May Thorseth
Professor of philosophy
Deputy of research and innovation IFR
Director of NTNU's Programme for Applied Ethics since 2001.
NTNU Sustainability, member of the management group and leader of Ethical perspectives since 2014, core partner since 2017.
Vice-chairman of NTNU's Research ethical committee 2014-2021.
President and chair of the board of DKNVS (Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters) from 2020, leader of humanities class humanistisk klasse and member of the board since 2018.
Etisk råd for forsvarssektoren (Ethical council of the defence sector of Norway), member since 2019.
Previous member of REK and NEM (Regional and national committees of medical and health care research ethics) , clinical ethics committee of St. Olav Hospital (Trondheim), and Bioteknologirådet (bioetical research council).
Board member of Ruralis - research institute within rural studies 2024-2026 (deputy member 2021-2023).
Member of government-appointed nuclear power committee (Kjernekraftutvalget) 2024 - 2026
Research interests: Ethics and political philosophy; applied ethics/research ethics; environmental ethics; information- and communication ethics; artificial intelligence; multicultural conflicts; democracy/fundamentalism.
Current and recent research projects:
- 2021 Ethical Aspects of Digital Competence in the Norwegian Defense Sector, cooperative project PRIO and NTNU, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Defence. May Thorseth is project partner.
- 2020 Digital Threats in the Defence Sector. A Threat to Democracy. Research project funded by the Norwegian Defence Department, t. Research partners: NTNU (Gjøvik og Trondheim), and NORDE (Norwegian council for digital ethics). May Thorseth is project partner.
ULTIMATE – indUstry water-utiliTy symbiosis for a sMarter wATer society 1 June 2020 (30 May 2024) under Horizon 2020. May Thorseth is Ethics Officer and member of Project Management Team, and member of WP 4: Examine the socio-political and governance context for WSIS.
GoodAnimal: Animal welfare for Sustainable Futures, 2019-2022, funded by NRC, BIONÆR, led by Ruralis. Thorseth is leader of WP 3e: Ethics.
Horizon 2020 NextGen: Towards a Next Generation of Water Systems and Services for the Circular Economy, 2018-2022, led by KWR Watercycle Research Institute. Thorseth is Ethics Advisor and member of project advisory board (PAB).
Horizon 2020 STOP-IT: Strategic, Tactical, Operational Protection of water Infrastrcture against cyber-physical Threats, 2017-2021. Thorseth is independent ethics advisor and member of PAB.
Horizon 2020 Sunrise: Solar Energy for a Circular Economy, CSA, 2018-2020. Thorseth member of WP 3: Dissemination, communication and education.
BINGO - Bringing Innovation to ongoing water management - a better future under climate change. EU - Horizon 2020, May Thorseth Ethics advisor of the project.
BIOSMART - Managing the transition to a "smart" bioeconomy, funded by NRC, BIONÆR 2015-2018. Led by Centre for Rural Research. May Thorseth partner of wp 4: Social acceptaility - ethics and outcomes.
FORFOOD - Frogs, fuel, finance or food? Cultures, values, ethics, arguments and justifications in the mamagement of agricultural land, 2013-2016, funded by NRC, SAMKUL, led by Centre for rural Research. Work package 4: Ethical assessments in the management of agricultural land, led by May Thorseth.
ISP-FIDE. Project: Applied Ethics: Technology and Governance of Health and Natural Resource, Norwegian research council, 2012-2015.
ENRI Future - Rights to a Green Future, Uncertainty, Intergenerational human Rights and Pathways to Realisation, an ESF project running from 2011-2015. One wg led by May Thorseth: Investigating the main psychological and institutional obstacles to a sustainable politics.
Part of the expert panel of the EU project The Onlife Initiative Concept Reengineering Exercise: rethinking public spaces in the digital transition, an EU expert panel working on future policy in the digital transition realm, 2012. Publication: The Onlife Manifesto.
Thorseth, May Britt;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew Afuang.
Moral sensitivity, moral distress and moral functioning.
Etikk i praksis
Thorseth, May Britt;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew Afuang.
The cost of change and the value of authenticity.
Etikk i praksis
Thorseth, May Britt;
Fjørtoft, Kjersti;
Cooper, Camilla C.;
Waaler, Gudmund;
Sagdahl, Mathea Slåttholm;
Turi, Ole-Anders.
Oppenheimers dilemma.
Feature article
Nilsen, Heidi Rapp;
Goodwin, Daniel;
Poncet, Marine;
Smith, Heather;
Thorseth, May Britt;
Koop, Stef.
Ethical Drivers and Societal Expectations for the Circular Economy. A White Paper.
Ultimate. Water Smart Industrial Symbiosis
Thorseth, May Britt.
Om toleranse og fiktiv offentlighet.
Salongen – nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie
Academic article
Thorseth, May Britt;
Fjørtoft, Kjersti;
Hansen, Terje;
Kosberg, Norunn;
Waaler, Gudmund;
Sagdahl, Mathias Slåttholm.
Trenger Forsvaret moralsk opprustning?
Moralsk styrketrening må bli like naturlig som den fysiske styrketreningen i Forsvaret, mener Etisk råd for forsvarssektoren (ERF).
Forsvarets forum
Feature article
Thorseth, May Britt;
Fjørtoft, Kjersti;
Kosberg, Norunn.
Naturødeleggelser og krig: miljøet må beskyttes for å forebygge konflikt.
Feature article
Thorseth, May Britt;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew;
Stabell, Espen Dyrnes.
Freedom to avoid harm
Revisiting some core values that guide moral action.
Etikk i praksis
Thorseth, May Britt.
Moralsk ekspertise og anvendt etikk.
Salongen – nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie
Academic article
Thorseth, May Britt.
Utmarksetikk i endring?.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May Britt;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew;
Stabell, Espen Dyrnes;
Koksvik, Gitte.
Fostering hope and resilience amidst intractable ethical dilemmas brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Etikk i praksis
Farstad, Maja;
Otte, Pia;
Thorseth, May Britt.
Bioøkonomien i møte med samfunnet - Empiriske funn og etiske refleksjoner.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May Britt;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew.
Intergenerational Justice and Obligations to Future Generations: Towards Environmental Rights in Land-Use Policy.
University of Toronto Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May Britt.
Filosofisk skråblikk på arbeidslivsrelevans.
Feature article
Thorseth, May Britt;
Carson, Siri Granum;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew.
Finding balance in normative toolkits
Towards a broader understanding of methods in applied ethics
Etikk i praksis
Bratlie, Sigrid;
Halvorsen, Kristin;
Myskja, Bjørn Kåre;
Mellegård, Hilde;
Bjorvatn, Cathrine;
Frost, Petter.
A novel governance framework for GMO : a tiered, more flexible regulation for GMOs would help to stimulate innovation and public debate.
EMBO Reports
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Thorseth, May Britt;
Ryghaug, Marianne;
Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe.
Bompenge-opprør og klimakrise - to sider av samme sak?.
Feature article
Borg, Anne;
Brattebø, Helge;
Bull, Ida;
Holden, Helge;
Overskaug, Kristian;
Thorseth, May Britt.
Internasjonal bærekraftspris er etablert i Trondheim.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Reader opinion piece
Vikan, Cornelia;
Thorseth, May Britt.
Military Power and Ethics in the Grey Area of War - Afghanistan. A Critical Ethical-Philosophical Analysis of the Core Values of the Norwegian Armed Forces: Respect, Responsibility, and Courage.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (358)
Doctoral dissertation
Thorseth, May Britt;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew;
Stabell, Espen Dyrnes;
Carson, Siri Granum.
The ethics of sustainable governance.
Etikk i praksis
Oliveira, Rita Vasconcellos ;
Thorseth, May;
Brattebø, Helge.
The Potential Of Co-Benefits In Climate Change Mitigation Strategy: An opportunity for Environmental and Social Justice.
Journal of Social Sciences Naresuan University
Academic article
Thorseth, May Britt;
Schuppert, Fabian.
Governance Towards a Green Future.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May Britt;
Carson, Siri Granum;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew.
Respect, trust, care and interconnectedness.
Etikk i praksis
Thorseth, May Britt;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew;
Carson, Siri Granum.
Obligations in public philosophical discourse. Introduction to Open Section papers.
Etikk i praksis
Bailey, Jennifer L.;
Thorseth, May.
Value and growth - rethinking basic concepts in Lockean liberalism.
Etikk i praksis
Academic literature review
Thorseth, May Britt;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew;
Carson, Siri Granum.
Etikk i praksis gjennom 10 år (2007-2017): 10 years of Nordic applied ethics.
Etikk i praksis
Thorseth, May.
Limits of Tolerance between Real and Fictitious Publics.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Oliveira, Rita Vasconcellos ;
Thorseth, May Britt.
Ethical implications of a co-benefits rationale within climate change mitigation strategy.
Etikk i praksis
Academic literature review
Thorseth, May Britt.
Little Green Cyber Men: Seminar on Ethics of Cyber Conflict.
Website (informational material)
Thorseth, May Britt.
Limits to growth in the context of nature and land use.
Wageningen Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May Britt.
Filosofer diskuterer om samfunnet trenger dem.
Website (informational material)
Thorseth, May;
Carson, Siri Granum;
Nydal, Rune.
Forskningens samfunnsansvar når interesser kommer i konflikt - skal NTNU samarbeid med Israel om petroleumsforskning?.
Reader opinion piece
Andreassen, Tom;
Thorseth, May.
RAPPORT. Kartlegging og vurdering av innslagene fra Kvalifikasjonsrammeverkets generelle kompetanse i undervisningen ved NTNU.
Program for anvendt etikk
Thorseth, May Britt;
Carson, Siri Granum;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew.
Åpent nummer om profesjonsetikk.
Etikk i praksis
Thorseth, May.
On Tolerance and Fictitious Publics.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May.
May Thorseth: Commentary of the Manifesto.
Thorseth, May.
Er noen klimagassutslipp mer rettferdig enn andre?.
Website (informational material)
Thorseth, May;
Birnbacher, Dieter.
The Politics of Sustainability. Philosophical Perspectives.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Thorseth, May.
Limitations to democratic governance of natural resources.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May;
Birnbacher, Dieter.
Thorseth, May Britt;
Carson, Siri Granum.
Temanummer om "etikkbølgen" i yrkesutdanning og -praksis.
Etikk i praksis
Thorseth, May Britt;
Carson, Siri Granum.
