Lilith G. Rüschenpöhler
2023-today. Associate professor for chemistry education at NTNU Trondheim
2021-2023. Margarete von Wrangell fellow, third-party funded postdoctoral position with the right to promote PhD students (Ludwigsburg University of Education, Germany)
2021-2022. Secondary school teacher (part-time) (KöniKönigin-Katharina-Stift, Stuttgart, Germany)
2020-2021. Referendariat (traineeship for school teachers) (Königin-Katharina-Stift, lower and upper secondary school, Stuttgart, Germany)
2020. Dr. phil. Chemistry education (summa cum laude, Ludwigsburg University of Education, Germany):
2017-2019. Pre-doctoral research fellow (Ludwigsburg University of Education, Germany)
2016-2017. Secondary school teacher (Wilhelm-Kaisen-Oberschule, Bremen, Germany)
2016. M.Ed. Chemistry and french as a foreign language, track for secondary school teachers (University of Bremen, Germany)
2014. B.A. Chemistry and french as a foreign language, track for secondary school teachers (University of Bremen, Germany)
2011. B.A. Philosophy and political sciences (University of Bremen, Germany & Université de Paris IV - La Sorbonne)
My research is focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion in science education. Here, I put a special focus on chemistry education in secondary schools. Currently, I am interested in ways to decolonize science and chemistry teaching in the European context, and to make science learning more meaningful for historically oppressed groups through, e.g., multilingual science learning or Youth Participatory Science. Due to my background in philosophy, I also scrutinize the theoretical underpinnings of research and teaching in science education from an equity perspective. Here, I rely on the works of, e.g., Paulo Freire and Hannah Arendt.
Journal articles
Rüschenpöhler, L. (2024). Effectiveness and equity in primary science and mathematics education in the Nordic countries: A review of the book by Teig et al. (2024). Nordic Studies in Education, 44(3).
Rüschenpöhler, L., Schneider, M., & Markic, S. (2024). Secondary school teachers’ beliefs about the role of culture in chemistry class and their ways of considering and engaging in it. Journal of Chemical Education, acs.jchemed.4c00404.
Rüschenpöhler, L., Gong, X., Wang, C., & Markic, S. (2024). Secondary school students’ attitudes towards chemistry: A cultural comparison between Germany and China. International Journal of Science Education.
Rüschenpöhler, L. (2024). A review of science teaching approaches for equity focusing on race, class, and religion from the perspectives of Freire’s and Arendt’s theories of education. Science Education, 108(4), 1191–1221.
Rüschenpöhler, L. (2023). A review of postcolonial and decolonial science teaching approaches for secondary school from a European perspective. International Journal of Science Education, 1–27.
Rüschenpöhler, L., Küsel, J., Hönig, M., & Markic, S. (2022). Gesprächsführung in der Berufsorientierung: Strategien zur Förderung naturwissenschaftlicher Identitäten nach dem Science‐Capital‐Ansatz. CHEMKON, 110–116.
Hönig, M., Rüschenpöhler, L., Küsel, J., & Markic, S. (2021). Coaching strategies in vocational orientation for promoting young women’s self-concept and career aspirations in chemistry. Chemistry Teacher International, 3(4), 367-376.
Küsel, J., Hönig, M., Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2021). Berufsorientierung zu chemischen Berufen: Ein vernachlässigter Bereich der Bildung von Lehrer:innen. CHEMKON, 28, 1-7.
Rüschenpöhler, L., Küsel, J., Hönig, M., & Markic, S. (2021). Is science for me? A card game for vocational orientation in science. Chemistry in Action, 118, 20-23.
Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2020). How the home environment shapes students’ perceptions of their abilities: The relation between chemistry capital at home and students’ chemistry self-concept. International Journal of Science Education, 42(12), 2075-2094.
Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2020). Secondary school students’ acquisition of science capital in the field of chemistry. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 21(1), 220–236.
Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2020). Secondary school students’ chemistry self-concepts: Gender and culture, and the impact of chemistry self-concept on learning behaviour. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 21(1), 209–219.
Rüschenpöhler, L., Hönig, M., Küsel, J., & Markic, S. (2020). The role of gender and culture in vocational orientation in science. Education Sciences, 10(9), 240.
Rüschenpöhler, L. (2020). Review of: Sibel Erduran (Ed.), Argumentation in Chemistry Education: Research, Policy and Practice, Advances in Chemistry Education Series (Vol. 2), Royal Society of Chemistry: London, UK, 2019; 295 pp.: ISBN: 9781788012126. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 10(1), 209–213.
Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2019). Self-concept research in science and technology education: Theoretical foundation, measurement instruments, and main findings. Studies in Science Education, 55(1), 37–68.
Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2019). A mixed methods approach to culture-sensitive academic self-concept research. Education Sciences, 9(3), 240–256.
Rüschenpöhler, L. (2018). Was passiert, wenn man Eis erhitzt? Auswertung einer quantitativen Datenreihe mit neu zugewanderten Schülerinnen und Schülern. Unterricht Chemie, 168, 22–25.
Rüschenpöhler, L. (2020). Culture-sensitive chemistry self-concept research: The relationship of chemistry self-concept with culture, gender, and chemistry capital (dissertation). Ludwigsburg University of Education.
Book chapters
Luo, T., Rüschenpöhler, L., & Wang, J. (2023). Student motivation in STEM: Factors related to and measurement of STEM motivation. In R. Tierney, F. Rizvi, & K. Ercikan (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (4th ed.) (pp. 401–408). Elsevier.
Rüschenpöhler, L., Hönig, M., Küsel, J., & Markic, S. (2022). Die Bildung von Coaches für eine diversitysensible Berufsorientierung in den Naturwissenschaften. In M. Prechtl (ed.), Diversitätssensible Berufsorientierung in den Naturwissenschaften: Einblicke in DiSenSu (S. 98–109). Technical University Darmstadt.
Küsel, J., Rüschenpöhler, L., Hönig, M., & Markic, S. (2022). Die Einbindung von Eltern in die naturwissenschaftliche Berufsorientierung von Mädchen mit Migrationshintergrund. In M. Prechtl (ed.), Diversitätssensible Berufsorientrung in den Naturwissenschaften: Einblicke in DiSenSu (S. 63–70). Technical University Darmstadt.
Hönig, M., Küsel, J., Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2022). Networking im Projekt DiSenSu: Der erfolgreiche Aufbau eines Netzwerks für die naturwissenschaftliche Berufsorientierung und Organisation der Events.In M. Prechtl (Ed.), Diversitätssensible Berufsorientrung in den Naturwissenschaften: Einblicke in DiSenSu (S. 37–44). Technical University Darmstadt.
Hönig, M., Küsel, J., Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2022). Nachhaltigkeit und Auswirkung der DiSenSu-Berufsorientierungscoachings. In M. Prechtl (ed.), Diversitätssensible Berufsorientierung in den Naturwissenschaften: Einblicke in DiSenSu (S. 93–97). Technical University Darmstadt.
Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2021). Psychological patterns in chemistry self-concept: Relations with gender and culture. In O. Levrini, G. Tasquier, T. Amin, L. Branchetti, & M. Levin (eds..), Engaging with contemporary challenges through science education research (vol. 9). Springer International Publishing.
Rüschenpöhler, L., & Baginski, K. (2021). Migrant*innen mit geringen Deutschkenntnissen im Chemieunterricht: Die Verwebung fachlichen, unterrichtskulturellen und sprachlichen Lernens im Projekt “Fach + Sprache” Chemie. In K. Peuschel, L. Otto, & S. Steinmetz (eds.), Theorie-Praxis-Verzahnung in der Lehrkräftebildung: Ergebnisse aus dem Netzwerk ‘Stark durch Diversität’, Sprachliche Bildung (S. 207–220). Münster: Waxmann.
Baginski, K., Hoch, B., Müller-Wengerofsky, A.-L., Rüschenpöhler, L., Sprütten, F., Welchering, J., & Zierau, C. (2019). Umgang mit sprachlicher Vielfalt im Fachunterricht. In Stifterverband (ed.), Lehrkräftebildung für die Schule der Vielfalt: Eine Handreichung des Netzwerks Stark durch Diversität (S. 22–41). Essen: Edition Stifterverband.
Rüschenpöhler, L. (2017). Mit ‘Fach + Sprache’ vom Vorkurs in den Regelunterricht: Eine interne Evaluation des Projekts ‘Fach+Sprache’. AbIB-Arbeitspapier 2/2017, University of Bremen.
Teaching materials
Rüschenpöhler, L. (2021). Bewerten lernen mit dem Konzept der planetaren Grenzen am Beispiel der Kohlenstoffverbindungen. Seminar für Ausbildung und Fortbildung der Lehrkräfte Stuttgart.
Hönig, M., Küsel, J., & Rüschenpöhler, L. (2021). Berufsorientierung im naturwissenschaftlichen Bereich – Let’s play! Are we scientists? RAABits Realschule Chemie, 35, 1-27.
