Nuria Espallargas
Nuria Espallargas (1979) is a Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. She has a MSc in Chemistry from University of Barcelona (Spain) and a PhD in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering from the same university.
She is also the NTNU leader of the Gemini Centre “Tribology” since 2011.
Research Interests
- Surface chemistry and engineering.
- Tribology and tribocorrosion.
- Lubricants, including environmentally acceptable.
- Nano-tribology.
I perform basic research on degradation phenomena of surfaces exposed to aggressive chemical environment. My research focuses on understanding the chemo-mechanical degradation phenomena starting on surfaces. This knowledge enables finding solutions to make more durable and performing materials, to contribute to a greener world.
I also perform reserach on developing new lubricant formulations for the green shift. To reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EAL) will be a requirement in many fields. In that sense, my background as chemist and tribologist enables the implementation and development of EALs for a greener future.
Controlling surface chemistry is the ultimate goal of my research. Surface chemistry plays a role both in lubricant formulation and degradations of materials, and it is key to add functionality to surfaces for finding new solutions to materials problems. Understanding the surface mechanisms and phenomena across scales (from nano-to-macro) is crucial to solve the degradation of materials to design and optimise surface solutions.
Main topics of my research projects
- Tribocorrosion mechanisms - coatings and metals.
- Multidegradation - the interaction of tribocorrosion with fatigue.
- Experimental nano-tribology.
- Environmentally acceptable lubricants and water lubrication.
- Coatings and surface treatments for tribocorrosive environments.
- Synthesis and production of ceramic based feedstock materials for thermal spraying.
Work experience
- 2019 – current: Research group leader (Materials) at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, NTNU.
- 2012 – current: Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, NTNU.
- 2015 – 2016: Visiting Professor, Laboratory for Surface Science and Technology, Dept. of Materials, ETH, Zurich.
- 2014 – 2018: CTO Seram Coatings AS.
- 2009 – 2012: Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Design and Materials, NTNU.
- 2009 – 2014: Scientific Advisor, SINTEF Materials and Chemistry.
Board/Editorial work
- 2020 – current: Member of the Manufacturing Innovation Forum (MIF) of EiT Manufacturing.
- 2019 – current: Portfolio board member of the Research Council of Norway (Enabling Technologies).
- 2019 – current: Editorial board member and associate editor of the journal Friction (Springer Nature).
- 2016 – 2020: Associate Editor of the Journal of Tribology (ASME).
- 2015: Editor of the book “Future Development of Thermal Spray Coatings: Types, Designs, Manufacture and Applications”. Woodhead Publishing Ltd (Elsevier). ISBN 9780857097699. doi:10.1016/B978-0-85709-769-9.09987-5.
- 2015 – current: Editorial board of the journal Wear (Elsevier).
- 2014 – current: Editorial board of the Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (Springer Nature).
- 2014 – current: Board member of Seram Coatings AS.
- Finalist at the EU prize for Women Innovators (2019).
- Winner of the Female entrepreneur 2017 (Norway).
- Winner of the Young innovator award 2015 (Norway). To the best younger entrepreneur woman of Norway in 2015.
- Nominated for the best communicator of NTNU at the “Kom Award NTNU 2015”.
Membership in Academic and Professional Organizations and Committees
- 2022: Co-organizer of the "wear of materials” scientific theme at the 7th World Tribology Congress (Lyon, France).
- 2019: Member of the International Scientific Committee for the International Conference ROTRIB.
- 2018 – current: Member of the International Tribology Council. Norwegian representative.
- 2016 – current: Member of the Working Party 18 (Tribocorrosion) of the European Corrosion Conference (EUROCORR).
- 2013 – current: Member of the International Advisory Committee of the International Tribo-corrosion Conference organized by International TriboCorrosion Network.
- 2013 – 2017: Norwegian representative and member of the Management Committee of the COST network “Understanding and controlling nano and mesoscale friction” (MP3013).
- 2012 – current: Member of the International Advisory Board of International Tribology Symposium of the International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science.
- 2009 – current: Member of the Nordic Advisory Board of the Nordic Tribology Symposium (NordTrib).
Selected invited talks at international conferences/workshops
- Since the start of the pandemic I have rejected many invited lectures due to a new personal policy of less travelling.
- January 2020: TAE’20 – 22nd International Colloquium Tribology, Stuttgart, Germany. "Water lubrication – challenges and opportunities".
- August 2019: International Conference in Mechanical Engineering (ICOME 2019), Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 28-29 August 2019. “From tribocorrosion to water lubrication”.
- August 2019: PROSIN-konferansen 2019, Arendal and Grimstad, Norway, 12-13 August 2019. “Making possible the impossible – SiC for thermal spray”.
- October 2018: Molecular mechanisms in tribology, Beilstein nanotechnology symposium 2018, Postdam, Germany, 2-4 October 2018. “The Lubrication Mechanisms of Water-Based Fluids”.
- September 2018: Norsk Industri 2018, Bodø, Norway, 26-27 September 2018. “How to make a difference in a 100-years old business”.
- January 2018: TAE’18 –21st International Colloquium Tribology. 9-11 January 2018, Stuttgart, Germany. Key-note speaker: “Surface effects on friction and wear of stainless steels exposed to fatigue, corrosive and lubricated environment”.
- June 2017: The Role of Universities in Innovation – Starmus Festival 2017, Trondheim, Norway, 18-23 June. “From research to innovation”.
- March 2016: WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Mechanisms of Tribology. 29-March to 1-April, Bad Honnef, Germany. Invited speaker: “Effect of surface oxides on friction of metals and ceramic-metallic materials”.
Al-Jubouri, Bassma Khaldoon Abduljabbar;
Desiati, Indri;
Wijanarko, Wahyu;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria.
An Imbalance Regression Approach to Toxicity Prediction of Chemicals for Potential Use in Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Academic article
Casasin Garcia, Maria Luisa;
Khanmohammadi, Hamid;
Mitchell, Scott G;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria.
Polyoxometalate-ionic liquids (POM-ILs) - a new type of ionic liquid additive family for lubricants.
RSC Advances
Academic article
Baraniuk, Chris;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria.
The superpowers of coatings make possible the impossible.
BBC News, Science & Environment
Interview Journal
Perello Badia, Daniel;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria.
SiC-YAG Coating Microstructure Optimization Through Powder Feedstock Manufacturing Process Control.
