John-Arne Skolbekken
Evenshaug, Aurora Jacobsen;
Wyller, Truls Egil;
Ursin, Lars;
Evenshaug, Sigurd Hverven;
Skolbekken, John-Arne;
Vetlesen, Arne Johan.
«VAR eller ikke VAR?»: Kortere tekst om VAR i fotball, som del av sak med flere filosofer.
Salongen – nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie
Interview Journal
Lund, Stine Borgen;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin;
Mosqueda, Laura;
Skolbekken, John-Arne.
“Just pee in the diaper” - a constructivist grounded theory study of moral distress enabling neglect in nursing homes.
BMC Geriatrics
Academic article
Lysø, Emilie Hybertsen;
Hesjedal, Maria Bårdsen;
Skolbekken, John-Arne;
Solbjør, Marit.
Men's sociotechnical imaginaries of artificial intelligence for prostate cancer diagnostics – A focus group study.
Social Science and Medicine
Academic article
Hesjedal, Maria Bårdsen;
Lysø, Emilie Hybertsen ;
Solbjør, Marit;
Skolbekken, John-Arne.
Valuing good health care: How medical doctors, scientists and patients relate ethical challenges with artificial intelligence decision-making support tools in prostate cancer diagnostics to good health care.
Sociology of Health and Illness
Academic article
Solbjør, Marit;
Skolbekken, John-Arne.
Fokusgrupper - datainnsamling gjennom samtaler mellom forskningsdeltakere.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Lund, Stine Borgen;
Skolbekken, John-Arne;
Mosqueda, Laura;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin.
Legitimizing neglect - a qualitative study among nursing home staff in Norway.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Lund, Stine Borgen;
Skolbekken, John-Arne;
Mosqueda, Laura;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin.
Making Neglect Invisible: A Qualitative Study among Nursing Home Staff in Norway.
Academic article
Hatlevoll, Ingunn;
Skolbekken, John-Arne;
Oldervoll, Line Merethe;
Wibe, Arne;
Hofsli, Eva.
Colorectal cancer patients’ experiences with supervised exercise during adjuvant chemotherapy—A qualitative study.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Evans-Jordan, Sarah Beth;
Skolbekken, John-Arne.
Scientific citizenship's youngest domain: Function creep in Norway's newborn screening project.
Science Technology & Society
Academic article
Graham, Mackenzie;
Hallowell, Nina;
Solberg, Berge;
Haukkala, Ari;
Holliday, Joanne;
Kerasidou, Angeliki.
Taking it to the bank: the ethical management of individual findings arising in secondary research.
Journal of Medical Ethics
Academic article
Kongshaug, Nina;
Skolbekken, John-Arne;
Faxvaag, Arild;
Hofsli, Eva.
Cancer Patients’ Perceived Value of a Smartphone App to Enhance the Safety of Home-Based Chemotherapy: Feasibility Study.
JMIR Formative Research
Academic article
Skolbekken, John-Arne.
Inherent Risks of the Construction of High-Risk Individuals in Diabetes Treatment and Prevention: An Ethical Challenge.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Ursin, Lars Øystein;
Ytterhus, Borgunn;
Christensen, Erik;
Skolbekken, John-Arne.
«If you give them your little finger, they’ll tear off your entire arm»: losing trust in biobank research.
Medicine, Health care and Philosophy
Academic article
Journal publications
Evenshaug, Aurora Jacobsen;
Wyller, Truls Egil;
Ursin, Lars;
Evenshaug, Sigurd Hverven;
Skolbekken, John-Arne;
Vetlesen, Arne Johan.
«VAR eller ikke VAR?»: Kortere tekst om VAR i fotball, som del av sak med flere filosofer.
Salongen – nettidsskrift for filosofi og idéhistorie
Interview Journal
Lund, Stine Borgen;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin;
Mosqueda, Laura;
Skolbekken, John-Arne.
“Just pee in the diaper” - a constructivist grounded theory study of moral distress enabling neglect in nursing homes.
