Øystein Pettersen
Cand med graduated from NTNU in the summer of 2012, employed as a research fellow at ISB, addressing the subject of improving vein harvesting techniques for coronary artery bypass grafting, titled: "Impact of perivascular tissue on endothelial function and vessel structure in vein grafts used for coronary artery bypass grafting: A prospective, randomized controlled trial."
The main supervisor is Dr Med Dag Ole Nordhaug, co-supervisor are Professor Rune Wiseth and MD PhD Håvard Nordgaard.
My thesis fucuses on an altered vein harvesting technique, where the vein is harvested with the surrounding tissue. Our hypothesis is that the surrounding tissue improved the endothelial function long-term.
I grew up in Moss, a small town south of Oslo. I started med chool in the fall of 2006. I delivered my master thesis inn collaboration with stud med Andreas Bachke, on "Surgical ablation treatment of Atrial Fibrillation at St. Olavs Hospital," under supervision of dr med Alexander Wahba.
Smenes, Benedikte;
Pettersen, Øystein;
Karlsen, Øystein;
Stenseth, Roar;
Wahba, Alexander.
Phase of care mortality analysis and failure to rescue in a Norwegian cardiothoracic unit.
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal
Academic article
Pettersen, Øystein;
Pociask, Elzbieta;
Malinowski, Krzysztof P.;
Slezak, Magdalena;
Hegbom, Knut;
Wiseth, Rune.
Reproducibility of optical coherence tomography in vein grafts used for coronary revascularization.
Cardiology Journal
Academic article
Pettersen, Øystein.
Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Letter to the editor
Smenes, Benedikte Therese;
Pettersen, Øystein;
Stenseth, Roar;
Karlsen, Øystein;
Wahba, Alexander.
Evaluering av phase of care mortality analysis og failure to rescue i en Norsk thoraxkirurgisk klinikk.
Vitenskapelige forhandlinger - De norske kirurgiske foreninger
Pettersen, Øystein;
Wiseth, Rune;
Hegbom, Knut;
Nordhaug, Dag Ole.
Pedicled vein grafts in coronary surgery exhibit reduced intimal hyperplasia at 6 months.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Academic article
Journal publications
Smenes, Benedikte;
Pettersen, Øystein;
Karlsen, Øystein;
Stenseth, Roar;
Wahba, Alexander.
Phase of care mortality analysis and failure to rescue in a Norwegian cardiothoracic unit.
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal
Academic article
Pettersen, Øystein;
Pociask, Elzbieta;
Malinowski, Krzysztof P.;
Slezak, Magdalena;
Hegbom, Knut;
Wiseth, Rune.
Reproducibility of optical coherence tomography in vein grafts used for coronary revascularization.
Cardiology Journal
Academic article
Pettersen, Øystein.
Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Letter to the editor
Smenes, Benedikte Therese;
Pettersen, Øystein;
Stenseth, Roar;
Karlsen, Øystein;
Wahba, Alexander.
Evaluering av phase of care mortality analysis og failure to rescue i en Norsk thoraxkirurgisk klinikk.
Vitenskapelige forhandlinger - De norske kirurgiske foreninger
Pettersen, Øystein;
Wiseth, Rune;
Hegbom, Knut;
Nordhaug, Dag Ole.
Pedicled vein grafts in coronary surgery exhibit reduced intimal hyperplasia at 6 months.
Journal of the American College of Cardiology
Academic article
Academic lectureLi, Jiaji; Wahba, Alexander; Pettersen, Øystein. (2021) Kirurgisk behandling av atrieflimmer sammen med annen åpen hjertekirurgi på st. Olavs hospital 2010-2020. Norsk kirurgisk forening Kirurgisk høstmøte , Oslo 2021-10-25 - 2021-10-29
Academic lecturePettersen, Øystein; Winnerkvist, Anders; Wahba, Alexander; Karevold, Asbjørn; Haram, Per Magnus; Stenvik, Maryann. (2014) Tidlige resultater etter koronarkirurgi. NKF Kirurgisk Høstmøtet , Oslo 2014-10-24 -