Journal of thermal spray technology (Print)
Academic article
Marmorat, Tanaelle;
Wijanarko, Wahyu;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria;
Khanmohammadi, Hamid.
Effect of the Polar Head Type on the Surface Adsorption and Tribofilm Formation of Organic Friction Modifiers in Water-Based Lubricants.
Academic article
Khanmohammadi, Hamid;
Valaker, Emil Andre;
Perello Badia, Daniel;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria.
Friction and Wear Performance of Composite SiC-YAG Thermal Spray Coatings in Water-Based Lubricants for Maritime Applications.
Journal of thermal spray technology (Print)
Academic article
Sivebaek, Ion Marius;
Aghababaei, Ramin;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria.
Editorial: Selected papers from NORDTRIB 2022.
Bernat, Szymon Czeslaw;
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria.
Ny viten vil gi billigere og grønnere togdrift.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Khanmohammadi, Hamid;
Wijanarko, Wahyu;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria.
The role of tribofilm chemical composition on wear of austenitic stainless steel lubricated with water-glycol containing ionic-liquids as additives.
Academic article
Wijanarko, Wahyu;
Khanmohammadi, Hamid;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Effect of Steel Hardness and Composition on the Boundary Lubricating Behavior of Low-Viscosity PAO Formulated with Dodecanoic Acid and Ionic Liquid Additives.
Academic article
Nyholm, Nora;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Functionalized carbon nanostructures as lubricant additives – A review.
Academic literature review
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Bernat, Szymon Czeslaw;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria.
Stort og usynlig oljesøl vokser – mottrekk haster.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Khanmohammadi, Hamid;
Wijanarko, Wahyu;
Cruz, Sandra;
Evaristo, Manuel;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Triboelectrochemical friction control of W- and Ag-doped DLC coatings in water-glycol with ionic liquids as lubricant additives.
RSC Advances
Academic article
Wijanarko, Wahyu;
Khanmohammadi, Hamid;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Ionic liquid additives in water-based lubricants for bearing steel – effect of electrical conductivity and pH on surface chemistry, friction and wear.
Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering
Academic article
Wijanarko, Wahyu;
Khanmohammadi, Hamid;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Ionic liquids as boundary additives in water-based and PAO lubricants.
Academic article
Basa, Adina;
Wang, Dong;
Espallargas, Nuria;
Wan, Di.
An in-situ electrochemical nanoindentation (Ecni) study on the effect of hydrogen on the mechanical properties of 316l austenitic stainless steel.
Academic article
Valaker, Emil Andre;
Mubarok, Fahmi;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Powder Feedstock for Atmospheric Plasma Spray.
Journal of thermal spray technology (Print)
Academic article
Igual-Munoz, Anna;
Espallargas, Nuria;
Mischler, Stefano.
Springer Nature
SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology
Non-fiction book
Khanmohammadi, Hamid;
Wijanarko, Wahyu;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Ionic Liquids as Additives in Water‑Based Lubricants: From Surface Adsorption to Tribofilm Formation.
Tribology letter
Academic article
Efremenko, Vasily;
Chabak, Yu G;
Shimizu, K;
Pastukhova, T. V.;
Espallargas, Nuria;
Fedun, V I.
Structural and Phase Elemental Distribution in Pulsed Plasma Coating Deposited with Cemented Carbide Cathode.
Журнал нано- та електронної фізики
Academic article
Efremenko, B.V.;
Shimizu, K;
Espallargas, Nuria;
Efremenko, V.G.;
Kusumoto, K.;
Chabak, Yu G.
High-temperature solid particle erosion of Cr–Ni–Fe–C arc cladded coatings.
Academic article
Macias, Javier;
Nærland, Jarand;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Cutter wear mechanisms in hard rock tunnel boring.
Geomechanics and Tunneling
Academic article
Bernat, Szymon Czeslaw;
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Effect of Contamination on the Friction and Wear of Carboxylic Acids
in Aqueous Lubricants.
Tribology letter
Academic article
Tiwari, Avinash;
Miyashita, N;
Espallargas, Nuria;
Persson, Bo N.J..
Rubber friction: The contribution from the area of real contact .
Journal of Chemical Physics
Academic article
Stendal, Johan;
Fergani, Omar;
Yamaguchi, Hitomi;
Espallargas, Nuria.
A Comparative Tribocorrosion Study of Additive Manufactured and Wrought 316L Stainless Steel in Simulated Body Fluids.
Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria.
Tribology International
Bernat, Szymon Czeslaw;
Brink, Angelika;
lucas, melodia;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Tribological Behavior of Polymer Seal Materials in Water-Based Hydraulic Fluids.
Journal of tribology
Academic article
Bernat, Szymon Czeslaw;
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Friction Mechanisms by Carboxylic Acids in Aqueous Lubricants.
Tribology letter
Academic article
Wesmann, Johan Andre;
Kuroda, Seiji;
Espallargas, Nuria.
The Role of Oxide Tribofilms on Friction and Wear of Different Thermally Sprayed WC-CoCr.
Journal of thermal spray technology (Print)
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Fischer, Alfons;
Igual-Munoz, Anna;
Mischler, Stefano;
Wimmer, Markus.
In-situ Generated Tribomaterial in Metal/Metal Contacts: Current understanding and future implications for implants.
Academic article
Hossein Zavieh, Amin;
Espallargas, Nuria.
The effect of friction modifiers on tribocorrosion and tribocorrosion-fatigue of austenitic stainless steel.
Tribology International
Academic article
Tiwari, Avinash;
Dorogin, Leonid;
Tahir, M;
Stöckelhuber, Klaus Werner;
Heinrich, Gert;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Rubber contact mechanics: adhesion, friction and leakage of seals.
Soft Matter
Academic article
Hossein Zavieh, Amin;
Espallargas, Nuria.
The role of surface chemistry and fatigue on tribocorrosion of austenitic stainless steel.
Tribology International
Academic article
Hossein Zavieh, Amin;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Effect of 4-point bending and normal load on the tribocorrosion-fatigue (multi-degradation) of stainless steels.
Tribology International
Academic article
Wesmann, Johan Andre;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Elucidating the complex role of surface oxides formed during sliding of self-mated warm sprayed WC-CoCr in different environments.
Tribology International
Academic article
Zhao, Guo-Hua;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth;
Mao, Huahai;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Degradation of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses used in load-bearing implants: A tribocorrosion appraisal.
Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
Academic article
Wesmann, Johan Andre;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Effect of atmosphere, temperature and carbide size on the sliding friction of self-mated HVOF WC-CoCr contacts.
