Ole Møystad
Dr.Ing. Ole Möystad M.Arch was appointed Full Professor at the NTNU (www.ntnu.edu/metamorphosis) in 2012. 2011-2015 he was the head of the faculty’s office at Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology in Xi’an (www.xauat.edu.cn), where he founded the Sino-Norwegian Architecture Forum (www.SNAForum.com), which he led in collaboration with XAUAT in Xi’an and Tsinghua University in Beijing through 2015, when he initiated and now heads the Urban Trigger Group at Metamorphosis, NTNU. The Urban Trigger Network comprises researchers from NTNU, TUDelft and Bartlett UCL. During 2016 Möystad was visiting researcher at TUDelft.
Möystad received his M.Arch from Oslo School of Architecture in 1986, and after obtaining his doctor of engineering in 1994, he took up a full time position as assistant professor in Architecture and Urban Design at the American University of Beirut (www.aub.edu.lb), where he taught, practiced and researched on processes of rapid change and urban reconstruction. Later he has been associated to ETSAB, Barcelona and Universidade Autonoma de Lisboa as a visiting lecturer in their PhD programs.
In order to maintain a realistic and pragmatist foothold for his research interests, he has always been engaged in architectural practice. In 2006 he co-founded STUDIO hp AS with M.Arch. PhD Hettie Pisters: www.STUDIOhp.as, and in 2015 he founded the Urban Trigger Group at the NTNU in Norway.
His research interest, first established in his doctorate, concerns the city conceived and construed as an intelligent (eco- )system. His main focus has always been to understand the built environment not in terms of bricks and mortar, but in terms of how we shape it (from initiation and concept through construction and use) and how it shapes us. After studying this topic theoretically through his doctoral research, he spent three years in post war Beirut investigating the pathology of the urban environment caused by the strain of too rapid change. During later years he has pursued these topics through a number of articles and projects, all with a keen eye on questions of intelligence, meaning and pragmatism; on the interplay between thoughts and things, as well as a search for the agents and triggers of urban change and development. He has recently published a scientific monography titled Cognition and the Built Environment on Routledge London/New York:
Möystad, Ole.
Lynch meets Moser: cognition, brain and environment.
Estudos Semióticos
Academic article
Möystad, Ole;
Skatland, Jørgen Hallås.
Matprodeuksjon i Trøndelag.
Feature article
Möystad, Ole;
Skatland, Jørgen Hallås;
Nilsen, Hugo Andre Mowinckel.
Bygg med nye tanker og gamle deler.
Feature article
Skatland, Jørgen Hallås;
Möystad, Ole;
Lohne, Jardar.
Society`s Blueprints - a study of the Norwegian Building Code`s modal descriptions of a building.
Nordisk arkitekturforskning
Academic article
Möystad, Ole.
Cognition and the Built Environment.
Academic monograph
Møystad, Ole;
Xu, Dongming.
Interview With Professor Ole Möystad, NTNU.
Community Design
Interview Journal
Møystad, Ole.
Learning, Thinking+Doing Architecture.
Community Design
Academic article
Andreassen, Thea Hougsrud;
Möystad, Ole;
Eklund, Tarjei Zakarias.
Urban Triggers
Projects 2015.
Skipnes Kommunikasjon AS
Möystad, Ole.
What is an Urban Trigger?.
Möystad, Ole;
Hansen, Geir K.;
Andreassen, Thea Hougsrud;
Nermo, Mads;
Eklund, Tarjei Zakarias;
Næss, Marius Hauland.
Urban Trigger Group - Anthology 2005-2015
The Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art.
Skipnes Kommunikasjon AS
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Møystad, Ole.
Rapid Change and Cultural Vacuum.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Møystad, Ole;
Pisters, Hettie.
Margarinfabrikken Kindergarten.
Møystad, Ole.
Interview with Robert Greenwood, Snohetta Architecture and Design.
Community Design
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Møystad, Ole.
Fast or Furious.
Community Design
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Møystad, Ole.
Interview with Olav Kristoffersen, Brendeland og Kristoffersen Arkitekter AS.
Community Design
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Møystad, Ole.
Interview with Johanne Borthne, SuperUnion Architects.
Community Design
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Møystad, Ole.