Rüschenpöhler, L. (2017). “Fach + Sprache” – Grundkurs Chemie. University of Bremen.
Conference proceedings
Rüschenpöhler, L. (2024). Postkoloniale Naturwissenschaftsdidaktik: Ein Review der Literatur. In H. van Vorst (Ed.), Frühe naturwissenschaftliche Bildung (Vol. 44, pp. 414–417).
Hönig, M., Rüschenpöhler, L., Küsel, J., & Markic, S. (2021). Culture and gender differences in vocational orientation in science. ESERA conference, Bologna, Italy.
Rüschenpöhler, L. (2021). The nature of chemistry capital. Invited session 1: ‘What is science capital and why does it matter?’ Science capital and science museums (S. 24–38). International Symposium of Science Museums 2021, Daejeon, South Korea.
Hönig, M., Küsel, J., Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2021). DiSenSu: Ein Kartenspiel zur Berufsorientierung im MINT-Bereich. Annual GDCP conference, online.
Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2020). Chemistry Capital: Ein Schlüssel zur Identitätsbildung. Annual GDCP conference, Vienna, Austria.
Hönig, M., Rüschenpöhler, L., Küsel, J., & Markic, S. (2020). Förderung von Science Capital im Berufsorientierungsprojekt DiSenSu. Annual GDCP conference, Vienna, Austria.
Markic, S., & Rüschenpöhler, L. (2020). Chemie als “kulturfreie Zone”? Die Perspektive der Lehrpersonen. Annual GDCP conference, Vienna, Austria.
Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2019). Psychologische Muster in Chemie-Selbstkonzepten. Annual GDCP conference, Kiel, Germany.
Hönig, M., Rüschenpöhler, L., Küsel, J., & Markic, S. (2019). Berufswahl MINT: Gründe von Studierenden und SchülerInnen. Annual GDCP conference, Kiel. urn:nbn:de:0111-pedocs-167538
Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2018). Cultural influence on student self-concepts in chemistry: Questioning the traditional gender gap. ESERA conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2018). Chemistry? Not my thing! Cultural differences in students’ chemistry self-concepts. 24th Symposium on Chemistry and Science Education, Bremen, Germany.
Markic, S., Prechtl, M., Hönig, M., Küsel, J., Rüschenpöhler, L., & Stubbe, U. (2018). DiSenSu: Diversity sensitive support for girls with migration background for STEM careers. 24th Symposium on Chemistry and Science Education, Bremen, Germany.
Rüschenpöhler, L., & Markic, S. (2018). Kulturelle Unterschiede der Selbstkonzepte in der Chemie. Annual GDCP conference, Regensburg.
Gorsten Rüschenpöhler, Lilith.
Effectiveness and equity in primary science and mathematics education in the Nordic countries: A review of the book by Teig et al. (2024).
Nordic Studies in Education
Book review
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith.
A review of science teaching approaches for equity focusing on race, class, and religion from the perspectives of Freire’s and Arendt’s theories of education.
Science Education
Academic article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Gong, Xiaoyang;
Wang, Chuang;
Markic, Silvija.
Secondary school students’ attitudes towards chemistry: a cultural comparison between Germany and China.
International Journal of Science Education
Academic article
Gorsten Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Schneider, Marlon;
Markic, Silvija.
Secondary School Teachers’ Beliefs about the Role of Culture in Chemistry Class and Their Ways of Considering and Engaging in It.
Journal of Chemical Education
Academic article
Luo, Tian;
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Wang, Jian.
Student motivation in STEM: Factors related to and measurement of STEM motivation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith.
A review of postcolonial and decolonial science teaching approaches for secondary school from a European perspective.
International Journal of Science Education
Academic article
Küsel, Julian;
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Hönig, Marina;
Markic, Silvija.
Working with parents of girls with migration background in vocational orientation in science [Die Einbindung von Eltern in die naturwissenschaftliche Berufsorientierung von Mädchen mit Migrationshintergrund].
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Küsel, Julian;
Hönig, Marina;
Markic, Silvija.
Purposeful conversations in vocational orientation: Strategies for promoting science identities with the science capital approach [Gesprächsführung in der Berufsorientierung: Strategien zur Förderung naturwissenschaftlicher Identitäten nach dem Science‐Capital‐Ansatz].
Academic article
Hönig, Marina;
Küsel, Julian;
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
Networking in the project DiSenSu: The successful development of a network for vocational orientation and the organisation of events [Networking im Projekt DiSenSu: Der erfolgreiche Aufbau eines Netzwerks für die naturwissen-schaftliche Berufsorientierung und Organisation der Events].
