Merethe Arntsen Strømberg
2.20 ZEB-laboratoriet Gløshaugen, Trondheim
Pons, Vincent;
Strømberg, Merethe Arntsen;
Blecken, Godecke-Tobias;
Tscheikner-Gratl, Franz;
Viklander, Maria;
Muthanna, Tone Merete.
Embracing epistemic uncertainty: a risk evaluation method for pollutants in stormwater.
Water Science and Technology
Academic article
Bahrami, Mahdi;
Daulat, Shamsuddin;
Muthanna, Tone Merete;
Pons, Vincent;
Pritsis, Spyros;
Roghani, Bardia.
The French Dispatch: NTNU at Novatech 2023.
Feature article
Journal publications
Pons, Vincent;
Strømberg, Merethe Arntsen;
Blecken, Godecke-Tobias;
Tscheikner-Gratl, Franz;
Viklander, Maria;
Muthanna, Tone Merete.
Embracing epistemic uncertainty: a risk evaluation method for pollutants in stormwater.
Water Science and Technology
Academic article
Bahrami, Mahdi;
Daulat, Shamsuddin;
Muthanna, Tone Merete;
Pons, Vincent;
Pritsis, Spyros;
Roghani, Bardia.
The French Dispatch: NTNU at Novatech 2023.
Feature article