Jan Helgerud
Støa, Eva Maria;
Rønnestad, Bent;
Helgerud, Jan;
Johansen, Jan-Michael;
Andersen, Ingvild Tronstad;
Rogneflåten, Torkil.
Short-time cycling performance in young elite cyclists: related to maximal aerobic power and not to maximal accumulated oxygen deficit.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Berg, Ole Kristian;
Aagård, Norun;
Helgerud, Jan;
Brobakken, Mathias Forsberg;
Hoff, Jan;
Wang, Eivind.
No impairment of maximal oxygen uptake, pulmonary function and walking economy in patients diagnosed with long COVID: consideration of disease severity.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Letter to the editor
Hov, Håkon;
Eithun, Geir;
Wang, Eivind;
Helgerud, Jan.
Aerobic high-intensity interval training and maximal strength training in patients with unspecific musculoskeletal disorders improve V̇O2peak and maximal strength more than moderate training.
European Journal of Sport Science (EJSS)
Academic article
Berg, Ole Kristian;
Aagård, Norun;
Helgerud, Jan;
Brobakken, Mathias Forsberg;
Hoff, Jan;
Wang, Eivind.
Maximal oxygen uptake, pulmonary function and walking economy are not impaired in patients diagnosed with long COVID.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Trane, Glenn;
Pedersen, Stine;
Mehus, Håkon Andre;
Helgerud, Jan;
Unhjem, Runar Jakobsen.
Velocity Specific Adaptations to Three Widely Used Strength Training Methods: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Støa, Eva Maria;
Rønnestad, Bent;
Helgerud, Jan;
Johansen, Jan-Michael;
Andersen, Ingvild Tronstad;
Rogneflåten, Torkil.
Short-time cycling performance in young elite cyclists: related to maximal aerobic power and not to maximal accumulated oxygen deficit.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Brobakken, Mathias Forsberg;
Krogsæter, Iben;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wang, Eivind;
Hoff, Jan.
Abdominal aerobic endurance exercise reveals spot reduction exists : a randomized controlled trial.
Physiological Reports
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Hov, Håkon;
Mehus, Håkon Andre;
Balto, Bård;
Boye, Anders Johan Nesheim;
Finsås, Lars.
Aerobic high-intensity intervals improve V̇O<inf>2max</inf> more than supramaximal sprint intervals in females, similar to males.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Støren, Øyvind;
Sunde, Arnstein;
Helgerud, Jan;
Johansen, Jan-Michael;
Gjerløw, Lars Erik;
Hjortland, Henrik.
Maximal aerobic and anaerobic power and time performance in 800 m double poling ergometer.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Laginestra, Fabio Giuseppe;
Berg, Ole Kristian;
Nyberg, Stian Kwak;
Venturelli, Massimo;
Wang, Eivind;
Helgerud, Jan.
Stroke volume response during prolonged exercise depends on left ventricular filling : evidence from a beta-blockade study.
American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Haglo, Håvard Pedersen;
Hoff, Jan.
Prediction of VO2max from submaximal exercise using the smartphone application myworkout GO : validation study of a digital health method.
JMIR Cardio
Academic article
Hov, Håkon;
Wang, Eivind;
Lim, Yi Rui;
Trane, Glenn;
Hemmingsen, Magnus;
Hoff, Jan.
Aerobic high-intensity intervals are superior to improve VO2max compared with sprint intervals in well-trained men.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Berge, Jarle;
Hjelmesæth, Jøran Sture;
Kolotkin, Ronette Loganzo;
Støren, Øyvind;
Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid;
Hertel, Jens Kristoffer.
Effect of aerobic exercise intensity on health-related quality of life in severe obesity: a randomized controlled trial.
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
Academic article
Johansen, Jan-Michael;
Sunde, Arnstein;
Helgerud, Jan;
Støren, Øyvind.
Relationships Between Maximal Aerobic Speed, Lactate Threshold, and Double Poling Velocity at Lactate Threshold in Cross-Country Skiers.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Haglo, Håvard Pedersen;
Berg, Ole Kristian;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wang, Eivind.
Maximal strength training in patients with inflammatory rheumatic disease: implications for physical function and quality of life.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Renberg, Julie;
Lignier, Maxime Jeanovitch;
Wiggen, Øystein;
Færevik, Hilde;
Helgerud, Jan;
Sandsund, Mariann.
Heat tolerance during uncompensable heat stress in men and women wearing firefighter personal protective equipment.
Applied Ergonomics
Academic article
Johansen, Jan-Michael;
Sunde, Arnstein;
Helgerud, Jan;
Gjerløw, Lars Erik;
Støren, Øyvind.
Effects of individual changes in training distribution on maximal aerobic capacity in well-trained cross-country skiers: A follow-up study.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Støren, Øyvind;
Helgerud, Jan;
Johansen, Jan-Michael;
Gjerløw, Lars Erik;
Aamlid, Aanund;
Støa, Eva Maria.
Aerobic and anaerobic speed predicts 800-m running performance in young recreational runners.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Haglo, Håvard Pedersen;
Wang, Eivind;
Berg, Ole Kristian;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Smartphone-assisted high-intensity interval training in inflammatory rheumatic disease patients : randomized controlled trial.
JMIR mhealth and uhealth
Academic article
Kittilsen, Hans Torvild;
Goleva-Fjellet, Sannija;
Freberg, Baard Ingegerdsson;
Nicolaisen, Iver;
Støa, Eva Maria;
Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid.
Responses to maximal strength training in different age and gender groups.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Berge, Jarle;
Hjelmesæth, Jøran;
Hertel, Jens Kristoffer;
Gjevestad, Espen Svendsen;
Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova;
Johnson, Line Kristin.
Effect of Aerobic Exercise Intensity on Energy Expenditure and Weight Loss in Severe Obesity-A Randomized Controlled Trial .
Academic article
Johansen, Jan-Michael;
Goleva-Fjellet, Sannija;
Sunde, Arnstein;
Gjerløw, Lars Erik;
Skeimo, Lars Arne Fostvedt;
Freberg, Baard Ingegerdsson.
No change – no gain; The effect of age, sex, selected genes and training on physiological and performance adaptations in cross-country skiing.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid;
Pedersen, Frank. G.;
Haave, Marius Ness;
Helgerud, Jan;
Støren, Øyvind.
Large inter-individual differences in responses to a block of high intensity aerobic interval training: A case series in national-level cyclists and triathletes.
International Journal of Exercise Science
Academic article
Støa, Eva Maria;
Helgerud, Jan;
Rønnestad, Bent;
Hansen, Joar;
Ellefsen, Stian;
Støren, Øyvind.
Factors Influencing Running Velocity at Lactate Threshold in Male and Female Runners at Different Levels of Performance.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Johansen, Jan-Michael;
Eriksen, Sondre ;
Sunde, Arnstein;
Slettemeås, Øystein B.;
Helgerud, Jan;
Støren, Øyvind.
Improving utilization of maximal oxygen uptake and work economy in recreational cross-country skiers with high-intensity double-poling intervals.
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance (IJSPP)
Academic article
Sandsund, Mariann;
Fiskvik, Even Andre;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan;
Løkke, Knut;
Lysø, Jens Petter.
Digital training as medicine.
Helgerud, Jan;
Thomsen, Simon Nørskov;
Hoff, Jan;
Strandbråten, Arild;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Unhjem, Runar Jakobsen.
Maximal strength training in patients with Parkinson's disease : impact on efferent neural drive, force generating capacity, and functional performance.
Journal of applied physiology
Academic article
Sunde, Arnstein;
Johansen, Jan-Michael;
Gjøra, Martin;
Paulsen, Gøran;
Bråten, Morten;
Helgerud, Jan.
Stronger Is Better: The Impact of Upper Body Strength in Double Poling Performance.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Øiestad, Britt Elin;
Wang, Eivind;
Hoff, Jan.
Prediction of upper extremity peak oxygen consumption from heart rate during submaximal arm cycling in young and middle-aged adults.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Nyberg, Stian Kwak;
Berg, Ole Kristian;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wang, Eivind.
Reliability of forearm oxygen uptake during handgrip
exercise : assessment by ultrasonography and venous blood
Physiological Reports
Academic article
Tørhaug, Tom;
Brurok, Berit;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Leivseth, Gunnar.
Arm Cycling Combined with Passive Leg Cycling Enhances VO2peak in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury Above the Sixth Thoracic Vertebra.
Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
Academic article
Støa, Eva Maria;
Meling, Sondre V.;
Nyhus, Lill-Katrin;
Strømstad, Glenn;
Mangerud, Karl Magnus;
Helgerud, Jan.
High-intensity aerobic interval training improves aerobic fitness and HbA1c among persons diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Wang, Eivind;
Nyberg, Stian K.;
Hoff, Jan;
Zhao, Jia;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Tørhaug, Tom.
Impact of maximal strength training on work efficiency and muscle fiber type in the elderly: Implications for physical function and fall prevention.
Experimental Gerontology
Academic article
Wang, Eivind;
Nyberg, Stian K.;
Berg, Ole Kristian;
Helgerud, Jan.
Blood flow regulation and oxygen uptake during high intensity forearm exercise.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Nyberg, Stian K.;
Berg, Ole Kristian;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wang, Eivind.
Validity of forearm oxygen uptake during handgrip exercise : assessment by ultrasonography and venous blood gas.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Nyberg, Stian K.;
Berg, Ole Kristian;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wang, Eivind.
Blood flow regulation and oxygen uptake during high-intensity forearm exercise.
Journal of applied physiology
Academic article
Støren, Øyvind;
Helgerud, Jan;
Sæbø, Mona;
Støa, Eva Maria;
Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid;
Unhjem, Runar Jakobsen.
The effect of age on the VO2max response to high-intensity interval training.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Rossman, Matthew J;
Jonathan H., Groot;
Garten, Ryan S.;
Wang, Eivind;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Physical Fitness Protects Against Age-Related Vascular Dysfunction in the Lower Limb.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Groot, H. Jonathan;
Rossman, Matthew J.;
Garten, Ryan S.;
Wang, Eivind;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
The effect of physical activity on passive leg movement-induced vasodilation with age.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Tørhaug, Tom;
Brurok, Berit;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Leivseth, Gunnar.
The effect from maximal bench press strength training on work economy during wheelchair propulsion in men with spinal cord injury.
Spinal Cord
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Støren, Øyvind;
Finstad, Arnstein;
Wang, Eivind;
Helgerud, Jan.
