Maria Azucena Gutierrez Gonzalez
Maria Azucena Gutierrez Gonzalez
Current email:
University City TRD3.0: Trondheim Municipality and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) entered into a partnership agreement to jointly develop a Univesity City. This programme builds on a long-term collaboration aiming at a more holistic approach to education, research and Innovation. Objectives:
- Ensure access to relevant and updated knowledge and competence demanded by municipalities
- Establish arenas for research base education, continuing education and training, relevant placement for students, doctoral programmes and research and innovation within areas of strategic importance for the sector
- Establish a new model for continuous mutural competence and knowledge transferral between adacemia and municipality
Within TRD3.0 María Azucena Gutiérrez González, focusses on the areas of 'city development; industry the environment & mobility; and culture'.
She specializes in co-creating, leading and facilitating interdisciplinary processes within research, innovation and education. Aiming at building structures for colaborative projects and co-creation and bridging silos and institutional barriers to achive the main objectives of University City TRD3.0 agreement and other interdisciplinary project.
Key words: Management, international background, facilitation, interdisciplinarity, organizational learning, knowledge brokage, marketing, communications.
Educational Background:
University of León, Spain – Master’s Degree Management & Business Adm. MBA (‘98 - ’00)
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands - International program Faculteit der Economie, Business Studies & Econometrics as part of the Masters Degree. (‘99 – ’00)
University of León, Spain – Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management (’92 - ’98)
Aarhus School of Business, Denmark – International program Quality Management, Marketing & Human Resources as part of the Bachelor’s (’97 - ’98)
University of Aalborg, Denmark – International program Management in an International Perspective as part of the Bachelor’s (’96 - ’97)
As researcher I am interested in better understanding interdisciplinarity and the approaches for building more efficient and sustainable collaborative projects/programmes.
Researching the role of 'the facilitator' in the the creation of Communities of Practice and exploring their impact (both of facilitator and the CoPs) in the design and management of collaborative programmes.
Current Research Projects:
Sept. 2023... - Project co-coordinator & Leader of the WorkPackage Coordination for the Horizon Europe Project DiverSea: Integrated Observation, Mapping, Monitoring and Prediction for Functional Biodiversity of Coastal Seas (96,9Mkr)
Past Research Projects:
2020-23 - Building Capacity to Crosslink Coastal Pollution with Climate Change (BC5) – a strategic north-south-south collaboration project funded by NORAD under Norhed II (20Mkr).
2020-22: PDP2 - Atlantic Observatory/EEA Grants program/Norway NTNU representative partner at the projects’ advisory group
2021-22: In collaboration with Kunstakademiet i Trondheim KiT _ Real-Time Telematic Audiovisual Improvisation (RTAI): artistic frameworks and techniques for technology enabled learning. Grant (3Mkr) provided by The Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (NARP)
New Publication soon to be published - Teaching & Learning Inquiry
Innovating Interdisciplinarity in Higher Education: Exploring the Impact of a Grassroots Community of Practice
Skills in interdisciplinary collaboration are required to address many complex problems facing society. As such, interdisciplinarity is a critical competency for students to develop. Experts in Teamwork (EiT) is a MSc programme in a Norwegian university that develops students’ interdisciplinary teamwork skills through projects that address real-world challenges. However, teachers’ effectiveness in teaching interdisciplinarity is often hindered by silo structures within university faculties. To address this issue, a community of practice (CoP) evolved among teachers from different EiT classes. Over a period of twenty months, CoP members participated in digital and in-person discussions, lecture exchanges, student and professional conferences, and co-evaluation of student work, with an aim of better understanding interdisciplinarity and approaches for teaching it to students. The success of the CoP in achieving these aims was evaluated through a series of focus groups consisting of members of the CoP. The CoP achieved some success in fostering pedagogical conversations that were transformative for participants’ understanding of interdisciplinarity in their practice. Participants reported that CoP participation influenced their interactions with students, ultimately helping students to develop a better understanding of interdisciplinarity. However, participants reported limitations in the CoP as a professional development resource, citing its newness and the required time commitment. Participants felt that these issues could be addressed via greater institutional support.
Gutierrez Gonzalez, Maria Azucena;
Mandeville, Caitlin Marie;
Edwards, Ferne Leigh;
Rice, Paula Maria.
Innovating Interdisciplinarity in Higher Education: Exploring the Impact of a Grassroots Community of Practice.
Teaching and Learning Inquiry
Academic article
Østern, Tone Pernille;
Bichao, Helena;
Preston, Carol;
Ardelan, Murat van;
Kumarswamy, Manola Gayatri;
Martin, Rosemary Kate.
Water education, ocean literacy and arts integration.
A literature review in an interdisciplinary team.
Nordic Journal of Art & Research (A & R)
Academic article
Gutierrez Gonzalez, Maria Azucena;
Mandeville, Caitlin Marie;
Edwards, Ferne Leigh;
Rice, Paula Maria.
Innovating Interdisciplinarity in Higher Education: Exploring the Impact of a Grassroots Community of Practice.
Teaching and Learning Inquiry
Academic article
Østern, Tone Pernille;
Bichao, Helena;
Preston, Carol;
Ardelan, Murat van;
Kumarswamy, Manola Gayatri;
Martin, Rosemary Kate.
Water education, ocean literacy and arts integration.
A literature review in an interdisciplinary team.
Nordic Journal of Art & Research (A & R)
Academic article
Past Teaching&Education:
Humanities in the Workplace (HiP) 2022 & 21 - Course responsible - Teaching, programme responsible, external partner collaborations & project definition.
Experts in Teamwork EiT Villages 2022 & 21 - Village Leader - An Ocean for All: Ocean Literacy for Sustainability
Management of NTNU Ocean's internship program and supervision of research projects linked to the internship work 2018-2022. Supervision of MSc and BSc student from different programmes belonging to:
- Faculty Engineering: Dept. Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Faculty of Humanities:
- Dept. of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture
- Dept. of Historical Studies
- Dept. of Geography
- Music Department, NTNU/UiO
- Dept. Art & Media Studies
- Faculty Social & Educational Studies: Dept. of Psychology
- Faculty of Architecture & Design: Dept. Design/NTNU Gjøvik
Academic lectureGutierrez Gonzalez, Maria Azucena; Mandeville, Caitlin; Edwards, Ferne Leigh; Rice, Paula Maria. (2022) Innovative online collegial coaching: a virtual community of practice for interdisciplinary educators. Interdisciplinary Teamwork Skills for the 21st Century, 6th Annual Meeting 2022-06-16 - 2022-06-17
InterviewErichsen, Ingrid; Salaberria, Iurgi; Farstad Blindheimsvik, Thea; Mendez, Andres; Mészey, András; Wojtczak, Weronika. (2021) Action Ocean Plastic Waste. Facebook Facebook [Internet] 2021-05-26