited two anthologies on religious fundamentalisms: Fundamentalism, Globalism and the Public Sphere and Fundamentalism and Communication: Culture, Media and the Public Sphere (both IB Tauris 2011) and have published a monograph on Assia Djebar’s feminist writing practice Assia Djebar: In dialogue with feminisms (Rodopi 2006).
Skotnes, Christian Engen;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Problematisk integrering i en norsk småby: fortellinger om konflikt og samfunnsbygging.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Svendsen, Stine H. Bang;
Ask, Kristine;
Øygardslia, Kristine;
Skotnes, Christian Engen;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Grut, Gunnar.
Migration narratives in educational digital storytelling: which stories can be told?.
Learning, Media & Technology
Academic article
Ishii-Kuntz, Masako;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Preface and Acknowledgements.
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Ishii-Kuntz, Masako;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes.
Conclusion: Comparative perspectives on gender equality in Japan and Norway: Reflections and lesson learnt.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ishii-Kuntz, Masako;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Comparative Perspectives on Gender Equality in Japan and Norway. Same but different?.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Ishii-Kuntz, Masako.
Gender and home in Japan and Norway: Considering the past and contemplating the future.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ishii-Kuntz, Masako;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Introduction: Comparative perspectives on gender in Japan and Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Branlat, Jennifer;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Masculinity in contemporary Viking and Samurai comedies: ‘It’s not really me, that fear-based leadership style stuff’.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Stubberud, Elisabeth.
Starry starry night. Fantasies of homogeneity in documentary films about Kvens and Norwegian-Pakistanis.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Stubberud, Elisabeth.
The Emotional Politics of Representations of Migrant Domestic Work in Lebanon.
Middle East Critique
Academic article
Ringrose, Priscilla.
“Granny” au pairs in online French news media: a crueller shade of optimism?.
Feminist Media Studies
Academic article
Ringrose, Priscilla.
The Intouchables: Care Work, Homosociality and National Fantasy.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gullikstad, Berit;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Palgrave Macmillan
Gullikstad, Berit;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Paid Migrant Domestic Labour in a Changing Europe.
Questions of Gender Equality and Citizenship.
Palgrave Macmillan
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Gullikstad, Berit;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Buying and Selling Gender Equality: Concluding Reflections.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gullikstad, Berit;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Paid Migrant Domestic Labour, Gender Equality, and Citizenship in a Changing Europe: An Introduction.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Travelling nationalisms? US hip hop and the French connection.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stubberud, Elisabeth;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Speaking images, race-less words: Play and the absence of race in contemporary Scandinavia.
Journal of Scandinavian Cinema
Academic article
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Migrants of the New Norway: Sara Johnsen’s Upperdog.
Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning
Academic article
Folkvord, Ingvild;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Thowsen, Ingfrid.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Folkvord, Ingvild;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Thowsen, Ingfrid.
Skrift som livstegn: Festskrift til Sissel Lie.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Stenkløv, Nelly Foucher.
Writing for me or writing for you? An abjective reading of Perec's W.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mårtensson, Ulrika;
Bailey, Jennifer Leigh;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Dyrendal, Asbjørn.
Fundamentalism in the Modern World. Volume 1.
I.B. Tauris
I.B. Tauris
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Mårtensson, Ulrika;
Bailey, Jennifer Leigh;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Dyrendal, Asbjørn.
Introduction: Fundamentalism and communication: culture, media and the public sphere.
I.B. Tauris
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mårtensson, Ulrika;
Bailey, Jennifer Leigh;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Dyrendal, Asbjørn.
Introduction: Fundamentalism, Politics and History: The State, Globalisation and Political Ideologies.
I.B. Tauris
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mårtensson, Ulrika;
Bailey, Jennifer Leigh;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Dyrendal, Asbjørn.
Fundamentalism in the Modern World. Volume 2.
I.B. Tauris
I.B. Tauris
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Religion, Family and Modernity in Zadie Smith's White Teeth.
I.B. Tauris
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Sharing Across the Battle Lines? Israeli and Lebanese Blogs in the 2006 Lebanon War.
International Journal of Communication
Academic article
Mårtensson, Ulrika;
Bailey, Jennifer Leigh;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Dyrendal, Asbjørn.