23rd July.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Møystad, Ole.
23. juli.
Arkitektur N
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Hennissen, Grethe Kristin;
Møystad, Ole.
Sted og identitet hører ikke sammen.
Interview Journal
Kristoffersen, Olav;
Möystad, Ole.
Interview - Olav Kristoffersen.
Community Design
Interview Journal
Møystad, Ole.
Is it Sustainable to Believe in Spite of Better Knowledge?.
Møystad, Ole;
Liu, Kecheng.
Sino-Norwegian Architecture Forum, XI'AN.
Other product
Møystad, Ole;
Pisters, Hettie.
Den urbane handling - Intelligens, plan og prosjekt i byutviklingen.
Arkitektur N
Academic literature review
Møystad, Ole;
Nermo, Mads;
Modeer, Emil.
Toget og Byen - utstilling om tog og byutvikling i Holmestrand.
Utstilling innenfor Oslo Arkitekturtriennale
Architectural exhibition
Møystad , Henriette G. M. P.;
Møystad, Ole.
The Urban Act – Intelligence, plan and Project in Urban development.
Arkitektur N
Academic literature review
Møystad, Ole;
Pisters, Hettie.
The Urban Act Intelligence, Plan, and Project in Urban Development.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Møystad, Ole.
The Spirit of Place in a Multicultural Society.
Arkitektur N
Academic article
Møystad, Ole;
Pisters, Hettie;
Bjørnstad, Per Arne.
Margarinfabrikken Barnehage.
Arkitektur N
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Møystad, Ole.
Fields and Forces.
Academic article
Møystad, Ole;
Pisters, Hettie.
Notodden Blueshus - utkast arkitektkonkurranse.
Møystad, Ole.
moderator for Eyal Weizman på seminar om Decolonizing Architecture. Galleri 0047.
Other presentation
Møystad, Ole;
Pisters, Hettie;
Ghilardi og Hellsten, akitekter.
FutureBuilt Furuseth.
Møystad, Ole.
Egene Park, Stavanger.
De Architect
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Möystad, Ole.
Rethinking Place in a Multicultural Society.
Birkhäuser Verlag
Møystad, Ole.
Sverre Fehn obituary.
De Architect
Short communication
Møystad, Ole;
Pisters, Hettie.
Growing Infrastructure.
Popular scientific article
Møystad, Ole;
Pisters, Hettie.
Vertical Landscape Urbanism.
Møystad, Ole.
Brå endringer og kulturelt vakuum.
Arkitektur N
Academic article
Møystad, Ole.
Operahuis in Bjørvika, Oslo.
De Architect
Book review
Møystad, Ole.
Carlsen, Jan;
Colding, Cornelius;
Gregersen, Anne-Marie;
Møystad, Ole.
Genopbygning i et minefeldt.
ARKfokus : tidsskrift for arkitektur, design, by og land
Popular scientific article
Møystad, Ole.
Urbain par implication - Commentaires sur la globalisation et l'urbanisme au 20e siècle.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Møystad, Ole.
Et rop om nytt fokus - en samtale mellom Ole Møystad og Winy Maas.
Popular scientific article
Møystad, Ole.
100 år "ledsaget av mange og gode lysbilleder.".
Popular scientific article
Møystad, Ole.
Stedets ånd og det flerkulturelle samfunn - om hvordan Christian Norberg-Schulz utviklet 'sted' som arkitektonisk grunnbegrep og som nasjonalt, kulturpolitisk instrument.
Academic article
Møystad, Ole.
En samtale med Jean Francois Lyotard - bopælen og det postmoderne.
Popular scientific article
Møystad, Ole.
Pastoralt landskap eller slagmark? - Bilder fra sårkanten.
Le Monde Diplomatique
Popular scientific article
Møystad, Ole.
Bolig Arild Sand.
Other product
Møystad, Ole.
Noorse Architectuur worstelt met eigen context.
De Architect
Popular scientific article
Møystad, Ole.
Bopælen og det postmoderne/Dwelling and the Postmodern - a conversation with Jean-Francois Lyotard.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Møystad, Ole.
Op het raakvlak van zintuiglijkheid en ratio Kiasma museum van Steven Holl in Helsinki.
