Morten Breivik
I am an associate professor at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics (Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk, ITK) at NTNU. I'm also an affiliated scientist at NTNU's SFI Autoship.
In the period 2016-2024, I was a member of the Norwegian Board of Technology, and I have also been a member of the expert group on enabling technologies for the Norwegian Digital21 strategy.
In the period 2013-2021, I was the head of ITK during two tenure terms, and in the period 2013-2023 I was an affiliated scientist at NTNU's SFF AMOS.
Together with fantastic colleagues, I am currently involved in several activities, including:
1. Working to manifest the world's first autonomous electric ferries for urban waterways. This work has so far resulted in world-leading research results, the spinoff-company Zeabuz, and the world's first trial operation of such a ferry in the Canal in Trondheim.
2. Working to revitalize the coastal areas in Norway which are currently being depopulated in favor of the largest metropolitan areas. A Norway without coastal districts will be a poor and perspective-less Norway. Fortunately, the technological revolution happening the last ten years enables us to strongly counteract the depopulation trend. We also focus on finding what is unique for each coastal region and what can make them attractive for young people to migrate to from all over the world, inspired by the Finest Future initiative in Finland. In our work, we are supported by the Norwegian government through a direct funding over the National budget for 2023. This funding will be used for a pilot on the new concept of a Coastal development center, in Kirkenes. We have an incredible consortium assembled, including NTNU which educates 80% of the technology students in Norway, local actors, property developers and friends from Finland. One component in this will be the new ICE innovation festival, which is a spinoff of Slush in Helsinki.
3. Working to develop the Nyhavna harbor area in Trondheim into what we call "Nyhavna 5.0", where we envision a high-tech cluster of researchers, students, startup companies, supplier companies, end-user companies, venture capitalists, etc. - all focusing on ocean space technology – to be gathered in a compact location right by the fjord, together with apartments, cultural institutions, general commerce, etc. - making it a 24-7 high-tech urban area.
4. Working to establish a new field called "societal cybernetics", in order to be able to model all types of societal phenomena with much greater accuracy. Today there exist separate models of parts of society, but not models that are connected well enough together to be able to explain the societal phenomena we observe today, where everything is much more strongly connected with everything than ever before in history due to digital technologies. The aim of societal cybernetics is therefore to be able to create better models and thus better tools for decision support, so that we can get a better understanding of the link between a given intention and which actions are appropriate to take in order to achieve the intention. In this way, we humans can gain better insight into society's relationships on both large and small scales, and thus be able to navigate better in large and small decisions that have to be made in society. One of the organizations I work with is the independent TERRAVERA Foundation, which works towards quantifying sustainability.
- Associate professor, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU (August 2021 - Present)
- Head of department, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU (September 2013 - July 2021)
- Department manager, Kongsberg Maritime (January 2012 - August 2013)
- Principal engineer, Kongsberg Maritime (August 2011 - December 2011)
- Researcher, Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures, NTNU (July 2008 - June 2011)
- Assistant professor, Department of Marine Technology, NTNU (July 2008 - June 2010)
- Scientific advisor, Maritime Robotics (June 2007 - December 2008)
- Assistant professor, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU (July 2006 - June 2008)
- PhD scholar, Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures, NTNU (July 2003 - June 2006)
- 2010: PhD, engineering cybernetics
- 2003: MSc, engineering cybernetics
Research and supervision
In particular focusing on research concerning new technology for autonomous ships. Currently leading the the Autoteaming project, which looks at how humans and machines can use their respective "superpowers" to collaborate as best as possible to give an efficient and safe transport service with autonomous urban ferries.
Supervisor for PhD candidates:
- Andreas Gudahl Tufte: Automation transparency for human-machine teaming (part of the project Autoteaming)
- Alexey Gusev: Design of human-machine teaming interface for remote operation of autonomous passenger ferries (co-supervisor, part of the project Autoteaming)
- Simon Lexau: Docking for autonomous ships (co-supervisor, part of SFI Autoship)
- Emir Cem Gezer: Risk-aware and safeguarding control for autonomous ships (co-supervisor, part of SFI Autoship)
- Karl Johan Haarberg: Sustainable, holistic, congruent, interactive, and dynamic insight solutions (co-supervisor, Industrial PhD within Societal cybernetics)
Graduated PhD candidates:
- 2022: Emil Hjelseth Thyri: COLREGs-aware trajectory planning and collision avoidance for autonomous surface vessels (part of the project Autoferry)
- 2021: Mikkel Eske Nørgaard Sørensen: Topics in nonlinear and model-based control of ships
- 2021: Glenn Ivan Bitar: Optimization-based trajectory planning and automatic docking for autonomous ferries
- 2019: Bjørn-Olav Holtung Eriksen: Collision avoidance and motion control for autonomous surface vehicles (part of the project Autosea)
- 2019: Erik Falmår Wilthil: Maritime target tracking with varying sensor performance (co-supervisor)
Also supervising several MSc students, in particular concerning autonomous ships.
Book projects
We have much to learn from history and I have therefore initiated and led the following two book projects:
- 2014-2019: Alltid rabiat: Jens Glad Balchen og den kybernetiske tenkemåten (Norwegian only)
- 2011-2015: Juvelen i kronen: Kongsberg dynamiske posisjoneringssystemer 1975-2015 (also available in English: The jewel in the crown: Kongsberg dynamic positioning systems 1975-2015)
- The world’s first student-arranged student competition in autonomous ships (NTNU Nyheter, 2023)
- Making a Splash with the World’s First Autonomous Passenger Ferry (Trondheim Tech Port, 2022)
- Self-driving ferries could be coming to the Thames soon (Evening Standard, 2022)
- NTNU trials world’s first urban autonomous passenger ferry (Norwegian SciTech News, 2022)
- Transit: Getting There Publicly (Inside Unmanned Systems, 2022)
- SFI Autoship - Eight years with autonomous ships (Ocean Autonomy Cluster, 2021)
- Innovation breakfast webinar: Nyhavna - Global leader in autonomous ocean tech (Technoport, 2020)
- Driverless ferries to replace footbridges (Gemini, 2018)
- University students and researchers test own control algorithms on industrial DP system platform (Kongsberg Maritime, 2016)
- World's first professorship in Big Data Cybernetics (Kongsberg Group, 2015)
- Norwegian king receives new book on dynamic positioning (Kongsberg Maritime, 2015)
- Autonomous robots at sea (Gemini, 2010)
- Formation control at sea using unmanned surface vehicles (YouTube, 2010)
Eide, Egil Sverre;
Breivik, Morten;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Helgesen, Øystein Kaarstad.
