Michael Stephen Scham
Birkeland, Nils Rune;
Selås, Magnhild;
Gunleifsen, Elin;
Drange, Eli-Marie D.;
Garshol, Lenka;
Klævik-Pettersen, Espen Johan.
12 argument for å halde på framandspråka i ungdomsskulen.
Reader opinion piece
Scham, Michael Stephen.
Soundscapes of Tango: Criollismo, the Dissonances of Modernity, and Peronism.
Studies in Latin American Popular Culture
Academic article
Scham, Michael Stephen;
Kristiansen, Johanne Slettvoll.
Did the Spanish Lottery Succeed as a Deterrent to Illicit Gambling? A Legal Perspective.
Website (informational material)
Scham, Michael;
Bidwell-Steiner, Marlen.
Casuistry and Early Modern Spanish Literature: A Neglected Relationship.
Brill Academic Publishers
Scham, Michael.
Comic Casuistry and Common Sense: Sancho Panza's Governorship.
Brill Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Scham, Michael;
Bidwell-Steiner, Marlen.
Casuistry and Early Modern Spanish Literature.
Brill Academic Publishers
Brill Academic Publishers
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Scham, Michael.
Borges and His Epic Precursors: Beowulf, Don Quijote, Compadrito.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Scham, Michael.
Revenge and its Attenuation: Honor and Affect in Cervantes and Alemán.
Forum for Modern Language Studies
Academic article
Scham, Michael Stephen.
Che, Quijote: Cervantes y el tango.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Scham, Michael.
Play as Metaphor and Material Reality in Guzmán de Alfarache.
eHumanista (Journal of Iberian Studies)
Academic article
Scham, Michael.
Juegos y pasatiempos en Cervantes: breve catálogo ilustrado.
Loco Rabia
Academic monograph
Scham, Michael.
Lector Ludens: The Representation of Games and Play in Cervantes.
University of Toronto Press
University of Toronto Press
Academic monograph
Scham, Michael.
Three Perspectives on Play in Golden Age Spain.
The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association
Academic article
Scham, Michael.
Dialogue and Exemplarity in Montaigne and Cervantes.
Transitions: Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies
Academic article
Scham, Michael.
Don Quijote and the Art of Laughing at Oneself.
Academic article
Scham, Michael.
Don Quijote and Lolita Revisited.
Academic article
Scham, Michael.
Guzmán de Alfarache in Light of San Antonio de Padua: Another Look at Alemán’s Cosmovisión.
Bulletin of Spanish Studies
Academic article
Scham, Michael.
Concepts of Play in Literature of Golden Age Spain.
Academic article
Scham, Michael.
Emblems of Reading: Cervantes’ El coloquio de los perros and Borges’ La Biblioteca de Babel.
Cincinnati Romance Review
Academic article
Journal publications
Birkeland, Nils Rune;
Selås, Magnhild;
Gunleifsen, Elin;
Drange, Eli-Marie D.;
Garshol, Lenka;
Klævik-Pettersen, Espen Johan.
12 argument for å halde på framandspråka i ungdomsskulen.
Reader opinion piece
Scham, Michael Stephen.
Soundscapes of Tango: Criollismo, the Dissonances of Modernity, and Peronism.
Studies in Latin American Popular Culture
Academic article
Scham, Michael.
Revenge and its Attenuation: Honor and Affect in Cervantes and Alemán.
Forum for Modern Language Studies
Academic article
Scham, Michael.
Play as Metaphor and Material Reality in Guzmán de Alfarache.
eHumanista (Journal of Iberian Studies)
Academic article
Scham, Michael.
Three Perspectives on Play in Golden Age Spain.
The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association
Academic article
Scham, Michael.
Dialogue and Exemplarity in Montaigne and Cervantes.
Transitions: Journal of Franco-Iberian Studies
Academic article
Scham, Michael.
Don Quijote and the Art of Laughing at Oneself.
Academic article
Scham, Michael.
Don Quijote and Lolita Revisited.
Academic article
Scham, Michael.