Temanummer om styring av naturressurser.
Etikk i praksis
Thorseth, May.
Institutional Obstacles to Sustainable Governance of Natural Resources: A Deliberative Approach.
Universitas: monthly review of philosophy and culture
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
On Tolerance and Fictitious Publics.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Floridi, Luciano;
Thorseth, May.
The Onlife Manifesto.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Thorseth, May.
On Tolerance and Fictitious Publics.
Thorseth, May Britt;
Carson, Siri Granum;
Ess, Charles Melvin.
Åpent nummer om surrogati, bioetikk, forskningsetikk og minoriteter.
Etikk i praksis
Thorseth, May;
Ess, Charles.
Trust and Virtual Worlds. Contemporary Perspectives.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Ess, Charles;
Thorseth, May.
Trust and Virtual Worlds. Introduction.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Thorseth, May.
Virtuality and Trust in Broadened Thinking Online.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May.
Global communication online against fundamentalist knowledge offline?.
I.B. Tauris
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May.
Deliberation Online: An Impediment Against Fundamentalism Offline.
Oñati Socio-legal Series
Academic article
Severine, Robert;
Thorseth, May.
Should all refugees be admitted?.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Franklin, Brent;
Thorseth, May.
License to Exclude How Intellectual Property Runs Afoul of Liberty.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Akampurira, Andrew;
Thorseth, May.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Thorseth, May;
Ess, Charles;
Søraker, Johnny Hartz.
Introduction. Mobile/ubiquitous computing: dreams and nightmares.
Etikk i praksis
Academic article
Mushthafa, Mushthafa;
Thorseth, May.
Ethical Framework for Environmental Education in Indonesia: An Approach of Ecofeminism of Vandana Shiva.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Thorseth, May;
Ess, Charles.
Global information and computer ethics.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May;
Rasmussen, Are Johan.
Peace and Violence Perspectives of Ethics in Light of the Perception of the Other: A New Position for Ethical Reflection.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Thorseth, May.
Website (informational material)
Thorseth, May;
Ess, Charles.
Technology in a Multicultural and Global Society. Worldwide Communication Online.
Lambert Academic Publishing
Lambert Academic Publishing
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Thorseth, May;
Tjore, Gro.
Ser seg sjølv med kritisk blikk.
Itinera. magasin om internasjonalt utdfannings- og forskningssamarbeid
Interview Journal
Thorseth, May;
Ess, Charles.
Kant and information ethics.
Ethics and Information Technology
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
Reflective Judgment and Enlarged Thinking Online.
Ethics and Information Technology
Academic article
Cherian, Regimon;
Thorseth, May.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Gramaglia, Alejandro;
Thorseth, May.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Milroy, Andrew;
Thorseth, May.
Why Civil Servants Must Maintain Impartiality: An Ethical Justification.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Thorseth, May.
The Ethics of Global Communication Online.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May;
Staff, Annetine.
Hva er en medforfatter?.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Feature article
Thorseth, May;
Lee, Connal.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Thorseth, May;
Strikwerda, Litska.
Internet, human rights and the ethical notions of tolerance and pluralism in a global and multicultural society.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Thorseth, May.
Ethical Pluralism.
Studies in Applied Ethics
Academic article
Thorseth, May;
Ess, Charles.
Neither relativism nor imperialism: Thories and practics for a global information ethics.
Ethics and Information Technology
Academic literature review
Thorseth, May.
The Ethics of Workplace Privacy.
Book review
Thorseth, May.
Worldwide Deliberation and Public Use of Reason Online.
Ethics and Information Technology
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
Publication series = Skriftserie
Academic literature review
Thorseth, May;
Ess, Charles.
Technology in a multicultural.
Program for anvendt etikk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Thorseth, May.
Program for anvendt etikkved NTNU
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Thorseth, May.
Psevdovitenskap og etikk.
Publication series = Skriftserie (5)
Thorseth, May.
IT, Multiculturalism and Global Democracy - Ethical Challenges.
Thorseth, May.
Technology in a multicultural and Global Society.
Program for anvendt etikk ved NTNU
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Thorseth, May.
Psevdovitenskap og etikk.
Publication series = Skriftserie (5)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Tretvik, Aud I. Mikkelsen;
Thorseth, May.
Forskingsetikk i lokalhistorie.
Heimen - Lokal og regional historie
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
Byggmester Solness og myten om framskrittet.
Feature article
Thorseth, May.
IT, multikulturalism och global demokrati � etiska utmaningar.
Tidskrift för politisk filosofi
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
IT, multikulturalsime og globalt demokrati - etiske utfordringer.
Norsk tidsskrift for migrasjonsforskning
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
IT, multikulturalisme og globalt demokrati - etiske utfordringer.
Norsk tidsskrift for migrasjonsforskning
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
Globalisering og etikk.
Program for anvendt etikk, NTNU
Thorseth, May.
Anvendt etikk ved NTNU.
Publication series = Skriftserie (2)
Thorseth, May.
Applied Ethics in Internet Research.
Publication series = Skriftserie (1)
Thorseth, May.
Anvendt etikk ved NTNU.
NTNU, Program for anvendt etikk
Thorseth, May.
Applied ethics in internet research.
Programme for Applied Ethics
Non-fiction book
Thorseth, May.
På sporet av etisk argumentasjon i en global verden.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May.
Etiske perspektiver på forskning om innvandrere.
Norsk tidsskrift for migrasjonsforskning
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
Fundamentalisme og legitim paternalisme.
Mennesker og Rettigheter
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
Multicultural Conflicts - Between Autonomy and Paternalism.
Migration. A European Journal of International Migration and Ethnic Relation
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
Flerkulturelle konflikter - mellom autonomi og paternalisme.
Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
Vitenskapelig argumentasjon.
Filosofisk institutt / , Ex.phil., modul 2, NTNU
Thorseth, May.
Myter om frihet, arbeid og teknologi.
Norges forskningsråd
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May.
Diskursiv tvang til autonomi.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May.
Norskopplæring som virkemiddel i integreringsarbeidet.
Non-fiction book
Journal publications
Thorseth, May Britt;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew Afuang.
Moral sensitivity, moral distress and moral functioning.
Etikk i praksis
Thorseth, May Britt;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew Afuang.
The cost of change and the value of authenticity.
Etikk i praksis
Thorseth, May Britt;
Fjørtoft, Kjersti;
Cooper, Camilla C.;
Waaler, Gudmund;
Sagdahl, Mathea Slåttholm;
Turi, Ole-Anders.
Oppenheimers dilemma.
Feature article
Thorseth, May Britt.
Om toleranse og fiktiv offentlighet.
Salongen – nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie
Academic article
Thorseth, May Britt;
Fjørtoft, Kjersti;
Hansen, Terje;
Kosberg, Norunn;
Waaler, Gudmund;
Sagdahl, Mathias Slåttholm.
Trenger Forsvaret moralsk opprustning?
Moralsk styrketrening må bli like naturlig som den fysiske styrketreningen i Forsvaret, mener Etisk råd for forsvarssektoren (ERF).
Forsvarets forum
Feature article
Thorseth, May Britt;
Fjørtoft, Kjersti;
Kosberg, Norunn.
Naturødeleggelser og krig: miljøet må beskyttes for å forebygge konflikt.
Feature article
Thorseth, May Britt;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew;
Stabell, Espen Dyrnes.
Freedom to avoid harm
Revisiting some core values that guide moral action.
Etikk i praksis
Thorseth, May Britt.
Moralsk ekspertise og anvendt etikk.
Salongen – nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie
Academic article
Thorseth, May Britt;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew;
Stabell, Espen Dyrnes;
Koksvik, Gitte.
Fostering hope and resilience amidst intractable ethical dilemmas brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Etikk i praksis
Thorseth, May Britt.
Filosofisk skråblikk på arbeidslivsrelevans.
Feature article
Thorseth, May Britt;
Carson, Siri Granum;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew.
Finding balance in normative toolkits
Towards a broader understanding of methods in applied ethics
Etikk i praksis
Bratlie, Sigrid;
Halvorsen, Kristin;
Myskja, Bjørn Kåre;
Mellegård, Hilde;
Bjorvatn, Cathrine;
Frost, Petter.
A novel governance framework for GMO : a tiered, more flexible regulation for GMOs would help to stimulate innovation and public debate.
EMBO Reports
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Thorseth, May Britt;
Ryghaug, Marianne;
Skjølsvold, Tomas Moe.
Bompenge-opprør og klimakrise - to sider av samme sak?.
Feature article
Borg, Anne;
Brattebø, Helge;
Bull, Ida;
Holden, Helge;
Overskaug, Kristian;
Thorseth, May Britt.
Internasjonal bærekraftspris er etablert i Trondheim.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Reader opinion piece
Thorseth, May Britt;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew;
Stabell, Espen Dyrnes;
Carson, Siri Granum.
The ethics of sustainable governance.
Etikk i praksis
Oliveira, Rita Vasconcellos ;
Thorseth, May;
Brattebø, Helge.
The Potential Of Co-Benefits In Climate Change Mitigation Strategy: An opportunity for Environmental and Social Justice.
Journal of Social Sciences Naresuan University
Academic article
Thorseth, May Britt;
Carson, Siri Granum;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew.
Respect, trust, care and interconnectedness.
Etikk i praksis
Thorseth, May Britt;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew;
Carson, Siri Granum.
Obligations in public philosophical discourse. Introduction to Open Section papers.
Etikk i praksis
Bailey, Jennifer L.;
Thorseth, May.
Value and growth - rethinking basic concepts in Lockean liberalism.
Etikk i praksis
Academic literature review
Thorseth, May Britt;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew;
Carson, Siri Granum.
Etikk i praksis gjennom 10 år (2007-2017): 10 years of Nordic applied ethics.
Etikk i praksis
Oliveira, Rita Vasconcellos ;
Thorseth, May Britt.
Ethical implications of a co-benefits rationale within climate change mitigation strategy.
Etikk i praksis
Academic literature review
Thorseth, May;
Carson, Siri Granum;
Nydal, Rune.
Forskningens samfunnsansvar når interesser kommer i konflikt - skal NTNU samarbeid med Israel om petroleumsforskning?.
Reader opinion piece
Thorseth, May Britt;
Carson, Siri Granum;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew.
Åpent nummer om profesjonsetikk.
Etikk i praksis
Thorseth, May Britt;
Carson, Siri Granum.