Increased blood lactate level deteriorates running economy in World class endurance athletes.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Tørhaug, Tom;
Brurok, Berit;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Leivseth, Gunnar.
Arm crank and wheelchair ergometry produce similar peak oxygen uptake but different work economy values in individuals with spinal cord injury.
BioMed Research International
Academic article
Støa, Eva Maria;
Nyhus, Lill-Katrin;
Børresen, Sandra Claveau;
Nygaard, Caroline;
Hovet, Åse Marie;
Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid.
Day to day variability in fat oxidation and the effect after only 1 day of change in diet composition.
Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Academic article
Wang, Eivind;
Chomon, Carlos Enrique Cruz;
Pettersen, Mads Rino;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Comparison of thoracic bioimpedance with acetylene uptake for measuring cardiac output.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Wang, Eivind;
Næss, Morten Svendsen;
Hoff, Jan;
Albert, Tobias Lie;
Pham, Quyen Thi;
Richardson, Russell.
Exercise-training-induced changes in metabolic capacity with age: the role of central cardiovascular plasticity.
Academic article
Støren, Øyvind;
Rønnestad, Bent;
Sunde, Arnstein;
Hansen, Joar;
Ellefsen, Stian;
Helgerud, Jan.
A time-saving method to assess power output at lactate threshold in well-trained and elite cyclists.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan.
-Ikke gunstig ved trening
Interview Journal
Helgerud, Jan;
Wang, Eivind.
Alder ingen hindring.
Dagens næringsliv
Interview Journal
Barrett-O'Keefe, Z;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wagner, Peter D.;
Richardson, Russell S..
Thermally governed local blood flow regulation by the capillary pumps and CO2 is the basis of the improved work efficiency of the trained muscle bed Reply.
Journal of applied physiology
Reader opinion piece
Brurok, Berit;
Tørhaug, Tom;
Karlsen, Trine;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Effect of lower extremity functional electrical stimulation pulsed isometric contractions on arm cycling peak oxygen uptake in spinal cord injured individuals.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Castro, Vicente;
Grisdale-Helland, Barbara;
Jørgensen, Sven Martin;
Helgerud, Jan;
Claireaux, Guy;
Farrell, Anthony P..
Disease resistance is related to inherent swimming performance in Atlantic salmon.
BMC Physiology
Academic article
Støren, Øyvind;
Ulevåg, Kåre;
Larsen, Morten Herum;
Støa, Eva Maria;
Helgerud, Jan.
Physiological Determinants of the Cycling Time Trial.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Palmer, Helen;
Håberg, Asta;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Solstad, Gerd Marie;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Hoff, Jan.
Structural brain changes after 4 wk of unilateral strength training of the lower limb.
Journal of applied physiology
Academic article
Heggelund, Jørn;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Maximal strength training improves work economy, rate of force development and maximal strength more than conventional strength training.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Brurok, Berit;
Tørhaug, Tom;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Karlsen, Trine;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Effect of leg vascular occlusion on arm cycling peak oxygen uptake in spinal cord-injured individuals.
Spinal Cord
Academic article
Hill, Tessa;
Gjellesvik, Tor Ivar;
Moen, Per Marius Reinem;
Tørhaug, Tom;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan.
Maximal Strength Training Enchances Strength and Functional Performance in Chronic Stroke Survivors.
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Academic article
Barrett-O’Keefe, Zachary;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wagner, Peter D.;
Richardson, Russell S..
Maximal strength training and increased work efficiency: contribution from the trained muscle bed.
Journal of applied physiology
Academic article
Wang, Eivind;
Solli, Guro Strøm;
Nyberg, Stian Kwak;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Stroke Volume Does not Plateau in Female Endurance Athletes.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Strength Training, Health Benefits of.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Støren, Øyvind;
Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid;
Haave, Marius ;
Helgerud, Jan.
Improved Vo2max and time trial performance with more high aerobic intensity interval training and reduced training volume: a case study on an elite national cyclist.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Gjellesvik, Tor Ivar;
Brurok, Berit;
Hoff, Jan;
Tørhaug, Tom;
Helgerud, Jan.
Effect of High Aerobic Intensity Interval Treadmill Walking in People With Chronic Stroke: A Pilot Study With One Year Follow-Up.
Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation
Academic article
Wang, Eivind;
Kafonek, Lubomir;
Helgerud, Jan;
Jungbluth, Klaus;
Hoff, Jan.
Ageing And Strength Reduction; Inactivity Or Ageing?.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Gjellesvik, Tor Ivar;
Hill, Tessa;
Moen, Per Marius Reinem;
Torhaug, Tom;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan.
Maximal Strength Training Enhances Functional Performance in Chronic Stroke Patients.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Heggelund, Jørn;
Morken, Gunnar;
Helgerud, Jan;
Nilsberg, Geir Erling;
Hoff, Jan.
Therapeutic effects of maximal strength training on walking efficiency in patients with schizophrenia - a pilot study.
BMC Research Notes
Academic article
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Rognmo, Øivind;
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Slørdahl, Stig Arild;
Richardson, Russell;
Helgerud, Jan.
One-arm maximal strength training improves work economy and endurance capacity but not skeletal muscle blood flow.
Journal of Sports Sciences
Academic article
Støren, Øyvind;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Running stride peak forces inversely determine running economy in elite runners.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Karlsen, Trine;
Kim, WY;
Høydal, Kjetil L;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Pedersen, H.
Interval and Strength Training in CAD Patients.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Solstad, Gerd Marie;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Hoff, Jan.
Test-Retest Reliability of V-Wave Responses in the Soleus and Gastrocnemius Medialis.
Journal of clinical neurophysiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Moen, Per Marius Reinem;
Hill, Tessa;
Gjellesvik, Tor Ivar;
Tørhaug, Tom;
Helgerud, Jan.
Neuromuscular performance of paretic versus non-paretic plantar flexors after stroke.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Mosti, Mats Peder;
Wang, Eivind;
Wiggen, Øystein;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Concurrent strength and endurance training improves physical capacity in patients with peripheral arterial disease.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Heggelund, Jørn;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Nilsberg, Geir Erling;
Morken, Gunnar.
Reduced peak oxygen uptake and implications for cardiovascular health and quality of life in patients with schizophrenia.
BMC Psychiatry
Academic article
Brurok, Berit;
Helgerud, Jan;
Karlsen, Trine;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan.
Effect of aerobic high-intensity hybrid training on stroke volume and peak oxygen consumption in men with spinal cord injury.
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Academic article
Castro, Vicente;
Grisdale-Helland, Barbara;
Helland, Ståle;
Kristensen, Torstein;
Jørgensen, Sven Martin;
Helgerud, Jan.
Aerobic training stimulates growth and promotes disease resistance in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A
Academic article
Heggelund, Jørn;
Nilsberg, Geir Erling;
Hoff, Jan;
Morken, Gunnar;
Helgerud, Jan.
Effects of high aerobic intensity training in patients with schizophrenia-A controlled trial.
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Rodas, G;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Hoff, Jan.
Strength and Endurance in Elite Football Players.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Knutsen, Andreas;
Ruth, Helge;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan.
No effect of prior caffeine ingestion on neuromuscular recovery after maximal fatiguing contractions.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Husby, Vigdis Schnell;
Bjørgen, Siri;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Benum, Pål;
Husby, Otto Schnell.
Unilateral vs. bilateral total hip arthroplasty - the influence of medial femoral head offset and effects on strength and aerobic endurance capacity.
HIP International
Academic article
Husby, Vigdis Schnell;
Helgerud, Jan;
Bjørgen, Siri;
Husby, Otto Schnell;
Benum, Pål;
Hoff, Jan.
Early Postoperative Maximal Strength Training Improves Work Efficiency 6-12 Months after Osteoarthritis-Induced Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Younger Than 60 Years.
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Støren, Øyvind;
Hoff, Jan.
Are there differences in running economy at different velocities for well-trained distance runners?.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Gruber, Markus;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan.
Enhanced neural drive after maximal strength training in multiple sclerosis patients.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Bjørgen, Siri;
Karlsen, Trine;
Husby, Vigdis Schnell;
Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe;
Richardson, Russell.
Hyperoxic interval training in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with oxygen desaturation at peak exercise.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Sunde, Arnstein;
Støren, Øyvind;
Bjerkaas, Marius;
Larsen, Morten Herum;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Wang, Eivind;
Helgerud, Jan;
Loe, H;
Indseth, K;
Kaehler, N;
Hoff, Jan.
Maximal strength training improves walking performance in peripheral arterial disease patients.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Barrett-O'Keefe, Zachary;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wagner, Peter D.;
Richardson, Russell S..
Maximal Strength Training: The Effects on Intramuscular Economy and its Determinants.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Kjendlie, Per-Ludvik;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Aspenes, Stian.
Combined strength and endurance training in competitive swimmers.
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (JSSM)
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Solstad, Gerd Marie;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan.
Neural adaptations underlying cross-education after unilateral strength training.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Husby, Vigdis Schnell;
Helgerud, Jan;
Bjørgen, Siri;
Husby, Otto Schnell;
Benum, Pål;
Hoff, Jan.
Early Maximal Strength Training Is an Efficient Treatment for Patients Operated With Total Hip Arthroplasty.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Wang, Eivind;
Mosti, Mats Peder;
Wiggen, Øystein;
Hoff, Jan.
Plantar flexion training primes peripheral arterial disease patients for improvements in cardiac function.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Gruber, Markus;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan.
Functional maximal strength training induces neural transfer to single-joint tasks.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Aspenes, Stian Thoresen;
Kjendlie, Per-Ludvik;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Combined strength and endurance training in competitive swimmers.
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (JSSM)
Academic article
Karlsen, Trine;
Helgerud, Jan;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Lauritsen, N;
Hoff, Jan.
Maximal Strength Training Restores Walking Mechanical Effeciency in Heart Patients.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Leivseth, Gunnar.
Chronic and acute neural adaptations to strength training.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (412)
Doctoral dissertation
Husby, Vigdis Schnell;
Helgerud, Jan;
Bjørgen, Siri;
Husby, Otto Schnell;
Benum, Pål;
Hoff, Jan.
Early Maximal Strength Training Is an Efficient Treatment for Patients Operated With Total Hip Arthroplasty.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Bjørgen, Siri;
Helgerud, Jan;
Husby, Vigdis Schnell;
Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe;
Richardson, Russell;
Hoff, Jan.
Aerobic high intensity one-legged interval cycling improves peak oxygen uptake in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients; No additional effect from hyperoxia.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Bjørgen, Siri;
Hoff, Jan;
Husby, Vigdis Schnell;
Høydal, Morten;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe.
