Kate Crosman
Jonsvannsveien 82
Kate is an André Hoffman Fellow with NTNU's Department of Marine Technology and the World Economic Forums's Ocean Action Agenda. Her current research focuses on conditions that facilitate trust in big data for oceans; prior work examines stakeholder knowledge, attitudes, incentives and decision-making in complex governance of oceans and climate. Kate holds a PhD in Public Policy and Management from the University of Washington and a MSc in Natural Resources and Environment from the University of Michigan.
Bostrom, Ann;
Demuth, Julie L.;
Wirz, Christopher D.;
Cains, Mariana G.;
Schumacher, Andrea;
Madlambayan, Deianna.
Trust and trustworthy artificial intelligence: A research agenda for AI in the environmental sciences.
Risk Analysis
Academic article
Crosman, Katherine M.
Information, uncertainty, and cognitive biases: we’re all irrational in predictable ways.
Website (informational material)
Journal publications
Bostrom, Ann;
Demuth, Julie L.;
Wirz, Christopher D.;
Cains, Mariana G.;
Schumacher, Andrea;
Madlambayan, Deianna.
Trust and trustworthy artificial intelligence: A research agenda for AI in the environmental sciences.
Risk Analysis
Academic article
Crosman, Katherine M.
Information, uncertainty, and cognitive biases: we’re all irrational in predictable ways.
Website (informational material)
LectureCrosman, Katherine M. (2022) Trust in science and risk communication. SINTEF Ocean AS SFI Harvest days 2022 , Trondheim 2022-09-28 - 2022-09-29