Fundamentalism, politics and history : : the state, globalisation and political ideologies : introduction.
I.B. Tauris
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla.
The European Legacy
Lie, Sissel;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Personal and/or Universal? Hélène Cixous's Challenge to generic Borders.
The European Legacy
Academic article
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Review of Hiratsuka Raichō, In the Beginning, Woman Was the Sun: The Autobiography of a Japanese feminist Hiratsuka Raichō.
The European Legacy
Book review
Ringrose, Priscilla.
The little drag prince of Algiers.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla.
The politics and play of persuasion: Israeli and Lebanese blogs in the 2006 Lebanon War.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Warlords of the Iraqi Blogosphere.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Les évolués.
Edinburgh University Press
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Zadie Smith - Islam's White Teeth.
Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift
Academic article
Ringrose, Priscilla.
'Beur' Narratives of Self-Identity: Beyond Boundaries and Binaries.
Brill | Rodopi
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Salaam Baghdad: Warblogs in the Textual and Social Economies of the Internet.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stenkløv, Nelly Foucher;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Garcon Manqué de Nina Bouroui: Regards linguistiques et thématiques sur une ambiguïté identitaire.
Academic article
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Stenkløv, Nelly Foucher.
Nina Bouarouis Garcon Manqué - Väl urkopplad: Varför globaliseringsteorin inte junde redogöra för Nina?.
Finsk Tidskrift (FT)
Academic article
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Assia Djebar: In Dialogue with Feminisms.
Brill | Rodopi
Brill | Rodopi
Academic monograph
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Foucher-Stenkløv, Nelly.
“Garçon Manqué” by Nina BouraouiWell-disconnected: Why globalization theories failed to account for “Nina”.
Internet publication
Ringrose, Priscilla.
The Levant Company.
Edinburgh University Press
Encyclopedia article
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Sistre and the Semiotic: Reinscribing Desire into Language.
Studien zur Literatur und Geschichte des Maghreb
Academic article
Ringrose, Priscilla.
"Loin de Médine" - Islamic vision or feminist revision.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Kristeva meets l'Amour, "la fantasia".
International Journal of Francophone Studies
Academic article
Journal publications
Svendsen, Stine H. Bang;
Ask, Kristine;
Øygardslia, Kristine;
Skotnes, Christian Engen;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Grut, Gunnar.
Migration narratives in educational digital storytelling: which stories can be told?.
Learning, Media & Technology
Academic article
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Stubberud, Elisabeth.
The Emotional Politics of Representations of Migrant Domestic Work in Lebanon.
Middle East Critique
Academic article
Ringrose, Priscilla.
“Granny” au pairs in online French news media: a crueller shade of optimism?.
Feminist Media Studies
Academic article
Stubberud, Elisabeth;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Speaking images, race-less words: Play and the absence of race in contemporary Scandinavia.
Journal of Scandinavian Cinema
Academic article
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Migrants of the New Norway: Sara Johnsen’s Upperdog.
Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning
Academic article
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Sharing Across the Battle Lines? Israeli and Lebanese Blogs in the 2006 Lebanon War.
International Journal of Communication
Academic article
Ringrose, Priscilla.
The European Legacy
Lie, Sissel;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Personal and/or Universal? Hélène Cixous's Challenge to generic Borders.
The European Legacy
Academic article
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Review of Hiratsuka Raichō, In the Beginning, Woman Was the Sun: The Autobiography of a Japanese feminist Hiratsuka Raichō.
The European Legacy
Book review
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Zadie Smith - Islam's White Teeth.
Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift
Academic article
Stenkløv, Nelly Foucher;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Garcon Manqué de Nina Bouroui: Regards linguistiques et thématiques sur une ambiguïté identitaire.
Academic article
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Stenkløv, Nelly Foucher.
Nina Bouarouis Garcon Manqué - Väl urkopplad: Varför globaliseringsteorin inte junde redogöra för Nina?.
Finsk Tidskrift (FT)
Academic article
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Sistre and the Semiotic: Reinscribing Desire into Language.
Studien zur Literatur und Geschichte des Maghreb
Academic article
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Kristeva meets l'Amour, "la fantasia".
