Odd Magnus Faltinsen
Odd Magnus Faltinsen is currently a Professor of Marine Hydrodynamics at NTNU. He has worked on broad aspects of hydrodynamics of displacement ships, high-speed craft, offshore structures and fish farms including the effect of hydroelasticity. He has developed an educational program in marine hydrodynamics at NTNU, Trondheim and made “analytical and practical contributions to the innovative analysis of wave loads and resulting motions of ships and offshore structures” (National Academy of Engineering, USA).
He has educated 59 PhD. Faltinsen is the author of the three textbooks Sea loads on Ships and Offshore Structures, Hydrodynamics of High-Speed Marine Vehicles, Sloshing (co-authored with A. N. Timokha). They have all been published by Cambridge University Press and are translated to Chinese. The sea-load book has also been translated into Korean. He has authored about 450 publications in scientific journals, conferences and books, and given about 50 keynote and honours lectures.
Faltinsen was born in 1944 in Stavanger, Norway, and obtained a cand. real. degree in applied mathematics at the University of Bergen in 1968 and a PhD degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering in 1971 at the University of Michigan. He was employed by DNV from 1968 to 1974, was dosent in marine technology from 1974 to 1976 and professor of Marine Hydrodynamics from 1976 at NTNU. He was project leader of the Growth Point Centre on Hydroelasticity at NTH/SINTEF (1991 – 1996) and the Strong Point Centre on Hydroelasticity at NTNU/SINTEF (1997-2001). He was key scientist at the Centre of Excellence on Ship and Ocean Structures (CeSOS), NTNU (2002-2012) and is a Senior Scientific Advisor at the Centre of Excellence on Autonomous Marine Operations and System (AMOS), NTNU from 2013. He was visiting professor 3 times 1-year periods at MIT, USA and 3 month periods at the Research Institute of Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, Japan and INSEAN, Rome, Italy. He is a visiting professor at University College London, honorary professor at Harbin Engineering University and Academic Master at Dalian University of Technology.
Faltinsen is one of the founders of the international conferences on Behavior of Offshore structures (BOSS), Fast Sea Transportation (FAST), Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology and has in addition been chairman of the international conferences PRADS (Practical Design in Shipbuilding) and ONR Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics. He is member of the editorial board of several international scientific journals. Faltinsen has been member of five International Towing Tank Conferences (ITTC) committees including two as chairperson, and three International Ship Structure Committees (ISSC).
Awards and Honors
He gave the 15th Georg Weinblum Lecture, 1992-1993 and Third Annual Honors Lecture, The Offshore Technology Research Centre, College Station and Austin, Texas; 1993. He received the Fridtjof Nansen’s award for outstanding research in science and medicine in 2011. The 26th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies held in Athens on April 17-20, 2011 was dedicated to Professor Odd M. Faltinsen for his “lifetime scientific achievements”. The “Professor Odd Faltinsen Honoring Symposium on Marine Hydrodynamics” was arranged at OMAE 2013, Nantes, France in June 9-14, 2013. He received the OOAE Division-ASME Lifetime Achievement Award in “grateful recognition of significant lifetime contributions to marine and offshore hydrodynamics” in June 2013 and the Sobena International Award in 2014. He is the presenter of 2016 Wallace Lecture at MIT.
Faltinsen is elected member of Norwegian Academy for Technical Sciences, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, corresponding member of Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, foreign member of the National Academy of Engineering, USA and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
Odd Faltinsen's website on Google Scholar
Selected publications 2011-2015
Faltinsen, O. M, Firoozhkoohi, R.,Timokha, A., 2011, Steady-state liquid sloshing in a rectangular tank with slat-type screen in the middle: quasi-linear theory modal analysis and experiments, Vol. 23, Issue 4, Physics of Fluids 23
Sun, H., Faltinsen, O. M., 2011, Dynamic motions of planing vessels in head sea. J Mar Sci Technol., 162, 168-180.
Abrahamsen, B. C., Faltinsen, O. M, 2011. The effect of air leakage and heat exchange on the decay of entrapped air pocket slamming oscillations, Physics of Fluids, 23, 1-17
Kristiansen, T., Faltinsen, O. M., 2011. Gap resonance analyzed by a new domain-decomposition method combining potential and viscous flow, Applied Ocean Research 34,198-208
Xiang, X., Faltinsen, O.M., 2011. Maneuvering of two interacting ships in calm water. SOBENA Journal of Marine Systems & Ocean Technology (MS&OT), 6, 2
Kristiansen, T., Faltinsen O.M., 2012. Modeling of current loads on aquaculture net cages, J. of Fluids and Structures, 34, 218-235,
Sun, H., Faltinsen, O. M., 2012, Hydrodynamic Forces on a semi-displacement ship at high speed. Applied Ocean Research. Vol. 34, pp 68-77.
Shao, Y-L, Faltinsen, O. M., 2012, A numerical study of the second-order wave excitation of ship springing with infinite water depth, Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment; 226 (2): 103-119.
An, S., Faltinsen, O.M., 2012, Linear free-surface effects on a horizontally submerged and perforated 2D thin plate in finite and infinite water depths, Applied Ocean Research 37, 220-234
Prpic-Orsic, J., Faltinsen, O. M., 2012. Estimation of ship speed loss and associated CO2 emissions in a seaway, Ocean Engineering, 44, 1, 1-10
Faltinsen, O. M., Timokha, A. N., 2012, On sloshing modes in a circular tank, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2012, 695, 467-477.
Faltinsen, O. M., Timokha, A. N., 2012. Analytically approximate natural sloshing modes for a spherical tank shape, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 703, 391-402
Abrahamsen, B. C. , Faltinsen, O. M., 2012, The natural frequency of the pressure oscillations inside a water-wave entrapped air pocket on a rigid wall, Journal of Fluids and Structures 35, 200-212
Shao, Y.L., Faltinsen, O.M., 2012, Linear seakeeping and added resistance analysis by means of body-fixed coordinate system. J Mar Sci Technol
Abrahamsen, B. C. , Faltinsen, O. M., 2013, Scaling of entrapped gas-pocket slamming events at dissimilar Euler number, Journal of Fluids and Structures , 40, 246-257
An, S., Faltinsen, O.M., 2013, An experimental and numerical study of heave added mass and damping of horizontally submerged and perforated rectangular plates, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 39, 87-101
Faltinsen, O. M., Timokha, A. N., 2013. Multimodal analysis of weakly nonlinear sloshing in a spherical tank, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 719, 129-164
Faltinsen O.M., Timokha A.N., 2014. Analytically approximate natural sloshing modes and frequencies in two-dimensional tanks. European J. Mech. B/Fluids, 47, 176-187.
Greco M., Lugni C., Faltinsen O.M., 2014, Can the water on deck influence the parametric roll of a FPSO? A numerical and experimental investigation, European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 47.
Shao Y.L., Faltinsen O.M., 2014. A Harmonic Polynomial Cell (HPC) method for 3D Laplace equation with application in marine Hydrodynamics. Journal of Computational Physics, 274, 312-332.
C. Lugni, A. Bardazzi, O. M. Faltinsen, Graziani , 2014, Hydroelastic slamming response in the evolution of a flip-through event during shallow-liquid sloshing’ Physics of Fluids, 26
Kristiansen, T., Faltinsen, O. M., 2014, Experimental and numerical study of an aquaculture net cage with floater in waves and current, J. Fluids and Structures.
Fredriksen, A., Kristiansen, T., Faltinsen, O. M., 2014, Experimental and numerical investigation of wave resonance in moonpools at low forward speed", Applied Ocean Research, 47, 28-46
Ommani, B., Faltinsen, O.M., 2014. Viscous and potential forces on an advancing surface-piercing flat plate with a fixed drift angle. J Mar Sci Technol 1–14.
Greco M, Lugni C, Faltinsen OM. 2015 Influence of motion coupling and nonlinear effects on parametric roll for a FPSO. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 373.
Fredriksen AG, Kristiansen T, Faltinsen OM. 2015 Wave-induced response of a floating 2D body with moonpool. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 373, 20140109.
Colicchio G, Greco M, Brocchini M, Faltinsen OM. 2015 Hydroelastic behaviour of a structure exposed to an underwater explosion. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 373,
J. Wang, C. Lugni, O. M. Faltinsen (2015). Experimental and numerical investigation of freefall wedges entering the water surface. Applied Ocean Research
J. Wang, C. Lugni, O. M. Faltinsen (2015). Analysis of loads, motions and cavity dynamics during a freefall wedge vertically entering the free surface. Applied Ocean Research
D. Kristiansen and O. M. Faltinsen, 2015, A numerical study on stratified shear layers with applications to oil-boom failure. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering,
Wei, Z. J., Faltinsen, O. M., Lugni, C., Yue, Q. J., 2015, Sloshing-induced slamming in screen-equipped rectangular tank in shallow-water conditions, Physics of Fluids.
Faltinsen, O. M., Timokha, A. N., 2015, On damping of two-dimensional piston-mode sloshing in a rectangular moonpool under forced heave motions, Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Liang H, Faltinsen O. M, Shao YL. 2015 Application of a 2D harmonic polynomial cell (HPC) method to singular flows and lifting problems. Applied Ocean Research.
C. Lugni, M. Greco, O. M. Faltinsen, 2015, Influence of yaw-roll coupling on the behavior of a FPSO: an experimental and numerical investigation, Applied Ocean Research, 51.
A. Bardazzi, C. Lugni, M. Antuono, G. Graziani, O.M. Faltinsen, 2015, Generalized HPC method for the Poisson equation, Journal of Computational Physics
de Moraes, Moraes;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Esperança, P.T.T.;
Sphaier, S.H.;
Lugni, Claudio.
Free-surface interaction of a fully appendaged AUV: An experimental study using the Planar Motion Mechanism method for calculating hydrodynamic coefficients.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Pulahingapura Dewage, Dimantha Harshapriya;
Kristiansen, David;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical Investigation of Hydrodynamic Aspects of Free-running Vessels in Stern Quartering Seas.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bardazzi, A.;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Durante, D.;
Colagrossi, Andrea.
Different scenarios in sloshing flows near the critical filling depth.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Godø, John Martin Kleven;
Steen, Sverre;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A resistance model for hydrofoil fast ferries with fully submerged foil systems.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Godø, John Martin Kleven;
Steen, Sverre;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
An Efficient Method for Design and Powering Prediction of Fast Slender Catamarans.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Fish-Inspired Propulsion Study: Numerical Hydrodynamics of Rigid/Flexible/Morphing Foils and Observations on Real Fish.
Doctoral dissertation
Abrahamsen, Bjørn Christian;
Grytten, Frode;
Hellan, Øyvind;
Søreide, Tore H.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydroelastic response of concrete shells during impact on calm water.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Abrahamsen, Bjørn Christian;
Grytten, Frode;
Hellan, Øyvind;
Søreide, Tore Helge;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydroelastic Response of Concrete Shells During Impact on Calm Water.
Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
Academic article
Chen, Bang-Fuh;
Wu, Chih-Hua;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The mechanism of switching direction of swirling sloshing waves.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Grøn, Petter Kristensen;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A floating membrane solar island study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Ships and sea structures with a hydrodynamic perspective.
Seatific Journal
Academic article
Shen, Yugao;
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Comparative investigation: Closed versus semi-closed vertical cylinder-shaped fish cage in waves.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Shen, Yugao.
Correction to: Wave and Current Effects on Floating Fish Farms (Journal of Marine Science and Application, (2018), 17, 3, (284-296), 10.1007/s11804-018-0033-5).
Journal of Marine Science and Application
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Timokha, Alexander.
Coupling between resonant sloshing and lateral motions of a two-dimensional rectangular tank.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Shen, Yugao;
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Experimental investigation of a closed vertical cylinder-shaped fish cage in waves.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Lugni, Claudio;
Wang, Jingbo;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Bardazzi, Andrea;
Lucarelli, Alessia;
Duan, Wenyang.
Scaling laws for the water entry of a three-dimensional body.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Prpić-Oršić, Jasna;
Sasa, Kenji;
Valčić, Marko;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Uncertainties of ship speed loss evaluation
under real weather conditions.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Shen, Yugao;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Ma, Shaojun.
Numerical study towards closed fish farms in waves using two Harmonic Polynomial Cell methods.
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Siddiqui, Mohd Atif;
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Experimental studies of a damaged ship section in beam sea waves.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Strand, Ida Marlen;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Linear wave-induced dynamic structural stress analysis of a 2D
semi-flexible closed fish cage.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Ghamari, Isar;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Lugni, Claudio.
Numerical and Experimental Study on the Parametric Roll Resonance for a Fishing Vessel with and without forward speed.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Lagodzinskyi, Oleksandr E.;
Timokha, Alexander.
Resonant three-dimensional nonlinear sloshing in a square base basin. Part 5. Three-dimensional non-parametric tank forcing.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Abrahamsen, Bjørn Christian;
Alsos, Hagbart Skage;
Aune, Vegard;
Fagerholt, Egil;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Hellan, Øyvind.
Hydroplastic response of a square plate due to impact on calm water.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Wang, Jingbo;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Duan, Wenyang.
A high‐order harmonic polynomial method for solving the Laplace equation with complex boundaries and its application to free‐surface flows. Part I: Two‐dimensional cases.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Academic article
Ferrandis, José del Águila;
Bonfiglio, Luca;
Rodríguez, Ricardo Zamora;
Chryssostomidis, Chryssostomos;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Triantafyllou, Michael.
Influence of Viscosity and Non-Linearities in Predicting Motions of a Wind Energy Offshore Platform in Regular Waves.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Siddiqui, Mohd Atif;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Colicchio, Giuseppina;
Lugni, Claudio.
Experimental and Numerical Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Damaged Ship Section In Waves.
Doctoral dissertation
Hanssen, Finn Christian W.;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Non-Linear Wave-Body Interaction in Severe Waves.
Doctoral dissertation
Shen, Yugao;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical study of a well boat operating at a fish farm in long-crested irregular waves and current.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Siddiqui, Mohd Atif;
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Experimental studies of a damaged ship section in forced heave motion.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Shen, Yugao;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical study of a well boat operating at a fish farm in current.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Timokha, Alexander.
