Marianne Kjelsvik
Educational record
2019 PhD, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Bergen.
2009 Master’s degree (MSc), Health Sciences - Nursing, Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Bergen.
2004 Counseling pedagogy, Aalesund University College.
1986 School of Nursing, Bachelor’s degree, (RN), Aalesund University College.
Ph.d (2019):
Pregnant and ambivalent - Experiences of women and health personnel in the decision-making process
Background: Considering whether to terminate or go ahead with a pregnancy might be a challenging experience for a woman and for health personnel at gynaecological outpatient clinics preparing women for abortion. However, few studies have focused on the perspectives of women who are pregnant and ambivalent. There is also limited research exploring the experiences of health personnel when encountering women who are ambivalent regarding terminating a pregnancy in the first trimester.
Aims: The aim of this study was to explore how women who are ambivalent when pregnant and considering abortion experienced their situation and how health personnel experienced encountering these women. The specific aims were as follows:
Study 1: To explore the experiences of a subset of Norwegian pregnant women who were unsure about whether to complete or terminate their pregnancies during the decision-making process.
Study 2: To explore the experiences of health personnel who met women who were unsure whether to complete or terminate their pregnancies.
Study 3: To explore the experiences of ambivalent abortion-seeking women regarding their encounters with health personnel.
Methods: During 2015, 23 individual interviews with 13 women considering whether to terminate a pregnancy in the first trimester were conducted. The participants were recruited from six hospitals in Southern Norway. Three focus group interviews with a total of 20 health personnel from four gynaecological outpatient clinics were conducted in 2016. To gain knowledge of human experiences regarding the lifeworlds of women and the health personnel, hermeneutical phenomenological methods were chosen.
Results: The results are presented in three separate papers. In Paper 1, the ambivalent pregnant women described that verification of their pregnancy meant a new reality. They started to consider their readiness, describing the experience as a lonely journey during which their values were challenged. A feeling of existential loneliness dominated their decision-making process and the implementation. In Paper 2, the findings show that health personnel focus their attention on all women who are prepared for abortions by revealing, handling and being involved in each woman's potential uncertainty without influencing her decision. The health personnel found the encounters with the unsure women and their often unsolvable dilemmas to be challenging, and their involvement meant a risk of being confronted with their own vulnerabilities and values. In Paper 3, the findings show that the ambivalent pregnant women sought to make autonomous decisions while simultaneously involving their closest confidants and health personnel in the process. Three types of narratives of women’s experiences with encounters with health personnel were identified: respected women, identified women and abandoned women.
Conclusions and implications: Both the women considering abortion and the health personnel who encounter them at the gynaecological outpatient clinic feel pressure in several contextual circumstances and need support and guidance. The support given to women who are pregnant and ambivalent seems to mostly be dependent on the individual woman herself and the individual health personnel caring for her at the gynaecological units. This indicates a need for awareness of both health personnel and society related to the emotional and existential challenges women experience when they are ambivalent. In addition, the time schedule in outpatient clinics should allow for the fact that a subset of women is still ambivalent. Increased emphases on education and counselling for health professionals are needed to strengthen the quality of care.
Kvinners erfaringer med abortnemnder – en samfunnsvitenskapelig studie
Early Intervention after Rape (EIR) - Prosessevaluering
Hamnøy, Ingvild Lande;
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Bærug, Anne Bergljot;
Dahl, Berit Misund.
Breastfeeding mother's experiences with breastfeeding counselling: a qualitative study.
International Breastfeeding Journal
Academic article
Haaland, Marte Emilie Sandvik;
Moland, Karen Marie Ingeborg;
Bruvik, Frøydis Kristine;
Cetin, Kaya Sinem;
Kjelsvik, Marianne.
Abortlov til vurdering.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Feature article
Haaland, Marte Emilie Sandvik;
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Cetin, Kaya Sinem;
Gjengedal, Eva;
Moland, Karen Marie Ingeborg;
Daltveit, Anne Kjersti Nesje.
Kvinners erfaringer med abortnemnder.
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Hamnøy, Ingvild Lande;
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Bærug, Anne Bergljot;
Dahl, Berit Misund.
A balancing act—midwives' and public health nurses' experiences with breastfeeding counselling.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
Academic article
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Sekse, Ragnhild Johanne Tveit;
Aasen, Elin Margrethe;
Gjengedal, Eva.
Viewing the image? Ultrasound examination during abortion preparations, ethical challenges.