Aerobic high intensity one and two legs interval cycling in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the sum of the parts is greater than the whole.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Karlsen, Trine;
Hoff, Jan;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Skovholt, Mie Cappelen;
Aarhus, Kari Gulbrandsen;
Helgerud, Jan.
Aerobic interval training improves VO2 peak in coronary artery disease patients; no additional effect from hyperoxia.
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal
Academic article
Wang, Eivind;
Hoff, Jan;
Loe, Henrik;
Kaehler, Nils;
Helgerud, Jan.
Plantar flexion: an effective training for peripheral arterial disease.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Adamson, M;
MacQuaide, N;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan;
Kemi, Ole Johan.
Unilateral arm strength training improves contralateral peak force and rate of force development.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Støren, Øyvind;
Helgerud, Jan;
Støa, Eva Maria;
Hoff, Jan.
Maximal strength training improves running economy in distance runners.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Karlsen, Trine;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Training is Medicine; Endurance and Strength Training in Coronary Artery Disease and Health.
Doctoral dissertation
Høydal, Kjetil Laurits;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Effect of high intensity aerobic training in health and coronary artery disease. The importance of intensity, duration and frequency of training.
NTNU, Det medisinske fakultet
Doctoral dissertation
Heggelund, Jørn;
Nilsberg, Geir Erling;
Morken, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Treatment effects from aerobic endurance training in patients suffering from Schizophrenia.
38th EABCT Annual Congress - Abstracts
Takle, Harald Rune;
Kristensen, Torstein;
Helland, Ståle Johannes;
Grisdale-Helland, Barbara;
Poppe, Trygve T;
Tørud, Brit.
Aerob utholdenhetstrening for bedret hjertefunksjon og helse hos oppdrettslaks. Prosjektperiode 1.6.2007 – 10.10.2008
Nofima rapportserie (20/2008)
Helgerud, Jan.
Prescribing, quantifying, and monitoring exercise intensity during interval training - Response.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Reader opinion piece
Helgerud, Jan;
Høydal, Kjetil L.;
Wang, Eivind.
Aerobic High-Intensity Intervals Improve VO2max More Than Moderate Training.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe;
Høydal, Morten;
Richardson, Russell;
Helgerud, Jan.
Maximal strenght training of the legs in COPD: a therapy for mechanical ineffieciency.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Høydal, Kjetil Laurits;
Helgerud, Jan;
Karlsen, Trine;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe;
Hoff, Jan.
Patients with coronary artery- or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease walk with mechanical inefficiency.
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal
Academic article
Brurok, Berit;
Helgerud, Jan;
Karlsen, Trine;
Hoff, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
VO2peak and Stroke Volume of the heart are enhanced by aerobic high intensity interval hybrid training in Spinal Cord Injured individuals.
Masters thesis
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Loennechen, Jan Pål;
Bruvold, Morten;
Rognmo, Øivind;
Haram, Per Magnus.
Superior cardiovascular effect of aerobic interval training versus moderate continuous training in heart failure patients - A randomized study.
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Høydal, Kjetil Laurits;
Wang, Eivind;
Karlsen, Trine;
Berg, P;
Bjerkaas, M.
Aerobic high-intensity intervals improve VO2max more than moderate training.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Kahler, Nils;
Helgerud, Jan.
Training and testing physical capacities for elite football players.
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin
Academic literature review
Karlsen, Trine;
Hoff, Jan;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Helgerud, Jan.
Aerobic Interval Training Breathing 100% O2 Improves VO2peak Equally as Ambient Air Training in Coronary Patients.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Bjørgen, Siri;
Helgerud, Jan;
Husby, Vigdis S;
Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe;
Hoff, Jan.
Hyperoxia during High Intensity Aerobic Training and Testing in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Helgerud, Jan;
Høydal, Kjetil Laurits;
Wang, Eivind;
Karlsen, Trine;
Berg, Pål;
Bjerkaas, Marius.
Differential Response to Aerobic Endurance Training at Different Intensities.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Football (Soccer) Specific Simple Low Cost, Test of Endurance Performance and Maximal Oxygen Uptake.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Slørdahl, Stig Arild;
Wang, Eivind;
Hoff, Jan;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Helgerud, Jan.
Effective training for patients with intermittent claudication.
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Effects of high-intensity endurance training on maximal oxygen consumption in healthy elderly people.
Journal of Applied Gerontology
Academic article
McMillan, Kenny;
Helgerud, Jan;
Macdonald, R;
Hoff, Jan.
Physiological adaptations to soccer specific endurance training in professional youth soccer players.
British Journal of Sports Medicine
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Strength and endurance differences between elite and junior elite ice hockey players. The importance of allometric scaling.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
McMillan, Kenny;
Helgerud, Jan;
Grant, SJ;
Newell, J;
Wilson, J;
Macdonald, R.
Lactate threshold responses to a season of professional British youth soccer.
British Journal of Sports Medicine
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Endurance and strength training for soccer players - Physiological considerations.
Sports Medicine
Academic literature review
Hoff, Jan;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Strength and Endurance Differences Between Elite and Junior Elite Ice Hockey Players. The Importance of Allometric Scaling.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Rognmo, Ø;
Hetland, E;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan;
Slørdahl, Stig Arild.
High intensity aerobic interval exercise is superior to moderate intensity exercise for increasing aerobic capacity in patients with coronary artery disease.
Journal of Cardiovascular Risk
Academic article
Slørdahl, Stig Arild;
Madslien, VO;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Kjos, A;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Atrioventricular plane displacement in untrained and trained females.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Castagna, C;
Helgerud, Jan;
Jones, R;
Hoff, Jan.
Strong correlation of maximal squat strength with sprint performance and vertical jump height in elite soccer players.
British Journal of Sports Medicine
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Endurance training improves football performance.
Academic article
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Hoff, Jan;
Engen, Lars Chr;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Soccer specific testing of maximal oxygen uptake.
Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Hoff-Helgerud Football Endurance Test.
NTNU, Medisin
Østerås, Håvard;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Maximal strength-training effects on force-velocity and force-power relationships explain increases in aerobic performance in humans.
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Maximal strength-training effects on force-velocity and force-power relationships explain increases in aerobic performance in humans.
Academic article
Rognmo, Øivind;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
The puzzle for oxygen transport. A review.
Corpus, Psyche et Societas
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Engen, L C;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Soccer specific aerobic endurance training.
British Journal of Sports Medicine
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Endurance Training Into the Next Millenium; Muscular Strength Training Effects on Aerobic Endurance Performance: A Review.
American Journal of Sports Medicine
Academic article
Amundsen, Brage;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan;
Slørdahl, Stig Arild.
Ultrasound recorded axillary artery blood flow during elbow-flexion exercise.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Gran, A;
Helgerud, Jan.
Maximal strength training improves aerobic endurance performance.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Hoff, Jan;
Engen, Lars Christian;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Soccer specific testing of maximal oxygen uptake.
Football (soccer) New Developments in Physical Training Research
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Science and Football IV.
Science and football
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Hoff, Jan.
Pre-season concurrent strength and endurance development in elite soccer players.
Football (soccer) New Developments in Physical Training Research
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Maximal strength-training effects on force-velocity and force-power relationships explain increases in aerobic performance in humans.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Maximal strength training enhances running economy and aerobic endurance performance.
Football (soccer) New Developments in Physical Training Research
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Castagna, Carlo;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Maximal squat strength is strongly correlated to sprint performance in elite soccer players.
Football (soccer) New Developments in Physical Training Research
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Football (soccer) New Developments in Physical Training Research.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Non-fiction book
Østerås, Håvard;
Rygvik, Jørn;
Gaupset, Ketil;
Eithun, Geir;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Maksimal styrketrening for eldre.
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Eithun, Geir;
Gaupset, Ketil;
Rygvik, Jørn.
Maksimal styrketrening for eldre.
Academic article
Almåsbakk, Bjørn;
Whiting, H.T.A.;
Helgerud, Jan.
The efficient learner.
Biological cybernetics
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Oxygen pulse; maximal oxygen uptake; rat; respiratory exchange ratio.
American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Halvas-Svendsen, Lars;
Helgerud, Jan.
Lactate production and elimination in ice hockey players during an elite series match.
Corpus, Psyche et Societas
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Johnsen, Kristin;
Gaupset, Ketil;
Eithun, Geir;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Maksimal styrketrening for eldre.
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Atrioventricular plane displacement in female endurance athletes.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Intensity-controlled treadmill running in rats: VO2max and cardiac hypertrophy.
American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Eithun, Geir;
Gaupset, Ketil;
Johnsen, Kristin.
Maksimal styrketrening for eldre.
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Athletes heart, maximal oxygen uptake, left ventricular function, female athletes.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Vik, John Tore;
Hoff, Jan.
The effect of maximal strength training on endurance performance in upper body for highly trained male cross-country skiers.
Corpus, Psyche et Societas
Academic article
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Oldervoll, L.;
Sæterhaug, Arne;
Helgerud, Jan.
Effect of physical training at a physical outpatient Clinic and at home on patients with coronary heart disease.
Corpus, Psyche et Societas
Academic article
Torvik, P.Ø.;
Helgerud, Jan.
The validity of the portable metabolic test system Cortex Metamax.
E & FN Spon
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sandsund, M;
Sue-Chu, M;
Reinertsen, RE;
Helgerud, Jan;
Holand, B;
Bjermer, L.
Treatment with inhaled beta 2 agonists or oral leukotriene antagonist do not enhance physical performance in nonasthmatic highly trained athletes exposed to -15o C.
Journal of Thermal Biology
Academic article
Torvik, P.Ø.;
Helgerud, Jan.
The validity of the portable metabolic tast system Cortex Metamax.
Schriften zur Sportwissenschaft
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Maximal strength training improves work economy in trained female cross-country skiers.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Engen, Lars-Christian;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Effekten av økt aerob utholdenhet på adferden hos fotballspillere.
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Hvorfor har maksimal styrketrening positiv effekt på utholdenhet?.
Academic article
Sue-chu, M;
Sandsund, M;
Helgerud, Jan;
Reinertsen, R.E.;
Bjermer, L.
Salmeterol and physical performance at -15 C in highly-trained nonastmatic cross-country skiers.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Maximal strength training improve work economy in trained female cross-country skiers.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
The effect of endurance performance by training for upper body muscular strength and power.
Corpus, Psyche et Societas
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
effect of aerobic performance from muscular strength and power training.