Tribology International
Academic article
Zhao, Guo-Hua;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Tribocorrosion studies of metallic biomaterials: The effect of plasma nitriding and DLC surface modifications.
Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
Academic article
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Schmid, Ruth;
Johnsen, Heidi;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Functionalized thermal spray coatings.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Espallargas, Nuria.
Introduction to thermal spray coatings.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Espallargas, Nuria;
Torres Rodriguez, Cristian;
Igual Munoz, Anna.
A metal ion release study of CoCrMo exposed to corrosion and tribocorrosion conditions in simulated body fluids.
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Jakobsen, Pål Drevland;
Langmaack, Lars;
Macias Rico, Francisco Javier.
Influence of Corrosion on the Abrasion of Cutter Steels Used in TBM Tunnelling.
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
Academic article
Mubarok, Fahmi;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Tribological Behaviour of Thermally Sprayed Silicon Carbide Coatings.
Tribology International
Academic article
Licausi, M P;
Igual Munoz, Anna;
Amigo Borras, V;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Tribocorrosion Mechanisms of Ti6Al4V in Artificial Saliva by Zero-Resistance Ammetry (ZRA) Technique.
Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion
Academic article
zhao, guohua;
Espallargas, Nuria;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth.
Tribocorrosion Studies on Surface Modified Medical Grade Stainless Steel.
John Wiley & Sons
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Espallargas, Nuria.
Future Development of Thermal Spray Coatings: Types, designs, manufacture and applications.
Non-fiction book
Mubarok, Fahmi;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Suspension Plasma Spraying of Sub-micron Silicon Carbide Composite Coatings.
Journal of thermal spray technology (Print)
Academic article
Breitschedel, Felix;
Haaland, Nora;
Espallargas, Nuria.
A Tribological Study of UHMWPE Ski Base Treated with Nano Ski Wax and its Effects and Benefits on Performance.
Procedia Engineering
Academic article
Papageorgiou, Nikolaos;
von Bonin, Aidan;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Tribocorrosion mechanisms of NiCrMo-625 alloy: An electrochemical modeling approach.
Tribology International
Academic article
Mubarok, Fahmi;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Nærast som alkymi.
Popular scientific article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Armada Nieto, Sergio.
A new type of self-lubricated thermal spray coatings – liquid lubricants embedded in a metal matrix.
Journal of thermal spray technology (Print)
Academic article
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Schmid, Ruth;
Equey, Sébastien;
Fagoaga, Ignacio;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Liquid-Solid Self-Lubricated Coatings.
Journal of thermal spray technology (Print)
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth;
Torres, Christian Rodriguez;
Papageorgiou, Nikolaos;
Igual-Munoz, Anna.
Bulk Metallic Glasses (BMG) for biomedical applications – a tribocorrosion investigation of Zr55Cu30Ni5Al10 in simulated body fluid.
Academic article
Mubarok, Fahmi;
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Fagoaga, Ignacio;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Thermally Sprayed SiC Coatings for Offshore Wind Turbine Bearing Applications.
Journal of thermal spray technology (Print)
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Vitoux, Laura;
Armada Nieto, Sergio.
The wear and lubrication performance of liquid–solid self-lubricated coatings.
Surface & Coatings Technology
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Johnsen, Roy;
Torres, Christian Rodriguez;
Igual Munoz, Anna.
A new experimental technique for quantifying the galvanic coupling effects on stainless steel during tribocorrosion under equilibrium conditions.
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Hogmark, Sture.
Selected papers from those presented at the 15th Nordic Symposium on Tribology (Nordtrib 2012) Trondheim, June 12-15, 2012.
Bazzoni, Amelie;
Mischler, Stefano;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Tribocorrosion of Pulsed Plasma-Nitrided CoCrMo Implant Alloy.
Tribology letter
Academic article
Mubarok, Fahmi;
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Tribological Characterization of Thermally Sprayed Silicon Carbide Coatings.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Von der Ohe, Christian Bertil;
Johnsen, Roy;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Multi-degradation behavior of austenitic and super duplex stainless steel - The effect of 4-point static and cyclic bending applied to a simulated seawater tribocorrosion system.
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Mischler, Stefano.
Dry wear and tribocorrosion mechanisms of pulsed plasma nitrided Ni–Cr alloy.
Academic article
Von der Ohe, Christian Bertil;
Johnsen, Roy;
Espallargas, Nuria.
A multi-degradation test rig for studying the synergy effects of tribocorrosion interacting with 4-point static and cyclic bending.
Academic article
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Tilset, Bente Gilbu;
Pilz, Monika;
Liltvedt, R;
Bratland, H;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Sealing HVOF Thermally Sprayed WC-CoCr Coatings by Sol-Gel Methods.
Journal of thermal spray technology (Print)
Academic article
Skomedal, Gunstein;
Øvrelid, Eivind Johannes;
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Effect of slurry parameters on material removal rate in multi-wire sawing of silicon wafers: a tribological approach.
Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part J, journal of engineering tribology
Academic article
Igual Munoz, Anna;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Tribocorrosion mechanisms in sliding contacts.
Woodhead Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
von der Ohe, Christian B.;
Johnsen, Roy;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Modeling the multi-degradation mechanisms of combined tribocorrosion interacting with static and cyclic loaded surfaces of passive metals exposed to seawater.
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Mischler, Stefano.
Tribocorrosion behaviour of overlay welded Ni–Cr 625 alloy in sulphuric and nitric acids: Electrochemical and chemical effects.
Tribology International
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Berget, John;
Guilemany, J.M.;
Benedetti, A.V.;
Suegama, P.H..
Cr3C2-NiCr and WC-Ni thermal spray coatings as alternatives to hard chromium for erosion-corrosion resistance.
Surface & Coatings Technology
Academic article
Journal publications
Al-Jubouri, Bassma Khaldoon Abduljabbar;
Desiati, Indri;
Wijanarko, Wahyu;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria.
An Imbalance Regression Approach to Toxicity Prediction of Chemicals for Potential Use in Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Academic article
Casasin Garcia, Maria Luisa;
Khanmohammadi, Hamid;
Mitchell, Scott G;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria.
Polyoxometalate-ionic liquids (POM-ILs) - a new type of ionic liquid additive family for lubricants.
RSC Advances
Academic article
Baraniuk, Chris;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria.
The superpowers of coatings make possible the impossible.