Temanummer om "etikkbølgen" i yrkesutdanning og -praksis.
Etikk i praksis
Thorseth, May Britt;
Carson, Siri Granum.
Temanummer om styring av naturressurser.
Etikk i praksis
Thorseth, May.
Institutional Obstacles to Sustainable Governance of Natural Resources: A Deliberative Approach.
Universitas: monthly review of philosophy and culture
Academic article
Thorseth, May Britt;
Carson, Siri Granum;
Ess, Charles Melvin.
Åpent nummer om surrogati, bioetikk, forskningsetikk og minoriteter.
Etikk i praksis
Thorseth, May.
Deliberation Online: An Impediment Against Fundamentalism Offline.
Oñati Socio-legal Series
Academic article
Thorseth, May;
Ess, Charles;
Søraker, Johnny Hartz.
Introduction. Mobile/ubiquitous computing: dreams and nightmares.
Etikk i praksis
Academic article
Thorseth, May;
Tjore, Gro.
Ser seg sjølv med kritisk blikk.
Itinera. magasin om internasjonalt utdfannings- og forskningssamarbeid
Interview Journal
Thorseth, May;
Ess, Charles.
Kant and information ethics.
Ethics and Information Technology
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
Reflective Judgment and Enlarged Thinking Online.
Ethics and Information Technology
Academic article
Thorseth, May;
Staff, Annetine.
Hva er en medforfatter?.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Feature article
Thorseth, May.
Ethical Pluralism.
Studies in Applied Ethics
Academic article
Thorseth, May;
Ess, Charles.
Neither relativism nor imperialism: Thories and practics for a global information ethics.
Ethics and Information Technology
Academic literature review
Thorseth, May.
The Ethics of Workplace Privacy.
Book review
Thorseth, May.
Worldwide Deliberation and Public Use of Reason Online.
Ethics and Information Technology
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
Publication series = Skriftserie
Academic literature review
Tretvik, Aud I. Mikkelsen;
Thorseth, May.
Forskingsetikk i lokalhistorie.
Heimen - Lokal og regional historie
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
Byggmester Solness og myten om framskrittet.
Feature article
Thorseth, May.
IT, multikulturalism och global demokrati � etiska utmaningar.
Tidskrift för politisk filosofi
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
IT, multikulturalsime og globalt demokrati - etiske utfordringer.
Norsk tidsskrift for migrasjonsforskning
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
IT, multikulturalisme og globalt demokrati - etiske utfordringer.
Norsk tidsskrift for migrasjonsforskning
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
Etiske perspektiver på forskning om innvandrere.
Norsk tidsskrift for migrasjonsforskning
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
Fundamentalisme og legitim paternalisme.
Mennesker og Rettigheter
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
Multicultural Conflicts - Between Autonomy and Paternalism.
Migration. A European Journal of International Migration and Ethnic Relation
Academic article
Thorseth, May.
Flerkulturelle konflikter - mellom autonomi og paternalisme.
Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Thorseth, May;
Birnbacher, Dieter.
The Politics of Sustainability. Philosophical Perspectives.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Floridi, Luciano;
Thorseth, May.
The Onlife Manifesto.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Thorseth, May;
Ess, Charles.
Trust and Virtual Worlds. Contemporary Perspectives.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Thorseth, May;
Ess, Charles.
Technology in a Multicultural and Global Society. Worldwide Communication Online.
Lambert Academic Publishing
Lambert Academic Publishing
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Thorseth, May;
Ess, Charles.
Technology in a multicultural.
Program for anvendt etikk
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Thorseth, May.
Program for anvendt etikkved NTNU
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Thorseth, May.
Technology in a multicultural and Global Society.
Program for anvendt etikk ved NTNU
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Thorseth, May.
Psevdovitenskap og etikk.
Publication series = Skriftserie (5)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Thorseth, May.
Applied ethics in internet research.
Programme for Applied Ethics
Non-fiction book
Thorseth, May.
Norskopplæring som virkemiddel i integreringsarbeidet.
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Thorseth, May Britt.
Utmarksetikk i endring?.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Farstad, Maja;
Otte, Pia;
Thorseth, May Britt.
Bioøkonomien i møte med samfunnet - Empiriske funn og etiske refleksjoner.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May Britt;
Alvarez, Allen Andrew.
Intergenerational Justice and Obligations to Future Generations: Towards Environmental Rights in Land-Use Policy.
University of Toronto Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May Britt;
Schuppert, Fabian.
Governance Towards a Green Future.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May.
Limits of Tolerance between Real and Fictitious Publics.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May Britt.
Limits to growth in the context of nature and land use.
Wageningen Academic Publishers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May.
On Tolerance and Fictitious Publics.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May.
May Thorseth: Commentary of the Manifesto.
Thorseth, May.
Limitations to democratic governance of natural resources.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May;
Birnbacher, Dieter.
Thorseth, May.
On Tolerance and Fictitious Publics.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May.
On Tolerance and Fictitious Publics.
Ess, Charles;
Thorseth, May.
Trust and Virtual Worlds. Introduction.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Thorseth, May.
Virtuality and Trust in Broadened Thinking Online.
Peter Lang Publishing Group
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May.
Global communication online against fundamentalist knowledge offline?.
I.B. Tauris
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May;
Ess, Charles.
Global information and computer ethics.
Cambridge University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May.
The Ethics of Global Communication Online.
IGI Global
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May.
IT, Multiculturalism and Global Democracy - Ethical Challenges.
Thorseth, May.
På sporet av etisk argumentasjon i en global verden.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May.
Myter om frihet, arbeid og teknologi.
Norges forskningsråd
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Thorseth, May.
Diskursiv tvang til autonomi.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Nilsen, Heidi Rapp;
Goodwin, Daniel;
Poncet, Marine;
Smith, Heather;
Thorseth, May Britt;
Koop, Stef.
Ethical Drivers and Societal Expectations for the Circular Economy. A White Paper.
Ultimate. Water Smart Industrial Symbiosis
Vikan, Cornelia;
Thorseth, May Britt.
Military Power and Ethics in the Grey Area of War - Afghanistan. A Critical Ethical-Philosophical Analysis of the Core Values of the Norwegian Armed Forces: Respect, Responsibility, and Courage.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (358)
Doctoral dissertation
Andreassen, Tom;
Thorseth, May.
RAPPORT. Kartlegging og vurdering av innslagene fra Kvalifikasjonsrammeverkets generelle kompetanse i undervisningen ved NTNU.
Program for anvendt etikk
Severine, Robert;
Thorseth, May.
Should all refugees be admitted?.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Franklin, Brent;
Thorseth, May.
License to Exclude How Intellectual Property Runs Afoul of Liberty.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Akampurira, Andrew;
Thorseth, May.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Mushthafa, Mushthafa;
Thorseth, May.
Ethical Framework for Environmental Education in Indonesia: An Approach of Ecofeminism of Vandana Shiva.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Thorseth, May;
Rasmussen, Are Johan.
Peace and Violence Perspectives of Ethics in Light of the Perception of the Other: A New Position for Ethical Reflection.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Cherian, Regimon;
Thorseth, May.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Gramaglia, Alejandro;
Thorseth, May.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Milroy, Andrew;
Thorseth, May.
Why Civil Servants Must Maintain Impartiality: An Ethical Justification.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Thorseth, May;
Lee, Connal.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Thorseth, May;
Strikwerda, Litska.
Internet, human rights and the ethical notions of tolerance and pluralism in a global and multicultural society.
Filosofisk institutt
Masters thesis
Thorseth, May.
Psevdovitenskap og etikk.
Publication series = Skriftserie (5)
Thorseth, May.
Globalisering og etikk.
Program for anvendt etikk, NTNU
Thorseth, May.
Anvendt etikk ved NTNU.
Publication series = Skriftserie (2)
Thorseth, May.
Applied Ethics in Internet Research.
Publication series = Skriftserie (1)
Thorseth, May.
Anvendt etikk ved NTNU.
NTNU, Program for anvendt etikk
Thorseth, May.
Vitenskapelig argumentasjon.
Filosofisk institutt / , Ex.phil., modul 2, NTNU
Thorseth, May Britt.
Little Green Cyber Men: Seminar on Ethics of Cyber Conflict.
Website (informational material)
Thorseth, May Britt.
Filosofer diskuterer om samfunnet trenger dem.
Website (informational material)
Thorseth, May.
Er noen klimagassutslipp mer rettferdig enn andre?.
Website (informational material)
Thorseth, May.