An inviscid analysis of the Prandtl azimuthal mass transport during swirl-type sloshing.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Strand, Ida Marlen;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Linear wave response of a 2D closed flexible fish cage.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Sasa, Kenji;
Takeuchi, Kaichi;
Chen, Chen;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Valcic, Marko.
Evaluation of speed loss in bulk carriers with actual data from rough sea voyages.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Wang, Jingbo;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Lugni, Claudio.
Unsteady hydrodynamic forces of solid objects vertically entering the water surface .
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Shen, Yugao;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Fredheim, Arne.
Operational limits for floating-collar fish farms in waves and current, without and with well-boat presence.
Doctoral dissertation
Shen, Yugao;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Nygaard, Ivar.
Numerical and experimental investigations on mooring loads of a marine fish farm in waves and current.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Siddiqui, Mohd Atif;
Greco, Marilena;
Colicchio, Giuseppina;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Validation of damaged ship hydrodynamics by a Domain Decomposition Approach using the Harmonic Polynomial Cell method and OpenFOAM.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alsos, Hagbart Skage;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
3D motion dynamics of axisymmetric bodies falling through water.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Li, Peng;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Greco, Marilena.
Wave-Induced Accelerations
of a Fish-Farm Elastic
Floater: Experimental
and Numerical Studies.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Ma, Shaojun;
Hanssen, Finn Christian W.;
Siddiqui, Mohd Atif;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Local and Global Properties of the Harmonic Polynomial Cell Method: In-depth Analysis in Two Dimensions.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Academic article
Strand, Ida Marlen;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Lader, Pål Furset.
Sea Loads on Closed Flexible Fish Cages.
Doctoral dissertation
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Shen, Yugao.
Wave and Current Effects on Floating Fish Farms.
Journal of Marine Science and Application
Academic article
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Sasa, Kenji;
Valcic, Marko;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Uncertainties of Ship Speed Loss Evaluation Under Real Weather Conditions.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Jingbo;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A harmonic polynomial method based on Cartesian grids with local refinement for complex wave-body interactions.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
He, Zhao;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Fredheim, Arne;
Kristiansen, Trygve.
The influence of fish on the mooring loads of a floating net
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Sasa, Kenji;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Lu, Li-Feng;
Sasaki, Wataru;
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Kashiwagi, Masashi.
Development and validation of speed loss for a blunt-shaped ship in two rough sea voyages in the Southern Hemisphere.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Higher harmonic wave loads on a vertical cylinder in finite water depth.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Ghamari, Isar;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, Claudio.
Parametric Resonance of a Fishing Vessel With and Without Anti-Roll Tank: An Experimental and Numerical Study.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Strand, Ida Marlen;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Linear sloshing in a 2D rectangular tank with a flexible sidewall.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Advances in Mechanics
Academic article
Sasa, Kenji;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Kashiwagi, Masashi.
Comparison of ship’s speed loss in waves in some numerical simulation methods.
Journal of maritime researches
Academic article
Wang, Jingbo;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Improved numerical solution of Dobrovol'skaya's boundary integral equations on similarity flow for uniform symmetrical entry of wedges.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Timokha, Alexander.
Resonant three-dimensional nonlinear sloshing in a square-base basin. Part 4. Oblique forcing and linear viscous damping.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Abrahamsen, Bjørn Christian;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
OMAE2017-62390 - Study of an Entrapped Air Pocket due to Sloshing Using Experiments and Numerical Simulations.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Colicchio, Giuseppina;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Underwater explosions near marine structures: a Dynamics Fluid Structure Domain-Decomposition strategy.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Li, Peng;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Lugni, Claudio.
Nonlinear vertical accelerations of a floating torus in regular waves.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Lukovsky, Ivan A;
Timokha, Alexander.
Resonant sloshing in an upright annular tank.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Wu, Chih-Hua;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Chen, Bang-Fuh.
Dynamics of vortex evolution in a 2D baffled tank.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Academic article
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Vettor, Roberto;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Guedes Soares, Carlos.
The influence of route choice and operating conditions on fuel consumption and CO2 emission of ships.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Timokha, Alexander.
Undamped eigenperiods of a sea-based gravity monotower.
Applied Mathematical Modelling
Academic article
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Parunov, Joško.
Influence of operability criteria limiting values on ship speed.
Academic article
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Arslan, Tufan.
Investigation of finite water depth sloshing in a tank in the presence of slat screens using model test and CFD.
International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering
Academic article
Ommani, Babak;
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Simplified CFD modeling for bilge keel force and hull pressure distribution on a rotating cylinder.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Wang, Jingbo;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Analysis of loads, motions and cavity dynamics during freefall wedges vertically entering the water surface.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Wei, Zhi-Jun;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Lugni, Claudio;
Yue, Qian-Jin.
Sloshing-induced slamming in screen-equipped rectangular tanks in shallow-water conditions.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Parunov, J..
The effect of voluntary speed reduction criteria on attainable ship speed.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ommani, Babak;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Linear dynamic stability analysis of a surface-piercing plate advancing at high forward speed.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Liang, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Shao, Yanlin.
Application of a 2D harmonic polynomial cell (HPC) method to singular flows and lifting problems.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Colicchio, Giuseppina;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Brocchini, Maurizio.
Gas cavity-body interactions: Efficient numerical solution.
Computers & Fluids
Academic article
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Influence of motion coupling and nonlinear effects on parametric roll for a floating production storage and offloading platform.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Academic article
Fredriksen, Arnt Gunvald;
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Wave-induced response of a floating two-dimensional body with a moonpool.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Academic article
Colicchio, Giuseppina;
Greco, Marilena;
Brocchini, Maurizio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydroelastic behaviour of a structure exposed to an underwater explosion.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Academic article
Brocchini, M;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Advances in fluid mechanics for offshore engineering: A modelling perspective.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Academic article
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Experimental and numerical study of an aquaculture net cage with floater in waves and current.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Ommani, Babak;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Viscous and potential forces on an advancing surface-piercing flat plate with a fixed drift angle.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Vettor, R.;
Guedes Soares, Carlos;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Influence of ship routes on fuel consumption and CO2 emission.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydrodynamics of marine and offshore structures.
Journal of Hydrodynamics
Academic article
Ghamari, Isar;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Greco, Marilena.
Investigation of Parametric Resonance in Roll for Container Carrier Ships.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, Claudio;
Colicchio, Giuseppina;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical study of bilge-keel effect on parametric roll and water on deck for an FPSO.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Colicchio, Giuseppina;
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Dynamic domain decomposition strategy coupling lattice Boltzmann methods with Finite differences approximations of the Navier-Stokes equations to study bodies in current.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
He, Zhao;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Fredheim, Arne;
Kristiansen, Trygve.
The influence of fish on the mooring loads of a floating fish farm.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
You, Jikun;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A numerical investigation of second-order difference-frequency forces and motions of a moored ship in shallow water.
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Resonant Liquid Motion in Marine Hydrodynamics.
Procedia Engineering
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Timokha, Alexander.
On damping of two-dimensional piston-mode sloshing in a rectangular moonpool under forced heave motions.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Arslan, Tufan.
Investigation of finite water depth sloshing in a tank in presence of slat screens using model test and CFD.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bardazzi, A;
Lugni, Claudio;
Antuono, M;
Graziani, G;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Generalized HPC method for the Poisson equation.
Journal of Computational Physics
Academic article
Kristiansen, David;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A numerical study on stratified shear layers with relevance to oil-boom failure.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Wang, Jingbo;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Experimental and numerical investigation of a freefall wedge vertically entering the water surface.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Lugni, Claudio;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Influence of yaw-roll coupling on the behavior of a FPSO: An experimental and numerical investigation.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A numerical study of the second-order wave excitation of ship springing by a higher-order boundary element method.
Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Valcic, M.
Development Strategies for Greener Shipping.
Proceedings Elmar
Academic article
Ommani, Babak;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Cross-flow transverse force and yaw moment on a semi-displacement vessel with forward speed and drift angle.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Experimental and numerical analysis of two-dimensional steady-state sloshing in a rectangular tank equipped with a slatted screen.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Can the water on deck influence the parametric roll of a FPSO? A numerical and experimental investigation.
European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids
Academic article
Colicchio, Giuseppina;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydroelastic response of a submerged structure to an underw ater explosion.
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Roll-yaw coupling effects on parametric resonance for a shi p in regular waves.
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greco, Marilena;
Colicchio, Giuseppina;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A domain-decomposition strategy for a compressible multi-phase flow interacting with a structure.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Academic article
Fredriksen, Arnt Gunvald;
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Experimental and numerical investigation of wave resonance in moonpools at low forward speed.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A harmonic polynomial cell (HPC) method for 3D Laplace equation with application in marine hydrodynamics.
Journal of Computational Physics
Academic article
Lugni, Claudio;
Bardazzi, A.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Graziani, G..
Hydroelastic slamming response in the evolution of a flip-through event during shallow-liquid sloshing.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Fully-nonlinear wave-current-body interaction analysis by a harmonic polynomial cell method.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Kristiansen, David;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A Numerical Study on Stratified Shear Layers With Relevance to Oil-Boom Failure.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thys, Maxime;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Theory and Experiments of a Free-Running Fishing Vessel in Stern Sea.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Li, Peng;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Greco, Marilena.
Wave-Induced Accelerations of a Fish-Farm Elastic Floater: Experimental and Numerical Studies.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ommani, Babak;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Waves' numerical dispersion and damping due to discrete dispersion relation.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Timokha, Alexander.
Analytically approximate natural sloshing modes and frequencies in two-dimensional tanks.
European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids
Academic article
Skejic, Renato;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Maneuvering behavior of ships in irregular waves.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksander.
Multimodal analysis of weakly nonlinear sloshing in a spherical tank.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Wu, C.H.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Chen, B.F..
Time-Independent Finite Difference and Ghost Cell Method to Study Sloshing Liquid in 2D and 3D Tanks with Internal Structures.
Communications in Computational Physics
Academic article
Greco, Marilena;
Colicchio, G;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
3D Domain Decomposition for Violent Wave-Ship Interactions.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Academic article
Abrahamsen, Bjørn Christian;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Scaling of Entrapped Gas-Pocket Slamming Events at Dissimilar Euler Number.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Wang, Jingbo;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical Investigation of Air Cavity Formation During the High-Speed Water Entry of Wedges.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Lugni, Claudio;
Bardazzi, A.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Graziani, Giorgio.
Hydroelastic Challenges for Wave-Impact Phenomena in Sloshing Flow.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Mrakovčić, Tomislav.
Influence of Ship Behaviour in a Seaway on CO2 Emissions.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Slamming on ships and marine structures.
Marine Systems & Ocean Technology
Academic article
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A Nonlinear Numerical Wave Tank and its Applications.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ommani, Babak;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Linear Dynamic Stability Analysis of a Surface Piercing Plate Advancing at High Forward Speed.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bardestani, Mohsen;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A Two-Dimensional Approximation of a Floating Fish Farm in Waves and Current With the Effect of Snap Loads.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Nonlinear Sloshing in a Spherical Tank.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Fully-Nonlinear Wave-Current-Body Interaction Analysis by a Harmonic Polynomial Cell (HPC) Method.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wu, C.H.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Chen, B-F.
Analysis on Shift of Nature Modes of Liquid Sloshing in a 3D Tank Subjected to Oblique Horizontal Ground Motions with Damping Devices.
Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Academic article
An, Song;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
An experimental and numerical study of heave added mass and damping of horizontally submerged and perforated rectangular plates.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Second-Order Diffraction and Radiation of a Floating Body with Small Forward Speed.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Greco, Marilena.
Slamming and Green-Water Phenomena on Ships.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Analytically Approximate Natural Sloshing Modes for a Spherical Tank Shape.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
You, Jikun;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A 3D Fully Nonlinear Numerical Wave Tank with a Moored Floating Body in Shallow Water.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydrodynamic forces on a semi-displacement ship at high speed.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
On Sloshing Modes in a Circular Tank.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A Numerical Study of the Second-Order Wave Excitation of Ship Springing with Infinite Water Depth.
Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M)
Academic article
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Solutions of Nonlinear Free Surface-Body Interaction with A Harmonic Polynomial Cell Method.
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bardazzi, A.;
Lugni, C;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Graziani, G;
Greco, Marilena;
Colicchio, G.
Wave-Impact in a Sloshing Tank: Hydroelastic Challenges.
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Estimation of Ship Speed Loss and Associated CO2 Emissions in a Seaway.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Gap resonance analyzed by a new domain-decomposition method combining potential and viscous flow DRAFT.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Modelling of Current Loads on Aquaculture Net Cages.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
An, Song;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Linear Free-Surface Effects on a Horizontally Submerged and Perforated 2D Thin Plate in Finite and Infinite Water Depths.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Abrahamsen, Bjørn Chr.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A Numerical Model of an Air Pocket Impact During Sloshing.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Wu, Chih-Hua;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Chen, Bang-Fuh.
Numerical Study of Sloshing Liquid in Tanks with Baffles by Time-Independent Finite Difference and Fictitious Cell Method.
Computers & Fluids
Academic article
Abrahamsen, Bjørn Chr.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The Natural Frequency of the Pressure Oscillations Inside a Water-Wave Entrapped Air Pocket on a Rigid Wall.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Ommani, Babak;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Lugni, Claudio.
Hydrodynamic Forces on a Semi-Displacement Vessel on Straight Course with Drift Angle.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Li, Peng;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Wave-Induced Vertical Response of an Elastic Circular Collar of a Floating Fish Farm.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fredriksen, Arnt Gunvald;
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Investigation of Gap Resonance in Moonpools at Forward Speed Using a Non-Linear Domain-Decomposition Method.
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Linear seakeeping and added resistance analysis by means of body-fixed coordinate system.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Bardazzi, A.;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Graziani, Giorgio.
Hydroelastic Study of the Impact Phenomena in Sloshing Flow.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Mooring Loads of a Circular Net Cage with Elastic Floater in Waves and Current.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Towards Efficient Fully-Nonlinear Potential-Flow Solvers in Marine Hydrodynamics.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Book Translation
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Natural Sloshing Frequencies and Modes in a Rectangular Tank with a Slat-Type Screen.
