Lindsay Nicole Ferrara
Jantunen, Tommi;
Mesch, Johanna;
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole.
Corpus research on signed languages in the Nordic countries.
Nordic Journal of Linguistics
Short communication
Arnold, Brittany Mason;
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Sikveland, Rein Ove.
Investigating Question-Asking in Norwegian Sign Language: A Multi-Method Approach.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (2024/414)
Doctoral dissertation
Arnold, Brittany Mason;
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole.
"Your Turn!": Using Finger Pointing and PALM-UP Actions to Ask Questions in Norwegian Sign Language.
Sign Language Studies
Academic article
Lindsay, Ferrara.
Indexing turn-beginnings in norwegian sign language conversation.
Academic article
Hodge, Gabrielle;
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole.
Iconicity as Multimodal, Polysemiotic, and Plurifunctional.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Anible, Benjamin Donald;
Hodge, Gabrielle;
Jantunen, Tommi;
Leeson, Lorraine;
Mesch, Johanna.
A cross-linguistic comparison of reference across five signed languages.
Linguistic Typology
Academic article
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Bø, Vibeke.
Norwegian Sign Language Corpus – Pilot Corpus (Conversations).
Other product
Hodge, Gabrielle;
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole.
How can we make language theory more inclusive?.
Popular scientific article
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Rolf, Piene Halvorsen.
Norwegian Sign Language Corpus - Halvorsen (2012).
Other product
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole.
Some interactional functions of finger pointing in signed language conversations.
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics
Academic article
Haualand, Hilde;
Bø, Vibeke;
Vonen, Arnfinn Muruvik;
Hjulstad, Johan;
Ringsø, Torill;
Nilsson, Anna-Lena.
Når fagfolks manglende kunnskap om språk hindrer hørselshemmede barns utviklingsmuligheter – et tilsvar til Skaug (2020).
Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole.
Coordinating signs and eye gaze in the depiction of directions and spatial scenes by fluent and L2 signers of Norwegian Sign Language.
Spatial Cognition and Computation
Academic article
Hodge, Gabrielle;
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Anible, Benjamin Donald.
The semiotic diversity of doing reference in a deaf signed language.
Journal of Pragmatics
Academic article
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Ringsø, Torill.
Spatial Vantage Points in Norwegian Sign Language.
Open Linguistics
Academic article
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Hodge, Gabrielle.
Language as description, indication, and depiction.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Bø, Vibeke;
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Halvorsen, Rolf Piene.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Nilsson, Anna-Lena.
Describing spatial layouts as an M2 signed language learner.
Sign Language and Linguistics
Academic article
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Halvorsen, Rolf Piene.
Depicting and describing meanings with iconic signs in Norwegian Sign Language.
Academic article
Napier, Jemina;
Major, George;
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Johnston, Trevor.
Medical Signbank as a model for sign language planning? A review of community engagement.
Current Issues in Language Planning
Academic article
Mesch, Johanna;
Raanes, Eli;
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole.
Co-forming real space blends in tactile signed language dialogues.
Cognitive Linguistics
Academic article
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Johnston, Trevor.
Elaborating who's what: A study of constructed action and clause structure in Auslan (Australian Sign Language).
Australian Journal of Linguistics
Academic article
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Hodge, Gabrielle.
Showing the story: Enactment as performance in Auslan narratives.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Jantunen, Tommi;
Mesch, Johanna;
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole.
Corpus research on signed languages in the Nordic countries.
Nordic Journal of Linguistics
Short communication
Arnold, Brittany Mason;
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole.
"Your Turn!": Using Finger Pointing and PALM-UP Actions to Ask Questions in Norwegian Sign Language.
Sign Language Studies
Academic article
Lindsay, Ferrara.
Indexing turn-beginnings in norwegian sign language conversation.
Academic article
Hodge, Gabrielle;
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole.
Iconicity as Multimodal, Polysemiotic, and Plurifunctional.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Anible, Benjamin Donald;
Hodge, Gabrielle;
Jantunen, Tommi;
Leeson, Lorraine;
Mesch, Johanna.
A cross-linguistic comparison of reference across five signed languages.
Linguistic Typology
Academic article
Hodge, Gabrielle;
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole.
How can we make language theory more inclusive?.
Popular scientific article
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole.
Some interactional functions of finger pointing in signed language conversations.
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics
Academic article
Haualand, Hilde;
Bø, Vibeke;
Vonen, Arnfinn Muruvik;
Hjulstad, Johan;
Ringsø, Torill;
Nilsson, Anna-Lena.