The Autonomous Urban Passenger Ferry milliAmpere2: Design and Testing.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Aarset, Lars Bugge;
Breivik, Morten.
Friday Forum: Nyhavna – Norway's Silicon Harbor.
Website (informational material)
Alsos, Ole Andreas;
Saghafian, Mina;
Veitch, Erik Aleksander;
Petermann, Felix-Marcel;
Sitompul, Taufik Akbar;
Park, Jooyoung.
Erfaringer fra prøvedriften av en selvkjørende byferge:
Implikasjoner og anbefalinger for en selvkjørende fergetjeneste i Trondheim
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Alsos, Ole Andreas;
Haugan, Idun;
Tufte, Andreas Gudahl;
Gusev, Alexey;
Breivik, Morten.
Styrer byferge via mobilnettet.
Popular scientific article
Petermann, Felix-Marcel;
Alsos, Ole Andreas;
Veitch, Erik Aleksander;
Eide, Egil Sverre;
Breivik, Morten.
Touchpoints and systems for unmanned autonomous urban ferry operation.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Lexau, Simon Julian Nagelsaker;
Lekkas, Anastasios M.;
Breivik, Morten.
Nonlinear PID Control for Automatic Docking of a Large Container Ship in Confined Waters Under the Influence of Wind and Currents.
Academic article
Fruzzetti, Camilla;
Martelli, Michele;
Lekkas, Anastasios M.;
Skjetne, Roger;
Breivik, Morten.
Model-Based Motion Control Design for the Milliampere1 Prototype Ferry.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alsos, Ole Andreas;
Saghafian, Mina;
Veitch, Erik;
Petermann, Felix-Marcel;
Sitompul, Taufik Akbar;
Park, Jooyoung.
Lessons learned from the trial operation of an autonomous urban passenger ferry.
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP)
Academic article
Alsos, Ole Andreas;
Breivik, Morten;
Eide, Egil;
Ludvigsen, Martin;
Bakken, Torkild.
La Nyhavna leve opp til navnet sitt.
Feature article
Lexau, Simon Julian Nagelsaker;
Breivik, Morten;
Lekkas, Anastasios.
Automated Docking for Marine Surface Vessels - A Survey.
IEEE Access
Academic literature review
Helgesen, Øystein Kaarstad;
Thyri, Emil Hjelseth;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Stahl, Annette;
Breivik, Morten.
Experimental validation of camera-based maritime collision avoidance for autonomous urban passenger ferries.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Thyri, Emil Hjelseth;
Breivik, Morten.
Partly COLREGs-compliant collision avoidance for ASVs using encounter-specific velocity obstacles.
Academic article
Thyri, Emil Hjelseth;
Breivik, Morten.
A domain-based and reactive COLAV
method with a partially COLREGs-compliant domain for ASVs operating in confined waters.
Field Robotics
Academic article
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Eide, Egil;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Breivik, Morten;
Skjellaug, Even.
milliAmpere: An Autonomous Ferry Prototype.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Alsos, Ole Andreas;
Veitch, Erik Aleksander;
Pantelatos, Leander Spyridon;
Vasstein, Kjetil;
Eide, Egil;
Petermann, Felix-Marcel.
NTNU Shore Control Lab: Designing shore control centres in the age of autonomous ships.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Kvaal, Stig;
Østby, Per;
Breivik, Morten.
DP and the Art of Perfect Positioning.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Thyri, Emil Hjelseth;
Breivik, Morten.
Collision avoidance for ASVs through trajectory planning: MPC with COLREGs-compliant nonlinear constraints.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Aurlien, Andreas;
Breivik, Morten;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung.
Multivariate Modeling and Adaptive Control of Autonomous Ferries.
Academic article
Thyri, Emil Hjelseth;
Bitar, Glenn Ivan;
Breivik, Morten.
A 3DOF Path-Following Controller for a Non-Directionally Stable Vessel with Slow Thruster Dynamics.
Academic article
Bitar, Glenn Ivan;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Lekkas, Anastasios M.;
Breivik, Morten.
Three-Phase Automatic Crossing for a Passenger Ferry With Field Trials.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thyri, Emil Hjelseth;
Breivik, Morten;
Lekkas, Anastasios M..
A Path-Velocity Decomposition Approach to Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Passenger Ferries in Confined Waters.
Academic article
Bitar, Glenn Ivan;
Martinsen, Andreas Bell;
Lekkas, Anastasios;
Breivik, Morten.
Two-Stage Optimized Trajectory Planning for ASVs Under Polygonal Obstacle Constraints: Theory and Experiments.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Marley, Mathias;
Skjetne, Roger;
Breivik, Morten;
Fleischer, Caroline.
A hybrid kinematic controller for resilient obstacle
avoidance of autonomous ships.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Bitar, Glenn Ivan;
Breivik, Morten;
Lekkas, Anastasios M..
Hybrid Collision Avoidance for ASVs Compliant with COLREGs Rules 8 and 13-17.
Frontiers in Robotics and AI
Academic article
Thyri, Emil Hjelseth;
Basso, Erlend Andreas;
Breivik, Morten;
Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad;
Skjetne, Roger;
Lekkas, Anastasios M..
Reactive collision avoidance for ASVs based on control barrier functions.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Basso, Erlend Andreas;
Thyri, Emil Hjelseth;
Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad;
Breivik, Morten;
Skjetne, Roger.