Journal of Sound and Vibration
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Analytical Modeling of Liquid Sloshing in a Two-Dimensional Rectangular Tank with a Slat Screen.
Journal of Engineering Mathematics
Academic article
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Dynamic motions of planing vessels in head seas.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Steady-state liquid sloshing in a rectangular tank with a slat-type screen in the middle: Quasilinear modal analysis and experiments.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Colicchio, G;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Domain-decomposition strategy for marine applications with cavity entrapments.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Effect of central slotted screen with a high solidity ratio on the secondary resonance phenomenon for liquid sloshing in a rectangular tank.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Ommani, Babak;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Study on Linear 3D Rankine Panel Method for Prediction of Semi-Displacement Vessels’ Hydrodynamic Characteristics at High Speed.
American Society of Naval Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydrodynamic Forces on High-Speed Ships in Forced Vertical Motions.
American Society of Naval Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydrodynamic Aspects of a Floating Fish Farm with Circular Collar.
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Gap Resonance Analyzed by a Domain-Decomposition Method.
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical study of the second-order wave loads on a ship with forward speed.
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lee, DongYoung;
Jo, GyungNam;
Kim, YunHo;
Choi, Hang S.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The Effect of Sloshing on the Sway Motions of 2D Rectangular Cylinders in Regular Waves.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Modelling of Manoeuvring with Attention to Ship-Ship Interaction and Wind Waves.
Royal Institution of Naval Architects
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Xiang, Xu;
Skejic, Renato;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Berg, Tor Einar.
Hydrodynamic Interaction Loads between two Ships during Lightering Operation in Calm Water.
Royal Institution of Naval Architects
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Sun, Hui.
Dynamic Behavior of Semi-Displacement and Planing Vessels in Calm Water and Waves.
High Speed Marine Vehicles
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Xiang, Xu;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Time Domain Simulation of Two Interacting Ships Advancing Parallel in Waves (OMAE2011-49484).
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Abrahamsen, Bjørn Chr.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The Effect of Air Leakage and Heat Exchange on the Decay of Entrapped Air Pocket Slamming Oscillations.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Predictions of Porpoising Inception for Planing Vessels.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Xiang, Xu;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Maneuvering of Two Interacting Ships in Calm Water.
Marine Systems & Ocean Technology
Academic article
Colicchio, G;
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, C.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Towards a Fully 3D Domain-Decomposition Strategy for Water-on-Deck Phenomena.
Journal of Hydrodynamics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
A multimodal method for liquid sloshing in a two-dimensional circular tank.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Lee, Dong-Young;
Choi, Hang, S.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A Study on the Sloshing Effect on the Motion of 2D Boxes in Regular Waves.
Journal of Hydrodynamics
Academic article
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical Study of Planning Vessels in Waves.
Journal of Hydrodynamics
Academic article
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Swash Bulkhead on Sloshing.
ISOPE - International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A two-dimensional numerical and experimental study of resonant coupled ship and piston-mode motion.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Lugni, C;
Miozzi, M;
Brocchini, M;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Evolution of the air cavity during a depressurized wave impact. I. The kinematic flow field.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Use of body-fixed coordinate system in analysis of weakly nonlinear wave-body problems.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Lugni, C;
Brocchini, M;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Evolution of the air cavity during a depressurized wave impact. II. The dynamic field.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Xiang, Xu;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Maneuvering of two Interacting Ships in Calm Water.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Jingbo;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kong, Xiangjun;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristiansen, David;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Non-linear wave-induced motions of cylindrical-shaped floaters of fish farms.
Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M)
Academic article
Greco, Marilena;
Colicchio, G;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Bottom slamming for a Very Large Floating Structure: Uncoupled global and slamming analyses.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Greco, Marilena;
Colicchio, G;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Bottom slamming for a Very Large Floating Structure: Coupled global and slamming analyses.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Skejic, Renato;
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Modeling and Control of Underway Replenishment Operations in Calm Water.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Studies on Resonant Water Motion Between a Ship and a Fixed Terminal in Shallow Water.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Water entry of a bow-flare ship section with roll angle.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jiao, Linlin;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Global Hydroelastic Analysis of Pontoon-Type VLFS.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Academic monograph
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Semenov, Yuriy.
Nonlinear problem of flat-plate entry into an incompressible liquid.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Application of a vortex tracking method to the piston-like behaviour in a semi-entrained vertical gap.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Water entry of a bow-flare ship section with roll angle.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Skejic, Renato;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A unified seakeeping and maneuvering analysis of ships in regular waves.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Berthelsen, Petter Andreas;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A local directional ghost cell approach for incompressible viscous flow problems with irregular boundaries.
Journal of Computational Physics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Semenov, Yuriy.
The effect of gravity and cavitation on a hydrofoil near the free surface.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Towards development of a nonlinear perturbation method for analysis of springing of ships.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Asymmetric Water Entry of a Bow-Flare Ship Section with Roll Angle.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Effect of screens on sloshing in a rectangular tank.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristiansen, David;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Wave Loads on Floaters of Aquaculture Plants.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The influence of gravity on the performance of planing vessels in calm water.
Journal of Engineering Mathematics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Two-dimensional resonant piston-like sloshing in a moonpool.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Challenges in hydrodynamics of ships and ocean structures.
Bulletin Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (3)
Colicchio, G;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Influence of gaseous cavities in ship-hydrodynamic problems: a simplified study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydrodynamic forces on a planing hull in forced heave or pitch motions in calm water.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Resonant water motion between a ship and a terminal in shallow water.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Challenges in hydrodynamics of ships and ocean structures.
Academic article
Zhu, Xinying;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Hu, Changhong.
Water entry and exit of a horizontal circular cylinder.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Greco, Marilena;
Colicchio, G;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Shipping of water on a two-dimensional structure. Part 2.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Hu, Changhong;
Kishev, Z;
Kashiwagi, Masashi;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Application of CIP Method for Strongly Nonlinear Marine Hydrodynamics.
Ship Technology Research
Academic article
Colicchio, G;
Greco, M.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A BEM-level set domain-decomposition for non-linear and fragmented interfacila flows.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Academic article
Yang, QZ;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Zhao, Rong.
Green Function of Steady Motion in Finite Water Depth.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Ersdal, Svein;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Normal forces on cylinders in near-axial flow.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Resonant three-dimensional nonlinear sloshing in a square-base basin. Part 3. Base ratio perturbations.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Transient and steady-state amplitudes of resonant three-dimensional sloshing in a square base tank with a finite fluid depth.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Lugni, C;
Colagrossi, A;
Colicchio, G;
Brocchini, M.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
An experimental and numerical investigation of the flip-through phenomenon.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skejic, Renato;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A unified seakeeping and maneuvering analysis of a monohull in regular incident waves.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, H;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A numerical study of the hydrodynamic forces on heaving bowflare ship cross-sections.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rognebakke, Olav F.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydroelastic Sloshing Induced Impact with Entrapped Air.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The Fluid-Structure Interaction during the Water Impact of a Cylindrical Shell.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greco, M.;
Colicchio, G;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Local and Global Hydroelastic Analysis of a VLFS.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ersdal, Svein;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Transverse Motion of Towed Cables.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Two-dimensional resonant piston-like sloshing in a moonpool.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Colicchio, G;
Greco, M.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Fluid-body interaction on a Cartesian grid: dedicated studies for a CFD validation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Colagrossi, Andrea;
Palladino, F.;
Greco, M.;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Experimental and numerical investigation of 2D sloshing: scenarios near the critical filling depth.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lugni, C.;
Brocchini, M.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Wave impact loads: The role of the flip-through.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Water impact of horizontal circular cylinders and cylindrical shells.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav F.;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Adaptive modal modelling of violent sloshing in a square base basin.
European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav F.;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Classification of sloshing in square and nearly-square base basin.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik.
Classification of three-dimensional nonlinear sloshing in a square-base tank with finite depth.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydrodynamic features of high-speed vessels.
Ships and Offshore Structures
Academic article
Greco, M;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Landrini, M..
Shipping of water on a two-dimensional structure.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Reasonant three-dimensional nonlinear sloshing in a square-base basin, II: Effect of higher modes.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Resonant three-dimensional nonlinear sloshing in a square-base basin. Part 2. Effect of higher modes.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Classification, simulation and validation of three-dimensional nonlinear sloshing in a square-base tank with finite depth.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Ge, Chunhua;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Moan, Torgeir.
Global hydroelastic response of catamarans due to wetdeck slamming.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Chezhian, Muthu.
A generalized Wagner method for three-dimensional slamming.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydrodynamics of high-speed marine vehicles.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Academic monograph
Baarholm, Rolf Jarle;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Wave impact underneath horizontal decks.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Landrini, M.;
Greco, M..
Slamming in marine applications.
Journal of Engineering Mathematics
Academic article
Greco, M;
Landrini, M.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Impact flows and loads on ship-deck structures.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Timokha, Alexander.
Resonant thre-dimensional nonlinear sloshing in a square-base basin.
Cambridge University Press
Academic article
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Coupling of Sloshing and Ship Motions.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Berge, Stig.
Teorifagene Marin Hydrodynamikk og Marine Konstruksjoner.
Et hav av muligheter
Non-fiction book
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Water Entry of a Wedge with Finite Deadrise Angle.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Greco, Marilena;
Landrini, Maurizio.
Green Water Loading on a FPSO.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Timokha, Alexander.
Asymptotic modal approximation of nonlinear resonant sloshing in a rectangular tank with small fluid depth.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Timokha, Alexander.
An Adaptive Multimodal Approach to Nonlinear Sloshing in a Rectangular Tank.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydroelastic slamming.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Adaptive multimodal approach to nonlinear sloshing in a rectangular tank.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Hirata, Nobuku;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Computation of Cobbelstone Effect with Unsteady Viscous Flow under a Stern Seal Bag of a SES.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Fontaine, E.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Cointe, R..
New Insight into the Generation of Ship Bow Waves.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Lukovsky, Ivan A.;
Timokha, Alexander N..
Multidimensional Modal Analysis of Nonlinear Sloshing in a Rectangular Tank with Finite Water Depth.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydroelastic slamming.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Fontaine, E.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Cointe, R..
New Insigth into the Generation of Ship Bow Waves.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Sea Loads on High-Speed Marine Vehicles.
Instiutt for marin hydrodynamikk
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Water Entry of a Wedge by Hydroelastic Orthotropic Plate Theory.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Landrini, Maurizio;
Grytøyr, Guttorm;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A B-Spline Based BEM for Unsteady Free-Surface Flows.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Ringing loads on a slender vertical cylinder of general cross-section.
Journal of Engineering Mathematics
Academic article
Kvålsvold, Jan;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Aarsnes, Jan V..
Effect of structural elasticity on slamming against wetdecks of multihull vessels.
Journal of Ship and Ocean Technology
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Kvålsvold, Jan;
Aarsnes, Jan V..
Wave impact on a horizontal elastic plate.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The effect of hydroelasticity on ship slamming.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Academic article
Solaas, Frøydis;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Combined numerical and analytical solution for sloshing in two-dimensional tanks of general shape.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Ulstein, Tore;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Cobblestone effect on surface effect ships.
Ship Technology Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydrodynamics of high speed vehicles.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydrodynamics of high speed vehicles.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ulstein, Tore;
Faltinsen, Odd M.;
Stamnes, J.J.;
Gilja, O. H.;
Ødegaard, S.;
Berstad, A..
Two-dimensional unsteady planing.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Kvålsvold, Jan;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydroelastic modeling of wet deck slamming on multihull vessels.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Newman, J.N.;
Vinje, T..
Nonlinear wave loads on a slender vertical cylinder.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Steen, Sverre;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Cobblestone effect on SES with flexible bag aft seal.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Scolan, Y.-M.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical studies of separated flow from bodies with sharp corners by the vortex in cell method.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Wave and current induced motions of floating production systems.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Scolan, Y.M.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical studies of separated flow from bodies with sharp corners by the vortex in cell method.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Larsen red., Carl M.;
Moan, Torgeir.
Hydroelasticity in marine technology : proceedings of the International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 25-27 May 1994.
Ohkusu, Makoto;
Yasunaga, Makoto;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Inada, Masaru.
Prediction of hydrodynamic forces on a high speed catamaran in a seaway.
Japan society of Naval architects and ocean engineering
Academic article
Ohkusu, M.;
Ysunga, M.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Prediction of hydrodynamic forces on high-speed catamarans in a seaway.
Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Zhao, Rong.
Flow predictions around high-speed ships in waves.
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Zhao, Rong.
Numerical predictions of ship motions at high forward speed.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, O.;
Tjøtta, S..
Interaction between sound waves propagating in the same direction.
Reports Published by the Department of Applied Mathematics (28)
Journal publications
de Moraes, Moraes;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Esperança, P.T.T.;
Sphaier, S.H.;
Lugni, Claudio.
Free-surface interaction of a fully appendaged AUV: An experimental study using the Planar Motion Mechanism method for calculating hydrodynamic coefficients.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Bardazzi, A.;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Durante, D.;
Colagrossi, Andrea.
Different scenarios in sloshing flows near the critical filling depth.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Godø, John Martin Kleven;
Steen, Sverre;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A resistance model for hydrofoil fast ferries with fully submerged foil systems.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Godø, John Martin Kleven;
Steen, Sverre;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
An Efficient Method for Design and Powering Prediction of Fast Slender Catamarans.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Abrahamsen, Bjørn Christian;
Grytten, Frode;
Hellan, Øyvind;
Søreide, Tore H.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydroelastic response of concrete shells during impact on calm water.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Abrahamsen, Bjørn Christian;
Grytten, Frode;
Hellan, Øyvind;
Søreide, Tore Helge;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydroelastic Response of Concrete Shells During Impact on Calm Water.
Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
Academic article
Chen, Bang-Fuh;
Wu, Chih-Hua;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The mechanism of switching direction of swirling sloshing waves.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Ships and sea structures with a hydrodynamic perspective.
