Kristin Elisabeth Haugstad
Brygghuset, BR4.007, Kalvskinnet
Eikeseth, Unni;
Haugstad, Kristin Elisabeth.
"I call it frost": Features of scientific social language during inquiry-based learning on the particulate nature of matter.
Nordic Studies in Science Education (NorDiNa)
Academic article
Haugstad, Kristin Elisabeth;
Hadjialirerezaei, Soosan;
Stokke, Bjørn Torger;
Brewer, Fred;
Gerken, Thomas;
Burchell, Joy.
Interactions of mucins with the Tn or Sialyl Tn
cancer antigens including MUC1 are due to
GalNAc–GalNAc interactions.
Academic article
Haugstad, Kristin Elisabeth;
Håti, Armend Gazmeno;
Nordgård, Catherine Taylor;
Adl, Patricia S.;
Maurstad, Gjertrud;
Sletmoen, Marit.
Direct Determination of Chitosan–Mucin Interactions Using a Single-Molecule Strategy: Comparison to Alginate–Mucin Interactions.
Academic article
Haugstad, Kristin Elisabeth;
Stokke, Bjørn Torger;
Brewer, Curtis Fred;
Gerken, Thomas A;
Sletmoen, Marit.
Single molecule study of heterotypic interactions between mucins possessing the Tn cancer antigen.
Academic article
Haugstad, Kristin E.;
Gerken, Thomas A;
Stokke, Bjørn Torger;
Dam, Tarun K;
Brewer, Curtis Fred;
Sletmoen, Marit.
Enhanced Self-Association of Mucins Possessing the T and Tn Carbohydrate Cancer Antigens at the Single-Molecule Level.
Academic article
Journal publications
Eikeseth, Unni;
Haugstad, Kristin Elisabeth.
"I call it frost": Features of scientific social language during inquiry-based learning on the particulate nature of matter.
Nordic Studies in Science Education (NorDiNa)
Academic article
Haugstad, Kristin Elisabeth;
Hadjialirerezaei, Soosan;
Stokke, Bjørn Torger;
Brewer, Fred;
Gerken, Thomas;
Burchell, Joy.
Interactions of mucins with the Tn or Sialyl Tn
cancer antigens including MUC1 are due to
GalNAc–GalNAc interactions.
Academic article
Haugstad, Kristin Elisabeth;
Håti, Armend Gazmeno;
Nordgård, Catherine Taylor;
Adl, Patricia S.;
Maurstad, Gjertrud;
Sletmoen, Marit.
Direct Determination of Chitosan–Mucin Interactions Using a Single-Molecule Strategy: Comparison to Alginate–Mucin Interactions.
Academic article
Haugstad, Kristin Elisabeth;
Stokke, Bjørn Torger;
Brewer, Curtis Fred;
Gerken, Thomas A;
Sletmoen, Marit.
Single molecule study of heterotypic interactions between mucins possessing the Tn cancer antigen.
Academic article
Haugstad, Kristin E.;
Gerken, Thomas A;
Stokke, Bjørn Torger;
Dam, Tarun K;
Brewer, Curtis Fred;
Sletmoen, Marit.
Enhanced Self-Association of Mucins Possessing the T and Tn Carbohydrate Cancer Antigens at the Single-Molecule Level.
Academic article
Academic lectureHaugstad, Kristin Elisabeth; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya. (2024) Curiosity Driven Inquiry of Real-life Complex Problems in Physics; Experiences from Science Teacher Education. The Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education NFSUN 2024: Revisioning STEAM education in times of Climate Change , Reykjavik 2024-06-05 - 2024-06-07
LectureHaugstad, Kristin Elisabeth; Eikeseth, Unni. (2019) "I call it frost". Features of teacher student's scientific social language; The use of Inquiry based learning approach on the particulate nature of matter. . Universitetet i Oslo og Naturfagsenteret Samling i kurset Naturfagdidaktikk for lærerutdannere (NATDID4901V) , Gardermoen 2019-04-24 - 2019-04-25
Academic lectureHaugstad, Kristin Elisabeth; Eikeseth, Unni. (2019) From vapor to ice; Features of PST social scientific language during inquiry-based learning. European scienece education research association ESERA 19 , Bologna 2019-08-26 - 2019-08-30
Academic lectureHaugstad, Kristin Elisabeth; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya. (2018) Pre-service Teachers Understanding of Floating and Sinking in Inquiry-Based Learning Approach. Malmö University The XVIII Symposium of the International Organization for Science and Technology Education (IOSTE) , Malmö 2018-08-13 - 2018-08-17
Academic lectureKvello, Pål; Sneltvedt, Trym; Haugstad, Kristin Elisabeth; Feren, Kari; Malmo, Jan Tore; Cyvin, Jardar. (2017) From single neuron to brain function - a neural network building kit developed to fill in the missing link in school. NTNU Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education 2017 , Trondheim 2017-06-06 - 2017-06-09
LectureHaugstad, Kristin Elisabeth; Febri, Maria Immaculata Maya. (2017) Pre-service teacher understanding of buoyancy: case of primary school science teacher. NTNU Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education 2017 , Trondheim 2017-06-06 - 2017-06-09
Academic lectureKvello, Pål; Lundheim, Lars Magne; Nyholm, Henrik; Nedregård, Benjamin; Sneltvedt, Trym; Malmo, Jan Tore. (2017) Å bygge hjerner i grunnskolen. Naturfagsenteret Hell-seminaret , Hell 2017-11-15 - 2017-11-17
PosterHaugstad, Kristin E.; Gerken, Thomas; Stokke, Bjørn Torger; Dam, Tarun K.; Brewer, Fred; Sletmoen, Marit. (2013) Single molecular study of mucin possessing different carbohydrate side chains containing the T and Tn cancer antigen using force probes with picoNewton sensitivity. Mucins in Health and Disease (12th International Workshop on Carcinoma-associated Mucins) , Robinson College, Cambridge 2013-07-27 - 2013-07-31
LectureHaugstad, Kristin E.; Gerken, Thomas; Stokke, Bjørn Torger; Dam, Tarun K.; Brewer, Fred; Sletmoen, Marit. (2013) Enhanced association within mucins bearing T and Tn carbohydrate cancer antigens determined by force probes with picoNewton sensitivity. Norwegian Research School in Medical Imaging The 5th National PhD Conference in Medical Imaging , Tromsø 2013-10-02 - 2013-10-03
Academic lectureHaugstad, Kristin E.; Gerken, Thomas; Stokke, Bjørn Torger; Dam, Tarun K.; Brewer, Fred; Sletmoen, Marit. (2012) Force probes with pico newton sensitivity applied to study self interactions of mucins possessing the T and Tn Cancer antigens. Kongsvold Biophysics Meeting 2012 2012-03-15 - 2012-03-17
Academic lectureHaugstad, Kristin E.; Gerken, Thomas; Stokke, Bjørn Torger; Dam, Tarun K.; Brewer, Fred; Sletmoen, Marit. (2012) Self association of mucins possessing the T and Tn carbohydrate cancer antigens studied by force spectroscopy on AFM and optical tweezers. Nano Network Nano Network Workshop 2012 , Trondheim 2012-06-11 - 2012-06-13