BBC News, Science & Environment
Interview Journal
Perello Badia, Daniel;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria.
SiC-YAG Coating Microstructure Optimization Through Powder Feedstock Manufacturing Process Control.
Journal of thermal spray technology (Print)
Academic article
Marmorat, Tanaelle;
Wijanarko, Wahyu;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria;
Khanmohammadi, Hamid.
Effect of the Polar Head Type on the Surface Adsorption and Tribofilm Formation of Organic Friction Modifiers in Water-Based Lubricants.
Academic article
Khanmohammadi, Hamid;
Valaker, Emil Andre;
Perello Badia, Daniel;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria.
Friction and Wear Performance of Composite SiC-YAG Thermal Spray Coatings in Water-Based Lubricants for Maritime Applications.
Journal of thermal spray technology (Print)
Academic article
Sivebaek, Ion Marius;
Aghababaei, Ramin;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria.
Editorial: Selected papers from NORDTRIB 2022.
Bernat, Szymon Czeslaw;
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria.
Ny viten vil gi billigere og grønnere togdrift.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Khanmohammadi, Hamid;
Wijanarko, Wahyu;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria.
The role of tribofilm chemical composition on wear of austenitic stainless steel lubricated with water-glycol containing ionic-liquids as additives.
Academic article
Wijanarko, Wahyu;
Khanmohammadi, Hamid;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Effect of Steel Hardness and Composition on the Boundary Lubricating Behavior of Low-Viscosity PAO Formulated with Dodecanoic Acid and Ionic Liquid Additives.
Academic article
Nyholm, Nora;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Functionalized carbon nanostructures as lubricant additives – A review.
Academic literature review
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Bernat, Szymon Czeslaw;
Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria.
Stort og usynlig oljesøl vokser – mottrekk haster.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Khanmohammadi, Hamid;
Wijanarko, Wahyu;
Cruz, Sandra;
Evaristo, Manuel;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Triboelectrochemical friction control of W- and Ag-doped DLC coatings in water-glycol with ionic liquids as lubricant additives.
RSC Advances
Academic article
Wijanarko, Wahyu;
Khanmohammadi, Hamid;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Ionic liquid additives in water-based lubricants for bearing steel – effect of electrical conductivity and pH on surface chemistry, friction and wear.
Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering
Academic article
Wijanarko, Wahyu;
Khanmohammadi, Hamid;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Ionic liquids as boundary additives in water-based and PAO lubricants.
Academic article
Basa, Adina;
Wang, Dong;
Espallargas, Nuria;
Wan, Di.
An in-situ electrochemical nanoindentation (Ecni) study on the effect of hydrogen on the mechanical properties of 316l austenitic stainless steel.
Academic article
Valaker, Emil Andre;
Mubarok, Fahmi;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Powder Feedstock for Atmospheric Plasma Spray.
Journal of thermal spray technology (Print)
Academic article
Khanmohammadi, Hamid;
Wijanarko, Wahyu;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Ionic Liquids as Additives in Water‑Based Lubricants: From Surface Adsorption to Tribofilm Formation.
Tribology letter
Academic article
Efremenko, Vasily;
Chabak, Yu G;
Shimizu, K;
Pastukhova, T. V.;
Espallargas, Nuria;
Fedun, V I.
Structural and Phase Elemental Distribution in Pulsed Plasma Coating Deposited with Cemented Carbide Cathode.
Журнал нано- та електронної фізики
Academic article
Efremenko, B.V.;
Shimizu, K;
Espallargas, Nuria;
Efremenko, V.G.;
Kusumoto, K.;
Chabak, Yu G.
High-temperature solid particle erosion of Cr–Ni–Fe–C arc cladded coatings.
Academic article
Macias, Javier;
Nærland, Jarand;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Cutter wear mechanisms in hard rock tunnel boring.
Geomechanics and Tunneling
Academic article
Bernat, Szymon Czeslaw;
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Effect of Contamination on the Friction and Wear of Carboxylic Acids
in Aqueous Lubricants.
Tribology letter
Academic article
Tiwari, Avinash;
Miyashita, N;
Espallargas, Nuria;
Persson, Bo N.J..
Rubber friction: The contribution from the area of real contact .
Journal of Chemical Physics
Academic article
Stendal, Johan;
Fergani, Omar;
Yamaguchi, Hitomi;
Espallargas, Nuria.
A Comparative Tribocorrosion Study of Additive Manufactured and Wrought 316L Stainless Steel in Simulated Body Fluids.
Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria.
Tribology International
Bernat, Szymon Czeslaw;
Brink, Angelika;
lucas, melodia;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Tribological Behavior of Polymer Seal Materials in Water-Based Hydraulic Fluids.
Journal of tribology
Academic article
Bernat, Szymon Czeslaw;
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Friction Mechanisms by Carboxylic Acids in Aqueous Lubricants.
Tribology letter
Academic article
Wesmann, Johan Andre;
Kuroda, Seiji;
Espallargas, Nuria.
The Role of Oxide Tribofilms on Friction and Wear of Different Thermally Sprayed WC-CoCr.
Journal of thermal spray technology (Print)
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Fischer, Alfons;
Igual-Munoz, Anna;
Mischler, Stefano;
Wimmer, Markus.
In-situ Generated Tribomaterial in Metal/Metal Contacts: Current understanding and future implications for implants.
Academic article
Hossein Zavieh, Amin;
Espallargas, Nuria.
The effect of friction modifiers on tribocorrosion and tribocorrosion-fatigue of austenitic stainless steel.
Tribology International
Academic article
Tiwari, Avinash;
Dorogin, Leonid;
Tahir, M;
Stöckelhuber, Klaus Werner;
Heinrich, Gert;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Rubber contact mechanics: adhesion, friction and leakage of seals.
Soft Matter
Academic article
Hossein Zavieh, Amin;
Espallargas, Nuria.
The role of surface chemistry and fatigue on tribocorrosion of austenitic stainless steel.
Tribology International
Academic article
Hossein Zavieh, Amin;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Effect of 4-point bending and normal load on the tribocorrosion-fatigue (multi-degradation) of stainless steels.
Tribology International
Academic article
Wesmann, Johan Andre;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Elucidating the complex role of surface oxides formed during sliding of self-mated warm sprayed WC-CoCr in different environments.
Tribology International
Academic article
Zhao, Guo-Hua;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth;
Mao, Huahai;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Degradation of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses used in load-bearing implants: A tribocorrosion appraisal.
Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
Academic article
Wesmann, Johan Andre;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Effect of atmosphere, temperature and carbide size on the sliding friction of self-mated HVOF WC-CoCr contacts.
Tribology International
Academic article
Zhao, Guo-Hua;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Tribocorrosion studies of metallic biomaterials: The effect of plasma nitriding and DLC surface modifications.
Journal of The Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Torres Rodriguez, Cristian;
Igual Munoz, Anna.
A metal ion release study of CoCrMo exposed to corrosion and tribocorrosion conditions in simulated body fluids.
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Jakobsen, Pål Drevland;
Langmaack, Lars;
Macias Rico, Francisco Javier.
Influence of Corrosion on the Abrasion of Cutter Steels Used in TBM Tunnelling.
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
Academic article
Mubarok, Fahmi;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Tribological Behaviour of Thermally Sprayed Silicon Carbide Coatings.
Tribology International
Academic article
Licausi, M P;
Igual Munoz, Anna;
Amigo Borras, V;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Tribocorrosion Mechanisms of Ti6Al4V in Artificial Saliva by Zero-Resistance Ammetry (ZRA) Technique.
Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion
Academic article
Mubarok, Fahmi;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Suspension Plasma Spraying of Sub-micron Silicon Carbide Composite Coatings.
Journal of thermal spray technology (Print)
Academic article
Breitschedel, Felix;
Haaland, Nora;
Espallargas, Nuria.
A Tribological Study of UHMWPE Ski Base Treated with Nano Ski Wax and its Effects and Benefits on Performance.
Procedia Engineering
Academic article
Papageorgiou, Nikolaos;
von Bonin, Aidan;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Tribocorrosion mechanisms of NiCrMo-625 alloy: An electrochemical modeling approach.
Tribology International
Academic article
Mubarok, Fahmi;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Nærast som alkymi.
Popular scientific article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Armada Nieto, Sergio.
A new type of self-lubricated thermal spray coatings – liquid lubricants embedded in a metal matrix.
Journal of thermal spray technology (Print)
Academic article
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Schmid, Ruth;
Equey, Sébastien;
Fagoaga, Ignacio;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Liquid-Solid Self-Lubricated Coatings.
Journal of thermal spray technology (Print)
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth;
Torres, Christian Rodriguez;
Papageorgiou, Nikolaos;
Igual-Munoz, Anna.
Bulk Metallic Glasses (BMG) for biomedical applications – a tribocorrosion investigation of Zr55Cu30Ni5Al10 in simulated body fluid.
Academic article
Mubarok, Fahmi;
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Fagoaga, Ignacio;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Thermally Sprayed SiC Coatings for Offshore Wind Turbine Bearing Applications.
Journal of thermal spray technology (Print)
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Vitoux, Laura;
Armada Nieto, Sergio.
The wear and lubrication performance of liquid–solid self-lubricated coatings.
Surface & Coatings Technology
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Johnsen, Roy;
Torres, Christian Rodriguez;
Igual Munoz, Anna.
A new experimental technique for quantifying the galvanic coupling effects on stainless steel during tribocorrosion under equilibrium conditions.
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Hogmark, Sture.
Selected papers from those presented at the 15th Nordic Symposium on Tribology (Nordtrib 2012) Trondheim, June 12-15, 2012.
Bazzoni, Amelie;
Mischler, Stefano;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Tribocorrosion of Pulsed Plasma-Nitrided CoCrMo Implant Alloy.
Tribology letter
Academic article
Von der Ohe, Christian Bertil;
Johnsen, Roy;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Multi-degradation behavior of austenitic and super duplex stainless steel - The effect of 4-point static and cyclic bending applied to a simulated seawater tribocorrosion system.
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Mischler, Stefano.
Dry wear and tribocorrosion mechanisms of pulsed plasma nitrided Ni–Cr alloy.
Academic article
Von der Ohe, Christian Bertil;
Johnsen, Roy;
Espallargas, Nuria.
A multi-degradation test rig for studying the synergy effects of tribocorrosion interacting with 4-point static and cyclic bending.
Academic article
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Tilset, Bente Gilbu;
Pilz, Monika;
Liltvedt, R;
Bratland, H;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Sealing HVOF Thermally Sprayed WC-CoCr Coatings by Sol-Gel Methods.
Journal of thermal spray technology (Print)
Academic article
Skomedal, Gunstein;
Øvrelid, Eivind Johannes;
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Effect of slurry parameters on material removal rate in multi-wire sawing of silicon wafers: a tribological approach.
Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part J, journal of engineering tribology
Academic article
von der Ohe, Christian B.;
Johnsen, Roy;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Modeling the multi-degradation mechanisms of combined tribocorrosion interacting with static and cyclic loaded surfaces of passive metals exposed to seawater.
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Mischler, Stefano.
Tribocorrosion behaviour of overlay welded Ni–Cr 625 alloy in sulphuric and nitric acids: Electrochemical and chemical effects.
Tribology International
Academic article
Espallargas, Nuria;
Berget, John;
Guilemany, J.M.;
Benedetti, A.V.;
Suegama, P.H..
Cr3C2-NiCr and WC-Ni thermal spray coatings as alternatives to hard chromium for erosion-corrosion resistance.
Surface & Coatings Technology
Academic article
Igual-Munoz, Anna;
Espallargas, Nuria;
Mischler, Stefano.
Springer Nature
SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology
Non-fiction book
Espallargas, Nuria.
Future Development of Thermal Spray Coatings: Types, designs, manufacture and applications.
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Schmid, Ruth;
Johnsen, Heidi;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Functionalized thermal spray coatings.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Espallargas, Nuria.
Introduction to thermal spray coatings.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
zhao, guohua;
Espallargas, Nuria;
Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth.
Tribocorrosion Studies on Surface Modified Medical Grade Stainless Steel.
John Wiley & Sons
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mubarok, Fahmi;
Armada Nieto, Sergio;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Tribological Characterization of Thermally Sprayed Silicon Carbide Coatings.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Igual Munoz, Anna;
Espallargas, Nuria.
Tribocorrosion mechanisms in sliding contacts.
