Knut Christian Myhre
I hold a D.Phil in Social Anthropology from the University of Oxford, and have previously held research and teaching positions at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Nordic Africa Institute, and the University of Oslo, as well as been attached to an ERC Advanced Grant project at the University of Bergen.
I recently led a research project entitled Forms of Ethics, Shapes of Finance: Ethnographic Explorations of the Limits of Contemporary Capital. The project received funding from the Research Council of Norway and centred on the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global (better known as the 'oil fund'), which currently is the world's largest sovereign wealth fund. This project resultated in several scientific and popular publications, and froms the basis of my current research.
My previous work was primarily conducted in Tanzania, where I conducted long-term fieldwork in rural areas of Kilimanjaro Region, and in urban environments in Dar es Salaam and its surroundings. This has resulted in publications on a range of topics, such as kinship and marriage, witchcraft, ritual, modes of exchange, forms of knowledge, and cross-cultural comparison, where I specifically investigate vernacular conceptualizations of 'life' and 'life force', and their significance for notions pertaining to personhood, relationality, and ownership.
For my research, I have been awarded the Curl Essay Prize by the Royal Anthropological Institute and the Terence Ranger Prize for African Studies by University of Oxford, and been nominated for the prize Journal Article of the Year by the Scandinavian University Press (Universitetsforlaget).
At NTNU, I am head of the Master Of Science in Social Anthropology and of the research group Anthropologies of Sustainability.
Myhre, Knut Christian.
On enhanced ethnography.
Current Anthropology
Short communication
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Olafsen, Anette.
Sivil ulydighet for en levelig fremtid: En studie av norske klimaaktivister i Extinction Rebellion.
Institutt for sosialantropologi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Boulifa, Jonas Bugtene.
Paper promises: The effects of inflation on social life in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Department of Social Anthropology, NTNU
Masters thesis
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Crises all around: Do recent predicaments and their responses imperil ‘neoliberalism’?.
Anthropology Today
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Evjemo, Eivind Hofstad.
Etter Ord.
Cappelen Damm AS
Popular scientific chapter/article
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Evjemo, Eivind Hofstad.
Cappelen Damm AS
Popular scientific chapter/article
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Evjemo, Eivind Hofstad.
Rikdommens språk: tekster om Oljefondet.
Cappelen Damm AS
Cappelen Damm AS
Popular scientific book
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Holmes, Douglas R..
Reframing Welfare: Expectations, Collaboration and Ownership at the World's Largest Sovereign Wealth-Fund.
Anthropological Forum: a journal of social anthropology and comparative sociology
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
COVID-19, Dugnad, and Productive Incompleteness: Volunteer Labour and Crisis Loans in Norway.
Social Anthropology
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Deep Pragmatism.
University of Chicago Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Financialization and the Norwegian State: Constraints, Contestations, and Custodial Finance in the World's Largest Sovereign Wealth Fund .
Berghahn Books
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Sovereign wealth and custodial finance in Norway.
Anthropology News
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Chuhila, Maximillian Julius;
Das, Veena;
Pillen, Alex;
Myhre, Knut Christian.
First book symposium.
Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology
Academic literature review
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Storaas, Frode.
Atali's Gift.
Rigas Pasaules Filmu Festivals
Other presentation
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Tales of a stitched anus: fictions, analytics, and personhood in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Life and its inflections in Kilimanjaro: Becoming and being beyond the metaphoric.
HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Returning Life: Language, Life Force and History in Kilimanjaro.
Berghahn Books
Berghahn Books
Academic monograph
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Storaas, Frode.
Anthropology on film: Reflections on three films from Kilimanjaro.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Storaas, Frode.
Atali's Gift.
Maailmafilm - Tartu World Film Festival
Other presentation
Myhre, Knut Christian.
The Power of A Severed Arm: Life, Witchcraft, and Christianity in Kilimanjaro.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Cutting and Connecting: 'Afrinesian' Perspectives on Networks, Relationality, and Exchange.
Berghahn Books
Berghahn Books
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Membering and Dismembering: The Poetry and Relationality of Animal Bodies in Kilimanjaro.
Berghahn Books
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Introduction: Cutting and Connecting - 'Afrinesian' Perspectives on Networks, Relationality, and Exchange.
Berghahn Books
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Storaas, Frode.
Atali's Garden.