BMC Geriatrics
Academic article
Lysø, Emilie Hybertsen;
Hesjedal, Maria Bårdsen;
Skolbekken, John-Arne;
Solbjør, Marit.
Men's sociotechnical imaginaries of artificial intelligence for prostate cancer diagnostics – A focus group study.
Social Science and Medicine
Academic article
Hesjedal, Maria Bårdsen;
Lysø, Emilie Hybertsen ;
Solbjør, Marit;
Skolbekken, John-Arne.
Valuing good health care: How medical doctors, scientists and patients relate ethical challenges with artificial intelligence decision-making support tools in prostate cancer diagnostics to good health care.
Sociology of Health and Illness
Academic article
Lund, Stine Borgen;
Skolbekken, John-Arne;
Mosqueda, Laura;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin.
Legitimizing neglect - a qualitative study among nursing home staff in Norway.
BMC Health Services Research
Academic article
Lund, Stine Borgen;
Skolbekken, John-Arne;
Mosqueda, Laura;
Malmedal, Wenche Karin.
Making Neglect Invisible: A Qualitative Study among Nursing Home Staff in Norway.
Academic article
Hatlevoll, Ingunn;
Skolbekken, John-Arne;
Oldervoll, Line Merethe;
Wibe, Arne;
Hofsli, Eva.
Colorectal cancer patients’ experiences with supervised exercise during adjuvant chemotherapy—A qualitative study.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Evans-Jordan, Sarah Beth;
Skolbekken, John-Arne.
Scientific citizenship's youngest domain: Function creep in Norway's newborn screening project.
Science Technology & Society
Academic article
Graham, Mackenzie;
Hallowell, Nina;
Solberg, Berge;
Haukkala, Ari;
Holliday, Joanne;
Kerasidou, Angeliki.
Taking it to the bank: the ethical management of individual findings arising in secondary research.
Journal of Medical Ethics
Academic article
Kongshaug, Nina;
Skolbekken, John-Arne;
Faxvaag, Arild;
Hofsli, Eva.
Cancer Patients’ Perceived Value of a Smartphone App to Enhance the Safety of Home-Based Chemotherapy: Feasibility Study.
JMIR Formative Research
Academic article
Ursin, Lars Øystein;
Ytterhus, Borgunn;
Christensen, Erik;
Skolbekken, John-Arne.
«If you give them your little finger, they’ll tear off your entire arm»: losing trust in biobank research.
Medicine, Health care and Philosophy
Academic article
Part of book/report
Solbjør, Marit;
Skolbekken, John-Arne.
Fokusgrupper - datainnsamling gjennom samtaler mellom forskningsdeltakere.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Skolbekken, John-Arne.
Inherent Risks of the Construction of High-Risk Individuals in Diabetes Treatment and Prevention: An Ethical Challenge.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Academic lectureEvans-Jordan, Sarah B.; Skolbekken, John-Arne. (2024) Rolling with the punches: Transformation as a social world survival strategy in Norwegian newborn screening. EASST and 4S Quadrennial joint meeting of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) , Amsterdam 2024-07-16 - 2024-07-19
Popular scientific lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2023) Screening for kvinner, men ikke for menn?. Prostatakreftforeningen Medlemsmøte i Prostatakreftforeningen , Steinkjer 2023-11-15 - 2023-11-15
Academic lectureLysø, Emilie Hybertsen; Solbjør, Marit; Skolbekken, John-Arne; Hesjedal, Maria Bårdsen. (2023) Norwegian specialist doctors’ views of AI for prostate cancer imaging. Nordic STS Nordic STS conference 2023 , Oslo, Norway 2023-06-07 - 2023-06-07
Popular scientific lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2023) Kan kunstig intelligens erstatte leger?. Kreftforeningen Medlemsmøte i Kreftforeningen, Steinkjer , Steinkjer 2023-08-30 - 2023-08-30
Popular scientific lectureSolbjør, Marit; Lysø, Emilie Hybertsen ; Skolbekken, John-Arne. (2023) Resultater fra et forskningsprosjekt om AI og diagnostikk for prostatakreft. . PROFO Sør-Trøndelag Årsmøte for PROFO Sør-Trøndelag , Trondheim 2023-03-07 -
Academic lectureSolbjør, Marit; Lysø, Emilie Hybertsen ; Hesjedal, Maria Bårdsen; Skolbekken, John-Arne. (2023) Norwegian men’s views on PSA screening for prostate cancer. British Sociology Association BSA Medical sociology conference , Brighton 2023-09-13 - 2023-09-15
