Kjartan Koch Mikalsen
Research interests:
Political and legal philosophy with a focus on democratic theory, distributive justice, political legitimacy, public use of reason, republicanism and sovereignty.
See Cristin
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Political Legitimacy: What’s Wrong with the Power-Liability View?.
Moral Philosophy and Politics
Academic article
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Frihet som iboende rett.
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Mennesket: det politiske dyret.
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Skadeprinsippet: et forsvar for individets frihet.
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Expertise and the general will in democratic republicanism.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Med Kant mot ulikhet - et demokratisk reformargument.
Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
The Irrelevance of History: In Defense of a Pure Functionalist Theory of Territorial Jurisdiction.
Ratio Juris
Academic article
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Kantian Republicanism in the International Sphere: Equal Sovereignty as a Condition of Global Justice.
Edinburgh University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
No cosmopolitan morality without state sovereignty.
Philosophy & Social Criticism
Academic article
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Kant and Habermas on the Democratic Rule of Law.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch;
Skjei, Erling;
Øfsti, Audun.
Modernity - Unity in Diversity? Essays in Honour of Helge Høibraaten.
Novus Forlag
Novus Forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Kant and Habermas on International Law.
Ratio Juris
Academic article
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch;
Lundestad, Øystein.
The Institutionalisation of International Law: On Habermas' Reformulation of the Kantian Project.
Journal of International Political Theory
Academic article
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
In Defense of Kant's League of States.
Law and Philosophy
Academic article
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Testimony and Kant's Idea of Public reason.
Res Publica
Academic article
Journal publications
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Political Legitimacy: What’s Wrong with the Power-Liability View?.
Moral Philosophy and Politics
Academic article
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Med Kant mot ulikhet - et demokratisk reformargument.
Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift
Academic article
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
The Irrelevance of History: In Defense of a Pure Functionalist Theory of Territorial Jurisdiction.
Ratio Juris
Academic article
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
No cosmopolitan morality without state sovereignty.
Philosophy & Social Criticism
Academic article
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Kant and Habermas on International Law.
Ratio Juris
Academic article
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch;
Lundestad, Øystein.
The Institutionalisation of International Law: On Habermas' Reformulation of the Kantian Project.
Journal of International Political Theory
Academic article
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
In Defense of Kant's League of States.
Law and Philosophy
Academic article
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Testimony and Kant's Idea of Public reason.
Res Publica
Academic article
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch;
Skjei, Erling;
Øfsti, Audun.
Modernity - Unity in Diversity? Essays in Honour of Helge Høibraaten.
Novus Forlag
Novus Forlag
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Frihet som iboende rett.
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Mennesket: det politiske dyret.
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Skadeprinsippet: et forsvar for individets frihet.
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Expertise and the general will in democratic republicanism.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Kantian Republicanism in the International Sphere: Equal Sovereignty as a Condition of Global Justice.
Edinburgh University Press
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Mikalsen, Kjartan Koch.
Kant and Habermas on the Democratic Rule of Law.
Novus Forlag
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic lectureMikalsen, Kjartan Koch. (2024) Kant's Rousseauvian Defense of Representative Government. KanDem: The Kantian Foundations of Democracy, Ifikk, UiO Kant and Democracy , Oslo 2024-09-19 - 2024-09-20
Academic lectureMikalsen, Kjartan Koch. (2022) Krig: Carl Schmitt versus Immanuel Kant. Vitenskapsteoretisk forum 2022-04-19 - 2022-04-19
Academic lectureMikalsen, Kjartan Koch. (2022) Political Legitimacy: What's Wrong with the Power-Liability View?. Norwegian Practical Philosophy Network Conference 2022-03-10 - 2022-03-11
Academic lectureMikalsen, Kjartan Koch. (2019) Expertise and the general will: Towards a more democratic republicanism. ARENA REFLEX workshop: Making non-majoritarian institutions safe for democracy , Oslo 2019-06-20 - 2019-06-21
Academic lectureMikalsen, Kjartan Koch. (2018) Hva er galt med filosofisk anarkisme?. Vitenskapsteoretisk forum 2018-08-14 - 2018-08-14
Academic lectureMikalsen, Kjartan Koch. (2017) The irrelevance of history: in defense of a pure functionalist theory of territorial jurisdiction. Philosophy of Borders - nations, states and immigration 2017-02-03 - 2017-02-04
LectureMikalsen, Kjartan Koch. (2017) Suverenitet - et grunnleggende kosmopolitisk prinsipp. Vitenskapsteoretisk forum Foredrag i Vitenskapsteoretisk forum , Trondheim 2017-08-16 -
Academic lectureMikalsen, Kjartan Koch. (2016) Non-domination, Constitutionalism, and Democracy - Some Advantages of Franco-German Republicanism . Symposium in Honor of Helge Høibraaten , Trondheim 2016-05-26 - 2016-05-27
Academic lectureMikalsen, Kjartan Koch. (2015) Immanuel Kant: Økonomisk liberalist?. Vitenskapsteoretisk forum Vitenskapsteoretisk forum , Trondheim 2015-12-01 - 2015-12-01
Academic lectureMikalsen, Kjartan Koch. (2015) Four theses on Freedom, Coercion, and Redistribution of Wealth. Programme for Applied Ethics, NTNU Grand challenges and our obligations to future generations , Trondheim 2015-05-21 - 2015-05-22
LectureMikalsen, Kjartan Koch. (2015) Kant om republikansk medborgerskap. Foredrag for prosjektgruppen "Investigating the social bond" ved ISL, NTNU 2015-03-18 - 2015-03-18
Popular scientific lectureMikalsen, Kjartan Koch. (2013) Frihet, menneskerettigheter og statssuverenitet. Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap, Universitetet i Nordland FSVs forskning 2013-08-19 - 2013-08-23
Academic lectureMikalsen, Kjartan Koch. (2013) Kant om den angivelige retten til å lyve av menneskekjærlighet. Vitenskapsteoretisk forum Vitforum 2013-01-29 - 2013-01-29
Academic lectureMikalsen, Kjartan Koch. (2011) Carl Schmitt og forbudet mot angrepskrig. Vitenskapsteoretisk forum 2011-03-29 - 2011-03-29
Academic lectureMikalsen, Kjartan Koch. (2010) Habermas and the Kantian Project. A Critical Commentary. Interdisciplinary colloquium , Flensburg 2010-12-07 - 2010-12-07
Academic lectureMikalsen, Kjartan Koch. (2010) Fredens institusjonelle forutsetninger. Filosofiseminar Sommer-Melbu/Nordland Akademi 2010-07-08 - 2010-07-10