Luca Savio
Lowe, Todd;
Smits, Alexander J.;
Visonneau, Michel;
Deng, Ganbo;
Ding, Liuyang;
Guilmineau, Emmanuel.
Non-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers in high reynolds number flow at incompressible conditions: effects of streamline curvature and three dimensionality.
Journal of turbulence
Academic article
Savio, Luca;
Ahani, Alireza;
Greco, Marilena;
Abrahamsen, Bjørn Christian.
Profilometry: a non-intrusive active stereo-vision technique for wave-profile measurements in large hydrodynamic laboratories.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Rokvam, Sondre Østli;
Vedvik, Nils-Petter;
Savio, Luca;
Echtermeyer, Andreas Thorsten.
Designing Composite Adaptive Propeller Blades with Passive Bend–Twist Deformation for Periodic-Load Variations Using Multiple Design Concepts.
Academic article
Rokvam, Sondre Østli;
Vedvik, Nils-Petter;
Mark, Lukas;
Rømcke, Eivind;
Ølnes, Jon;
Savio, Luca.
A computational iterative design method for bend-twist deformation in composite ship propeller blades for thrusters.
Open Engineering
Academic article
Koushan, Kourosh;
Aasheim, Ingebjørn;
Savio, Luca;
Jiang, Fengjian;
Östman, Anders Lennart;
Henry, Pierre-Yves.
Numerical, Experimental and Full-Scale Investigation of a passive Air-Lubrication System for High-Speed Craft.
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rokvam, Sondre Østli;
Vedvik, Nils Petter;
Mark, Lukas;
Rømcke, Eivind;
Ølnes, Jon;
Savio, Luca.
Experimental verification of the elastic response in a numeric model of a composite propeller blade with bend twist deformation.
Academic article
Kozlowska, Anna Maria;
Dalheim, Øyvind Øksnes;
Savio, Luca;
Steen, Sverre.
Time Domain Modeling of Propeller Forces due to Ventilation in Static and Dynamic Conditions .
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE)
Academic article
Savio, Luca;
Sileo, Lucia;
Ås, Sigmund Kyrre.
A comparison of physical and numerical modeling of homogenous isotropic propeller blades.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE)
Academic article
Kozlowska, Anna Maria;
Savio, Luca;
Steen, Sverre.
Predicting thrust loss of ship propellers due to ventilation and out-of-water effect.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Steen, Sverre;
Dalheim, Øyvind Øksnes;
Savio, Luca;
Koushan, Kourosh.
Time-domain modelling of propeller forces.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Kramer, Jarle Andre;
Steen, Sverre;
Savio, Luca.
Experimental Study of the Effect of Drift Angle on a Ship-Like Foil with Varying Aspect Ratio and Bottom Edge Shape.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Savio, Luca;
Spence, Silas John Byron;
Koushan, Kourosh;
Steen, Sverre.
Full Scale and Model Scale Propeller Ventilation Behind Ship.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hutchison, Suzanne Ruth;
Steen, Sverre;
Savio, Luca.
Modelling of propeller hydrodynamics for implementation with multi-body simulation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bertetta, D;
Brizzolara, S.;
Gaggero, S;
Viviani, M.;
Savio, Luca.
CPP propeller cavitation and noise optimization at different pitches with panel code and validation by cavitation tunnel measurements.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Savio, Luca;
Steen, Sverre.
Identification and Analysis of Full Scale Ventilation Events.
International Journal of Rotating Machinery
Academic article
Koushan, Kourosh;
Spence, Silas John Byron;
Savio, Luca.
Ventilated Propeller Blade Loadings and Spindle Moment of a Thruster in Calm Water and Waves.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Lowe, Todd;
Smits, Alexander J.;
Visonneau, Michel;
Deng, Ganbo;
Ding, Liuyang;
Guilmineau, Emmanuel.
Non-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers in high reynolds number flow at incompressible conditions: effects of streamline curvature and three dimensionality.
Journal of turbulence
Academic article
Savio, Luca;
Ahani, Alireza;
Greco, Marilena;
Abrahamsen, Bjørn Christian.
Profilometry: a non-intrusive active stereo-vision technique for wave-profile measurements in large hydrodynamic laboratories.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Rokvam, Sondre Østli;
Vedvik, Nils-Petter;
Savio, Luca;
Echtermeyer, Andreas Thorsten.