Website (informational material)
LectureThorseth, May Britt. (2024) Kan kunstig intelligens skape bedre ledere?. Pensjonistforeningen NTNU Foreningsmøte , Trondheim, Hornemannsgården 2024-03-13 - 2024-03-13
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2024) IPL forskerseminar - plagiering og selvplagiering. IPL, NTNU forskerseminar , NTNU Trondheim 2024-03-04 - 2024-03-04
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2024) KI og etiske utfordringer. UB, NorwOpenAI Lab, NorwAI, SFU Exited, NTNU KI-dagen, temadag om kunstig intelligens , NTNU Trondheim, Universitetsbiblioteket 2024-01-26 - 2024-01-26
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2024) Big Tech, Major worries: where will Silicon Valley's AI leadership take us - Deltaker i paneldebatt. UB, NorwOpenAI Lab, NorwAI, SFU Exited, NTNU KI-dagen, temadag om kunstig intelligens , NTNU Trondheim, Universitetsbiblioteket 2024-01-26 - 2024-01-26
LectureThorseth, May Britt. (2024) Etiske utfordringer med KI. HF og SU-fakultetene Webinar om Kunstig intelligens , Webinar 2024-04-25 - 2024-04-25
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2024) Bør offentlige organisasjoner som NTNU bli "copilot ready"?. NTNU og Datatilsynet Fagdag: Hvordan bli "copilot ready"? , NTNU Trondheim 2024-05-23 - 2024-05-23
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2024) Research ethics, academic freedom and responsible research dissemination. RURALIS Research ethics seminar , Trondheim, Ruralis 2024-05-15 - 2024-05-15
LectureThorseth, May Britt. (2023) NTNU AI day - panel discussion. Faculty of Information Technology and electrical Engineering NTNU AI Day , NTNU 2023-12-08 - 2023-12-08
InterviewSoland, Pernille; Thorseth, May Britt. (2023) Kunstig intelligens: en ny type vesen. Tendens Tendens [Internet] 2023-08-02
LectureThorseth, May Britt. (2023) Debattbidrag om lokalvalg og deliberativt demokrati. DKNVS og DNVA Akademimøte , Trondheim, Erkebispegården 2023-04-04 - 2023-04-04
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2023) AI as a threat to democracy across defence and civilian sectors. International Association of Computing and Philosophy AICAP 2023 , Prague 2023-07-03 - 2023-07-05
LectureThorseth, May Britt. (2023) Filosofiske synspunkt på forholdet mellom menneske og dyr - innspill til deliberasjonsproses om dyrevelferd. Ruralis, forskningsprosjektet Good Animal, Deliberasjonsprosess for folkepanel Ruralis , NTNU Trondheim 2023-06-10 - 2023-06-10
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2023) How can good animal welfare be achieved in a sustainable food system? . NSU Nordic Environmental Ethics and PAE, NTNU NSU Nordic Environmental Ethics Winter Symposium 2023 , Trondheim, Elvegata 17 (DKNVS) 2023-03-30 - 2023-03-31
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2023) AI and threats to democracy . CESICT, NTNU CESICT Virtual Campfires , NTNU Trondheim 2023-04-21 - 2023-04-21
InterviewThorseth, May Britt; Øfsti, Anders Werner. (2023) Intervju om kunstig intelligens i forbindelse med utnevning av ny statsråd for digitalisering. NRK Midtnytt NRK Midtnytt [TV] 2023-10-16
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt; Bjørkhaug, Hilde. (2022) Good animal welfare in a sustainable food system. Program for anvendt etikk, NTNU og BIONÆR-prosjektet GoodAni Dyrevelferd: Etikk og politikk , Trondheim, DKNVS Elvegata 17 2022-06-03 - 2022-06-03
InterviewJære, Lisbet; Thorseth, May Britt. (2022) Klimarettferdighet:Rike land «koker» kloden – hvem tar regninga?. Fri tanke Fri tanke [Business/trade/industry journal] 2022-01-17
InterviewMikkelsen, Solveig; Thorseth, May Britt; Einevoll, Gaute; Øvreås, Lise. (2022) Vitenskapsakademi - Mener akademiene er for lukkede og innadvendte. Khrono Khrono [Newspaper] 2022-10-24
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2022) Emotional response to disinformation and deep fakes: a threat to democracy. The Ethics Research Group at UiT the Arctic Univ. of Norway AI and the Emotions , Tromsø 2022-06-12 - 2022-06-13
InterviewEfstathiou, Sofia; Thorseth, May Britt; Ursin, Lars Øystein; Gamlund, Espen; Lysaker, Odin; Børresen, Bergljot. (2022) Freya: Moralske refleksjoner post mortem. Salongen Salongen [Internet] 2022-08-25
Academic lectureBjørkhaug, Hilde; Thorseth, May Britt. (2022) Good animal welfare in a sustainable food system. NTNU Animal Welfare: Ethics and Politics Workshop , Trondheim 2022-06-03 - 2022-06-03
InterviewThorseth, May Britt. (2022) Moralsk styrketrening i Forsvaret. NRK Kompass NRK Kompass [Radio] 2022-11-30
LectureThorseth, May Britt. (2021) Today's revolution, tomorrow's solution: Individet og den fjerde revolusjon. UKATech, Studentersamfundet Panelsamtale , Trondheim, Dødens dal 2021-10-09 - 2021-10-09
LectureThorseth, May Britt. (2021) Hvem er ansvarlig for teknologien?. Studentersamfundet Debatt , Trondheim 2021-09-15 - 2021-09-15
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2021) Science Conversations 6 - Ethics and open science. NTNU Webinar , Trondheim 2021-11-04 - 2021-11-04
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2021) Digitale trusler og etiske utfordringer: 6 trusler og et dilemma. Etisk råd for forsvarssektoren Når teknologien overtar – digitale trusler i forsvarssektoren , Litteraturhuset, Trondheim 2021-11-09 - 2021-11-09
LectureThorseth, May Britt. (2021) Har religion for stor plass i samfunnet?. Human-etisk forbund Debattmøte med faglig innlegg og paneldebatt , Litteraturhuset i Trondheim 2021-11-23 - 2021-11-23
InterviewMurvold, Eva Hilde; Thorseth, May Britt. (2021) Relevant i 20 år - om Program for anvendt etikk, NTNU. AFINO AFINO [Internet] 2021-04-20
Programme participationThorseth, May Britt. (2021) Når kommer det genredigerte mennesket? Del av NTNUs podkastserie De store spørsmålene. NTNU Innsida og Spotify NTNU Innsida og Spotify [Internet] 2021-02-03
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2021) Digitale trusler mot demokratiet, et etisk dilemma. Vitenskapsteoretisk Forum, NTNU Innlegg i Vitenskapsteoretisk forum , Zoom-møte 2021-03-09 - 2021-03-09
InterviewUdland, Petter Marius; Thorseth, May Britt. (2020) Forsker Knut Røed om tilknytningen til Arbeiderpartiet: – Irrelevant. Kapital Kapital [Journal] 2020-10-16
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2019) On methods of moral enhancement. Dep. of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Ethics Institute Gjesteforelesning University of Utrecht , Utrecht 2019-05-08 - 2019-05-08
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2019) Legitimate and illegitimate methods of moral enhancement. Ethics Institute,Dept. of Philosophy and Rel.Studies Lunch talk at Ethics Institute, University of Utrecht , Utrecht 2019-04-23 - 2019-04-23
Popular scientific lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2019) Grenser for rettferdighet - hvem skal betale prisen?. NTNU og Adresseavisen Folkemøte: Klimatoppmøte Trøndelag , Trondheim, Royal Garden Hotel 2019-06-16 - 2019-06-16
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2019) Hvorfor (ikke) bruke kunstig intelligens til å forbedre oss selv moralsk?. Vitenskapsteroretisk Forum, NTNU Foredrag i Vitenskapsteroretisk Forum , Trondheim, Antikvariatet 2019-09-03 - 2019-09-03
LectureThorseth, May Britt. (2019) Skal vi bruke kunstig intelligens til å forbedre oss selv moralsk?. Seniorgruppa av Human-Etisk Forbund i Trondheim Møte i seniorgruppa av Human-Etisk Forbund , Trondheim 2019-10-30 - 2019-10-30
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2018) PhD seminar, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art. Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art, NTNU PhD seminar , NTNU, Gløshaugen 2018-04-04 - 2018-04-04
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2018) Visions for a Common Future. Ethical Concerns (2018). Department of Biology, NTNU RFEL3082 - Sustainable Management of Ecosystem Services , NTNU, Gløshaugen 2018-04-17 - 2018-04-17
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2018) Etikk og bærekraft – noen etiske dilemma. Fagnettverk for lærere i vgs i Sør-Trøndelag Fagdag for lærere , Charlottenlund vgs 2018-03-14 - 2018-03-14
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2018) REK - protecting human Research projects. NV Faculty, NTNU MN8000 Doing Science. Methods, Ethics and Dissemination , NTNU, Gløshaugen 2018-01-26 - 2018-01-26
LectureThorseth, May Britt. (2018) Juks, uredelighet og svekket tillit til forskningen. DKNVS Akademimøte i De kongelige norske vitenskapers selskap, DKNVS , Trondheim, DKNVSs lokaler 2018-01-15 - 2018-01-15
InterviewKosberg, Norunn Merete; Thorseth, May Britt. (2018) Hva er vår tids «røyking på fly»? Statens Dataministerium. Fri tanke Fri tanke [Internet] 2018-09-26
InterviewNesvold, Nils Kåre; Thorseth, May Britt. (2018) Det gode liv (film). Nasjonal Digital Læringsarena, NDLA Nasjonal Digital Læringsarena, NDLA [Internet] 2018-07-04
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2018) Ethics in the Age of Informatics, AI, Big Data and AI. Informatics Europe European Computer Science Summit 2018 , Gothenburg, Chalmers 2018-10-08 - 2018-10-10
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2018) Obstacles to governance of Natural Resources: the Guangdong case. Interdisciplinary Ethics Applied Centre, University of Leed Research seminar series at Interdisciplinary Ethics Applied Centre, University of Leeds , Leeds 2018-10-24 - 2018-10-24
LectureThorseth, May. (2017) Why is academic freedom important – a PAE approach. Scholars at risk (SAR) and SAIH SAIH and academic freedom under pressure , Trondheim, NTNU, Dragvoll 2017-03-15 - 2017-03-15
InterviewHamre, Øyvind Johannes; Thorseth, May. (2017) Etter fakta, floden. Under Dusken Under Dusken [Newspaper] 2017-02-07
InterviewFlydal, Lars O.; Thorseth, May. (2017) Hudløst om menneskekroppen. Vårt Land Vårt Land [Newspaper] 2017-06-09
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2017) Hva slags provoserende moralfilosofer trenger samfunnet?. Program for anvendt etikk (10-årsjubileum Etikk i Praksis Etisk debatt i offentligheten - om sortering og moralisering , Trondheim, Dokkhuset 2017-11-13 -
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2017) PhD seminar on supervison, co-authorship and integrity in research. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, NTNU PhD seminar , Trondheim, NTNU 2017-09-21 - 2017-09-21
LectureThorseth, May Britt. (2017) Droner - teknologi for et godt samfunn? Møte- og debattleder. forskningsetisk utvalg ved NTNU Seminar om droner, teknologi og etikk , Trondheim, Sellanraa Bok & Bar 2017-10-25 - 2017-10-25