Corpus, Psyche et Societas
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Styrketrening i langrenn.
Skisport 4
Popular scientific article
Engen, L.C.;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
effekten av økt aerob utholdenhet på adferden hos fotballspillere.
Popular scientific article
Rognmo, Øyvind;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Utholdenhet i alpint.
Skisport 6
Popular scientific article
Sandsund, Mariann;
Sue-Chu, Malcolm;
Reinertsen, Randi Eidsmo;
Helgerud, Jan;
Holand, Bård;
Bjermer, Leif Hilding.
Treatment with inhaled ss-agonists or oral leukotriene antagonist do not enhance physical performance in nonasthmatic highly trained athletes exposed to -15 C.
Journal of Thermal Biology
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan.
Evaluation of a new upper body ergometer for cross-country skiers.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan.
Metodes for evaluating peak oxygen uptake and anaerobic threshold in upper body of cross-country skiers,.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan.
Evaluation of a new upper body ergometer for cross-country skiers.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Strength and endurance of elite soccer players.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan.
Methods for evaluating peak oxygen uptake and anaerobic threshold in upper body of cross-country skiers.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Strength and endurance of elite soccer players.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Sandsund, M;
Sue-Chu, M;
Helgerud, Jan;
Reinertsen, R;
Bjermer, L.
Effect of cold exposure (-15 degree C) and Salbutamol treatment on physiological performance in elite cross-country skiers.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Nielsen, Hilde Dorthea Grindvik;
Helgerud, Jan.
Peripheral and central effects on oxygen transport in endurance training with special reference to upper body work, cross- country skiing and the female athlete.
Corpus, Psyche et Societas
Academic literature review
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Styrke og utholdenhet hos fotballspillere.
Popular scientific article
Helgerud, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Testing av oksygenopptak i et overkroppsergometer for langrennsløpere.
Popular scientific article
Helgerud, Jan.
Central and peripheral limitations of aerobic endurance in distance runners : a study of physiological gender differences and similarities.
NTNU. dept. of Sports Sciences
Doctoral dissertation
Journal publications
Støa, Eva Maria;
Rønnestad, Bent;
Helgerud, Jan;
Johansen, Jan-Michael;
Andersen, Ingvild Tronstad;
Rogneflåten, Torkil.
Short-time cycling performance in young elite cyclists: related to maximal aerobic power and not to maximal accumulated oxygen deficit.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Berg, Ole Kristian;
Aagård, Norun;
Helgerud, Jan;
Brobakken, Mathias Forsberg;
Hoff, Jan;
Wang, Eivind.
No impairment of maximal oxygen uptake, pulmonary function and walking economy in patients diagnosed with long COVID: consideration of disease severity.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Letter to the editor
Hov, Håkon;
Eithun, Geir;
Wang, Eivind;
Helgerud, Jan.
Aerobic high-intensity interval training and maximal strength training in patients with unspecific musculoskeletal disorders improve V̇O2peak and maximal strength more than moderate training.
European Journal of Sport Science (EJSS)
Academic article
Berg, Ole Kristian;
Aagård, Norun;
Helgerud, Jan;
Brobakken, Mathias Forsberg;
Hoff, Jan;
Wang, Eivind.
Maximal oxygen uptake, pulmonary function and walking economy are not impaired in patients diagnosed with long COVID.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Trane, Glenn;
Pedersen, Stine;
Mehus, Håkon Andre;
Helgerud, Jan;
Unhjem, Runar Jakobsen.
Velocity Specific Adaptations to Three Widely Used Strength Training Methods: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Støa, Eva Maria;
Rønnestad, Bent;
Helgerud, Jan;
Johansen, Jan-Michael;
Andersen, Ingvild Tronstad;
Rogneflåten, Torkil.
Short-time cycling performance in young elite cyclists: related to maximal aerobic power and not to maximal accumulated oxygen deficit.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Brobakken, Mathias Forsberg;
Krogsæter, Iben;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wang, Eivind;
Hoff, Jan.
Abdominal aerobic endurance exercise reveals spot reduction exists : a randomized controlled trial.
Physiological Reports
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Hov, Håkon;
Mehus, Håkon Andre;
Balto, Bård;
Boye, Anders Johan Nesheim;
Finsås, Lars.
Aerobic high-intensity intervals improve V̇O<inf>2max</inf> more than supramaximal sprint intervals in females, similar to males.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Støren, Øyvind;
Sunde, Arnstein;
Helgerud, Jan;
Johansen, Jan-Michael;
Gjerløw, Lars Erik;
Hjortland, Henrik.
Maximal aerobic and anaerobic power and time performance in 800 m double poling ergometer.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Laginestra, Fabio Giuseppe;
Berg, Ole Kristian;
Nyberg, Stian Kwak;
Venturelli, Massimo;
Wang, Eivind;
Helgerud, Jan.
Stroke volume response during prolonged exercise depends on left ventricular filling : evidence from a beta-blockade study.
American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Haglo, Håvard Pedersen;
Hoff, Jan.
Prediction of VO2max from submaximal exercise using the smartphone application myworkout GO : validation study of a digital health method.
JMIR Cardio
Academic article
Hov, Håkon;
Wang, Eivind;
Lim, Yi Rui;
Trane, Glenn;
Hemmingsen, Magnus;
Hoff, Jan.
Aerobic high-intensity intervals are superior to improve VO2max compared with sprint intervals in well-trained men.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Berge, Jarle;
Hjelmesæth, Jøran Sture;
Kolotkin, Ronette Loganzo;
Støren, Øyvind;
Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid;
Hertel, Jens Kristoffer.
Effect of aerobic exercise intensity on health-related quality of life in severe obesity: a randomized controlled trial.
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
Academic article
Johansen, Jan-Michael;
Sunde, Arnstein;
Helgerud, Jan;
Støren, Øyvind.
Relationships Between Maximal Aerobic Speed, Lactate Threshold, and Double Poling Velocity at Lactate Threshold in Cross-Country Skiers.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Haglo, Håvard Pedersen;
Berg, Ole Kristian;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wang, Eivind.
Maximal strength training in patients with inflammatory rheumatic disease: implications for physical function and quality of life.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Renberg, Julie;
Lignier, Maxime Jeanovitch;
Wiggen, Øystein;
Færevik, Hilde;
Helgerud, Jan;
Sandsund, Mariann.
Heat tolerance during uncompensable heat stress in men and women wearing firefighter personal protective equipment.
Applied Ergonomics
Academic article
Johansen, Jan-Michael;
Sunde, Arnstein;
Helgerud, Jan;
Gjerløw, Lars Erik;
Støren, Øyvind.
Effects of individual changes in training distribution on maximal aerobic capacity in well-trained cross-country skiers: A follow-up study.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Støren, Øyvind;
Helgerud, Jan;
Johansen, Jan-Michael;
Gjerløw, Lars Erik;
Aamlid, Aanund;
Støa, Eva Maria.
Aerobic and anaerobic speed predicts 800-m running performance in young recreational runners.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Haglo, Håvard Pedersen;
Wang, Eivind;
Berg, Ole Kristian;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Smartphone-assisted high-intensity interval training in inflammatory rheumatic disease patients : randomized controlled trial.
JMIR mhealth and uhealth
Academic article
Kittilsen, Hans Torvild;
Goleva-Fjellet, Sannija;
Freberg, Baard Ingegerdsson;
Nicolaisen, Iver;
Støa, Eva Maria;
Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid.
Responses to maximal strength training in different age and gender groups.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Berge, Jarle;
Hjelmesæth, Jøran;
Hertel, Jens Kristoffer;
Gjevestad, Espen Svendsen;
Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova;
Johnson, Line Kristin.
Effect of Aerobic Exercise Intensity on Energy Expenditure and Weight Loss in Severe Obesity-A Randomized Controlled Trial .
Academic article
Johansen, Jan-Michael;
Goleva-Fjellet, Sannija;
Sunde, Arnstein;
Gjerløw, Lars Erik;
Skeimo, Lars Arne Fostvedt;
Freberg, Baard Ingegerdsson.
No change – no gain; The effect of age, sex, selected genes and training on physiological and performance adaptations in cross-country skiing.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid;
Pedersen, Frank. G.;
Haave, Marius Ness;
Helgerud, Jan;
Støren, Øyvind.
Large inter-individual differences in responses to a block of high intensity aerobic interval training: A case series in national-level cyclists and triathletes.
International Journal of Exercise Science
Academic article
Støa, Eva Maria;
Helgerud, Jan;
Rønnestad, Bent;
Hansen, Joar;
Ellefsen, Stian;
Støren, Øyvind.
Factors Influencing Running Velocity at Lactate Threshold in Male and Female Runners at Different Levels of Performance.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Johansen, Jan-Michael;
Eriksen, Sondre ;
Sunde, Arnstein;
Slettemeås, Øystein B.;
Helgerud, Jan;
Støren, Øyvind.
Improving utilization of maximal oxygen uptake and work economy in recreational cross-country skiers with high-intensity double-poling intervals.
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance (IJSPP)
Academic article
Sandsund, Mariann;
Fiskvik, Even Andre;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan;
Løkke, Knut;
Lysø, Jens Petter.
Digital training as medicine.
Helgerud, Jan;
Thomsen, Simon Nørskov;
Hoff, Jan;
Strandbråten, Arild;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Unhjem, Runar Jakobsen.
Maximal strength training in patients with Parkinson's disease : impact on efferent neural drive, force generating capacity, and functional performance.
Journal of applied physiology
Academic article
Sunde, Arnstein;
Johansen, Jan-Michael;
Gjøra, Martin;
Paulsen, Gøran;
Bråten, Morten;
Helgerud, Jan.
Stronger Is Better: The Impact of Upper Body Strength in Double Poling Performance.
Frontiers in Physiology
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Øiestad, Britt Elin;
Wang, Eivind;
Hoff, Jan.
Prediction of upper extremity peak oxygen consumption from heart rate during submaximal arm cycling in young and middle-aged adults.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Nyberg, Stian Kwak;
Berg, Ole Kristian;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wang, Eivind.
Reliability of forearm oxygen uptake during handgrip
exercise : assessment by ultrasonography and venous blood
Physiological Reports
Academic article
Tørhaug, Tom;
Brurok, Berit;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Leivseth, Gunnar.
Arm Cycling Combined with Passive Leg Cycling Enhances VO2peak in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury Above the Sixth Thoracic Vertebra.
Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation
Academic article
Støa, Eva Maria;
Meling, Sondre V.;
Nyhus, Lill-Katrin;
Strømstad, Glenn;
Mangerud, Karl Magnus;
Helgerud, Jan.
High-intensity aerobic interval training improves aerobic fitness and HbA1c among persons diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Wang, Eivind;
Nyberg, Stian K.;
Hoff, Jan;
Zhao, Jia;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Tørhaug, Tom.
Impact of maximal strength training on work efficiency and muscle fiber type in the elderly: Implications for physical function and fall prevention.
Experimental Gerontology
Academic article
Wang, Eivind;
Nyberg, Stian K.;
Berg, Ole Kristian;
Helgerud, Jan.
Blood flow regulation and oxygen uptake during high intensity forearm exercise.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Nyberg, Stian K.;
Berg, Ole Kristian;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wang, Eivind.
Validity of forearm oxygen uptake during handgrip exercise : assessment by ultrasonography and venous blood gas.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Nyberg, Stian K.;
Berg, Ole Kristian;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wang, Eivind.
Blood flow regulation and oxygen uptake during high-intensity forearm exercise.
Journal of applied physiology
Academic article
Støren, Øyvind;
Helgerud, Jan;
Sæbø, Mona;
Støa, Eva Maria;
Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid;
Unhjem, Runar Jakobsen.
The effect of age on the VO2max response to high-intensity interval training.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Rossman, Matthew J;
Jonathan H., Groot;
Garten, Ryan S.;
Wang, Eivind;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Physical Fitness Protects Against Age-Related Vascular Dysfunction in the Lower Limb.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Groot, H. Jonathan;
Rossman, Matthew J.;
Garten, Ryan S.;
Wang, Eivind;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
The effect of physical activity on passive leg movement-induced vasodilation with age.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Tørhaug, Tom;
Brurok, Berit;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Leivseth, Gunnar.
The effect from maximal bench press strength training on work economy during wheelchair propulsion in men with spinal cord injury.
Spinal Cord
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Støren, Øyvind;
Finstad, Arnstein;
Wang, Eivind;
Helgerud, Jan.
Increased blood lactate level deteriorates running economy in World class endurance athletes.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Tørhaug, Tom;
Brurok, Berit;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Leivseth, Gunnar.
Arm crank and wheelchair ergometry produce similar peak oxygen uptake but different work economy values in individuals with spinal cord injury.
BioMed Research International
Academic article
Støa, Eva Maria;
Nyhus, Lill-Katrin;
Børresen, Sandra Claveau;
Nygaard, Caroline;
Hovet, Åse Marie;
Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid.
Day to day variability in fat oxidation and the effect after only 1 day of change in diet composition.
Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism
Academic article
Wang, Eivind;
Chomon, Carlos Enrique Cruz;
Pettersen, Mads Rino;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Comparison of thoracic bioimpedance with acetylene uptake for measuring cardiac output.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Wang, Eivind;
Næss, Morten Svendsen;
Hoff, Jan;
Albert, Tobias Lie;
Pham, Quyen Thi;
Richardson, Russell.
Exercise-training-induced changes in metabolic capacity with age: the role of central cardiovascular plasticity.
Academic article
Støren, Øyvind;
Rønnestad, Bent;
Sunde, Arnstein;
Hansen, Joar;
Ellefsen, Stian;
Helgerud, Jan.
A time-saving method to assess power output at lactate threshold in well-trained and elite cyclists.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan.
-Ikke gunstig ved trening
Interview Journal
Helgerud, Jan;
Wang, Eivind.
Alder ingen hindring.
Dagens næringsliv
Interview Journal
Barrett-O'Keefe, Z;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wagner, Peter D.;
Richardson, Russell S..
Thermally governed local blood flow regulation by the capillary pumps and CO2 is the basis of the improved work efficiency of the trained muscle bed Reply.
Journal of applied physiology
Reader opinion piece
Brurok, Berit;
Tørhaug, Tom;
Karlsen, Trine;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Effect of lower extremity functional electrical stimulation pulsed isometric contractions on arm cycling peak oxygen uptake in spinal cord injured individuals.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Academic article
Castro, Vicente;
Grisdale-Helland, Barbara;
Jørgensen, Sven Martin;
Helgerud, Jan;
Claireaux, Guy;
Farrell, Anthony P..
Disease resistance is related to inherent swimming performance in Atlantic salmon.
BMC Physiology
Academic article
Støren, Øyvind;
Ulevåg, Kåre;
Larsen, Morten Herum;
Støa, Eva Maria;
Helgerud, Jan.
Physiological Determinants of the Cycling Time Trial.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Palmer, Helen;
Håberg, Asta;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Solstad, Gerd Marie;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Hoff, Jan.
Structural brain changes after 4 wk of unilateral strength training of the lower limb.
Journal of applied physiology
Academic article
Heggelund, Jørn;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Maximal strength training improves work economy, rate of force development and maximal strength more than conventional strength training.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Brurok, Berit;
Tørhaug, Tom;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Karlsen, Trine;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Effect of leg vascular occlusion on arm cycling peak oxygen uptake in spinal cord-injured individuals.
Spinal Cord
Academic article
Hill, Tessa;
Gjellesvik, Tor Ivar;
Moen, Per Marius Reinem;
Tørhaug, Tom;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan.
Maximal Strength Training Enchances Strength and Functional Performance in Chronic Stroke Survivors.
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Academic article
Barrett-O’Keefe, Zachary;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wagner, Peter D.;
Richardson, Russell S..
Maximal strength training and increased work efficiency: contribution from the trained muscle bed.
Journal of applied physiology
Academic article
Wang, Eivind;
Solli, Guro Strøm;
Nyberg, Stian Kwak;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Stroke Volume Does not Plateau in Female Endurance Athletes.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Støren, Øyvind;
Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid;
Haave, Marius ;
Helgerud, Jan.
Improved Vo2max and time trial performance with more high aerobic intensity interval training and reduced training volume: a case study on an elite national cyclist.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Gjellesvik, Tor Ivar;
Brurok, Berit;
Hoff, Jan;
Tørhaug, Tom;
Helgerud, Jan.
Effect of High Aerobic Intensity Interval Treadmill Walking in People With Chronic Stroke: A Pilot Study With One Year Follow-Up.
Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation
Academic article
Wang, Eivind;
Kafonek, Lubomir;
Helgerud, Jan;
Jungbluth, Klaus;
Hoff, Jan.
Ageing And Strength Reduction; Inactivity Or Ageing?.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Gjellesvik, Tor Ivar;
Hill, Tessa;
Moen, Per Marius Reinem;
Torhaug, Tom;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan.
Maximal Strength Training Enhances Functional Performance in Chronic Stroke Patients.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Heggelund, Jørn;
Morken, Gunnar;
Helgerud, Jan;
Nilsberg, Geir Erling;
Hoff, Jan.
Therapeutic effects of maximal strength training on walking efficiency in patients with schizophrenia - a pilot study.
BMC Research Notes
Academic article
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Rognmo, Øivind;
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Slørdahl, Stig Arild;
Richardson, Russell;
Helgerud, Jan.
One-arm maximal strength training improves work economy and endurance capacity but not skeletal muscle blood flow.
Journal of Sports Sciences
Academic article
Støren, Øyvind;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Running stride peak forces inversely determine running economy in elite runners.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Karlsen, Trine;
Kim, WY;
Høydal, Kjetil L;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Pedersen, H.
Interval and Strength Training in CAD Patients.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Solstad, Gerd Marie;
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Hoff, Jan.
Test-Retest Reliability of V-Wave Responses in the Soleus and Gastrocnemius Medialis.
Journal of clinical neurophysiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Moen, Per Marius Reinem;
Hill, Tessa;
Gjellesvik, Tor Ivar;
Tørhaug, Tom;
Helgerud, Jan.
Neuromuscular performance of paretic versus non-paretic plantar flexors after stroke.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Mosti, Mats Peder;
Wang, Eivind;
Wiggen, Øystein;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Concurrent strength and endurance training improves physical capacity in patients with peripheral arterial disease.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Heggelund, Jørn;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Nilsberg, Geir Erling;
Morken, Gunnar.
Reduced peak oxygen uptake and implications for cardiovascular health and quality of life in patients with schizophrenia.
BMC Psychiatry
Academic article
Brurok, Berit;
Helgerud, Jan;
Karlsen, Trine;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan.
Effect of aerobic high-intensity hybrid training on stroke volume and peak oxygen consumption in men with spinal cord injury.
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Academic article
Castro, Vicente;
Grisdale-Helland, Barbara;
Helland, Ståle;
Kristensen, Torstein;
Jørgensen, Sven Martin;
Helgerud, Jan.
Aerobic training stimulates growth and promotes disease resistance in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A
Academic article
Heggelund, Jørn;
Nilsberg, Geir Erling;
Hoff, Jan;
Morken, Gunnar;
Helgerud, Jan.
Effects of high aerobic intensity training in patients with schizophrenia-A controlled trial.
Nordic Journal of Psychiatry
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Rodas, G;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Hoff, Jan.
Strength and Endurance in Elite Football Players.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Knutsen, Andreas;
Ruth, Helge;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan.
No effect of prior caffeine ingestion on neuromuscular recovery after maximal fatiguing contractions.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Husby, Vigdis Schnell;
Bjørgen, Siri;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Benum, Pål;
Husby, Otto Schnell.
Unilateral vs. bilateral total hip arthroplasty - the influence of medial femoral head offset and effects on strength and aerobic endurance capacity.
HIP International
Academic article
Husby, Vigdis Schnell;
Helgerud, Jan;
Bjørgen, Siri;
Husby, Otto Schnell;
Benum, Pål;
Hoff, Jan.
Early Postoperative Maximal Strength Training Improves Work Efficiency 6-12 Months after Osteoarthritis-Induced Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients Younger Than 60 Years.
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Støren, Øyvind;
Hoff, Jan.
Are there differences in running economy at different velocities for well-trained distance runners?.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Gruber, Markus;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan.
Enhanced neural drive after maximal strength training in multiple sclerosis patients.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Bjørgen, Siri;
Karlsen, Trine;
Husby, Vigdis Schnell;
Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe;
Richardson, Russell.
Hyperoxic interval training in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with oxygen desaturation at peak exercise.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Sunde, Arnstein;
Støren, Øyvind;
Bjerkaas, Marius;
Larsen, Morten Herum;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
Academic article
Wang, Eivind;
Helgerud, Jan;
Loe, H;
Indseth, K;
Kaehler, N;
Hoff, Jan.