Woodhead Publishing Limited
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- MM8444 - Advanced Nanoscale Surface Dynamic Processes
- MM8455 - Experimental and Modelling Approaches on Surface Science, Corrosion and Tribology
- MM8484 - Applied Materials Seminar Series
- MM8760 - Topics in Digital manufacturing and knowledge based engineering
- TMM4560 - Engineering Design and Materials, Specialization Project
- TMM4204 - Nanoscale Surface Dynamic Processes
- TMM4205 - Tribology and Surface Technology
- TMM4940 - Nanotechnology, Master's Thesis
- TMM4960 - Engineering Design and Materials, Master's Thesis
- TMM4550 - Nanotechnology, Specialization Project
- TMM4540 - Industrial ICT Engineering Design and Materials, Specialization Project
- TMM4935 - Industrial ICT, Master's Thesis
- MM8405 - Advanced tribology and surface technology
Academic lectureWijanarko, Wahyu; Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria. (2024) A Machine Learning approach to Tribological Performance Prediction of New Lubricant Formulations. Technische Akademie Esslingen e.V. 24th International Colloquium Tribology 2024 , Esslingen (Germany) 2024-01-23 - 2024-01-25
Academic lectureEspallargas Alvarez, Nuria; Valaker, Emil Andre; Khanmohammadi, Hamid. (2024) Implementing the use of Water Based Enviornmentally Acceptable Lubricants in the Ship Industry. Technische Akademie Esslingen e.V. 24th International Colloquium Tribology , Esslingen (Germany) 2024-01-23 - 2024-01-25
Academic lectureEspallargas Alvarez, Nuria; Khanmohammadi, Hamid; Perello Badia, Daniel; Valaker, Emil Andre. (2024) Frictional and wear performance of SiC-YAG composite HVOF coating in a water-based lubricant. ASM International International Thermal Spray Conference , Milano 2024-04-29 - 2024-05-01
Academic lectureEspallargas Alvarez, Nuria. (2024) The role of tribocorrosion in the green tribology transition. STLE STLE Virtual Symposium , online 2024-07-24 - 2024-07-25
LectureEspallargas Alvarez, Nuria. (2024) Tribology of atomically thin 2D materials. GRC Gordon Research Conference , USA 2024-06-23 - 2024-06-28
Academic lectureEspallargas Alvarez, Nuria. (2024) Tailoring lubricants to coatings for a more environmentally friendly maritime industry. EPFL, Lausanne, Sveits EPFL Seminar Series 2024 , Lausanne, Sveits 2024-01-25 - 2024-01-25
Academic lectureNyholm, Nora; Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria. (2023) Functionalized Graphene Oxide as Lubricant Additives for Water-based Lubrication in Mechanical Systems. JAST International Tribology Conference 2023 , Fukuoka, Japan 2023-09-25 - 2023-09-30
Academic lectureCasasin Garcia, Maria Luisa; Mitchell, Scott G; Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria. (2023) Polyoxometalate-ionic Liquids (POM-ILs) as a New Type of Lubricant Additives. JAST International Tribology Conference 2023 , Fukuoka, Japan 2023-09-25 - 2023-09-30
Academic lectureMarmorat, Tanaelle; Khanmohammadi, Hamid; Wijanarko, Wahyu; Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria. (2023) Adsorption and Friction Study of Different Types of Friction Modifiers in Water-glycol by QCM-D and Nano-tribometer. JAST International Tribology Conference 2023 , Fukuoka, Japan 2023-09-25 - 2023-09-30
Academic lectureWijanarko, Wahyu; Al-Jubouri, Bassma Khaldoon Abduljabbar; Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria. (2023) A Machine Learning Approach to Predict the Tribological Performance of Water-based Lubricants Formulated with Ionic Liquids as Additives. JAST International Tribology Conference 2023 , Fukuoka, Japan 2023-09-25 - 2023-09-30
Academic lectureAdemi, Kastriot; Wijanarko, Wahyu; Espallargas Alvarez, Nuria. (2023) Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EALs) – The Effect of Base Oil Blends and Additives on Friction and Wear. JAST International Tribology Conference 2023 , Fukuoka, Japan 2023-09-25 - 2023-09-30
Academic lectureEspallargas Alvarez, Nuria; Khanmohammadi, Hamid; Perello Badia, Daniel; Valaker, Emil Andre. (2023) The tribological performance of SiC-YAG composite HVOF coatings in a water-based lubricant . A3TS Thermal Spray Days , Pau, France 2023-12-06 - 2023-12-07
Academic lectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2020) Water Lubrication – Challenges and opportunities. International Tribology Colloquium 2020 2020-01-28 - 2020-01-30
Academic lectureKhanmohammadi, Hamid; Wijanarko, Wahyu; Espallargas, Nuria. (2020) Tribology study of ionic liquids as additive in water-based lubricants: from tribocorrosion to tribofilm formation . Internation Colloquium in Tribology 2020-01-28 - 2020-01-30
Academic lectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2019) Water-based lubricants for greener tribology systems. IBERTRIVA 2019 , Sevilla 2019-06-26 - 2019-06-28
Academic lectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2019) What is actually tribocorrosion?. Wear of Materials (WOM2019) , Miami 2019-04-14 - 2019-04-18
LectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2019) From research to business – a non-straightforward path. NTNU Alumni Spain Innovation Forum 2019-11-29 -
Academic lectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2019) From tribocorrosion to water lubrication. ICOME 2019 , Yogyakarta 2019-08-28 - 2019-08-30
Academic lectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2019) Effect of surface chemistry on tribocorrosion – from passive film to lubricant additives. European Conference of Tribology (ECOTRIB2019) , Vienna 2019-06-12 - 2019-06-14
LectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2019) Making possible the impossible – SiC for thermal spray. PROSIN konferanse 2019 , Arendal og Grimstad 2019-08-12 - 2019-08-13
LectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2019) A melting point away from creating a new business. Norsk kjemisk selskap Norsk kjemisk selskap møte , Trondheim 2019-03-13 -
LectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2019) Forsker og gründer i en verden av nesten bare menn. Cash is QUEEN, Trondheim 2019-11-07 - 2019-11-07
