Martin Ystenes
Ystenes, Martin.
Slike barn finnes - og de trenger denne boken.
Abstrakt forlag
Mönks, Franz J.;
Ypenburg, Irene H.;
Ystenes, Martin.
Begavede barn. En veiledning for foreldre og pedagoger.
Abstrakt forlag
Abstrakt forlag
Non-fiction book
Ystenes, Martin.
Ros, roser og jantelov.
VG : Verdens gang
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
De usynlige barna.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eide, Ole-Kristian;
Ystenes, Martin;
Støvneng, Jon Andreas;
Eilertsen, J.L..
Investigation of ion pair formation in the triphenylmethyl chloride-trimethyl aluminium system, as a model for the activation of olefin polymerization catalyst.
Vibrational Spectroscopy
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin.
Oss nerder imellom.
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Vi aper, uten å forstå.
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Norges miljøbløff.
Feature article
Gradovski, Mikhail;
Ystenes, Martin;
Sigmundsson, Hermundur.
Brodering, julenisser og matematikk.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Overdreven strålefare.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Fra naturlig uran til atombombe.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Barn med høy intelligens, barn uten stammefrender.
Pedagogisk profil
Popular scientific article
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse;
Støvneng, Jon Andreas;
Ystenes, Martin;
Rytter, Erling.
Activation of Metallocenes for Olefin Polymerization As Monitored by IR Spectroscopy.
Inorganic Chemistry
Academic article
Rossing, Nils Kristian;
Ystenes, Martin;
Kjærvik, Atle;
Stenvig, Bård Inge;
Holden, Christian;
Holden, Cathrine.
Kjøkkenkjemi - en samling enkle kjemieksperimenter.
Popular scientific book
Ystenes, Martin.
Teknologisk terminologiutvikling, trenger vi det?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ystenes, Martin.
Er det norske språket en treski?.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Aviser, forbannet statistikk og løgn.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Sprøyt om kraftlinjer og brystkreft.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Norsk vitenskapsspråk = Femi treski?.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ystenes, Martin;
Ystenes, Beate.
Uorganisk kjemi for kjemikere. Nyutgave.
Bryliakov, Konstantin P.;
Semikolenkova, Nina V.;
Yudaev, DV;
Zakharov, Vløadimir A.;
Brintzinger, HH;
Ystenes, Martin.
H-1-, C-13-NMR and ethylene polymerization studies of zirconocene/MAO catalysts: effect of the ligand structure on the formation of active intermediates and polymerization kinetics.
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
Academic article
Talsi, Evgenii P;
Ystenes, Martin;
Rytter, Erling;
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse.
H-1-NMR spectroscopic study of cationic intermediates in solvent and oil constituents of the catalytic systems Cp2ZrMe2/AlMe3/[CPh3][B(C6F5)(4)] and Cp2ZrMe2/AlMe3/[CPh3][B(C6F5)(4)] in benzene.
Mendeleev communications (Print)
Academic article
Talsi, Evgenii P;
Bryliakov, Konstantin P.;
Semikolenkova, Nina V.;
Zakharov, Vløadimir A.;
Ystenes, Martin;
Rytter, Erling.
H-1 NMR characterization of intermediates formed by the activation of zirconocenes with methylaluminoxane at high Al/Zr ratios.
Mendeleev communications (Print)
Academic article
Bryliakov, Konstantin P.;
Semikolenkova, Nina V.;
Yudaev, DV;
Ystenes, Martin;
Rytter, Erling;
Zakharov, Vløadimir A..
H-1 and C-13 NMR study of the intermediates formed by (Cp-R)(2)ZrCl2 activation with MAO and AlMe3/[CPh3][B(C6F5)4]. Correlation of spectroscopic and ethene polymerization data.
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin.
Fotballspillere, forskere og forskjeller.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Høy IQ - det forbudte talent.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Når privatskoler er eneste løsning.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Penger - Kunnskap 10-0.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
"Gaarder" for viderekomne.
Book review
Ystenes, Martin;
Ystenes, Beate.
Uorganisk kjemi for kjemikere. Nyutgave.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Ystenes, Martin.
Svenskealarmer: Rop på ulv og snille tilhørere.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Norge jumbo i likestilling i skolen.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Retten til å leve til man dør.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Kritisk som faen.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin;
Bache, Øystein;
Bade, Otto Morten;
Blom, Richard;
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse;
Nirisen, Øystein.
Infrared Spectroscopy - A secret window to the heart of the catalyst?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse;
Støvneng, Jon Andreas;
Ystenes, Martin;
Rytter, Erling.
Cocatalyst activiation and first monomer insertion of metallocene catalysts. An in situ FTIR and quantum chemical study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ystenes, Beate;
Ystenes, Martin.
Om evnerike barn, politikk og verdisyn.