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Hönig, Marina;
Küsel, Julian;
Markic, Silvija.
The education of coaches for diversity-sensitive vocational orientation in science [Die Bildung von Coaches für eine diversitysensible Berufsorientierung in den Naturwissenschaften].
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hönig, Marina;
Küsel, Julian;
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
Sustainability and effects of the DiSenSu coachings for vocational orientation [Nachhaltigkeit und Auswirkung der DiSenSu-Berufsorientierungscoachings].
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Baginski, Katja.
Chemistry teaching with migrants with little knowledge of German: The intertwinement of learning content, classroom culture, and language in the project “Subject + language: Chemistry” [Migrant*innen mit geringen Deutschkenntnissen im Chemieunterricht: Die Verwebung fachlichen, unterrichtskulturellen und sprachlichen Lernens im Projekt “Fach + Sprache” Chemie].
Waxmann Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith.
Learning to evaluate using the concept of planetary boundaries: The example of carbon compounds [Bewerten lernen mit dem Konzept der planetaren Grenzen am Beispiel der Kohlenstoffverbindungen].
Seminar für Ausbildung und Fortbildung der Lehrkräfte Stuttgart
Thesis at a second degree level
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
Psychological patterns in chemistry self-concept: Relations with gender and culture.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Küsel, Julian;
Hönig, Marina;
Markic, Silvija.
Is science for me? A card game for vocational orientation in science.
Chemistry in Action
Academic article
Küsel, Julian;
Hönig, Marina;
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
Vocational orientation in chemistry: A neglected field in chemistry teacher education [Berufsorientierung zu chemischen Berufen: Ein vernachlässigter Bereich der Bildung von Leh-rer:innen] .
Academic article
Hönig, Marina;
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Küsel, Julian;
Markic, Silvija.
Coaching strategies in vocational orientation for promoting young women’s self-concept and career aspirations in chemistry.
Chemistry Teacher International (CTI)
Academic article
Hönig, Marina;
Küsel, Julian;
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith.
Vocational orientation in science – Let’s play! Are we scientists? [Berufsorientierung im naturwissenschaftlichen Bereich – Let’s play! Are we scientists?].
RAABits Realschule Chemie
Popular scientific article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
Secondary school students’ chemistry self-concepts: Gender and culture, and the impact of chemistry self-concept on learning behaviour.
Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP)
Academic article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith.
Review of: Sibel Erduran (Ed.), Argumentation in Chemistry Education: Research, Policy and Practice, Advances in Chemistry Education Series (Vol. 2), Royal Society of Chemistry: London, UK, 2019; 295 pp.: ISBN: 9781788012126.
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal – CEPS Journal
Book review
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
How the home environment shapes students’ perceptions of their abilities: The relation between chemistry capital at home and students’ chemistry self-concept.
International Journal of Science Education
Academic article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
Secondary school students’ acquisition of science capital in the field of chemistry.
Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP)
Academic article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Hönig, Marina;
Küsel, Julian;
Markic, Silvija.
The role of gender and culture in vocational orientation in science.
Education Sciences
Academic article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
Culture-sensitive chemistry self-concept research: The relationship of chemistry self-concept with culture, gender, and chemistry capital.
Ludwigsburg University of Education
Doctoral dissertation
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
A mixed methods approach to culture-sensitive academic self-concept research.
Education Sciences
Academic article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
Self-concept research in science and technology education: Theoretical foundation, measurement instruments, and main findings.
Studies in science education
Academic article
Baginski, Katja;
Hoch, Barbara;
Müller-Wengerofsky, Anna-Lena;
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Sprütten, Frank;
Welchering, Julia.
Umgang mit sprachlicher Vielfalt im Fachunterricht.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith.
What happens when ice is heated? Analysis and interpretation of quantitative data with newcomer students [Was passiert, wenn man Eis erhitzt? Auswertung einer quantitativen Datenreihe mit neu zugewanderten Schülerinnen und Schülern] .
Unterricht Chemie
Academic article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith.
“Subject + language”: Basic chemistry course [“Fach + Sprache” – Grundkurs Chemie].
University of Bremen
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Karakaşoğlu, Yasemin.
Transitioning from special courses for refugees to regular class: An evaluation of the project “Subject + language” [Mit ‘Fach + Sprache’ vom Vorkurs in den Regelunterricht: Eine interne Evaluation des Projekts ‘Fach+Sprache’] .
AbIB - Arbeitspapier (2)
Journal publications
Gorsten Rüschenpöhler, Lilith.
