Marianne Stallvik
Kanestrøm, Harald ;
Stallvik, Marianne;
Lydersen, Stian;
Skokauskas, Norbert;
Hoftun, Siri;
Nilsen, Camilla Karlsen.
Criminogenic Risk Assessment Beyond Juvenile Justice: Exploring the Predictive Ability of the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI) in Norway.
Criminal Justice and Behavior
Academic article
Haug, Reidar Egset;
Stallvik, Marianne.
Balancing power struggles: Understanding the dynamics between standards set by the government, adolescents, and staff at a therapeutic residential care facility.
Residential Treatment for Children & Youth
Academic article
Kanestrøm, Harald;
Stallvik, Marianne;
Lydersen, Stian;
Skokauskas, Norbertas;
Kaasbøll, Jannike.
Adolescents in therapeutic residential care: treatment needs and characteristics.
European Journal of Social Work
Academic article
Ormbostad, Helga A. K.;
Otterholt, Eli;
Stallvik, Marianne.
Investigating Patients’ Perceptions of Residential Substance Use Treatment. Is Drop Out a Deliberate or Impulsive Act?.
Journal of Social Work Practice in The Addictions
Academic article
Stallvik, Marianne.
Valgets kval.
NAPHA Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for psykisk helsearbeid
Popular scientific article
Kanestrøm, Harald;
Stallvik, Marianne.
Normdata for YLS/CMI 2.0. Norsk referansedata for bruk i institusjonsbehandling av ungdom med alvorlige atferdsvansker
Årsrapport 2021
Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet.
Stallvik, Marianne.
Hvordan skal vi ruste vår ungdom til et trygt møte med rus i dagens samfunn?.
Psykologisk tidsskrift
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Stallvik, Marianne;
Flemmen, Grete;
Salthammer, Jo Arild;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Assessing health service satisfaction among users with substance use disorders within the municipalities in Norway.
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
Academic article
Stallvik, Marianne.
Rus blant ungdom,disse tegnene bør du se etter.
VG : Verdens gang
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Stallvik, Marianne.
Nå kommer rusreformen, følger kompetanse med?.
Feature article
Stallvik, Marianne;
Clausen, Thomas.
HRQoL and its association to clinical severity and treatment needs.
Journal of Substance Use
Academic article
Ormbostad, Helga A.K.;
Dale, Karl Yngvar;
Gjengedal, Eva;
Stallvik, Marianne.
Factors affecting dropout from residential treatment for patients with substance use disorders. A case study with emphasis on both patient and clinician perspectives.
Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning
Academic article
Stallvik, Marianne;
Gastfriend, David R.;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Matching patients with substance use disorder to optimal level of care with the ASAM Criteria software.
Journal of Substance Use
Academic article
Stallvik, Marianne.
Assessing patients for optimal treatment by utilising and testing ASAM Criteria for substance use disorder and co-occurring psychiatric disorders Validity of ASAM Criteria.
Doctoral dissertation
Stallvik, Marianne;
Gastfriend, David R..
Predictive and convergent validity of the ASAM criteria software in Norway.
Addiction Research and Theory
Academic article
Stallvik, Marianne;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Convergent Validity of the ASAM Criteria in Co-Occurring Disorders.
Journal of Dual Diagnosis (JDD)
Academic article
Bergly, Tone Helene;
Stallvik, Marianne;
Nordahl, Hans;
Hagen, Roger.
The predictive validity of the URICA in a sample of patients in substance use treatment.
Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment
Academic article
Stallvik, Marianne;
Nordstrand, Berit;
Kristensen, Øistein;
Bathen, Jørn;
Skogvoll, Eirik;
Spigset, Olav.
Corrected QT interval during treatment with methadone and buprenorphine-Relation to doses and serum concentrations.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Academic article
Stallvik, Marianne.
Biopsykososial tilnærming til rusavhengighet.
Rusfag : artikkelsamling fra Regionale kompetansesentre rus
Popular scientific article
Stallvik, Marianne.
