Olga Noshchenko
Aghajani, Daniel;
Bratvold, Reidar Brumer;
Hagspiel-Janssen, Verena;
Noshchenko, Olga;
Toutain, Vincent.
A multi-objective decision-making framework for the choice between mutually exclusive alternatives under uncertainty: Assessing the competitiveness of offshore wind for a gas field electrification on the NCS.
Energy Economics
Academic article
Noshchenko, Olga;
Hagspiel-Janssen, Verena.
Environmental and economic multi-objective real options analysis: Electrification choices for field development investment planning.
Academic article
Journal publications
Aghajani, Daniel;
Bratvold, Reidar Brumer;
Hagspiel-Janssen, Verena;
Noshchenko, Olga;
Toutain, Vincent.
A multi-objective decision-making framework for the choice between mutually exclusive alternatives under uncertainty: Assessing the competitiveness of offshore wind for a gas field electrification on the NCS.
Energy Economics
Academic article
Noshchenko, Olga;
Hagspiel-Janssen, Verena.
Environmental and economic multi-objective real options analysis: Electrification choices for field development investment planning.
Academic article