Feature article
Ystenes, Beate;
Ystenes, Martin.
Evnerike barns manglende rettigheter i Norge.
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Kall det gjerne pugg, men du trenger kunnskap.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Ystenes, Beate;
Ystenes, Martin.
Evnerike barns manglende rettigheter i Norge.
Feature article
Ystenes, Beate;
Ystenes, Martin.
Om evnerike barn, politikk og verdisyn.
Feature article
Rytter, Erling;
Støvneng, Jon Andreas;
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse;
Ystenes, Martin.
Reactivity and Acidity of Alkylaluminoxanes.
Academic article
Rytter, Erling;
Støvneng, Jon Andreas;
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse;
Ystenes, Martin.
On the Reactivity and Acidity of Alkylaluminoxanes.
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin.
Flyvedyktige smådronter i Miljødebatten.
Popular scientific article
Blom, Richard;
Follestad, Arild;
Rytter, Erling;
Tilset, Mats;
Ystenes, Martin.
Organometallic Catalysts and Olefin Polymerization. Catalystst for a New Millennium.
Springer Berlin/Heidelberg
Springer Berlin/Heidelberg
Non-fiction book
Rytter, Erling;
Ystenes, Martin;
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse;
Ott, Matthias;
Støvneng, Jon Andreas;
Liu, Jianke.
Methylaluminoxane as a Cocatalyst for Olefin Polymerization. Reactivity and Cocatalytic Effect.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ystenes, Martin.
Ikke bli sint på Oddekalv, Frederic Hauge.
Bergens Tidende
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Et teknologisk Soria Moria.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Barn i nød.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Ozonhull i drivhuseffekten.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Evnerike barn i nød.
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
- Forskning skal være gøy.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Når sju av fem deltar.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Dessverre, ikke så ille.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Å melke frykt.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Knapper, glansbilder og vekttall.
Under dusken : studentavisa i Trondheim
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Politisk sminke.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin;
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse;
Liu, Jianke;
Ott, Matthias;
Rytter, Erling;
Støvneng, Jon Andreas.
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of the Structure of Methylaluminoxane (MAO) Cocatalysts for Olefin Polymerizaton.
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry
Academic article
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse;
Rytter, Erling;
Ystenes, Martin.
In situ FTIR spectroscopy during addition of trimethylaluminium (TMA) to methylaluminoxane (MAO) shows no formation of MAO-TMA compounds.
Vibrational Spectroscopy
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin;
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse;
Liu, Jianke;
Ott, Matthias;
Rytter, Erling;
Støvneng, Jon Andreas.
Experimental and theoretical investigations of the structure of methylaluminoxane (MAO) cocatalysts for olefin polymerization.
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin.
Knapper, glansbilder og vekttall.
Under dusken : studentavisa i Trondheim
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Kjemi - Mennesker, samfunn og natur.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ystenes, Martin;
Einevoll, Gaute T..
Naturvitenskapens århundre.
Feature article
Frøyland, Jan;
Gjøtterud, Kristoffer;
Ystenes, Martin.
Uimotsagt tøv i offentlig utredning.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Stueren sjarlatan.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Seks forskere om Høvringen.
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Når feilene ved skolen blir tydelige.
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
De lo av Galilei, også.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Forskningsjuks om forbrenning.
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Myten om befolkningseksplosjonen.
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Skandale i Dagbladet.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Jordstråling og ønskekvister.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Små forekomster av gasshydrater.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin;
Abelsen, Atle.
Medisin mot kreft og HIV.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Dypt ned til ny ressurs.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Dum av å lese VG?.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Tall og stjerner.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Bomskudd og Kosovo.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin;
Einevoll, Gaute T..
Naturvitenskapens århundre.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Blå gener og resistente politikere.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Gyldne tareblader - nytt industrieventyr.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin;
Nestvold, Veslemøy.
Realistenes nye stolthet.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Plast - egentlig et uhell.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
En kul oppfinnelse.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Vedfyring, det er farlig det.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
- Teknologer, ta ansvar!.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Slank teknologi.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Fagmiljøet fortviler.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Skeptisk til mobilrisiko.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Tvilsom forurensningskilde.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Når kommer framtiden?.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Syk statistikk.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Utslippsfri produksjon?.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Undøvdenig med orldsite.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Tvilsom forurensningskilde.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Ulogisk om misdannelser.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Homøopati er ikke bevist.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Pinlig om potet.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Når fantasi blir politikk.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Kjedelig - men kledelig.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin;
Einevoll, Gaute T..
Naturvitenskapens århundre.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ystenes, Martin.
Solen er ikke uskyldig.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Overstro i Røde Kors.
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Tankevekker for universitetene.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Annerledeslandet Norge.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Are Næss tøver om kraftlinjer.