Nursing Ethics
Academic article
Aasen, Elin Margrethe;
Nilsen, Halvard Knut;
Dahlborg, Elisabeth;
Helberget, Lindis Kathrine;
Kjelsvik, Marianne.
From open to locked doors - From dependent to independent: Patients narratives of participation in their rehabilitation processes.
Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN)
Academic article
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Sekse, Ragnhild Johanne Tveit;
Moi, Asgjerd Litleré;
Aasen, Elin Margrethe;
Nortvedt, Per;
Gjengedal, Eva.
Beyond autonomy and care: Experiences of ambivalent abortion seekers.
Nursing Ethics
Academic article
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Gjengedal, Eva;
Sekse, Ragnhild Johanne Tveit;
Aasen, Elin Margrethe;
Moi, Asgjerd Litleré.
Pregnant and ambivalent. Experiences of women and health personnel in the decision-making
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Doctoral dissertation
Kjelsvik, Marianne.
Alene med ansvaret for beslutningen om abort.
Tidskrift för genusvetenskap (TGV)
Short communication
Kjelsvik, Marianne.
Ambivalens ved abortavgjørelser.
Tidsskriftet sykepleien
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Sekse, Ragnhild Johanne Tveit;
Moi, Asgjerd Litleré;
Aasen, Elin Margrethe;
Gjengedal, Eva.
Walking on a tightrope - caring for ambivalent women considering abortions in the first trimester.
Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN)
Academic article
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Sekse, Ragnhild Johanne Tveit;
Moi, Asgjerd Litleré;
Aasen, Elin Margrethe;
Chesla, Catherine A.;
Gjengedal, Eva.
Women's experiences when unsure about whether or not to have an abortion in the first trimester.
Health Care for Women International
Academic article
Gjengedal, Eva;
Ekra, Else Mari Ruberg;
Hol, Hege Bente;
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Lykkeslet, Else;
Michaelsen, Ragnhild K A.
Vulnerability in health care – reflections on encounters in every day practice.
Nursing Philosophy
Academic article
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Gjengedal, Eva.
Abort eller ikke?.
Jordmora : Tidsskrift for jordmorforbundet NSF
Popular scientific article
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Gjengedal, Eva.
First-time pregnant women's experience of the decision-making process related to completing or terminating pregnancy - a phenomenological study.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
Academic article
Kjelsvik, Marianne.
Å ha valget og selv ta avgjørelsen.
Kvinnens opplevelse av beslutningsprosessen ved usikkerhet knyttet til å fullføre eller avbryte en graviditet i første trimester. En kvalitativ fenomenologisk studie.
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Masters thesis
Journal publications
Hamnøy, Ingvild Lande;
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Bærug, Anne Bergljot;
Dahl, Berit Misund.
Breastfeeding mother's experiences with breastfeeding counselling: a qualitative study.
International Breastfeeding Journal
Academic article
Haaland, Marte Emilie Sandvik;
Moland, Karen Marie Ingeborg;
Bruvik, Frøydis Kristine;
Cetin, Kaya Sinem;
Kjelsvik, Marianne.
Abortlov til vurdering.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Feature article
Hamnøy, Ingvild Lande;
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Bærug, Anne Bergljot;
Dahl, Berit Misund.
A balancing act—midwives' and public health nurses' experiences with breastfeeding counselling.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
Academic article
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Sekse, Ragnhild Johanne Tveit;
Aasen, Elin Margrethe;
Gjengedal, Eva.
Viewing the image? Ultrasound examination during abortion preparations, ethical challenges.
Nursing Ethics
Academic article
Aasen, Elin Margrethe;
Nilsen, Halvard Knut;
Dahlborg, Elisabeth;
Helberget, Lindis Kathrine;
Kjelsvik, Marianne.
From open to locked doors - From dependent to independent: Patients narratives of participation in their rehabilitation processes.
Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN)
Academic article
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Sekse, Ragnhild Johanne Tveit;
Moi, Asgjerd Litleré;
Aasen, Elin Margrethe;
Nortvedt, Per;
Gjengedal, Eva.
Beyond autonomy and care: Experiences of ambivalent abortion seekers.
Nursing Ethics
Academic article
Kjelsvik, Marianne.
Alene med ansvaret for beslutningen om abort.
Tidskrift för genusvetenskap (TGV)
Short communication
Kjelsvik, Marianne.