Effectiveness and equity in primary science and mathematics education in the Nordic countries: A review of the book by Teig et al. (2024).
Nordic Studies in Education
Book review
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith.
A review of science teaching approaches for equity focusing on race, class, and religion from the perspectives of Freire’s and Arendt’s theories of education.
Science Education
Academic article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Gong, Xiaoyang;
Wang, Chuang;
Markic, Silvija.
Secondary school students’ attitudes towards chemistry: a cultural comparison between Germany and China.
International Journal of Science Education
Academic article
Gorsten Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Schneider, Marlon;
Markic, Silvija.
Secondary School Teachers’ Beliefs about the Role of Culture in Chemistry Class and Their Ways of Considering and Engaging in It.
Journal of Chemical Education
Academic article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith.
A review of postcolonial and decolonial science teaching approaches for secondary school from a European perspective.
International Journal of Science Education
Academic article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Küsel, Julian;
Hönig, Marina;
Markic, Silvija.
Purposeful conversations in vocational orientation: Strategies for promoting science identities with the science capital approach [Gesprächsführung in der Berufsorientierung: Strategien zur Förderung naturwissenschaftlicher Identitäten nach dem Science‐Capital‐Ansatz].
Academic article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Küsel, Julian;
Hönig, Marina;
Markic, Silvija.
Is science for me? A card game for vocational orientation in science.
Chemistry in Action
Academic article
Küsel, Julian;
Hönig, Marina;
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
Vocational orientation in chemistry: A neglected field in chemistry teacher education [Berufsorientierung zu chemischen Berufen: Ein vernachlässigter Bereich der Bildung von Leh-rer:innen] .
Academic article
Hönig, Marina;
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Küsel, Julian;
Markic, Silvija.
Coaching strategies in vocational orientation for promoting young women’s self-concept and career aspirations in chemistry.
Chemistry Teacher International (CTI)
Academic article
Hönig, Marina;
Küsel, Julian;
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith.
Vocational orientation in science – Let’s play! Are we scientists? [Berufsorientierung im naturwissenschaftlichen Bereich – Let’s play! Are we scientists?].
RAABits Realschule Chemie
Popular scientific article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
Secondary school students’ chemistry self-concepts: Gender and culture, and the impact of chemistry self-concept on learning behaviour.
Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP)
Academic article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith.
Review of: Sibel Erduran (Ed.), Argumentation in Chemistry Education: Research, Policy and Practice, Advances in Chemistry Education Series (Vol. 2), Royal Society of Chemistry: London, UK, 2019; 295 pp.: ISBN: 9781788012126.
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal – CEPS Journal
Book review
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
How the home environment shapes students’ perceptions of their abilities: The relation between chemistry capital at home and students’ chemistry self-concept.
International Journal of Science Education
Academic article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
Secondary school students’ acquisition of science capital in the field of chemistry.
Chemistry Education Research and Practice (CERP)
Academic article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Hönig, Marina;
Küsel, Julian;
Markic, Silvija.
The role of gender and culture in vocational orientation in science.
Education Sciences
Academic article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
A mixed methods approach to culture-sensitive academic self-concept research.
Education Sciences
Academic article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
Self-concept research in science and technology education: Theoretical foundation, measurement instruments, and main findings.
Studies in science education
Academic article
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith.
What happens when ice is heated? Analysis and interpretation of quantitative data with newcomer students [Was passiert, wenn man Eis erhitzt? Auswertung einer quantitativen Datenreihe mit neu zugewanderten Schülerinnen und Schülern] .
Unterricht Chemie
Academic article
Part of book/report
Luo, Tian;
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Wang, Jian.
Student motivation in STEM: Factors related to and measurement of STEM motivation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Küsel, Julian;
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Hönig, Marina;
Markic, Silvija.
Working with parents of girls with migration background in vocational orientation in science [Die Einbindung von Eltern in die naturwissenschaftliche Berufsorientierung von Mädchen mit Migrationshintergrund].
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hönig, Marina;
Küsel, Julian;
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
Networking in the project DiSenSu: The successful development of a network for vocational orientation and the organisation of events [Networking im Projekt DiSenSu: Der erfolgreiche Aufbau eines Netzwerks für die naturwissen-schaftliche Berufsorientierung und Organisation der Events].
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Hönig, Marina;
Küsel, Julian;
Markic, Silvija.
The education of coaches for diversity-sensitive vocational orientation in science [Die Bildung von Coaches für eine diversitysensible Berufsorientierung in den Naturwissenschaften].
