Öznur Karakas
I hold a postdoctoral researcher position at NTNU within the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture at the Center for Technology and Society. My research is primarily focused on two Horizon 2020 projects: Robotics4EU and BIAS: Diversity Biases of AI within the Labor Market. Additionally, I teach courses related to digital culture and digitalization, with a particular emphasis on science and technology studies (STS).
Before joining NTNU, I served as a postdoctoral researcher at Uppsala University, where I conducted qualitative research on gender dynamics in e-science.
I completed my Ph.D. studies with honors (cum laude) at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3). My doctoral dissertation offers a unique interpretation of the Gezi Movement in Turkey, employing the Deleuze-Guattarian concept of "agencement" (assemblage). The central goal of this dissertation is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the emergence of heterogeneous dissident communities within the contested space(s) as 'embodiment'. It argues for a theoretical analysis of this phenomenon, termed "emergence as embodiment," using the concept of assemblage. This approach differs from the predominant analytical framework of the time, which often relied on the concept of network, particularly in the context of analyzing Occupy Movements.
I have earned Master's degrees in Philosophy from Galatasaray University and completed a joint program at Toulouse 2 Jean Jaures and Charles University in Prague, which was funded by the European Commission and is part of the prestigious Europhilosophie: Contemporary French and German Philosophy Master's program.
My research interests span various areas, including the digitalization of scientific research (e-science and data-driven science), data ethics, critical data studies, science and technology studies, social movements in the information society, and the philosophy of technology. Additionally, I serve as the co-editor in chief of Terrabayt, a digital magazine that publishes original and translated content covering a wide range of topics related to the information society.
Öznur Karakaş has been employed as a postdoctoral researcher for Robotics4EU and BIAS Project since March 2023.
Journal Articles:
Karakaş, Ö. (In Press). The Persistence of Gender Inequalities in e-Science: The Case of eSec. Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy.
Karakaş, Ö., & Griffin, G. (2023). Gender Segregation in the Borderlands of E-science. Science and Technology Studies, 0(0). Advance Online Publication https://doi.org/10.23987/sts.122528
Karakaş, Ö. (2021). Antroposen, Kapitalosen ve İnsan Sonrası Düşünce [Anthropocene, Capitalocene and Posthuman Thought]. Pasajlar Dergisi, 3(7), 145-169.
Karakaş, Ö. (2018a). Teknolojiye ‘Özen’ Göstermek: Tekno-ütopist, Tekno-pesimist Senaryolara A-modern Altenatifler [‘Caring’ for Technology: A-Modern Alternatives to Techno-Utopist and Techno-Pessimist Scenarios]. Doğu-Batı, 86, 172-186. ISSN: 1303-7242
Karakaş, Ö. (2018b). Gezi Assemblages: Embodied Encounters in the Making of An Alternative Space. Studies in Social Justice, 12(1), 38-55.
Karakaş, Ö. (2018c). Toplumsal Hareketler, Ağlar ve Beden [Social Movements, Networks and the Body]. Toplum ve Bilim, 144, 68-87.
Karakaş, Ö. (2016). Une Approche Feministe de l'Accumulation Primitive: Notes sur Caliban et la Sorciere de Silvia Federici. Cahiers du GRM (en ligne). https://doi.org/10.4000/grm.783
Karakaş, Ö. (2015). La Petite Fille de la Surface Comme Figure de la Dissolution du Soi. La Deleuziana: Revue en ligne de philosophie, 2, 79-92. ISSN 2421-3098
Published Thesis:
Karakaş, Ö. (2018e). A la Recherche de la Petite Fille: La Différence Sexuelle Dans la Pensée de Deleuze. London and Chisinau: Editions Universitaires Européenne, OmniScriptum S.R.L.
Book Chapters:
Karakaş, Ö. (2023a). Materyal Feminizmler [New materialist feminisms]. In B. Ağın & G. Yılmaz (Eds.), Beşeri Bilimlerin 50 Tonu. Nevşehir: Kapadokya Üniversitesi Yayınları.
Karakaş, Ö. (2023b). Kırınımsal Metodoloji [Diffractive Methodology]. In B. Ağın & G. Yılmaz (Eds.), Beşeri Bilimlerin 50 Tonu. Nevşehir: Kapadokya Üniversitesi Yayınları.
Karakaş, Ö. (2019). Mikropolitikada kadın-oluş [Becoming-woman in Micropolitics]. In M. Demirtaş (Ed.), Direnişin Mikropolitikası (pp. 233-250). Istanbul: Pinhan Yayınları.
Karakaş, Ö. (2018). Eternal Return as the Repetition of Difference in Itself. In B. Kaiser (Ed.), Facetten Nietzsches im Spiegel Junger Forschung (pp. 107-119). Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz GmbH.
Karakaş, Ö. (2014). Olayın Zamansızlığı ya da Gezi’de Ortak Olan [The Intemporality of the Event or That Which is ‘Common’ in Gezi]. In E. Bulduruç, F. Korkmaz, & E. Abat (Eds.), Bizim bir Haziranımız. Istanbul: Patika Publishing House.
Karakaş, Ö. (2022a). A roadmap to study gender in e-Science. G22: the 5th National Conference for Gender Studies in Sweden, 28 October.
Karakaş, Ö. (2022b). Eating their words: Translation as the principle of difference. Language and Foreignness: An Intercultural Perspective Workshop, 19-21 September, Tübingen University.
Karakaş, Ö. (2021a). Posthuman thought in the era of Anthropocene. Living in the End Times: Utopian and Dystopian Representation of Pandemics in Fiction, Film and Culture, 13-15 January. Cappadocia University, Nevşehir, Turkey.
Karakaş, Ö. (2021b). Ignorant fairies: New materialist queer feminist approaches to political ecology. The International Amber Festival, 16 March 2021.