Safety-Critical Control of Autonomous Surface Vehicles in the Presence of Ocean Currents.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bitar, Glenn Ivan;
Martinsen, Andreas Bell;
Lekkas, Anastasios;
Breivik, Morten.
Trajectory Planning and Control for Automatic Docking of ASVs with Full-Scale Experiments.
Academic article
Sørensen, Mikkel Nørgaard;
Breivik, Morten;
Skjetne, Roger.
Comparing Combinations of Linear and Nonlinear Feedback Terms for Ship Motion Control.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Helgesen, Øystein Kaarstad;
Hagen, Inger Berge.
The Autosea project: Developing closed-loop target tracking and collision avoidance systems.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Breivik, Morten.
Short-term ASV Collision Avoidance with Static and Moving Obstacles.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Reddy, Namireddy Praveen;
Zadeh, Mehdi Karbalaye;
Thieme, Christoph Alexander;
Skjetne, Roger;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Aanondsen, Svein Aanond.
Zero-Emission Autonomous Ferries for Urban Water Transport: Cheaper, Cleaner Alternative to Bridges and Manned Vessels
IEEE Electrification Magazine
Academic literature review
Bitar, Glenn Ivan;
Vestad, Vegard Nitter;
Lekkas, Anastasios M.;
Breivik, Morten.
Warm-started optimized trajectory planning for ASVs.
Academic article
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Breivik, Morten;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Collision avoidance and motion control for autonomous surface vehicles.
Doctoral dissertation
Bitar, Glenn Ivan;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Lekkas, Anastasios M.;
Breivik, Morten.
Energy-Optimized Hybrid Collision Avoidance for ASVs.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Breivik, Morten;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Flåten, Andreas Lindahl;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
The branching-course model predictive control algorithm for maritime collision avoidance.
Journal of Field Robotics (JFR)
Academic article
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Breivik, Morten.
A Model-Based Speed and Course Controller for High-Speed ASVs.
Academic article
Alfheim, Henrik Lemcke;
Muggerud, Kjetil;
Breivik, Morten;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Eide, Egil;
Engelhardtsen, Øystein.
Development of a Dynamic Positioning System for the ReVolt Model Ship.
Academic article
Lyngstadaas, Ole Nikolai;
Sæterdal, Tore Egil;
Sørensen, Mikkel Nørgaard;
Breivik, Morten.
Improvement of Ship Motion Control Using a Magnitude-Rate Saturation Model.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Mikkel Nørgaard;
Lyngstadaas, Ole Nikolai;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Breivik, Morten.
A Dynamic Window-Based Controller for Dynamic Positioning Satisfying Actuator Magnitude Constraints.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bitar, Glenn Ivan;
Breivik, Morten;
Lekkas, Anastasios M..
Energy-Optimized Path Planning for Autonomous Ferries.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Serigstad, Einvald;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Breivik, Morten.
Hybrid Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Surface Vehicles.
Academic article
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Flåten, Andreas Lindahl;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Breivik, Morten.
Radar-based Maritime Collision Avoidance using
Dynamic Window.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Breivik, Morten.
MPC-Based mid-level collision avoidance for ASVs using nonlinear programming.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Mikkel Eske Nørgaard;
Hansen, Søren;
Breivik, Morten;
Blanke, Mogens.
Performance comparison of controllers with fault-dependent control allocation for UAVs.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Sørensen, Mikkel Eske Nørgaard;
Breivik, Morten;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung.
A Ship Heading and Speed Control Concept Inherently Satisfying
Actuator Constraints.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Breivik, Morten.
Modeling, Identification and Control of High-Speed ASVs: Theory and Experiments.
Lecture notes in control and information sciences
Academic article
Bitar, Glenn Ivan;
Breivik, Morten;
Lekkas, Anastasios M..
Towards the Development of Autonomous Ferries.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Skjetne, Roger;
Sørensen, Mikkel Eske Nørgaard;
Breivik, Morten;
Værnø, Svenn Are Tutturen;
Brodtkorb, Astrid H.;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
AMOS DP Research Cruise 2016: Academic full-scale testing of experimental dynamic positioning control algorithms onboard R/V Gunnerus.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Mikkel Eske Nørgaard;
Breivik, Morten.
Comparing Combinations of Linear and Nonlinear Feedback Terms for Motion Control of Marine Surface Vessels.
Academic article
Lekkas, Anastasios M.;
Roald, Ann Louise;
Breivik, Morten.
Online Path Planning for Surface Vehicles Exposed to Unknown Ocean Currents Using Pseudospectral Optimal Control.
Academic article
Rabanal, Ole Maurice Røste;
Brodtkorb, Astrid H.;
Breivik, Morten.
Comparing Controllers for Dynamic Positioning of Ships in Extreme Seas.
Academic article
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Breivik, Morten;
Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad;
Syre Wiig, Martin.
A modified dynamic window algorithm for horizontal collision avoidance for AUVs.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Mikkel Eske Nørgaard;
Bjørne, Elias ;
Breivik, Morten.
Performance Comparison of Backstepping-Based Adaptive Controllers for Marine Surface Vessels.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Mikkel Eske Nørgaard;
Breivik, Morten.
UAV Fault-Tolerant Control by Combined L1 Adaptive Backstepping and Fault-dependent Control Allocation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Mikkel Eske Nørgaard;
Breivik, Morten.
Comparing Nonlinear Adaptive Motion Controllers for Marine Surface Vessels.
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Kvaal, Stig;
Østby, Per.
From Eureka to K-Pos: Dynamic Positioning as a Highly Successful and Important Marine Control Technology.
Academic article
Lekkas, Anastasios;
Dahl, Andreas R;
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor I..
Continuous-Curvature Path Generation using Fermat's Spiral.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Loberg, Jon-Erik.
A Virtual Target-Based Underway Docking Procedure for Unmanned Surface Vehicles.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Skejic, Renato;
Berg, Tor Einar;
Breivik, Morten.