Bergens Tidende
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Genmanipulert nyhet.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Datatrøbbel i megaklassen.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Forskerne strides.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Istid først om 60 000 år.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Drivhusteorien forklarer det meste.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Tsjernobyl-ulykke - i redaksjonene.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
De dødes elv.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Thorshaug, Knut;
Støvneng, Jon Andreas;
Rytter, Erling;
Ystenes, Martin.
Termination, isomerization, and propagation reactions during ethene polymerization catalyzed Cp2Zr-R+ and Cp*2Zr-R+ : an experimental and theoretical investigation.
Academic article
Abelsen, Atle;
Ystenes, Martin.
Nytt håp for epileptikere.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Suksess med tvilsom forklaring.
Bergens Tidende
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Verdens største søppelsekk.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Vi drukner i plast.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
De dødes elv.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Vi drukner i plast.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Best med naturgass.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Magnetisme, påvirkning på mennesker.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bache, Øystein;
Ystenes, Martin.
Stoichiometry and structure of Al(C%cH%f)%d%mnCln/C%gH%fCOOC%cH%f complexes (n=0-2).
Journal of Molecular Structure
Academic article
Menzel, Frank;
Brockner, Wolfgang;
Ystenes, Martin.
Vibrational spectra and quantum chemical investigations of stoiciometric anions in the series Tl%cP%cS%g%mx Sex and Ag%cP%cS%g%mxSex with x=0.6 : evidence of the hexaselenidometadiphosphate anion, P%cSe%g%2¤-%1.
Vibrational Spectroscopy
Academic article
Wester, Thale Sofie;
Ystenes, Martin.
Kinetic studies of the injection of comonomers during polymerization of ethene and propene with MgCl%c-supported Ziegler-Natta catalysts.
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics
Academic article
Thorshaug, Knut;
Rytter, Erling;
Ystenes, Martin.
Pressure effects on termination mechanisms during ethene polymerization catalyzed by dicyclopentadienylzirconium dichloride/methylaluminoxane.
Macromolecular rapid communications
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin.
Quantum chemical vibrational analysis of clusters providing an explanation for the planarity of the P%4%-%g ring.
Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM
Academic article
Rosenkilde, Christian;
Voyiatzis, George;
Jensen, Vidar R.;
Ystenes, Martin;
Østvold, Terje.
Raman spectroscopic and ab initio quantum chemical investigations of molecules and complex ions in the molten system CsCl-NbCl%f-NbOCl%d.
Inorganic Chemistry
Academic article
Jensen, Vidar Remi;
Børve, K.J.;
Ystenes, Martin.
The Ziegler-Natta Ethylene Insertion Reaction For a Five-Coordinate Titanium Chloride Complex Bridged to an Aluminium Hydride Cocatalyst.
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Academic article
Rosenkilde, Christian;
Voyiatzis, George;
Jensen, Vidar Remi;
Ystenes, Martin;
Østvold, Terje.
Raman spectroscopic and ab initio quantum chemical investigations of molecules and complex ions in the molten system CsCl-NbCl%f-NbOCl%d.
Inorganic Chemistry
Academic article
Jensen, Vidar Remi;
Børve, K.J.;
Westberg, N.;
Ystenes, Martin.
Titanium-Ethylene Complexes Proposed to be Intermediates in Ziegler-Natta Catalysis. Can they be detected through Vibrational Spectroscopy?.
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin;
Ystenes, Beate Katrin;
Scholz, Gudrun.
Ab initio quantum mechanical vibrational analysis of planar AX3 molecules (A is Al, Ga, In; X is F, Cl, Br, I).
Spectrochimica Acta Part A - Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin;
Westberg, N.;
Ystenes, Beate Katrin.
Ab initio quantum mechanical vibrational analysis of the dimeric A2X6 molecules (A = Al, Ga; X = Cl, Br, I).
Spectrochimica Acta Part A - Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
Academic article
Ystenes, Beate Katrin;
Ystenes, Martin.
Ab initio calculation of geometry and vibrational frequencies of the isovalence-electronic tetrahedral species XCl4ε and YBr4ε {X = K, Ca, Ga-Kr; Y = Ne-Ca, Ga-Kr}.
Spectrochimica Acta Part A - Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin.
Scaled quantum mechanical (SQM) vibrational analysis of monomeric silicon dioxide and its dimer 2,4-dioxo cyclodisiloxane Si2O4.
Spectrochimica Acta
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin.
Teknologiske blemmer.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin;
Ystenes, Beate Katrin.
Ab initio calculation of the geometry and vibrational frequencies of the isoelectronic tetrahedral species XCl₄ε and XS₄ε (X=Ne-Ar) with extended and minimal basis sets.
Journal of Molecular Structure
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin;
et al., [Mangler fornavn].