Designing Composite Adaptive Propeller Blades with Passive Bend–Twist Deformation for Periodic-Load Variations Using Multiple Design Concepts.
Academic article
Rokvam, Sondre Østli;
Vedvik, Nils-Petter;
Mark, Lukas;
Rømcke, Eivind;
Ølnes, Jon;
Savio, Luca.
A computational iterative design method for bend-twist deformation in composite ship propeller blades for thrusters.
Open Engineering
Academic article
Rokvam, Sondre Østli;
Vedvik, Nils Petter;
Mark, Lukas;
Rømcke, Eivind;
Ølnes, Jon;
Savio, Luca.
Experimental verification of the elastic response in a numeric model of a composite propeller blade with bend twist deformation.
Academic article
Kozlowska, Anna Maria;
Dalheim, Øyvind Øksnes;
Savio, Luca;
Steen, Sverre.
Time Domain Modeling of Propeller Forces due to Ventilation in Static and Dynamic Conditions .
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE)
Academic article
Savio, Luca;
Sileo, Lucia;
Ås, Sigmund Kyrre.
A comparison of physical and numerical modeling of homogenous isotropic propeller blades.
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE)
Academic article
Kozlowska, Anna Maria;
Savio, Luca;
Steen, Sverre.
Predicting thrust loss of ship propellers due to ventilation and out-of-water effect.
Journal of Ship Research
Academic article
Kramer, Jarle Andre;
Steen, Sverre;
Savio, Luca.
Experimental Study of the Effect of Drift Angle on a Ship-Like Foil with Varying Aspect Ratio and Bottom Edge Shape.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Bertetta, D;
Brizzolara, S.;
Gaggero, S;
Viviani, M.;
Savio, Luca.
CPP propeller cavitation and noise optimization at different pitches with panel code and validation by cavitation tunnel measurements.
Ocean Engineering
Academic article
Savio, Luca;
Steen, Sverre.
Identification and Analysis of Full Scale Ventilation Events.
International Journal of Rotating Machinery
Academic article
Part of book/report
Koushan, Kourosh;
Aasheim, Ingebjørn;
Savio, Luca;
Jiang, Fengjian;
Östman, Anders Lennart;
Henry, Pierre-Yves.
Numerical, Experimental and Full-Scale Investigation of a passive Air-Lubrication System for High-Speed Craft.
Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Steen, Sverre;
Dalheim, Øyvind Øksnes;
Savio, Luca;
Koushan, Kourosh.
Time-domain modelling of propeller forces.
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DTU
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Savio, Luca;
Spence, Silas John Byron;
Koushan, Kourosh;
Steen, Sverre.
Full Scale and Model Scale Propeller Ventilation Behind Ship.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hutchison, Suzanne Ruth;
Steen, Sverre;
Savio, Luca.
Modelling of propeller hydrodynamics for implementation with multi-body simulation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Koushan, Kourosh;
Spence, Silas John Byron;
Savio, Luca.