Academic lectureWijanarko, Wahyu; Khanmohammadi, Hamid; Espallargas, Nuria. (2019) A Tribological Study of Ionic Liquids as Boundary Additives in Water and Oil Base Lubricants. International Tribology Conference 2019-09-17 - 2019-09-21
LectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2019) Balancing your academic and industrial career. Invited lecture at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) 2019-08-27 -
LectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2019) Hvordan lykkes som kvinnelig gründer. Creative Tech Hunt Trondheim 2019-10-22 - 2019-10-22
InterviewEspallargas, Nuria; lian, anna. (2019) NTNU-forsker har funnet opp et stoff som kan revolusjonere en hel industri. DNB Nyheter DNB Nyheter [Internet] 2019-10-31
Academic lectureEspallargas, Nuria; Maicas, Hector; Torres Rodriguez, Cristian. (2019) Tribocorrosion of passive metals in oxygen free media. EUROCORR 2019 2019-09-09 - 2019-09-13
Academic lectureStenerud, Gaute; Bernat, Szymon Czeslaw; Espallargas, Nuria. (2019) Effect of Water on the Tribological Performance of Ester Based Lubricants. EUROCORR 2019 2019-09-09 - 2019-09-13
Academic lectureKhanmohammadi, Hamid; Wijanarko, Wahyu; Espallargas, Nuria. (2019) Electrochemical and Tribo-electrochemical evaluation of W-doped DLC coatings in glycerol media containing ionic liquid additives. EUROCORR 2019 2019-09-09 - 2019-09-13
Academic lectureStenerud, Gaute; Gansmooy Aspnes, Mari; Zavieh, Amin; Espallargas, Nuria. (2019) Effect of Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants on the Integrity of Seals. International Tribology Conference 2019-09-17 - 2019-09-21
LectureKhanmohammadi, Hamid; Wijanarko, Wahyu; Espallargas, Nuria. (2019) The effect of ionic liquid additives on the tribocorrosion performance of 316L stainless steel in water-glycol media. ECOTRIB 2019 2019-06-12 - 2019-06-14
LectureWijanarko, Wahyu; Khanmohammadi, Hamid; Espallargas, Nuria. (2019) Friction and Wear Performance of Phosphonium-based Ionic Liquid Additives in Glycol Media. iCOME 2019 2019-08-28 - 2019-08-29
Popular scientific lectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2018) Fra universitet til industri – hvordan gjør man dette?. Jentekonferansen 2018-02-13 -
InterviewEspallargas, Nuria. (2018) Dette pulveret kan bli verdt milliarder. Tekniskukeblad Tekniskukeblad [Business/trade/industry journal] 2018-02-07
InterviewEspallargas, Nuria. (2018) Nuria er blitt eier i en bedrift med enormt potensial, men vil likevel være forsker på heltid. Tekniskukeblad Tekniskukeblad [Business/trade/industry journal] 2018-03-03
Academic lectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2018) The Lubrication Mechanisms of Water-Based Fluids. MOLECULAR MECHANISMS IN TRIBOLOGY BEILSTEIN NANOTECHNOLOGY SYMPOSIUM 2018 2018-10-02 - 2018-10-04
LectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2018) Seram Coatings: Hvordan lykkes med å gå fra FoU til satsing på kommersiell drift. Lerchendal konferanse 2018-02-06 - 2018-02-07
Popular scientific lectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2018) How to make a difference in a 100-years old business. Norsk Industri Norsk Industri 2018 2018-09-26 - 2018-09-27
Academic lectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2018) The effect of surface deposits on friction of CoCrMo biomedical alloy. SVC Society of Vacuum Coaters 2018 2018-05-05 - 2018-05-10
LectureTiwari, Avinash; Dorogin, Leonid; Persson, B. N. J; Espallargas, Nuria. (2017) Effects of Normal Load and Temperature on the Frictional Characteristics of Hydrogenated Nitrile Butadiene Rubber Composites with Varied Filler Concentration. LAMCOS, INSA Lyon 44th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology - September 4-6, 2017, Lyon, France , Lyon 2017-09-04 - 2017-09-06
PosterTiwari, Avinash; Dorogin, Leonid; Espallargas, Nuria; Persson, B.N.J. (2017) Rubber friction directional asymmetry. European Research Council, ICTP, SISSA Joint ICTP-COST-MODPHYSFRICT Conference on “Trends in Nanotribology 2017” (TiN17) , Trieste 2017-06-26 - 2017-06-30
Academic lectureTorres Rodriguez, Cristian; Espallargas, Nuria. (2016) Tribocorrosion of different types of Diamond Like Carbon (DLC) coatings in different electrochemical media. Nordtrib2016 2016-06-14 - 2016-06-17
Academic lectureBernat, Szymon Czeslaw; Brink, Angelika; lucas, melodia; Espallargas, Nuria. (2016) Tribological behaviour of polymer seal materials in an environmentally acceptable lubricant. NORDTRIB2016 2016-06-14 - 2016-06-17
Academic lectureBernat, Szymon Czeslaw; Mathis, C H; Spencer, N; Espallargas, Nuria. (2015) Effect on Friction of Polymer Brushes and Nano-Modified Lubricants used in Offshore Components. International Tribology Conference 2015 2015-09-16 - 2015-09-20
Academic lectureMubarok, Fahmi; Espallargas, Nuria. (2015) Dry Friction and Wear Behavior of Atmospheric Plasma Sprayed SiC Coating. International Tribology Conference 2015 2015-09-16 - 2015-09-20
Academic lectureMubarok, Fahmi; Espallargas, Nuria. (2015) Synthesis of thermal spray grade silicon carbide feedstock powder for plasma spray deposition. International Thermal Spray Conference 2015 2015-05-11 - 2015-05-14
InterviewLøvhaug, Nils Ragnar; Espallargas, Nuria; Mubarok, Fahmi; gutvik, Christian. (2015) Global «gamechanger» i kampen mot slitasje. FORNY2020 Nyhets portalen FORNY2020 Nyhets portalen [Internet] 2015-01-20
Academic lectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2015) Tribocorrosion and coatings – the unexpected behaviour. European Conference on Tribology 2015 2015-06-03 - 2015-06-05
Academic lectureHossein Zavieh, Amin; Espallargas, Nuria. (2015) Surface folding in sliding of oxidized metals: a mechanism for wear and defect generation in tribocorrosion. International Tribology Conference 2015 2015-09-16 - 2015-09-20
Programme participationEspallargas, Nuria. (2015) Disse 20 oppstartsbedriftene bør du følge med på i 2015. Teknisk ukeblad, TU Teknisk ukeblad, TU [Business/trade/industry journal] 2015-01-12