Reaksjonsmekanismer for metallkatalyserad olefinpolymerisering.
Non-fiction book
Ystenes, Martin.
Kinetic effects of addition of propene during polymerization of ethene with MgCl(sub2)-supported Ziegler-Natta catalysts.
Macromolecular rapid communications
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin.
Scaled quantum mechanical (SQM) force field calculations of the hexathiometadiphosphate anion P2S6###2##-.
Zeitung Naturforschung, Teil A
Academic article
Journal publications
Ystenes, Martin.
Ros, roser og jantelov.
VG : Verdens gang
Feature article
Eide, Ole-Kristian;
Ystenes, Martin;
Støvneng, Jon Andreas;
Eilertsen, J.L..
Investigation of ion pair formation in the triphenylmethyl chloride-trimethyl aluminium system, as a model for the activation of olefin polymerization catalyst.
Vibrational Spectroscopy
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin.
Oss nerder imellom.
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Vi aper, uten å forstå.
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Norges miljøbløff.
Feature article
Gradovski, Mikhail;
Ystenes, Martin;
Sigmundsson, Hermundur.
Brodering, julenisser og matematikk.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Overdreven strålefare.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Fra naturlig uran til atombombe.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Barn med høy intelligens, barn uten stammefrender.
Pedagogisk profil
Popular scientific article
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse;
Støvneng, Jon Andreas;
Ystenes, Martin;
Rytter, Erling.
Activation of Metallocenes for Olefin Polymerization As Monitored by IR Spectroscopy.
Inorganic Chemistry
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin.
Er det norske språket en treski?.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Aviser, forbannet statistikk og løgn.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Sprøyt om kraftlinjer og brystkreft.
Popular scientific article
Bryliakov, Konstantin P.;
Semikolenkova, Nina V.;
Yudaev, DV;
Zakharov, Vløadimir A.;
Brintzinger, HH;
Ystenes, Martin.
H-1-, C-13-NMR and ethylene polymerization studies of zirconocene/MAO catalysts: effect of the ligand structure on the formation of active intermediates and polymerization kinetics.
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
Academic article
Talsi, Evgenii P;
Ystenes, Martin;
Rytter, Erling;
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse.
H-1-NMR spectroscopic study of cationic intermediates in solvent and oil constituents of the catalytic systems Cp2ZrMe2/AlMe3/[CPh3][B(C6F5)(4)] and Cp2ZrMe2/AlMe3/[CPh3][B(C6F5)(4)] in benzene.
Mendeleev communications (Print)
Academic article
Talsi, Evgenii P;
Bryliakov, Konstantin P.;
Semikolenkova, Nina V.;
Zakharov, Vløadimir A.;
Ystenes, Martin;
Rytter, Erling.
H-1 NMR characterization of intermediates formed by the activation of zirconocenes with methylaluminoxane at high Al/Zr ratios.
Mendeleev communications (Print)
Academic article
Bryliakov, Konstantin P.;
Semikolenkova, Nina V.;
Yudaev, DV;
Ystenes, Martin;
Rytter, Erling;
Zakharov, Vløadimir A..
H-1 and C-13 NMR study of the intermediates formed by (Cp-R)(2)ZrCl2 activation with MAO and AlMe3/[CPh3][B(C6F5)4]. Correlation of spectroscopic and ethene polymerization data.
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin.
Fotballspillere, forskere og forskjeller.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Høy IQ - det forbudte talent.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Når privatskoler er eneste løsning.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Penger - Kunnskap 10-0.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
"Gaarder" for viderekomne.
Book review
Ystenes, Martin.
Svenskealarmer: Rop på ulv og snille tilhørere.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Norge jumbo i likestilling i skolen.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Retten til å leve til man dør.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Kritisk som faen.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Beate;
Ystenes, Martin.
Om evnerike barn, politikk og verdisyn.
Feature article
Ystenes, Beate;
Ystenes, Martin.
Evnerike barns manglende rettigheter i Norge.
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Kall det gjerne pugg, men du trenger kunnskap.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Ystenes, Beate;
Ystenes, Martin.
Evnerike barns manglende rettigheter i Norge.
Feature article
Ystenes, Beate;
Ystenes, Martin.
Om evnerike barn, politikk og verdisyn.
Feature article
Rytter, Erling;
Støvneng, Jon Andreas;
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse;
Ystenes, Martin.
Reactivity and Acidity of Alkylaluminoxanes.
Academic article
Rytter, Erling;
Støvneng, Jon Andreas;
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse;
Ystenes, Martin.
On the Reactivity and Acidity of Alkylaluminoxanes.
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin.
Flyvedyktige smådronter i Miljødebatten.
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Ikke bli sint på Oddekalv, Frederic Hauge.