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Hönig, Marina;
Küsel, Julian;
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
Sustainability and effects of the DiSenSu coachings for vocational orientation [Nachhaltigkeit und Auswirkung der DiSenSu-Berufsorientierungscoachings].
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Baginski, Katja.
Chemistry teaching with migrants with little knowledge of German: The intertwinement of learning content, classroom culture, and language in the project “Subject + language: Chemistry” [Migrant*innen mit geringen Deutschkenntnissen im Chemieunterricht: Die Verwebung fachlichen, unterrichtskulturellen und sprachlichen Lernens im Projekt “Fach + Sprache” Chemie].
Waxmann Verlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
Psychological patterns in chemistry self-concept: Relations with gender and culture.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Baginski, Katja;
Hoch, Barbara;
Müller-Wengerofsky, Anna-Lena;
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Sprütten, Frank;
Welchering, Julia.
Umgang mit sprachlicher Vielfalt im Fachunterricht.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith.
Learning to evaluate using the concept of planetary boundaries: The example of carbon compounds [Bewerten lernen mit dem Konzept der planetaren Grenzen am Beispiel der Kohlenstoffverbindungen].
Seminar für Ausbildung und Fortbildung der Lehrkräfte Stuttgart
Thesis at a second degree level
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Markic, Silvija.
Culture-sensitive chemistry self-concept research: The relationship of chemistry self-concept with culture, gender, and chemistry capital.
Ludwigsburg University of Education
Doctoral dissertation
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith.
“Subject + language”: Basic chemistry course [“Fach + Sprache” – Grundkurs Chemie].
University of Bremen
G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith;
Karakaşoğlu, Yasemin.
Transitioning from special courses for refugees to regular class: An evaluation of the project “Subject + language” [Mit ‘Fach + Sprache’ vom Vorkurs in den Regelunterricht: Eine interne Evaluation des Projekts ‘Fach+Sprache’] .
AbIB - Arbeitspapier (2)
- PPU4627 - Teacher Education: Teaching Chemistry - Part 2
- MGLU5208 - Theories of Science and Research Methods (Science)
- PPU4626 - Teacher Education: Teaching Chemistry - Part 1
- PPU4224 - Education: Teaching Chemistry - Full Time
I have taught courses at bachelor's and master's level in chemistry education since 2017 for pre-service teachers in primary, secondary, and special needs education. Further, I served as a school teacher for chemistry and French as a foreign language in upper and lower secondary school in Germany for 2.5 years, and have taught chemistry to newly arrived refugee students.
Postcolonial Perspectives in Science Education [in German]
Inclusion in chemistry education [in German]
Academic lectureGorsten Rüschenpöhler, Lilith. (2024) Western Science and Indigenous Knowledge Systems: How can they be positioned to each other?. ENHANCE Alliance, TU Berlin, Prof. Dr. Petra Lucht Summer School on Gender & Diversity in STS , Berlin, Germany 2024-07-29 - 2024-08-02
Academic lectureGorsten Rüschenpöhler, Lilith. (2024) Equity in science education: An analysis from the perspectives of Paulo Freire’s and Hannah Arendt’s theories of education. Prof. Dr. Annette Lykknes ScienceHumanities seminar , Trondheim 2024-09-24 - 2024-09-24
Academic lectureGorsten Rüschenpöhler, Lilith. (2024) New paths toward equity in science educationWhat can we aim for and what can we do?. University of Graz Future Education Conference 2024 , Graz, Austria 2024-09-03 - 2024-09-05
Academic lectureMrdić, Merima; Gorsten Rüschenpöhler, Lilith. (2024) A quantitative investigation of Chemistry Capital: Development and validation of a Chemistry Capital scale for lower and upper secondary school students and its application in an international comparison study. ESERA ESERA Summer School 2024 , Tartu, Estonia 2024-08-19 - 2024-08-24
Academic lectureGorsten Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Bernsteiner, Angelika; Hofer, Elisabeth. (2024) Youth Participatory Science: Gesellschaftliche Partizipation durch MINT? [Youth Participatory Science: Participation in society through STEM?]. GDCP GDCP conference , Bochum, Germany 2024-09-09 - 2024-09-12
Academic lectureGorsten Rüschenpöhler, Lilith. (2024) Was bedeuten postkoloniale Perspektiven in Naturwissenschaften und naturwissenschaftlichem Unterricht? [What do postcolonial perspectives mean in science and science education?]. University of Flensburg Campus Gespräche der Europa-Universität Flensburg: "(Spiel)Räume dekolonialer Bildung – Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Rassismen unter postkolonialen Bedingungen" , Flensburg, Germany 2024-12-11 - 2024-12-11