InterviewRyvik, Hugo; Espallargas, Nuria; Armada Nieto, Sergio. (2015) Vil doble levetiden på strekksystemer med nanoteknologi. Nyheter - NANO2021 Nyheter - NANO2021 [Internet] 2015-06-05
LectureZavieh, Amin; Espallargas, Nuria. (2014) Effect of normal load on multi-degradation mechanisms of super duplex stainless steel exposed to tribocorrosive-fatigue environment. Nordtrib 2014 2014-06-10 - 2014-06-14
Programme participationMubarok, Fahmi; Espallargas, Nuria. (2014) Millionstipend fra Adolf Øien. [Internet] 2014-09-18
Programme managementMubarok, Fahmi; Espallargas, Nuria. (2014) Nyfødt NTNU-selskap. [Internet] 2014-12-12
Programme participationMubarok, Fahmi; Espallargas, Nuria. (2014) Her er mottakerne av Adolf Øiens etablererstipend. [Internet] 2014-09-18
Academic lectureHossein Zavieh, Amin; Espallargas, Nuria. (2014) Multi-degradation mechanisms of super duplex stainless steel exposed to tribocorrosive-fatigue environment. konferanse 2014-04-09 - 2014-04-11
Academic lectureEspallargas, Nuria; Armada Nieto, Sergio. (2014) New types of self-lubricated thermal spray coatings: The use of liquid lubricants in a metal matrix. Foredrag - proceedings 2014-05-21 - 2014-05-23
LectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2014) How to Start an Academic Career Right After Your Post Doc? Advantages and Disadvantages of Being a Young Scientist. seminar 2014-07-19 - 2014-07-25
Academic lectureMischler, Stefano; Espallargas, Nuria; Igual-Munoz, Anna. (2014) Bio-Tribocorrosion Fundamentals to Orthopaedic Surgeons and Researchers. foredrag - proceedings 2014-03-15 - 2014-03-18
Academic lectureWesmann, Johan Andre; Johnsen, Roy; Espallargas, Nuria; Herland, j; Twist, Dag; Araki, H. (2014) Investigation of oxide formation on sliding interfaces of WC-CoCr in relation to friction and wear. Foredrag - proceedings 2014-05-21 - 2014-05-23
Popular scientific lecture
Academic lectureWesmann, Johan Andre; Herland, j; Twist, Dag; Johnsen, Roy; Espallargas, Nuria. (2013) Influence of environmental conditions on friction of WC-CoCr coatings. World Tribology Conference 2013 2013-09-08 - 2013-09-13
Academic lectureEspallargas, Nuria. (2013) Tribocorrosion in Orthopedic Implants – A New Approach to an Old Problem. Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS) 2013 2013-01-26 - 2013-01-30
PosterMubarok, Fahmi; Armada, Sergio; fagoaga, ignacio; Espallargas, Nuria. (2013) Thermally Sprayed Boron Nitride Coating. International Thermal Spray Conference 2013 2013-05-13 - 2013-05-15
Academic lectureWesmann, Johan Andre; Twist, Dag; Johnsen, Roy; Espallargas, Nuria. (2013) Friction and wear of coatings for subsea valves. International Thermal Spray Conference 2013 2013-05-13 - 2013-05-15
Academic lectureMubarok, Fahmi; Armada Nieto, Sergio; Espallargas, Nuria. (2013) Tribological Characterization of Thermally Sprayed Silicon Carbide Coatings. World Tribology Conference 2013 2013-09-08 - 2013-09-13
PosterHossein Zavieh, Amin; Espallargas, Nuria. (2013) Role of surface mesoscale deformations on multi-degradation mechanisms of stainless steel exposed to tribocorrosive environment. World Tribology Conference 2013 2013-09-08 - 2013-09-13
Academic lectureEspallargas, Nuria; Schmid, Ruth; Equey, Sébastien; fagoaga, ignacio; Armada, S.. (2013) New concept of self lubricated coatings: liquid lubricant release. International Tribology Symposium of IFToMM 2013-03-19 - 2013-03-21
Academic lectureWesmann, Johan Andre; Herland, j; Twist, Dag; Johnsen, Roy; Espallargas, Nuria. (2013) FRICTION EVOLUTION OF WC-CoCr THERMALLY SPRAYED COATINGS DURING DRY SLIDING IN DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS. International Tribology Symposium of IFToMM 2013-03-19 - 2013-03-21
Academic lectureEspallargas, Nuria; Mubarok, Fahmi. (2012) Influence of lubricant degradation due to seawater contamination on the performance of offshore wind turbine bearings. foredrag 2012-09-04 - 2012-09-07
Academic lectureEspallargas, Nuria; Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth; Torres, Cristian; Papageorgiou, Nikolaos; Igual-Munoz, Anna. (2012) Bulk Metallic Glasses (BMG) for biomedical applications – a tribocorrosion investigation of Zr55Cu30Ni5Al10 in simulated body fluid. Poster 2012-04-19 - 2012-04-20
Academic lectureEspallargas, Nuria; von der Ohe, Christian B.; Johnsen, Roy. (2012) Effect of fatigue on tribocorrosion of passive materials used in offshore drilling applications – new test rig combining cyclic/static bending and tribocorrosion. foredrag 2012-04-19 - 2012-04-20
Academic lectureSchmid, Ruth; Armada, Sergio; Equey, Sébastien; Johnsen, Heidi; Espallargas, Nuria. (2012) Encapsulated liquid lubricants for production of self-lubricating surfaces. Controlled Release Society 39th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society , Quebec 2012-07-15 - 2012-07-18
Academic lectureMubarok, Fahmi; Armada, S; fagoaga, ignacio; Espallargas, Nuria. (2012) Thermally sprayed SiC coatings for offshore wind bearing applications. Proceedings of the 5th Asian Thermal Spray Conference foredrag 2012-11-26 - 2012-11-28
Academic lectureMubarok, Fahmi; Puranen, Jouni; Vuoristo, Petri; Johnsen, Roy; Espallargas, Nuria. (2011) Effect of suspension characteristics on microstructure of suspension plasma sprayed SiC submicron coatings. DVS – German Welding Society, ASM International International Thermal Spray Conference 2011 , Hamburg 2011-09-27 - 2011-09-29
Academic lectureJohnsen, Roy; Espallargas, Nuria; von der Ohe, Christian B.. (2011) The effect of cyclic and static tensile stresses on the tribocorrosion behavior of austenitic and duplex stainless steels in marine environment. NACE Corrosion 2011 , Houston 2011-03-13 - 2011-03-17
PosterSkomedal, Gunstein; Øvrelid, Eivind Johannes; Espallargas, Nuria. (2010) Tribological approach for understanding the multi wire sawing of Silicon wafers. 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (25th EU PVSEC) and 5th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC-5) 2010-09-06 - 2010-09-09