Bergens Tidende
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Et teknologisk Soria Moria.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Barn i nød.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Ozonhull i drivhuseffekten.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Evnerike barn i nød.
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
- Forskning skal være gøy.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Når sju av fem deltar.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Dessverre, ikke så ille.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Å melke frykt.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Knapper, glansbilder og vekttall.
Under dusken : studentavisa i Trondheim
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Politisk sminke.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin;
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse;
Liu, Jianke;
Ott, Matthias;
Rytter, Erling;
Støvneng, Jon Andreas.
Experimental and Theoretical Investigations of the Structure of Methylaluminoxane (MAO) Cocatalysts for Olefin Polymerizaton.
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry
Academic article
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse;
Rytter, Erling;
Ystenes, Martin.
In situ FTIR spectroscopy during addition of trimethylaluminium (TMA) to methylaluminoxane (MAO) shows no formation of MAO-TMA compounds.
Vibrational Spectroscopy
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin;
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse;
Liu, Jianke;
Ott, Matthias;
Rytter, Erling;
Støvneng, Jon Andreas.
Experimental and theoretical investigations of the structure of methylaluminoxane (MAO) cocatalysts for olefin polymerization.
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin.
Knapper, glansbilder og vekttall.
Under dusken : studentavisa i Trondheim
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin;
Einevoll, Gaute T..
Naturvitenskapens århundre.
Feature article
Frøyland, Jan;
Gjøtterud, Kristoffer;
Ystenes, Martin.
Uimotsagt tøv i offentlig utredning.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Stueren sjarlatan.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Seks forskere om Høvringen.
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Når feilene ved skolen blir tydelige.
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
De lo av Galilei, også.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Forskningsjuks om forbrenning.
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Myten om befolkningseksplosjonen.
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Skandale i Dagbladet.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Jordstråling og ønskekvister.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Små forekomster av gasshydrater.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin;
Abelsen, Atle.
Medisin mot kreft og HIV.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Dypt ned til ny ressurs.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Dum av å lese VG?.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Tall og stjerner.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Bomskudd og Kosovo.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin;
Einevoll, Gaute T..
Naturvitenskapens århundre.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Blå gener og resistente politikere.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Gyldne tareblader - nytt industrieventyr.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin;
Nestvold, Veslemøy.
Realistenes nye stolthet.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Plast - egentlig et uhell.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
En kul oppfinnelse.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Vedfyring, det er farlig det.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
- Teknologer, ta ansvar!.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Slank teknologi.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Fagmiljøet fortviler.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Skeptisk til mobilrisiko.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Tvilsom forurensningskilde.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Når kommer framtiden?.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Syk statistikk.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Utslippsfri produksjon?.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Undøvdenig med orldsite.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Tvilsom forurensningskilde.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Ulogisk om misdannelser.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Homøopati er ikke bevist.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Pinlig om potet.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Når fantasi blir politikk.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Kjedelig - men kledelig.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin;
Einevoll, Gaute T..
Naturvitenskapens århundre.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ystenes, Martin.
Solen er ikke uskyldig.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Overstro i Røde Kors.
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Tankevekker for universitetene.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Annerledeslandet Norge.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Are Næss tøver om kraftlinjer.
Bergens Tidende
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Genmanipulert nyhet.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Datatrøbbel i megaklassen.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Forskerne strides.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Istid først om 60 000 år.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Drivhusteorien forklarer det meste.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
Tsjernobyl-ulykke - i redaksjonene.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Ystenes, Martin.
De dødes elv.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Feature article
Thorshaug, Knut;
Støvneng, Jon Andreas;
Rytter, Erling;
Ystenes, Martin.
Termination, isomerization, and propagation reactions during ethene polymerization catalyzed Cp2Zr-R+ and Cp*2Zr-R+ : an experimental and theoretical investigation.
Academic article
Abelsen, Atle;
Ystenes, Martin.
Nytt håp for epileptikere.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Suksess med tvilsom forklaring.
Bergens Tidende
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Verdens største søppelsekk.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Vi drukner i plast.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
De dødes elv.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Vi drukner i plast.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin.
Best med naturgass.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Bache, Øystein;
Ystenes, Martin.
Stoichiometry and structure of Al(C%cH%f)%d%mnCln/C%gH%fCOOC%cH%f complexes (n=0-2).
Journal of Molecular Structure
Academic article
Menzel, Frank;
Brockner, Wolfgang;
Ystenes, Martin.
Vibrational spectra and quantum chemical investigations of stoiciometric anions in the series Tl%cP%cS%g%mx Sex and Ag%cP%cS%g%mxSex with x=0.6 : evidence of the hexaselenidometadiphosphate anion, P%cSe%g%2¤-%1.
Vibrational Spectroscopy
Academic article
Wester, Thale Sofie;
Ystenes, Martin.