Seatific Journal
Academic article
Shen, Yugao;
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Comparative investigation: Closed versus semi-closed vertical cylinder-shaped fish cage in waves.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Shen, Yugao.
Correction to: Wave and Current Effects on Floating Fish Farms (Journal of Marine Science and Application, (2018), 17, 3, (284-296), 10.1007/s11804-018-0033-5).
Journal of Marine Science and Application
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Timokha, Alexander.
Coupling between resonant sloshing and lateral motions of a two-dimensional rectangular tank.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Shen, Yugao;
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Experimental investigation of a closed vertical cylinder-shaped fish cage in waves.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Lugni, Claudio;
Wang, Jingbo;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Bardazzi, Andrea;
Lucarelli, Alessia;
Duan, Wenyang.
Scaling laws for the water entry of a three-dimensional body.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Prpić-Oršić, Jasna;
Sasa, Kenji;
Valčić, Marko;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Uncertainties of ship speed loss evaluation
under real weather conditions.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Siddiqui, Mohd Atif;
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Experimental studies of a damaged ship section in beam sea waves.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Strand, Ida Marlen;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Linear wave-induced dynamic structural stress analysis of a 2D
semi-flexible closed fish cage.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Ghamari, Isar;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Lugni, Claudio.
Numerical and Experimental Study on the Parametric Roll Resonance for a Fishing Vessel with and without forward speed.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Lagodzinskyi, Oleksandr E.;
Timokha, Alexander.
Resonant three-dimensional nonlinear sloshing in a square base basin. Part 5. Three-dimensional non-parametric tank forcing.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Abrahamsen, Bjørn Christian;
Alsos, Hagbart Skage;
Aune, Vegard;
Fagerholt, Egil;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Hellan, Øyvind.
Hydroplastic response of a square plate due to impact on calm water.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Wang, Jingbo;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Duan, Wenyang.
A high‐order harmonic polynomial method for solving the Laplace equation with complex boundaries and its application to free‐surface flows. Part I: Two‐dimensional cases.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Academic article
Ferrandis, José del Águila;
Bonfiglio, Luca;
Rodríguez, Ricardo Zamora;
Chryssostomidis, Chryssostomos;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Triantafyllou, Michael.
Influence of Viscosity and Non-Linearities in Predicting Motions of a Wind Energy Offshore Platform in Regular Waves.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Shen, Yugao;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical study of a well boat operating at a fish farm in long-crested irregular waves and current.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Siddiqui, Mohd Atif;
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Experimental studies of a damaged ship section in forced heave motion.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Shen, Yugao;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical study of a well boat operating at a fish farm in current.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Timokha, Alexander.
An inviscid analysis of the Prandtl azimuthal mass transport during swirl-type sloshing.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Strand, Ida Marlen;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Linear wave response of a 2D closed flexible fish cage.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Sasa, Kenji;
Takeuchi, Kaichi;
Chen, Chen;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Valcic, Marko.
Evaluation of speed loss in bulk carriers with actual data from rough sea voyages.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Wang, Jingbo;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Lugni, Claudio.
Unsteady hydrodynamic forces of solid objects vertically entering the water surface .
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Shen, Yugao;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Nygaard, Ivar.
Numerical and experimental investigations on mooring loads of a marine fish farm in waves and current.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Alsos, Hagbart Skage;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
3D motion dynamics of axisymmetric bodies falling through water.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Li, Peng;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Greco, Marilena.
Wave-Induced Accelerations
of a Fish-Farm Elastic
Floater: Experimental
and Numerical Studies.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Ma, Shaojun;
Hanssen, Finn Christian W.;
Siddiqui, Mohd Atif;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Local and Global Properties of the Harmonic Polynomial Cell Method: In-depth Analysis in Two Dimensions.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Shen, Yugao.
Wave and Current Effects on Floating Fish Farms.
Journal of Marine Science and Application
Academic article
He, Zhao;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Fredheim, Arne;
Kristiansen, Trygve.
The influence of fish on the mooring loads of a floating net
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Sasa, Kenji;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Lu, Li-Feng;
Sasaki, Wataru;
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Kashiwagi, Masashi.
Development and validation of speed loss for a blunt-shaped ship in two rough sea voyages in the Southern Hemisphere.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Higher harmonic wave loads on a vertical cylinder in finite water depth.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Strand, Ida Marlen;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Linear sloshing in a 2D rectangular tank with a flexible sidewall.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Advances in Mechanics
Academic article
Sasa, Kenji;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Kashiwagi, Masashi.
Comparison of ship’s speed loss in waves in some numerical simulation methods.
Journal of maritime researches
Academic article
Wang, Jingbo;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Improved numerical solution of Dobrovol'skaya's boundary integral equations on similarity flow for uniform symmetrical entry of wedges.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Timokha, Alexander.
Resonant three-dimensional nonlinear sloshing in a square-base basin. Part 4. Oblique forcing and linear viscous damping.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Li, Peng;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Lugni, Claudio.
Nonlinear vertical accelerations of a floating torus in regular waves.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Lukovsky, Ivan A;
Timokha, Alexander.
Resonant sloshing in an upright annular tank.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Wu, Chih-Hua;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Chen, Bang-Fuh.
Dynamics of vortex evolution in a 2D baffled tank.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications
Academic article
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Vettor, Roberto;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Guedes Soares, Carlos.
The influence of route choice and operating conditions on fuel consumption and CO2 emission of ships.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Timokha, Alexander.
Undamped eigenperiods of a sea-based gravity monotower.
Applied Mathematical Modelling
Academic article
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Parunov, Joško.
Influence of operability criteria limiting values on ship speed.
Academic article
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Arslan, Tufan.
Investigation of finite water depth sloshing in a tank in the presence of slat screens using model test and CFD.
International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering
Academic article
Ommani, Babak;
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Simplified CFD modeling for bilge keel force and hull pressure distribution on a rotating cylinder.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Wang, Jingbo;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Analysis of loads, motions and cavity dynamics during freefall wedges vertically entering the water surface.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Wei, Zhi-Jun;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Lugni, Claudio;
Yue, Qian-Jin.
Sloshing-induced slamming in screen-equipped rectangular tanks in shallow-water conditions.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Ommani, Babak;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Linear dynamic stability analysis of a surface-piercing plate advancing at high forward speed.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Liang, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Shao, Yanlin.
Application of a 2D harmonic polynomial cell (HPC) method to singular flows and lifting problems.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Colicchio, Giuseppina;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Brocchini, Maurizio.
Gas cavity-body interactions: Efficient numerical solution.
Computers & Fluids
Academic article
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Influence of motion coupling and nonlinear effects on parametric roll for a floating production storage and offloading platform.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Academic article
Fredriksen, Arnt Gunvald;
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Wave-induced response of a floating two-dimensional body with a moonpool.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Academic article
Colicchio, Giuseppina;
Greco, Marilena;
Brocchini, Maurizio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydroelastic behaviour of a structure exposed to an underwater explosion.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Academic article
Brocchini, M;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Advances in fluid mechanics for offshore engineering: A modelling perspective.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Academic article
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Experimental and numerical study of an aquaculture net cage with floater in waves and current.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Ommani, Babak;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Viscous and potential forces on an advancing surface-piercing flat plate with a fixed drift angle.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydrodynamics of marine and offshore structures.
Journal of Hydrodynamics
Academic article
You, Jikun;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A numerical investigation of second-order difference-frequency forces and motions of a moored ship in shallow water.
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Resonant Liquid Motion in Marine Hydrodynamics.
Procedia Engineering
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Timokha, Alexander.
On damping of two-dimensional piston-mode sloshing in a rectangular moonpool under forced heave motions.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Bardazzi, A;
Lugni, Claudio;
Antuono, M;
Graziani, G;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Generalized HPC method for the Poisson equation.
Journal of Computational Physics
Academic article
Kristiansen, David;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A numerical study on stratified shear layers with relevance to oil-boom failure.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Wang, Jingbo;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Experimental and numerical investigation of a freefall wedge vertically entering the water surface.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Lugni, Claudio;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Influence of yaw-roll coupling on the behavior of a FPSO: An experimental and numerical investigation.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A numerical study of the second-order wave excitation of ship springing by a higher-order boundary element method.
Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Valcic, M.
Development Strategies for Greener Shipping.
Proceedings Elmar
Academic article
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Can the water on deck influence the parametric roll of a FPSO? A numerical and experimental investigation.
European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids
Academic article
Greco, Marilena;
Colicchio, Giuseppina;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A domain-decomposition strategy for a compressible multi-phase flow interacting with a structure.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Academic article
Fredriksen, Arnt Gunvald;
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Experimental and numerical investigation of wave resonance in moonpools at low forward speed.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A harmonic polynomial cell (HPC) method for 3D Laplace equation with application in marine hydrodynamics.
Journal of Computational Physics
Academic article
Lugni, Claudio;
Bardazzi, A.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Graziani, G..
Hydroelastic slamming response in the evolution of a flip-through event during shallow-liquid sloshing.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Fully-nonlinear wave-current-body interaction analysis by a harmonic polynomial cell method.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Timokha, Alexander.
Analytically approximate natural sloshing modes and frequencies in two-dimensional tanks.
European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksander.
Multimodal analysis of weakly nonlinear sloshing in a spherical tank.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Wu, C.H.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Chen, B.F..
Time-Independent Finite Difference and Ghost Cell Method to Study Sloshing Liquid in 2D and 3D Tanks with Internal Structures.
Communications in Computational Physics
Academic article
Greco, Marilena;
Colicchio, G;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
3D Domain Decomposition for Violent Wave-Ship Interactions.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Academic article
Abrahamsen, Bjørn Christian;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Scaling of Entrapped Gas-Pocket Slamming Events at Dissimilar Euler Number.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Wang, Jingbo;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical Investigation of Air Cavity Formation During the High-Speed Water Entry of Wedges.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Slamming on ships and marine structures.
Marine Systems & Ocean Technology
Academic article
Wu, C.H.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Chen, B-F.
Analysis on Shift of Nature Modes of Liquid Sloshing in a 3D Tank Subjected to Oblique Horizontal Ground Motions with Damping Devices.
Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Academic article
An, Song;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
An experimental and numerical study of heave added mass and damping of horizontally submerged and perforated rectangular plates.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Second-Order Diffraction and Radiation of a Floating Body with Small Forward Speed.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Analytically Approximate Natural Sloshing Modes for a Spherical Tank Shape.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydrodynamic forces on a semi-displacement ship at high speed.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
On Sloshing Modes in a Circular Tank.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A Numerical Study of the Second-Order Wave Excitation of Ship Springing with Infinite Water Depth.
Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M)
Academic article
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Estimation of Ship Speed Loss and Associated CO2 Emissions in a Seaway.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Gap resonance analyzed by a new domain-decomposition method combining potential and viscous flow DRAFT.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Modelling of Current Loads on Aquaculture Net Cages.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
An, Song;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Linear Free-Surface Effects on a Horizontally Submerged and Perforated 2D Thin Plate in Finite and Infinite Water Depths.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Abrahamsen, Bjørn Chr.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A Numerical Model of an Air Pocket Impact During Sloshing.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Wu, Chih-Hua;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Chen, Bang-Fuh.
Numerical Study of Sloshing Liquid in Tanks with Baffles by Time-Independent Finite Difference and Fictitious Cell Method.
Computers & Fluids
Academic article
Abrahamsen, Bjørn Chr.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The Natural Frequency of the Pressure Oscillations Inside a Water-Wave Entrapped Air Pocket on a Rigid Wall.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Linear seakeeping and added resistance analysis by means of body-fixed coordinate system.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Natural Sloshing Frequencies and Modes in a Rectangular Tank with a Slat-Type Screen.
Journal of Sound and Vibration
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Analytical Modeling of Liquid Sloshing in a Two-Dimensional Rectangular Tank with a Slat Screen.
Journal of Engineering Mathematics
Academic article
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Dynamic motions of planing vessels in head seas.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Steady-state liquid sloshing in a rectangular tank with a slat-type screen in the middle: Quasilinear modal analysis and experiments.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Colicchio, G;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Domain-decomposition strategy for marine applications with cavity entrapments.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Effect of central slotted screen with a high solidity ratio on the secondary resonance phenomenon for liquid sloshing in a rectangular tank.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Lee, DongYoung;
Jo, GyungNam;
Kim, YunHo;
Choi, Hang S.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The Effect of Sloshing on the Sway Motions of 2D Rectangular Cylinders in Regular Waves.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Abrahamsen, Bjørn Chr.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The Effect of Air Leakage and Heat Exchange on the Decay of Entrapped Air Pocket Slamming Oscillations.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Predictions of Porpoising Inception for Planing Vessels.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Xiang, Xu;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Maneuvering of Two Interacting Ships in Calm Water.
Marine Systems & Ocean Technology
Academic article
Colicchio, G;
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, C.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Towards a Fully 3D Domain-Decomposition Strategy for Water-on-Deck Phenomena.
Journal of Hydrodynamics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
A multimodal method for liquid sloshing in a two-dimensional circular tank.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Lee, Dong-Young;
Choi, Hang, S.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A Study on the Sloshing Effect on the Motion of 2D Boxes in Regular Waves.
Journal of Hydrodynamics
Academic article
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical Study of Planning Vessels in Waves.
Journal of Hydrodynamics
Academic article
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Swash Bulkhead on Sloshing.
ISOPE - International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A two-dimensional numerical and experimental study of resonant coupled ship and piston-mode motion.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Lugni, C;
Miozzi, M;
Brocchini, M;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Evolution of the air cavity during a depressurized wave impact. I. The kinematic flow field.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Use of body-fixed coordinate system in analysis of weakly nonlinear wave-body problems.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Lugni, C;
Brocchini, M;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Evolution of the air cavity during a depressurized wave impact. II. The dynamic field.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Kristiansen, David;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Non-linear wave-induced motions of cylindrical-shaped floaters of fish farms.
Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (Part M)
Academic article
Greco, Marilena;
Colicchio, G;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Bottom slamming for a Very Large Floating Structure: Uncoupled global and slamming analyses.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Greco, Marilena;
Colicchio, G;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Bottom slamming for a Very Large Floating Structure: Coupled global and slamming analyses.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Skejic, Renato;
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Modeling and Control of Underway Replenishment Operations in Calm Water.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Studies on Resonant Water Motion Between a Ship and a Fixed Terminal in Shallow Water.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Water entry of a bow-flare ship section with roll angle.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Semenov, Yuriy.
Nonlinear problem of flat-plate entry into an incompressible liquid.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Application of a vortex tracking method to the piston-like behaviour in a semi-entrained vertical gap.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Water entry of a bow-flare ship section with roll angle.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Skejic, Renato;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A unified seakeeping and maneuvering analysis of ships in regular waves.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Berthelsen, Petter Andreas;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A local directional ghost cell approach for incompressible viscous flow problems with irregular boundaries.
Journal of Computational Physics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Semenov, Yuriy.
The effect of gravity and cavitation on a hydrofoil near the free surface.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The influence of gravity on the performance of planing vessels in calm water.
Journal of Engineering Mathematics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Two-dimensional resonant piston-like sloshing in a moonpool.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Challenges in hydrodynamics of ships and ocean structures.
Academic article
Zhu, Xinying;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Hu, Changhong.
Water entry and exit of a horizontal circular cylinder.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Greco, Marilena;
Colicchio, G;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Shipping of water on a two-dimensional structure. Part 2.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Hu, Changhong;
Kishev, Z;
Kashiwagi, Masashi;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Application of CIP Method for Strongly Nonlinear Marine Hydrodynamics.
Ship Technology Research
Academic article
Colicchio, G;
Greco, M.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A BEM-level set domain-decomposition for non-linear and fragmented interfacila flows.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Academic article
Yang, QZ;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Zhao, Rong.
Green Function of Steady Motion in Finite Water Depth.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Ersdal, Svein;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Normal forces on cylinders in near-axial flow.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Resonant three-dimensional nonlinear sloshing in a square-base basin. Part 3. Base ratio perturbations.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Transient and steady-state amplitudes of resonant three-dimensional sloshing in a square base tank with a finite fluid depth.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Lugni, C.;
Brocchini, M.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Wave impact loads: The role of the flip-through.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Water impact of horizontal circular cylinders and cylindrical shells.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav F.;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Adaptive modal modelling of violent sloshing in a square base basin.
European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav F.;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Classification of sloshing in square and nearly-square base basin.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik.
Classification of three-dimensional nonlinear sloshing in a square-base tank with finite depth.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydrodynamic features of high-speed vessels.
Ships and Offshore Structures
Academic article
Greco, M;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Landrini, M..
Shipping of water on a two-dimensional structure.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Reasonant three-dimensional nonlinear sloshing in a square-base basin, II: Effect of higher modes.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Resonant three-dimensional nonlinear sloshing in a square-base basin. Part 2. Effect of higher modes.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Classification, simulation and validation of three-dimensional nonlinear sloshing in a square-base tank with finite depth.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Ge, Chunhua;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Moan, Torgeir.
Global hydroelastic response of catamarans due to wetdeck slamming.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Chezhian, Muthu.
A generalized Wagner method for three-dimensional slamming.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Baarholm, Rolf Jarle;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Wave impact underneath horizontal decks.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Landrini, M.;
Greco, M..
Slamming in marine applications.
Journal of Engineering Mathematics
Academic article
Greco, M;
Landrini, M.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Impact flows and loads on ship-deck structures.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Timokha, Alexander.
Resonant thre-dimensional nonlinear sloshing in a square-base basin.
Cambridge University Press
Academic article
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Coupling of Sloshing and Ship Motions.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Water Entry of a Wedge with Finite Deadrise Angle.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Greco, Marilena;
Landrini, Maurizio.
Green Water Loading on a FPSO.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Timokha, Alexander.
Asymptotic modal approximation of nonlinear resonant sloshing in a rectangular tank with small fluid depth.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Timokha, Alexander.
An Adaptive Multimodal Approach to Nonlinear Sloshing in a Rectangular Tank.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydroelastic slamming.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Adaptive multimodal approach to nonlinear sloshing in a rectangular tank.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Hirata, Nobuku;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Computation of Cobbelstone Effect with Unsteady Viscous Flow under a Stern Seal Bag of a SES.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Fontaine, E.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Cointe, R..
New Insight into the Generation of Ship Bow Waves.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Lukovsky, Ivan A.;
Timokha, Alexander N..
Multidimensional Modal Analysis of Nonlinear Sloshing in a Rectangular Tank with Finite Water Depth.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydroelastic slamming.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Fontaine, E.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Cointe, R..
New Insigth into the Generation of Ship Bow Waves.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Water Entry of a Wedge by Hydroelastic Orthotropic Plate Theory.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Landrini, Maurizio;
Grytøyr, Guttorm;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A B-Spline Based BEM for Unsteady Free-Surface Flows.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Ringing loads on a slender vertical cylinder of general cross-section.
Journal of Engineering Mathematics
Academic article
Kvålsvold, Jan;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Aarsnes, Jan V..
Effect of structural elasticity on slamming against wetdecks of multihull vessels.
Journal of Ship and Ocean Technology
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Kvålsvold, Jan;
Aarsnes, Jan V..
Wave impact on a horizontal elastic plate.
Journal of Marine Science and Technology
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The effect of hydroelasticity on ship slamming.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Academic article
Solaas, Frøydis;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Combined numerical and analytical solution for sloshing in two-dimensional tanks of general shape.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Ulstein, Tore;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Cobblestone effect on surface effect ships.
Ship Technology Research
Academic article
Ulstein, Tore;
Faltinsen, Odd M.;
Stamnes, J.J.;
Gilja, O. H.;
Ødegaard, S.;
Berstad, A..
Two-dimensional unsteady planing.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Kvålsvold, Jan;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydroelastic modeling of wet deck slamming on multihull vessels.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Newman, J.N.;
Vinje, T..
Nonlinear wave loads on a slender vertical cylinder.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Steen, Sverre;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Cobblestone effect on SES with flexible bag aft seal.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Scolan, Y.-M.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical studies of separated flow from bodies with sharp corners by the vortex in cell method.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Wave and current induced motions of floating production systems.
Applied Ocean Research
Academic article
Scolan, Y.M.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical studies of separated flow from bodies with sharp corners by the vortex in cell method.
Journal of Fluids and Structures
Academic article
Ohkusu, Makoto;
Yasunaga, Makoto;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Inada, Masaru.
Prediction of hydrodynamic forces on a high speed catamaran in a seaway.
Japan society of Naval architects and ocean engineering
Academic article
Ohkusu, M.;
Ysunga, M.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Prediction of hydrodynamic forces on high-speed catamarans in a seaway.
Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan
Academic article
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Academic monograph
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydrodynamics of high-speed marine vehicles.
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press
Academic monograph
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Berge, Stig.
Teorifagene Marin Hydrodynamikk og Marine Konstruksjoner.
Et hav av muligheter
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Pulahingapura Dewage, Dimantha Harshapriya;
Kristiansen, David;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical Investigation of Hydrodynamic Aspects of Free-running Vessels in Stern Quartering Seas.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Grøn, Petter Kristensen;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A floating membrane solar island study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shen, Yugao;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Ma, Shaojun.
Numerical study towards closed fish farms in waves using two Harmonic Polynomial Cell methods.
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Siddiqui, Mohd Atif;
Greco, Marilena;
Colicchio, Giuseppina;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Validation of damaged ship hydrodynamics by a Domain Decomposition Approach using the Harmonic Polynomial Cell method and OpenFOAM.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Sasa, Kenji;
Valcic, Marko;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Uncertainties of Ship Speed Loss Evaluation Under Real Weather Conditions.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Jingbo;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A harmonic polynomial method based on Cartesian grids with local refinement for complex wave-body interactions.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ghamari, Isar;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, Claudio.
Parametric Resonance of a Fishing Vessel With and Without Anti-Roll Tank: An Experimental and Numerical Study.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Abrahamsen, Bjørn Christian;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
OMAE2017-62390 - Study of an Entrapped Air Pocket due to Sloshing Using Experiments and Numerical Simulations.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Colicchio, Giuseppina;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Underwater explosions near marine structures: a Dynamics Fluid Structure Domain-Decomposition strategy.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Parunov, J..
The effect of voluntary speed reduction criteria on attainable ship speed.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Vettor, R.;
Guedes Soares, Carlos;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Influence of ship routes on fuel consumption and CO2 emission.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ghamari, Isar;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Greco, Marilena.
Investigation of Parametric Resonance in Roll for Container Carrier Ships.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, Claudio;
Colicchio, Giuseppina;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical study of bilge-keel effect on parametric roll and water on deck for an FPSO.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Colicchio, Giuseppina;
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Dynamic domain decomposition strategy coupling lattice Boltzmann methods with Finite differences approximations of the Navier-Stokes equations to study bodies in current.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
He, Zhao;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Fredheim, Arne;
Kristiansen, Trygve.
The influence of fish on the mooring loads of a floating fish farm.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Arslan, Tufan.
Investigation of finite water depth sloshing in a tank in presence of slat screens using model test and CFD.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ommani, Babak;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Cross-flow transverse force and yaw moment on a semi-displacement vessel with forward speed and drift angle.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Firoozkoohi, Reza;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Experimental and numerical analysis of two-dimensional steady-state sloshing in a rectangular tank equipped with a slatted screen.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Colicchio, Giuseppina;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydroelastic response of a submerged structure to an underw ater explosion.
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Roll-yaw coupling effects on parametric resonance for a shi p in regular waves.
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristiansen, David;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A Numerical Study on Stratified Shear Layers With Relevance to Oil-Boom Failure.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thys, Maxime;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Theory and Experiments of a Free-Running Fishing Vessel in Stern Sea.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Li, Peng;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Greco, Marilena.
Wave-Induced Accelerations of a Fish-Farm Elastic Floater: Experimental and Numerical Studies.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ommani, Babak;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Waves' numerical dispersion and damping due to discrete dispersion relation.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skejic, Renato;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Maneuvering behavior of ships in irregular waves.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lugni, Claudio;
Bardazzi, A.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Graziani, Giorgio.
Hydroelastic Challenges for Wave-Impact Phenomena in Sloshing Flow.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Prpic-Orsic, Jasna;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Mrakovčić, Tomislav.
Influence of Ship Behaviour in a Seaway on CO2 Emissions.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A Nonlinear Numerical Wave Tank and its Applications.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ommani, Babak;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Linear Dynamic Stability Analysis of a Surface Piercing Plate Advancing at High Forward Speed.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bardestani, Mohsen;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A Two-Dimensional Approximation of a Floating Fish Farm in Waves and Current With the Effect of Snap Loads.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Nonlinear Sloshing in a Spherical Tank.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Fully-Nonlinear Wave-Current-Body Interaction Analysis by a Harmonic Polynomial Cell (HPC) Method.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Greco, Marilena.
Slamming and Green-Water Phenomena on Ships.
CRC Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
You, Jikun;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A 3D Fully Nonlinear Numerical Wave Tank with a Moored Floating Body in Shallow Water.
International Society of Offshore & Polar Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Solutions of Nonlinear Free Surface-Body Interaction with A Harmonic Polynomial Cell Method.
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bardazzi, A.;
Lugni, C;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Graziani, G;
Greco, Marilena;
Colicchio, G.
Wave-Impact in a Sloshing Tank: Hydroelastic Challenges.
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ommani, Babak;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Lugni, Claudio.
Hydrodynamic Forces on a Semi-Displacement Vessel on Straight Course with Drift Angle.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Li, Peng;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Wave-Induced Vertical Response of an Elastic Circular Collar of a Floating Fish Farm.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fredriksen, Arnt Gunvald;
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Investigation of Gap Resonance in Moonpools at Forward Speed Using a Non-Linear Domain-Decomposition Method.
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bardazzi, A.;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Graziani, Giorgio.
Hydroelastic Study of the Impact Phenomena in Sloshing Flow.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Mooring Loads of a Circular Net Cage with Elastic Floater in Waves and Current.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Towards Efficient Fully-Nonlinear Potential-Flow Solvers in Marine Hydrodynamics.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ommani, Babak;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Study on Linear 3D Rankine Panel Method for Prediction of Semi-Displacement Vessels’ Hydrodynamic Characteristics at High Speed.
American Society of Naval Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydrodynamic Forces on High-Speed Ships in Forced Vertical Motions.
American Society of Naval Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydrodynamic Aspects of a Floating Fish Farm with Circular Collar.
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Gap Resonance Analyzed by a Domain-Decomposition Method.
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Numerical study of the second-order wave loads on a ship with forward speed.
International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Modelling of Manoeuvring with Attention to Ship-Ship Interaction and Wind Waves.
Royal Institution of Naval Architects
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Xiang, Xu;
Skejic, Renato;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Berg, Tor Einar.
Hydrodynamic Interaction Loads between two Ships during Lightering Operation in Calm Water.
Royal Institution of Naval Architects
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Sun, Hui.
Dynamic Behavior of Semi-Displacement and Planing Vessels in Calm Water and Waves.
High Speed Marine Vehicles
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Xiang, Xu;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Time Domain Simulation of Two Interacting Ships Advancing Parallel in Waves (OMAE2011-49484).