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2017) Forskningskultur og nye jukseteknikker NINA. Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA) NINA-dagan , Trondheim, NINA 2017-10-25 - 2017-10-25
LectureThorseth, May Britt. (2017) Forskningskultur og nye jukseteknikker. Forskningsetisk utvalg ved NTNU Frokostseminar i regi av Forskningsetisk utvalg ved NTNU , NTNU, Gløshaugen 2017-08-30 - 2017-08-30
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2017) PhD supervision workshop. Department of Physics, NTNU Supervision workshop , Trondheim, NTNU, Gløshaugen 2017-09-07 -
Programme managementThorseth, May Britt; Nylenna, Matthias. (2017) Om filosofi og moralisering i det offentlige rom. NRK P2 NRK P2 [Radio] 2017-11-14
LectureThorseth, May Britt. (2017) Forskningsetikk - masterseminar bygg- og miljøetikk. Institutt for bygg og miljøteknikk Fagdag for masterstudenter , Trondheim, NTNU 2017-09-18 - 2017-09-18
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2017) Ethics in H2020 STOP-IT. STOP-IT H2020 project Kick-off meeting , Oslo 2017-06-07 - 2017-06-07
LectureThorseth, May. (2017) Trues forskningens frie og kritiske stemme av "postfakta"?. Program for anvendt etikk Postfaktuelt samfunnsansvar - nye utfordringer for humanister og samfunnsvitere? , Litteraturhuset, Trondheim 2017-05-15 - 2017-05-15
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2017) Miljøetikk, naturressurser og ny teknologi. Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Norway, YATA Utfordringer ved klimapolitikk. , Trondheim, NTNU, Dragvoll 2017-03-21 - 2017-03-21
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2017) PhD seminar on supervision. PhD-gruppa ved Institutt for samfunnsmedisin og sykepleie PhD-seminar for stipendiater ved Institutt for samfunnsmedisin og sykepleie , Trondheim, NTNU, Øya 2017-03-22 - 2017-03-22
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2017) Visions for a Common Future. Ethical Concerns. Department of Biology NTNU Masters course RFEL3082 Sustainable Management of Ecosystem Services , NTNU Gløshaugen 2017-04-04 - 2017-04-04
LectureThorseth, May Britt. (2016) Trenger samfunnet filosofi?. NTNU: Progr. for anv.etikk; IFR; Vitforum; NFT Nasjonal fagkonferanse: Trenger samfunnet filosofi? , Trondheim, Dokkhuset 2016-11-26 - 2016-11-26
LectureThorseth, May. (2016) Er alle publiserte ytringer egentlig offentlige?. Vitenskapsteoretisk Forum, NTNU Vitenskapsteoretisk Forum, NTNU , Trondheim, Antikvariatet 2016-09-13 - 2016-09-13
LectureThorseth, May. (2016) Innlegg om teknologi og common sense. Trondheim Kunstmuseum og Forskningsdagene 2016 Seminar om teknologi, identitet og etikk. Melanie Gilligan: The common Sense , Trondheim Kunstmuseum, Bispegata 7b, Trondheim 2016-09-21 - 2016-09-21
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2016) Why RRI is is integral to a broad concept of Research ethics?. ELSA Norway 2016 ELSA conference , Hurtigruten finnmarken 2016-04-11 - 2016-04-13
InterviewRong, Ragnhild Lind; Thorseth, May Britt. (2016) Tok utilsiktet opp lyd hos forsøksfamilie i syv måneder. Under dusken Under dusken [Business/trade/industry journal] 2016-11-13
Academic lectureThorseth, May Britt. (2016) International Law and Cyber Warfare: The Tallinn Manual and Beyond. NTNU Gjøvik og forsvarets Ingeniørhøgskole Seminar "Liuttle Green Cyber Men: Seminar on Ethics of Cyber Conflict , NTNU Gjøvik 2016-11-07 - 2016-11-07
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2016) Communication Technology and Sensus Communis: A Case for RRI. CESAER Annual Meetings TU Wien 12-14 October 2016 RRI Workshop, part of CESAER annual meeting, Wien 11 October 2016 , TU Wien, Wien 2016-10-12 - 2016-10-12
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2016) Multikulturalisme og demokrati, revidert 2016. Institutt for språk og litteratur, emne Språk og danning Forelesning for lektorstudenter , NTNU Dragvoll 2016-09-28 - 2016-09-28
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2016) Some ethical dilemmas of hacking. NISlab, Faculty of Computer Science and Media Technology NISlecture May 27, 2016 , NTNU in Gjøvik 2016-05-27 - 2016-05-27
LectureThorseth, May. (2016) Hva vil vi med filosofi i Norge - Program for anvendt etikk, NTNU. Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift Hva vil vi med filosofi i Norge? 50-årsfeiring av Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift , Oslo, Litteraturhuset 2016-02-18 - 2016-02-18
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2016) Ethical reflections on empowerment. Seminar about ”Mine behandlingsvalg”. NTNU Produktdesign Seminar about ”Mine behandlingsvalg” , Trondheim, NTNU, Gløshaugen 2016-02-18 - 2016-02-18
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2016) Governance of rights to a green future. Institutt for filosofi og religionsvitenskap, NTNU Instituttseminar , NTNU, Dragvoll 2016-02-01 - 2016-02-01
LectureThorseth, May. (2016) Etisk perspektiv på ansvarlig spill. Norsk tipping Dialogmøte mellom Norsk tipping og NTNU , Hamar 2016-01-25 - 2016-01-25
LectureWoods, Kerri; Thorseth, May. (2015) Environmental Human Rights and Future Generations. ISP-FIDE Final Conference 2015-05-21 - 2015-05-22
LectureTeng, Fei; Thorseth, May. (2015) A Confucian version of moral duty to the green future. ISP-FIDE Final Conference 2015-05-21 - 2015-05-22
LectureThorseth, May; Tkalich, Anastasia. (2015) Public Reason in Multicultural Conflicts: Global Solution or Ethical Challenge?. ISP-FIDE Final Conference 2015-05-21 - 2015-05-22
LectureCenteno-Lumagbas, Lilybeth; Thorseth, May. (2015) Rethinking risk factors of non-communicable diseases in some slum communities: through the lens of Globalization . ISP-FIDE Final Conference 2015-05-21 - 2015-05-22
LectureThorseth, May; Iliescu, Adrian-Paul. (2015) The Principle of Just Savings and Its Discontents. ISP-FIDE Final Conference 2015-05-21 - 2015-05-22
InterviewThorseth, May; Jakobsen, Hanne Østli. (2015) Føleri, følera. Morgenbladet nr. 28, 17.-23. juli 2015 Morgenbladet nr. 28, 17.-23. juli 2015 [Newspaper] 2015-07-17
InterviewCollett, Albert Henning; Thorseth, May. (2015) På høy tid med retningslinjer for forholdet veileder-student. Universitetsavisa, NTNU Universitetsavisa, NTNU [Internet] 2015-02-17
Academic lectureThorseth, May; Bailey, Jennifer L.. (2015) Value and Growth: Rethinking basic concepts. NESS 2015 Nordic Environmental and Social Science coconference 2015 (NESS 2015) , Trondheim, NTNU, Gløshaugen 2015-06-10 - 2015-06-10
Academic lectureThorseth, May; Bailey, Jennifer L.. (2015) Value and Growth: Rethinking basic concepts in Lockean Liberalism. APSA 2015 American Political Science Annual Meeting, APSA 2015 , San Francisco 2015-09-04 - 2015-09-04
Academic lectureThorseth, May; Forbord, Magnar. (2015) WP4: Social acceptability - ethics and outcomes. BIOSMART, Senter for bygdeforskning Start-up conference BIOSMART , Trondheim, Senter for Bygdeforskning 2015-06-01 - 2015-06-01
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2015) De vanskelige valgene - om bærekraft og etikk. NTNU Bærekraft Halvdagskonfersanse i regi av NTNU Bærekraft , Trondheim, Suhmhuset 2015-06-05 - 2015-06-05
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2015) Etisk blikk på sårbare grupper og god vitenskapelig praksis. Reg.Kunnsk.senter for Barn og Unge, Medisinsk fakultet, NTNU Forskningsseminar ved RKBU , Trondheim, RKBU 2015-10-30 - 2015-10-30
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2015) Forskningsetikk på 1,2,3. Institutt for språk og litteratur (ISL), NTNU Instituttseminar for Institutt for språk og litteratur, NTNU , Værnes, SAS-hotellet 2015-10-22 - 2015-10-22
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2015) Research ethics - Scientific integrity and ethical judgment, PhD seminar SVT, 2015. SVT faculty, NTNU PhD seminar SVT faculty 2015 , Trondeheim, Scandic Nidelven Hotel 2015-11-04 - 2015-11-04
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2015) Ethics and supervision. NTNU organisasjon og ledelse, HR-avdelingen PhD supervision seminar NTNU , Trondheim, Radisson Blue Royal Garden Hotel 2015-11-06 - 2015-11-06
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2015) Research ethics and sustainability. Dept. of biology, Molecular systems biology, NTNU Breakfast seminar for Molecular systems biology, NTNU , Trondheim, NTNU, Gløshaugen 2015-10-22 - 2015-10-22
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2015) BINGO Ethics. Horizon 2020 project BINGO Kick-off meeting for Bringing INnovation to onGOing water management - a better future for climate change - BINGO , Lisbon 2015-07-10 - 2015-07-10
InterviewThorseth, May; Hjorthol, Lars Martin. (2015) Den vanskelige rettferdigheten., ISSN 0805-6285, ISSN 0805-6285 [Internet] 2015-11-23
Academic lectureOliveira, Rita Vasconcellos ; Carson, Siri Granum; Thorseth, May. (2015) Co-benefits Approach in CSR:Different Strategies with a common goal of sustainability . Haas Business School from University of California, Berkeley ReBus Workshop , Berkeley, California 2015-11-30 - 2015-12-01
InterviewCollett, Albert Henning; Thorseth, May. (2015) Folk frykter misbruk av opplysninger. Universitetsavisa, NTNU Universitetsavisa, NTNU [Internet] 2015-03-03
LectureOliveira, Rita Vasconcellos ; Thorseth, May. (2015) Are Co-benefits Morally Sound? An ethical reflection on collateral benefits coming from climate change strategies . NESS 2015-Contested Natures- new strategies, ideas and dialogues 2015-06-09 - 2015-06-11
LectureThorseth, May. (2015) Tortur: Misbruk av psykologisk kunnskap?. Psykologidagene 2015 Debattmøte , NTNU Studentersamfunnet, Klubben 2015-03-12 - 2015-03-12
Academic lectureAlvarez, Allen Andrew; Thorseth, May. (2015) Intergenerational justice and our obligations to future generations: Towards environmental rights in land use policy. Grand challenges and our obligations to future generations: FINAL CONFERENCE OF THE ISP-FIDE PROJECT Applied Ethics Technology and Governance of Health and Natural Resources 2015-05-21 - 2015-05-22
LectureOliveira, Rita Vasconcellos ; Thorseth, May. (2015) Another other side to co-benefits: An ethical reflection on co-benefits in climate change mitigation context. ISP-FIDE 2015-05-21 - 2015-05-22
LectureMacklin, Ruth; Thorseth, May. (2015) Ethical Challenges in Confronting Disasters: Some Lessons Learned. ISP-FIDE Final Conference 2015-05-21 - 2015-05-22
LectureDuarte, Melina dos Santos; Thorseth, May. (2015) For a Global Management of Natural Resources. ISP-FIDE Final Conference 2015-05-21 - 2015-05-22
