Maria Othelie Underdal
Content of PhD-thesis: I am working on a follow-up study of women with Polycystic ovarysyndrom (PCOS) and long-therm health measured by BMI, metabolic parameters, reproductive hormones, lung function and QoL. Supervisors: professor Eszter Vanky (NTNU) and professor Marianne Andersen (Syddansk Universitet, Odense).
Underdal, Maria Othelie;
Salvesen, Øyvind;
Henriksen, Anne Hildur;
Andersen, Marianne;
Vanky, Eszter.
Impaired Respiratory Function in Women With PCOS Compared With Matched Controls From a Population-Based Study.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM)
Academic article
Løvvik, Tone Shetelig;
Carlsen, Sven Magnus;
Salvesen, Øyvind;
Steffensen, Berglind;
Bixo, Marie;
Gomez Real, Francisco.
Use of metformin to treat pregnant women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PregMet2): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology
Academic article
Underdal, Maria Othelie;
Salvesen, Øyvind;
Schmedes, Anne;
Andersen, Marianne Skovsager;
Vanky, Eszter.
Prolactin and breast increase during pregnancy in PCOS: linked to long-term metabolic health?.
European Journal of Endocrinology (EJE)
Academic article
Velle-Forbord, Veronica;
Underdal, Maria Othelie;
Vanky, Eszter.
Breastfeeding and Future Maternal Health—No Causal Evidence.
JAMA Internal Medicine
Reader opinion piece
Underdal, Maria Othelie;
Stridsklev, Solhild;
Oppen, Ingrid Hennum;
Høgetveit, Kristin;
Andersen, Marianne Skovsager;
Vanky, Eszter.
Does Metformin Treatment during Pregnancy Modify the Future Metabolic Profile in Women with PCOS?.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM)
Academic article
Velle-Forbord, Veronica;
Underdal, Maria Othelie;
Vanky, Eszter.
Breastfeeding and future maternal health- no causal evidence: To the editor.
JAMA Internal Medicine
Letter to the editor
Akkæk, Cigdem Ahaein;
Hervig, Tor;
Bjørsvik, Solfrid;
Underdal, Maria Othelie;
Skoug, Carl Fredrig;
Ersvær, Elisabeth.
Minor diurnal and activity-induced variations in daytime peripheral blood platelet counts do not have any major impact on platelet yield by platelet apheresis.
Transfusion and Apheresis Science
Academic article
Journal publications
Underdal, Maria Othelie;
Salvesen, Øyvind;
Henriksen, Anne Hildur;
Andersen, Marianne;
Vanky, Eszter.
Impaired Respiratory Function in Women With PCOS Compared With Matched Controls From a Population-Based Study.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM)
Academic article
Løvvik, Tone Shetelig;
Carlsen, Sven Magnus;
Salvesen, Øyvind;
Steffensen, Berglind;
Bixo, Marie;
Gomez Real, Francisco.
Use of metformin to treat pregnant women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PregMet2): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology
Academic article
Underdal, Maria Othelie;
Salvesen, Øyvind;
Schmedes, Anne;
Andersen, Marianne Skovsager;
Vanky, Eszter.
Prolactin and breast increase during pregnancy in PCOS: linked to long-term metabolic health?.
European Journal of Endocrinology (EJE)
Academic article
Velle-Forbord, Veronica;
Underdal, Maria Othelie;
Vanky, Eszter.
Breastfeeding and Future Maternal Health—No Causal Evidence.
JAMA Internal Medicine
Reader opinion piece
Underdal, Maria Othelie;
Stridsklev, Solhild;
Oppen, Ingrid Hennum;
Høgetveit, Kristin;
Andersen, Marianne Skovsager;
Vanky, Eszter.
Does Metformin Treatment during Pregnancy Modify the Future Metabolic Profile in Women with PCOS?.
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM)
Academic article
Velle-Forbord, Veronica;
Underdal, Maria Othelie;
Vanky, Eszter.
Breastfeeding and future maternal health- no causal evidence: To the editor.
JAMA Internal Medicine
Letter to the editor
Akkæk, Cigdem Ahaein;
Hervig, Tor;
Bjørsvik, Solfrid;
Underdal, Maria Othelie;
Skoug, Carl Fredrig;
Ersvær, Elisabeth.
Minor diurnal and activity-induced variations in daytime peripheral blood platelet counts do not have any major impact on platelet yield by platelet apheresis.
Transfusion and Apheresis Science
Academic article
Academic lectureUnderdal, Maria Othelie. (2019) Lungehelse hos PCOS. Norsk Gynekologisk Forening Årsmøte Norsk Gynekologisk Forening , Bodø 2019-10-23 - 2019-10-25
PosterUnderdal, Maria Othelie. (2018) Are prolactin levels and breast increment in pregnancy predictors of metabolic health in women with PCOS? . Androgen Excess and PCOS Society AEPCOS , Stockholm 2018-09-23 - 2018-09-25
PosterUnderdal, Maria Othelie; Vanky, Eszter; Stridsklev, Solhild; Andersen, Marianne S.. (2017) Metabolic health in women with PCOS 5-11 years follow-up after metformin or placebo in pregnancy - The MumMet study. Endocrine society ENDO 2017 , Orlando 2017-03-30 - 2017-04-04