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Xiang, Xu;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Maneuvering of two Interacting Ships in Calm Water.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wang, Jingbo;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kong, Xiangjun;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jiao, Linlin;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Global Hydroelastic Analysis of Pontoon-Type VLFS.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Shao, Yanlin;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Towards development of a nonlinear perturbation method for analysis of springing of ships.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Asymmetric Water Entry of a Bow-Flare Ship Section with Roll Angle.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Effect of screens on sloshing in a rectangular tank.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristiansen, David;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Wave Loads on Floaters of Aquaculture Plants.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Colicchio, G;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Influence of gaseous cavities in ship-hydrodynamic problems: a simplified study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydrodynamic forces on a planing hull in forced heave or pitch motions in calm water.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kristiansen, Trygve;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Resonant water motion between a ship and a terminal in shallow water.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lugni, C;
Colagrossi, A;
Colicchio, G;
Brocchini, M.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
An experimental and numerical investigation of the flip-through phenomenon.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skejic, Renato;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A unified seakeeping and maneuvering analysis of a monohull in regular incident waves.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, H;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
A numerical study of the hydrodynamic forces on heaving bowflare ship cross-sections.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rognebakke, Olav F.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydroelastic Sloshing Induced Impact with Entrapped Air.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sun, Hui;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
The Fluid-Structure Interaction during the Water Impact of a Cylindrical Shell.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greco, M.;
Colicchio, G;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Local and Global Hydroelastic Analysis of a VLFS.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ersdal, Svein;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Transverse Motion of Towed Cables.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Two-dimensional resonant piston-like sloshing in a moonpool.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Colicchio, G;
Greco, M.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Fluid-body interaction on a Cartesian grid: dedicated studies for a CFD validation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Colagrossi, Andrea;
Palladino, F.;
Greco, M.;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Experimental and numerical investigation of 2D sloshing: scenarios near the critical filling depth.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydrodynamics of high speed vehicles.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Hydrodynamics of high speed vehicles.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Zhao, Rong.
Flow predictions around high-speed ships in waves.
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Zhao, Rong.
Numerical predictions of ship motions at high forward speed.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Greco, Marilena;
Lugni, Claudio;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Fish-Inspired Propulsion Study: Numerical Hydrodynamics of Rigid/Flexible/Morphing Foils and Observations on Real Fish.
Doctoral dissertation
Siddiqui, Mohd Atif;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Colicchio, Giuseppina;
Lugni, Claudio.
Experimental and Numerical Hydrodynamic Analysis of a Damaged Ship Section In Waves.
Doctoral dissertation
Hanssen, Finn Christian W.;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Non-Linear Wave-Body Interaction in Severe Waves.
Doctoral dissertation
Shen, Yugao;
Greco, Marilena;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Fredheim, Arne.
Operational limits for floating-collar fish farms in waves and current, without and with well-boat presence.
Doctoral dissertation
Strand, Ida Marlen;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Lader, Pål Furset.
Sea Loads on Closed Flexible Fish Cages.
Doctoral dissertation
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Challenges in hydrodynamics of ships and ocean structures.
Bulletin Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (3)
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Sea Loads on High-Speed Marine Vehicles.
Instiutt for marin hydrodynamikk
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Larsen red., Carl M.;
Moan, Torgeir.
Hydroelasticity in marine technology : proceedings of the International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 25-27 May 1994.
Faltinsen, O.;
Tjøtta, S..
Interaction between sound waves propagating in the same direction.
Reports Published by the Department of Applied Mathematics (28)
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus;
Tymokha, Oleksandr.
Book Translation
Academic lecturePulahingapura Dewage, Dimantha Harshapriya; Kristiansen, David; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2024) Numerical Investigation of Hydrodynamic Aspects of Free-Running Vessels In Stern Quartering Seas. 15th International Conference on Hydrodynamics 2024-09-02 - 2024-09-06
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2022) Slamming load effects on ships and marine structures. PRADS 2022 - International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures 2022-10-09 - 2022-10-13
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2022) Hydrodynamic and structural aspects of salmon farming. Marine and Fishery Innovation Forum 2022-10-30 - 2022-10-31
Academic lectureKristiansen, Trygve; Grøn, Petter; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2022) A floating membrane solar island study. INSEAN 9th int Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology , Rome 2022-07-10 - 2022-07-14
Academic lectureSkejic, Renato; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2022) Maneuvering of Submarines at Periscope Depths in a Seaway. 15th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures PRADS 2022 2022-10-09 - 2022-10-13
Academic lectureKristiansen, Trygve; Sigstad, Mari Vassdokken; Winsvold, Jonathan; Rabliås, Øyvind; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2021) A flexible multi-torus solar island concept. Int. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB) 2021-04-25 - 2021-04-28
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2020) Hydrodynamic challenges of novel sea structures. Shenzhen SEZ Construction And Development Group Co., Ltd. Future Intelligent Marine Technology and Equipment Forum, China Marine Economic Expo Conference 2020-10-15 - 2020-10-16
Academic lecturePrpić-Oršić, Jasna; Sasa, Kenji; Valčić, Marko; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2019) Uncertainties of Ship Speed Loss Estimation. 4th International Symposium of Maritime Sciences, ISMS 2019-02-06 - 2019-02-08
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2018) Ships and sea structures with a hydrodynamic perspective. The Japan Society of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 2018-11-26 - 2018-11-27
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2018) Local and global slamming effects on marine structure. The 13th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD’2018) 2018-09-02 - 2018-09-06
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2018) Hydrodynamiske utfordringer. Konstruksjonsdagen 2018-08-27 - 2018-08-27
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2018) Ships and sea structures with a hydrodynamic perspective. International Symposium on naval architecture and maritime 2018-04-24 - 2018-04-25
Academic lectureKristiansen, Trygve; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2017) Ringing loads on a vertical cylinder in finite water depth. Bin Teng and Dezhi Ning (Dalian University of Technology) International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB) , Dalian 2017-04-23 - 2017-04-26
LectureHanssen, Finn Christian W.; Greco, Marilena; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2017) Wave-Body Interaction with Overlapping Structured Grids in the HPC Method. The 32nd International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies 2017-04-23 - 2017-04-26
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2017) Fluid dynamic aspects common to high-speed vessels and other fields of marine technology. 11th Symposium on High-Speed Marine Vehicles , Naples 2017-10-25 - 2017-10-26
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2017) Hydrodynamics of marine structures, Lecture Series on Hydrodynamics. ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering , Trondheim 2017-06-25 - 2017-06-30
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Shen, Yugao. (2017) Wave and current effects on floating fish farms. International Workshop on Wave Loads and Motions of Ships and Offshore Structures , Harbin 2017-11-05 - 2017-11-07
Academic lectureFiroozkoohi, Reza; Abrahamsen, Bjørn Christian; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2017) OMAE2017-62390 - Study of an Entrapped Air Pocket due to Sloshing Using Experiments and Numerical Simulations. ASME ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering , Trondheim 2017-06-25 - 2017-06-29
Academic lectureOmmani, Babak; Kristiansen, Trygve; Berget, Kjetil; Sandvik, Peter Christian; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2016) Investigation on Moonpool Blockage by Box Shaped Object Close to Free Surface. Violent Flows (VF-2016) 3rd International Conference on Violent Flows (VF-2016) , Osaka 2016-03-09 - 2016-03-11
Academic lectureShen, Yugao; Greco, Marilena; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2016) Numerical study of a coupled well boat-fish farm system in waves and current during loading operations. 12th International Conference on Hydrodynamics 2016-09-18 - 2016-09-23
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2016) Sloshing. The 24th Wallace Lecture in Ocean Sciences and Engineering 2016-04-01 - 2016-04-01
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2016) Sloshing induced loads. Offshore Korea Technical Conference 2016 (OK Conference 2016) 2016-10-19 - 2016-10-21
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2016) Hydrodynamics of fish farms and marine animals. 12th International Conference on Hydrodynamics, ICHD2016 2016-09-18 - 2016-09-23
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2016) Modelling of manoeuvring in calm water and waves. 2nd International Meeting on Recent Advances in Prediction Techniques for Safe Manoeuvring of Ships and Submarines 2016-11-17 - 2016-11-18
Academic lectureBorri, Daniele; Lugni, Claudio; Greco, Marilena; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2015) Experimental study of water-oil-boom interaction and failure events. 30th Int. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies 2015-04-12 - 2015-04-15
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2015) Ships and sea structures with a hydrodynamic perspective. 16th International Congress of the International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM 2015) , Pula, Croatia 2015-09-21 - 2015-09-24
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2015) Challenges in Marine Technology Related to Food, Energy, Transportation and Infrastructure. Seminar by the Istanbul Technical University , Istanbul, Turkey 2015-03-30 - 2015-03-30
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2015) Examples on hydroelasticity with marine hydrodynamic eyes. 7th International Conference on HYDROELASTICITY IN MARINE TECHNOLOGY , Split, Croatia 2015-09-16 - 2015-09-19
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2015) Resonant liquid motions in marine hydrodynamics. The 7th International Conference on Fluid Mechanics (ICFM7) 2015-05-24 - 2015-05-27
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2014) Challenges in hydrodynamics with a hydrodynamic and structural perspective. 3rd National Conference on Computational Fluid Mechanics of Ships and Ocean Engineering 2014-07-23 - 2014-07-25
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2014) Ships and sea structures with a hydrodynamic perspective. SOBENA 2014, 25. Congresso nacional de transporte aquaviario, construcao naval e offshore 2014-11-10 - 2014-11-12
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2014) Challenges in hydrodynamics with a hydrodynamic and structural perspective. International Conference on Engineering Science and Technology (ICEST) 2014-06-02 - 2014-06-04
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Timokha, Alexander. (2014) Coupling between sloshing and wave-induced vibrations of a monotower. European Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC1) 2014-09-15 - 2014-09-19
Academic lecturePrpic-Orsic, Jasna; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Valcic, M; Vucinic, D. (2014) Energy efficiency approach to ship design and route planning. VIII AIGE National Congress 2014-06-09 - 2014-06-10
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2014) HYDRODYNAMICS OF MARINE AND OFFSHORE STRUCTURES. 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on HYDRODYNAMICS (ICHD 2014) 2014-10-19 - 2014-10-24
Academic lecturePrpic-Orsic, Jasna; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Mrakovčić, Tomislav. (2014) A methodology for estimating the ship fuel consumption at sea waves. Simpozij SORTA 2014 2014-10-02 - 2014-10-04
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2014) Ships and sea structures with a hydrodynamic perspective. Simpozij SORTA 2014 2014-10-02 - 2014-10-04
InterviewFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Moan, Torgeir. (2014) Marin verdenselite feiret veteranene. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Newspaper] 2014-05-31
InterviewFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Moan, Torgeir. (2013) 10 år med CeSOS. NRK Trøndelag NRK Trøndelag [Radio] 2013-01-07
LectureColicchio, Giuseppina; Greco, Marilena; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Brocchini, Maurizio. (2013) Gas cavity-body interactions: efficient numerical solution. Euromech Colloquium 555 , Pessac 2013-08-28 - 2013-08-30
LectureColicchio, Giuseppina; Greco, Marilena; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2013) A numerical strategy for gas cavity-body interactions from acoustic to incompressible liquid phases. 28th Int. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies , Marseille 2013-04-07 - 2013-04-10
Academic lectureOmmani, B.; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2013) An Investigation on Calm-Water Linear Dynamic Stability of Semi-Displacement in Sway-Roll-Yaw. FAST 2013 , Amsterdam 2013-12-02 - 2013-12-05
LectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Timokha, Alexander N.. (2013) Nonlinear Sloshing in a Spherical Tank. OMAE 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engng. , Nantes 2013-06-09 - 2013-06-14
Academic lectureLugni, Claudio; Bardazzi, A.; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Graziani, G.. (2013) Fluid-Structure Interaction during Wave-Impact with Air-Entrapment in a Sloshing Tank. International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies , Marseille 2013-04-07 - 2013-04-10
LecturePrpic-Orcic, J.; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Mrakovcic, T.. (2013) Influence of Ship Behavour in a Seaway on CO2 Emissions,. OMAE 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engng. , Nantes 2013-06-09 - 2013-06-14
Academic lectureSkejic, Renato; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2013) Maneuvering Behaviour of Ships in Irregular Waves. OMAE 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engng. , Nantes 2013-06-09 - 2013-06-14
Academic lectureLugni, Claudio; Bardazzi, A.; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Graziani, G.. (2013) Hydroelatic Challenges for Wave-Impact Phenomena in Sloshing Flow. OMAE 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engng. , Nantes 2013-06-09 - 2013-06-14
Academic lectureOmmani, B.; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2013) Linear Dynamic Stability Analysis of a Surface Piercing Plate at High Forward Speed. OMAE 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engng. , Nantes 2013-06-09 - 2013-06-14
Academic lectureSkejic, Renato; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2013) Maneuvering behavior of ships in irregular waves. OMAE OMAE2013 , Nantes 2013-06-09 - 2013-06-14
Academic lectureOmmani, Babak; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2013) Linear dynamic stability analysis of a surface piercing plate advancing at high forward speed. OMAE OMAE2013 , Nantes 2013-06-09 - 2013-06-14
Academic lectureKristiansen, David; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2012) A Lattice-Boltzmann Method Applied to Simulate the Flow Past a Circular Cylinder and a Flat Plate. 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference (EUROMECH9) 2012-09-09 - 2012-09-13
Academic lectureSun, Hui; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2011) Hydrodynamic Forces on High-Speed Ships in Forced Vertical Motions. 11th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST 2011) 2011-09-26 - 2011-09-29
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2011) Sea Loads on Ships and Ocean Structures. 7th International Workshop on Ship Hydrodynamics (IWSH'11) 2011-09-16 - 2011-09-19
Academic lectureOmmani, Babak; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2011) Study on Linear 3D Rankine Panel Method for Prediction of Semi-Displacement Vessels’ Hydrodynamic Characteristics at High Speed. 11th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST 2011) 2011-09-26 - 2011-09-29
Academic lectureXiang, Xu; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2011) Time Domain Simulation of Two Interacting Ships Advancing Parallel in Waves (OMAE2011-49484). OMAE Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2011) , Rotterdam 2011-06-19 - 2011-06-24
