Kari Helgetun Langfoss
My tasks:
Bachelor of Food Technology MTMAT, (3-year), NTNU
For the first class of the bachelor's program in food technology, I teach about milk technology and the dairy industry in an introductory course called “Food, Processing Technology and Sustainability” (MATV1012).
In the fall of 2nd year, I am responsible for planning and completing an HSE course that is obligatory for the students who will be in their internship during their fourth semester (TMAT201P). I am responsible for this course “Practice Studies” (TMAT201P). An internship period of five months will be a central part of an applied bachelor’s program and provides each student with insight into the food industry. The work of providing the right internship for the right student is time-consuming, but very useful. The internship will increase the contact between educators and the food industry, resulting in a relevant and practical basis for the education. “Stortingets” report no. 16 (2016-2017) “Culture for quality in higher education”, points out that the education must be relevant, so that the students can use their professional competence in the working life.
For the third-year students I teach the topic of milk technology which is part of the Food technology course (TMAT3002). In this course 6 different lab exercises are carried out and I am responsible for the production of Camembert cheese, Halloumi and Mozzarella. These lab exercises allow a high degree of student activity and theory and practice go hand in hand.
I am a supervisor for undergraduate theses that are completed in the spring of the last academic year for Food technology students. I have been the main supervisor for 1-2 tasks per year in the field of milk and milk technology since 2010.
Master in Food and Technology - 2-year (FTMAMAT)
I am involved in several topics in the master's study. In Applied Food Microbiology and Biotechnology (TMMT4004), I guide students in the production of yogurt using different starter cultures consisting of the lactic acid bacteria Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus. Furthermore, sensory and product evaluation of self-produced yogurt is carried out. The students then carry out an Isolation and verification of lactic acid bacteria from self-produced yogurt using microbiological and molecular genetic methods.
For last year's master's students, I participate in the subject Framework conditions for the food industry (TMMT 5001) where the students write a semester paper - "Exploitation of residual material through the food value chain". Here, my focus area is framework conditions in the dairy industry and I also conduct a demonstration of the membrane filtration plant in the process lab at Akrinn.
I am also a supervisor for master's theses both for assignments in Food Science (TMMT5003) and in Biotechnology (MSBIOTECH or MSAQFOOD).
Trøndelag Høyere Yrkesfagskole/THYF (Higher Vocational Education)
As part of my position, I also teach students at Trondheim Fagskole, MatTeknikk - Food Technology (2.5 years online supported with collections), 1-year vocational school study in “Value creation local food” and for Apprenticeship Training (Certificate of apprenticeship in Industrial food production - vg3) in subjects such as milk technology, vegetable technology, project work, quality management and HSE. I teach practical and theoretical cheese production, cheesemaking, in the vocational school course "Local production - value creation in milk processing" arranged by Fagskulen Vestland in collaboration with Sogn Jord- og Hagebruksskule (SJH) and Trøndelag higher vocational school (THYF), Trondheim department.
At Trøndelag higher vocational school (THYF), located at Byåsen, a Pilot Dairy plant is used where our students and course participants receive training in the production of various dairy products. This is an arena where practical problem solving, and student interactive learning methods are practiced. Here, hygiene, cleaning, quality control and HACCP are important routines and working methods.
External assignments / courses
I have held some external courses in production of fresh and ripened cheese, sour cream, butter and yoghurt. The location of the small-scale courses has been in Trondheim, Ålesund as well as for Mære and Skjetlein. Building network with the small-scale producers in Norway I regard as very useful and interesting. The aim is that local producers/catering establishments and processing companies gain increased knowledge and skills within the various topics by putting the theory into practice! This contributes to food with quality, increased diversity and food that is safe.
I have participated in the DigiMat project where I continue to organize and conduct Digital meetings with the practice students where they present various digital issues from their practice companies. Participates now in the DIGGsam project where fellow student assessments are to be carried out in practical studies (TMAT201P) and in Food technology (MATV3004).
Organizational work
I was a safety representative at the Department of Food Technology for the period 2015-2017.
I am a member of the Norsk Gardsost organization and through this organization I can contribute student assignments at both university and vocational school level. I am also a member of the Technological Food Forum (Teknologisk Matforum) to keep abreast of what is happening in the food industry and to network with existing and new internship. As member in IDF (International Dairy Federation) I take part in SCDST – Standing Committee of Dairy Science and Technology. I am also interested in following the work of other organizations as NML (Norwegian Dairy Federation's Association), EUROPEL (European Dairy Sensory Contest) and AEDIL (Association for European Dairy Industry Learning).
Langfoss, Kari Helgetun;
Mehli, Lisbeth;
Jakobsen, Anita Nordeng.
Kan digital samhandling mellom studenteksperter i praksis stimulere til refleksjon, diskusjon og kritisk tenkning?.
Academic article
Lindstad, Agnete J.;
Langfoss, Kari Helgetun;
Kure, Cathrine Finne;
Mehli, Lisbeth.
Mycoflora of artisanal cave cheese.
Masters thesis
Lindstad, Agnete J.;
Finne Kure, Cathrine;
Mehli, Lisbeth;
Langfoss, Kari Helgetun.