Når fagfolks manglende kunnskap om språk hindrer hørselshemmede barns utviklingsmuligheter – et tilsvar til Skaug (2020).
Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole.
Coordinating signs and eye gaze in the depiction of directions and spatial scenes by fluent and L2 signers of Norwegian Sign Language.
Spatial Cognition and Computation
Academic article
Hodge, Gabrielle;
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Anible, Benjamin Donald.
The semiotic diversity of doing reference in a deaf signed language.
Journal of Pragmatics
Academic article
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Ringsø, Torill.
Spatial Vantage Points in Norwegian Sign Language.
Open Linguistics
Academic article
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Hodge, Gabrielle.
Language as description, indication, and depiction.
Frontiers in Psychology
Academic article
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Nilsson, Anna-Lena.
Describing spatial layouts as an M2 signed language learner.
Sign Language and Linguistics
Academic article
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Halvorsen, Rolf Piene.
Depicting and describing meanings with iconic signs in Norwegian Sign Language.
Academic article
Napier, Jemina;
Major, George;
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Johnston, Trevor.
Medical Signbank as a model for sign language planning? A review of community engagement.
Current Issues in Language Planning
Academic article
Mesch, Johanna;
Raanes, Eli;
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole.
Co-forming real space blends in tactile signed language dialogues.
Cognitive Linguistics
Academic article
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Johnston, Trevor.
Elaborating who's what: A study of constructed action and clause structure in Auslan (Australian Sign Language).
Australian Journal of Linguistics
Academic article
Part of book/report
Bø, Vibeke;
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Halvorsen, Rolf Piene.
Gyldendal Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Hodge, Gabrielle.
Showing the story: Enactment as performance in Auslan narratives.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Arnold, Brittany Mason;
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Sikveland, Rein Ove.
Investigating Question-Asking in Norwegian Sign Language: A Multi-Method Approach.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (2024/414)
Doctoral dissertation
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Bø, Vibeke.
Norwegian Sign Language Corpus – Pilot Corpus (Conversations).
Other product
Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole;
Rolf, Piene Halvorsen.
Norwegian Sign Language Corpus - Halvorsen (2012).
Other product
Academic lectureAnible, Benjamin Donald; Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2023) Referent tracking in conversation with diverse semiotics. Heinrich Heine University 16th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC 16) , Düsseldorf, Germany 2023-08-07 - 2023-08-11
Academic lectureArnold, Brittany Mason; Sikveland, Rein Ove; Lindsay, Ferrara. (2023) Extending and revising manual holds when managing non-answers to questions in Norwegian Sign Language. International Society for Conversation Analysis and University of Queensland ICCA 2023-International Conference on Conversation Analysis , Brisbane, Australia 2023-06-26 - 2023-07-02
LectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole; Anible, Benjamin Donald; Anda, Lena Mei Kalvenes. (2023) Exploring sign-writing contact and multilingualism in the Norwegian deaf community . Seksjon for Tegnspråk og tolkeutdanning, NTNU Norsk forskningskonferanse om tegnspråk og døvesamfunn , Trondheim, Norway 2023-02-06 - 2023-02-07
LectureAndreassen, Helene Nordgård; Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2023) Developing a Needs Analysis for Open Scholarship in Linguistics and the Language Sciences. CODATA, WDS, AND RDA International Data Week 2023: A Festival of Data , Salzburg, Austria 2023-10-23 - 2023-10-26
LectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2023) Additional language acquisition: adapting semiotic repertoires to new language ecologies. Høgskolen i Østfold Samtaler om språk , Halden, Norway 2023-11-07 - 2023-11-08
LectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2023) Vitalitetsindikatorer for norsk tegnspråk. Nordiska teckenspråksnätverket i samarbete med Institutet för språk och folkminnen Seminarium om statistik inom teckenspråksområdet , Stockholm, Sweden 2023-11-16 - 2023-11-16
LectureAndreassen, Helene Nordgård; Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2023) Developing a needs analysis for open scholarship in linguistics and the language sciences. Research Data Alliance & University of Salzburg Research Data Alliance 21st plenary meeting , Salzburg 2023-10-23 - 2023-10-26
Academic lectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole; Anible, Benjamin Donald; Hodge, Gabrielle; Jantunen, Tommi; Leeson, Lorraine; Mesch, Johanna. (2022) A cross-linguistic comparison of reference across different signed languages. University of Catania Sign CAFE 2 , Ragusa, Sicily 2022-10-13 - 2022-10-15