Academic lectureHesjedal, Maria Bårdsen; Lysø, Emilie Hybertsen ; Solbjør, Marit; Skolbekken, John-Arne. (2023) Doctors’ views on AI for prostate cancer imaging. STS Graz STS Conference Graz , Graz 2023-05-08 - 2023-05-10
LectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2023) Skal vi brenne metodebøkene?. ISM Torsdagsmøte , Trondheim 2023-11-30 - 2023-11-30
Academic lectureJølle, Anne; Skolbekken, John-Arne; Mjølstad, Bente Prytz; Getz, Linn Okkenhaug. (2022) A syndemic approach – and why it is important in General practice. Nordic Federation of General Practitioners/ NFA 22nd Nordic congress of general practice , Stavanger 2022-06-21 - 2022-06-23
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2022) Hvordan kvalitativ forskning bidra til bedre kunnskap om overdiagnostikk?. Allmennmedisinsk forskningsenhet (AFE) ved ISM, UiT Når alle blir pasienter. Overdiagnostikk og bærekraft i helsevesenet , Tromsø 2022-11-29 -
LectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2022) Incidental findings in biomedicine. Afdeling for Sundhedstjenesteforskning Forskningsmøte , København 2022-04-06 -
Academic lectureEvans-Jordan, Sarah B.; Skolbekken, John-Arne. (2022) From “all for one” to “one for all”? Changing solidarity imperatives in newborn screening in Norway. Programme for Applied Ethics, NTNU Genomic Justice and the Ethics of Data , Stokkøya 2022-06-15 - 2022-06-17
Academic lectureJølle, Anne; Getz, Linn Okkenhaug; Skolbekken, John-Arne. (2022) A syndemic approach – and why it is important in General practice. Nordic Federation of General Practice Nordisk Kongress i Allmennmedisin , Stavanger 2022-06-21 - 2022-06-23
Academic lectureLysø, Emilie Hybertsen ; Hesjedal, Maria Bårdsen; Skolbekken, John-Arne; Solbjør, Marit. (2022) Norwegian men's views of AI in prostate cancer diagnostics. EASST EASST 2022 Politics of technoscientific futures , Madrid 2022-07-06 - 2022-07-09
Academic lectureLysø, Emilie Hybertsen ; Hesjedal, Maria Bårdsen; Skolbekken, John-Arne; Solbjør, Marit. (2022) Norwegian men's views of AI in prostate cancer diagnostics. Linköping University Futures ahead - translations and collaborations between medicine, social science and the humanities , Linköping 2022-06-15 - 2022-06-17
PosterLund, Stine Borgen; Skolbekken, John-Arne; Mosqueda, Laura; Malmedal, Wenche Karin. (2022) Legitimizing neglect in nursing homes. University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine, National Center on Elder Abuse Judith D Tamkin International Symposium on Elder Abuse , Pasadena, Los Angeles, California, USA 2022-02-24 - 2022-02-25
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2022) The Risk Epidemic. Forskningsenheden for Almen Praksis Forskningsmøte , København 2022-04-19 -
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne; Evans-Jordan, Sarah B.. (2022) Hvem bestemmer helsetjenestens historie? - Observasjoner og refleksjoner fra en sosiologisk-historisk studie om Nyfødtscreeningen i Norge. Nasjonalt nettverk for helsetjenesteforskning Helsetjenesteforskningskonferansen , Tromsø 2022-10-18 - 2022-10-19
LectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2022) Tilfeldige funn i medisinen. Forskningsenheden for Almen Praksis Forskningsmøte , København 2022-01-18 -
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne; Solberg, Berge. (2020) Four decades of consent in Norwegian biobanking. Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities WEH/Ethox seminar , Oxford 2020-11-18 - 2020-11-18
Academic lectureEvans-Jordan, Sarah Beth; Skolbekken, John-Arne. (2019) Collaborative Map-making in Situational Analysis: Involving Participants. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Fifteenth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry , Champaign, Illinois 2019-05-15 - 2019-05-18
LectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2019) Online risk numbers -helpful, meaningless or simply wrong? Reflections on online risk calculators. ISM, NTNU ISMs forskningsseminar , Trondheim 2019-03-21 - 2019-03-21