Kinetic studies of the injection of comonomers during polymerization of ethene and propene with MgCl%c-supported Ziegler-Natta catalysts.
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics
Academic article
Thorshaug, Knut;
Rytter, Erling;
Ystenes, Martin.
Pressure effects on termination mechanisms during ethene polymerization catalyzed by dicyclopentadienylzirconium dichloride/methylaluminoxane.
Macromolecular rapid communications
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin.
Quantum chemical vibrational analysis of clusters providing an explanation for the planarity of the P%4%-%g ring.
Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM
Academic article
Rosenkilde, Christian;
Voyiatzis, George;
Jensen, Vidar R.;
Ystenes, Martin;
Østvold, Terje.
Raman spectroscopic and ab initio quantum chemical investigations of molecules and complex ions in the molten system CsCl-NbCl%f-NbOCl%d.
Inorganic Chemistry
Academic article
Jensen, Vidar Remi;
Børve, K.J.;
Ystenes, Martin.
The Ziegler-Natta Ethylene Insertion Reaction For a Five-Coordinate Titanium Chloride Complex Bridged to an Aluminium Hydride Cocatalyst.
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Academic article
Rosenkilde, Christian;
Voyiatzis, George;
Jensen, Vidar Remi;
Ystenes, Martin;
Østvold, Terje.
Raman spectroscopic and ab initio quantum chemical investigations of molecules and complex ions in the molten system CsCl-NbCl%f-NbOCl%d.
Inorganic Chemistry
Academic article
Jensen, Vidar Remi;
Børve, K.J.;
Westberg, N.;
Ystenes, Martin.
Titanium-Ethylene Complexes Proposed to be Intermediates in Ziegler-Natta Catalysis. Can they be detected through Vibrational Spectroscopy?.
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin;
Ystenes, Beate Katrin;
Scholz, Gudrun.
Ab initio quantum mechanical vibrational analysis of planar AX3 molecules (A is Al, Ga, In; X is F, Cl, Br, I).
Spectrochimica Acta Part A - Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin;
Westberg, N.;
Ystenes, Beate Katrin.
Ab initio quantum mechanical vibrational analysis of the dimeric A2X6 molecules (A = Al, Ga; X = Cl, Br, I).
Spectrochimica Acta Part A - Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
Academic article
Ystenes, Beate Katrin;
Ystenes, Martin.
Ab initio calculation of geometry and vibrational frequencies of the isovalence-electronic tetrahedral species XCl4ε and YBr4ε {X = K, Ca, Ga-Kr; Y = Ne-Ca, Ga-Kr}.
Spectrochimica Acta Part A - Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin.
Scaled quantum mechanical (SQM) vibrational analysis of monomeric silicon dioxide and its dimer 2,4-dioxo cyclodisiloxane Si2O4.
Spectrochimica Acta
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin.
Teknologiske blemmer.
Teknisk Ukeblad
Popular scientific article
Ystenes, Martin;
Ystenes, Beate Katrin.
Ab initio calculation of the geometry and vibrational frequencies of the isoelectronic tetrahedral species XCl₄ε and XS₄ε (X=Ne-Ar) with extended and minimal basis sets.
Journal of Molecular Structure
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin.
Kinetic effects of addition of propene during polymerization of ethene with MgCl(sub2)-supported Ziegler-Natta catalysts.
Macromolecular rapid communications
Academic article
Ystenes, Martin.
Scaled quantum mechanical (SQM) force field calculations of the hexathiometadiphosphate anion P2S6###2##-.
Zeitung Naturforschung, Teil A
Academic article
Mönks, Franz J.;
Ypenburg, Irene H.;
Ystenes, Martin.
Begavede barn. En veiledning for foreldre og pedagoger.
Abstrakt forlag
Abstrakt forlag
Non-fiction book
Rossing, Nils Kristian;
Ystenes, Martin;
Kjærvik, Atle;
Stenvig, Bård Inge;
Holden, Christian;
Holden, Cathrine.
Kjøkkenkjemi - en samling enkle kjemieksperimenter.
Popular scientific book
Blom, Richard;
Follestad, Arild;
Rytter, Erling;
Tilset, Mats;
Ystenes, Martin.
Organometallic Catalysts and Olefin Polymerization. Catalystst for a New Millennium.
Springer Berlin/Heidelberg
Springer Berlin/Heidelberg
Non-fiction book
Ystenes, Martin;
et al., [Mangler fornavn].
Reaksjonsmekanismer for metallkatalyserad olefinpolymerisering.
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Ystenes, Martin.
Slike barn finnes - og de trenger denne boken.
Abstrakt forlag
Ystenes, Martin.
De usynlige barna.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ystenes, Martin.
Teknologisk terminologiutvikling, trenger vi det?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ystenes, Martin.
