Karin Roeleveld
Karin Roeleveld is Professor at the Department of Neuromedicine and Movement Science, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science and member of the research group Geriatrics, Movement and Stroke (GeMS). She is part of the leader group of the WE-studien, a placebo-controlled multicenter clinical trial on the effect of injections with Botulinum toxin A (Botox) on walking in children with Cerebral Palsy. She is part of the research group Prosthetics and Orthotics - NTNU
Educational background
- Master in Human Movement Science, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1992
- PhD in Medical Sciences, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1997
Research interests
- Neuromuscular control, physiology and physical activity
- Measurement and analyses of human movement, muscle activation and physical activity
- Prevention and rehabilitation of movement disorders
- Orthotics and prosthetics
Teaching activities
- Different teaching activities for Bachelor and Master of Human Movement Science
- Course coordinator for BEV2008 - Fitness and Performance Assessment
- Contributes in PAH3004- Movement Evaluation in Sports and Clinical Science
Comfortable, stable, and sustainable leg prosthetics
The goal of this project is to produce a multi-sensor prosthetic system that will assure optimal fitting. The project will both determine the factors and situations resulting in remaining limb-socket movements hindering performance or cause injuries.
The goal of this study is to find out if Botox injections make walking easier in children with CP.
A multi-center international double blinded placebo controlled industry independent RCT.
Tørring, Marte Fossflaten;
Logacjov, Aleksej;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Ustad, Astrid;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Bardal, Ellen Marie.
Validation of two novel human activity recognition models for typically developing children and children with Cerebral Palsy.
Academic article
Goihl, Tobias;
Rusaw, David F.;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Brændvik, Siri Merete.
Provision of ankle foot orthoses for children with cerebral palsy in Norway.
Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering
Academic article
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Ross Raftemo, Anne Elisabeth;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Andersen, Guro Lillemoen;
Ramstad, Kjersti;
Follestad, Turid.
Does botulinum neurotoxin A make walking easier in children with cerebral palsy? A randomized clinical trial.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
Academic article
Gagnat, Yngvild;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Ringheim, Inge;
Roeleveld, Karin.
The relation of energy cost of walking with gait deviation, asymmetry, and lower limb muscle co-activation in children with cerebral palsy: a retrospective cross-sectional study.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Academic article
Oudenhoven, Laura M.;
Van Der Krogt, Marjolein M.;
Ettema, Sanne;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Brehm, Merel A.;
Buizer, Annemieke I..
Fatigue-related gait adaptations in children with cerebral palsy.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
Academic article
Ettema, Sanne;
Oudenhoven, Laura M.;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Buizer, Annemieke I.;
van der Krogt, Marjolein M..
The effect of prolonged walking on muscle fatigue and neuromuscular control in children with cerebral palsy.
Gait & Posture
Academic article
Gagnat, Yngvild;
Oudenhoven, Laura M.;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Energy cost of gait in children and the effect of speed, age, and body size.
Gait & Posture
Academic article
Bentzen, Marte;
Brurok, Berit;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Hoff, Mari;
Jahnsen, Reidun;
Wouda, Matthijs Ferdinand.
Changes in physical activity and basic psychological needs related to mental health among people with physical disability during the Covid-19 pandemic in Norway.
Disability and Health Journal
Academic article
Goihl, Tobias;
Ihlen, Espen Alexander F.;
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Ustad, Astrid;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Brændvik, Siri Merete.
Effects of Ankle-Foot Orthoses on acceleration and energy cost of walking in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy.
Prosthetics and orthotics international
Academic article
Modalsli, Eivind Heilmann;
Tan, Alex;
Bakke, Marie Langnes;
Eikevåg, Sindre Wold;
Kohtala, Sampsa Matias Ilmari;
Steinert, Ralf Martin.
Prosthetic socket rotation stability - A mock limb study on different suspension systems.
Gait & Posture
Stensdotter, Ann-Katrin;
Vårbakken, Kjartan;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Factors associated with self-rated difficulty to descend stairs in persons with knee osteoarthritis.
Academic article
Oudenhoven, Laura M.;
van der Krogt, Marjolein Margaretha;
Ettema, Sanne;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Brehm, Merel A;
Muselaers, Eefje.
How does prolonged moderate intensity walking affect gait in children with cerebral palsy? .
Gait & Posture
Heggenhougen, Vera;
Trollebø, Stine Øverengen;
Berge, Gunveig;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Goihl, Tobias;
Gagnat, Yngvild.
Use and user perception of ankle foot orthoses in ambulant children with cerebral palsy.
Gait & Posture
Roeleveld, Karin;
Oudenhoven, Laura M.;
Gagnat, Yngvild;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Bardal, Ellen Marie.
Energy cost of walking in typically developing children – Details related to its dependency on bodyweight and walking speed.
Gait & Posture
Renberg, Julie;
Christiansen, Maren Trones;
Wiggen, Øystein;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Reinertsen, Randi Eidsmo.
Metabolic rate and muscle activation level when wearing state-of-the-art cold-weather protective clothing during level and inclined walking.
Applied Ergonomics
Academic article
Gagnat, Yngvild;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Surface electromyography normalization affects the interpretation of muscle activity and coactivation in children with cerebral palsy during walking.
Frontiers in Neurology
Academic article
Renberg, Julie;
Wiggen, Øystein;
Tvetene, Per Øyvind Stranna;
Færevik, Hilde;
Van Beekvelt, Mireille;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Effect of working position and cold environment on muscle activation level and fatigue in the upper limb during manual work tasks.
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics
Academic article
Renberg, Julie;
Wiggen, Øystein;
Oksa, Juha;
Dyb, Kristine Blomvik;
Reinertsen, Randi Eidsmo;
Roeleveld, Karin.
The effect of mild whole-body cold stress on isometric force control during hand grip and key pinch tasks.
Journal of Thermal Biology
Academic article
Ringheim, Inge;
Indahl, Aage;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Reduced muscle activity variability in lumbar extensor muscles during sustained sitting in individuals with chronic low back pain.
Academic article
Gagnat, Yngvild;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Roeleveld, Karin.
P 008 - Tibialis anterior co-activation during stance phase in gait in children with cerebral palsy.
Gait & Posture
Short communication
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Elkamil, Areej Ibrahim;
Hansen, Sandra Linnea;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Physiological responses during clinical spasticity evaluation in elbow flexors in children with cerebral palsy.
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
Academic article
Berge, Martin Aursand;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Goihl, Tobias.
P 143 - Plantarflexor strength in relation to vertical ground reaction force in terminal stance in children and adolescents with spastic cerebral palsy.
Gait & Posture
Short communication
Eken, Maaike M.;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Houdijk, Han;
Dallmeijer, Annet J.;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Lower limb muscle fatigue during walking in children with cerebral palsy.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
Academic article
Bjølseth, Andreas;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Roeleveld, Karin.
P 064 - Signs of spasticity during walking in children with spastic cerebral palsy.
Gait & Posture
Short communication
Doix, Aude-Clémence M;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Garcia, Jérémy;
Lahaut, Pauline;
Tanant, Véronique;
Fournier-Mehouas, Manuella.
Short-TERM Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Training of the Tibialis Anterior Did Not Improve Strength and Motor Function in Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy Patients.
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Academic article
Børseth-Vassend, Ane H.;
Tuffaha, Mutaz;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Stensdotter, Ann-Katrin.
Increased gait variability during 5-min walking in children with cerebral palsy (CP) detected with on the feet placed accelerometers.
Gait & Posture
van den Noort, Josien C.;
Bar-On, Lynn;
Aertbeliën, Erwin;
Bonikowski, Marcin;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Broström, Eva Weidenhielm.
European consensus on the concepts and measurement of the pathophysiological neuromuscular responses to passive muscle stretch.
European Journal of Neurology
Academic article
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Andersen, Guro Lillemoen;
Ross Raftemo, Anne Elisabeth;
Ramstad, Kjersti;
Majkic-Tajsic, Jasmina.
The WE-Study: does botulinum toxin A make walking easier in children with cerebral palsy?: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Academic article
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Reliability of gait speed in children - effects of instruction, distance and age.
Gait & Posture
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Maalen-Johansen, Ingvild Koren;
Roeleveld, Karin.
The use of activity monitors for the estimation of energy expenditure during walking in children with cerebral palsy.
Gait & Posture
Ringheim, Inge;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Indahl, Aage.