Comprehensive assessments and criteria improve treatment.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Stallvik, Marianne.
Rusavhengighet i et biopsykososialt perspektiv - En bredere tilnærming til en kompleks sykdom.
Psykologisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Persson, Terje;
Stallvik, Marianne.
Bekjempe ensomheten.
Popular scientific article
Stallvik, Marianne.
Helse på arbeidsplassen : betydningen av personlighet, mobbing, stress, og sosial støtte, for helseplager blant industriarbeidere.
Thesis at a second degree level
Journal publications
Kanestrøm, Harald ;
Stallvik, Marianne;
Lydersen, Stian;
Skokauskas, Norbert;
Hoftun, Siri;
Nilsen, Camilla Karlsen.
Criminogenic Risk Assessment Beyond Juvenile Justice: Exploring the Predictive Ability of the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI) in Norway.
Criminal Justice and Behavior
Academic article
Haug, Reidar Egset;
Stallvik, Marianne.
Balancing power struggles: Understanding the dynamics between standards set by the government, adolescents, and staff at a therapeutic residential care facility.
Residential Treatment for Children & Youth
Academic article
Kanestrøm, Harald;
Stallvik, Marianne;
Lydersen, Stian;
Skokauskas, Norbertas;
Kaasbøll, Jannike.
Adolescents in therapeutic residential care: treatment needs and characteristics.
European Journal of Social Work
Academic article
Ormbostad, Helga A. K.;
Otterholt, Eli;
Stallvik, Marianne.
Investigating Patients’ Perceptions of Residential Substance Use Treatment. Is Drop Out a Deliberate or Impulsive Act?.
Journal of Social Work Practice in The Addictions
Academic article
Stallvik, Marianne.
Valgets kval.
NAPHA Nasjonalt kompetansesenter for psykisk helsearbeid
Popular scientific article
Stallvik, Marianne.
Hvordan skal vi ruste vår ungdom til et trygt møte med rus i dagens samfunn?.
Psykologisk tidsskrift
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Stallvik, Marianne;
Flemmen, Grete;
Salthammer, Jo Arild;
Nordfjærn, Trond.
Assessing health service satisfaction among users with substance use disorders within the municipalities in Norway.
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy
Academic article
Stallvik, Marianne.
Rus blant ungdom,disse tegnene bør du se etter.
VG : Verdens gang
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Stallvik, Marianne.
Nå kommer rusreformen, følger kompetanse med?.
Feature article
Stallvik, Marianne;
Clausen, Thomas.
HRQoL and its association to clinical severity and treatment needs.
Journal of Substance Use
Academic article
Ormbostad, Helga A.K.;
Dale, Karl Yngvar;
Gjengedal, Eva;
Stallvik, Marianne.
Factors affecting dropout from residential treatment for patients with substance use disorders. A case study with emphasis on both patient and clinician perspectives.
Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning
Academic article
Stallvik, Marianne;
Gastfriend, David R.;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Matching patients with substance use disorder to optimal level of care with the ASAM Criteria software.
Journal of Substance Use
Academic article
Stallvik, Marianne;
Gastfriend, David R..
Predictive and convergent validity of the ASAM criteria software in Norway.
Addiction Research and Theory
Academic article
Stallvik, Marianne;
Nordahl, Hans Morten.
Convergent Validity of the ASAM Criteria in Co-Occurring Disorders.
Journal of Dual Diagnosis (JDD)
Academic article
Bergly, Tone Helene;
Stallvik, Marianne;
Nordahl, Hans;
Hagen, Roger.
The predictive validity of the URICA in a sample of patients in substance use treatment.
Addictive Disorders & Their Treatment
Academic article
Stallvik, Marianne;
Nordstrand, Berit;
Kristensen, Øistein;
Bathen, Jørn;
Skogvoll, Eirik;
Spigset, Olav.
Corrected QT interval during treatment with methadone and buprenorphine-Relation to doses and serum concentrations.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence
Academic article
Stallvik, Marianne.