De Architect
Popular scientific article
Møystad, Ole.
Morphogenesis of the Beirut Green-Line; Theoretical Approaches Betetween Architecture and Geography.
Cahiers de Géographie du Québec
Academic article
Møystad, Ole.
Architectuurpraktijk in de vorm van een netwerk, een beschouwing over de werkwijze van de groep Ocean.
De Architect
Popular scientific article
Møystad, Ole.
Building Culture.
Nordisk arkitekturforskning
Academic article
Møystad, Ole.
Some Notes for a History of Meaning.
Nordisk arkitekturforskning
Academic article
Møystad, Ole.
Architecture - the Body of Cognition.
Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo
Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo
Doctoral dissertation
Møystad, Ole.
The Effect of a Butterfly upon an Opus of Architecture - a catastrophe theoretical approach to design theory.
Nordisk arkitekturforskning
Academic article
Journal publications
Möystad, Ole.
Lynch meets Moser: cognition, brain and environment.
Estudos Semióticos
Academic article
Möystad, Ole;
Skatland, Jørgen Hallås.
Matprodeuksjon i Trøndelag.
Feature article
Möystad, Ole;
Skatland, Jørgen Hallås;
Nilsen, Hugo Andre Mowinckel.
Bygg med nye tanker og gamle deler.
Feature article
Skatland, Jørgen Hallås;
Möystad, Ole;
Lohne, Jardar.
Society`s Blueprints - a study of the Norwegian Building Code`s modal descriptions of a building.
Nordisk arkitekturforskning
Academic article
Møystad, Ole;
Xu, Dongming.
Interview With Professor Ole Möystad, NTNU.
Community Design
Interview Journal
Møystad, Ole.
Learning, Thinking+Doing Architecture.
Community Design
Academic article
Møystad, Ole.
Rapid Change and Cultural Vacuum.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Møystad, Ole.
Interview with Robert Greenwood, Snohetta Architecture and Design.
Community Design
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Møystad, Ole.
Fast or Furious.
Community Design
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Møystad, Ole.
Interview with Olav Kristoffersen, Brendeland og Kristoffersen Arkitekter AS.
Community Design
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Møystad, Ole.
Interview with Johanne Borthne, SuperUnion Architects.
Community Design
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Møystad, Ole.
23rd July.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Møystad, Ole.
23. juli.
Arkitektur N
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Hennissen, Grethe Kristin;
Møystad, Ole.
Sted og identitet hører ikke sammen.
Interview Journal
Kristoffersen, Olav;
Möystad, Ole.
Interview - Olav Kristoffersen.
Community Design
Interview Journal
Møystad, Ole.
Is it Sustainable to Believe in Spite of Better Knowledge?.
Møystad, Ole;
Pisters, Hettie.
Den urbane handling - Intelligens, plan og prosjekt i byutviklingen.
Arkitektur N
Academic literature review
Møystad , Henriette G. M. P.;
Møystad, Ole.
The Urban Act – Intelligence, plan and Project in Urban development.
Arkitektur N
Academic literature review
Møystad, Ole;
Pisters, Hettie.
The Urban Act Intelligence, Plan, and Project in Urban Development.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Møystad, Ole.
The Spirit of Place in a Multicultural Society.
Arkitektur N
Academic article
Møystad, Ole;
Pisters, Hettie;
Bjørnstad, Per Arne.
Margarinfabrikken Barnehage.
Arkitektur N
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Møystad, Ole.
Fields and Forces.
Academic article
Møystad, Ole.
Egene Park, Stavanger.
De Architect
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Møystad, Ole.
Sverre Fehn obituary.
De Architect
Short communication
Møystad, Ole;
Pisters, Hettie.
Growing Infrastructure.
Popular scientific article
Møystad, Ole.
Brå endringer og kulturelt vakuum.
Arkitektur N
Academic article
Møystad, Ole.
Operahuis in Bjørvika, Oslo.
De Architect
Book review
Møystad, Ole.
Carlsen, Jan;
Colding, Cornelius;
Gregersen, Anne-Marie;
Møystad, Ole.
Genopbygning i et minefeldt.
ARKfokus : tidsskrift for arkitektur, design, by og land
Popular scientific article
Møystad, Ole.