Postural strategy, lumbar muscle
activation and variation related to
prolonged standing and sitting in
chronic low back pain.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (356)
Doctoral dissertation
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Ustad, Astrid;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Identification of physical behavior in children. Do we need age-specific classification algorithms?.
Gait & Posture
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Ihlen, Espen Alexander F.;
Mork, Paul Jarle.
Micro movements of the upper limb in fibromyalgia: The relation to proprioceptive accuracy and visual feedback.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Ringheim, Inge;
Austein, Helene;
Indahl, Aage;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Postural strategy and trunk muscle activation during prolonged standing in chronic low back pain patients.
Gait & Posture
Academic article
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Mork, Paul Jarle.
Aerobic and cardiovascular autonomic adaptations to moderate intensity endurance exercise in patients with fibromyalgia.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Doix, Aude-Clémence;
Matkowski, B;
Martin, A;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Colson, SS.
Effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation intensity over the tibial nerve trunk on triceps surae muscle fatigue.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Ringheim, Inge;
Indahl, Aage;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Alternating activation is related to fatigue in lumbar muscles during sustained sitting.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Doix, Aude-Clémence;
Gulliksen, Anette;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Fatigue and muscle activation during submaximal elbow flexion in children with cerebral palsy.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Elvrum, Ann-Kristin Gunnes;
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Involuntary and voluntary muscle activation in children with unilateral cerebral palsy – Relationship to upper limb activity.
European journal of paediatric neurology
Academic article
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Roeleveld, Karin.
The role of co-activation in strength and force modulation in the elbow of children with unilateral cerebral palsy.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Elvrum, Ann-Kristin Gunnes;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Sæther, Rannei;
Lamvik, Torarin;
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Effectiveness of resistance training in combination with botulinum toxin-A on hand and arm use in children with cerebral palsy: a pre-post intervention study.
BMC Pediatrics
Academic article
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Johansen, Tonje Okkenhaug;
Mork, Paul Jarle.
Upper limb position control in fibromyalgia.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Grönlund, Christer;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Gerdle, Björn.
The relation between neuromuscular control and pain intensity in fibromyalgia.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Staudenmann, Didier;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Dieën, Jaap H. van.
Methodological aspects of SEMG recordings for force estimation - A tutorial and review.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic literature review
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Elvrum, Ann-Kristin Gunnes;
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Relationship between neuromuscular body functions and upper extremity activity in children with cerebral palsy.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Grönlund, C;
Ingebrigtsen, Jørgen;
Karlsson, J. Stefan;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Duration of differential activations is functionally related to fatigue prevention during low-level contractions.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Gerdle, Björn;
Grönlund, Christer;
Karlsson, J Stefan;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Altered neuromuscular control mechanisms of the trapezius muscle in fibromyalgia.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Academic article
Roeleveld, Karin;
Gerdle, Björn;
Lundstrom, Ronnie.
Obituary: Dr. Jan Stefan Karlsson.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Reader opinion piece
Holtermann, Andreas;
Grönlund, C;
Karlsson, JS;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Motor unit synchronization during fatigue: Described with a novel sEMG method based on large motor unit samples.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Grönlund, C;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Karlsson, J S.
Motor unit synchronization during fatigue: A novel quantification method.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Grönlund, C;
Karlsson, J Stefan;
Andersen, L.
Selective activation of neuromuscular compartments within the human trapezius muscle.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Karlsson, J. Stefan;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Grönlund, Christer;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Östlund, Nils.
Signal processing of the surface electromyogram to gain insight into neuromuscular physiology.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Academic article
Ingebrigtsen, Jørgen;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Effects of Load and Contraction Velocity During Three-Week Biceps Curls Training on Isometric and Isokinetic Performance.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Grönlund, C;
Karlsson, J S;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Differential activation of regions within the biceps brachii muscle during fatigue.
Acta Physiologica
Academic article
Gerdle, Björn;
Östlund, Nils;
Grönlund, Christer;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Karlsson, J. Stefan.
Firing rate and conduction velocity of single motor units in the trapezius muscle in fibromyalgia patients and healthy controls.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Grönlund, Christer;
Karlsson, J. Stefan;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Spatial distribution of active muscle fibre characteristics in the upper trapezius muscle and its dependency on contraction level and duration.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Leirdal, Stig;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C.
Coordination Specificity in Strength and Power Training.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Roeleveld, Karin;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Grönlund, C;
Karlsson, JS.
The association between motor unit synchronization and fatigue induced force tremor and its dependency on recording location.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Engstrøm, Morten;
Sand, Trond.
Enhanced H-reflex with resistance training is related to increased rate of force development.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C.
The effect of rate of force development on maximal force production: acute and training-related aspects.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Leirdal, Stig;
Sætran, Lars Roar;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Bråten, Steinar;
Bråten, Steinar.
Effects of Body Position on Slide Boarding Performance by Cross-Country Skiers.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin.
EMG amplitude distribution changes over the upper trapezius muscle are similar in sustained and ramp contractions.
Acta Physiologica
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Engstrøm, Morten;
Sand, Trond.
H-relex changes with resistance training.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingebrigtsen, Jørgen;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin.
The effects of load and instruction on transfer across contraction modes and velocities during resistance training.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Grönlund, C;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Karlsson, JS.
On-line signal quality estimation of multichannel surface electromyograms.
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Karlsson, JS.
Inhomogeneities in muscle activation reveal motor unit recruitment.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Grönlund, C;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Karlsson, JS.
Muscle architecture and fibre types using spatiotemporal information of propagating motot unit action potentials recorded by 2-D multichannel surface EMG.
International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering Proceedings
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C.
Changes in agonist EMG activation level during MVC cannot explain early strength improvement.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Gronlund, C;
Ostlund, N;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Karlsson, JS.
Simultaneous estimation of muscle fibre conduction velocity and muscle fibre orientation using 2D multichannel surface electromyogram.
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Global muscle activation in sustained contractions.
International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering Proceedings
Academic article
Östlund, N;
Yu, J;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Karlsson, JS.
Adaptive spatial filtering of multicannel surface electromyogram signals.
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
Academic article
Roeleveld, Karin.
Introduction into data analyses using MATLAB.
Roeleveld, Karin.
smärtsamt muskelarbete mäts med elektroder på hudytan.
Dagens medisin
Popular scientific article
Brændvik, Siri;
Oterhals, Geir;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Muscular adaptions following a transtibial amputation: What are the contributions of stump muscles in stair climbing?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Roeleveld, Karin;
Staudenmann, J;
Van Dieën, D;
Stegeman, Dick F.
The use of spatiotemporal surface EMG information in studying muscle force regulation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Størksen, Jan Harry;
Estil, Lise Beate;
Pedersen, Arve Vorland;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Nordisk Konferanse i Bevegelsesvitenskap, NKB 2003.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Roeleveld, Karin.
Måler muskler.
Feature article
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F.
What do we learn from motor unit action potentials in the surface EMG?.
Muscle and Nerve
Academic article
Schumann, NP;
Biedermann, F;
Kleine, BU;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Hackert, R.
Multi-channel EMG of the M.Triceps brachii in rats during treadmill locomotion.
Clinical Neurophysiology
Academic article
Scholle, H Ch;
Schumann, NP;
Biedermann, F;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Grassme, R;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Spatiotemporal surface EMG characteristics from rat triceps brachi muscle during treadmill locomotion indicate selective recruitment of functionally distinct muscle regions.
Experimental Brain Research
Academic article
Roeleveld, Karin;
Van Engelen, B;
Stegeman, Dick F.
Temporal and spatial surface EMG characteristics during muscle cramp confirm a peripheral cause.
Journal of applied physiology
Academic article
Stegeman, Dick F;
Blok, JH;
Hermens, HJ;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Surface EMG models: properties and applications.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Roeleveld, Karin.
From motor unit variation to organised recruitment.
Corpus, Psyche et Societas
Academic article
Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Tillaar, Roland van den.
Biologi i Grunnfag Idrett (IDR105) på internet.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Drost, G.
Motor unit contribution to surface EMG.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Scholle, H Ch;
Schumann, NP;
Biedermann, F;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Grassme, R.
Correlation of surface electromyographic and histomorphometric characterisation of muscle topography: Basics for new developments in rehabilitation medicine.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Roeleveld, Karin;
Drost, G;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Blok, JH;
Scholle, H Ch.
The estimation of MU position and MU properties from the surface EMG.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stegeman, Dick F;
Blok, JH;
Hermens, HJ;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Surface EMG Models: properties and applications.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Vingerhoets, HM;
Zwarts, MJ.
