Pål Jørgensen
General practitioner and phd-candidate. Main research question: Are people at risk identified in primary health care?
Supervisors are Siri Forsmo, Arnulf Langhammer and Steinar Krokstad.
Bellika, Johan Gustav;
Bjorvatn, Bjørn;
Halvorsen, Peder Andreas;
Jørgensen, Pål;
Emberland, Knut Erik;
Fossum, Guro Haugen.
Personvernet som fundament for fremtidens digitale helsevesen.
Dagens medisin
Feature article
Forthun, Ingeborg;
Rørtveit, Guri;
Fossum, Guro Haugen;
Jørgensen, Pål;
Halvorsen, Peder Andreas;
Nilsen, Stein.
Søvnforstyrrelser og forskrivning av hypnotika i allmennpraksis – en PraksisNett-studie.
Academic article
Lervik, Lars Christian Naterstad;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Austad, Bjarne;
Bach, Kerstin;
Bones, Anita Formo;
Granviken, Fredrik.
SupportPrim-a computerized clinical decision support system for stratified care for patients with musculoskeletal pain complaints in general practice: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug;
Bjorvatn, Bjørn;
Halvorsen, Peder Andreas;
Nilsen, Stein;
Fossum, Guro Haugen;
Fors, Egil Andreas.
The Norwegian PraksisNett: a nationwide practice-based research network with a novel IT infrastructure.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Academic article
Jørgensen, Pål;
Langhammer, Arnulf;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Forsmo, Siri.
Mortality in persons with undetected and diagnosed hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and hypothyroidism, compared with persons without corresponding disease - a prospective cohort study; The HUNT Study, Norway.
BMC Family Practice
Academic article
Jørgensen, Pål;
Langhammer, Arnulf;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Forsmo, Siri.
Diagnostic labelling influences self-rated health. A prospective cohort study: The HUNT study, Norway.
Family Practice
Academic article
Jørgensen, Pål;
Langhammer, Arnulf;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Forsmo, Siri.
Is there an association between disease ignorance and self-rated health? The HUNT Study, a cross-sectional survey.
BMJ Open
Academic article
Jørgensen, Pål.
Tidlig diagnostikk - noen bivirkninger?.
BestPractice Diabetes
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Bellika, Johan Gustav;
Bjorvatn, Bjørn;
Halvorsen, Peder Andreas;
Jørgensen, Pål;
Emberland, Knut Erik;
Fossum, Guro Haugen.
Personvernet som fundament for fremtidens digitale helsevesen.
Dagens medisin
Feature article
Forthun, Ingeborg;
Rørtveit, Guri;
Fossum, Guro Haugen;
Jørgensen, Pål;
Halvorsen, Peder Andreas;
Nilsen, Stein.
Søvnforstyrrelser og forskrivning av hypnotika i allmennpraksis – en PraksisNett-studie.
Academic article
Lervik, Lars Christian Naterstad;
Vasseljen, Ottar;
Austad, Bjarne;
Bach, Kerstin;
Bones, Anita Formo;
Granviken, Fredrik.
SupportPrim-a computerized clinical decision support system for stratified care for patients with musculoskeletal pain complaints in general practice: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Academic article
Kristoffersen, Espen Saxhaug;
Bjorvatn, Bjørn;
Halvorsen, Peder Andreas;
Nilsen, Stein;
Fossum, Guro Haugen;
Fors, Egil Andreas.
The Norwegian PraksisNett: a nationwide practice-based research network with a novel IT infrastructure.
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care
Academic article
Jørgensen, Pål;
Langhammer, Arnulf;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Forsmo, Siri.
Mortality in persons with undetected and diagnosed hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and hypothyroidism, compared with persons without corresponding disease - a prospective cohort study; The HUNT Study, Norway.
BMC Family Practice
Academic article
Jørgensen, Pål;
Langhammer, Arnulf;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Forsmo, Siri.
Diagnostic labelling influences self-rated health. A prospective cohort study: The HUNT study, Norway.
Family Practice
Academic article
Jørgensen, Pål;
Langhammer, Arnulf;
Krokstad, Steinar;
Forsmo, Siri.
Is there an association between disease ignorance and self-rated health? The HUNT Study, a cross-sectional survey.
BMJ Open
Academic article
Jørgensen, Pål.
Tidlig diagnostikk - noen bivirkninger?.
BestPractice Diabetes
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Academic lectureLervik, Lars Christian Naterstad; Øien, Torbjørn; Austad, Bjarne; Jørgensen, Pål; Fors, Egil Andreas; Granviken, Fredrik. (2024) The effectiveness of using a computerized clinical decision support system for patients with musculoskeletal pains complaints. A cluster randomized controlled trial in general practice. MUSS MUSS 2024 , Oslo 2024-10-31 - 2024-10-31
PosterLervik, Lars Christian Naterstad; Granviken, Fredrik; Bones, Anita Formo; Øien, Torbjørn; Austad, Bjarne; Jørgensen, Pål. (2023) A stratified care computerized clinical decision support system for musculoskeletal pain complaints in general practice – The SupportPrim project (P047/ID362). Wonca Europe WONCA Europe 2023 , Brussels 2023-06-08 - 2023-06-08
PosterLervik, Lars Christian Naterstad; Øien, Torbjørn; Austad, Bjarne; Jørgensen, Pål; Fors, Egil Andreas; Granviken, Fredrik. (2023) A FEASIBILITY STUDY OF A COMPUTERIZED CLINICAL DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR STRATIFIED CARE IN PATIENTS WITH MUSCULOSKELETAL PAIN IN GENERAL PRACTICE – THE SUPPORTPRIM PROJECT. Europen Pain Federation EFIC 2023 , Budapest 2023-09-20 - 2023-09-23
Academic lectureLervik, Lars Christian Naterstad; Øien, Torbjørn; Austad, Bjarne; Jørgensen, Pål; Fors, Egil Andreas; Granviken, Fredrik. (2023) SUPPORTPRIM i allmennpraksis Stratifisert behandling for pasienter med muskelskjelettsmerter. MUSS MUSS 2023 , Oslo 2023-11-16 - 2023-11-16
Academic lectureLervik, Lars Christian Naterstad; Øien, Torbjørn; Austad, Bjarne; Jørgensen, Pål; Fors, Egil Andreas; Granviken, Fredrik. (2022) SUPPORTPRIM i allmennpraksis Stratifisert behandling for pasienter med muskelskjelettsmerter. Nidarosfondet FALP , Trondheim 2022-04-05 - 2022-04-05
InterviewJørgensen, Pål. (2014) Vet ikke at de er syke - opplever god helse. Dagens medisin Dagens medisin [Internet] 2014-06-06
InterviewJørgensen, Pål. (2014) Could ignorance of illness be better for mental health?. Reuters Health Reuters Health [Internet] 2014-06-17
InterviewJørgensen, Pål. (2014) Vet ikke om sykdom – opplever god helse . fysioterapeuten fysioterapeuten [Internet] 2014-06-06