Investigating Ship Manoeuvers around a Floating Structure under the Influence of a Uniform Current in Deep and Calm Water.
Royal Institution of Naval Architects
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Haugen, Joakim;
Breivik, Morten.
A Speed Control Algorithm for Planar Path Maneuvering.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Kjerstad, Øivind Kåre;
Breivik, Morten.
Weather Optimal Positioning Control for Marine Surface Vessels.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor I..
Topics in Guided Motion Control of Marine Vehicles.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2010:63)
Doctoral dissertation
Breivik, Morten;
Sand, Gunnar.
Jens Glad Balchen: A Norwegian Pioneer in Engineering Cybernetics.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Reader opinion piece
Skejic, Renato;
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Modeling and Control of Underway Replenishment Operations in Calm Water.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Alme, Jon;
Breivik, Morten.
Autotuning Aspects for Dynamic Positioning Systems.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Pavlov, Alexey;
Nordahl, Håvard;
Breivik, Morten.
MPC-Based Optimal Path Following for Underactuated Vessels.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Hovland, Geir;
From, Pål Johan.
Trends in Research and Publication: Science 2.0 and Open Access.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor I..
Guidance Laws for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jensen, Gullik A.;
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor I..
Offshore Pipelay Operations From a Control Perspective.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Breivik, Morten;
Hovstein, Vegard Evjen;
Fossen, Thor I..
Straight-Line Target Tracking for Unmanned Surface Vehicles.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor I..
Guidance Laws for Planar Motion Control.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Hovstein, Vegard Evjen;
Fossen, Thor I..
Ship Formation Control: A Guided Leader-Follower Approach.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Applying Missile Guidance Concepts to Motion Control of Marine Craft.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Breivik, Morten.
Marine craft: 21st century motion control concepts.
Sea Technology
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Subbotin, Maxim V.;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Kinematic aspects of guided formation control in 2D.
Lecture notes in control and information sciences
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Subbotin, Maxim V.;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Guided Formation Control for Wheeled Mobile Robots.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Motion Control Concepts for Trajectory Tracking of Fully Actuated Ships.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Strand, Jann Peter;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Guided Dynamic Positioning for Fully Actuated Marine Surface Vessels.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
A Unified Control Concept for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Subbotin, Maxim V.;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Guided Formation Control for Fully Actuated Marine Surface Craft.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Principles of Guidance-Based Path Following in 2D and 3D.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Guidance-Based Path Following for Wheeled Mobile Robots.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
A Unified Concept for Controlling a Marine Surface Vessel Through the Entire Speed Envelope.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Guidance-Based Path Following for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.
Academic article
Journal publications
Eide, Egil Sverre;
Breivik, Morten;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Helgesen, Øystein Kaarstad.
The Autonomous Urban Passenger Ferry milliAmpere2: Design and Testing.
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
Academic article
Alsos, Ole Andreas;
Haugan, Idun;
Tufte, Andreas Gudahl;
Gusev, Alexey;
Breivik, Morten.
Styrer byferge via mobilnettet.
Popular scientific article
Petermann, Felix-Marcel;
Alsos, Ole Andreas;
Veitch, Erik Aleksander;
Eide, Egil Sverre;
Breivik, Morten.
Touchpoints and systems for unmanned autonomous urban ferry operation.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Lexau, Simon Julian Nagelsaker;
Lekkas, Anastasios M.;
Breivik, Morten.
Nonlinear PID Control for Automatic Docking of a Large Container Ship in Confined Waters Under the Influence of Wind and Currents.
Academic article
Alsos, Ole Andreas;
Saghafian, Mina;
Veitch, Erik;
Petermann, Felix-Marcel;
Sitompul, Taufik Akbar;
Park, Jooyoung.
Lessons learned from the trial operation of an autonomous urban passenger ferry.
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP)
Academic article
Alsos, Ole Andreas;
Breivik, Morten;
Eide, Egil;
Ludvigsen, Martin;
Bakken, Torkild.
La Nyhavna leve opp til navnet sitt.
Feature article
Lexau, Simon Julian Nagelsaker;
Breivik, Morten;
Lekkas, Anastasios.
Automated Docking for Marine Surface Vessels - A Survey.
IEEE Access
Academic literature review
Helgesen, Øystein Kaarstad;
Thyri, Emil Hjelseth;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Stahl, Annette;
Breivik, Morten.
Experimental validation of camera-based maritime collision avoidance for autonomous urban passenger ferries.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Thyri, Emil Hjelseth;
Breivik, Morten.
Partly COLREGs-compliant collision avoidance for ASVs using encounter-specific velocity obstacles.
Academic article
Thyri, Emil Hjelseth;
Breivik, Morten.
A domain-based and reactive COLAV
method with a partially COLREGs-compliant domain for ASVs operating in confined waters.
Field Robotics
Academic article
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Eide, Egil;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Breivik, Morten;
Skjellaug, Even.
milliAmpere: An Autonomous Ferry Prototype.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Alsos, Ole Andreas;
Veitch, Erik Aleksander;
Pantelatos, Leander Spyridon;
Vasstein, Kjetil;
Eide, Egil;
Petermann, Felix-Marcel.
NTNU Shore Control Lab: Designing shore control centres in the age of autonomous ships.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Kvaal, Stig;
Østby, Per;
Breivik, Morten.
DP and the Art of Perfect Positioning.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Thyri, Emil Hjelseth;
Breivik, Morten.
Collision avoidance for ASVs through trajectory planning: MPC with COLREGs-compliant nonlinear constraints.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Aurlien, Andreas;
Breivik, Morten;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung.
Multivariate Modeling and Adaptive Control of Autonomous Ferries.
Academic article
Thyri, Emil Hjelseth;
Bitar, Glenn Ivan;
Breivik, Morten.
A 3DOF Path-Following Controller for a Non-Directionally Stable Vessel with Slow Thruster Dynamics.