Et rop om nytt fokus - en samtale mellom Ole Møystad og Winy Maas.
Popular scientific article
Møystad, Ole.
100 år "ledsaget av mange og gode lysbilleder.".
Popular scientific article
Møystad, Ole.
Stedets ånd og det flerkulturelle samfunn - om hvordan Christian Norberg-Schulz utviklet 'sted' som arkitektonisk grunnbegrep og som nasjonalt, kulturpolitisk instrument.
Academic article
Møystad, Ole.
En samtale med Jean Francois Lyotard - bopælen og det postmoderne.
Popular scientific article
Møystad, Ole.
Pastoralt landskap eller slagmark? - Bilder fra sårkanten.
Le Monde Diplomatique
Popular scientific article
Møystad, Ole.
Noorse Architectuur worstelt met eigen context.
De Architect
Popular scientific article
Møystad, Ole.
Op het raakvlak van zintuiglijkheid en ratio Kiasma museum van Steven Holl in Helsinki.
De Architect
Popular scientific article
Møystad, Ole.
Morphogenesis of the Beirut Green-Line; Theoretical Approaches Betetween Architecture and Geography.
Cahiers de Géographie du Québec
Academic article
Møystad, Ole.
Architectuurpraktijk in de vorm van een netwerk, een beschouwing over de werkwijze van de groep Ocean.
De Architect
Popular scientific article
Møystad, Ole.
Building Culture.
Nordisk arkitekturforskning
Academic article
Møystad, Ole.
Some Notes for a History of Meaning.
Nordisk arkitekturforskning
Academic article
Møystad, Ole.
The Effect of a Butterfly upon an Opus of Architecture - a catastrophe theoretical approach to design theory.
Nordisk arkitekturforskning
Academic article
Möystad, Ole.
Cognition and the Built Environment.
Academic monograph
Möystad, Ole;
Hansen, Geir K.;
Andreassen, Thea Hougsrud;
Nermo, Mads;
Eklund, Tarjei Zakarias;
Næss, Marius Hauland.
Urban Trigger Group - Anthology 2005-2015
The Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art.
Skipnes Kommunikasjon AS
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Möystad, Ole.
What is an Urban Trigger?.
Møystad, Ole;
Pisters, Hettie.
Margarinfabrikken Kindergarten.
Möystad, Ole.
Rethinking Place in a Multicultural Society.
Birkhäuser Verlag
Møystad, Ole.
Urbain par implication - Commentaires sur la globalisation et l'urbanisme au 20e siècle.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Møystad, Ole.
Bopælen og det postmoderne/Dwelling and the Postmodern - a conversation with Jean-Francois Lyotard.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Andreassen, Thea Hougsrud;
Möystad, Ole;
Eklund, Tarjei Zakarias.
Urban Triggers
Projects 2015.
Skipnes Kommunikasjon AS
Møystad, Ole.
Architecture - the Body of Cognition.
Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo
Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo
Doctoral dissertation
Møystad, Ole;
Nermo, Mads;
Modeer, Emil.
Toget og Byen - utstilling om tog og byutvikling i Holmestrand.
Utstilling innenfor Oslo Arkitekturtriennale
Architectural exhibition
Møystad, Ole.
moderator for Eyal Weizman på seminar om Decolonizing Architecture. Galleri 0047.
Other presentation
Møystad, Ole;
Liu, Kecheng.
Sino-Norwegian Architecture Forum, XI'AN.
Other product
Møystad, Ole;
Pisters, Hettie.
Notodden Blueshus - utkast arkitektkonkurranse.
Møystad, Ole;
Pisters, Hettie;
Ghilardi og Hellsten, akitekter.
FutureBuilt Furuseth.
Møystad, Ole;
Pisters, Hettie.
Vertical Landscape Urbanism.
Møystad, Ole.
Bolig Arild Sand.
