Liv Quist Christensen
Dragvoll 1, Bygg 1 - 6 Dragvoll, Trondheim
I am a PhD Candidate at The Center for Gender Research (SKF) where I conduct a feminist participatory action research project about diversity and inclusion in higher jazz music education in Norway. I work in the intersection between queer studies and feminist critical theory.
Previously I’ve been a research assistant on a project about gender, body and egg donation, where I conducted qualitative interviews. I hold a Bachelor's degree in Musicology and a Master's degree in Equality and Diversity from NTNU.
Research groups and networks
I am a member of the following research groups and networks:
Academic interests
- Queer and feminist theory
- Jazz and gender
- Inclusion and higher music education
- Intersectionality
Branlat, Jennifer Elise;
Christensen, Liv Quist.
“You should be more cute, you know”: cuteness and negotiations of power in Japanese vocal jazz.
European Journal of Musicology (EJM)
Academic article
Journal publications
Branlat, Jennifer Elise;
Christensen, Liv Quist.
“You should be more cute, you know”: cuteness and negotiations of power in Japanese vocal jazz.
European Journal of Musicology (EJM)
Academic article
Academic lectureChristensen, Liv Quist. (2024) Norwegian Perspective: A Feminist Participatory Action Study of Inclusion in University Jazz Education. Uppsala universitet Jämställdhet och nordisk musik (Equality and Nordic music) , Uppsala 2024-10-30 - 2024-10-31
Academic lectureChristensen, Liv Quist. (2024) A Feminist Participatory Action Study of Inclusion in University Jazz Education. University of Groningen, Faculty of Arts Music4Change, Sustainable Cities and Cultures of Music , Groningen 2024-11-05 - 2024-11-08