Guzmán de Alfarache in Light of San Antonio de Padua: Another Look at Alemán’s Cosmovisión.
Bulletin of Spanish Studies
Academic article
Scham, Michael.
Concepts of Play in Literature of Golden Age Spain.
Academic article
Scham, Michael.
Emblems of Reading: Cervantes’ El coloquio de los perros and Borges’ La Biblioteca de Babel.
Cincinnati Romance Review
Academic article
Scham, Michael;
Bidwell-Steiner, Marlen.
Casuistry and Early Modern Spanish Literature.
Brill Academic Publishers
Brill Academic Publishers
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Scham, Michael.
Juegos y pasatiempos en Cervantes: breve catálogo ilustrado.
Loco Rabia
Academic monograph
Scham, Michael.
Lector Ludens: The Representation of Games and Play in Cervantes.
University of Toronto Press
University of Toronto Press
Academic monograph
Part of book/report
Scham, Michael;
Bidwell-Steiner, Marlen.
Casuistry and Early Modern Spanish Literature: A Neglected Relationship.
Brill Academic Publishers
Scham, Michael.
Comic Casuistry and Common Sense: Sancho Panza's Governorship.
Brill Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Scham, Michael.
Borges and His Epic Precursors: Beowulf, Don Quijote, Compadrito.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Scham, Michael Stephen.
Che, Quijote: Cervantes y el tango.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Scham, Michael Stephen;
Kristiansen, Johanne Slettvoll.
Did the Spanish Lottery Succeed as a Deterrent to Illicit Gambling? A Legal Perspective.
Website (informational material)
Popular scientific lectureScham, Michael Stephen. (2024) The Spanish Lottery as Degraded Recreation. Institutt for språk og litteratur, NTNU ISL-dagen , Trondheim 2024-05-29 -
Popular scientific lectureHaugen, Marius Warholm; Pallesen, Ståle; Bell, Tore; Scham, Michael Stephen; Undheim, Inga Henriette; Hoage, Natalie Devin. (2024) Lottodrømmen før og nå. Marius Warholm Haugen Tverrfaglig panelsamtale om lottospillet og lottodrømmen i et kulturhistorisk, psykologisk og politisk perspektiv , Litteraturhuset i Bergen 2024-12-05 -
LectureScham, Michael Stephen. (2023) Lengua y cultura a través del tango. NTNU Nettverksdag for fremmedspråklærere i Trøndelag , Dragvoll, NTNUI 2023-11-29 - 2023-11-29
Academic lectureScham, Michael Stephen. (2023) Lottery, Land Reform and Liberal Arts in the Spain of Charles III: An Enlightened Despot Addresses Social Inequality. Norsk selskap for 1700-tallstudier , Oslo 2023-01-19 - 2023-01-21
Academic lectureScham, Michael Stephen. (2023) Homero Manzi, poesía y peronismo: la cuestión del activismo en el tango. Redes II: Segundas jornadas de estudios literarios y culturales latinoamericanos en los países nórdicos. Literatura y activismo en Latinoamérica , Trondheim 2023-05-11 - 2023-05-12
Academic lectureScham, Michael Stephen. (2023) ‘Legal and Literary Perspectives on the Spanish Lottery’. ISL, NTNU / Istituto veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti Transmedial histories of the eighteenth-century European lottery , Venezia 2023-09-19 - 2023-09-20
Popular scientific lectureHaugen, Marius Warholm; Scham, Michael Stephen. (2022) Lottodrømmen revisited. Institutt for språk og litteratur, NTNU ISL-dagen , Trondheim 2022-10-20 -
Academic lectureScham, Michael. (2022) A Transatlantic Perspective: The Lottery in 'New Spain' (1771). Marius Warholm Haugen The Invention of the Lottery Fantasy , Paris 2022-11-07 - 2022-11-09
InterviewScham, Michael. (2020) Dialogues et Dialogismes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7MXnHEG-zU&list=PLYBuDLIaVf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7MXnHEG-zU&list=PLYBuDLIaVf [Internet] 2020-10-30