Kari Bøhle
Bøhle, Kari;
Otterholt, Eli;
Bjørkly, Stål Kapstø.
A prospective biopsychosocial repeated measures study of stress and dropout from substance addiction treatment.
Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Bøhle, Kari;
Otterholt, Eli;
Bjørkly, Stål.
Is there an association between salivary cortisol and dropping out of inpatient substance addiction treatments? : a prospective repeated measures study.
Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment
Academic article
Bøhle, Kari;
Otterholt, Eli;
Bjørkly, Stål.
Protective factors against psychological distress among inpatients in substance use treatment : a cross-sectional study.
Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment
Academic article
Hogstad, Ingrid Johnsen;
Bøhle, Kari.
En utdatert og forenklet forståelse av barnet.
Reader opinion piece
Bøhle, Kari.
Sentral sensitisering og sentrale sensitivitetssyndromer.
Psykologisk tidsskrift
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Journal publications
Bøhle, Kari;
Otterholt, Eli;
Bjørkly, Stål Kapstø.
A prospective biopsychosocial repeated measures study of stress and dropout from substance addiction treatment.
Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Bøhle, Kari;
Otterholt, Eli;
Bjørkly, Stål.
Is there an association between salivary cortisol and dropping out of inpatient substance addiction treatments? : a prospective repeated measures study.
Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment
Academic article
Bøhle, Kari;
Otterholt, Eli;
Bjørkly, Stål.
Protective factors against psychological distress among inpatients in substance use treatment : a cross-sectional study.
Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment
Academic article
Hogstad, Ingrid Johnsen;
Bøhle, Kari.
En utdatert og forenklet forståelse av barnet.
Reader opinion piece
Bøhle, Kari.
Sentral sensitisering og sentrale sensitivitetssyndromer.
Psykologisk tidsskrift
Article in business/trade/industry journal
PosterBøhle, Kari. (2019) Stress og dropout i rusbehandling - en prospektiv, biopsykososial studie. Helse Møre og Romsdal Regional Forskningskonferanse , Kristiansund 2019-10-02 - 2019-10-03