International Journal of Francophone Studies
Academic article
Ishii-Kuntz, Masako;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Comparative Perspectives on Gender Equality in Japan and Norway. Same but different?.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Gullikstad, Berit;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Paid Migrant Domestic Labour in a Changing Europe.
Questions of Gender Equality and Citizenship.
Palgrave Macmillan
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Folkvord, Ingvild;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Thowsen, Ingfrid.
Skrift som livstegn: Festskrift til Sissel Lie.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Mårtensson, Ulrika;
Bailey, Jennifer Leigh;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Dyrendal, Asbjørn.
Fundamentalism in the Modern World. Volume 1.
I.B. Tauris
I.B. Tauris
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Mårtensson, Ulrika;
Bailey, Jennifer Leigh;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Dyrendal, Asbjørn.
Fundamentalism in the Modern World. Volume 2.
I.B. Tauris
I.B. Tauris
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Assia Djebar: In Dialogue with Feminisms.
Brill | Rodopi
Brill | Rodopi
Academic monograph
Part of book/report
Skotnes, Christian Engen;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Problematisk integrering i en norsk småby: fortellinger om konflikt og samfunnsbygging.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ishii-Kuntz, Masako;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Preface and Acknowledgements.
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Ishii-Kuntz, Masako;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes.
Conclusion: Comparative perspectives on gender equality in Japan and Norway: Reflections and lesson learnt.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Ishii-Kuntz, Masako.
Gender and home in Japan and Norway: Considering the past and contemplating the future.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ishii-Kuntz, Masako;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Introduction: Comparative perspectives on gender in Japan and Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Branlat, Jennifer;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Masculinity in contemporary Viking and Samurai comedies: ‘It’s not really me, that fear-based leadership style stuff’.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Stubberud, Elisabeth.
Starry starry night. Fantasies of homogeneity in documentary films about Kvens and Norwegian-Pakistanis.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla.
The Intouchables: Care Work, Homosociality and National Fantasy.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gullikstad, Berit;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Palgrave Macmillan
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Gullikstad, Berit;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Buying and Selling Gender Equality: Concluding Reflections.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Gullikstad, Berit;
Kristensen, Guro Korsnes;
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Paid Migrant Domestic Labour, Gender Equality, and Citizenship in a Changing Europe: An Introduction.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Travelling nationalisms? US hip hop and the French connection.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Folkvord, Ingvild;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Thowsen, Ingfrid.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Stenkløv, Nelly Foucher.
Writing for me or writing for you? An abjective reading of Perec's W.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mårtensson, Ulrika;
Bailey, Jennifer Leigh;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Dyrendal, Asbjørn.
Introduction: Fundamentalism and communication: culture, media and the public sphere.
I.B. Tauris
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mårtensson, Ulrika;
Bailey, Jennifer Leigh;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Dyrendal, Asbjørn.
Introduction: Fundamentalism, Politics and History: The State, Globalisation and Political Ideologies.
I.B. Tauris
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Religion, Family and Modernity in Zadie Smith's White Teeth.
I.B. Tauris
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mårtensson, Ulrika;
Bailey, Jennifer Leigh;
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Dyrendal, Asbjørn.
Fundamentalism, politics and history : : the state, globalisation and political ideologies : introduction.
I.B. Tauris
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla.
The little drag prince of Algiers.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla.
The politics and play of persuasion: Israeli and Lebanese blogs in the 2006 Lebanon War.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Warlords of the Iraqi Blogosphere.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Les évolués.
Edinburgh University Press
Ringrose, Priscilla.
'Beur' Narratives of Self-Identity: Beyond Boundaries and Binaries.
Brill | Rodopi
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla.
Salaam Baghdad: Warblogs in the Textual and Social Economies of the Internet.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla.
The Levant Company.
Edinburgh University Press
Encyclopedia article
Ringrose, Priscilla.
"Loin de Médine" - Islamic vision or feminist revision.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringrose, Priscilla;
Foucher-Stenkløv, Nelly.
“Garçon Manqué” by Nina BouraouiWell-disconnected: Why globalization theories failed to account for “Nina”.
Internet publication