How inter-electrode distance and motor unit depth influence surface potentials.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Vingerhoets, HM;
Van Oosterom, A.
The motor unit potential distribution over the skin surface and its use in estimating motor unit location.
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
Academic article
Stegeman, Dick F;
Dumitru, D;
King, JC;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Near and far fields: source Characteristics and the conducting medium in neurophysiology.
Journal of clinical neurophysiology
Academic article
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Falck, B;
Stålberg, Erik V.
Motor unit size estimation: confrontation of macro EMG and surface EMG.
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology
Academic article
Roeleveld, Karin;
Blok, JH;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Van Oosterom, A.
Volume conduction models for surface EMG; confrontation with measurements.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Vingerhoets, HM;
Van Oosterom, A.
Motor unit potential contribution to surface electromyography.
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
Academic article
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F.
Estimation of size and location of normal and enlarged motor units from surface EMG.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stegeman, Dick F;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Dumitru, D;
Vingerhoets, HM.
Far-field potentials in surface EMG.
Excerpta Medica: International Congress Series
Academic article
Jongen, PJH;
Vingerhoets, HM;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F.
Automatic decomposition electromyography (ADEMG) in idiopathic inflammatory myopaties.
Journal of Neurology
Academic article
Stegeman, Dick F;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Blok, JH.
EMG topography as an instrument in clinical neurophysiology: a unipolar recording approach.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F.
Macro needle-EMG versus Surface EMG topography: a comparative study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Tørring, Marte Fossflaten;
Logacjov, Aleksej;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Ustad, Astrid;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Bardal, Ellen Marie.
Validation of two novel human activity recognition models for typically developing children and children with Cerebral Palsy.
Academic article
Goihl, Tobias;
Rusaw, David F.;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Brændvik, Siri Merete.
Provision of ankle foot orthoses for children with cerebral palsy in Norway.
Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering
Academic article
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Ross Raftemo, Anne Elisabeth;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Andersen, Guro Lillemoen;
Ramstad, Kjersti;
Follestad, Turid.
Does botulinum neurotoxin A make walking easier in children with cerebral palsy? A randomized clinical trial.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
Academic article
Gagnat, Yngvild;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Ringheim, Inge;
Roeleveld, Karin.
The relation of energy cost of walking with gait deviation, asymmetry, and lower limb muscle co-activation in children with cerebral palsy: a retrospective cross-sectional study.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Academic article
Oudenhoven, Laura M.;
Van Der Krogt, Marjolein M.;
Ettema, Sanne;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Brehm, Merel A.;
Buizer, Annemieke I..
Fatigue-related gait adaptations in children with cerebral palsy.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
Academic article
Ettema, Sanne;
Oudenhoven, Laura M.;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Buizer, Annemieke I.;
van der Krogt, Marjolein M..
The effect of prolonged walking on muscle fatigue and neuromuscular control in children with cerebral palsy.
Gait & Posture
Academic article
Gagnat, Yngvild;
Oudenhoven, Laura M.;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Energy cost of gait in children and the effect of speed, age, and body size.
Gait & Posture
Academic article
Bentzen, Marte;
Brurok, Berit;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Hoff, Mari;
Jahnsen, Reidun;
Wouda, Matthijs Ferdinand.
Changes in physical activity and basic psychological needs related to mental health among people with physical disability during the Covid-19 pandemic in Norway.
Disability and Health Journal
Academic article
Goihl, Tobias;
Ihlen, Espen Alexander F.;
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Ustad, Astrid;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Brændvik, Siri Merete.
Effects of Ankle-Foot Orthoses on acceleration and energy cost of walking in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy.
Prosthetics and orthotics international
Academic article
Modalsli, Eivind Heilmann;
Tan, Alex;
Bakke, Marie Langnes;
Eikevåg, Sindre Wold;
Kohtala, Sampsa Matias Ilmari;
Steinert, Ralf Martin.
Prosthetic socket rotation stability - A mock limb study on different suspension systems.
Gait & Posture
Stensdotter, Ann-Katrin;
Vårbakken, Kjartan;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Factors associated with self-rated difficulty to descend stairs in persons with knee osteoarthritis.
Academic article
Oudenhoven, Laura M.;
van der Krogt, Marjolein Margaretha;
Ettema, Sanne;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Brehm, Merel A;
Muselaers, Eefje.
How does prolonged moderate intensity walking affect gait in children with cerebral palsy? .
Gait & Posture
Heggenhougen, Vera;
Trollebø, Stine Øverengen;
Berge, Gunveig;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Goihl, Tobias;
Gagnat, Yngvild.
Use and user perception of ankle foot orthoses in ambulant children with cerebral palsy.
Gait & Posture
Roeleveld, Karin;
Oudenhoven, Laura M.;
Gagnat, Yngvild;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Bardal, Ellen Marie.
Energy cost of walking in typically developing children – Details related to its dependency on bodyweight and walking speed.
Gait & Posture
Renberg, Julie;
Christiansen, Maren Trones;
Wiggen, Øystein;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Reinertsen, Randi Eidsmo.
Metabolic rate and muscle activation level when wearing state-of-the-art cold-weather protective clothing during level and inclined walking.
Applied Ergonomics
Academic article
Gagnat, Yngvild;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Surface electromyography normalization affects the interpretation of muscle activity and coactivation in children with cerebral palsy during walking.
Frontiers in Neurology
Academic article
Renberg, Julie;
Wiggen, Øystein;
Tvetene, Per Øyvind Stranna;
Færevik, Hilde;
Van Beekvelt, Mireille;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Effect of working position and cold environment on muscle activation level and fatigue in the upper limb during manual work tasks.
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics
Academic article
Renberg, Julie;
Wiggen, Øystein;
Oksa, Juha;
Dyb, Kristine Blomvik;
Reinertsen, Randi Eidsmo;
Roeleveld, Karin.
The effect of mild whole-body cold stress on isometric force control during hand grip and key pinch tasks.
Journal of Thermal Biology
Academic article
Ringheim, Inge;
Indahl, Aage;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Reduced muscle activity variability in lumbar extensor muscles during sustained sitting in individuals with chronic low back pain.
Academic article
Gagnat, Yngvild;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Roeleveld, Karin.
P 008 - Tibialis anterior co-activation during stance phase in gait in children with cerebral palsy.
Gait & Posture
Short communication
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Elkamil, Areej Ibrahim;
Hansen, Sandra Linnea;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Physiological responses during clinical spasticity evaluation in elbow flexors in children with cerebral palsy.
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice
Academic article
Berge, Martin Aursand;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Goihl, Tobias.
P 143 - Plantarflexor strength in relation to vertical ground reaction force in terminal stance in children and adolescents with spastic cerebral palsy.
Gait & Posture
Short communication
Eken, Maaike M.;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Houdijk, Han;
Dallmeijer, Annet J.;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Lower limb muscle fatigue during walking in children with cerebral palsy.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
Academic article
Bjølseth, Andreas;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Roeleveld, Karin.
P 064 - Signs of spasticity during walking in children with spastic cerebral palsy.
Gait & Posture
Short communication
Doix, Aude-Clémence M;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Garcia, Jérémy;
Lahaut, Pauline;
Tanant, Véronique;
Fournier-Mehouas, Manuella.
Short-TERM Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Training of the Tibialis Anterior Did Not Improve Strength and Motor Function in Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy Patients.
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Academic article
Børseth-Vassend, Ane H.;
Tuffaha, Mutaz;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Stensdotter, Ann-Katrin.
Increased gait variability during 5-min walking in children with cerebral palsy (CP) detected with on the feet placed accelerometers.
Gait & Posture
van den Noort, Josien C.;
Bar-On, Lynn;
Aertbeliën, Erwin;
Bonikowski, Marcin;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Broström, Eva Weidenhielm.
European consensus on the concepts and measurement of the pathophysiological neuromuscular responses to passive muscle stretch.
European Journal of Neurology
Academic article
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Andersen, Guro Lillemoen;
Ross Raftemo, Anne Elisabeth;
Ramstad, Kjersti;
Majkic-Tajsic, Jasmina.
The WE-Study: does botulinum toxin A make walking easier in children with cerebral palsy?: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
Academic article
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Reliability of gait speed in children - effects of instruction, distance and age.
Gait & Posture
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Maalen-Johansen, Ingvild Koren;
Roeleveld, Karin.