Norsk vitenskapsspråk = Femi treski?.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ystenes, Martin;
Bache, Øystein;
Bade, Otto Morten;
Blom, Richard;
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse;
Nirisen, Øystein.
Infrared Spectroscopy - A secret window to the heart of the catalyst?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse;
Støvneng, Jon Andreas;
Ystenes, Martin;
Rytter, Erling.
Cocatalyst activiation and first monomer insertion of metallocene catalysts. An in situ FTIR and quantum chemical study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rytter, Erling;
Ystenes, Martin;
Eilertsen, Jan Lasse;
Ott, Matthias;
Støvneng, Jon Andreas;
Liu, Jianke.
Methylaluminoxane as a Cocatalyst for Olefin Polymerization. Reactivity and Cocatalytic Effect.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ystenes, Martin.
Kjemi - Mennesker, samfunn og natur.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ystenes, Martin.
Magnetisme, påvirkning på mennesker.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ystenes, Martin;
Ystenes, Beate.
Uorganisk kjemi for kjemikere. Nyutgave.
Ystenes, Martin;
Ystenes, Beate.
Uorganisk kjemi for kjemikere. Nyutgave.
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
Tapir Akademisk Forlag
InterviewYstenes, Martin; Sævik, Bjørnar Torvholm. (2017) – Truleg årets største kjemioppdaging. NRK Viten NRK Viten [Internet] 2017-02-17
LectureYstenes, Martin. (2015) Energi og entropi i kjemien. Oppland Fylke Kurs for lærere i videregående skole , Lillehammer 2015-11-20 - 2015-11-20
InterviewToppe, Ronald; Ystenes, Martin. (2014) Kjemiprofessor raser mot UFO-dokumentar. [Internet] 2014-10-02
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin. (2014) Populærvitenskapelig formidling. Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt Ukentlig seminar , Kjeller 2014-06-06 - 2014-06-06
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin; Larsen, Eli-Beate; Olsen, Gerhard Henning. (2014) Knallforelesning i kjemi. NTNU Researchers Night , Trondheim 2014-09-26 -
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin. (2012) Vitenskap i media, kritisk holdning til hva som skrives. Gjesteforeleser. Luftkrigsskolen i Trondheim Faguke , Trondheim 2012-09-11 -
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin. (2012) Naturvitenskap og opplæring. Menn i Barnehager Seminar , Melhus 2012-11-27 -
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin; Wikdahl, Gunn Torill; Klausen, Nina Brochs. (2012) Knallforelesning i kjemi. NTNU Researchers night, 2012 , NTNU 2012-09-27 -
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin. (2012) Kritisk holdning til og vurdering av påstander om vitenskapelige resultater i media og reklame. Humanetisk forbund Møte , Kristiansund 2012-11-29 -
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin. (2008) Særlig intelligente barn og deres problemer skolen. Skolerådgiverlaget i Nordland Rådgiverseminar , Narvik 2008-09-26 - 2008-09-27
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin. (2008) Grunnstoffenes periodiske system: Da Mendelejev skapte orden i kjemien. Vitenskapsmuseet, NTNU Lørdagsseminar i Suhmhuset , Trondheim 2008-02-24 -
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin. (2007) Begrepet entropi og dets betydning i kjemien. Skolelaboratoriet, NNTNU Oppfriskningskurs for lærere , Trondheim 2007-10-04 -
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin. (2004) Hvordan kan kjemien gjøre kjemien interessant?. Norsk kjemisk selskap NKS Landsmøte, plenarsesjon , Lillestrøm 2004-09-14 - 2004-09-16
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Beate; Ystenes, Martin. (2001) Evnerike barn. Hvem er de, og hvilke problemer har de?". Sandnes Skole, Bjugn utenTitteltekst , Bjugn, Sandnes Skole 2001-11-29 - 2001-11-29
Programme participationYstenes, Martin. (2001) intervju i forbindelse med opphør av Sprøyttvarsleren. NRK P2 NRK P2 [TV] 2001-09-06
Programme participation
Programme participation
Programme participation
Programme participation
PosterEilertsen, Jan Lasse; Rytter, Erling; Ystenes, Martin. (2001) Activation Reactions of Cp2ZrCl2 and Cp2ZrMe2 with Aluminium Alkyl Type Cocatalysts Studied by in situ FTIR Spectroscopy. Organometallic Catalysts and Olefin Polymerization , Oslo, 18.-22. juni 2000