Academic lectureXiang, Xu; Skejic, Renato; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Berg, T.E. (2011) Hydrodynamic Interaction Loads between two Ships during Lightering Operation in Calm Water. 2nd International Conference on Manouevering in Shallow and Confined Water. , Trondheim 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20
Academic lectureShao, Yanlin; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2011) Numerical Study of the Second-Order Wave Loads on a Ship with Forward Speed. 26th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies. , Athen 2011-04-17 - 2011-04-20
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Sun, Hui. (2011) Dynamic Behavior of Semi-Displacement and Planing Vessels in Calm Water and Waves. 9th Symposium on High Speed Marine Vehicles (HSMV 2011) 2011-05-26 - 2011-05-27
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2011) Modelling of Manoeuvring with Attention to Ship-Ship Interaction and Wind Waves. International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water 2011-05-18 - 2011-05-20
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2011) Marine Aquaculture. EU Forum on Climate Change and Sustainable Development 2011-06-23 - 2011-06-24
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2010) CFD and Body-Wave Interactions. Dalian University of Technology Academic Master. , Dalian 2010-05-05 - 2010-05-08
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2010) Challenges in Ship and Ocean Technology. Dalian University of Technology Academic Master. , Dalian 2010-05-05 - 2010-05-08
Academic lecture
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2010) Slamming. Dalian University of Technology Academic Master. , Dalian 2010-05-05 - 2010-05-08
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2010) Hydrodynamic issues on LNG sloshing. MOERI/KORDI MOERI/KORDI , Daejeon 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-07
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2010) Instituttets utvikling i en skiftende verden. NTNU. Jubileumsseminar. Hundre år Institutt for Marin Teknikk. , Marinteknisk Senter. 2010-10-29 -
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2010) Marine Technology-past, present and future. NTNU. Thor Heyerdahl International Day. , Marinteknisk Senter. 2010-10-27 - 2010-10-27
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2010) Hydrodynamics of High-Speed Marine Vessels. Dalian University of Technology Academic Master. , Dalian 2010-05-05 - 2010-05-08
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2010) Seakeeping performance evaluation of high-speed vehicles. MOERI/KORDI MOERI/KORDI , Daejeon 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-07
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2010) Impact Loads on marine structures. University Duisburg-Essen Short course on seakeeping and sea loads. , Essen 2010-10-25 - 2010-10-26
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2010) Wave impact and slamming. MOERI/KORDI MOERI/KORDI , Daejeon 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-07
Academic lecture
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2010) Hydrodynamic aspects of springing, slamming and whipping. International workshop on springing and whipping of ships, Dubrovnik, Croatia. , Dubrovnik 2010-11-10 - 2010-11-11
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2010) Future challenges in ship and offshore structures. MOERI/KORDI MOERI/KORDI , Daejeon 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-07
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Tymokha, Oleksandr. (2010) Multimodal Method for 2D Sloshing in a Circular Tank. he 25th Int. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB2010 , Harbin 2010-05-09 - 2010-10-12
Academic lectureColicchio, G; Greco, Marilena; Lugni, C.; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2010) A 3D Navier-Stokes solver to investigateWater-On-Deck events within a Domain-Decomposition strategy. 25th Int. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB) , Harbin 2010-05-09 - 2010-10-12
Academic lectureShao, Yanlin; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2010) Numerical Study on the Second-Order Radiation/Diffraction of Floating Bodies with/without forward Speed. The 25th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (IWWWFB) , Harbin 2010-05-09 - 2010-05-12
Academic lectureSkejic, Renato; Breivik, Morten; Fossen, Thor I.; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2009) Modeling and Control of Underway Replenishment Operations in Calm Water. IFAC Proceedings of the 8th IFAC MCMC , Guaruja 2009-09-16 - 2009-09-18
Academic lectureVestbøstad, Tone Margrete Gran; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Kristiansen, David. (2007) Validation Methods and Benchmark Tests for a 2-D CIP Method Applied to Marine Hydrodynamics. ISOPE-2007 2007-07-01 - 2007-07-06
Academic lectureColicchio, G; Colagrossi, Andrea; Lugni, Claudio; Brocchini, M.; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2007) Challenges in the numerical investigation of the flip-through. 9th International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics , Michigan 2007-08-05 - 2007-08-08
Academic lectureSun, Hui; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2007) Asymetruc water entry of a bow-flare ship section with roll angle. IUTAM Symposium on Fluid-structure Interaction in Ocean Engineering , Hamburg 2007-07-23 - 2007-07-27
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2007) Challenges in experimental and numerical modelling with emphasis on high-speed marine vehicles and sloshing. ICHD 2007 , Ischia 2007-06-28 - 2007-06-30
Academic lectureSun, Hui; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2007) Porpoising and dynamic behaviour of planing vessels in calm water. Chinese Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Ninth International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation , Shanhai 2007-09-23 - 2007-09-27
Academic lectureSkejic, Renato; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2007) A unified seakeeping and maneuvering analysis of two interacting ships. ICHD 2007 , Ischia 2007-06-28 - 2007-06-30
Academic lectureSun, Hui; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2007) Hydrodynamic forces on a planing hull in forced heave or pitch motions in calm water. Cratia Academy of Sciences and Art 22nd. Int. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating structures , Plitvice 2007-04-15 - 2007-04-18
Academic lectureMiozzi, M.; Lugni, C.; Brocchini, M.; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2007) The role of the air-entrapment in the flip-through evolution. RIAM, Kyushu University International Conference on Violent Flows VF2007 , Fukuoka 2007-11-20 - 2007-11-22
Academic lectureVestbøstad, Tone Margrete Gran; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2007) Wave impact on a deck box using a 2-D CIP method. RIAM, kyushu University International conference on Violent Flows VF2007 , Fukuoka 2007-11-20 - 2007-11-22
Academic lectureColicchio, G; Greco, Marilena; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2007) Influence of gaseous cavities in ship-hydrodynamic problems: a simplified study. Croatia Academy of Sciences and Arts 22nd Int. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies , Plitvice 2007-04-15 - 2007-04-18
Academic lectureMutsuda, Hidemi; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2007) A coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian method foe free surface problems. RIAM, Kyushu University International Conference on Violent Flows VF2007 , Fukuoka 2007-11-20 - 2007-11-22
Academic lectureZhu, Wei; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2007) Towards numerical dynamic stability predictions of semi-desplacement vessels. Chinese Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Ninth International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, FAST 2007 , Shanghai 2007-09-23 - 2007-09-27
Academic lectureKristiansen, Trygve; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2007) Resonant water motion between a ship and a terminal in shallow water. ASME 26th Int. Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engn. OMAE 2007 , San Diego, CA 2007-06-10 - 2007-06-15
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Zhu, Xinying; Hu, Changhong. (2005) Strongly nonlinear flows in seakeeping. ICMRT 2005 , The Island of ISCHIA (Gulf of Naples) 2005-09-19 - 2005-09-21
Academic lectureHu, Changhong; Kashiwagi, Masashi; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2005) Recent progress in CIP method for strongly nonlinear ship-wave interactions. Shanghai Jio Tong University 4th. International Workshop on Ship Hydrodynamics. , Shanghai 2005-09-24 - 2005-09-27
Academic lectureZhu, Xinying; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Hu, Changhong. (2005) Water entry loads on heeled ship sections. 16th International Conf. on Hydrodynamics in Ship Design, 3rd. International Symposium on Ship Maneuvering. , Gdansk-Ostroda 2005-09-07 - 2005-09-10
Academic lectureHu, Changhong; Kashiwagi, Masashi; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2005) 3-D computation of ship-wave interaction by CIP/ Cartesian grid method. Bulgarian Ship Hydromechanics Center. 8th. Numerical Towing Tank Conference. , Varna 2005-10-02 - 2005-10-04
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2005) Seakeeping, stability and manoeuvering of high speed marine vehicles. Dept. of Nav. Arch. and Mar. Engng. International Conf. on Marine Research and Transportation , University of Naples "Federico II" 2005-09-21 - 2005-09-23
Academic lectureColicchio, G; Colagrossi, Andrea; Lugni, Claudio; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2005) Experimental and numerical investigation of a trimaran in calm water and waves. International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST) , St. Petersburg 2005-06-28 - 2005-06-30
Academic lectureGe, Chunhua; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2005) Wetdeck slamming and global hydroelastic response for catamarans. Jioo Tong University 4th Intern Workshop on Ship Hydrodynamics , Shanghai 2005-09-24 - 2005-09-27
Academic lectureRognebakke, Olav F.; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2005) Sloshing induced impact with air cavity in rectangular tank with a high filling ratio. 20th International Workshop on Waves and Floating Bodies. , Spitsbergen 2005-05-29 - 2005-06-01
Academic lectureColicchio, G; Colagrossi, Andrea; Greco, M.; Lugni, Claudio; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2005) Hydrodynamic modelling of semi-displacement multi-hull vessels. Dept. of Nav. Arch.and Mar. Engng. International Conf. on Marine Research and Transportation , University of Naples "Federico II" 2005-09-19 - 2005-09-21
Academic lectureZhu, Xinying; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Hu, Changhong. (2005) Water entry and exit of a horizontal circular cylinder. 24th. International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering. , Halkidiki 2005-06-12 - 2005-06-17
Academic lectureHu, Changhong; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Kashiwagi, Masashi. (2005) 3-D Numerical simulation of water-entry problem by CIP based on Cartesian grid method. 20th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies. , Spitsbergen 2005-05-29 - 2005-06-01
Academic lectureGreco, M.; Colicchio, G; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2005) Application of a 2D BEM-Level Set Domain Decomposition to the green water problem. 20th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies. , Spitsbergen 2005-05-29 - 2005-06-01
Academic lectureHu, Changhong; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Kashiwagi, Masashi. (2005) 3D numerical simulation of freely moving floating body by CIP method. ISOPE , Seoul 2005-06-19 - 2005-06-24
Academic lectureLugni, Claudio; Brocchini, M.; Dolcini, A.; Palladino, F.; Bulgarelli, U.P.; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2005) An experimental investigation on the flip-through phenomenon. 20th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies. , Spitsbergen 2005-05-29 - 2005-06-01
Academic lectureLugni, C; Colagrossi, A; Colicchio, G; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2004) Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Semi-displacement Mono- and Multi-hulls. 4th. Internatioanl Conference on Hig-Performance Velucles , Roma 2004-09-27 - 2004-09-28
Academic lectureHu, Changhong; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Kashiwagi, Masashi. (2004) Development and Validation of CIP based Cartesian Grid Method for Nonlinear Wave-Body Interactions. 4th Int. Conf. on High-Performance Velucles , Roma 2004-09-27 - 2004-09-28
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2004) Hydrodynamics of high speed marine vehicles. 6th Inrn. Conf. on Hydrodynamics , Perth 2004-11-24 - 2004-11-26
Academic lectureColagrossi, A; Lugni, C; Greco, M.; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2004) Experimental and numerical investigation of 2D sloshing with slamming. 19th Int. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies , Cortona 2004-03-28 - 2004-03-31
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Chezhian, M. (2004) A generalized Wagner method for threedimensional slamming. 19th Int. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating bodies , Cortona 2004-03-28 - 2004-03-31
Academic lectureColicchio, G; Greco, M.; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2004) A BEM-Level set Domain Decomposition for Violent Two-phase Flows in Ship Hydrodynamics. 25th Symp on Naval Hydrodynamics , St.. John's 2004-08-08 - 2004-08-13
Academic lectureLugni, C; Colagrossi, A; Landrini, M.; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2004) Experimental and numerical study of semi-displacement mono-hull and catamaran in calm water and incident waves. 25th Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamiics , St. John's 2004-08-08 - 2005-01-08
Academic lectureChezhian, M; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2004) Three-dimensional analysis of slamming. 6th Intern. conf. on Hydrodynamics , Perth 2004-11-14 - 2004-11-26
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2004) Hydrodynamics of high-speed mairne vehicles. CSSRC, CSNAME Workshop of ship hydrodynamics , Wuhan 2004-09-25 - 2004-09-26
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2004) Violent free-surface flows in marine hydrodynamics. SINTEF, University of Oslo, University of Bergen Worshop on Multiscale modeling , Oslo 2004-10-19 - 2004-10-19
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2004) Multiscale modeling, and applications in fluid flow and material science. SINTEF, University of Oslo, University of Bergen Workshop on Multiscape modeling , Oslo 2004-10-18 - 2004-10-20
Academic lectureGreco, M.; Colicchio, G; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2004) Nonlinear air-water interface problems througt a BEM-level set domain decomposition. 19th Int. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies , Cortona 2004-03-28 - 2004-03-31
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Greco, Marilena; Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik. (2003) Green water and slamming on a VLFS with shallow draft. Very Large Floating Structures. Proceeding of the 4th International Workshop. , Tokyo, Japan 2003-01-29 -
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Landrini, Maurizio; Lugni, Claudio. (2003) Hydrodunamic Aspects of High-Speed Vessels. FAST 2003. , Italy (Italia) 2003-10-10 -
Academic lectureGreco, Marilena; Landrini, Maurizio; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2003) Slamming and water skipping on a VLFS with shallow draft. Preliminary Abstracts. 18th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies. , Le Croisic, France 2003-04-09 -
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik; Timokha, Alexander. (2003) A modal system for classification and simulation of nonlinear sloshing in a near-square base tank with finite dept. IWWWFB. 18th International Workshp on Water Waves and Floating Bodies. , Le Croisic, France 2003-04-09 -
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Fredheim, Arne. (2003) Hydroelastic analysis of a fishing net in steady inflow conditions. Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology 2003: Oxford, UK. , Oxford, UK 2003-09-17 -
Academic lectureGreco, Marilena; Landrini, Maurizio; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2003) Local Hydroelastic Analysis of a VLFS with Shallow Draft. Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology 2003. , Oxford, UK 2003-09-17 -
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Landrini, Maurizio. (2003) Examples on Hydrodynamic Challenges of Conventional and High-speed Vessels. ISNAOE '03. Proceedings of international Symposium on Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. , Shanghai, China 2003-09-26 -
Academic lectureColagrossi, Andrea; Dousset, Vincent; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2003) Numeriacal and Experimental Study og Sloshing in Partially Filled Rectangular Tanks. Volker Bertram (Ed.) 6th Numerical Towing Tank Symposium. , Roma, Italia 2003-10-01 -
Academic lectureLandrini, Maurizio; Colagrossi, Andrea; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2003) Sloshing in 2D Flows by the SPH Method. The 8th International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics. , Busan, Korea 2003-09-25 -
Academic lectureGreco, Marilena; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Landrini, Maurizio. (2002) Water Shipping on a Vessel in Head Waves. 24th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics , Fukuoka, Japan 2002-07-13 -
Academic lectureGreco, Marilena; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Landrini, Maurizio. (2002) Impact flows and loads on ship-deck structures. Spring Meeting AVT-090 , Paris, France 2002-04-26 -
Academic lectureGe, Chunhua; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Moan, Torgeir. (2002) Modeling of wetdeck slamming for a catamaran at forward speed. The 10th Congress of International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean (IMAM 2002) , Crete, Hellas 2002-05-05 -
Academic lectureErsdal, Svein; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2002) Dynamics of Towed Cables with Active Controls. 21st International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering , Oslo, Norway 2002-06-28 -
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik. (2002) Sloshing modeling in marine applications. International Symposium for Young Researchers on Modelling and Their Applications , Osaka University, Osaka 2002-10-22 -