The use of activity monitors for the estimation of energy expenditure during walking in children with cerebral palsy.
Gait & Posture
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Ustad, Astrid;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Identification of physical behavior in children. Do we need age-specific classification algorithms?.
Gait & Posture
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Ihlen, Espen Alexander F.;
Mork, Paul Jarle.
Micro movements of the upper limb in fibromyalgia: The relation to proprioceptive accuracy and visual feedback.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Ringheim, Inge;
Austein, Helene;
Indahl, Aage;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Postural strategy and trunk muscle activation during prolonged standing in chronic low back pain patients.
Gait & Posture
Academic article
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Mork, Paul Jarle.
Aerobic and cardiovascular autonomic adaptations to moderate intensity endurance exercise in patients with fibromyalgia.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Doix, Aude-Clémence;
Matkowski, B;
Martin, A;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Colson, SS.
Effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation intensity over the tibial nerve trunk on triceps surae muscle fatigue.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Ringheim, Inge;
Indahl, Aage;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Alternating activation is related to fatigue in lumbar muscles during sustained sitting.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Doix, Aude-Clémence;
Gulliksen, Anette;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Fatigue and muscle activation during submaximal elbow flexion in children with cerebral palsy.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Elvrum, Ann-Kristin Gunnes;
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Involuntary and voluntary muscle activation in children with unilateral cerebral palsy – Relationship to upper limb activity.
European journal of paediatric neurology
Academic article
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Roeleveld, Karin.
The role of co-activation in strength and force modulation in the elbow of children with unilateral cerebral palsy.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Elvrum, Ann-Kristin Gunnes;
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Sæther, Rannei;
Lamvik, Torarin;
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Effectiveness of resistance training in combination with botulinum toxin-A on hand and arm use in children with cerebral palsy: a pre-post intervention study.
BMC Pediatrics
Academic article
Bardal, Ellen Marie;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Johansen, Tonje Okkenhaug;
Mork, Paul Jarle.
Upper limb position control in fibromyalgia.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Grönlund, Christer;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Gerdle, Björn.
The relation between neuromuscular control and pain intensity in fibromyalgia.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Staudenmann, Didier;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Dieën, Jaap H. van.
Methodological aspects of SEMG recordings for force estimation - A tutorial and review.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic literature review
Brændvik, Siri Merete;
Elvrum, Ann-Kristin Gunnes;
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Relationship between neuromuscular body functions and upper extremity activity in children with cerebral palsy.
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Grönlund, C;
Ingebrigtsen, Jørgen;
Karlsson, J. Stefan;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Duration of differential activations is functionally related to fatigue prevention during low-level contractions.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Gerdle, Björn;
Grönlund, Christer;
Karlsson, J Stefan;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Altered neuromuscular control mechanisms of the trapezius muscle in fibromyalgia.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Academic article
Roeleveld, Karin;
Gerdle, Björn;
Lundstrom, Ronnie.
Obituary: Dr. Jan Stefan Karlsson.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Reader opinion piece
Holtermann, Andreas;
Grönlund, C;
Karlsson, JS;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Motor unit synchronization during fatigue: Described with a novel sEMG method based on large motor unit samples.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Grönlund, C;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Karlsson, J S.
Motor unit synchronization during fatigue: A novel quantification method.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Mork, Paul Jarle;
Grönlund, C;
Karlsson, J Stefan;
Andersen, L.
Selective activation of neuromuscular compartments within the human trapezius muscle.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Karlsson, J. Stefan;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Grönlund, Christer;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Östlund, Nils.
Signal processing of the surface electromyogram to gain insight into neuromuscular physiology.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Academic article
Ingebrigtsen, Jørgen;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Effects of Load and Contraction Velocity During Three-Week Biceps Curls Training on Isometric and Isokinetic Performance.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Grönlund, C;
Karlsson, J S;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Differential activation of regions within the biceps brachii muscle during fatigue.
Acta Physiologica
Academic article
Gerdle, Björn;
Östlund, Nils;
Grönlund, Christer;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Karlsson, J. Stefan.
Firing rate and conduction velocity of single motor units in the trapezius muscle in fibromyalgia patients and healthy controls.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Grönlund, Christer;
Karlsson, J. Stefan;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Spatial distribution of active muscle fibre characteristics in the upper trapezius muscle and its dependency on contraction level and duration.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Leirdal, Stig;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C.
Coordination Specificity in Strength and Power Training.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Engstrøm, Morten;
Sand, Trond.
Enhanced H-reflex with resistance training is related to increased rate of force development.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C.
The effect of rate of force development on maximal force production: acute and training-related aspects.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Leirdal, Stig;
Sætran, Lars Roar;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Bråten, Steinar;
Bråten, Steinar.
Effects of Body Position on Slide Boarding Performance by Cross-Country Skiers.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin.
EMG amplitude distribution changes over the upper trapezius muscle are similar in sustained and ramp contractions.
Acta Physiologica
Academic article
Grönlund, C;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Karlsson, JS.
On-line signal quality estimation of multichannel surface electromyograms.
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Karlsson, JS.
Inhomogeneities in muscle activation reveal motor unit recruitment.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Grönlund, C;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Karlsson, JS.
Muscle architecture and fibre types using spatiotemporal information of propagating motot unit action potentials recorded by 2-D multichannel surface EMG.
International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering Proceedings
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C.
Changes in agonist EMG activation level during MVC cannot explain early strength improvement.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Gronlund, C;
Ostlund, N;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Karlsson, JS.
Simultaneous estimation of muscle fibre conduction velocity and muscle fibre orientation using 2D multichannel surface electromyogram.
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
Academic article
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Global muscle activation in sustained contractions.
International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering Proceedings
Academic article
Östlund, N;
Yu, J;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Karlsson, JS.
Adaptive spatial filtering of multicannel surface electromyogram signals.
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
Academic article
Roeleveld, Karin.
smärtsamt muskelarbete mäts med elektroder på hudytan.
Dagens medisin
Popular scientific article
Roeleveld, Karin.
Måler muskler.
Feature article
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F.
What do we learn from motor unit action potentials in the surface EMG?.
Muscle and Nerve
Academic article
Schumann, NP;
Biedermann, F;
Kleine, BU;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Hackert, R.
Multi-channel EMG of the M.Triceps brachii in rats during treadmill locomotion.
Clinical Neurophysiology
Academic article
Scholle, H Ch;
Schumann, NP;
Biedermann, F;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Grassme, R;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Spatiotemporal surface EMG characteristics from rat triceps brachi muscle during treadmill locomotion indicate selective recruitment of functionally distinct muscle regions.
Experimental Brain Research
Academic article
Roeleveld, Karin;
Van Engelen, B;
Stegeman, Dick F.
Temporal and spatial surface EMG characteristics during muscle cramp confirm a peripheral cause.
Journal of applied physiology
Academic article
Stegeman, Dick F;
Blok, JH;
Hermens, HJ;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Surface EMG models: properties and applications.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Roeleveld, Karin.
From motor unit variation to organised recruitment.
Corpus, Psyche et Societas
Academic article
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Vingerhoets, HM;
Van Oosterom, A.
The motor unit potential distribution over the skin surface and its use in estimating motor unit location.
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
Academic article
Stegeman, Dick F;
Dumitru, D;
King, JC;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Near and far fields: source Characteristics and the conducting medium in neurophysiology.
Journal of clinical neurophysiology
Academic article
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Falck, B;
Stålberg, Erik V.
Motor unit size estimation: confrontation of macro EMG and surface EMG.
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology
Academic article
Roeleveld, Karin;
Blok, JH;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Van Oosterom, A.
Volume conduction models for surface EMG; confrontation with measurements.
Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology
Academic article
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Vingerhoets, HM;
Van Oosterom, A.
Motor unit potential contribution to surface electromyography.
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica
Academic article
Stegeman, Dick F;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Dumitru, D;
Vingerhoets, HM.
Far-field potentials in surface EMG.
Excerpta Medica: International Congress Series
Academic article
Jongen, PJH;
Vingerhoets, HM;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F.
Automatic decomposition electromyography (ADEMG) in idiopathic inflammatory myopaties.
Journal of Neurology
Academic article
Vereijken, Beatrix;
Størksen, Jan Harry;
Estil, Lise Beate;
Pedersen, Arve Vorland;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Nordisk Konferanse i Bevegelsesvitenskap, NKB 2003.