Academic lectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2022) Symposium Discussant: «A universal conversational infrastructure for creating language: evidence from homesign and small signing communities". Loyola University Chicago & University of Chicago ISGS9 , Chicago 2022-07-13 - 2022-07-15
PosterFerrara, Lindsay Nicole; Arnold, Brittany. (2022) «Your turn!» Using finger pointing and palm-up actions to ask questions in Norwegian Sign Language. Loyola University Chicago & University of Chicago ISGS9 , Chicago 2022-07-13 - 2022-07-15
LectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2022) NTS Korpus. FAIR-utredning Innspillsmøte , Virtuel 2022-01-19 - 2022-01-19
LectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2021) Norsk tegnspråk: når teknologi og språkdokumentasjon går hånd i hånd. Norsk språkrådet Nordisk språkmøte 2021 , Virtual 2021-08-26 - 2021-08-27
LectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2021) The ethics and responsibility of creating an open-access, multimedia language corpus. Open Access Week; HVL, UiO, NTNU Webinar: How to share qualitative data: videos and interviews , Virtual 2021-10-27 - 2021-10-27
LectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2021) Meningsdanning i det norske tegnspråkøkologi. Statped LFE tegnspråk – landsdekkende fagsamling , Bergen, Norway 2021-10-19 - 2021-10-21
Academic lectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole; Anible, Benjamin Donald; Hodge, Gabrielle; Jantunen, Tommi; Leeson, Lorraine; Mesch, Johanna. (2020) A cross-linguistic comparison of reference across different signed languages. University of New Mexico HDLS , Virtual 2020-11-21 - 2020-11-23
Academic lectureHodge, Gabrielle; Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2020) The multidimensionality of depiction. University of Birmingham UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference , [virtual] 2020-07-25 - 2020-07-29
Academic lectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole; Hodge, Gabrielle. (2019) Language use as description, indication and depiction: Evidence from corpus-based investigations of signed and spoken languages. Linguistics Department, Stockholm University High Seminar at Stockholm University , Stockholm 2019-04-15 - 2019-04-15
Academic lectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2019) Interactive pointing actions in Norwegian Sign Language. Program for Signed Language and Interpreting, NTNU 2019 Nordic Signed Language Corpus and Lexical Database seminar , Trondheim 2019-05-21 - 2019-05-22
PosterAnible, Benjamin Donald; Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2019) Depicting new referents in Norwegian Sign Language . Kwansei Gakuin University The Fifteenth International Cognitive Linguistics Conference (ICLC-15) , Nishinomiya 2019-08-06 - 2019-08-11
Popular scientific lectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole; Ringsø, Torill; Anible, Benjamin Donald. (2019) Forskning på tegnspråk. Bergen døvesenter Presentation at the Bergen Deaf Association , Bergen 2019-02-21 - 2019-02-21
LectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole; Anible, Benjamin Donald. (2019) Promoting a Norwegian minority language community through documentation and research. OsloMet How Sign Language Matters , Oslo 2019-06-13 - 2019-06-14
Popular scientific lectureAnible, Benjamin Donald; Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2019) Language use, documentation, and empowerment: What a sign language corpus means for Norway. Tolkeforbundet Tolkeforbundets fagdag , Bergen 2019-03-16 - 2019-03-16
Academic lectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2019) Linking conversational moves through pointing actions in signed language interaction. ICLC 15 , Nishinomiya 2019-08-06 - 2019-08-11
Academic lectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2019) The semiotic diversity of signed language interactions and what this means for the study of multimodal communication and language theory. KU Leuven 6th European & 9th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication , Leuven 2019-09-09 - 2019-09-10
Popular scientific lectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2019) Promoting signed language communities through linguistic research. National Museum of Ethnology “Sign language research and education: the role of Deaf and hearing people, teachers, and researchers” symposium , Osaka 2019-08-04 - 2019-08-04
Academic lectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2019) Regulating turn-taking with pointing actions in Norwegian Sign Language conversation. TISLR (Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research) 13 , Hamburg 2019-09-26 - 2019-09-28
LectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole; Hodge, Gabrielle. (2019) Language use as description, indication and depiction: Evidence from corpus-based investigations of signed and spoken languages. University of Jyväskylä Talk given at the Department of Language and Communication Studies , Jyväskylä 2019-10-29 - 2019-10-29