Academic article
Thyri, Emil Hjelseth;
Breivik, Morten;
Lekkas, Anastasios M..
A Path-Velocity Decomposition Approach to Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Passenger Ferries in Confined Waters.
Academic article
Bitar, Glenn Ivan;
Martinsen, Andreas Bell;
Lekkas, Anastasios;
Breivik, Morten.
Two-Stage Optimized Trajectory Planning for ASVs Under Polygonal Obstacle Constraints: Theory and Experiments.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Marley, Mathias;
Skjetne, Roger;
Breivik, Morten;
Fleischer, Caroline.
A hybrid kinematic controller for resilient obstacle
avoidance of autonomous ships.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Academic article
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Bitar, Glenn Ivan;
Breivik, Morten;
Lekkas, Anastasios M..
Hybrid Collision Avoidance for ASVs Compliant with COLREGs Rules 8 and 13-17.
Frontiers in Robotics and AI
Academic article
Bitar, Glenn Ivan;
Martinsen, Andreas Bell;
Lekkas, Anastasios;
Breivik, Morten.
Trajectory Planning and Control for Automatic Docking of ASVs with Full-Scale Experiments.
Academic article
Sørensen, Mikkel Nørgaard;
Breivik, Morten;
Skjetne, Roger.
Comparing Combinations of Linear and Nonlinear Feedback Terms for Ship Motion Control.
IEEE Access
Academic article
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Kufoalor, D. Kwame Minde;
Helgesen, Øystein Kaarstad;
Hagen, Inger Berge.
The Autosea project: Developing closed-loop target tracking and collision avoidance systems.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
Academic article
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Breivik, Morten.
Short-term ASV Collision Avoidance with Static and Moving Obstacles.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Reddy, Namireddy Praveen;
Zadeh, Mehdi Karbalaye;
Thieme, Christoph Alexander;
Skjetne, Roger;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan;
Aanondsen, Svein Aanond.
Zero-Emission Autonomous Ferries for Urban Water Transport: Cheaper, Cleaner Alternative to Bridges and Manned Vessels
IEEE Electrification Magazine
Academic literature review
Bitar, Glenn Ivan;
Vestad, Vegard Nitter;
Lekkas, Anastasios M.;
Breivik, Morten.
Warm-started optimized trajectory planning for ASVs.
Academic article
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Breivik, Morten;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Flåten, Andreas Lindahl;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
The branching-course model predictive control algorithm for maritime collision avoidance.
Journal of Field Robotics (JFR)
Academic article
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Breivik, Morten.
A Model-Based Speed and Course Controller for High-Speed ASVs.
Academic article
Alfheim, Henrik Lemcke;
Muggerud, Kjetil;
Breivik, Morten;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Eide, Egil;
Engelhardtsen, Øystein.
Development of a Dynamic Positioning System for the ReVolt Model Ship.
Academic article
Serigstad, Einvald;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Breivik, Morten.
Hybrid Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Surface Vehicles.
Academic article
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Wilthil, Erik Falmår;
Flåten, Andreas Lindahl;
Brekke, Edmund Førland;
Breivik, Morten.
Radar-based Maritime Collision Avoidance using
Dynamic Window.
IEEE Aerospace Conference. Proceedings
Academic article
Sørensen, Mikkel Eske Nørgaard;
Hansen, Søren;
Breivik, Morten;
Blanke, Mogens.
Performance comparison of controllers with fault-dependent control allocation for UAVs.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
Academic article
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Breivik, Morten.
Modeling, Identification and Control of High-Speed ASVs: Theory and Experiments.
Lecture notes in control and information sciences
Academic article
Sørensen, Mikkel Eske Nørgaard;
Breivik, Morten.
Comparing Combinations of Linear and Nonlinear Feedback Terms for Motion Control of Marine Surface Vessels.
Academic article
Lekkas, Anastasios M.;
Roald, Ann Louise;
Breivik, Morten.
Online Path Planning for Surface Vehicles Exposed to Unknown Ocean Currents Using Pseudospectral Optimal Control.
Academic article
Rabanal, Ole Maurice Røste;
Brodtkorb, Astrid H.;
Breivik, Morten.
Comparing Controllers for Dynamic Positioning of Ships in Extreme Seas.
Academic article
Sørensen, Mikkel Eske Nørgaard;
Breivik, Morten.
Comparing Nonlinear Adaptive Motion Controllers for Marine Surface Vessels.
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Kvaal, Stig;
Østby, Per.
From Eureka to K-Pos: Dynamic Positioning as a Highly Successful and Important Marine Control Technology.
Academic article
Lekkas, Anastasios;
Dahl, Andreas R;
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor I..
Continuous-Curvature Path Generation using Fermat's Spiral.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Loberg, Jon-Erik.
A Virtual Target-Based Underway Docking Procedure for Unmanned Surface Vehicles.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Haugen, Joakim;
Breivik, Morten.
A Speed Control Algorithm for Planar Path Maneuvering.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Kjerstad, Øivind Kåre;
Breivik, Morten.
Weather Optimal Positioning Control for Marine Surface Vessels.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Sand, Gunnar.
Jens Glad Balchen: A Norwegian Pioneer in Engineering Cybernetics.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Reader opinion piece
Skejic, Renato;
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor I.;
Faltinsen, Odd Magnus.
Modeling and Control of Underway Replenishment Operations in Calm Water.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Alme, Jon;
Breivik, Morten.
Autotuning Aspects for Dynamic Positioning Systems.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Pavlov, Alexey;
Nordahl, Håvard;
Breivik, Morten.
MPC-Based Optimal Path Following for Underactuated Vessels.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Hovland, Geir;
From, Pål Johan.
Trends in Research and Publication: Science 2.0 and Open Access.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Hovstein, Vegard Evjen;
Fossen, Thor I..
Straight-Line Target Tracking for Unmanned Surface Vehicles.
MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor I..
Guidance Laws for Planar Motion Control.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Hovstein, Vegard Evjen;
Fossen, Thor I..