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Part of book/report
Roeleveld, Karin;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Grönlund, C;
Karlsson, JS.
The association between motor unit synchronization and fatigue induced force tremor and its dependency on recording location.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Engstrøm, Morten;
Sand, Trond.
H-relex changes with resistance training.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ingebrigtsen, Jørgen;
Holtermann, Andreas;
Roeleveld, Karin.
The effects of load and instruction on transfer across contraction modes and velocities during resistance training.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Brændvik, Siri;
Oterhals, Geir;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Muscular adaptions following a transtibial amputation: What are the contributions of stump muscles in stair climbing?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Roeleveld, Karin;
Staudenmann, J;
Van Dieën, D;
Stegeman, Dick F.
The use of spatiotemporal surface EMG information in studying muscle force regulation.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Drost, G.
Motor unit contribution to surface EMG.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Scholle, H Ch;
Schumann, NP;
Biedermann, F;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Grassme, R.
Correlation of surface electromyographic and histomorphometric characterisation of muscle topography: Basics for new developments in rehabilitation medicine.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Roeleveld, Karin;
Drost, G;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Blok, JH;
Scholle, H Ch.
The estimation of MU position and MU properties from the surface EMG.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stegeman, Dick F;
Blok, JH;
Hermens, HJ;
Roeleveld, Karin.
Surface EMG Models: properties and applications.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F;
Vingerhoets, HM;
Zwarts, MJ.
How inter-electrode distance and motor unit depth influence surface potentials.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F.
Estimation of size and location of normal and enlarged motor units from surface EMG.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stegeman, Dick F;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Blok, JH.
EMG topography as an instrument in clinical neurophysiology: a unipolar recording approach.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Roeleveld, Karin;
Stegeman, Dick F.
Macro needle-EMG versus Surface EMG topography: a comparative study.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ringheim, Inge;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Indahl, Aage.
Postural strategy, lumbar muscle
activation and variation related to
prolonged standing and sitting in
chronic low back pain.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (356)
Doctoral dissertation
Roeleveld, Karin.
Introduction into data analyses using MATLAB.
Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C;
Roeleveld, Karin;
Tillaar, Roland van den.
Biologi i Grunnfag Idrett (IDR105) på internet.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Academic lectureTørring, Marte Fossflaten; Logacjov, Aleksej; Brændvik, Siri Merete; Ustad, Astrid; Roeleveld, Karin; Bardal, Ellen Marie. (2024) Activity recognition in children with CP: Development and validation of a human activity recognition model. ESMAC European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children 2024 Annual meeting , Oslo 2024-09-09 - 2024-09-14
Academic lectureTørring, Marte Fossflaten; Logacjov, Aleksej; Brændvik, Siri Merete; Ustad, Astrid; Roeleveld, Karin; Bardal, Ellen Marie. (2024) Validation of two novel human activity recognition models for typically developing children and children with cerebral palsy. ISMPB 9th International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement , Rennes 2024-06-18 - 2024-06-21
Popular scientific lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (2023) Fremtidens protesehylse. Landsforeningen for Amputerte (LFA) Årsmøte Landsforeningen for Amputerte (LFA) , Quality Hotell Gardermoen 2023-04-16 - 2023-04-16
Popular scientific lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (2023) Fremtidens protesehylse. Landsforeningen for Amputerte (LFA) Styremøte Landsforeningen for Amputerte (LFA) , Oslo Gardemoen & teams 2023-01-06 - 2023-01-06
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (2023) Prosthetic socket rotation. Rikshospitalet/OUS Annual Nordic Vicon User Group (NVUG) meeting , Oslo, Rikshospitalet 2023-01-19 - 2023-02-20
Popular scientific lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (2022) Fremtidens protesehylse; et NTNU-TOV prosjekt. Trøndelag Ørtopediske Verksted Styremøte Trøndelag Ørtopediske Verksted , Trondheim 2022-09-22 - 2022-09-22
Popular scientific lectureRoeleveld, Karin; Brændvik, Siri Merete. (2020) Grunnleggende fysiologi ved CP: betydning for styrke og utholdenhetstrening. Olympiatoppen Norge Fagdag for para fagressurser , Møterom Olympiatoppen videokonferanse (Teams1) 2020-05-12 - 2020-05-12
Popular scientific lectureBrændvik, Siri Merete; Roeleveld, Karin. (2020) Hva vet vi om trening og CP? Gjennomgang av litteratur/forskning. Olympiatoppen Norge Fagdag for para fagressurser , Møterom Olympiatoppen videokonferanse (Teams1) 2020-05-12 - 2020-05-12
Academic lectureGagnat, Yngvild; Brændvik, Siri Merete; Roeleveld, Karin. (2019) Effect of EMG normalisation on muscle co-activation during walking in children with cerebral palsy. European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults & Children ESMAC 2019 , Amsterdam 2019-09-23 - 2019-09-28
PosterBardal, Ellen Marie; Brændvik, Siri Merete; Bach, Kerstin; Roeleveld, Karin. (2018) Identifisering og evaluering av aktivitet hos barn med cerebral parese . Norsk Fysioterapeutforbund (NFF) Fysioterapikongressen 2018 , Lillestrøm 2018-02-12 - 2018-02-14
PosterBørseth-Vassend, Ane H.; Tuffaha, Mutaz; Roeleveld, Karin; Brændvik, Siri Merete; Bardal, Ellen Marie; Stensdotter, Ann-Katrin. (2017) Increased gait variability during 5-min walking in children with cerebral palsy (CP) detected with on the feet placed accelerometers. ESMAC 26th Annual Meeting of ESMAC , Trondheim 2017-09-06 - 2017-09-09
PosterEken M, Maaike; Brændvik, Siri Merete; Houdijk, Han; Dallmeijer, Annet; Bardal, Ellen Marie; Roeleveld, Karin. (2017) Lower limb muscle fatigue during walking in children With spastic cerebral palsy. ESMAC 2017 2017-09-04 - 2017-09-09
PosterAndersen, Guro Lillemoen; Brændvik, Siri Merete; Roeleveld, Karin; Raftemo, Anne Elisabeth Ross; Ramstad, Kjersti; Majkic-Taisic, Jasmina. (2016) “The WE-study: Does botulinum toxin A make walking easier in children with cerebral palsy? Study protocol for a randomized placebo controlled multicentre trial". American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medici Annual Meeting of American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Childhoood Disbility , Hollywood, Florida 2016-09-20 - 2016-09-24
Academic lectureBardal, Ellen Marie; Brændvik, Siri Merete; Roeleveld, Karin; Bach, Kerstin. (2016) Bruk av akselerometer i evaluering av behandling av barn med cerebral parese. Skreddersydde løsninger for fremtiden. Norsk ortopedisk forening Ortopedisk høstmøte , Oslo 2016-10-26 - 2016-10-28
Academic lectureBrændvik, Siri Merete; Andersen, Guro Lillemoen; Ramstad, Kjersti; Ross Raftemo, Anne Elisabeth; Lamvik, Torarin; Majkic-Taisic, Jasmina. (2016) Does injections with botulinum toxin A make walking easier in children with cerebral palsy?. Nordic Vicon User Group NVUG 2016 , Trondheim 2016-01-20 - 2016-01-22
PosterBardal, Ellen Marie; Brændvik, Siri Merete; Øvreness, Ane; Maalen-Johansen, Ingvild Koren; Roeleveld, Karin. (2016) Axivity activity monitor as evaluation tool of gait in children with cerebral palsy and typically developing children. European Academy of Childhood Disability EACD 2016 , Stockholm 2016-06-01 - 2016-06-04
Academic lectureRenberg, Julie; Tvetene, Per Øyvind Stranna; Wiggen, Øystein; Roeleveld, Karin; Van Beekvelt, Mireille; Færevik, Hilde. (2015) Muscle activity during simulated work in the cold. 16th International Conference of Environmental Ergonomics , Portsmouth 2015-06-28 - 2015-07-03