Maximal strength training improves walking performance in peripheral arterial disease patients.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Barrett-O'Keefe, Zachary;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wagner, Peter D.;
Richardson, Russell S..
Maximal Strength Training: The Effects on Intramuscular Economy and its Determinants.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Kjendlie, Per-Ludvik;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Aspenes, Stian.
Combined strength and endurance training in competitive swimmers.
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (JSSM)
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Solstad, Gerd Marie;
Iversen, Vegard Moe;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan.
Neural adaptations underlying cross-education after unilateral strength training.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Husby, Vigdis Schnell;
Helgerud, Jan;
Bjørgen, Siri;
Husby, Otto Schnell;
Benum, Pål;
Hoff, Jan.
Early Maximal Strength Training Is an Efficient Treatment for Patients Operated With Total Hip Arthroplasty.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Wang, Eivind;
Mosti, Mats Peder;
Wiggen, Øystein;
Hoff, Jan.
Plantar flexion training primes peripheral arterial disease patients for improvements in cardiac function.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Helgerud, Jan;
Gruber, Markus;
Leivseth, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan.
Functional maximal strength training induces neural transfer to single-joint tasks.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Aspenes, Stian Thoresen;
Kjendlie, Per-Ludvik;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Combined strength and endurance training in competitive swimmers.
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (JSSM)
Academic article
Karlsen, Trine;
Helgerud, Jan;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Lauritsen, N;
Hoff, Jan.
Maximal Strength Training Restores Walking Mechanical Effeciency in Heart Patients.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Husby, Vigdis Schnell;
Helgerud, Jan;
Bjørgen, Siri;
Husby, Otto Schnell;
Benum, Pål;
Hoff, Jan.
Early Maximal Strength Training Is an Efficient Treatment for Patients Operated With Total Hip Arthroplasty.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Academic article
Bjørgen, Siri;
Helgerud, Jan;
Husby, Vigdis Schnell;
Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe;
Richardson, Russell;
Hoff, Jan.
Aerobic high intensity one-legged interval cycling improves peak oxygen uptake in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients; No additional effect from hyperoxia.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Bjørgen, Siri;
Hoff, Jan;
Husby, Vigdis Schnell;
Høydal, Morten;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe.
Aerobic high intensity one and two legs interval cycling in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the sum of the parts is greater than the whole.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Karlsen, Trine;
Hoff, Jan;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Skovholt, Mie Cappelen;
Aarhus, Kari Gulbrandsen;
Helgerud, Jan.
Aerobic interval training improves VO2 peak in coronary artery disease patients; no additional effect from hyperoxia.
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal
Academic article
Wang, Eivind;
Hoff, Jan;
Loe, Henrik;
Kaehler, Nils;
Helgerud, Jan.
Plantar flexion: an effective training for peripheral arterial disease.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Adamson, M;
MacQuaide, N;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan;
Kemi, Ole Johan.
Unilateral arm strength training improves contralateral peak force and rate of force development.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Støren, Øyvind;
Helgerud, Jan;
Støa, Eva Maria;
Hoff, Jan.
Maximal strength training improves running economy in distance runners.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Heggelund, Jørn;
Nilsberg, Geir Erling;
Morken, Gunnar;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Treatment effects from aerobic endurance training in patients suffering from Schizophrenia.
38th EABCT Annual Congress - Abstracts
Helgerud, Jan.
Prescribing, quantifying, and monitoring exercise intensity during interval training - Response.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Reader opinion piece
Helgerud, Jan;
Høydal, Kjetil L.;
Wang, Eivind.
Aerobic High-Intensity Intervals Improve VO2max More Than Moderate Training.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Tjønna, Arnt Erik;
Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe;
Høydal, Morten;
Richardson, Russell;
Helgerud, Jan.
Maximal strenght training of the legs in COPD: a therapy for mechanical ineffieciency.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Høydal, Kjetil Laurits;
Helgerud, Jan;
Karlsen, Trine;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe;
Hoff, Jan.
Patients with coronary artery- or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease walk with mechanical inefficiency.
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Loennechen, Jan Pål;
Bruvold, Morten;
Rognmo, Øivind;
Haram, Per Magnus.
Superior cardiovascular effect of aerobic interval training versus moderate continuous training in heart failure patients - A randomized study.
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Høydal, Kjetil Laurits;
Wang, Eivind;
Karlsen, Trine;
Berg, P;
Bjerkaas, M.
Aerobic high-intensity intervals improve VO2max more than moderate training.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Kahler, Nils;
Helgerud, Jan.
Training and testing physical capacities for elite football players.
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin
Academic literature review
Karlsen, Trine;
Hoff, Jan;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Helgerud, Jan.
Aerobic Interval Training Breathing 100% O2 Improves VO2peak Equally as Ambient Air Training in Coronary Patients.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Bjørgen, Siri;
Helgerud, Jan;
Husby, Vigdis S;
Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe;
Hoff, Jan.
Hyperoxia during High Intensity Aerobic Training and Testing in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Helgerud, Jan;
Høydal, Kjetil Laurits;
Wang, Eivind;
Karlsen, Trine;
Berg, Pål;
Bjerkaas, Marius.
Differential Response to Aerobic Endurance Training at Different Intensities.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Football (Soccer) Specific Simple Low Cost, Test of Endurance Performance and Maximal Oxygen Uptake.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Slørdahl, Stig Arild;
Wang, Eivind;
Hoff, Jan;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Amundsen, Brage H.;
Helgerud, Jan.
Effective training for patients with intermittent claudication.
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Effects of high-intensity endurance training on maximal oxygen consumption in healthy elderly people.
Journal of Applied Gerontology
Academic article
McMillan, Kenny;
Helgerud, Jan;
Macdonald, R;
Hoff, Jan.
Physiological adaptations to soccer specific endurance training in professional youth soccer players.
British Journal of Sports Medicine
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Strength and endurance differences between elite and junior elite ice hockey players. The importance of allometric scaling.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
McMillan, Kenny;
Helgerud, Jan;
Grant, SJ;
Newell, J;
Wilson, J;
Macdonald, R.
Lactate threshold responses to a season of professional British youth soccer.
British Journal of Sports Medicine
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Endurance and strength training for soccer players - Physiological considerations.
Sports Medicine
Academic literature review
Hoff, Jan;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Strength and Endurance Differences Between Elite and Junior Elite Ice Hockey Players. The Importance of Allometric Scaling.
International Journal of Sports Medicine (IJSM)
Academic article
Rognmo, Ø;
Hetland, E;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan;
Slørdahl, Stig Arild.
High intensity aerobic interval exercise is superior to moderate intensity exercise for increasing aerobic capacity in patients with coronary artery disease.
Journal of Cardiovascular Risk
Academic article
Slørdahl, Stig Arild;
Madslien, VO;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Kjos, A;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Atrioventricular plane displacement in untrained and trained females.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Castagna, C;
Helgerud, Jan;
Jones, R;
Hoff, Jan.
Strong correlation of maximal squat strength with sprint performance and vertical jump height in elite soccer players.
British Journal of Sports Medicine
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Endurance training improves football performance.
Academic article
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Hoff, Jan;
Engen, Lars Chr;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Soccer specific testing of maximal oxygen uptake.
Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Maximal strength-training effects on force-velocity and force-power relationships explain increases in aerobic performance in humans.
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Maximal strength-training effects on force-velocity and force-power relationships explain increases in aerobic performance in humans.
Academic article
Rognmo, Øivind;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
The puzzle for oxygen transport. A review.
Corpus, Psyche et Societas
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Engen, L C;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Soccer specific aerobic endurance training.
British Journal of Sports Medicine
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Endurance Training Into the Next Millenium; Muscular Strength Training Effects on Aerobic Endurance Performance: A Review.
American Journal of Sports Medicine
Academic article
Amundsen, Brage;
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan;
Slørdahl, Stig Arild.
Ultrasound recorded axillary artery blood flow during elbow-flexion exercise.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Gran, A;
Helgerud, Jan.
Maximal strength training improves aerobic endurance performance.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Hoff, Jan;
Engen, Lars Christian;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Soccer specific testing of maximal oxygen uptake.
Football (soccer) New Developments in Physical Training Research
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Science and Football IV.
Science and football
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Hoff, Jan.
Pre-season concurrent strength and endurance development in elite soccer players.
Football (soccer) New Developments in Physical Training Research
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Maximal strength-training effects on force-velocity and force-power relationships explain increases in aerobic performance in humans.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Maximal strength training enhances running economy and aerobic endurance performance.
Football (soccer) New Developments in Physical Training Research
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Castagna, Carlo;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Maximal squat strength is strongly correlated to sprint performance in elite soccer players.
Football (soccer) New Developments in Physical Training Research
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Rygvik, Jørn;
Gaupset, Ketil;
Eithun, Geir;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Maksimal styrketrening for eldre.
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Eithun, Geir;
Gaupset, Ketil;
Rygvik, Jørn.
Maksimal styrketrening for eldre.
Academic article
Almåsbakk, Bjørn;
Whiting, H.T.A.;
Helgerud, Jan.
The efficient learner.
Biological cybernetics
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Oxygen pulse; maximal oxygen uptake; rat; respiratory exchange ratio.
American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Halvas-Svendsen, Lars;
Helgerud, Jan.
Lactate production and elimination in ice hockey players during an elite series match.
Corpus, Psyche et Societas
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Johnsen, Kristin;
Gaupset, Ketil;
Eithun, Geir;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Maksimal styrketrening for eldre.
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Atrioventricular plane displacement in female endurance athletes.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Kemi, Ole Johan;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Intensity-controlled treadmill running in rats: VO2max and cardiac hypertrophy.
American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Eithun, Geir;
Gaupset, Ketil;
Johnsen, Kristin.
Maksimal styrketrening for eldre.
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Støylen, Asbjørn;
Ellingsen, Øyvind.
Athletes heart, maximal oxygen uptake, left ventricular function, female athletes.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Helgerud, Jan;
Vik, John Tore;
Hoff, Jan.
The effect of maximal strength training on endurance performance in upper body for highly trained male cross-country skiers.
Corpus, Psyche et Societas
Academic article
Espnes, Geir Arild;
Oldervoll, L.;
Sæterhaug, Arne;
Helgerud, Jan.
Effect of physical training at a physical outpatient Clinic and at home on patients with coronary heart disease.
Corpus, Psyche et Societas
Academic article
Sandsund, M;
Sue-Chu, M;
Reinertsen, RE;
Helgerud, Jan;
Holand, B;
Bjermer, L.