Ship Formation Control: A Guided Leader-Follower Approach.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Applying Missile Guidance Concepts to Motion Control of Marine Craft.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Breivik, Morten.
Marine craft: 21st century motion control concepts.
Sea Technology
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Subbotin, Maxim V.;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Kinematic aspects of guided formation control in 2D.
Lecture notes in control and information sciences
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Motion Control Concepts for Trajectory Tracking of Fully Actuated Ships.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Strand, Jann Peter;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Guided Dynamic Positioning for Fully Actuated Marine Surface Vessels.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
A Unified Control Concept for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.
American Control Conference (ACC)
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Subbotin, Maxim V.;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Guided Formation Control for Fully Actuated Marine Surface Craft.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Principles of Guidance-Based Path Following in 2D and 3D.
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision & Control, including the Symposium on Adaptive Processes
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Guidance-Based Path Following for Wheeled Mobile Robots.
Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series
Academic article
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Guidance-Based Path Following for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.
Academic article
Part of book/report
Fruzzetti, Camilla;
Martelli, Michele;
Lekkas, Anastasios M.;
Skjetne, Roger;
Breivik, Morten.
Model-Based Motion Control Design for the Milliampere1 Prototype Ferry.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bitar, Glenn Ivan;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Lekkas, Anastasios M.;
Breivik, Morten.
Three-Phase Automatic Crossing for a Passenger Ferry With Field Trials.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thyri, Emil Hjelseth;
Basso, Erlend Andreas;
Breivik, Morten;
Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad;
Skjetne, Roger;
Lekkas, Anastasios M..
Reactive collision avoidance for ASVs based on control barrier functions.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Basso, Erlend Andreas;
Thyri, Emil Hjelseth;
Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad;
Breivik, Morten;
Skjetne, Roger.
Safety-Critical Control of Autonomous Surface Vehicles in the Presence of Ocean Currents.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bitar, Glenn Ivan;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Lekkas, Anastasios M.;
Breivik, Morten.
Energy-Optimized Hybrid Collision Avoidance for ASVs.
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lyngstadaas, Ole Nikolai;
Sæterdal, Tore Egil;
Sørensen, Mikkel Nørgaard;
Breivik, Morten.
Improvement of Ship Motion Control Using a Magnitude-Rate Saturation Model.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Mikkel Nørgaard;
Lyngstadaas, Ole Nikolai;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Breivik, Morten.
A Dynamic Window-Based Controller for Dynamic Positioning Satisfying Actuator Magnitude Constraints.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bitar, Glenn Ivan;
Breivik, Morten;
Lekkas, Anastasios M..
Energy-Optimized Path Planning for Autonomous Ferries.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Breivik, Morten.
MPC-Based mid-level collision avoidance for ASVs using nonlinear programming.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Mikkel Eske Nørgaard;
Breivik, Morten;
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung.
A Ship Heading and Speed Control Concept Inherently Satisfying
Actuator Constraints.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skjetne, Roger;
Sørensen, Mikkel Eske Nørgaard;
Breivik, Morten;
Værnø, Svenn Are Tutturen;
Brodtkorb, Astrid H.;
Sørensen, Asgeir Johan.
AMOS DP Research Cruise 2016: Academic full-scale testing of experimental dynamic positioning control algorithms onboard R/V Gunnerus.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Breivik, Morten;
Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad;
Syre Wiig, Martin.
A modified dynamic window algorithm for horizontal collision avoidance for AUVs.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Mikkel Eske Nørgaard;
Bjørne, Elias ;
Breivik, Morten.
Performance Comparison of Backstepping-Based Adaptive Controllers for Marine Surface Vessels.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sørensen, Mikkel Eske Nørgaard;
Breivik, Morten.
UAV Fault-Tolerant Control by Combined L1 Adaptive Backstepping and Fault-dependent Control Allocation.
IEEE conference proceedings
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skejic, Renato;
Berg, Tor Einar;
Breivik, Morten.
Investigating Ship Manoeuvers around a Floating Structure under the Influence of a Uniform Current in Deep and Calm Water.
Royal Institution of Naval Architects
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor I..
Guidance Laws for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Jensen, Gullik A.;
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor I..
Offshore Pipelay Operations From a Control Perspective.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Breivik, Morten;
Subbotin, Maxim V.;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
Guided Formation Control for Wheeled Mobile Robots.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor Inge.
A Unified Concept for Controlling a Marine Surface Vessel Through the Entire Speed Envelope.
IEEE Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Alsos, Ole Andreas;
Saghafian, Mina;
Veitch, Erik Aleksander;
Petermann, Felix-Marcel;
Sitompul, Taufik Akbar;
Park, Jooyoung.
Erfaringer fra prøvedriften av en selvkjørende byferge:
Implikasjoner og anbefalinger for en selvkjørende fergetjeneste i Trondheim
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet
Eriksen, Bjørn-Olav Holtung;
Breivik, Morten;
Brekke, Edmund Førland.
Collision avoidance and motion control for autonomous surface vehicles.
Doctoral dissertation
Bitar, Glenn Ivan;
Breivik, Morten;
Lekkas, Anastasios M..
Towards the Development of Autonomous Ferries.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Masters thesis
Breivik, Morten;
Fossen, Thor I..
Topics in Guided Motion Control of Marine Vehicles.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (2010:63)
Doctoral dissertation
Aarset, Lars Bugge;
Breivik, Morten.
Friday Forum: Nyhavna – Norway's Silicon Harbor.