Academic lectureRingheim, Inge; Austein, Helene; Indahl, Aage; Roeleveld, Karin. (2015) Postural strategy and trunk muscle activation during prolonged standing in chronic low back pain patients. ESMAC 2015 2015-09-10 - 2015-09-12
Academic lectureBrændvik, Siri Merete; Roeleveld, Karin; Lamvik, Torarin; Andersen, Guro Lillemoen; Raftemo, Anne Elisabeth Ross; Ramstad, Kjersti. (2015) Injeksjoner med botulinum toxin A: Blir det lettere for barn med CP å gå?. Norsk Ortopedisk Forening Ortopedisk høstmøte , Oslo 2015-10-21 - 2015-10-23
PosterRaftemo, Anne Elisabeth Ross; Andersen, Guro Lillemoen; Brændvik, Siri Merete; Roeleveld, Karin; Lamvik, Torarin; Ramstad, Kjersti. (2015) Gjør botulinumtoxin A det lettere å gå for barn med CP? En norsk multisenterstudie. CP foreningen, Norge Den nasjonale CP konferansen , Oslo 2015-01-29 -
PosterWitjes, Marloes; Roeleveld, Karin; Brændvik, Siri Merete. (2014) SPASTICITY EVALUATION OF THE CALF MUSCLES IN CHILDREN WITH CEREBRAL PALSY. ESMAC 2014 2014-10-01 - 2014-10-04
Academic lectureDoix, Aude-Clémence; Matkowski, B; Martin, A; Roeleveld, Karin; Colson, SS. (2013) Effect of intensity modulation during electrical stimulation of the tibial nerve trunk upon the soleus muscle fatigue. ACAPS - Association des Chercheurs en Activité Physiques et Sportives , Grenoble 2013-10-29 - 2013-10-31
Academic lectureBrændvik, Siri Merete; Elkamil, Areej Ibrahim; Hansen, Sandra Linnea; Vik, Torstein; Roeleveld, Karin. (2012) Tardieu test and muscle stretch response in children with cerebral palsy: a case-control study. ICPC 2012 , Pisa 2012-10-10 - 2012-10-13
PosterRingheim, Inge; Indahl, Aage; Roeleveld, Karin. (2012) LUMBAR MUSCLE ACTIVITY DURING SUSTAINED SITTING. ISPGR and Mental function, joint world congress , Trondheim 2012-06-24 - 2012-06-28
PosterBardal, Ellen Marie; Mork, Paul Jarle; Roeleveld, Karin. (2010) Position control in fibromyalgia. International society of electrophysiology and kinesiolo XVIII Congress of the international society of electrophysiology and kinesiology (ISEK) , Aalborg 2010-06-16 - 2010-06-19
PosterElvrum, Ann-Kristin Gunnes; Brændvik, Siri Merete; Sæther, Rannei; Vereijken, Beatrix; Roeleveld, Karin. (2010) Effect of strength training and Botulinum toxin A on hand activity in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. 22nd Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Childhood Disability , Brussels 2010-05-27 - 2010-05-29
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (2008) Neuromuscular control and adaptation and its consequences for performance. Laboratoire Physiologie des adaptations Seminar Faculté des Sciences du Sport Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis , Nice 2008-05-07 - 2008-05-07
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin; Brændvik, Siri; Elvrum, AKG; Sæther, R; Lamvik, T.; Vereijken, Beatrix. (2008) The effect of strength training on hand function in children with cerebral palsy. XVIIth ISEK Congress Muscles in motion: Moving Research into Clinical Practice , Niagara Falls 2008-06-18 - 2008-06-21
Academic lectureHoltermann, Andreas; Roeleveld, Karin; Mork, Paul Jarle; Grönlund, Christer; Karlsson, Stefan; Anderssen, Lars L. (2008) Selective control of neuromuscular compartments in the human trapezius muscle. International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology XVIIth ISEK Congress: Muscles in motion: Moving research into clinical practice , Niagara Falls, Ontario 2008-06-18 - 2008-06-21
PosterRoeleveld, Karin; Holtermann, Andreas; Grönlund, C; Karlsson, JS. (2007) The assosiation between motor unit synchronization and fatigue induced force tremor and its dependency on recording location. VU University Amsterdam European Workshop On Movement Science 2007 , Amsterdam 2007-05-31 - 2007-06-02
PosterElvrum, AKG; Brændvik, SM; Sæther, R; Lamvik, T.; Vereijken, Beatrix; Roeleveld, Karin. (2007) The relationship between hand function and muscle strenght in children with CP. 19th Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Childhood Disability , Groningen 2007-06-14 - 2007-06-16
Popular scientific lectureHoltermann, Andreas; Roeleveld, Karin. (2007) Flere-kanals overflate EMG, anvendelse i rehablitering. Møte - Sunnås Sykehus HF 2007-03-15 -
Academic lectureHoltermann, Andreas; Roeleveld, Karin; Engstrøm, Morten; Sand, Trond. (2006) Endringer i H-refleks med styrketrening. Nordisk Konferanse i Bevegelsesvitenskap 2006 2006-10-26 - 2006-10-27
Academic lectureHoltermann, Andreas; Grönlund, Christer; Karlsson, J Stefan; Roeleveld, Karin. (2006) Differential activation of regions within a single muscle during fatigue. XVIth ISEK Congress From Research to Practice , Torino 2006-06-28 - 2006-06-30
Academic lectureIngebrigtsen, Jørgen; Holtermann, Andreas; Roeleveld, Karin. (2006) Effektene av belastning og instruksjon på overføring på tvers av kontraksjonstyper og hastigheter ved styrketrening. Program for Bevegelsesvitenskap, NTNU Nordisk Konferanse i Bevegelsesvitenskap 2006 , Trondheim 2006-10-26 - 2006-10-27
PosterHoltermann, Andreas; Grönlund, C; Karlsson, JS; Roeleveld, Karin. (2005) Spatial conduction velocity distribution and muscle fibre architecture of the upper trapezius muscle. Workshop on Investigation of muscle function in vivo , Nashville 2005-10-20 - 2005-10-23
Academic lectureGrönlund, C; Roeleveld, Karin; Karlsson, JS. (2005) Muscle architecture and fibre types using spatiotemporal information of propagating motor unit action potentials recorded by 2-D multichannel surface EMG. Swedish Society of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physic 13NBC 2005 , Umeå 2005-06-13 - 2005-06-17
Academic lectureHoltermann, Andreas; Roeleveld, Karin. (2005) Global muscle activation in sustained contractions. Swedish Society for Medical Engineering and Medical Physics 13NBC 2005 , Umeå 2005-06-13 - 2005-06-17
Academic lectureHoltermann, Andreas; Grönlund, C; Karlsson, JS; Roeleveld, Karin. (2005) Muscle fibre architecture and spatial conduction velocity distribution of the upper trapezius muscle. Norges idrettshøgskole Nordisk konferanse om bevegelsesanalyse , Oslo 2005-11-17 - 2005-11-18
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin; Karlsson, JS; Grönlund, C; Holtermann, Andreas; Östlund, N. (2005) Possibilities and challenges of multi-channel surface EMG in sports and rehabilitation. 13NBC 2005 2005-06-13 - 2005-06-17
Academic lectureBrændvik, Siri; Roeleveld, Karin. (2005) Neuromuscular control in patient with spastic cerebral palsy and its consequences for locomotion. NTNU, Program for bevegelsesvitenskap BIOMOVE , Trondheim 2005-10-25 - 2005-10-25
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin; Karlsson, JS; Grönlund, C; Holtermann, Andreas; Östlund, N. (2005) Multi-channel surface EMG in human movement science. Norges Idrettshøgskole Nordisk konferanse om bevegelsesanalyse , Oslo 2005-11-17 - 2005-11-18
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (2005) Neuromuscular control and adaption and its consequences for performance. NTNU, Program for bevegelsesvitenskap BIOMOVE , Trondheim 2005-10-25 - 2005-10-25
Academic lectureHoltermann, Andreas; Grönlund, C; Karlsson, JS; Roeleveld, Karin. (2005) Muscle fibre architecture and spatial conduction velocity distribution of the upper trapezius muscle. NTNU, Program for bevegelsesvitenskap BIOMOVE , Trondheim 2005-10-25 - 2005-10-25
Academic lectureGrönlund, C; Roeleveld, Karin; Karlsson, J. Stefan. (2004) Signal guality evaluation in multichannel surface-emg. International society for elektromyography and kinesiology , Boston 2004-06-18 - 2004-06-21
Academic lectureÖstlund, Nils; Yu, Jun; Roeleveld, Karin; Karlsson, J. Stefan. (2004) Adaptiv filtrering för detektion av enskilda aktionspotentialer i multikanals yt-EMG. Lakerstamman 2004-11-01 -
Academic lectureLeirdal, Stig; Holtermann, Andreas; Roeleveld, Karin; Sætran, Lars Roar; Bråten, Steinar; Løset, Sveinung. (2004) Influence of body position on performance in sprint cross-country ski skating. International Conference of Sport Sciences 2004-03-01 -
Academic lectureHoltermann, Andreas; Roeleveld, Karin. (2004) Recruitment of motor units in submaximal lasting contractions does not contradict the size-principle. Universitetet i Bergen, Seksjon for fysioterapivitenskap Nordisk konferanse om bevegelsesanalyse , Bergen 2004-11-11 - 2004-11-12