Other product
InterviewVidts, Bram; Daenens, Bo; Möystad, Ole. (2021) Podcast Ole Møystad on Belgian Architecture. https://open.spotify.com/episode/12ETMtv2WmH6pSwXmI2sqQ?si=1 https://open.spotify.com/episode/12ETMtv2WmH6pSwXmI2sqQ?si=1 [Internet] 2021-11-11
Academic lectureSkatland, Jørgen Hallås; Möystad, Ole. (2016) “Same game, different rules. 5 different conceptualisations of information among key actors in the early phase development of a shopping centre in Norway during the late 2000s”. ESCOLA TÈCNICA SUPERIOR D'ARQUITECTURA DE BARCELONA International Conference ARQUITECTONICS NETWORK: MIND, LAND AND SOCIETY , Barcelona 2016-06-01 - 2017-06-03
Academic lectureMøystad, Ole; Skatland, Jørgen Hallås. (2015) Socity's Blueprint of Architecture - an analytical reading of national building laws as canonical text on the object of architecture. Arquitectonics Network Architecture & Knowledge , Barcelona 2015-06-03 - 2015-06-05
LectureMøystad, Ole. (2015) Place and Identity is a dangerous mix. Østlandsutstillingen Kunstnerseminar , Oslo 2015-06-06 -
InterviewMøystad, Ole. (2014) Intervjuet om norsk etterkrigsmodernisme i Dokumentarmagasinet PLOT #2-2014. Journalist Askild Matre Aasarød. Dokumentarmagasinet PLOT Dokumentarmagasinet PLOT [Journal] 2014-07-31
PosterMøystad, Ole; Breines, Jostein; Nermo, Mads. (2014) Augmented Urban Systems - the Case of Kirkenes. Université Lumière Lyon 2 Urban Modelling - Toward integrated modelling of urban systems , Lyon 2014-10-15 - 2014-10-17
InterviewMøystad, Ole. (2014) Intervjuet om sikkerhetsindustrien i Ny Tid journalist: Torbjørn Tumyr Nielsen. Norge Norge [Journal] 2014-07-04
LectureMøystad, Ole; Ekelund, Tarjei Zakarias; Nguyen, Thao. (2014) Jernbanestasjon i Larvik Indre Havn. Forum for Næringsutvikling i Larvik Jernbanekonferanse , Larvik 2014-03-27 -
Popular scientific lectureMøystad, Ole. (2013) BY i OLJE - kveler oljen kreativitet og innovasjon?. Norsk Form Norsk Forms årskonferanse 2013 , Oslo 2013-10-17 - 2013-10-17
Popular scientific lectureMøystad, Ole. (2012) Mellom mitt prosjekt og vår by. Tromsø Kommune Byutviklingsseminar i Tromsø , Tromsø 2012-11-09 -
Popular scientific lectureMøystad, Ole. (2012) Mellom mitt prosjekt og vår by - prosjektbasert byutvikling. Byprosjektkontoret i Drammen Kommune To kulturer møtes , Drammen 2012-04-20 -
Popular scientific lecture
Popular scientific lectureMøystad, Ole. (2011) Architecture is A Verb 20x11. Norske Arkitekters Landsforbund 20x11, What is the Question , Oslo 2011-04-01 -
Popular scientific lectureMøystad, Ole. (2011) Architecture is a Verb. Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology Felles forelesningsserie , Xi'an 2011-10-13 -
Academic lectureMøystad, Ole. (2010) Real Estate and Urbanism. ETSAB Felles forelesningsserie , Barcelone 2010-11-30 -
InterviewMøystad, Ole. (2009) Jernbaneverket vil ikke bruke penger på heis. Jarlsberg avis Jarlsberg avis [Newspaper] 2009-05-23
InterviewMøystad, Ole. (2009) Som cognac, daglistue eller boltreplass?. Jarlsberg avis Jarlsberg avis [Newspaper] 2009-12-15
InterviewMøystad, Ole. (2009) Idédugnad om Bache-Gabrielsens plass. Jarlsberg avis Jarlsberg avis [Newspaper] 2009-10-10
InterviewMøystad, Ole. (2009) - Det handler om omdømmebygging. Jarlsberg avis Jarlsberg avis [Newspaper] 2009-04-25
InterviewMøystad, Ole. (2009) Gjesten-klage blankt avvist. Jarlsberg avis Jarlsberg avis [Newspaper] 2009-07-09
