Per Henning
Realfagbygget, E3-163, Gløshaugen, Høgskoleringen 5
I am the webmaster / web editor at the Faculty of Natural Sciences (NV)
- Web issues at the Faculty of Natural Sciences
- Content manager for the NV faculty web pages
- Universal design of web content, UX design for high user-friendliness and making the pages accessible to as many users as possible
- Management support, continuous updates to management
- Design, create templates, develop and maintain web pages
- Contribute with content to the NTNU Technology and Natural Sciences Facebook page
- Take pictures at events and for news articles and web pages
- Assist researchers in creating blog posts and news stories that are published in Norwegian and/or English at Norwegian SciTech News and on NTNU News. Blog posts and news stories are marketed on Facebook.
- Web traffic reports, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and analyses in Siteimprove
- Training in NTNU's web content management system Liferay
- Bistå forskere med å lage blogginnlegg og nyhetssaker som publiseres på norsk og/eller
Relevant work experience
- Design, develop and maintain Trondhjem Tennis Club web pages
- Project manager for the development of an Intranet for adidas - Stockholm, Sweden
- Web developer and marketing coordinator at BDInteractive - Port Chester, New York
- Writing press releases, developing and designing web pages for the Athletics Department at Trojan Media Services - Troy State University, Alabama
- Kvalificerad säljare och marknadsförare, Sälj & Marknadshögskolan, Stockholm, Sweden [ 2003 - 2004 ]
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Troy State University, Alabama. Major: Marketing. [1996 - 1999]
Websites - NTNU [ NV ]
- Faculty of Natural Sciences
- Department of Biological Sciences Ålesund
- Department of Biology
- Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science
- Department of Biotechnology and Food Science
- Department of Chemical Engineering
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Department of Materials Science and Engineering
- Department of Physics
Facebook - NTNU Technology and Natural Sciences
Websites - External Sites
Får millioner for å forske på koraller
Førsteamanuensis Lena van Giesen fra Institutt for biologi mottok støtte fra Det europeiske forskningsrådet (ERC) på 18 millioner kroner for å forske på korallen Lophelia pertusa.
(Tekst og bilder)
Enzymer fra bakterier og sopp bryter ned plast
Plast er nyttig, men er også et miljøproblem. Forskere bruker nå enzymer fra bakterier og sopp for å bryte ned plast.
(Tekst og bilder)
Gunstige bakteriesamfunn kan hjelpe fiskeoppdrettere
Nye forskningsresultater kan være gode nyheter for fiskeoppdretterne, men også for jordbruket, kloakkrensing og kanskje din egen tarm.
(Tekstbearbeiding sammen med stipendiat)
InterviewJacobsen, Elisabeth Egholm; Østrem, Elise; Henning, Per. (2017) Elise’s angels or a delicate skyline. [Internet] 2017-05-15