Ambivalens ved abortavgjørelser.
Tidsskriftet sykepleien
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Sekse, Ragnhild Johanne Tveit;
Moi, Asgjerd Litleré;
Aasen, Elin Margrethe;
Gjengedal, Eva.
Walking on a tightrope - caring for ambivalent women considering abortions in the first trimester.
Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN)
Academic article
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Sekse, Ragnhild Johanne Tveit;
Moi, Asgjerd Litleré;
Aasen, Elin Margrethe;
Chesla, Catherine A.;
Gjengedal, Eva.
Women's experiences when unsure about whether or not to have an abortion in the first trimester.
Health Care for Women International
Academic article
Gjengedal, Eva;
Ekra, Else Mari Ruberg;
Hol, Hege Bente;
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Lykkeslet, Else;
Michaelsen, Ragnhild K A.
Vulnerability in health care – reflections on encounters in every day practice.
Nursing Philosophy
Academic article
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Gjengedal, Eva.
Abort eller ikke?.
Jordmora : Tidsskrift for jordmorforbundet NSF
Popular scientific article
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Gjengedal, Eva.
First-time pregnant women's experience of the decision-making process related to completing or terminating pregnancy - a phenomenological study.
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
Academic article
Haaland, Marte Emilie Sandvik;
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Cetin, Kaya Sinem;
Gjengedal, Eva;
Moland, Karen Marie Ingeborg;
Daltveit, Anne Kjersti Nesje.
Kvinners erfaringer med abortnemnder.
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Kjelsvik, Marianne;
Gjengedal, Eva;
Sekse, Ragnhild Johanne Tveit;
Aasen, Elin Margrethe;
Moi, Asgjerd Litleré.
Pregnant and ambivalent. Experiences of women and health personnel in the decision-making
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Doctoral dissertation
Kjelsvik, Marianne.
Å ha valget og selv ta avgjørelsen.
Kvinnens opplevelse av beslutningsprosessen ved usikkerhet knyttet til å fullføre eller avbryte en graviditet i første trimester. En kvalitativ fenomenologisk studie.
Universitetet i Bergen
Universitetet i Bergen
Masters thesis
InterviewTvergrov, Eli Anne; Kjelsvik, Marianne. (2024) Kvinnenes erfaringer innhentet av forskere. NTNU Nyheter NTNU Nyheter [Internet] 2024-01-26
Popular scientific lectureKjelsvik, Marianne. (2024) Kvinnehelseforskning. Ålesund Soroptimistklubb Medlemsmæte , Ålesund 2024-09-03 -
Academic lectureKjelsvik, Marianne. (2023) Kvinners erfaringer med abort. Helse og omsorgsdirektoratet Abortutvalget , Trondheim 2023-01-19 - 2023-01-19
Academic lectureHaaland, Marte Emilie Sandvik; Kjelsvik, Marianne. (2023) Kvinners erfaringer fra abortnemnder - presentasjon av en samfunnsvitenskapelig studie. Helse- og omsorgsdepartement Møte i Abortutvalget , Oslo 2023-06-19 - 2023-06-19
InterviewDæhlen, Marte; Kjelsvik, Marianne. (2020) Amerikanske kvinner som hadde tatt abort angret sjelden. [Internet] 2020-01-20
Academic lectureKjelsvik, Marianne; Gjengedal, Eva. (2019) Empirical examples from the Norwegian context. Pregnant and ambivalent: Ethical judgement in clinical encounters . Igs, Universitet i Bergen og Høyskolen i Molde Solstrandseminaret 2019 , Bergen 2019-09-12 - 2019-09-13
Academic lectureKjelsvik, Marianne. (2019) Ultrasound examination,an ethical dilemma?. IHSRC International Human Science Research Conference , Høyskolen i Molde 2019-06-24 -
Academic lectureKjelsvik, Marianne. (2019) Gravid og ambivalent - Presentasjon av 3 studier om kvinners og helsepersonells erfaringer i beslutningsprosessen om abort. Gyn avd Fagmøte St Olavs hospital , St Olavs hospital 2019-12-10 -