Academic lectureGreco, Marilena; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Landrini, Maurizio. (2002) Numerical Simulation of Heavy Water Shipping. 17th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies , Peterhouse, Cambridge, UK 2002-04-17 -
Academic lectureGe, Chunhua; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Moan, Torgeir. (2002) Global hydroelastic response of a catamaran due to wetdeck slamming accounting for forward speed. 21st International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering , Oslo, Norway 2002-06-28 -
Academic lectureYang, Qinzheng; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Zhao, Rong. (2002) Flow past a ship in restricted water. 17th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies , Peterhouse, Cambridge, UK 2002-04-17 -
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Timokha, Alexander. (2002) Analytically-oriented approaches to the two-dimensional fluid sloshing in a rectangular tank (survey). International Workshop on Potential Flows and Complex Analyses , Kiev, Ukraine 2002-09-29 -
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Timokha, Alexander. (2002) Analytical-oriented approaches to the two-dimensional fluid sloshing in a rectangular tank (survey). Institute of Matematics of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences , Kiev, Ukraina 2002-09-29 -
Academic lectureFredheim, Arne; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2002) Current forces on net structures. 5th International Confrence on Hydro Dynamics , Tainan, Taiwan 2002-11-02 -
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Ge, Chunhua; Moan, Torgeir. (2002) Slamming on wetdeck - local and global analysis. 6th Symposium on High Speed Marine Vehicles , Castello di Baia, Italy 2002-09-20 -
Academic lectureMoan, Torgeir; Ge, Chunhua; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2002) Modelling of wetdeck slamming for a catamaran at forward speed. 10th International Congress of the International maritime Association of the Mediterranean , Retyhymnon, Crete, Hellas 2002-05-17 -
Academic lectureBaarholm, [Mangler fornavn]; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2001) A Boundary Element Method for Solving Water Impact on a Platform Deck. 20th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2001-06-08 -
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Greco, Marilena; Landrini, Maurizio. (2001) Green Water Loading on a FPSO. 20th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - ASME , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2001-06-08 -
Academic lectureBaarholm, Rolf Jarle; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Herfjord, Kjell. (2001) Water Impact on Decks of Floating Platforms. Eighth International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and other Floating Structures , Shanghai, China 2001-09-21 -
Academic lectureRognebakke, Olav Fredrik; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2001) Effect of Sloshing on Ship Motions. 16th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies , Hiroshima, Japan 2001-04-25 -
Academic lectureRonæss, Marit; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2001) A Slender Body Theory for Two Ships Advancing on Parallel Course in Waves. 22nd International Confrence on Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics in Marine Engineering - HADMAR 2001 , Varna, Bulgaria 2001-10-04 -
Academic lectureYang, Qinzheng; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Zhao, Rong. (2001) Wash of ships in Finite Water Depth. The 6th International Confrence on Fast Sea Transportation - FAST'2001 , Southampton, U.K. 2001-09-06 -
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2001) Slamming with Application to Planing Vessels, Green Water Loading and Sloshing. Hydrodynamics in Ship and Ocean Engineering , Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan 2001-04-27 -
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Greco, Marilena; Landrini, Maurizio. (2001) Green Water Loading on a FPSO. 20th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - ASME , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2001-06-08 -
Academic lectureFredheim, Arne; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2001) A Numerical Model for the Fluid Structure Interaction of a Three-Dimensional Net Structure. 5th Int. Workshop Methods for the Development and Evaluation of Maritime Technologies - DEMAT 01 , University of Rostock, Germany 2001-11-10 -
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2001) Steady and Vertical Dynamic Behaviour of Prismatic Planing Hulls. 22nd International Confrence on Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics in Marine Engineering - HADMAR 2001 , Varna, Bulgaria 2001-10-04 -
Academic lectureYang, Qinzheng; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Zhao, Rong. (2001) Wash and Wave Resistance of ships in Finite Water Depth. Eighth International Symposium on Practical Design of ships and Other Floating Structures , Shanghai, China 2001-09-21 -
Academic lectureGreco, Marilena; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Landrini, Maurizio. (2001) Green Water Loading on a Deck Structure. 16th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies , Hiroshima, Japan 2001-04-25 -
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2000) Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology : [keynote lecture]. Minisymposium on Computational and Modeling Tools for Aero- adn Hydroelasticity - SIMAI'2000 , Ischia, Italy
Academic lecture
Academic lectureGreco, Marilena; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Landrini, Maurizio. (2000) A Parametric Study of Water on Deck Phenomena. NAV2000 International Conference on Ship and Shipping Research , Venice, Italy, 19-22 September 2000
Academic lectureGreco, Marilena; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Landrini, Maurizio. (2000) Effect of Sloshing on Ship Motions. 23rd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics , Val de Reuil, France, 17-22 September 2000
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2000) Water Impact in Ship and Ocean Engineering. HYDRODYNAMICS IV , Yokohama, 7-9 September 2000
Academic lectureBaarholm, Rolf Jarle; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2000) Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Wave Impact on an Idealized Platform Deck. HYDRODYNAMICS IV , Yokohama, Japan. 7-9 September 2000
Academic lectureRonæss, Marit; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2000) Hydrodynamic Forces and Motions of Two Ships Advancing on Parallel Course in Waves. Fourth Osaka Colloquium on Seakeepning Performance of Ships , Osaka, Japan, 17-21 October 2000
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik. (2000) Sloshing. NAV2000 International Conference on Ship and Shipping Research , Venice, Italy, 19-22 September 2000
Academic lectureGreco, Marilena; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Landrini, Maurizio. (2000) An Investigation of Water on Deck Phenomena. 15th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies , Caesarea, Israel, 27 February - 1 March 2000
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2000) Extreme Hull Girder Loading - Special task committee VI.I. 14th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress ISSC2000 , Nagasaki, Japan, 2-6 October, 2000
Academic lectureGreco, Marilena; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Landrini, Maurizio. (2000) Basic Studies of Water on Deck. 23rd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics , Val de Reuil, France, 17-22 September 2000
Academic lectureRognebakke, Olav Fredrik; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (2000) Damping of Sloshing due to Tank Roof Impact. 15th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies , Caesarea, Israel, 27 February - 1 March 2000
Academic lectureTønnessen, Rune; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Utnes, Torbjørn. (1999) A Finite Element Methods Applied to Unsteady Viscous Flow Around 2D Blunt Bodies With Sharp Corners. 7th International Confrence on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics , Nantes, France - 19 - 22. July 1999
Academic lectureZhao, Rong; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1999) A Nonlinear Method for Predicting Wave Resistance of Ships. Fourteenth International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies , Port Huron, Michigan -. 11 - 14 April 1999
Academic lectureRognebakke, Olav Fredrik; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1999) A Second Order Initial Value Solution of Two-dimensional Sloshing in Rectangular Tanks. Fourtheenth International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies , Port Huron, Michigan - 11 - 14 April 1999
Academic lectureHaslum, Herbjørn; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1999) Alternative Shape of Spar Platforms for Use in Hostile Areas. 31th Offshore Technology Conference (OTC'99) , 3.-6. May 1999, Houston, Texas
Academic lectureHaugen, Elin Marita; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1999) Theoretical Studies of Wetdeck Slamming and Comparisons with Fullscale Measurements. Fifth International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation (FAST'99) , Seattle, Washington - 31.08 - 02.09.1999
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Rognebakke, Olav Fredrik. (1999) Sloshing and Slamming in Tanks. 13th International Conference on Hydrodynamics in Ship Design 2nd International Symposium on Ship Manoeuvring , Gdansk - Ostroda, 22 - 24 September 1999
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1999) Interpretation of Full-Scale Tests of Wetdeck Slamming. 1st International Conference on High-Performance Marine Vehichles , Zevenwacht, South Africa, 17-19 March 1999
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1999) Interpretation of Full-Scale Tests of Wetdeck Slamming. 1st International Conference on High-Performance Marine Vehichles , Zevenwacht, South Africa, 17-19 March 1999
Academic lectureSteen, Sverre; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1998) Added resistance of ship moving in small sea states. PRADS'98 , The Hague, The Netherlands
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1998) Hydroelasticity of High-Speed Vessels, Keynote Lecture. 2nd International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Techn ology , Fukuoka, Japan
Academic lectureUlstein, Tore; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1998) Cobblestone effect on SES. KNAW - RTO/AVT Symposium , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Academic lectureHirata, Nobuyuki; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1998) Computation of cobblestone effect with unsteady viscous flow under a rigid stern seal bag of an SES. 2nd International Conference on Hydrelasticity in Marine Technology , Fukuoka, Japan
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1998) Slamming. Vth WGEMT Workshop "Non-linear Wave Action on Structures and Ships" , University of Toulon, France
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Zhao, Rong. (1998) Water entry of a wedge into a channel. 13th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies , Aalphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands
Academic lectureZhao, Rong; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1998) Water entry of arbitrary axisymmetric bodies with and without flow separation. 22nd Symp. on Naval Hydrodynamics , Washington DC
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1998) Hydroelasticity of high-speed vessels : keynote lecture. 2nd International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology , Fukuoka, Japan
Academic lectureGraziani, Giorgio; Landrini, Maurizio; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1998) Numerical solution of the flow past a freely oscillating body in waves and currents. 2nd International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology , Fukuoka, Japan
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1998) Hydroelasticity in marine technology. Invited lecture. Symposium in Honor of Prof. Tarik Sabunchu , Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Solaas, F.. (1997) Sloshing in two-dimensional tanks. Georg Weinblum Special Meeting , Carny-le-Rouet
Academic lectureFontaine, E.; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1997) Steady flow near a wedge shaped bow. 12th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies , Carny-le-Rouet
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus; Zhao, Rong. (1997) Water entry of ship sections and axisymmetric bodies. AGARD FDP and Ukraine Institute of Hydromechanics Workshop on "High Speed Body Motion in Water" , Kiev
Academic lectureBerstad, Are Johan; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Larsen, Carl Martin. (1997) Fatigue crack growth in side longitudinals. International Conference NAV & HSMV , Napoli
Academic lectureHaugen, Elin Marita; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Aarsnes, Jan Vidar. (1997) Application of theoretical and experimental studies of wave impact to wetdeck slamming. 4th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation , Sydney
Academic lectureLarsen, Carl Martin; Berstad, Are Johan; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1997) Fatigue crack growth in side longitudinals. International Conference on Ship and Marine Research , Napoli
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1997) Slamming. 12th International Conference on Hydromechanics in Ship Design , Szklarska Poreba, Polen
Academic lectureZhao, Rong; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Haslum, Herbjørn A.. (1997) A simplified nonlinear analysis of a high-speed planing craft in calm water. 4th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation , Sydney
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1996) General description of the growth point centre on hydroelasticity at NTNU/SINTEF. Seminar on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1996) Slamming. Colloquium for Ship and Offshore Hydrodynamics , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1996) Water impact and hydroelasticity. Seminar on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1996) Bottom slamming on a floating airport. International Workshop on Very Large Floating Structures , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureZhao, Rong; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Aarsnes, Jan Vidar. (1996) Water entry of arbitrary two-dimensional sections with and without flow separation. 21st Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1996) Water impact and hydroelasticity. Hydroelasticity for Ship Structural Design , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureBratland, Anne Katrine; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Zhao, Rong. (1996) Three-dimensional harmonically oscillating Green function with small forward speed in finite water depth. 11th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureKvålsvold, Jan; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus; Aarsnes, Jan V.. (1995) Effect of structural elasticity on slamming against wetdecks of multihull vessels. 6th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Mo bile Units , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1995) The recent role of mathematical methods in the design of high speed ships. 3rd International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematic s , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1995) Ringing loads on gravity based structures. 10th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureUlstein, Tore; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1995) Nonlinear effects of a flexible stern seal bag on cobblestone oscillations of a SES. FAST '95 , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1994) Wave induced motions and loads on ships and offshore structures. International Conference on Hydrodynamics , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1994) Wave loadings and motions of ships and high speed marine vehicles. 20th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureKvålsvold, Jan; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1994) Hydroelastic study of wetdeck slamming by a Timoshenko beam model. 9th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1994) Official discussion of the Report of ISSC Committee I.2 Loads. International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1994) High speed vehicles in waves. 11th Ship and Marine Dynamic Symposium , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureUlstein, Tore; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1994) Hydroelastic analysis of a flexible bag structure. 20th Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureKvålsvold, Jan; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1994) Slamming loads on wetdecks of multihull vessels. International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureUlstein, Tore; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1994) Hydroelastic behavior of the flexible bag stern seal of SES. International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureHerfjord, Kjell; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1994) Viscous effects on slow drift motions. 7th International Conference on the Behaviour of Offshore Structures , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureFaltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1993) Sea loads on floating offshore systems. Offshore Technology Conference (25 : 1993 : Houston) , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureKvålsvold, Jan; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1993) Hydroelastic modelling of slamming against the wetdeck of a catamaran. 2nd International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureSteen, Sverre; Ulstein, Tore; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1993) Seakeeping and comfort of large SES. 2nd International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureKvålsvold, Jan; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1993) Hydroelastic modelling of slamming against wetdecks. International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies (8 : 1993 : St. John's, Nfld.) , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureScolan, Yves-Marie; Faltinsen, Odd Magnus. (1993) Numerical prediction of viscous flows around two bodies by a vortex method. International Conference on Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics (6 : 1993 : Iowa City) , [Mangler data]