Myhre, Knut Christian.
What the beer shows: Exploring ritual and ontology in Kilimanjaro.
American Ethnologist
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
The Multiple Meanings of Moongo: On the Conceptual Character of Doorways and Backbones in Kilimanjaro.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Membering and Dismembering: The Poetry and Relationality of Animal Bodies in Kilimanjaro.
Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Cutting and Connecting: 'Afrinesian' Perspectives on Networks, Relationality, and Exchange.
Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
MKUHUMI na Mustakhabali wa Milki ya Kimila.
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Koda. ANTropologi som grenseflate, adskillelse og relasjon.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
The pitch of ethnography: Language, relations, and the significance of listening.
Anthropological Theory
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
How Climate Change Affects Livelihoods in East Africa.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
En innledning til Axel Sommerfelts artikkel.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Disease and Disruption: Chagga Witchcraft and Relational Fragility.
Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sommerfelt, Axel;
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Etnopolitikk og bruk av historie blant konzoene i Uganda på slutten av kolonitiden.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Om ritualer og sosiale relasjoner. Refleksjoner rundt et kraftfullt bytte.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Family Resemblances, Practical Interrelations and Material Extensions: Understanding Sexual Prohibitions, Production and Consumption in Kilimanjaro.
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
The Truth of Anthropology: Epistemology, Meaning and Residual Positivism.
Anthropology Today
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Divination and Experience: Explorations of a Chagga Epistemology.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
The Bookseller of Kabul and the Anthropologists of Norway.
Anthropology Today
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
The Anthropological Concept of Action and its Problems: A 'New' Approach based on Marcel Mauss and Aristotle.
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford
Academic article
Journal publications
Myhre, Knut Christian.
On enhanced ethnography.
Current Anthropology
Short communication
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Crises all around: Do recent predicaments and their responses imperil ‘neoliberalism’?.
Anthropology Today
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Holmes, Douglas R..
Reframing Welfare: Expectations, Collaboration and Ownership at the World's Largest Sovereign Wealth-Fund.
Anthropological Forum: a journal of social anthropology and comparative sociology
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
COVID-19, Dugnad, and Productive Incompleteness: Volunteer Labour and Crisis Loans in Norway.
Social Anthropology
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Sovereign wealth and custodial finance in Norway.
Anthropology News
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Chuhila, Maximillian Julius;
Das, Veena;
Pillen, Alex;
Myhre, Knut Christian.
First book symposium.
Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology
Academic literature review
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Tales of a stitched anus: fictions, analytics, and personhood in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Life and its inflections in Kilimanjaro: Becoming and being beyond the metaphoric.
HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Storaas, Frode.
Anthropology on film: Reflections on three films from Kilimanjaro.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
What the beer shows: Exploring ritual and ontology in Kilimanjaro.
American Ethnologist
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
The Multiple Meanings of Moongo: On the Conceptual Character of Doorways and Backbones in Kilimanjaro.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Membering and Dismembering: The Poetry and Relationality of Animal Bodies in Kilimanjaro.
Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Cutting and Connecting: 'Afrinesian' Perspectives on Networks, Relationality, and Exchange.
Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
MKUHUMI na Mustakhabali wa Milki ya Kimila.
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Koda. ANTropologi som grenseflate, adskillelse og relasjon.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
The pitch of ethnography: Language, relations, and the significance of listening.
Anthropological Theory
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
En innledning til Axel Sommerfelts artikkel.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Sommerfelt, Axel;
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Etnopolitikk og bruk av historie blant konzoene i Uganda på slutten av kolonitiden.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Om ritualer og sosiale relasjoner. Refleksjoner rundt et kraftfullt bytte.
Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Family Resemblances, Practical Interrelations and Material Extensions: Understanding Sexual Prohibitions, Production and Consumption in Kilimanjaro.
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
The Truth of Anthropology: Epistemology, Meaning and Residual Positivism.
Anthropology Today
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Divination and Experience: Explorations of a Chagga Epistemology.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
The Bookseller of Kabul and the Anthropologists of Norway.
Anthropology Today
Academic article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
The Anthropological Concept of Action and its Problems: A 'New' Approach based on Marcel Mauss and Aristotle.
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford
Academic article
Artistic productions
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Storaas, Frode.
Atali's Garden.
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Evjemo, Eivind Hofstad.