Academic lecture
Academic lectureHoltermann, Andreas; Roeleveld, Karin; Karlsson, J. Stefan. (2004) The use of inhomogeneous muscle activation to investigate motor unit recruitment in different tasks. International Symposium on neuromuscular assessment in the Elderly Worker (NEW) , Torino 2004-02-20 - 2004-02-21
Academic lectureHansen, Knut Lyng; Lillemark, Terje; Holtermann, Andreas; Roeleveld, Karin. (2004) Muskel aktivering ved langvarig arbeid. Effekt av kjønn og treningstilstand. Universitetet i Bergen, Seksjon for fysioterapivitenskap Nordisk konferanse om bevegelsesanalyse , Bergen 2004-11-11 - 2004-11-12
PosterHoltermann, Andreas; Roeleveld, Karin; Karlsson, J. Stefan. (2004) The investigation of motor unit recruitment using inhomogeneous muxcle activation. International society for eletromyography and kinesiology , Boston 2004-06-18 - 2004-06-21
Popular scientific lectureEttema, Gerardus Johannes C; Roeleveld, Karin. (2004) Prøv deg på skihoppsimulator. Forskningstorget , Trondheim 2004-09-15 - 2004-09-18
Popular scientific lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (2004) Eksperter i team - en tverrfaglig anledning. NTNU NTNU ledersemiar , Røros 2004-01-15 -
Popular scientific lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (2004) Hvordan lage en god stand?. Oppstartsmøte for forskere som har lyst å delta på Forskningstorget, Trondheim 2004-05-06 -
Academic lectureHoltermann, Andreas; Roeleveld, Karin; Karlsson, S. (2003) The use of inhomogeneous muscle activation to investigate motor unit recruitment in different tasks. Nordisk Konferanse i Bevegelsesvitenskap 2003 , Trondheim, Norway 2003-10-31 -
Academic lectureLeirdal, Stig; Holtermann, Andreas; Roeleveld, Karin; Sætran, Lars Roar; Vereijken, Beatrix; Bråten, S.. (2003) Influence of body position on performance in sprint cross-country ski skating. Nordisk konferanse i Bevgelsesvitenskap, NKB 2003 , Trondheim 2003-10-31 -
Academic lectureBrændvik, Siri; Oterhals, Geir; Roeleveld, Karin. (2003) Muskulær tilpasning etter en transtibial amputasjon: På hvilken måte bidrar musklene i amputasjonsstumpen ved trappegange?. Nordic Conference in Movement Science, 2003 , Trondheim, Norway 2003-10-31 -
Academic lectureBrændvik, Siri; Roeleveld, Karin; Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C. (2003) Adaptions following a transtibal amputation - The emergence of new muscle and joint assemblies. XV International Interbor Congrass on prosthetics and ortotics , Budapest 2003-06-04 -
PosterLeirdal, Stig; Roeleveld, Karin; Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C. (2003) Power traning and bi-articular muscle function in vertical jumping. ECSS Salzburg 2003, 8th annual congress european college of sport science , Salzburg, Austria 2003-07-12 -
Popular scientific lectureEttema, Gerardus Johannes C; Leirdal, Stig; Holtermann, Andreas; Roeleveld, Karin; Sætran, Lars Roar; Vereijken, Beatrix. (2003) Sprint Langrenn og Teknikk - Kroppsposisjon, luftmotstand, effekt og kostnad. OLT-fagmøte - langrenn , Toppidrettssenteret, Oslo 2003-12-03 -
Academic lectureTegdan, Trine; Roeleveld, Karin; Ettema, Gertjan. (2002) Fatigue and muscle coordination in subjects with patellofemoral pain syndrome. Symposium for Bevegelsesanalyse , Oslo, Norge 2002-10-17 - 2002-10-18
Academic lectureEttema, Gertjan; Tegdan, Trine; Roeleveld, Karin. (2002) Fatigue and muscle coordination in subjects with patellofemoral pain syndrome. IVth World Congress of Biomechanics, August 4-9 2002, Calgary Canada. , Calgary 2002-08-04 - 2002-08-09
PosterBrandvik, Siri; Roeleveld, Karin; Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C. (2002) Neuro-muscular adaptation following a below knee amputation. XIVth Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology "Standardization for a better exchange of ideas" , Vienna, Austria 2002-06-25 -
Academic lectureBrandvik, Siri; Roeleveld, Karin; Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C. (2002) Neuro-muscular adaptation following a below knee amputation. Symposium for Bevegelsesanalyse , Oslo, Norge 2002-10-18 -
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (2002) Flerkanals overflate EMG. symposium for bevegelsesanalyse , Oslo 2002-10-18 -
Academic lectureEttema, Gerardus Johannes C; Tegdan, Trine; Roeleveld, Karin. (2002) Fatigue and muscle coordination in subjects with patellofemoral pain syndrome. IVth World Congress of Biomechanics, August 4-9 2002, Calgary Canada. , Calgary 2002-08-09 -
Academic lectureTegdan, Trine; Roeleveld, Karin; Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C. (2002) Fatigue and muscle coordination in subjects with patellofemoral pain syndrome. Symposium for Bevegelsesanalyse , Oslo, Norge 2002-10-18 -
Academic lectureLeirdal, Stig; Roeleveld, Karin; Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C. (2002) Power training and biarticular muscle function in vertical jumping. Symposium for Bevegelsesanalyse , Oslo, Norge 2002-10-18 -
Academic lectureGrönlund, Christer; Östlund, Nils; Karlsson, J Stefan; Roeleveld, Karin. (2002) Detection of motor unit action potentials in multi-channel surface EMG data using 2-D spatial and temporal information. XIVth Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology "Standardization for a better exchange of ideas" , Vienna Austria 2002-06-25 -
Academic lectureHoltermann, Andreas; Roeleveld, Karin; Vereijken, Beatrix; Karlsson, J Stefan; Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C. (2002) Neural adaptations during learning a strength task. International society for elektromyography and kinesiology , vienna, austria 2002-06-15 -
Academic lectureHoltermann, Andreas; Roeleveld, Karin; Vereijken, Beatrix; Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C. (2002) Neural adaptations during learning a strength task. Symposium for Bevegelsesanalyse , Oslo, Norge 2002-10-18 -
Academic lectureBrandvik, Siri; Roeleveld, Karin; Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C. (2001) Nevro-muskulære tilpasninger etter en leggamputasjon. tverrfaglig symposium , Jønkøping, Sverige 2001-11-13 -
Academic lectureHaukvik, Ingrid Vee; Roeleveld, Karin; Ettema, Gerardus Johannes C. (2001) Comparison of coordination in vertical jumping in adults and young children. XVIII th International Congress of Biomechanics , Zurich 2001-07-13 -
Academic lectureStegeman, Dick F; Blok, JH; Roeleveld, Karin; Kleine, BU; Zwarts, MJ. (2001) What can be seen in the surface EMG?. VII th International Conference on SFEMG and quantitative EMG techniques , Uppsala, Sweden 2001-06-15 -
Academic lectureStegeman, Dick F; Roeleveld, Karin. (2001) Surface EMG. Symposium of the international Society for Postural and Gait Research , Maastricht, Nederland 2001-06-27 -
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (2000) Motorisk kontroll og nevrofysiologi. HiNT, levanger , Trondheim 2000-03-16 -
PosterBiedermann, F; Schumann, NP; Roeleveld, Karin; Stegeman, Dick F; Reich, Ch; Fischer, Martin S. (1999) Comparative surface EMG recordings of the triceps brachii muscle in small mammalians using a new multi-channel matrix electrode: a technical study. 78th Annual Meeting Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft, 14-17 March 1999, Bonn, Springer , Bonn, Germany 1999-03-17 -
PosterScholle, H Ch; Biedermann, F; Schumann, NP; Roeleveld, Karin; Stegeman, Dick F; Schilling, N. (1999) Morphofunctional relations in triceps brachii muscle of small mammals during treadmill locomotion. 78th Annual Meeting Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft, 14-17 March 1999, Bonn, Springer , Bonn, Germany 1999-03-17 -
PosterSchumann, NP; Biedermann, F; Roeleveld, Karin; Stegeman, Dick F; Reich, Ch; Fischer, Martin S. (1999) Dynamic of multi-channel EMG pattern in the rat triceps brachii muscle during treadmill locomotion. 78th Annual Meeting Deutsche Physiologische Gesellschaft, 14-17 March 1999, Bonn, Springer , Bonn, Germany 1999-03-17 -
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (1999) From motor unit variation to organised recruitment. Conference on Human Movement Science - Theoretical Foundations and Relevance for Practical and Clinical Fields , Trondheim 1999-05-05 -
