I am Associate Professor at NTNU in Trondheim, working on topics related to dependability and software engineering. From 2017 to 2021 I was Assistant Professor at UNICAMP in Campinas, Brazil. I started working in research at the Resilient Computing Lab research group of University of Florence, Italy, where I also received my PhD.
I work with different aspect related to the modeling of complex systems, including formal models, probabilistic models, and model-driven engineering. I am mostly interested in problems related to safety-critical and mission-critical domains. My research interests focuses on model-driven engineering tehcniques applied to the V&V systems, with a particular focus on automating quantitative performability analysis, and on formalizing system development artifacts using domain-specific languages.
As part of my research background I have also gained some experience of industrial techniques and processes for V&V of safety-critical systems, including techniques like FMEA, FMECA, and Hazard Analysis.