Rikdommens språk: tekster om Oljefondet.
Cappelen Damm AS
Cappelen Damm AS
Popular scientific book
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Returning Life: Language, Life Force and History in Kilimanjaro.
Berghahn Books
Berghahn Books
Academic monograph
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Cutting and Connecting: 'Afrinesian' Perspectives on Networks, Relationality, and Exchange.
Berghahn Books
Berghahn Books
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Evjemo, Eivind Hofstad.
Etter Ord.
Cappelen Damm AS
Popular scientific chapter/article
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Evjemo, Eivind Hofstad.
Cappelen Damm AS
Popular scientific chapter/article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Deep Pragmatism.
University of Chicago Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Financialization and the Norwegian State: Constraints, Contestations, and Custodial Finance in the World's Largest Sovereign Wealth Fund .
Berghahn Books
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myhre, Knut Christian.
The Power of A Severed Arm: Life, Witchcraft, and Christianity in Kilimanjaro.
Palgrave Macmillan
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Membering and Dismembering: The Poetry and Relationality of Animal Bodies in Kilimanjaro.
Berghahn Books
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Introduction: Cutting and Connecting - 'Afrinesian' Perspectives on Networks, Relationality, and Exchange.
Berghahn Books
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myhre, Knut Christian.
How Climate Change Affects Livelihoods in East Africa.
Popular scientific chapter/article
Myhre, Knut Christian.
Disease and Disruption: Chagga Witchcraft and Relational Fragility.
Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Olafsen, Anette.
Sivil ulydighet for en levelig fremtid: En studie av norske klimaaktivister i Extinction Rebellion.
Institutt for sosialantropologi, NTNU
Masters thesis
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Boulifa, Jonas Bugtene.
Paper promises: The effects of inflation on social life in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Department of Social Anthropology, NTNU
Masters thesis
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Storaas, Frode.
Atali's Gift.
Rigas Pasaules Filmu Festivals
Other presentation
Myhre, Knut Christian;
Storaas, Frode.
Atali's Gift.
Maailmafilm - Tartu World Film Festival
Other presentation
Knowledge Transfer
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian; Holmes, Douglas R.. (2023) Redescribing the corporation: Ownership, productive incompleteness, and the future in Norway's sovereign wealth fund. Centre for Energy Ethics, St Andrews University Energy Ethics 2023:Financing the Future , St Andrews 2023-08-06 - 2023-08-08
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2023) Accommodating Others: Ethnographic Explorations of Lysningen at Utøya. Norsk Antropologisk Forening Norsk Antropologisk Forenings årskonferanse , Trondheim 2023-12-01 - 2023-12-01
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2023) Affording Others: Ethnographic Explorations of Lysningen at Utøya. AAA/CASCA American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting , Toronto 2023-11-16 - 2023-11-16
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2023) Anthropology, Productive Incompleteness and the Twilight of Liberalism. AAA/CASCA American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting , Toronto 2023-11-16 - 2023-11-16
LectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2022) The Norwegian Oil Fund and the Social Contract. Scandinavian Japan Sasakawa Foundation Scandinavian Japan Sasakawa Foundation Annual Meeting , Oslo 2022-08-18 - 2022-08-18
Academic lectureHolmes, Douglas R.; Myhre, Knut Christian. (2022) The Concept of the Corporation: Anthropological Perspectives. American Anthropological Association American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting , Seattle 2022-11-09 - 2022-11-13
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian; Holmes, Douglas R.. (2022) Great Expectations: How the World's Largest Sovereign Wealth Fund Redescribes the Corporation in Times of Crisis. American Anthropological Association American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting , Seattle 2022-11-09 - 2022-11-13
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2022) Statens pensjonsfond utland og samfunnskontrakten: Innledende betraktninger. NTNU/PRIO Statens pensjonsfond utland og samfunnskontrakten , Oslo 2022-09-02 - 2022-09-02
Popular scientific lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2022) Rikdommens språk: tekster om Oljefondet. Cappelen Damm Boklansering 2022-05-10 -
Popular scientific lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2022) Rikdommens språk: tekster om Oljefondet. NFFO, Sølvberget, KåKå, Bokhuset Stavanger sakprosefestival , Stavanger 2022-05-21 -
LectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2021) Great Expectations, How the World's Largest Sovereign Wealth Fund Redescribes the Corporation in a Time of Crisis. Institutt for sosialantropologi, NTNU Instituttseminar 2021-06-07 -
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2020) From Ethics to Sustainability: Reflections from the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global. Impact HAU, University of Bologna The Hau of Finance: Ethnographic Inquiries into Impact Investing and the Moral Turn in Finance , Ravenna 2020-03-25 - 2020-03-25
InterviewMyhre, Knut Christian. (2019) Trenger ikke kunne finans for å ha en mening om Oljefondet. Dagens perspektiv Dagens perspektiv [Newspaper] 2019-10-17
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2019) Reframing Welfare: Expectations, Communication, and Ownership at the World's Largest Sovereign Wealth Fund. American Anthropological Association American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting , Vancouver 2019-11-20 - 2019-11-24
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2019) Reframing Welfare: Expectations, Collaboration, and Ownership at the World's Largest Sovereign Wealth Fund. University of Chicago Monday Seminar , Chicago 2019-11-25 -
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2019) Reforming Welfare: Expectations, Communication, and Ownership in Norway's Oil-Fund. Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt NUPI Theory Seminar , Oslo 2019-10-16 - 2019-10-16
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2018) Financialisation and the welfare state: The case of the Norwegian oil fund. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Financialisation beyond crisis: Connections, contradictions, contestations , Halle 2018-09-10 - 2018-09-12
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2018) The Norwegian oil fund and the contemporary social contract . European association of Social Anthropologists EASA 2018 , Stockholm 2018-08-14 - 2018-08-17
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian; Storaas, Frode. (2018) Beyond Life: Cooling and Cleansing in Kilimanjaro. Nordic Anthropological Film Association (NAFA) NAFA Ethnographic Film Festival , Cluj-Napoca 2018-09-11 - 2018-09-15
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian; Storaas, Frode. (2018) Atali's Gift. Eesti Rahva Muuseum - Estonian National Museum Maailmafilm - Tartu World Film Festival , Tartu 2018-03-19 - 2018-03-19
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2018) Returning Life: Becoming and Being in Kilimanjaro. American Anthropological Association American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting , San Jose 2018-11-14 - 2019-11-18
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2017) Drømmen om impact. Norges forskningsråd SAMKUL programseminar , Oslo 2017-11-28 -
Academic lecture
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2017) The Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global and Its Public. FESA FESA Inception Workshop 2017-12-15 -
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian; Storaas, Frode. (2017) Atali's Gift. Norsk antropologisk forening Norsk antropologisk forenings årskonferanse , Lillehammer 2017-05-05 - 2017-05-07
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2017) Forms of Ethics, Shapes of Finance: Ethnographic Explorations of the Limits of Contemporary Capital. SENK seminar 2017-03-30 - 2017-03-30
DocumentaryMyhre, Knut Christian. (2014) Regnmakerne. NRK 2 Kunnskapskanalen NRK 2 Kunnskapskanalen [TV] 2014-04-26
DocumentaryMyhre, Knut Christian. (2014) The Rainmakers. [Internet] 2014-01-25
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2014) Why Use One Word for Many Things? Reflections on Persons and Houses in Kilimanjaro. Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk Friday Colloquium , UiO 2014-01-17 - 2014-01-17
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2014) On beer as a material concept in Kilimanjaro: An ethnographic challenge to the anthropology of ritual. University College London Departmental Seminar 2014-02-26 -
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2014) Flowing beer, positing concepts: An ethnographic challenge to the anthropology of ritual. Department of Social Anthropology, St Andrews University Departmental seminar , St Andrews 2014-03-14 -
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2013) Corporeal Transformation and Material Abstraction in Kilimanjaro: An Attempt at an Ethnographic Engagement with Deleuze. Deleuze and Ethnography 2013-12-11 -
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2013) Anthropos and the Material: Ethnographic Challenges to the Anthropology of Ritual. TIK/SAI Emergence and World-Making , Universitetet i Oslo 2013-06-26 - 2013-06-27