Website (informational material)
Academic lectureLexau, Simon Julian Nagelsaker; Lekkas, Anastasios M.; Breivik, Morten. (2024) Nonlinear PID Control for Automatic Docking of a Large Container Ship in Confined Waters Under the Influence of Wind and Currents. Control Applications in Marine Systems, Robotics and Vehicles - 15th CAMS 2024 , Blacksburg, VA 2024-09-03 - 2024-09-05
InterviewAndreassen, Bjørn Lønnum; Alsos, Ole Andreas; Breivik, Morten; Eide, Egil. (2022) Norsk selvkjørende ferje skal frakte folk omtrent som i en heis. [Business/trade/industry journal] 2022-05-18
InterviewBreivik, Morten. (2022) Self-driving ferries could be coming to the Thames soon. Evening Standard Evening Standard [Internet] 2022-09-29
InterviewHaugland, Oda Eriksen; Breivik, Morten. (2022) SELVKJØRENDE PASSASJERFERGE: Det som har overrasket mest er hvor bra prøveprosjektet har gått. [Newspaper] 2022-09-30
InterviewBreivik, Morten. (2022) Making a Splash with the World’s First Autonomous Passenger Ferry. [Internet] 2022-09-29
InterviewLundteigen, Mary Ann; Breivik, Morten. (2021) SFI Autoship – Eight years with autonomous ships. Ocean Autonomy newsroom Ocean Autonomy newsroom [Internet] 2021-01-20
InterviewSkoglund, Unni; Breivik, Morten. (2018) Driverless ferries to replace footbridges. [Internet] 2018-06-28
InterviewBreivik, Morten. (2018) NFA Prisen 2017 til NTNU – Institutt for teknisk kybernetikk. [Internet] 2018-02-14
InterviewSkoglund, Unni; Breivik, Morten. (2018) Førerløse ferger kan erstatte gangbruer. [Internet] 2018-06-18
InterviewStensvold, Tore; Breivik, Morten. (2018) Autonom ferge: Asia kommer for fullt. Vi havner bakpå om vi ikke gir gass. [Internet] 2018-06-18
InterviewKaspersen, Line; Breivik, Morten. (2018) Nå er det jenteeksplosjon blant «kyberne». [Internet] 2018-09-27
InterviewStensvold, Tore; Breivik, Morten. (2018) NTNU satser stort: Søker 48 doktorkandidater til forskning på digital transformasjon. [Internet] 2018-05-01
InterviewBreivik, Morten. (2018) Klekker ut de tekno-smarte løsningene. [Internet] 2018-04-19
InterviewBreivik, Morten; Klingenberg, Mathias. (2017) Disse tre yrkene fantes knapt for sju år siden. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Internet] 2017-03-07
InterviewBreivik, Morten; Seehusen, Joachim; Nordseth, Linn Kristin. (2017) Her er de nye teknologifagene. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Internet] 2017-03-01
InterviewBreivik, Morten; Klingenberg, Mathias. (2017) 3 massive digitaliseringsmuligheter Hege Skryseth mener Norge ikke kan gå glipp av. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Internet] 2017-02-16
InterviewLangørgen, Ståle; Breivik, Morten. (2017) Salmar gir ti millioner til professorstilling. [Newspaper] 2017-12-21
InterviewKlingenberg, Mathias; Breivik, Morten. (2017) Ny undersøkelse: «Den sorte boksen» er det største hinderet for å ta i bruk kunstig intelligens. [Internet] 2017-12-07
InterviewHammervik, Trond; Breivik, Morten. (2017) Havmerden blir flytende laboratorium. [Newspaper] 2017-12-21
InterviewStensvold, Tore; Breivik, Morten. (2017) Knallhard kamp om autonomi-tronen: Hevder Finland har overtak på Norge. [Internet] 2017-12-08
InterviewKaspersen, Line; Breivik, Morten. (2017) «Kyberne» er fremtidens elite i arbeidslivet. Dagens Næringsliv Dagens Næringsliv [Newspaper] 2017-09-14
InterviewRødder, Aslak; Breivik, Morten. (2017) Robotrevolusjonen. Kunnskapsdepartementets tidsskrift Aktuell Analyse Kunnskapsdepartementets tidsskrift Aktuell Analyse [Business/trade/industry journal] 2017-05-01
InterviewSkarsgård, Marianne L.; Breivik, Morten. (2017) Dette er fremtidens elite i arbeidslivet. [Internet] 2017-09-15
InterviewStrømøy, Tore; Breivik, Morten. (2017) Gir 10 millioner til ny professorstilling. [Newspaper] 2017-12-21
InterviewHaugan, Idun; Breivik, Morten. (2017) Kybernetikerne – teknologiens styrmenn. [Internet] 2017-09-15
InterviewRedaksjonen,; Breivik, Morten. (2017) SalMar og NTNU etablerer nytt professorat innen havbrukskybernetikk. [Internet] 2017-12-21
InterviewLarsen, Hege; Breivik, Morten. (2016) Agder-forsker blir gransket for rekordstor publisering. Khrono Khrono [Internet] 2016-01-27
InterviewArmstrong, Victoria; Breivik, Morten. (2016) World Economic Forum-rapport: I 2020 er fem millioner jobber tatt over av roboter. E24 E24 [Internet] 2016-01-23
InterviewHaugstad, Ola; Aftret, Nora Holm; Breivik, Morten. (2016) Norge refses som fredsnasjon. Under Dusken Under Dusken [Internet] 2016-09-30
InterviewBreivik, Morten; Skjetne, Roger; Wolden, Grete. (2016) Tester ut elektronisk anker på eget forskningsfartøy. Gemini Gemini [Internet] 2016-11-28
InterviewBreivik, Morten; Klingenberg, Mathias. (2016) På disse fire områdene er mennesker overlegne roboter. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Internet] 2016-12-15
InterviewBreivik, Morten. (2016) Slutten for den norske sjømann. Bergens Tidende Bergens Tidende [Newspaper] 2016-11-07