Academic lectureKjelsvik, Marianne. (2019) Gravid og ambivalent- Kvinners og helsepersonells erfaringer i beslutningsprosessen. . Kvinneklinikken, Haukeland universitetssykehus Fagmøte Haukeland universitetssykehus , Bergen 2019-10-04 - 2019-10-04
PosterKjelsvik, Marianne; Gjengedal, Eva; Moi, Asgjerd Litleré; Sekse, Ragnhild Johanne Tveit; Aasen, Elin Margrethe. (2019) Gravid og ambivalent - Kvinners og helsepersonells erfaringer i beslutningsprosessen. Helse Midt Norge Regional forskningskonferanse 2019, , Kristiansund 2019-10-02 -
InterviewMeland, Svein Inge; Kjelsvik, Marianne. (2019) Abort: Noen våger ikke engang snakke med sin egen mor. [Internet] 2019-02-20
InterviewNekham, Erika; Kjelsvik, Marianne. (2019) Studie: Så kan osäkerhet inför en abort bemøtas. Södermannlands Nyheter Södermannlands Nyheter [Newspaper] 2019-06-12
InterviewNekham, Erika; Kjelsvik, Marianne. (2019) Så kan man bemöta osäkerhet vid aborter. Sala Allehanda Sala Allehanda [Newspaper] 2019-06-12
Programme participationBondevik, Leiv-Erik; Kjelsvik, Marianne. (2019) Kvinner som kommer i tvil om abort, savner ofte god samtaleveiledning. NRK Møre og Romsdag NRK Møre og Romsdag [Radio] 2019-03-14
LectureKjelsvik, Marianne. (2019) Gravid og ambivalent - Kvinners og helsepersonells erfaringer i beslutningsprosessen. Er funnene fra studiene av betydning for Amathea?. Stiftelsen Amathea Ansattsamling for Stiftelsen Amathea , Oslo 2019-11-26 - 2019-11-26
Academic lectureKjelsvik, Marianne. (2019) Gravid og ambivalent - Kvinners og helsepersonells erfaringer i beslutningsprosessen om abort. Helsedirektoratet Abortnemndkonferansen 2019, Nasjonal konferanse for sykehusenes abortnemnder , Gardermoen, Oslo 2019-11-06 - 2019-11-07
InterviewHagerup, Ingrid; Kjelsvik, Marianne. (2018) Føler seg alene i valget om abort. [Internet] 2018-05-29
InterviewHanger, Mari Rian; Kjelsvik, Marianne. (2018) Hva gjør leger og sykepleiere når kvinner er usikre på om de skal ta abort? Ny studie viser at flere leger og sykepleiere har opplevd at kvinnen angret seg etter at hun hadde tatt pillen som starter abortprosessen. Intervju med Marianne Kjelsvik, NTNU. [Internet] 2018-09-22
InterviewBirkeland, Malene; Kjelsvik, Marianne. (2018) Fire kvinner forteller: Derfor tok vi abort. Verdens Gang (VG) Verdens Gang (VG) [Newspaper] 2018-11-06
Academic lectureKjelsvik, Marianne; Gjengedal, Eva; Sekse, Ragnhild Johanne Tveit; Moi, Asgjerd Litleré; Aasen, Elin Margrethe. (2017) Researching lived experiences of pregnant women who considered having, or not having, an abortion in the first trimester. On the basis of Max van Manen's Practical Phenomenology of Life-World Existentials. IHSRC The 36th International Human Science Research Conference , Jelenia Gora 2017-07-11 - 2017-07-14
PosterKjelsvik, Marianne; Gjengedal, Eva; Sekse, Ragnhild Johanne Tveit; Moi, Asgjerd Litleré; Aasen, Elin Margrethe. (2016) Pregnant and ambivalent - Norwegian women’s experiences when ambivalent in the decision-making process in the first trimester . FIAPAC Improving women's journey through abortion, 12th congress of FIAPAC , Lisboa 2016-10-13 - 2016-10-15
PosterKjelsvik, Marianne; Gjengedal, Eva. (2012) How to make the right decision?. Norsk Sykepleieforbund (NSF) Sykepleiekongressen 2012 , Oslo 2012-09-25 - 2012-09-26
Academic lectureKjelsvik, Marianne; Gjengedal, Eva. (2010) Pregnant and ambivalent - How to make the right decision. IHSRC International Human Science Research Conference (IHSRC) , Seattle 2010-08-04 - 2010-08-07
PosterKjelsvik, Marianne. (2010) How to make the right decision? Women’s experience of the decision process related to completing or terminating a pregnancy during the first trimester, a phenomenological study . FIAPAC Europeisk abortforskningskonferanse , Sevilla 2010-10-21 - 2010-10-22