Academic lectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2018) Signed language linguistics: Taking stock: Concepts and terminology: Depiction in signed and spoken languages. ICL20: the 20th International Congress of Linguists , Cape Town 2018-07-02 - 2018-07-06
Academic lectureHodge, Gabrielle; Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole; Anible, Benjamin Donald. (2018) The semiotic diversity of doing reference in a deaf signed language. The University of Manchester Workshop on Information structure, referential status and referent type in discourse and grammar , Manchester 2018-06-27 - 2018-06-28
Popular scientific lectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2018) Forskning på tegnspråk og tolking. Hvor er vi? Hvor vil vi?. NTNU Tiltredelsesseminar til Prof. Anna-Lena Nilsson , Trondheim 2018-08-17 - 2018-08-17
Popular scientific lectureAgerup, Charlotte Helene; Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2018) Oppvekst med tegnspråk. NTNU Researchers' Night 2018 , Trondheim 2018-10-28 - 2018-10-28
PosterFerrara, Lindsay Nicole; Ringsø, Torill. (2018) Perspective in Norwegian Sign Language scene depictions. Eighth Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies: Gesture and Diversity , Cape Town 2018-07-04 - 2018-07-08
Academic lectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2018) Scene depictions in fluent and L2 Norwegian Sign Language. Deafness Cognition and Language Research Centre DCAL Science Meeting , London 2018-01-25 - 2018-01-25
Academic lectureHodge, Gabrielle; Anible, Benjamin Donald; Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2018) The in/visibleness of doing reference in a deaf signed language. University of Birmingham Sign CAFE 1 , Birmingham 2018-07-30 - 2018-07-31
Popular scientific lectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2018) Boklansering - Tolking; Språkarbeid og profejonsutøvelse. Tolkeforbundet - Trøndelag regionlag Boklansering - Tolking; Språkarbeid og profejonsutøvelse , Trondheim 2018-11-20 - 2018-11-20
Academic lectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2018) Describing spatial layouts as an M2 signed language learner. City, University London Leverhulme Network on sign language as second languages project , London 2018-11-15 - 2018-11-16
LectureNilsson, Anna-Lena; Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2016) Meaningful use of space: easy or hard for hearing L2 learners?. La Trobe University TISLR12 , Melbourne 2016-01-04 - 2016-01-07
LectureHaualand, Hilde; Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole; Ringsø, Torill. (2016) Translanguaging in interpreted signed-spoken language communication - an exploratory study. MPI-MMG Symposium on translanguaging and repertoires across signed and spoken languages: Insights from linguistic ethnographies in (super)diverse contexts , Göttingen 2016-06-20 - 2016-06-21
LectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2016) Perspective and coherence as a multimodal affair: Eye gaze and body orientation in the depiction of locations and spatial relations by fluent and L2 signers of Norwegian Sign Language. Sorbonne Nouvelle ISGS7 , Paris 2016-07-18 - 2016-07-22
LectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole; Hodge, Gabrielle; Linder, Stephanie. (2016) Time after time: Referential recurrence and discourse cohesion in a deaf signed language. La Trobe University TISLR12 , Melbourne 2016-01-04 - 2016-01-07
LectureNilsson, Anna-Lena; Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2015) Depicting from experience: learning to give directions in space. NTNU The Fifth Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Language and Cognition (SALC V) , Trondheim 2015-08-18 - 2015-08-21
LectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2015) "Hvordan lærer voksne hørende tegnspråk". Statped Statpeds Tegnspråkkonsulentseminaret , Gardermoen 2015-10-20 - 2015-10-20
LectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2015) ”Dere i Skandinavia er så opptatt av munnen”. Språkrådet Språkrådets Tegnterm seminar , Oslo 2015-08-27 - 2015-08-27
PosterBø, Vibeke; Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2015) Pilot: Establishing Corpus for Norwegian Sign Language (NTS). University College London, DCAL Digging into Signs Workshop , London 2015-03-30 - 2015-03-31
Academic lectureFerrara, Lindsay Nicole; Halvorsen, Rolf Piene. (2014) Lingvistisk enhet eller demonstrasjon: en diskusjon om leksikalisering og grammatikalisering av gester i norsk tegnspråk [Linguistic unit or demonstration: a discussion of lexicalization and grammaticalization in Norwegian Sign Language]. Universitetet i Tromsø NORKOG Kognitivt sommerseminar 2014 , Tromsø 2014-07-20 - 2014-07-21
Academic lectureRaanes, Eli; Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole; Nilsson, Anna-Lena. (2014) “Why was that funny?”: Exploring humor and language in Norwegian Sign Language. Universitetet i Tromsø NORKOG Kognitivt sommerseminar 2014 , Tromsø 2014-07-20 - 2014-07-21
Academic lectureHodge, Gabrielle; Ferrara, Lindsay Nicole. (2013) Showing the story: Enactment as performance in Auslan (Australian sign language) narratives. University of Melbourne Australian Lingusitics Society Annual Conference , Melbourne 2013-10-02 - 2013-10-04