Academic lectureRytter, Erling; Ystenes, Martin; Eilertsen, Jan Lasse; Matthias, Ott; Støvneng, Jon Andreas; Liu, Jianke. (2001) Methylaluminoxane as a Cocatalyst for Olefin Polymerization. Structure, Reactivity and Cocatalytic Effect. Organometallic Catalysts and Olefin Polymerization , Oslo, 18.-22. juni 2000
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin. (2001) Tsjernobyl og utarmet uran. Debatter hvor kunnskap er uønsket. Bjørnegildet, 2000 , Oslo (UiO) 2001-01-22 -
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin. (2001) Realister begynner å bli mangelvare. Er det fordi vi er for dumme?". Bjørnegildet, 2000 , Oslo (UiO) 2001-01-22 -
Popular scientific lecture
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin. (2001) Kjemi- og fysikkeksperimenter du kan gjøre hjemme. NTNU, Forskningstorget , Trondheim Torg 2001-09-27 -
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin. (2001) Kunnskap mot dumskap i mediedebatten?. Polyteknisk Forening , Trondheim (HiST) 2001-09-27 -
Popular scientific lecture
Popular scientific lecture
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Beate; Ystenes, Martin. (2001) Evnerike barn. Hvem er de, og hvilke problemer har de?". Sandnes Skole, Bjugn , Bjugn, Sandnes Skole 2001-11-29 -
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin. (2000) Hvorfor blir det ofte sprøyt når media omtaler realfaglige saker?. Norsk Kjemisk Selskap, , Oslo 2000-10-26 -
Popular scientific lecture
InterviewFrøyland, Jan; Gjötterud, Kristoffer; Ystenes, Martin. (1999) Brøgger og alternativmedisinen. Debattinnlegg Aftenposten Debattinnlegg Aftenposten [Radio] 1999-07-10
InterviewFrøyland, Jan; Gjötterud, Kristoffer; Ystenes, Martin. (1999) Uimotsagt tøv i offentlig utredning. Kronikk Aftenposten Kronikk Aftenposten [Radio] 1999-04-09
InterviewFrøyland, Jan; Gjötterud, Kristoffer; Ystenes, Martin. (1999) Alternativ medisin. Debattinnlegg Aftenposten Debattinnlegg Aftenposten [Radio] 1999-06-22
Academic lecture
Academic lectureYstenes, Martin. (1999) Hvor galt kan det gå?. , Institutt for journalistikk, Fredrikstad, 15. oktober 1999.
Academic lecture
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin. (1999) Når media skriver om kjemi - eksempler på blemmer og myteskaping. , Oslo, 6. desember 1999
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin. (1999) Om utrydningstruet klippfisk, brannfarlig nitrogengas og jordens absolutte frysepunkt. , Norsk Kjemisk Selskap, Trondheim, 6. oktober 1999
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin. (1999) Homøopati, vitenskap og Aarbakkeutvalgets rapport. , Det Akademiske Kvarteret, Bergen, 24. november 1999
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin. (1999) Om utrydningstruet klippfisk, brannfarlig nitrogengas og jordens absolutte frysepunkt. Norsk Kjemisk Selskap, Bergen, , Norsk Kjemisk Selskap, Bergen, 5. oktober 1999 1999-10-05 -
PosterEilertsen, Jan Lasse; Rytter, Erling; Ystenes, Martin. (1999) In situ FTIR spectroscopy shows no evidence of reaction between MAO and TMA. International Symposium on Metalorganic Catalysts for Synthesis and Polymerization , Hamburg, 13.-17. september 1998
Academic lectureThorshaug, Knut; Støvneng, Jon Andreas; Rytter, Erling; Ystenes, Martin. (1998) Termination and isomerization reactions during ethene polymerization catalyzed by Cp2Zr-R+ and Cp*2Zr-R+ : an experimental and theoretical investigation. Nordisk katalysesymposium 98 , [Mangler data]
Popular scientific lecture
PosterThorshaug, Knut; Støvneng, Jon Andreas; Rytter, Erling; Ystenes, Martin. (1998) Termination and isomerization reactions during ethene polymerization catalyzed by Cp2Zr-R+ and Cp*2Zr-R+ : an experimental and theoretical investigation. International Symposium on Metalorganic Catalysts for Synthesis and Polymerization , Hamburg, 13.-17.-09
Popular scientific lectureThorshaug, Knut; Rytter, Erling; Ystenes, Martin. (1997) Metallocene catalyzed polymerization of ethene : studies of chain termination in the systems L%cZrCl%c/MAO/C%cH%e. Katalysesymposium, Norsk kjemisk selskap , Oslo
Popular scientific lectureYstenes, Martin. (1994) On the structure of MgCl2-supported Ziegler-Natta catalyst. Katalysesymposium , [Mangler data]
Academic lectureYstenes, Martin. (1993) Predictions from the trigger mechanism for Ziegler-Natta polymerization of _a-olefins. CNRS-LMO, Lyon International Symposium AOCDP (1992 : Lyon). (Die Makromolekulare Chemie. Macromolecular symposia ; , [Mangler data]