Maria Bårdsen Hesjedal
I am a researcher at the Department of Public Health and Nursing (ISM), at the unit for General Practice Research and Medical Ethics, at NTNU. I am a part of the research project PROVIZ - Prostate cancer visualization by MRI (, and my research is linked to prostate cancer, artificial intelligence, and inter- & transdisciplinarity.
I am a social scentists, and have a background in Science and Technology Studies, Social Anthropology (B.A and M.A) and biology.
The topic of my PhD dissertation is interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in biotechnology, and I did my research in the context of a national biotechnology research centre called Digital Life Norway (DLN) ( Biotechnology is a field receiving substantial policy attention, and is a site where research policy expectations are clearly articulated. This makes it an interesting research site. Increased collaboration, digitalization, disciplinary transgression and value creation are examples of policy expectations that contribute in forming the field, influencing not only researchers' everyday scientific lives but also the public understanding of Norwegian biotechnology.
Hesjedal, Maria Bårdsen.
Kunnskapspraksiser i toppturmiljøet.
Betwixt & Between
Academic article
Hesjedal, Maria Bårdsen;
Johansen, Stein Erik.
På rett sted til rett tid? Bratt skikjøring mellom risiko og flyt.
Masters thesis
Hesjedal, Maria Bårdsen.
Kunnskapspraksiser i toppturmiljøet.
Betwixt & Between
Academic article
Hesjedal, Maria Bårdsen;
Johansen, Stein Erik.
På rett sted til rett tid? Bratt skikjøring mellom risiko og flyt.
Masters thesis
InterviewFjellså, Ingvild Firman; Hesjedal, Maria Bårdsen. (2017) Usikkerheten kan føre til frafall av norske forskere. Universitetsavisa Universitetsavisa [Journal] 2017-08-02
LectureHesjedal, Maria Bårdsen. (2016) Sikkerhet på topptur. DNT Fjellsport Årsmøte DNT Fjellsport , Rosendal 2016-04-02 -
LectureHesjedal, Maria Bårdsen. (2015) Paradokser i norsk skikultur: Sammenhenger mellom risiko, inkludering og identitet. Skredkonferansen 2015 2015-11-20 - 2015-11-22
InterviewHesjedal, Maria Bårdsen. (2015) Gir økt sikkerhetsfokus flere skredulykker?. [Internet] 2015-11-20