Academic lectureLeitner, Susanne; G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith. (2023) Chemistry education + special needs education ⇌ inclusive education? Educating pre-service teachers towards diversity through cooperative courses. The example of chemistry and special needs regarding social and emotional development [Chemiedidaktik + Sonderpädagogik ⇌ inklusiver Chemieunterricht? Inklusiv orientiertes Did-aktikstudium in kooperierenden Lehrveranstaltungen am Beispiel Chemie und ESENT]. Ludwigsburg University of Education Sommerabende "Inklusion" , Ludwigsburg 2023-06-26 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith. (2023) Postcolonial science education: A literature review [Postkoloniale Naturwissenschaftsdidaktik: Ein Review der Literatur]. GDCP GDCP conference , Hamburg 2023-09-13 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Hofer, Elisabeth; Zeller, Marina; Bernsteiner, Angelika. (2023) Investigating formaldehyde levels with an Arduino: A teaching unit using inquiry-based learning and science communication [Formaldehydbelastungen mit einem Arduino untersuchen: Eine Un-terrichtseinheit mit forschendem Lernen und Wissenschaftskommunikation] . GDCh GDCh conference , Leipzig 2023-09-04 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith. (2023) Postcolonial perspectives in science education [Postkoloniale Perspektiven in der naturwissen-schaftlichen Bildung]. Free University of Berlin (Prof. Dr. Petra Lucht) Offener Hörsaal , Berlin 2023-11-23 -
PosterG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith. (2023) Empowerment in chemistry: New ways to promote social justice in chemistry education [Em-powerment in Chemistry: Neue Wege zur Förderung Sozialer Gerechtigkeit im Chemieunterricht] . Ludwigsburg University of Education Forschungstag , Ludwigsburg 2023-02-08 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith. (2023) Resilient chemistry students: An analysis through the lens of chemistry capital. University of Oslo (Dr. Nani Teig) Resilience in Science Education , Oslo 2023-06-18 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith. (2023) Decolonising science teaching in secondary school: Nothing for Europe?. University of Stockholm (Prof. Dr. Anna Danielsson) Research Seminar , Stockholm 2023-11-30 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith. (2022) Chemistry Capital: Identifying and countering social inequalities in chemistry class. Weizmann Institute of Science (Prof. Dr. Ron Blonder) Research Seminar , Rechovot 2022-08-08 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith. (2022) Considering chemistry capital in inclusive chemistry teaching. ESTA project (Prof. Dr. Silvija Markic) ESTA project meeting , Ludwigsburg 2022-10-10 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Markic, Silvija. (2022) How chemistry capital at home contributes to chemistry self-concept, learning goal orientations, and the perception of language. EuChemS ECRICE conference , Rechovot 2022-07-11 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Markic, Silvija. (2022) The influence of chemistry capital on chemistry self-concept [Der Einfluss von Chemistry Capital auf das Chemie-Selbstkonzept] . GDCP GDCP conference , Aachen 2022-09-14 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Markic, Silvija. (2022) Empowerment in chemistry teaching: Development of a teaching model using participatory action research [Empowerment im Chemieunterricht: Entwicklung eines Unterrichtsmodells in Partiz-ipativer Aktionsforschung] . CARN D.A.CH. CARN D.A.CH. conference , online 2022-01-21 -
PosterG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith. (2022) Learning to evaluate using the concept of planetary boundaries: Modules for teaching carbon com-pounds in grade 10 [Bewerten Lernen mit dem Konzept der planetaren Grenzen: Bausteine zum Thema Kohlenstoffverbindungen in Klasse 10] . GDCh GDCh conference , Osnabrück 2022-09-15 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith. (2021) The nature of chemistry capital. ISSM International Symposium of Science Museums: “Science Capital & Science Museums” , online 2021-11-04 -
PosterHönig, Marina; Küsel, Julian; G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Markic, Silvija. (2021) DiSenSu: A card game for vocational orientation in STEM [DiSenSu: Ein Kartenspiel zur Berufsorientierung im MINT-Bereich] . GDCP GDCP conference , online 2021-09-13 - 2021-09-16
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Markic, Silvija. (2020) The quest for chemistry capital. MICER MICER , online 2020-06-18 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith. (2019) From preparatory courses to regular science and chemistry class [Vom Vorkurs in den NW- und Chemie-Unterricht]. University of Bremen Vom Vorkurs in den GUP- und NW-Unterricht der Sek I: Die Übergänge gemeinsam gestalten: Input und Austausch zur Gestaltung von kultur- und sprachsensiblem Fachunterricht , Bremen 2019-10-28 -