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2019) Meaningless numbers? Reflections on risk and causality. NMBU Åpent møte NMBU , Ås 2019-03-29 - 2019-03-29
LectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2019) Etiske dilemmaer ved organisert screening. - Belyst ved eksempler som er relevante i allmennpraksis. Nidaroskongressen Nidaroskongressen , Trondheim 2019-10-23 - 2019-10-23
LectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2019) HUNT - a source of medicalisation and screening in disguise?. Northern European Return of Results Network Returning research results workshop , Helsinki 2019-10-24 - 2019-10-24
LectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2019) Consent procedures and return of results: HUNT 1,2,3. Northern European Return of Results Network Returning research results workshop , Oxford 2019-02-11 - 2019-02-11
LectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2018) Medforfatterskap. Granskinsutvalget/Universitetet i Tromsø Granskingsutvalgets besøk ved Universitetet i Tromsø , Tromsø 2018-04-27 - 2018-04-27
LectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2018) Etiske utfordringer ved mobilisering. HUNT forskningssenter HUNTs sommersamling 2018 , Inderøy 2018-05-25 - 2018-05-25
Popular scientific lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2018) Hensikten med HUNT er ikke screening - men hva er deltakernes forventninger, ønsker og krav om informasjon om egen helse?. HUNT forskningssenter Aktuel samfunnsmedisin , Levanger 2018-05-25 - 2018-05-25
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2018) Nudge, nudge, know what I mean?. ESHMS 17th ESHMS conference , Lisboa 2018-06-06 - 2018-06-08
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2018) The risk epidemic in medical journals 1967-2016. Reflections on 50 years of expansion. British Sociological Association 50th Annual conference in medical sociology , Glasgow 2018-09-12 - 2018-09-14
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2018) A critical examination of the notion of informed choice in medical screening. Monash University Testing for life? The sociology of diagnosis and screening , Prato 2018-06-13 - 2018-06-15
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2017) From tales of the unexpected to predetermined ethical challenges. Situational analysis of incidental findings (IFs) in medicine. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ICQI - 13th Congress of Qualitative Inquiry , Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 2017-05-17 - 2017-05-20
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2017) Meaningless numbers? Reflections on the construction of individual risks. Brocher Foundation/Monash University Citizens' use of digital media to connect with healthcare: exploring the socio-ethical and regulatory implications , Geneve 2017-06-22 - 2017-06-24
LectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2017) Some challenges of informed decision-making in mammography screening. Kreftregisteret 8th Nordic Mammography Screening Symposium , Oslo 2017-10-16 - 2017-10-18
PosterEvans-Jordan, Sarah Beth; Skolbekken, John-Arne; Solbjør, Marit. (2016) Symptomløshet: Biomedikalisering i Norge. NTNU Fusjonseminaret for Fakultet for medisin og helsevitenskap 2016-11-10 - 2016-11-11
LectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2016) Accidental or incidental? Does it really matter?. NTNU The 11th Norwegian Conference on the Sociology of Halth and Illness , Trondheim 2016-04-28 - 2016-04-29
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2016) Screeningetikk. NTNU Seminar for Kreftforeningens brukerrepresentanter , St.Olavs hospital 2016-10-25 - 2016-10-25
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2016) Leger uten grenser?. Fakultet for medisin og helsevitenskap, NTNU Fusjonsseminar for Fakultet for medisin og helsevitenskap , Trondheim 2016-11-10 - 2016-11-11
LectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2016) Tracing the discourse on incidental findings in medicine. A situational analysis. International Institute for Qualitative Inquiry, 12th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry , University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana 2016-05-18 - 2016-05-21
Academic lectureAnderssen, Jorid S; Gjernes, Trude; Skolbekken, John-Arne. (2015) Sociology and the medicalization debate. European Sociological Association 12th conference of the European Sociological Association , Praha 2015-08-25 - 2015-08-28
Academic lectureGjernes, Trude; Skolbekken, John-Arne; Anderssen, Jorid S. (2015) Medicalization and positional shifts. ESPMH Conference , Ghent 2015-08-19 - 2015-08-22
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2015) Medicalization as a boundary object. European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare ( 29th European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care , Ghent 2015-08-19 - 2015-08-22
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2015) Meaningless numbers? Some reflections on the notion of individual risk. ISP-FIDE Grand challenges and our obligations to future generations , Trondheim 2015-05-21 - 2015-05-22
LectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2015) Informed consent in HUNT 1 and 2. HUNT/RESET Time for a new approach to consent and engagement in large population-based health studies? , Levanger 2015-09-28 - 2015-09-29
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2015) Finnes det essensielt medisinske eller er alt kun medikalisering?. Besøk ved Københavns universitet , København 2015-12-15 - 2015-12-15
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2015) In the squeeze. Some reflections on the social science contribution in a medical minefield. Sosiologisk poliklinikk Den 11 norske helsesosiologikonferansen , Trondheim 2015-04-28 - 2015-04-29
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2015) The philosopher in the room. ISP-FIDE Grand challenges and our obligations to future generations , Trondheim 2015-05-21 - 2015-05-22
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2015) In the squeeze. Some reflections on the social science contribution in a medical minefield. Besøk ved University College , London 2015-04-23 - 2015-04-23
LectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2015) Hva er kvalitet i kvalitative studier?. REK-midt REK-seminar , Trondheim 2015-11-26 - 2015-11-26
PosterØrjasæter, Kristin Berre; Solbjør, Marit; Skolbekken, John-Arne; Ness, Ottar; Bjerkeset, Ottar. (2015) Recovery ved psykiske lidelser. Helse Midt Reginal forskningskonferanse i Helse Midt , Stjørdal 2015-06-09 - 2015-06-10
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2014) Sleeping in class?. Den 10. norske helsesosiologikonferansen , Trondheim 2014-04-24 - 2014-04-25
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John Arne. (2013) What can we learn about the social construction of health and illness through the Medical discourse about overtreatment and overdiagnosis?. British Sociological Association BSA Medical Sociology Group's 45th annual conference , University of York 2013-09-11 - 2013-09-13
Popular scientific lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2011) Medforfatterskap på tvers, noen faglige og etiske utfordringer. Program for anvendt etikk Hvem er forfatteren? , Trondheim 2011-03-31 -
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne; Sætnan, Ann Rudinow. (2011) Osteoporosis - a case of biological relativism?. Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) 4S Annual meeting , Cleveland, Ohio 2011-11-02 - 2011-11-05
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2011) Medikalisering - på godt og på vondt. Høgskolen i Lillehammer/NAV Oppland Trygdeforskningsseminaret , Lillehammer 2011-11-28 - 2011-11-29
Academic lectureSolbjør, Marit; Forsmo, Siri; Skolbekken, John-Arne; Sætnan, Ann Rudinow; Hagen, Anne Irene. (2010) Mammography screening and trust: the case of interval breast cancer. Bioetikkgruppen ved NTNU Bioetikkgruppens seminar om tillit , Trondheim 2010-10-06 -