LectureRomare, Johanna; Thorseth, May. (2015) What Would a Sustained, Inclusive, and Equitable Economic Growth Be Like?. ISP-FIDE Final Conference 2015-05-21 - 2015-05-22
LectureRey, Juan Miguel; Thorseth, May. (2015) Advocacy & Lobbying around tobacco products commercialization: In search of transparency through EU public health policies decisions . ISP-FIDE Final Conference 2015-05-21 - 2015-05-22
InterviewHovde, Kari; Thorseth, May. (2014) "Hvorfor er det vanskelig å snakke om egne penger"? Intervju med May Thorseth, del av hovedartikkel "Landets rikdom samles på færre hender". Adressa Søndag Adressa Søndag [Newspaper] 2014-01-19
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2014) Democratic Governance - An Obstacle to Sustainable Development?. Ethics, Aesthetic, Knowledge research network - Research Lab Dilemmas of Sustainability , Trondheim, NTNU, Dragvoll 2014-05-15 - 2014-05-16
LectureThorseth, May. (2014) Etikkportalen ved NTNU. NTNU, ledelsen m/rektor Instituttlederseminar for ledere ved NTNU , Dokkhuset, Trondheim 2014-06-17 - 2014-06-17
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2014) Cultural diversity in governance of natural resources. Programme for Applied Ethics, NTNU Corporate Responsibility for Global Social Issues – Open seminar , Trondheim, NTNU, Dragvoll 2014-08-27 - 2014-08-27
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2014) Trapped between Promethean and Survivalist Discourses of Sustainability. ESF ENRI 'Rights to a Green Future' Final conference ENRI 'Rights to a Green Future' , Soesterberg, Hotel Kontakt der Kontinenten 2014-10-28 - 2014-10-31
InterviewNormannsen, Sølvi Waterloo; Thorseth, May. (2014) Burde boret dypere i olje og etikkdilemma. Universitetsavisa, NTNU Universitetsavisa, NTNU [Newspaper] 2014-04-23
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2014) Obstacles to Sustainable Development in Global Contexts. East China Normal University, Philosophy Department Forelesning East China Normal University , Shanghai 2014-04-23 - 2014-04-23
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2014) Public Reason and Limits of Tolerance. East China Normal University, Department of Philosophy Forelesning East China Normal University , Shangai 2014-04-21 - 2014-04-21
LectureChadwick, Ruth; De Castro, Leonardo; Carson, Siri Granum; Fjørtoft, Kjersti; Sethi, Prakash S.; Thorseth, May. (2014) Journal editors panel on "Publishing in Peer-reviewed Journals" and "How to Measure Publication Quality". NTNU ISP-FIDE project ISP-FIDE Publication Workshop , Trondheim 2014-08-25 -
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2014) Responsible petroleum research: an ethical oxymoron?. CESAER CESAER annual meeting, Task force RRI , Tallin, Tallin University of Technology 2014-10-15 - 2014-10-17
LectureAlvarez, Allen Andrew; Thorseth, May. (2014) Intergenerational justice and paying it forward. FORFOOD PROJECT FORFOOD PROJECT Workshop , CIGI, Waterloo University, Ontario 2014-08-18 - 2014-08-20
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2014) Studenten som profesjonsutøver. Profesjonsetisk nettverk og program for anvendt etikk, NTNU Årskonferansen Etikk i profesjonsutdanningen , Falstad 2014-05-22 - 2014-05-23
LectureThorseth, May. (2014) Profesjonsetikk for studenter?. Bioteknologinemnda/ Volvox & Alkymisten/ Tekna Biotek Bioteknologiens tidsalder: 12 smakebiter , Trondheim, Studentersamfunnet 2014-02-11 - 2014-02-11
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2013) Discursive obstacles to sustainability. NTNU Globalization Progr, & Progr. for Applied Ethics, NTNU PhD course Deliberating Controversies in Globalization Theory, Methodology and Ethics , NTNU, Dragvoll 2013-08-20 - 2013-08-20
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2013) Responsible research and innovation in a hyperconnected world?. European commision The Onlife Manifesto: Being Human in a Hyperconnected Era , Brussels 2013-02-08 - 2013-02-08
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2013) Om anvendt etikk. Apeiron, linjeforeningen for filosofistudenter ved NTNU Fagmøte for filosofistudenter i regi av Apeiron , Antikvariatet, Trondheim 2013-08-13 - 2013-08-13
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2013) Multikulturalisme og demokrati. Institutt for språk og litteratur Seminar for lektorstudenter i språkfag , NTNU, Dragvoll 2013-08-19 - 2013-08-19
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2013) Discursive obstacles to sustainability. Techne vs. phronesis; survivalism vs. prometheanism?. NTNU's Glob. Pogramme and Programme for Applied Ethics PhD course Deliberating controversies in globalization: theory, methodology and ethics. , Trondheim, NTNU 2013-08-20 - 2013-08-20
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2013) Discursive and institutional obstacles to sustainable development. OTIS Sustainable Development Group Breakfast seminar OTIS Sustainable Development , Trondheim, NTNU 2013-11-18 - 2013-11-18
LectureThorseth, May. (2013) Hvordan refleksjon over konkrete saker kan skape forskningsetisk innsikt. Sentrale forskningsetisk komiteer Sentrale forskningsetiske utfordringer , Oslo, Litteraturhuset 2013-09-19 - 2013-09-19
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2013) Sustainability Politics and the Liberal Dilemma. Societas Ethica and ESF project Rights to a Green Future Climate Change, Sustainability, and an Ethics of an Open Future , Soesterberg 2013-08-22 - 2013-08-25
Popular scientific lectureThorseth, May. (2013) Samfunnsdebatt om grunnlovsjubileet 2014. De kongelige norske videnskabers selskab og Trondheim Bys Ve Grunnlovsjubileet 2014 - samfunnsdebatt gjennom 200 år. , Trondheim, Byscenen 2013-12-11 - 2013-12-11
LectureThorseth, May. (2013) Presentasjon av OTIS Bærekraftig samfunnsutvikling for HF. HF-fakultetet, NTNU Instituttledermøte HF-fakultetet , Trondheim, NTNU 2013-11-23 - 2013-11-23
LectureThorseth, May. (2013) Pressentasjon av OTIS Bærekraftig samfunnsutvikling for SVT. SVT-fakultetet, NTNU Instituttledermøte for SVT-fakultetet , Trondheim, NTNU 2013-11-23 - 2013-11-23
LectureThorseth, May. (2013) Forskningsetikk og foto. Program for anvendt etikk, NTNU Dokumentarfilmfestivalen foto som dokumentasjon: fotodokumentasjon, fotosubjektet, og etisk ansvar. , Trondheim, Dokkhuset 2013-11-15 - 2013-11-15
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2013) Research ethics - scientific integrity and ethical judgment II. SVT faculty, NTNU Introductory course for new PhDs at SVT faculty, NTNU , Trondheim, Clarion Hotel 2013-11-11 - 2013-11-11
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2013) Forskningsetikk - hva står på spill?. IVT-fakultetet IVT-fakultetets HMS-dag , Trondheim, NTNU 2013-11-13 - 2013-11-13
LectureThorseth, May. (2013) Presentasjon av OTIS Bærekraftig samfunnsutvikling. IØT institute, NTNU Strategy seminar at IØT, NTNU , Trondheim, NTNU 2013-11-14 - 2013-11-14
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2013) Discourses on Sustainability and Growth. Globalization and Marine Focus Areas, NTNU The Values of Aquaculture: What is the Price of Growth? , Trondheim, Rica Nidelven Hotel 2013-11-21 - 2013-11-22
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2013) Sustainability discourses and the liberal dilemma. Societas Ethica and ESF project Rights to a Green Future Climate Change, Sustainability, and Ethics of an Open Future , Soesterberg 2013-08-24 - 2013-08-24
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2013) Natural resources, global justice and obstacles to sustainability - introduction and commentaries. globalization Prog. NTNU & ESF Rights to a Green Future Globalization Workshop: natural resources, global justice and obstacles to sustainability , NTNU, Dragvoll 2013-06-13 - 2013-06-14
Popular scientific lectureThorseth, May. (2013) Forskningsetisk innsikt gjennom refleksjon over konkrete saker - Etikkportalen og referansepraksis. De nasjonale forskningsetiske komiteer Forskningsetisk forum , Oslo, litteraturhuset 2013-09-19 - 2013-09-19
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2012) Etikk i veiledning. Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag, Avd. for trafikklærerutdanning TLB325. Pedagogikk II: Perspektiv på rådgivning og veiledning. , Stjørdal 2012-02-02 - 2012-02-02
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2012) Issues of consent and reference practice. Moderne fremmedspråk v/Mila Dimitrova Vulchanova <mila. SPRÅK8860 PhD Methods course , NTNU, Dragvoll 2012-02-02 - 2012-02-02
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2012) Research ethics – scientific integrity and ethical judgment 2012. SVT faculty, NTNU Introductory PhD seminar for SVT faculty , Trondheim, Rica Nidelven Hotel 2012-11-05 - 2012-11-05
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2012) Global communication and democracy. Globalization Programme and Programme for Applied Ethics, N PhD course Global communication and democracy , Trondheim, NTNU 2012-08-07 - 2012-08-07
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2012) Issues of Consent and Reference. Department of Modern Foreign Languages PhD course on methodology for language students , Trondheim, NTNU 2012-02-02 - 2012-02-02
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2012) Etiske refleksjoner rundt 22. juli 2011. HF-fakultetet, NTNU Å gripe det ubegripelige , Trondheim, Dokkhuset 2012-04-21 - 2012-04-21
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2012) Drawing the Limit of Tolerance between Real and Fictitious Publics – the case of Anders Behring Breivik and July 22, 2011. Filosofisk institutt, Universitetet i Tromsø Conference Secularism, Tolerance and Religious Minorities , Tromsø, Universit 2012-05-24 - 2012-05-26
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2012) Etiske betraktinger om 22. juli 2011. HF-fakultetet, NTNU Å gripe det ubegeripelige , Dokkhuset 2012-04-21 - 2012-04-21
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2012) Metode og teori i anvendt etikk. FEST-gruppen, Filosofisk institutt og PAE Fagseminar for FEST-gruppen, Filosofisk institutt , Trondheim, NTNU, Filosofisk institutt 2012-05-07 - 2012-05-07
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2012) Sustainability and political institutions. Netherlands School for Research in Practical Philosophy Summer school, Netherlands School for Research in Practical Philosophy , Barchem, Netherlands 2012-08-19 - 2012-08-23
