Peter Andreas Gotsch
Peter Andreas Gotsch
Professor Dr.-Ing. Peter Andreas Gotsch is Professor for Sustainable Urban Development in the Global south in the Program Urban Ecological Planning at NTNU’s Department of Architecture and Planning.
He has extensive experience in integrating Urban Planning and International Cooperation. Likewise, creating synergies through linking research, teaching and practice is central for his work.
Prof. Gotsch graduated from the RWTH Aachen (Germany) in Architecture and from the Columbia University (New York) in Urban Planning. He completed his PhD at the Karlsruher "Institut für Technologie". Before joining NTNU, Peter worked Professor for planning, design and international urbanism at TU Darmstadt.
His research focuses on comparative urban studies: Core areas here have been sustainable urban development, planned cities in the 21 century, public space, the role of new actors, the political economy of planning, cities and migration, and post-disaster reconstruction. The inversigation of innovative methods of participatory planning and engagement has been vital in his work. Major milestones of his research career have been the research projects U-CARE – Urban Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa (VW Foundation, Germany) and SHAKTI – Sustainable Holistic Approach and Know-How Tailored to India (BMBF, Germany).
Prof. Gotsch authored many publications, policy reports and project evaluations and he was a regular key-note speaker, guest lecturer and host of multiple conferences and events related to planning and urbanization in the global South such as Habitat III. Furtheremore, he regularly served as a senior urban expert and advisor to UN-Habitat, the World Bank, GIZ and Misereor/KZE and to multiple local and national governments. Since many years he is a co-editor of the Trialog-Journal and a member scientific board of the Network Association of European Researchers on Urbanisation in the South (N-AERUS). Most recently he serves as a scienfific advisor and panel member at the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development FORMAS.
(More information is available at
Peter's research focuses on growth dynamics and development strategies of urban agglomerations in the 21st century and comparative urban studies: Core areas here have been sustainable urban development, planned cities in the 21 century, public space, the role of new actors, the political economy of planning, cities and migration or post-disaster reconstruction. The inversigation of innovative methods of participatory planning and engagement has been vital in his work. Major milestones of his research career have been the research projects U-CARE – Urban Violence in Sub-Saharan Africa (VW Foundation, Germany) and SHAKTI – Sustainable Holistic Approach and Know-How Tailored to India (BMBF, Germany).
Most recenly Peter initiated the project PEARLS - Promoting a New Community of Knowledge and Practice on People Centred and Resilient Spaces related to Urban Rivers. (Website coming soon)
Gotsch, Peter 2010: NeoTowns - Prototypes of corporate Urbanism: Examined on the basis of a new generation of New Towns - by the cases of Bumi Serpong Damai (Jakarta), Navi Mumbai (Mumbai) and Alphaville-Tamboré (São Paulo), Doctoral Dissertation,KiT-Open, Karlsruhe.
Gotsch, Peter 2010: AlphaVille-Tamboré (Brazil) – A NeoTown Between Planning and Self-Organisation; In: International New Town Institute: “New Towns for the 21st Century: The Planned vs. the Unplanned City“; Amsterdam
Gotsch, Peter, Kohte, Susanne 2012: Cyberabad. Landscape of Surprise. In Arch+ 185, Berlin
Gotsch, Peter, Peterek, Michael 2012: Public Space; Trialog 109 - TRIALOG – A Journal for Planning and Building in a Global Context; Frankfurt a.M.
Gotsch, Peter (Ed.) 2013: Private Urbanisation– The City as a Zoo. TRIALOG – A Journal for Planning and Building in a Global Context 4/2011 – 2012. Frankfurt and Berlin.
Gotsch, Peter; Katsaura, Obvious, Ugur, Lauren, Kasang Nicholas 2014. An Urban Approach to Safety and Integrated Urban Development in South Africa: Knowledge and Policy Review. [‘IUDF Urban Safety Chapter’. Policy paper fully peer-reviewed by four independent revievers], Pretoria.
Gotsch, Peter; Andersson, Cecilia, Chong, José; Roji, Ayanda 2015: Exploring the three prongs of Legislation/ Governance, Planning/ Design, and Finance/ Economy towards safe and prosperous parks and public spaces. Three cases from Johannesburg (South Africa). Paper presented and published at the 3rd Future of Places Conference. June 28th to July 1st 2015. Stockholm.