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2010) Focus groups and ethical reflection. European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics Conference 2010 , Oslo 2010-09-16 - 2010-09-18
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2010) Biobank research based on presumed consent. Centre for research ethics and bioethics Is Medical Ethics Really in the Best Interest of the Patient? , Uppsala Universitet 2010-06-14 - 2010-06-16
Academic lectureThomassen, Gøril; Skolbekken, John-Arne; Sarangi, Srikant Kumar. (2010) Negotiating familial/parental responsibility in the context of genetic testing. Boston University Eigth interdisciplinary conference: Communication, Medicine and Ethics (COMET) , Boston 2010-06-28 - 2010-06-30
Academic lectureSolbjør, Marit; Skolbekken, John-Arne; Sætnan, Ann Rudinow; Hagen, Anne Irene; Forsmo, Siri. (2010) Mammography screening and trust: the case of interval breast cancer. British Sociological Association BSA Medical sociology group, 42nd Annual Conference , Durham 2010-09-01 - 2010-09-03
Academic lectureSolberg, Berge; Ursin, Lars Øystein; Skolbekken, John-Arne. (2007) "The health dugnad" - When is it legitimate to tell people that they should volunteer to participate in medical research?. UiO, Seksjon for medisinsk etikk Workshop i biobanketikknettverket mellom Trondheim, Oslo og bergen , Unesco hovedkvarteret, Paris 2007-09-06 - 2007-09-07
Academic lectureSætnan, Ann Rudinow; Solbjør, Marit; Skolbekken, John-Arne; Østerlie, Wenche; Forsmo, Siri. (2007) Making sense of numbers: Potential patients’ understandings of numerical information in advance of and emerging from screening programs. Society for Social Studies of Science 4S annual meeting , Montreal 2007-10-10 - 2007-10-14
InterviewSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2006) Er det en sannhet at gulrøtter er sunt?. [Internet] 2006-10-06
InterviewSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2006) To professorer om kunsten å ikke bekymre seg. Aftenposten Aftenposten [Newspaper] 2006-05-10
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2006) Risk perception. NDRF NDRF Summer Conference , Trondheim 2006-08-23 - 2006-08-25
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2006) God forskning - tvilsom viten?. Program for anvendt etikk, Bioetisk forskergruppe og REK Mid Juks, uredelighet og god forskning , Trondheim 2006-03-17 - 2006-03-17
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2006) Etiske dilemmaer ved helseundersøkelser - hvilken tilbakemelding skal deltakerne få om sin helsetilstand?. Norsk epidemiologisk forening Den 14. norske epidemiologikonferansen , Trondheim 2006-10-16 - 2006-10-17
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2006) Utforming av informasjonsskriv. Forskningsetiske komiteer Storfellesmøte NEM-REK , Sola 2006-10-10 - 2006-10-11
InterviewSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2005) Overdreven frykt for kreft. Romerikes Blad Romerikes Blad [Newspaper] 2005-10-01
InterviewSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2005) Overdreven kreftfrykt blant unge. [Internet] 2005-09-28
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2005) Absolutt usant og relativt sant om risikoreduksjon. Forum for kunnskapshistorie Medisinens kropp. Medisinsk praksis og medikalisering i historisk lys , Trondheim 2005-11-17 - 2005-11-18
Academic lectureYtterhus, Borgunn; Ursin, Lars Øystein; Skolbekken, John-Arne. (2005) Fear of biobanking. Psykologisk institutt, NTNU The 7th Conference on Social and Community Psychology , Trondheim 2005-11-10 - 2005-11-11
Academic lectureYtterhus, Borgunn; Skolbekken, John-Arne. (2005) Lay people's reasons for withdrawal from bio-bank research. Institut Borja de Bioetica, University of Ramon Llull XIXth European Conference on Philosphy of Medicine and Health Care , Barcelona 2005-08-24 - 2005-08-27
InterviewØsterlie, Wenche; Forsmo, Siri; Skolbekken, John-Arne. (2005) "E' det ittj godt at no'n passe på oss?". [Internet] 2005-12-01
