Jessica Larsson
The thematic focus of my project is to analyse the discourse of biodiversity loss and the notion of a ‘nature crisis’. I specifically seek to understand what constructs underpin the understanding of this notion and how the ‘nature crisis’ is projected into the Norwegian land use decision-making process.
Funding: Gjærevoll Centre/NTNU Sustainability, 2023-2026
Principal supervisor: Professor Gunhild Setten
Co-supervisor: Researcher Marit Ruge Bjærke
Larsson, Jessica Kristina;
Vik, Jostein.
Meat or mitigation? That's the question: Storylines in the Norwegian agricultural policy discourse on meat reduction.
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic article
Journal publications
Larsson, Jessica Kristina;
Vik, Jostein.
Meat or mitigation? That's the question: Storylines in the Norwegian agricultural policy discourse on meat reduction.
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic article
Academic lectureLarsson, Jessica Kristina; Setten, Gunhild. (2024) Contestation and crisis: Power and politics in a public consultation process on nature and landscape diversity in Norway. University of Copenhagen Nordic Geographers Meeting , Copenhagen 2024-06-24 - 2024-06-27
Academic lectureVik, Jostein; Larsson, Jessica Kristina. (2022) Meat or mitigation? That’s the question: Storylines in the Norwegian agricultural policy discourse on meat reduction . Program for anvendt etikk, NTNU BIONÆR-prosjektet GoodAnimal Dyrevelferd: Etikk og politikk. , DKNVS, Trondheom 2022-06-03 - 2022-06-03