Marjan Khaleghi
Marjan is a project manager/researcher at Smart Sustainable Cities (SSC), Department of Architecture and Planning, Graduate School of Architecture and Design, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
Her main work at NTNU at the moment is focused on the management of the Re-Value Innovation Project funded by Horizon Europe. She works closely with cities, different stakeholders, and partners co-creating around a New European Bauhaus (NEB)-inspired Impact Model.
Marjan has a bachelor's degree in Architectural Engineering (2010) and a Master's in Urban Design (2013) from Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran, Iran; and a Ph.D. degree in Environmental Studies (2022) from Nagoya University in Nagoya, Japan.
She researched children's travel behavior in Japan and developed several qualitative and quantitative models for understanding the influential factors on mode choice and the connection between mobility and quality of life among young adolescents in close collaboration with schools, educational councils, and municipalities. Other than her doctoral research, she developed her transdisciplinary research skills under the framework of another post-graduate course for Ph.D. candidates exploring the scope of clinical environmental studies in rural Japan.
As a postdoctoral researcher at Nagoya University, Marjan was involved in large-scale mobility research funded by the Ministry of Environments in Japan, assessing emerging mobilities for a low-carbonization scenario and promoting evidence-based policy-making. From Oct. 2022 til Nov. 2023, she also had the role of the regional coordinator for the Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM) for the Climate and Energy Secretariat in Japan, supporting local governments in climate action planning, implementation, and reporting.
Academic Journals:
Khaleghi, Marjan, Kato, Hirokazu. (2023) "Children's Non-School Trips, Travel-Related Subjective Well-Being, and Life Satisfaction: Evidence from Young Adolescents in Rural Japan." Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 169, 103591.
Khaleghi, Marjan. (2022) "A study on mode choice for young adolescents' non-school travel in Japanese rural areas and suburbia: Reevaluating independent mobility by adopting a socio-ecological approach" [Doctoral dissertation, Nagoya University]. Nagoya Repository.
Khaleghi, Marjan, Kato, Hirokazu, Oono, Yuuki. (2022) "Understanding the Effects of Household, Psychological, and Environmental Factors on the Scope of Independent Non-School Trips Realized by Walking/Cycling and Public Transport in Young Adolescents (12-15): Evidence from Small Towns and Rural Areas in Japan". Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 14, 2483–2502.
Khaleghi, Marjan, Kato, Hirokazu, & Oono, Yuuki. (2021) "A QUALITATIVE STUDY ON THE TRAVEL BEHAVIOR OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN A RURAL AREA IN JAPAN." Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. D3 (Infrastructure Planning and Management), 76(5), I_1185-I_1196.
Khaleghi, Marjan, Pakzad, Jahanshah. (2017) "Elevated Highways in Residential Layouts: Assessing and Mitigating the Imposed Negative Impacts on Adjacent Neighborhoods; Case Study: Sadr Elevated Highway," International Journal of Architecture and Urban Development, 7(2), 5-18.
Book chapter:
Khaleghi Marjan, Kato Hirokazu. (2020) "Public Transportation for Children." In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Özuyar P., Wall T. (eds) Sustainable Cities and Communities. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham.
LectureWyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella; Ahlers, Dirk; Khaleghi, Marjan; Weir, Katherine; Navarra, Deborah; Berbic, Nadira. (2024) Re-Value City Visit Burgas (Black Sea City Visits). Re-Value / ICLEI / NTNU / Burgas Municipality Re-Value City Visit in Burgas , Burgas 2024-06-12 - 2024-06-14
LectureKhaleghi, Marjan; Weir, Katherine; Wyckmans, Annemie Bertha Marcella. (2024) Re-Value Impact Model Workshop. NTNU / Re-Value with Burgas Municipality Re-Value Impact Model Workshop , Burgas 2024-06-11 - 2024-06-11