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin; Stegeman, Dick F; Drost, G. (1999) Motor unit contribution to surface EMG. Prevention of muscle disorders in operation of computer input devices (PROCID) Symposium: Muscular disorders in compu er users: mechanisms and models , Copenhagen 1999-11-27 -
Academic lectureStegeman, Dick F; Roeleveld, Karin; Blok, JH; Zwarts, MJ. (1998) Surface EMG patterns as understood from the underlying recruitment and "electroanatomy" of motor units. III. Intern. Congress of Pathophysiology, , June 28 - July 3 (1998). , Lahti (Fi) 1998-07-03 -
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin; Scholle, H-Ch; Stegeman, DF. (1998) Estimation of Motor unit characteristics from multi-channel emg recordings in large and small muscles. Joint Congress of the German Physiological Society and the Scan dinavian Physiological Society , Hamburg, Germany
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin; Stegeman, DF; Vingerhoets, HM; Zwarts, MJ. (1998) How inter-electrode distance and motor unit depth influence surface potentials. First Topical Workshop 'Sensors and sensor placement' European concerted action (BIOMED II) "Surface EMG for non-invasive asse ssment of muscles" (S , Enschede, The Neteherlands
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin; Drost, G.; Stegeman, D.F.; Blok, J.H.; Scholle, H.-Ch.. (1998) The estimation of MU position and MU properties from the surface EMG. Topical workshop 'Modelling Methods for Surface ElectroMyoGraph y' European concerted action (BIOMED II) "Surface EMG for non-i nvasive assessment of muscles" (SENIAM) , Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Academic lectureSchumann, N.P.; Roeleveld, Karin; Biederman, F.H.W.; Scholle, H.-Ch.. (1998) Motor unit recruitment in the rat triceps brachii muscle during locomotion. Joint Congress of the German Physiological Society and the Scan dinavian Physiological Society , Hamburg
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin; Blok, JH; Stegeman, Dick F; Vingerhoets, HM. (1997) Long distance spread of surface EMG over the skin: a new hypothesis. 14th International congress of EEG and clinical neurophysiology. , 24-28 August 1997. , Florance, Italy 1997-08-28 -
Academic lectureStegeman, Dick F; Roeleveld, Karin; Blok, JH; Drost, G. (1997) Functional muscle imaging. 14th International congress of EEG and clinical neurophysiology , Florance, Italy 1997-08-28 -
Academic lectureScholle, H Ch; Anders, Christoph; Schumann, NP; Biedermann, F; Bradl, Uwe; Roeleveld, Karin. (1997) SEMG interference pattern mapping: topography of spectral myoelectrical parameters concerning morpho-functionsl muscle properties. International Conference on Motion Systems , Jena, Germany 1997-09-30 -
Academic lectureStegeman, Dick F; Roeleveld, Karin; Blok, JH; Houtman, CJ; Drost, G; Zwarts, MJ. (1997) Functional muscle imaging. III Arbeitstagung Motodiagnostik und Mototherapie. , Jena, Germany 1997-10-05 -
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (1997) Structure and function of motor units: a topographical surface EMG study. 2nd World Symposium of Biomechanics , Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1997-12-11 -
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (1997) Motor unit potentials in surface EMG. Department of Medical Fysics and Biofysics, Catholic University Nijmeg , Nijmegen, The Netherlands 1997-10-27 -
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (1997) The influence of the motor unit activity on topographical parameters of the surface EMG. Department of Pathological Physiology, Friedrich-Schiller-University , Jena, Germany 1997-11-17 -
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin; Stegeman, Dick F; Falck, B; Stålberg, Erik V. (1997) Estimation of motor unit location and size from surface EMG. III Arbeitstagung Motodiagnostik und Mototherapie. , Jena, Germany 1997-10-05 -
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (1997) Surface motor unit potentials. Department of Sport Sciences Trondheim, Norway , Trondheim 1997-09-24 -
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (1997) Possibilities for the evaluation of localization and size of motor units by surface and needle EMG. Medical Faculty, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena , Jena, Germany 1997-10-23 -
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (1997) Structure and function of motor units: a topographical surface EMG study. Department of Physiology, Trinity College , Dublin, Ireland 1997-12-09 -
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin; Stegeman, Dick F. (1997) Estimation of size and location of normal and enlarged motor units from surface EMG. Second general workshop european concerned action (BIOMED II), Surface EMG for non-invasive assessment of muscles (SENIAM) , Nijmegen, The Netherlands 1997-06-14 -
Academic lectureStegeman, Dick F; Roeleveld, Karin; Blok, JH; Drost, G; Zwarts, MJ. (1997) . Surface EMG mapping on a motor unit level: a detailed interpretation of muscle structure and activation. International Conference on Motion Systems , Jena, Germany 1997-09-30 -
Academic lectureScholle, H Ch; Anders, Christoph; Schumann, NP; Biedermann, F; Bradl, Uwe; Roeleveld, Karin. (1997) SEMG interference pattern mapping: topography of spectral myoelectrical parameters concerning morpho-functionsl muscle properties. International Conference on Motion Systems , Jena, Germany 1997-09-30 -
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (1997) Estimation of motor unit location and size from surface EMG. III Arbeitstagung Motodiagnostik und Mototherapie , Jena, Germany 1997-10-05 -
Popular scientific lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (1997) Openingslecture. Opening Innovations Kolleg Bewegungssysteme , Jena, Germany 1997-06-25 -
Popular scientific lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (1997) The mechanisms behind muscle cramp; insights from surface EMG. Meeting Nijmeegs Institute of Neurosciences , Nijmegen, The Netherlands 1997-02-15 -
Popular scientific lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (1997) Structuur en functie van motor units: een topografische oppervlakte EMG studie. Belgisch-Nederlandse Neuromusculaire Studiegroep bijeenkomst , Utrecht, The Netherlands 1997-10-29 -
Academic lectureBlok, JH; Stegeman, Dick F; Roeleveld, Karin. (1996) Motor unit contribution to surface-EMG: II. Theoretical basis. IEEE/EMBS, 18 , Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1996-11-03 -
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin; Stegeman, Dick F; Blok, JH; Vingerhoets, HM. (1996) Motor unit contribution to surface-EMG: I. Experimental findings. IEEE/EMBS 18 , Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1996-11-03 -
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin; Jansen, PHP; Stegeman, Dick F. (1996) The mechanism of preventing normal muscle cramps by hydroquinine: insights from Surface EMG. European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology , Munich, Germany 1996-10-11 -
Academic lectureStegeman, Dick F; Roeleveld, Karin. (1996) Sructural parameters of motor units detected from surface EMG topography; comparison with needle EMG techiniques. Summary of key-note lecture. XIth International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK) conference , Enschede, The Netherlands 1996-10-30 -
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin; Jansen, PHP; Stegeman, Dick F. (1996) The mechanism behind normal muscle cramps: insights from surface EMG. XIth International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK) conference , Enschede, The Netherlands 1996-10-30 -
Academic lectureStegeman, Dick F; Roeleveld, Karin; Scholle, H Ch; Blok, JH. (1996) The spatio-temporal structure of muscle activity: the use of topographical EMG techniques. IEEE/EMBS, 18 , Amsterdam, The Netherlands 1996-11-03 -
Academic lectureRoeleveld, Karin; Vingerhoets, HM. (1996) Scanning EMG. 5de nascholingscursus K.N.F. Nijmegen, The Netherlands , Enschede, The Netherlands 1996-10-30 -
Popular scientific lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (1996) Spierkrampen, een pijnlijk probleem. Voorhoornclub , Lent, The Netherlands 1996-09-12 -
Popular scientific lectureRoeleveld, Karin. (1996) Het werkings mechanisme achter kramp. FABS Nijmegen , Nijmegen The Netherlands 1996-05-20 -