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne; Ursin, Lars Øystein; Solberg, Berge; Christensen, Erik; Ytterhus, Borgunn. (2004) Consentenced to contribute to the common good?. ESPMH and Elsage\ Hàskòli Ìslands (University of Iceland) The XVIII European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care , Reykjavik 2004-08-25 - 2004-08-28
Academic lectureØsterlie, Wenche; Skolbekken, John-Arne; Forsmo, Siri. (2004) Screening experiences among Norwegian women invited for bone mass density measurement. BSA Medical Sociological Group BSA Medical Sociological Group 36th Annual Conference , York 2004-09-16 - 2004-09-18
Academic lectureØsterlie, Wenche; Skolbekken, John-Arne; Forsmo, Siri. (2004) Screening experiences studied through focus group interviews: Problems and challenges. Department of Nursing Science, University of Aarhus The 3rd Nordic Interdiscipøinary Conference on Qualitative Methods in the Service of Helath , Aarhus 2004-05-05 - 2004-05-07
Programme participationSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2003) Hva om det fantes en vaksine mot kreft?. NRK P2 NRK P2 [TV] 2003-05-09
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2003) Risikoidentifisering på godt og vondt. Institutt for samfunnsmedisin, Universitetet i Tromsø , Tromsø 2003-10-02 -
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2003) Noen etiske utfordringer i det forebyggende helsearbeidet. Forskningsdagene 2003 ved Høgskolen i Bodø , Bodø 2003-09-25 -
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2003) Unlimited medicalisation? Risk and the pathologisation of normality. Risk in its Social Contexts , University of Plymouth, UK 2003-09-09 -
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2003) Risikofokusering og etiske utfordringer i det forebyggende helsearbeidet. Nasjonalt nettverk for profesjonsetikk - Workshop , Trondheim 2003-06-19 -
Popular scientific lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2003) Helse og risiko. Konferanse i anledning 400 års jubileet for offentlig helsevesen i Norge , Trondheim 2003-04-08 -
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2002) Med buksene nede?. Kvinneklinikken, St.Olavs hospital , Trondheim 2002-11-06 -
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2002) Erectile dysfunction - a public health problem?. The 4th Conference on Social and Community Psychology , Trondheim 2002-11-15 -
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2002) Har du vondt av det du ikke vet? Screening som forebyggende helsearbeid. Kreftregisteret , Oslo 2002-05-21 -
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2002) Kvalitative forskningsmetoder. Den norske kreftforening , Trondheim 2002-04-29 -
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne; Solberg, Berge. (2002) Geneticisation, medicalisation and risk-construction. 12. Nordiske kongress i allmennmedisin , Trondheim 2002-09-07 -
Popular scientific lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2002) Har du vondt av det du ikke vet? Screening som forebyggende helsearbeid. Teknologicafe , Trondheim 2002-02-21 -
Popular scientific lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2002) Noen etiske dilemma ved individfokusert forebyggende arbeid. Forum for helse og miljøs årskonferanse , Hamar 2002-06-18 -
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2001) Med buksene nede? Om potens, forskning og legemidler. , Filosofisk polklinikk, Bergen 5. september
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne; Forsmo, Siri. (2001) Fragile bones - and so what? A study of women's experience with screening for osteoporosis. The Third Conference on Social and Community Psychology. , Trondheim
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (2000) The Social Psychology of the New Genetics. Conference on Social & Community Psychology. 2nd. meeting in Trondheim , Trondheim 16-17. november 2000
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (1999) Medisinsk feilbarlighet. Feil som del av praksis. Nidaroskongressen , Trondheim, 18. oktober 1999
Academic lectureSkolbekken, John-Arne. (1999) The Social Construction of Unnecessary Caesarians. 1st Social Psychology Conference in Trondheim , Trondheim 11-12. november 1999