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2013) Anthropos and the Material: Ethnographic Challenges to the Anthropology of Ritual. Norsk Antropologisk Forening Norsk Antropologisk Forenings Årskonferanse , Tromsø 2013-05-03 - 2013-05-05
DocumentaryMyhre, Knut Christian. (2013) Regnmakerne. NRK 2 Kunnskapskanalen NRK 2 Kunnskapskanalen [TV] 2013-09-21
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2012) The multiple meanings of moongo: On doorways and backbones in Kilimanjaro. Sosialantropologisk institutt Instituttseminar , Universitetet i Oslo 2012-12-12 -
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2011) Membering and dismembering: Normativity and relationality of animal bodies in Kilimanjaro. Sosialantropologisk institutt Instituttseminar , UiO 2011-03-30 - 2011-03-30
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2011) Cutting ANT to make anthropology. Norsk antropologisk forening Det menneskelige terreng: Antropologi, akademi og samtid , Universitetet i Oslo 2011-05-06 - 2011-05-08
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2010) Property, ownership, and reproduction: Historical ethnography of persons and things in Kilimanjaro. SAI Lunsjseminar , UiO 2010-04-13 -
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2010) How to butcher an animal: Reflections on normativity and relationality among the Chagga of Kilimanjaro. Institutt for sosialantropologi Instituttseminar , Universitetet i Bergen 2010-02-18 -
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2010) Civilisation unbound: Relational ramifications in Africa. Etnografisk seksjon, Kulturhistorisk museum, UiO Ritualer, materialitet og performativitet , Oslo 2010-06-07 - 2010-06-07
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2010) Doorways and backbones in Kilimanjaro: On persons and things in a reproductive perspective. University of Oxford An Africanist's Legacy: A Workshop in Celebration of the Work of David Parkin , Oxford 2010-07-08 - 2010-07-09
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2010) Introductory remarks and summary. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet Explorations of 'Afrinesia': Experimental Approaches to Legal and Political Anthropology in Africa , Uppsala 2010-03-24 -
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2010) Carving the world at the joints: Normativity and sociality among the Chagga of Kilimanjaro. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet Explorations of 'Afrinesia': Experimental Approaches to Legal and Political Anthropology in Africa , Uppsala 2010-03-22 - 2010-03-23
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2010) Welcome to 'Afrinesia'. Nordiska Afrikainstitutet Explorations of 'Afrinesia': Experimental Approaches to Legal and Political Anthropology in Africa , Uppsala 2010-03-22 - 2010-03-23
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2010) The notion of 'Afrinesia'. Sosialantropologisk institutt Afrikaseminaret , Universitetet i Oslo 2010-03-25 -
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2005) The Truth of Anthropology: Wittgenstein, Epistemology, and Meaning. Institutt for allmenn- og samfunnsmedisin Medisinsk antropologi seminar , UiO 2005-11-25 - 2005-11-25
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2005) Family Resemblances, Material Extensions, and Practical Interrelations: Understanding Sexual Prohibitions, Production, and Consumption in Kilimanjaro. NTNU/UiO Beyond Magic and Science: Reconsidering Sexual Prohibitions in Africa. , UiO 2005-03-30 - 2005-03-30
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2005) Suffering and Narration. Sosialantropologisk institutt, NTNU Suffering and Narration , Dragvoll, NTNU 2005-01-14 - 2005-01-14
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2005) On the Conceptual Topography of "Power": Understanding Sexual Prohibitions, Production, and Consumption in Kilimanjaro. Department of Anthropology Africa Seminar , London School of Economics 2005-10-06 - 2005-10-06
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2004) Dwelling and Experience: The Epistemology of Chagga Divination. Sosialantropologisk Institutt, NTNU Instituttseminar , Trondheim 2004-03-11 - 2004-03-11
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2004) Divination and Experience: Exploration of a Chagga Lateral Epistemology. Kulturhistorisk Museum, Universitetet i Oslo Institiuttseminar , Oslo 2004-05-13 - 2004-05-13
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2004) Family Resemblances, Practical Interrelations, and Material Extensions: Understanding Sexual Prohibitions, Production, and Consumption in Kilimanjaro. Institutt for Allmenn- og Samfunnsmedisin Intern seminar , Oslo 2004-12-14 - 2004-12-16
Academic lectureMyhre, Knut Christian. (2004) Kaa and Ikaa: Homesteads and Dwelling in Chagga-speaking Kilimanjaro. Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Maison, Patrimonie et Heritages Problematiques/Houses, Cultural Heritage and Problematic Legacies , Paris 2004-10-21 - 2004-10-24