Muggflora på Grotteost.
Academic article
Lindstad, Agnete J.;
Kure, Cathrine Finne;
Mehli, Lisbeth;
Langfoss, Kari Helgetun.
Muggflora på Grotteost.
Popular scientific article
Journal publications
Langfoss, Kari Helgetun;
Mehli, Lisbeth;
Jakobsen, Anita Nordeng.
Kan digital samhandling mellom studenteksperter i praksis stimulere til refleksjon, diskusjon og kritisk tenkning?.
Academic article
Lindstad, Agnete J.;
Finne Kure, Cathrine;
Mehli, Lisbeth;
Langfoss, Kari Helgetun.
Muggflora på Grotteost.
Academic article
Lindstad, Agnete J.;
Kure, Cathrine Finne;
Mehli, Lisbeth;
Langfoss, Kari Helgetun.
Muggflora på Grotteost.
Popular scientific article
Lindstad, Agnete J.;
Langfoss, Kari Helgetun;
Kure, Cathrine Finne;
Mehli, Lisbeth.
Mycoflora of artisanal cave cheese.
Masters thesis
- MATV3006 - Bacheloroppgave
- TMMT5001 - Rammebetingelser for matindustrien
- TMAT201P - Praksisstudier
- MATV3004 - Matteknologi - melk og vegetabiler
- TMMT5003 - Masteroppgave i matvitenskap, teknologi og bærekraft
- MATV1012 - Mat, foredlingsteknologi og bærekraft
- TMMT5004 - Masteroppgave i matvitenskap, teknologi og bærekraft
Academic lectureJakobsen, Anita Nordeng; Østby, Lene; Hoel, Sunniva; Langfoss, Kari Helgetun; Lerfall, Jørgen; Strand, Åse. (2024) STUDENT PEER ASSESSMENT– A CENTRAL CONCEPT OF LIFELONG LEARNING . 20th International CDIO Conference 2024-06-10 - 2024-06-13
Academic lectureLangfoss, Kari Helgetun. (2023) Use of whey in Norway . NTNU, Dep Biotechnology and Food Science Provide open day Trondheim , Trondheim 2023-10-09 - 2023-10-09
LectureJensen, Ida-Johanne; Langfoss, Kari Helgetun; Jakobsen, Anita Nordeng. (2023) Utdanningsinstitusjoner og næringsmiddelindustrien. Næringsmiddeldagene 2023-06-12 - 2023-06-13
Academic lectureLangfoss, Kari Helgetun; Mehli, Lisbeth; Jakobsen, Anita Nordeng. (2023) Digital samhandling og vurdering mellom studenter stimulerer til økt selvrefleksjon og kritisk tenking i praksisperioden. MNT-konferansen 2023-03-16 - 2023-03-17
PosterJakobsen, Anita Nordeng; Strand, Åse; Hoel, Sunniva; Lerfall, Jørgen; Langfoss, Kari Helgetun; Mehli, Lisbeth. (2023) Systematisk programtilnærming i innføring av medstudentvurdering for å styrke studentenes læring og autonomi. MNT konferansen 2023-03-16 - 2023-03-17
LectureLangfoss, Kari Helgetun; Falch, Eva; Wangbertrø, Isa-Lill. (2022) Sustainable food from students’ perspective – dialogue with NTNU students. Nordic Food Forum, NTNU and Lund University First annual Nordic Food Forum - Future sustainable food systems Exchange of knowledge and expertise between food actors , Trondheim 2022-09-21 - 2022-09-23
LectureLangfoss, Kari Helgetun. (2022) Praksis i utdanningen- foredrag på MNT-seminar 19.-20. mai 2022. NMBU MNT-Seminar for studieadministrativt ansatte , Ås-Larkollen 2022-05-19 - 2022-05-20
Academic lectureLerfall, Jørgen; Langfoss, Kari Helgetun; Jakobsen, Anita Nordeng. (2021) Medstudentvurdering som verktøy for bedre måloppnåelse ved problembasert laboratorieundervisning. NTNU Læringsfestivalen 2021 , Online 2021-05-10 - 2021-05-11
LectureLangfoss, Kari Helgetun. (2021) Medstudentvurdering fra digitalt møte i praksisemnet. NTNU Åpen Workshop i utdanningsprosjektet DIGGsam , Digitalt 2021-06-14 - 2021-06-14
PosterMari, Varhaug; Noriega Fernández, Estefanía; Sivertsvik, Morten; Rotabakk, Bjørn Tore; Langfoss, Kari Helgetun; Rustad, Turid. (2020) Smart yoghurt – Combining innovative technologies towards more efficient yoghurt manufacturing. European Federation of Food Science and Technology International Online Conference 34th EFFoST - European Federation of Food Science and Technology International Online Conference , Online 2020-11-10 - 2020-11-12
LectureLangfoss, Kari Helgetun. (2015) "Hva skjer på matteknologisk institutt , og hvordan jobber vi med bedriftene". Skognæringa Trøndelag og Nord- og Sør-Trøndelag Bondelag Innspillseminar-Rekruttering i landbruket , NIBIO, Kvithamar, Stjørdal 2015-10-30 - 2015-10-30