Treatment with inhaled beta 2 agonists or oral leukotriene antagonist do not enhance physical performance in nonasthmatic highly trained athletes exposed to -15o C.
Journal of Thermal Biology
Academic article
Torvik, P.Ø.;
Helgerud, Jan.
The validity of the portable metabolic tast system Cortex Metamax.
Schriften zur Sportwissenschaft
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Maximal strength training improves work economy in trained female cross-country skiers.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Engen, Lars-Christian;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Effekten av økt aerob utholdenhet på adferden hos fotballspillere.
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Hvorfor har maksimal styrketrening positiv effekt på utholdenhet?.
Academic article
Sue-chu, M;
Sandsund, M;
Helgerud, Jan;
Reinertsen, R.E.;
Bjermer, L.
Salmeterol and physical performance at -15 C in highly-trained nonastmatic cross-country skiers.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports
Academic article
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Maximal strength training improve work economy in trained female cross-country skiers.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
The effect of endurance performance by training for upper body muscular strength and power.
Corpus, Psyche et Societas
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
effect of aerobic performance from muscular strength and power training.
Corpus, Psyche et Societas
Academic article
Østerås, Håvard;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Styrketrening i langrenn.
Skisport 4
Popular scientific article
Engen, L.C.;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
effekten av økt aerob utholdenhet på adferden hos fotballspillere.
Popular scientific article
Rognmo, Øyvind;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Utholdenhet i alpint.
Skisport 6
Popular scientific article
Sandsund, Mariann;
Sue-Chu, Malcolm;
Reinertsen, Randi Eidsmo;
Helgerud, Jan;
Holand, Bård;
Bjermer, Leif Hilding.
Treatment with inhaled ss-agonists or oral leukotriene antagonist do not enhance physical performance in nonasthmatic highly trained athletes exposed to -15 C.
Journal of Thermal Biology
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan.
Evaluation of a new upper body ergometer for cross-country skiers.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan.
Metodes for evaluating peak oxygen uptake and anaerobic threshold in upper body of cross-country skiers,.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan.
Evaluation of a new upper body ergometer for cross-country skiers.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Strength and endurance of elite soccer players.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan.
Methods for evaluating peak oxygen uptake and anaerobic threshold in upper body of cross-country skiers.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Wisløff, Ulrik;
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
Strength and endurance of elite soccer players.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
Academic article
Sandsund, M;
Sue-Chu, M;
Helgerud, Jan;
Reinertsen, R;
Bjermer, L.
Effect of cold exposure (-15 degree C) and Salbutamol treatment on physiological performance in elite cross-country skiers.
European Journal of Applied Physiology
Academic article
Nielsen, Hilde Dorthea Grindvik;
Helgerud, Jan.
Peripheral and central effects on oxygen transport in endurance training with special reference to upper body work, cross- country skiing and the female athlete.
Corpus, Psyche et Societas
Academic literature review
Helgerud, Jan;
Hoff, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Styrke og utholdenhet hos fotballspillere.
Popular scientific article
Helgerud, Jan;
Wisløff, Ulrik.
Testing av oksygenopptak i et overkroppsergometer for langrennsløpere.
Popular scientific article
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Football (soccer) New Developments in Physical Training Research.
[Mangler utgivernavn]
Non-fiction book
Part of book/report
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Strength Training, Health Benefits of.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Torvik, P.Ø.;
Helgerud, Jan.
The validity of the portable metabolic test system Cortex Metamax.
E & FN Spon
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Fimland, Marius Steiro;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan;
Leivseth, Gunnar.
Chronic and acute neural adaptations to strength training.
Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (412)
Doctoral dissertation
Karlsen, Trine;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Training is Medicine; Endurance and Strength Training in Coronary Artery Disease and Health.
Doctoral dissertation
Høydal, Kjetil Laurits;
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Effect of high intensity aerobic training in health and coronary artery disease. The importance of intensity, duration and frequency of training.
NTNU, Det medisinske fakultet
Doctoral dissertation
Takle, Harald Rune;
Kristensen, Torstein;
Helland, Ståle Johannes;
Grisdale-Helland, Barbara;
Poppe, Trygve T;
Tørud, Brit.
Aerob utholdenhetstrening for bedret hjertefunksjon og helse hos oppdrettslaks. Prosjektperiode 1.6.2007 – 10.10.2008
Nofima rapportserie (20/2008)
Brurok, Berit;
Helgerud, Jan;
Karlsen, Trine;
Hoff, Jan;
Hoff, Jan.
VO2peak and Stroke Volume of the heart are enhanced by aerobic high intensity interval hybrid training in Spinal Cord Injured individuals.
Masters thesis
Hoff, Jan;
Helgerud, Jan.
Hoff-Helgerud Football Endurance Test.
NTNU, Medisin
Helgerud, Jan.
Central and peripheral limitations of aerobic endurance in distance runners : a study of physiological gender differences and similarities.
NTNU. dept. of Sports Sciences
Doctoral dissertation
InterviewHelgerud, Jan; Brobakken, Mathias Forsberg; Fossen, Dennis. (2024) Slik bestemmer du hvor på kroppen du forbrenner fett. ABC Nyheter ABC Nyheter [Internet] 2024-03-31
PosterSandsund, Mariann; Schei, Karen; Haglo, Håvard Pedersen; Helgerud, Jan; Hansen, Nina Vanvik; Grut, Lisbet. (2024) High-intensity Endurance and Strength Training in Rehabilitation for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis. 20th International Conference on Environmental Ergonomics 2024-06-03 - 2024-06-07
PosterGjerløw, Lars Erik; Hjortland, Henrik; Støa, Eva Maria; Sunde, Arnstein; Johansen, Jan-Michael; Helgerud, Jan. (2023) The same physiological variables were related to middle distance performance in running and in double poling. . ECSS Congress 2023-07-04 - 2023-07-07
InterviewHelgerud, Jan; Wulvik, Ingrid; Haglo, Håvard Pedersen; Berge, Jarle; Henriksveen, Øyvind R.; Rødahl, Jenny Mina. (2022) Ny forskning gir håp : bli kvitt leddplagene. Dagbladet Dagbladet [Newspaper] 2022-05-21
InterviewHelgerud, Jan; Hov, Håkon; Rødahl, Jenny Mina; Sirnes, Per Anton. (2022) Treningen som forlenger livet. Dagbladet Dagbladet [Newspaper] 2022-12-01
PosterStøa, Eva Maria; Gjerløw, Lars Erik; Rønnestad, Bent; Johansen, Jan-Michael; Helgerud, Jan; Sunde, Arnstein. (2022) Do the best endurance athletes have the highest lactate thresholdmeasured as %VO2max (LT%)?. European Conference of Sport Science 2022-08-30 - 2022-09-02
InterviewWang, Eivind; Helgerud, Jan; Raastad, Truls; Solberg, Trine. (2022) Forskere: Dette er den beste styrkeøvelsen. Lierposten.no Lierposten.no [Newspaper] 2022-07-21
InterviewWang, Eivind; Helgerud, Jan; Raastad, Truls; Solberg, Trine. (2022) Forskere: Dette er den beste styrkeøvelsen. Nettavisen Pluss Nettavisen Pluss [Internet] 2022-01-11
InterviewWang, Eivind; Helgerud, Jan; Raastad, Truls; Solberg, Trine. (2022) Forskere: Dette er den beste styrkeøvelsen. Vestby Avis Pluss Vestby Avis Pluss [Newspaper] 2022-01-14
InterviewMathisen, Therese Fostervold; Helgerud, Jan; Larsen, Kristine. (2021) Professor: Advarer mot denne slankeformen. Dagbladet Dagbladet [Newspaper] 2021-10-14
InterviewWang, Eivind; Helgerud, Jan; Solberg, Trine. (2020) Forskarar: Skal du gjere berre éi styrkeøving, bør du gjere denne. Avisa Nordhordaland Pluss Avisa Nordhordaland Pluss [Newspaper] 2020-02-09
InterviewWang, Eivind; Helgerud, Jan; Solberg, Trine. (2020) Forskere: Skal du gjøre bare én styrkeøvelse, bør du gjøre denne. Nidaros Pluss Nidaros Pluss [Newspaper] 2020-02-08
InterviewWang, Eivind; Helgerud, Jan; Solberg, Trine. (2020) Forskere: Skal du bare gjøre én styrkeøvelse, bør du gjøre denne: Du får stor effekt . Hadeland Pluss Hadeland Pluss [Newspaper] 2020-02-11
InterviewWang, Eivind; Helgerud, Jan; Solberg, Trine. (2020) Forskere: Skal du bare gjøre én styrkeøvelse, bør du gjøre denne: - Du får stor effekt. Aust Agder Blad Pluss Aust Agder Blad Pluss [Newspaper] 2020-02-09
InterviewWang, Eivind; Helgerud, Jan; Solberg, Trine. (2020) Forskere: Skal du bare gjøre én styrkeøvelse, bør du gjøre denne: - Du får stor effekt. Avisa Nordland Pluss Avisa Nordland Pluss [Newspaper] 2020-02-12
InterviewWang, Eivind; Helgerud, Jan; Solberg, Trine. (2020) Forskere: Skal du bare gjøre én styrkeøvelse, bør du gjøre denne: Du får stor effekt. Telemarksavisa Pluss Telemarksavisa Pluss [Newspaper] 2020-02-10
InterviewWang, Eivind; Helgerud, Jan; Nyhaug, Eva. (2020) Forskere: Dette er den beste styrkeøvelsen. Sarpsborg Arbeiderblad Pluss Sarpsborg Arbeiderblad Pluss [Newspaper] 2020-02-09
Academic lectureSandsund, Mariann; Fiskvik, Even Andre; Helgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan; Løkke, Knut; Lysø, Jens Petter. (2020) Digital training as medicine. International Society for Gerontechnology ISG's 12th World Conference of Gerontechnology , Trondheim/Online 2020-10-06 - 2020-10-09
PosterJohansen, Jan-Michael; Sunde, Arnstein; Helgerud, Jan; Støren, Øyvind. (2019) Predicting aerobic endurance performance - saving time and blood. ECSS 2019 2019-07-03 - 2021-07-06