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2012) Public use of reason: in reality, virtuality or fictitionality?. European Commision expert panel EU expert group meeting for "Onlife Initiative: Being human in a hyperconnected era" , Brüssel 2012-06-20 - 2012-06-20
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2012) Teaching Ethics in PhD education. Ethics Institute, University of Utrecht Symposium on PhD training in ethics , Utrecht, Department of Philosophy, Ethics Institute 2012-06-25 - 2012-06-25
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2012) Research Laboratory: Ethics - Knowledge - Aesthetics. Programme for Applied Ethics and Globalization Progr., NTNU Research Laboratory: Ethics - Knowledge - Aesthetics , Trondheim, NTNU 2012-12-13 - 2012-12-14
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2012) Avsluttende kommentar på fagseminaret "Hvorfor bør papirløse få arbeidstillatelse?". Program for anvendt etikk, NTNU Fagseminaret "Hvorfor bør papirløse få arbeidstillatelse?" , Trondheim, NTNU, Medisinsk-Tekninsk forskningssenter 2012-06-06 - 2012-06-06
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2012) Institutional Obstacles to Sustainable Governance of Natural Resources: A Deliberative Approach. ESF Research Networking Programme 'Rights to a Green Future' Shaping a Sustainable World: Interconnecting Sustainable Scenarios, intergenerational Human Rights, Risks, and Motivation & Governance Issues. , Seggau/Graz 2012-09-12 - 2012-09-14
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2012) Grenser for medienes bildebruk Åpent fagseminar om grenser for bruk av bilder i journalistisk formidling. Program for anvendt etikk, >NTNU, Fritt Ord og dokumentarfil Grenser for medienes bildebruk Åpent fagseminar om grenser for bruk av bilder i journalistisk formidling , Trondheim, NTNU, dokkhuset 2012-11-29 - 2012-11-29
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2012) Liberal Democracy - an Obstacle to Sustainable Development?. Programme for Applied Ethics, ISP-FIDE project Applied Ethic ISP-FIDE workshop Governance of Natural Resources , Trondheim, NTNU, Rica Nidelven Hotel 2012-12-18 - 2012-12-19
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2012) Institutional Obstacles to Sustainability - theGuangdong Case. ISP-FIDE project Applied Ethics_: Technology and Governance The role of corporations in a ‘world at risk’ , Trondheim, NTNU 2012-10-19 - 2012-10-20
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2011) Forskningsetikk ved NTNU – Etikkportalen anno 2011. Forskningsutvalget, NTNU Møte i forskninsutvalget , NTNU , Trondheim, NTNU, Gløshaugen 2011-09-28 - 2011-09-28
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2011) Research ethics – scientific integrity and ethical judgment. SVT Faculty, NTNU Start-up seminar for new PhDs , Trondheim, 2011-10-27 - 2011-10-27
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2011) Ethics in research for PhDs at AB faculty. AB Facuoty, NTNU Introductory course in theories and methods in science for PhD-students. module 1 , Trondheim, NTNU, Gløshaugen 2011-11-03 - 2011-11-03
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2011) Bør alle ekstreme ytringer inkluderes i liberal og demokratisk diskurs?. Program for anvendt etikk, NTNU Estreme ytringer i det offentlige rom. Del av Program for anvendt etikks 10-årsjubileum , Trondheim, NTNU, Dragvoll 2011-12-07 - 2011-12-07
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2011) Is it typical for Norwegians or typical for academics to be…?Life at work – ethical and cultural perspectives. NTNU International Researcher Support (NIRS) Breakfast meeting for new international researchers and staff at NTNU , Trondheim, NTNU, Gløshaugen 2011-01-31 - 2011-01-31
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2011) Medforfatterskap og skjønn. Program for anvendt etikk ved NTNU. Seminar om medforfatterskap. , Trondheim, NTNU, Gløshaugen 2011-03-31 - 2011-03-31
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2011) Rotarys samfunnsansvar – mange roller, men bare én hatt?. Rotary Langesund Rotarys distriktskonferanse 3. september 2011: Etikk, takk , Langesund 2011-09-02 - 2011-09-03
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2011) Institutions and Governance. The University of Bucharest, Department of Philsosophy ESF project Rights to a Green Future. Kick-off Workshop. , Bucharest, Romania 2011-10-31 - 2011-11-02
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2011) Deliberation and Democracy Online: Theories and Praxis. Aarhus University, Ôrebro University and NTNU, PFAE Modes of Communication, Deliberation and Democratic Values , Aarhus University 2011-10-10 - 2011-10-11
InterviewThorseth, May. (2011) Etikk slik vi møter det. Lanserer Etikkportal og etikk fra A til Å. Magasinet Tekna nr 5/2011 Magasinet Tekna nr 5/2011 [Newspaper] 2011-12-20
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2010) Global Democracy - A Quest for Reflective Judgment Worldwide. NTNU's Globalization programme, FA Intercultural Dynamics Can and Should All Countries Become Democracies? , Trondheim, NTNU, Dragvoll 2010-10-01 - 2010-10-01
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2010) Etikk i yrkesnettverk. Rotary Rotarys distriktskonferanse , Trondheim, Royal Garden Hotel 2010-09-25 - 2010-09-25
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2010) Om forskningsetikk, for HF-stipendiater. HF-fakultetet, NTNU Introduksjonsseminar for nye PhD-kandidater , NTNU, Dragvoll 2010-09-20 - 2010-09-20
InterviewThorseth, May. (2010) Likestillingsarbeid gir resultater. Kilden for Komité for kjønnsbalanse i forskning (KiF) Kilden for Komité for kjønnsbalanse i forskning (KiF) [Internet] 2010-06-10
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2010) Ethics and scientific publishing. NTNU, IME-fakultetet Intro-kurs for nye PhD-kandidater , Trondheinm, Rica Nidelven hotel 2010-10-04 - 2010-10-04
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2010) Etikk og redelighet i forskningen. NTNU, NT-fakultetet Intro-kurs for nye PhD-kandidater , NTNU, Gløshaugen 2010-10-12 - 2010-10-12
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2010) Etikk og internett - det virtuelle rommets janusansikt. FormidlerForum i Trondheim/NTNU m.fl. Vanskelige historier - vanskelig formidling? , Trondheim, Trondheim Kunstmuseum 2010-10-15 - 2010-10-15
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2010) Ethics and integrity in research. NTNU, NT-fakultetet Intro-kurs for nye PhD-kandidater , Trondheim, NTNU, Gløshaugen 2010-10-29 - 2010-10-29
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2010) Kunnskap i handling: et etisk prosjekt. Filosofisk institutt, NTNU Kunnskapsformer og vitenskap - symposium til ære for Bengt Molander i anledning hans 60-årsdag. , Trondheim, Suhmhuset 2010-06-17 - 2010-06-17
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2010) Individ, forsker og samfunn: hvem skal veie interessene?. Bioteknologinemnda, Sigurd K. Thoresens legat, NTNU m.fl Norske gener , Oslo, Radiumhospitalet 2010-05-27 - 2010-05-27
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2010) Etikk og den akademiske diskurs. UiB, Institutt for filosofi og førstesemesterstudier Etikk i forskning og utdanning , Bergen, Bryggens museum 2010-01-22 - 2010-01-22
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2009) Synspunkter fra "Etikkportalen ved NTNU". Studieavdelingen og Universitetsbiblioteket ved NTNU Plagiering i høyere utdanning , Trondheim, NTNU, Gløshaugen 2009-10-01 - 2009-10-01
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2009) Research Ethics at AB facultulty. AB faculty, NTNU PhD seminar , Trondheim, Gløshaugen 2009-09-29 - 2009-09-29
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2009) Ethical reflections in medical research and science II. Medical faculty, NTNU Introduction to research , Trondheim 2009-10-29 - 2009-10-29
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2009) Presentasjon av Etikkportalen ved NTNU. Program for anvendt etikk og NTNUs ledelse Lansering av Etikkportalen ved NTNU , Trondheim, NTNU 2009-11-04 - 2009-11-04
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2009) Research Ethics: Vancouver Convention, Supervision and Co-authorship. IME Faculty, NTNU PhD seminar , Trondheim, Gløshaugen 2009-05-04 - 2009-05-04
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2009) The Ethics Portal at NTNU. Norsk fagbibliotekforening Plagiering og bibliotek , Trondheim, NTNU 2009-10-02 - 2009-10-02
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2009) Medisinsk etikk, en innføring, de fire helseprinsipper. Medisinsk fakultet, NTNU Kurs for medisinstudenter , Trondeheim 2009-09-24 - 2009-09-24
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2009) Theoretical discussion of deliberative democracy online. Programme for applied Ethics, NTNU Philosophy of Virtuality: Deliberation, Trust, Offence and Virtues , Trondheim 2009-03-09 - 2009-03-13
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2009) Ethical Reflections in Medical Research and Science. Medical Faculty, NTNU PhD course , Trondheim 2009-03-11 - 2009-03-11
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2009) The Role of Virtuality in Broadened Thinking Online. Programme for Applied Ethics, NTNU Philosophy of Virtuality: Deliberation, Trust, Offence and Virtues , Trondheim 2009-03-09 - 2009-03-13
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2009) Referansepraksis og plagiering. Universitetsbiblioteket, NTNU PhD-kurs , Trondheim, Dragvoll 2009-02-03 - 2009-02-03
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2009) Ethics in research and scientific publishing. IME faculty, NTNU PhD seminar , Trondheim 2009-10-16 - 2009-10-16
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2009) Research Ethics: Vancouver, Supervision, Student Relations and Co-auhorship. IME faculty, NTNU PhD seminar , Trondheim, Gløshaugen 2009-05-05 - 2009-05-05
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2009) Deliberative democracy in online contexts. Department of Philosophy, Stellenbosch University Gjesteforelesning, Dept. of Philsosophy, Stellenbosch University , Stellenbosch 2009-04-23 - 2009-04-23
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2009) The ethics of global communication in online contexts. Department of Philosophy, Stellenbosch University Gjesteforelesning, Dept. of Philsosophy, Stellenbosch University , Stellenbosch 2009-04-28 - 2009-04-28
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2009) Global Ethics: why relativism and fundamentalism must be refuted. Department of Philsosphy, University of Stellenbosch Faculty seminar, Dept. of Philsosophy, Stellenbosch University , Stellenbosch 2009-04-21 - 2009-04-21