InterviewMøystad, Ole. (2009) Furuset kulturpark åpnet. Byggeindustrien Byggeindustrien [Internet] 2009-05-27
InterviewMøystad, Ole. (2009) BLEST om Bache Gabrielsens plass. Jarlsberg avis Jarlsberg avis [Newspaper] 2009-10-06
InterviewMøystad, Ole. (2009) "Vertikalforbindelsen" verdenskjent. Jarlsberg avis Jarlsberg avis [Internet] 2009-04-23
InterviewMøystad, Ole. (2009) Kvartal 15 ett steg videre. Jarlsberg avis Jarlsberg avis [Newspaper] 2009-01-31
InterviewMøystad, Ole. (2009) Uenige om Gjesten-erstatteren. Jarlsberg avis Jarlsberg avis [Newspaper] 2009-02-14
InterviewMøystad, Ole. (2009) Gjesten-naboer møtte arkitekten. Jarlsberg avis Jarlsberg avis [Internet] 2009-01-17
Academic lectureMøystad, Ole. (2008) Robust Programs. ETSAB Arquitectonics Network Conference , Barcelona 2008-06-05 - 2008-06-06
Academic lectureMøystad, Ole. (2007) A Boatline for Lebanon. Archis Foundation Pearls for Lebanon , De Balie, Amsterdam 2007-03-06 - 2007-03-06
Academic lectureMøystad, Ole. (2007) Public Space and Proxy Programs. Studio Beirut/Archis Foundation Beirut Unbuilt RSVP , Beirut 2007-08-15 - 2007-08-22
Academic lectureMøystad, Ole. (2006) CNS and the Construction of Ideology. Arkitekthøgskolen i Oslo Fehn Symposium 2006 , Domkirkeodden, Hamar 2006-05-11 - 2006-05-13
Academic lectureMøystad, Ole. (2006) Beirut's Collateral Damage. Archis/Volume Beirut Unbuilt , Beirut 2006-11-15 - 2006-11-18
Programme participationMøystad, Ole. (2005) Bør få bygge i innvandrer-stil. TV2 Nettavisen TV2 Nettavisen [Internet] 2005-08-15
InterviewMøystad, Ole. (2005) Snart grønt lys for parkeringsanlegg?. NæringsEiendom NæringsEiendom [Newspaper] 2005-08-08
Programme participation
Academic lectureMøystad, Ole. (2005) Inside Change. PhD Program: New Tools in Architecture - ETSAB PhD seminar , Barcelona 2005-10-24 - 2005-10-24
Academic lectureMøystad, Ole. (2005) Such Stuff as dreams are made on. PhD programmet New Tools in Architecture - ETSAB PhD seminar , Barcelona 2005-11-16 - 2005-11-16
Academic lectureMøystad, Ole. (2005) Catastrophe, Collateral Damage and Cutural Vacuum - a role for art in reconstruction?. NTNU Navigating Globalization: Stability, Fluidity and Friction , Trondheim 2005-08-04 - 2005-08-06
Popular scientific lectureMøystad, Ole. (2005) Visiting critic ved Peter Cook/Per Kartvedt studio AHO. Arkitekthøgskolen i Oslo Final Crit Session , Oslo 2005-12-09 - 2005-12-09
Popular scientific lectureMøystad, Ole. (2005) Urban Landscape Master Class. Institutt for Urbanisme, Arkitekthøgskolen i Oslo Intermediary Crit Session , Oslo 2005-10-28 - 2005-10-28
Popular scientific lectureMøystad, Ole. (2005) Such Stuff as Dreams are made on. Arkitekthøgskolen i Oslo fagseminar , Oslo 2005-08-28 - 2005-08-28
Academic lectureMøystad, Ole. (2004) Urban by Implication - Some comments on globalisation and urbanism in the 20th century. l'Association Internationale de Semiotique 8ème Congrès de l'Association Internationale de Semiotique , Lyon 2004-07-07 - 2004-07-12
Popular scientific lectureMøystad, Ole. (2004) Prototyp for marginale tomter. Holmestrand Kommune Seminar for Drifts og Reguleringsutvalget i Holmestrand Kommune , Holmestrand 2004-11-23 - 2004-11-23
Academic lectureMøystad, Ole. (1996) Reconstructing Beirut. Arkitektskolen i Aarhus Seminar on Reconstruction of War Stricken Cities , Aarhus 1996-03-10 - 1996-03-15