Karakaş, Ö. (2020). The logic of care and innovation. Addlife: Additive Manufacturing for the Life Sciences Seminar, 19 August 2020, Uppsala University, online.
Karakaş, Ö. (2019a). Teknolojiye ‘özen’ göstermek: Feminist teknobilimlerin teknoloji algısı [‘Caring’ for technology: Technology in feminist technosciences]. The 9th National Sociology Congress, 19-21 October 2019, ASBÜ, Ankara.
Karakaş, Ö. (2019b). Gezi hareketi, ağlar ve sosyal medya dolayımı [Gezi movement, networks and social media mediation]. Bilim, Teknoloji ve Toplum Paneli [Science, Technology and Society Panel], 10 May 2019. Galatasaray University, Istanbul.
Karakaş, Ö. (2017). When care matters: Body politics and care in Gezi Movement. GESCTM (Grupo de Estudios Sociales de la Sciencia, la Tecnologia y la Medicina). Universidad National de Colombia, Bogota seminars.
Karakaş, Ö. (2016a). When care ‘matters:’ The use of social media in Gezi Movement. International 4S/EASST Conference, 31 August-3 September, Barcelona.
Karakaş, Ö. (2016b). Les épistemologies féministes et le projet décolonial de la philosophie de Donna Haraway, Philosophie Européenne et la Décolonisation de la Pensée, 24-27 September 2016. Université de Toulouse- Jean Jaures.
Book Translations:
Simondon, G. (2024). L’invention dans les Techniques: Cours et Conférences. (Ö. Karakaş, Trans.) Istanbul: Inka Editorial. (Original work published in 2005). [with the funding received from the Centre National du Livre]
Ferry, L. (forthcoming). La Plus Belle Histoire de la Philosophie. (Ö. Karakaş, Trans.). Istanbul: İş Kültür. (Original work published in 2014).
Irigaray, L. (forthcoming) L’étique de la Difference Sexuelle. (Ö. Karakaş and S. Özkaya, Trans). Ankara: Fol Publishing House. (Original work published in 1982).
Morton, T. (forthcoming). Dark Ecology. (Ö. Karakaş, Trans.). Istanbul: Telekt Publishing House (Original work published in 2018).
Freydberg, B. (2020). Modern Felsefenin Karanlık Tarihi (A Dark History of Modern Philosophy). (Ö. Karakaş, Trans.). Istanbul: Vakıfbank Publishing House (Original work published in 2017).
Balandier, G. (2022). Sahnelenen İktidar (Pouvoir sur Scene). (Ö. Karakaş, Trans.). Istanbul: İş Kültür. (Originally published in 1992).
Repila, I. (2020). Atilla'nın Atını Çalan Çocuk. (El niño que robó el caballo de Atila). (Ö., Karakaş, Trans.). Istanbul: Dergah Publishing House (Originally Published in 2017).
O’Connell, M. (2021). Makine Olmak: Mütevazi Sorunumuz Ölümlülük (To Be a Machine: Adventures Among Cyborgs, Utopians, Hackers, and the Futurists Solving the Modest Problem of Death). (Ö. Karakaş, Trans.). Istanbul: Domingo Publishing House. (Originally published in 2017).
Marder, M. (2019). Toz (Dust: Object Lessons). (Ö. Karakaş, Trans.). Istanbul: İthaki Publishing House (Orignally published in 2016).
hooks, B. (Year). Duygu Yoldaşlığı: Kadınların Sevgi Arayışı (Communion: The Female Search for Love). (Ö. Karakaş, Trans.). Istanbul: BGST Publishing House (Originally published in 2002).
Jameson, F. (2018). Antikler ve Postmodernler: Formların Tarihselliği Üzerine. (The Ancients and the Post-Moderns: On the Historicity of Forms). (Ö. Orhan, İ. Mavituna and Ö. Karakaş, Trans.). Istanbul: Yapı Kredi Publishing House (Originally published in 2015).
Braidotti, R. (2017). Göçebe Özneler: Çağdaş Feminist Kuramda Bedenleşme ve Cinsiyet Farklılığı (Nomadic Subjects: Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Thought. (Ö. Karakaş, Trans.). Istanbul: Kolektif Kitap (Originally published in 2011).
Braidotti, R. (2021). İnsan-sonrası (The Post-Human). (Ö. Karakaş, Trans.). Istanbul: Kolektif Kitap. (Originally published in 2013).
Karakas, Öznur.
The Persistence of Gender Inequality in e-Science: The Case of eSec.
Academic article
Karakas, Öznur;
Griffin, Gabriele.
Gender Segregation in the Borderlands of E-Science.
Science & Technology Studies
Academic article
Karakas, Öznur;
Griffin, Gabriele.
Gender Segregation in the Borderlands of E-Science.
Science & Technology Studies
Academic article
Journal publications
Karakas, Öznur.
The Persistence of Gender Inequality in e-Science: The Case of eSec.
Academic article
Karakas, Öznur;
Griffin, Gabriele.
Gender Segregation in the Borderlands of E-Science.
Science & Technology Studies
Academic article
Karakas, Öznur;
Griffin, Gabriele.
Gender Segregation in the Borderlands of E-Science.
Science & Technology Studies
Academic article
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureEcclesia, Silvia; Cheng, Yu; Karakas, Öznur; Søraa, Roger Andre. (2023) Cobots in Agile Production: Redefining the Future of Human-Robot Interaction. Robotics4EU physical event 2023-11-21 -
Academic lectureEcclesia, Silvia; Karakas, Öznur; Cheng, Yu. (2023) Addressing data challenges in robotics for agile production. Robotics4EU 4th digital workshop series 2023-10-24 -