Gotsch, Peter, Roji Ayanda, Calvo, Blanca, and Obregon, Itzel, Towards an urban approach for liveable and safe public spaces and parks for Johannesburg, Paper presented and published at the 3rd Future of Places Conference. June 28th to July 1st 2015. Stockholm.
Gotsch, Peter; d’Auria Viviana: Key-issues related to housing and planning – Governance and Regulation, Planning and Design, Finance and Economics, In: N-AERUS recommendations for the New Urban Agenda. The Cities Alliance UNOPS). Brussels.
Kienast, Gerhard; Gotsch, Peter (eds.): Trialog 127/128: Neighbourhood Development. Trialog: A Journal for Planning and Building in a Global Context. Berlin.
Gezahegn, Abnet;
Gotsch, Peter Andreas.
Household Energy Management in Informal Settlements of Addis Ababa.
TRIALOG – A Journal for Planning and Building in a Global Context
Academic article
Berger, Tania;
Marinez, Javier;
Gotsch, Peter Andreas.
The Housing-Health-Nexus and its linkages with aspects of livelihood.
TRIALOG – A Journal for Planning and Building in a Global Context
Gotsch, Peter Andreas.
SPAS - Shared Spaces for Innovation.
Website (informational material)
Journal publications
Gezahegn, Abnet;
Gotsch, Peter Andreas.
Household Energy Management in Informal Settlements of Addis Ababa.
TRIALOG – A Journal for Planning and Building in a Global Context
Academic article
Berger, Tania;
Marinez, Javier;
Gotsch, Peter Andreas.
The Housing-Health-Nexus and its linkages with aspects of livelihood.
TRIALOG – A Journal for Planning and Building in a Global Context
Gotsch, Peter Andreas.
SPAS - Shared Spaces for Innovation.
Website (informational material)
- AAR5230 - Understanding Urban Ecological Planning - self programmed
- AAR5220 - Urban Contingency Practice and Planning
- AAR5210 - Theories in Urban Ecological Planning
- AAR5270 - Globalisation and Urban Development
- AAR4820 - Methods for Participatory Planning, co-Design and Localizing SDGs
- AAR4525 - Urban Ecological Planning: Project Course
- AAR5390 - Practice Internship in Urban Development
- AAR5400 - M.Sc. Thesis in Urban Ecological Planning
- AAR5325 - Project Development and Process
- AAR4874 - Theories and Methods for Master Thesis
Texts that changed the way i think about cities
.Augé, Marc (1992): Non Places: Introduction to An Anthropology of Supermodernity, London, New York, Verso.
.Bertaud, Alain (2018): Order Without Design: How Markets Shape Cities, Cambridge USA, MIT Press.
.Brugmann, Jeb (2009): Welcoome to the Urban Revolution: How Cities Are Changing the World, New York, New York, Bloomsbury Press.
.Castells, Manuel (1989): The Informational City: Information Technology, Economic Restructuring and the Urban-Regional Process, Oxford UKand Cambridge USA, Blackwell.
.Jameson, Frederic (1991): Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, Durham NC, Duke University Press.
Lefebvre, Henri (1991): The Production Of Space, St Maiden, Wiley-Blackwell.
.Garwin, Alexander (2002): The American City: What Works, What Doesn't, New York City, McGraw-Hill.
.Roberts, Gregory Davids (2003). Shantaram, Melbourne, Scribe Publications.
.Schelling, Thomas C (1978): Micromotives and Macrobehaviour, New York and London, W.W. Norton.
.Sloterdijk, Peter (2005):In the World Interior of Capital: Towars a Philisophical Theory of Globalisation, Cambridge UK and Boston, Polity Press.
.Turner, John F.C (1976): Housing by People: Towards Autonomy in Building Environments, London, Marion Boyars.
.West, Geoffrey (2017). Scale: the universal laws of growth, innovation, sustainability, and the pace of life in organisms, cities, economies, and companies. London, United Kingdom: Penguin Press.