Academic lectureHönig, Marina; G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Küsel, Julian; Markic, Silvija. (2019) Culture and gender differences in vocational orientation in science. ESERA ESERA conference , Bologna 2019-08-28 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Markic, Silvija. (2019) Psychological patterns in chemistry self-concept: Relations with gender and culture. ESERA ESERA conference , Bologna 2019-08-29 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Markic, Silvija. (2019) Chemistry capital: A key to identity formation [Chemistry Capital: Ein Schlüssel zur Identitäts-bildung]. GDCP GDCP conference , Vienna 2019-09-12 -
PosterHönig, Marina; G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Küsel, Julian; Markic, Silvija. (2019) Fostering science capital in DiSenSu, a project for vocational orientation [Förderung von Science Capital im Berufsorientierungsprojekt DiSenSu]. GDCP GDCP conference , Vienna 2019-09-10 -
Academic lectureMarkic, Silvija; G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Schneider, Marlon. (2019) Chemistry, a culture free zone? The teachers’ perspective [Chemie als ‘kulturfreie Zone’? Die Perspektive der Lehrpersonen] . GDCP GDCP conference , Vienna 2019-09-12 -
PosterG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Markic, Silvija. (2019) Students’ use of science capital in chemistry. ESERA ESERA conference , Bologna 2019-08-27 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Markic, Silvija. (2019) Culture in chemistry class [Kultur im Chemieunterricht]. Research Seminar , Landau 2019-01-30 -
Academic lectureMarkic, Silvija; G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Schneider, Marlon. (2019) Teachers’ beliefs about the role of culture in chemistry learning. ESERA ESERA conference , Bologna 2019-08-29 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith. (2018) Cultural differences in high school chemistry student self-concepts. ESERA ESERA Summer School , Jyväskylä 2018-07-26 -
PosterPrechtl, Markus; Markic, Silvija; Hönig, Marina; Küsel, Julian; G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Stubbe, Ulla. (2018) Gender and diversity sensitive career orientation in the project DiSenSu [Gender /Diversitysensible Berufsorientierung mit DiSenSu]. GDCP GDCP conference , Kiel 2018-09-18 -
PosterG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith. (2018) Students’ chemistry self-concepts: Cultural and gender differences. ESERA ESERA Summer School , Jyväskylä 2018-07-25 - 2018-07-28
Academic lectureGorsten Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Markic, Silvija. (2018) Cultural influence on student self-concepts in chemistry: Questioning the traditional gender gap. ESERA ESERA conference , Dublin 2018-08-21 -
PosterHönig, Marina; G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Küsel, Julian; Markic, Silvija. (2018) Career choices in STEM: Reasons of university and school students [Berufswahl MINT: Gründe von Studierenden und SchülerInnen] . GDCP GDCP conference , Kiel 2018-09-18 -
PosterG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Markic, Silvija. (2018) Chemistry? Not my thing! Cultural differences in students’ chemistry self-concepts. University of Bremen Symposium on Chemistry and Science Education , Bremen 2018-06-02 -
PosterMarkic, Silvija; Prechtl, Markus; Hönig, Marina; Küsel, Julian; G. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Stubbe, Ulla. (2018) DiSenSu – diversity sensitive support for girls with migration background for STEM careers. University of Bremen Symposium on Chemistry and Science Education , Bremen 2018-06-02 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Markic, Silvija. (2018) Psychological patterns in chemistry self-concept [Psychologische Muster in Chemie-Selbstkonzepten]. GDCP GDCP conference , Kiel 2018-09-18 -
Academic lectureGorsten Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Markic, Silvija. (2017) Influence of culture on students’ self-concept about chemistry: Questioning the traditional gender gap. Ludwigsburg University of Education German-American Symposium , Ludwigsburg 2017-06-13 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Baginski, Katja. (2017) Refugee students in chemistry education: Scaffolding methods [Neu zugewanderte Schülerinnen und Schüler im Chemieunterricht: Methoden zur Binnendifferenzierung]. MNU MNU conference , Bremerhaven 2017-11-20 -
Academic lectureG. Rüschenpöhler, Lilith; Markic, Silvija. (2017) Cultural differences in chemistry self-concepts [Kulturelle Unterschiede der Selbstkonzepte in der Chemie]. GDCP GDCP conference , Regensburg 2017-09-20 -