Kaja Indergård
Kaja Indergård is a PhD candidate at the Department of Architecture and Planning at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Real Estate from BI Norwegian Business School and a master’s degree in Real Estate and Facilities Management from NTNU. Since she was young, she has been interested in real estate, the built environment, and how the surroundings impact humans and their well-being. Through her studies and work as a research assistant at the Center of Real Estate and Facilities Management (Metamorfose) she gained an understanding of how complex the built environment is, and how important collaboration is to be able to develop and manage properties in the best way possible. You can read more about The centre here: https://www.ntnu.no/metamorfose
Her PhD-project aims to research workplace design for academic staff, and how workspaces can be designed to e.g., facilitate interdisciplinary work activities, innovation, as well as their core activities.
Her research is a part of a FoU-program (Research and development program) called “Fremtidens Campus”, the program is financed by NTNU and coordinated by NTNU Samfunnsforskning (Social Research). The program is independent of NTNUs campus development project but can contribute to the process through original research contributions. More about the Campus of the Future program can be found here: https://www.ntnu.no/fremtidenscampus
Indergård, Kaja;
Hansen, Geir Karsten.
The impact of workplace design on academic staff: a systematic literature review.
Building Research & Information
Academic article
Indergård, Kaja;
Hansen, Geir Karsten.
Academic work – something else?.
Journal of Corporate Real Estate
Academic article
Indergård, Kaja;
Hansen, Geir Karsten;
Collins, Dave.
Academic Work - Something Else?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Indergård, Kaja.
Interdisciplinarity in light of Actor-Network Theory.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Journal publications
Indergård, Kaja;
Hansen, Geir Karsten.
The impact of workplace design on academic staff: a systematic literature review.
Building Research & Information
Academic article
Indergård, Kaja;
Hansen, Geir Karsten.
Academic work – something else?.
Journal of Corporate Real Estate
Academic article
Part of book/report
Indergård, Kaja;
Hansen, Geir Karsten;
Collins, Dave.
Academic Work - Something Else?.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Indergård, Kaja.
Interdisciplinarity in light of Actor-Network Theory.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
LectureIndergård, Kaja; Hansen, Geir Karsten; Collins, Dave. (2022) Kunnskap og Campus 10.11.22. Academic Work - Something Else?. Fremtidens Campus, NTNU Samfunnsforskning Kunnskap og Campus , Digitalt ved Microsoft Teams 2022-11-10 -