Biopsykososial tilnærming til rusavhengighet.
Rusfag : artikkelsamling fra Regionale kompetansesentre rus
Popular scientific article
Stallvik, Marianne.
Comprehensive assessments and criteria improve treatment.
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Stallvik, Marianne.
Rusavhengighet i et biopsykososialt perspektiv - En bredere tilnærming til en kompleks sykdom.
Psykologisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Persson, Terje;
Stallvik, Marianne.
Bekjempe ensomheten.
Popular scientific article
Kanestrøm, Harald;
Stallvik, Marianne.
Normdata for YLS/CMI 2.0. Norsk referansedata for bruk i institusjonsbehandling av ungdom med alvorlige atferdsvansker
Årsrapport 2021
Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet.
Stallvik, Marianne.
Assessing patients for optimal treatment by utilising and testing ASAM Criteria for substance use disorder and co-occurring psychiatric disorders Validity of ASAM Criteria.
Doctoral dissertation
Stallvik, Marianne.
Helse på arbeidsplassen : betydningen av personlighet, mobbing, stress, og sosial støtte, for helseplager blant industriarbeidere.
Thesis at a second degree level
LectureStallvik, Marianne; Sørlie, Elisabeth. (2023) Norwegian experiences in working with children in a half-closed children's institution. Department of justice Estonia EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021 Local Development and Poverty Reduction Programme Project „Establishment of Specialised Youth Justice Approach “ , Tallinn 2023-05-31 - 2023-06-01
LectureStallvik, Marianne. (2019) Standardiserte forløp for behandlingsinstitusjoner i barnevernet. Nasjonalt utviklingssenter for barn og unge NUBU konferanse , Oslo 2019-11-26 - 2019-11-27
LectureStallvik, Marianne. (2017) Risk factors within Substance Use Disorder treatment. Uppsala University and U-FOLD The Nordic-Baltic Scientific Meeting on opioid maintenance treatment , Uppsala 2017-06-08 - 2017-06-09
Academic lectureStallvik, Marianne. (2016) Assessing patients with a substance use disorder with the ASAM decision engine. Global Addiction 2016-10-04 - 2016-10-06
LectureStallvik, Marianne. (2016) Matching til rett tid og sted. Fagrådet for rusfeltet Fagrådet , Oslo 2016-09-16 - 2016-09-17
Academic lectureStallvik, Marianne. (2015) Systematisk matching gir bedre utfall i TSB. Nasjonalt kompetansesenter TSB Nasjonal samling Tverrfaglig Spesialisert Rusbehandling , Brumundal 2015-05-08 - 2015-05-10
Academic lectureStallvik, Marianne. (2015) Vurdering av pasienter med rus og psykiske lidelser. Seraf, Sirus, Folkehelseinstituttet, Regionalt kompetansesen Konferanse Forskere , Vettre 2015-10-21 - 2015-10-22
PosterStallvik, Marianne; Gastfriend, David R.. (2013) Matching patients to optimal level of care with ASAM Criteria. ISAM International Society of Addiction Medicine ISAM Annual conference , Telecom, Kuala Lumpur 2013-11-21 - 2013-11-23
LectureStallvik, Marianne. (2010) Quality Evaluation of the Norwegian translation of the ASAM Criteria software and satisfaction among clinical assessors. ISAM ISAM , Milano 2010-10-04 - 2010-10-07
LectureStallvik, Marianne. (2008) Matching patients to optimal treatment in Norway. Isam ISAM Annual , Cape Town 2008-11-17 - 2008-11-20
PosterStallvik, Marianne. (2006) Matching patients to optimal treatment level. ISAM International Society of Addiction Medicine ISAM Annual conference , University OPorto 2006-09-26 - 2006-09-30
PosterStallvik, Marianne; Norstrand, Berit; Kristensen, Øistein; Spigset, Olav. (2006) “The relationship between buprenorphin and methadone serum concentrations and QTc interval”. EUROPAD EUROPAD conference , Bratislava 2006-10-06 - 2006-10-08