Popular scientific lectureThorseth, May. (2009) Filosofisk samtale om rettferdighet. Åsvang skole, lærerne på 6. trinn Undervisning i RLE-faget på 6. trinn i grunnskolen , Trondheim 2009-11-12 - 2009-11-12
Popular scientific lectureThorseth, May. (2009) Redelighet i forskningen. NT-fakultetet, NTNU PhD-seminar , Trondheim, NTNU 2009-10-12 - 2009-10-12
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2008) Anvendt etikk for arkitekter?. Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art, NTNU, February seminar Arkitekters samfunnsansvar, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art, NTNU , NTNU, Gløshaugen 2008-02-26 - 2008-02-27
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2008) Om etiske retningslinjer. NTNU, research administration Seminar on administration of research education for Norwegian universities and university colleges May 27. , Trondheim, Rica Nidelven hotell 2008-05-26 - 2008-05-27
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2008) Feasibility of Democratic Deliberation Online. The research project Democracy Unbound Final conference Global Democracy: A Global Assessment , University of Stockholm 2008-05-08 - 2008-05-09
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2008) Trust in democratic deliberation (in online contexts). Programme for Applied Ethics, NTNU International workshop Trust relations in four different contexts Programme for Applied Ethics, NTNU, May 19. , NTNU, Dragvoll, Trondheim 2008-05-19 - 2008-05-19
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2008) Trafikken i samfunnet – etisk perspektiv. HiNT Seminar ”Trafikken i samfunnet – etisk perspektiv”, del av kurs ved HiNT, , Stjørdal 2008-04-22 - 2008-05-05
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2008) Ethics for PhD candidates. DION, NTNU Annual meeting and seminar arranged by the doctoral candidates’ interest organisation DION , NTNU, Gløshaugen, Trondheim 2008-04-21 - 2008-04-21
Popular scientific lectureThorseth, May. (2008) Hva slags fundamentalister kan delta i et globalt demokrati?. Globaliseringsprogrammet, NTNU og UD Refleks Debattmøte Globaliseringsprogrammet, NTNU og UD Refleks , trondheim, Studentersamfunnet 2008-06-20 - 2008-06-20
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2007) Medisinsk forskningsetikk ved NTNU. Regionalt forskningsutvalg, HMN og St. Olavs Hospital Regional FoU-konferanse "redelighet i fokus" , trondheim, Prinsen Hotell 2007-04-24 - 2007-04-24
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2007) Reflective Judgment and Enlarged Thinking Online. Program for anvendt etikk og Filosofisk institutt, NTNU Kant Revisited in View of New Technology: Consciousness, identity and Public Reason/Judgment , Trondheim, NTNU 2007-03-19 - 2007-03-20
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2007) Ethical Issues. NTNU og SINTEF Internasjonalt fremragende sammen , NTNU, Gløshaugen 2007-03-21 - 2007-03-21
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2007) Against fundamentalist knowledge offline. E-CAP 2007 European Computing and Philsosphy Conference 2007 , Twente 2007-06-20 - 2007-06-21
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2007) Global Ethics: Why relativism must be refuted. International Student Festival in Trondheim, Isfit Workshop 8: Globalization of Ethics , Trondheim 2007-02-18 - 2007-02-18
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2007) Multikulturalisme: Hvorfor relativisme og fundamentalisme må avvises. Apeiron Aporetisk aften , Trondehim 2007-03-29 - 2007-03-29
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2007) Anvendt etikk for yrkeshygienikere. Norsk yrkeshygienisk forening, Nyf Årskonferanse for Norsk yrkeshygienisk forening, Nyf , Trondheim, NTNU 2007-11-03 - 2007-11-03
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2007) Global Communication Online Against fundamentalist Knowledge Offline?. Prosjektet Democracy Unbound Workshop Democracy Unbound , Onati 2007-04-19 - 2007-04-20
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2007) Dømmekraft og kommunikativ nærhet: Kant og Heidegger. Det norske Kantselskap og Filosofisk institutt, NTNU Seminar om Kant og Heidegger , Trondheim, NTNU 2007-12-14 - 2007-12-14
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2007) Forskningsetikk. Program for lærerutdanning, NTNU Forskningsetikk for stipendiater ved Program for lærerutdanning (PLU), NTNU , Trondheim 2007-12-10 - 2007-12-10
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2007) Etikk og redelighet i forskning. NT-fakultetet, NTNU Infodag for PhD- stipendiater ved NT-fakultetet 2007-10-15 - 2007-10-15
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2007) Forskningsetikk ved NTNU. NTNU, St. Olavs Hospital og SINTEF Etikk og kvalitetssikring , Trondheim, St. Olavs 2007-01-10 - 2007-01-10
Popular scientific lectureThorseth, May. (2007) Anvendt etikk – et bidrag for å styrke havbruket?. TEKMAR - Innovasjon i havbruk TEKMAR 2007 , Trondheim 2007-12-04 - 2007-12-04
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2006) Worldwide deliberation and public reason online. European Computing and Philosophy Conference E-CAP 2006 , Trondheim, NTNU 2006-06-22 - 2006-06-24
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2006) An Ethical Analysis of Fundamentalism. Globaliseringsprogrammet, NTNU Global Communication of Fundamentalist Knowledge , Trondheim, NTNU 2006-12-14 - 2006-12-16
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2006) Etiske utfordringer i forskning og fagutvikling. Forskningsdagene Forskningsseminar , Nansos, HiNT 2006-09-27 - 2006-09-27
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2006) Worldwide deliberation online. Democracy Unbound The Viability and Desirability of Global Democracy , Paris, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 2006-04-24 - 2006-04-26
Popular scientific lectureThorseth, May. (2006) Ibsen og etiske spørsmål. Forskningsdagene Temateltet , Trondheim, Torvet 2006-09-22 - 2006-09-22
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2005) Worldwide deliberation online - global democracy offline?. Globaliseringsprogrammet, NTNU Navigating Globalization: Stability, Fluidity, Friction. NTNU August 4-6, 2005. , Trondheim, NTNU 2005-08-04 - 2005-08-16
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2005) Worldwide deliberation online - Multiculturalism and Global democracy. Program for anvendt etikk ved NTNU Bridging Cultures: Computer Ethics, Culture, and ICT , Trondheim, NTNU 2005-06-06 - 2005-06-07
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2004) Ethics and Multiculturalism. Centre for Applied Ethics , Linköping University Introduksjonskurs på Master Programme in Applied Ethics , Linköping 2004-09-01 - 2004-09-01
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2004) Etikk i arbeidslivet - er sykefravær et spørsmål om moral?. Trygdeetatens Arbeidslivssenter i Sør-Trøndelag Seminar , Trondheim 2004-05-12 - 2004-05-12
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2004) IT, Multiculturalism and Globalisation - Ethical Challenges. Prosjektet Democracy unbound i samarbeid med Tidsskrift för Konferanse , Stockholm 2004-03-05 - 2004-03-05
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2004) Etiske dilemmaer i en "normal hverdag" i det moderne arbeidslivet. Trøndelag Personal Forum Seminar , Trondheim 2004-11-11 - 2004-11-11
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2004) De som ringer ofte - etiske utfordringer. Kirkens SOS Innføringskurs , Trodnheim 2004-12-02 - 2004-12-02
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2004) Applied Ethics: The Internet and Democracy Unbound. North American Computing and Philosophy Conference Konferanse , Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh 2004-08-04 - 2004-08-06
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2004) Demokrati og medvirkning. Forskerforbundet ved NTNU Seminar , Trondheim 2004-12-13 - 2004-12-13
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2004) The Quest for a Deliberative Democracy. NTNU Research network on Internal Displacement - Second Conf Konferanse , Trondheim 2004-09-16 - 2004-09-18
Popular scientific lectureThorseth, May. (2004) Etiske dilemmaer i lys av vitenskap og kunst. NTNU Lørdagsuniversitetet , Trøndelag Teater 2004-03-27 - 2004-03-27
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2003) IT, Multiculturalism, and Globalisation: Ethical Challenges. Technology in a Multicultural and Global Society , NTNU, Trondheim 2003-10-10 -
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2003) Kan den tolerante være rasist? Etisk perspektiv på holdninger til innvandrere. Nidaroskongressen 2003 , Trondheim 2003-10-24 -
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2003) Utdanning innen næringslivets samfunnsansvar og næringslivsetikk i Norge. Nasjonal konferanse om samfunnsansvar i næringslivet , NTNU, Trondheim 2003-11-25 -
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2003) Krysskulturell kommunikasjon. Hva er viten og sannhet? Internasjonalt engasjement og forståelse. , Åpningsseminar ved Luftkrigsskolen i Trondheim 2003-08-20 -
Popular scientific lectureThorseth, May. (2003) Medisinsk forskningsetikk relatert til forskningsetiske kmitéer. Åpent seminar om medisinsk etikk og medisinsk forskningsetikk. Organdonasjon som innledende tema. , Trondheim, St. Olavs Hospital 2003-12-04 -
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2002) Tverrfaglig samarbeid og brukermedvirkning: etiske forståelsesrammer. Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag (HiST) , Trondheim 2002-11-27 -
Academic lectureThorseth, May. (2002) Argumentativ tvang og frihet - etiske utfordringer i et globalt perspektiv. "Staden ock staten. Etnicitet, migration och medborgarskap". IMER-konferensen 2002. , Campus Norrköping, Linköpings universitet 2002-11-22 -
Popular scientific lectureThorseth, May. (2002) Frihet og tvang - etiske utfordringer. Globalisering: Spøkelse eller visjon? Åpningsseminar for HF-fakultetets globaliseringsprogram ved NTNU , Trondheim, NTNU, Dragvoll aud. 3 2002-09-20 -
Popular scientific lectureThorseth, May. (2002) Arbeidsmiljø og etikk: frihet og tvang. Fagmøte ved SINTEF Teknologiledelse, Veg og samferdsel , Trondheim, SINTEF Teknologiledelse, Veg og samferdsel 2002-10-11 -
Popular scientific lectureThorseth, May. (2000) Frihet, arbeid, fri tid. Arbeidsmøte om tverrfaglighet ved NTNU , NTNU, Dragvoll Gård, Låven 6. januar 2000