Ventilated Propeller Blade Loadings and Spindle Moment of a Thruster in Calm Water and Waves.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic lectureHenry, Pierre-Yves T; Savio, Luca; Koushan, Kourosh; Jenssen, Yngve Lilleeng; Hansen, Karoline; Brink, Angelika. (2023) Characterisation of Bubble Layer lubrication mechanism by means of Bubble Image Velocimetry. Istanbul Technical Univeristy/The University of Strathclyde The Advanced Model Measurement Technology for EU Maritime Industry Conference (AMT’23) , Istanbul 2023-10-24 - 2023-10-26
Academic lectureDuetsch-Patel, Julie; MacGregor, Daniel; Jenssen, Yngve Lilleeng; Henry, Pierre-Yves T; Muthanna, Chittiappa; Savio, Luca. (2022) The BeVERLI Hill three-dimensional separating flow case: cross-facility comparisons of validation experiment results. AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum 2022-01-03 - 2022-01-07
Academic lectureKozlowska, Anna Maria; Krasilnikov, Vladimir; Koushan, Kourosh; Savio, Luca. (2022) Numerical and Experimental Study of Tidal Turbine Performance. CSSRC Seventh International Symposium on Marine Propulsors , Wuxi, China 2022-10-17 - 2022-10-21
Academic lectureKrasilnikov, Vladimir; Savio, Luca; Koushan, Kourosh; Felli, Mario; Abdel-Maksoud, Moustafa; Kimmerl, Julian. (2022) Towards Reliable Prediction of Propeller Noise: Challenges and Findings of the Project ProNoVi. CSSRC Seventh International Symposium on Marine Propulsors , Wuxi, China 2022-10-17 - 2022-10-21
Academic lectureKimmerl, Julian; Mertes, Paul; Krasilnikov, Vladimir; Koushan, Kourosh; Savio, Luca; Felli, Mario. (2022) Experimental and Numerical Advances in Underwater Radiated Noise Prediction of Cavitating Propeller-Hull Combinations. The Acoustic Society of Korea 24th International Congress on Acoustics , Gyeongju, Korea 2022-10-24 - 2022-10-28
Academic lectureHøstmark, Elisa; Savio, Luca; Jiang, Fengjian. (2021) A COMBINED EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION ON SURFACE PIERCING HYDROFOILS. CIMNE The 9th Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering (Marine 2021) , Online 2021-06-02 - 2021-06-04
Academic lectureSavio, Luca; Sileo, Lucia; Ås, Sigmund Kyrre. (2019) A comparison of physical and numerical modeling of homogenous isotropic propeller blades. CNR-INM Sixth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors SMP’19 , Rome 2019-05-26 - 2019-05-30
Academic lectureSavio, Luca; Koushan, Kourosh. (2019) OPEN WATER CHARACTERISTICS OF THREE MODEL SCALE FLEXIBLE PROPELLERS. VIII International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering MARINE 2019 , Gothenborg 2019-05-13 - 2019-05-15
Academic lectureKimmerl, Julian; Mertes, Paul; Krasilnikov, Vladimir; Koushan, Kourosh; Savio, Luca; Abdel-Maksoud, Moustafa. (2019) Analysis Methods and Design Measures for the Reduction of Noise and Vibration Induced by Marine Propellers. 23rd International Congress on Acoustics , Aachen 2019-09-09 - 2019-09-13
Academic lectureÖstman, Anders Lennart; Koushan, Kourosh; Savio, Luca. (2019) Study on Additional Ship Resistance due to Roughness using CFD. Hull Performance & Insight Conference (HullPIC) 2019 , Gubbio 2019-05-06 - 2019-05-08
Academic lectureSavio, Luca; Koushan, Kourosh; Berge, Bjørn Ola; Magnussen, Øyvind. (2017) A data integration technique for monitoring the performances of a vessel in operation. The 5th International Conference on Advanced Model Measurement Technology for The Maritime Industry (AMT’17) 2017-10-11 - 2017-10-13
Academic lectureÖstman, Anders Lennart; Koushan, Kourosh; Savio, Luca. (2017) Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Roughness Due to Different Type of Coating. 2nd Hull Performance & Insight Conference 2017-03-27 - 2017-03-29
Academic lectureSavio, Luca; Koushan, Kourosh; Berge, Bjørn Ola; Axelsson, Martin. (2015) MEASUREMENTS OF ADDED RESISTANCE DUE TO INCREASED ROUGHNESS ON FLAT PLATES. University of Newcastle AMT 2015 , Istanbul 2015-09-28 - 2015-09-30
LectureSavio, Luca. (2015) Measurements of the deflection of a flexible propeller blade by means of stereo imaging. The University of Texas SMP2015 - The Fourth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors , Austin 2015-05-31 - 2015-06-04
Academic lectureKoushan, Kourosh; Spence, Silas John Byron; Savio, Luca. (2011) Ventilated Propeller Blade Loadings and Spindle Moment of a Thruster in Calm Water and Waves. TU Hamburg Harburg Second International Symposium on Marine Propulsors (smp'11) , Hamburg 2011-06-15 -
Academic lectureSavio, Luca; Sileo, Lucia; Steen, Sverre. (2011) COMPARISON OF EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL PREDICTIONS OF OPEN WATER PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF A PODDED PROPELLER. Newcastle University The Advanced Model Measurement Technology for EU Maritime Industry Conference (AMT’11) , Newcastle upon Tyne 2011-04-04 - 2011-04-06