InterviewSkjetne, Roger; Breivik, Morten. (2016) Kongsberg Maritime: University Students Test Own DP algorithms. Marasi News Marasi News [Internet] 2016-11-30
InterviewRøise, Martin Braathen; Breivik, Morten. (2016) Siri Hatlen skal lede Teknologirådet i fire nye år. Dette er resten av de 15 medlemmene. [Internet] 2016-11-23
InterviewBreivik, Morten. (2016) University Students and Researchers Test Own Control Algorithms on Industrial DP System Platform. Kongsberg Maritime Kongsberg Maritime [Internet] 2016-11-25
InterviewVannum, Marius; Breivik, Morten. (2016) Ønsker tydelig satsning fra staten. Ingeniørnytt Ingeniørnytt [Internet] 2016-02-03
InterviewBerglihn, Harald; Breivik, Morten. (2016) Advarer mot forsker-karteller. Dagens Næringsliv Dagens Næringsliv [Newspaper] 2016-01-25
InterviewBerglihn, Harald; Breivik, Morten. (2016) Kritisk til «superforsker». Dagens Næringsliv Dagens Næringsliv [Newspaper] 2016-01-27
InterviewKlingenberg, Mathias; Solberg, Thomas; Breivik, Morten. (2015) Disse jobbene kan forsvinne de neste 20 årene. [Internet] 2015-01-31
InterviewMaritime, Kongsberg; Breivik, Morten. (2015) Norwegian King Receives First Copy of New Dynamic Positioning Book from Kongsberg Maritime at Nor-Shipping. [Internet] 2015-06-03
InterviewUlstein, Jenny; Breivik, Morten. (2015) Verdens første professorat innen "Big Data Cybernetics". [Internet] 2015-10-29
InterviewSeehusen, Joachim; Breivik, Morten. (2015) Fremtidens industri. [Internet] 2015-10-30
InterviewTaraldsen, Lars; Andersen, Ina; Breivik, Morten. (2015) De mest utsatte ingeniørene: Derfor frykter de ikke automatiseringen. [Internet] 2015-05-22
InterviewLie, Tove; Tønnesen, Eva; Breivik, Morten. (2015) Gave til NTNU: Takker ja til 10 millioner fra våpengigant. Khrono Khrono [Internet] 2015-11-30
InterviewBreivik, Morten. (2015) NTNU-jubileum for kybernetikere. Teknisk Ukeblad Teknisk Ukeblad [Internet] 2015-01-07
InterviewFladberg, Even; Breivik, Morten. (2014) NTNU har rekordsøkning til kybernetikk og robotikk. [Newspaper] 2014-04-29
InterviewGuerrini, Federico; Breivik, Morten. (2014) Al Timone non c'é nessuno. l'Espresso l'Espresso [Newspaper] 2014-04-17
InterviewNormannsen, Sølvi Waterloo; Breivik, Morten. (2014) Studentene strømmer til. [Newspaper] 2014-04-25
InterviewFladberg, Even; Breivik, Morten. (2014) NTNU fornyer masterprogrammet i kybernetikk, hvor robotene blir viktigere. [Newspaper] 2014-02-20
InterviewKlingenberg, Mathias; Breivik, Morten. (2014) Han utvikler robotene som skal «ta over» jobbene våre. [Newspaper] 2014-10-02
InterviewBreivik, Morten. (2010) Førerløse båter: Selvstyrte roboter til sjøs. Gemini (NTNU og SINTEF) Gemini (NTNU og SINTEF) [Newspaper] 2010-02-01
InterviewBreivik, Morten. (2010) Unmanned boats: Autonomous robots at sea. Gemini (NTNU og SINTEF) Gemini (NTNU og SINTEF) [Newspaper] 2010-10-01
Academic lectureBreivik, Morten; Hovstein, Vegard Evjen. (2010) Unmanned Boats: Robotic Aides for Maritime Operations. Norsk Forening for Automatisering (NFA) Avanserte Fartøyer 2010 , Hotell Prinsen, Trondheim 2010-11-17 - 2010-11-18
InterviewBreivik, Morten. (2010) A World of Robots. Control Engineering Asia Control Engineering Asia [Newspaper] 2010-04-01
InterviewBreivik, Morten. (2010) Robot-nyvinning til sjøs. Universitetsavisa, NTNU Universitetsavisa, NTNU [Internet] 2010-02-24
InterviewBreivik, Morten. (2010) Selvstyrte båter på Trondheimsfjorden. Nyhetskanalen for norsk innovasjon og design Nyhetskanalen for norsk innovasjon og design [Internet] 2010-03-17
InterviewBreivik, Morten. (2010) Selvsejlende skibe finder fremtidens oliefelter. Ingeniøren Ingeniøren [Internet] 2010-03-10
InterviewBreivik, Morten. (2010) Selvsejlende skibe finder fremtidens olie. Energi og olieforum Energi og olieforum [Internet] 2010-03-10
Academic lectureBreivik, Morten. (2010) Maritime Robots: Efficiently Exploring the Ocean Space. NTNU og Thor Heyerdahl Institute Thor Heyerdahl International Day 2010 , Marinteknisk Senter, Trondheim 2010-10-27 - 2010-10-27
InterviewBreivik, Morten. (2010) Førerløse båter: Selvstyrte roboter til sjøs. Gemini (NTNU og SINTEF) Gemini (NTNU og SINTEF) [Internet] 2010-02-24
InterviewBreivik, Morten. (2010) Unmanned boats: Autonomous robots at sea. Gemini (NTNU og SINTEF) Gemini (NTNU og SINTEF) [Internet] 2010-10-01
InterviewBreivik, Morten. (2010) A World of Robots. Control Engineering Asia Control Engineering Asia [Internet] 2010-04-01
InterviewBreivik, Morten. (2010) Selvstyrte roboter til sjøs. [Internet] 2010-04-05
Academic lectureBreivik, Morten; Hovstein, Vegard Evjen. (2008) Formation Control for Unmanned Surface Vehicles: Theory and Practice. A. Pedro Aguiar, IST, Portugal Pre-Conference Workshop, 17th IFAC World Congress (WS5: Cooperative Control of Multiple Autonomous Vehicles) , Seoul 2008-07-06 - 2008-07-06
PosterBreivik, Morten; Fossen, Thor Inge. (2006) Hybrid Topics for Marine Motion Control Systems. 9th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control 2006-03-29 - 2006-03-31