.Webber, Melvin. “Order in Diversity: Community Without Propinquity” and “The Urban Place and the Nonplace Urban Realm,” published in 1963 and 1964
Since 2000, I have supervised and co-supervised more than 120 master theses in urban design and planning with a focus on urban decelopment in an international context [E.g. from Arrival infrastructures in German medium sized cities (Urban Camps), to Reurbanisation strategies for new urban expansions in Greater Noida, India (An Ideal Sector)]. Moreover, i have supervised, co-supervised, or reviewed around a dozen PhD theses in the field. Most recently:
Vjese, Vija (from 01/ 2024): Tides of Change - Empowering communities through flood-ready placemaking along urban rivers in Nairobi. PhD project. Dept of Architecture and Planning. NTNU. Trondheim. Main Supervisor.
Sokolaj, Ursula (from 08/ 2023): Smart city e-participation and social sustainability. PhD project. Dept of Computer Science. NTNU. Trondheim. Co-Supervisior. [Main Supervisor Casandra Grundstrom]
LectureGotsch, Peter Andreas. (2022) A case study of comparing. Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University SAMAJ PhD seminar by NTNU and IOE: Conducting case studies , Centre for Applied Research and Development (CARD) 2022-05-09 - 2022-05-11
LectureGotsch, Peter Andreas. (2022) PEARLS: Promoting a New Community of Knowledge and Practice on People Centred and Resilient Spaces related to Urban Rivers. UN-Habitat World Urban Forum 11, Katowice, Transforming our cities for a better urban future , Katowice 2022-06-26 - 2022-06-30
Academic lectureGotsch, Peter Andreas. (2022) Planning Futures - Planners´ Futures. Tribhuvan University 11th IOE Graduate Conference , Lalitpur 2022-03-09 - 2022-03-10
Academic lectureGotsch, Peter Andreas. (2021) Research Policy Interface: Equity, Services and Economic Development for Cities in the Global South. RC21 RC21 Conference , Online (Amtverp) 2021-07-15 - 2021-07-15
LectureGotsch, Peter Andreas. (2021) The Role of Urban Ecological Planning in Achieving Zero Emissions and Resilient Future. GFHS Global Forum on Human Settlements, 16th Annual Session , Online (Shanghai) 2021-10-27 - 2021-10-27
LectureGotsch, Peter Andreas. (2021) Shared Spaces and Innovation. Peter Andreas Gotsch Workshop on Shared Spaces and Innovation , Trondheim 2021-10-19 - 2021-10-21
Popular scientific lectureGotsch, Peter Andreas. (2021) Public Spaces as Anchors in Social Resilience and Climate Action: The Role of Participation. UEP (NTNU); GPSP (UN-Habitat) UN-Habitat, Urban Thinkers Campus , Virtual 2021-02-18 - 2021-02-18
Academic lectureGotsch, Peter Andreas. (2021) "Liveable and Safer Public Spaces - Towards World-Wide Better Practices". Face of the City , Online 2021-05-04 - 2021-05-04
Popular scientific lectureGotsch, Peter Andreas. (2020) Mobilising Research for Global Agendas. UN-Habitat World Urban Forum , Abu Dhabi 2020-02-07 - 2020-02-13
LectureGotsch, Peter Andreas. (2020) Connecting regional networks to encourage sustainable urban development across research and policy cultures. Cities Alliance Webinar Bridging Research and Policy for Equitable Global Development , Online 2020-02-19 - 2020-02-19
LectureGotsch, Peter Andreas. (2020) Comments on Innovative urban finance instruments – creating effective links to planning and policy. UN-Habitat World Urban Forum 10 , Abu Dhabi 2020-02-08 - 2020-02-13
Academic lectureGotsch, Peter Andreas. (2020) Exploring the three prongs of Legislation& Governance, Planning& Design, and Finance & Economy towards safe and prosperous parks and public spaces. Three cases from Johannesburg (South Africa). KU Leuven Critical Review of Sustainable Development Policies and Planning , Leuven 2020-05-10 - 2020-05-10
Academic lectureGotsch, Peter Andreas. (2019) Are open and porous cities what we need? Ten theses on cities and migration. IfoU & Tarumanagara University Jakarta International Forum on Urbanism , Jakarta 2019-06-24 - 2019-06-26