PosterStøren, Øyvind; Rønnestad, Bent; Støa, Eva Maria; Hansen, Joar; Ellefsen, Stian; Ingjer, Frank. (2019) Running velocity at lactate threshold: determining factors and relationships in well-trained and elite runners. ECSS Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science , Praha 2019-07-03 - 2019-07-06
PosterJohansen, Jan-Michael; Sunde, Arnstein; Helgerud, Jan; Støren, Øyvind. (2019) Prediciting aerobic endurance performance - saving time and blood. ECSS 2019 - 24th annuael Congress of the European College of Sports Science 2019-07-03 - 2019-07-06
PosterStøa, Eva Maria; Meling, Sondre V.; Nyhus, Lill-Katrin; Helgerud, Jan; Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid; Støren, Øyvind. (2017) VO2max and HbA1c 3 months after participating in high-intensity aerobic interval training among persons with type 2 diabetes. . American College of Sports Medicine ACSM annual meeting , Denver 2017-05-30 - 2017-06-03
InterviewHoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan. (2016) Hvor gammel er kroppen din? Smarttelefonen gir svaret. nrk.no nrk.no [Internet] 2016-04-24
InterviewHelgerud, Jan. (2016) Når går slanking utover forbrenningen?. Dagbladet Dagbladet [Newspaper] 2016-05-05
InterviewHelgerud, Jan. (2016) Hvor lenge må treningsøkta vare for at fettforbrenningen skal begynne?. dagbladet.no dagbladet.no [Internet] 2016-05-15
InterviewHelgerud, Jan. (2016) Burde jeg droppe frokosten for å holde vekta?. dagbladet.no dagbladet.no [Internet] 2016-05-22
InterviewHelgerud, Jan. (2016) Er det dumt å spise om kvelden?. dagbladet.no dagbladet.no [Internet] 2016-05-25
InterviewHelgerud, Jan. (2016) Slik forbrenner du mest på 45 minutter. Bergens tidende Bergens tidende [Newspaper] 2016-10-26
InterviewHelgerud, Jan. (2016) Styrketrening med egen kropp som motstand er det nye store. aftenposten.no aftenposten.no [Internet] 2016-06-19
PosterStøa, Eva Maria; Meling, Sondre V.; Nyhus, Lill-Katrin; Strømstad, Glenn; Mangerud, Karl Magnus; Helgerud, Jan. (2016) Reduced HbA1c after 12 weeks of high-intensive aerobic interval training among type 2 diabetics. American College of Sports Medicine ACSM annual meeting , Wien 2016-06-06 - 2016-06-09
InterviewHoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan. (2015) Martin Ødegaards Real Madrid-krav: 200 KILO I KNEBØY 70 ML I O--OPPTAK. VG VG [Newspaper] 2015-01-21
InterviewHelgerud, Jan. (2015) Tenk langsiktig og gjør ting enkelt. Trønder avisa Trønder avisa [Newspaper] 2015-08-06
InterviewHelgerud, Jan. (2015) Vinteren er tida for å pusta ut feittet. Sunnhorland Sunnhorland [Newspaper] 2015-01-23
PosterGroot, H. Jonathan; Rossman, Matthew J; Garten, Ryan S.; Wang, Eivind; Hoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan. (2015) The effect of physical activity and fitness on vascular function with age. ACSM 2015-05-26 - 2015-05-30
InterviewHoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan. (2015) Hvordan få mest ut av treningsøkten. Trening.no Trening.no [Internet] 2015-01-04
InterviewHelgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan. (2014) Tror på én million medlemmer på nytt treningssenter på nett . Bergens Tidene og Fædrelandsvennen Bergens Tidene og Fædrelandsvennen [Internet] 2014-06-25
InterviewHelgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan. (2014) Tror på én million medlemmer på nytt treningssenter på nett . adressavisen nett adressavisen nett [Internet] 2014-06-27
InterviewHelgerud, Jan. (2014) Professor: - Fullt mulig for Bjørgen å være verdens beste som 55-åring. Framtid i nord Framtid i nord [Internet] 2014-12-04
InterviewHelgerud, Jan. (2014) – Fettet du går ned forsvinner ut med pusten . ABCnyheter ABCnyheter [Internet] 2014-12-17
PosterGjellesvik, Tor Ivar; Hill, Tessa; Moen, Per Marius Reinem; Tørhaug, Tom; Fimland, Marius Steiro; Helgerud, Jan. (2012) Maximal Strength Training Enhances Strength and Functional Performance in Chronic Stroke Survivors. ACSM American College of Sports Medicine - Exercise is Medicine , San Francisco 2012-05-29 - 2012-06-02
PosterPalmer, Helen; Eikenes, Live; Fimland, Marius; Solstad, Gerd Marie; Hoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan. (2011) Changes in the brain in response to maximal strength training: a DTI study. Society for Neuroscience annual meeting 2011-11-12 - 2011-11-16
PosterBrurok, Berit; Tørhaug, Tom; Leivseth, Gunnar; Karlsen, Trine; Helgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan. (2011) Effect of leg vascular occlusion on arm cycling peak oxygen uptake in spinal cord injured individuals. American College of Sports Medicine Annual conference in American College of Sports Medicine , Denver 2011-05-31 - 2011-06-04
Academic lectureHeggelund, Jørn; Hoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan; Nilsberg, Geir Erling; Morken, Gunnar. (2011) High Aerobic Intensity Training Improves Aerobic Capacity in Patients with Schizophrenia. American College of Sports Medicine American College of Sports Medicine, 58th Annual Meeting and 2nd world congress on exercise is medicine , Denver 2011-05-31 - 2011-06-04
PosterHelgerud, Jan; Karlsen, Trine; yong, kim W; Høydal, Kjetil L.; Støylen, Asbjørn; pedersen, henrik. (2009) Aerobic Interval Training and Stroke Volume Response in Cardio Vascular Disease Patients. European college of sport science , Oslo 2009-06-24 - 2009-06-27
Academic lecturePalmer, Helen; Fimland, Marius Steiro; Solstad, Gerd Marie; Iversen, Vegard Moe; Hoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan. (2009) Maximal strength training of the plantar flexors: can changes in the brain be detected using functional magnetic resonance imaging?. The Physiological Society Physiology 2009 , University College Dublin 2009-07-07 - 2009-07-10
Academic lectureSunde, Arnstein; Støren, Øyvind; Bjerkaas, Marius; Larsen, Morten Herum; Hoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan. (2008) Maximal strength training improves cycling economy in competition cyclists. International Conference of Strength Training : 6 , Colorado Springs, Colorado 2008-10-30 - 2008-11-03
Academic lectureHeggelund, Jørn; Morken, Gunnar; Nilsberg, Geir Erling; Hoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan. (2008) Treatment effects from aerobic endurance training in patients suffering from Schizophrenia. The European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Ther 38th EABCT Annual Congress , Helsinki 2008-09-09 - 2008-09-13
PosterHeggelund, Jørn; Nilsberg, Geir Erling; Hoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan; Morken, Gunnar. (2008) Treatment effects from aerobic endurance training in patients suffering from Schizophrenia. St. Olavs Hospital, Avdelinf for Forskning og Utvikling Seminar in Honor of K. Gunnar Gotestam , Trondheim 2008-06-12 - 2008-06-13
Academic lectureHeggelund, Jørn; Nilsberg, Geir Erling; Morken, Gunnar; Helgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan. (2007) Styrketrening for schizofrene pasienter. NTNU, DMF, INM Voksenpsykiatri Forskerlunsj , St. Olavs Hospital avd. Østmarka 2007-01-18 - 2007-01-18
Academic lectureHeggelund, Jørn; Morken, Gunnar; Nilsberg, Geir Erling; Helgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan. (2007) Treningsklinikken ved St. Olavs Hospital. "Trening for sinnets helse". Rotary Årsmøte i Rotary klubbene , Britannia Hotell 2007-09-24 - 2007-09-24
Academic lectureHeggelund, Jørn; Nilsberg, Geir Erling; Morken, Gunnar; Helgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan. (2007) Fysisk trening for pasienter med psykiske lidelser. Nidaroskongressen 2007 , SAS Royal Garden Hotell 2007-10-25 - 2007-10-25
Academic lectureHeggelund, Jørn; Nilsberg, Geir Erling; Morken, Gunnar; Helgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan. (2007) Styrketrening for pasienter med psykotisk grunnlidelse. St. Olavs Hospital, Psykisk Helsevern ESAU fagdag , St. Olavs Hospital avd. Østmarka, Festsalen 2007-03-09 - 2007-03-09
Academic lectureHeggelund, Jørn; Nilsberg, Geir Erling; Morken, Gunnar; Helgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan. (2007) Fysisk trening i behandling av schizofreni. Fysioterapeutene innen psykisk helsevern Trøndertreff , St. Olavs Hospital avd. Østmarka 2007-02-09 - 2007-02-09
PosterWang, Eivind; Helgerud, Jan. (2006) Aerobic Capacity in Top Athlete Rock Climbers, A Case Study. American College of Sports Medicine 53rd annual meeting , Denver 2006-05-31 - 2006-06-03
Academic lectureLysen, Anne Karin; Wisløff, Ulrik; Rognmo, Øivind; Moholdt, Trine; Loennechen, Jan Pål; Hoff, Jan. (2005) Scientific documented high-intensity aerobic interval exercise organized trough a workout-clinic. Norsk Cardiologisk Selskap 6. Nordiske kongress i preventiv kardiologi og hjerterehabilitering , Tønsberg 2005-06-16 - 2006-06-18
Academic lectureWisløff, Ulrik; Støylen, Asbjørn; Loennechen, Jan Pål; Bruvold, Morten; Rognmo, Øivind; Haram, Per Magnus. (2005) Anti-remodelling effects of short-term high-intensity exercise training in patients with stable post-infarction heart failure. Cardiac rehabilitation and exercise physiology 2005-04-06 - 2005-04-10
PosterTjønna, Arnt Erik; Høydal, Morten Andre; Hoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan; Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe. (2004) Maximal strength training improves work economy in patietns with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. American Physiological Society Konferanse , Austin 2004-10-06 - 2004-10-09
Academic lectureRognmo, Ø; Hetland, E; Helgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan; Slørdahl, Stig Arild. (2004) High intensity aerobic interval exercise is superior to moderate intensity exercise for increasing aerobic capacity in patients with coronary artery disease. Norsk Cardiologisk Selskap Vintermøtet , Lillehammer 2004-01-30 - 2004-02-01
PosterHøydal, Morten Andre; Tjønna, Arnt Erik; Steinshamn, Sigurd Loe; Hoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan. (2004) Periphearal muscle adaptation to one leg endurance training in patients with Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. American Physiological Society APS 2004 Intersociety meeting , Austin, texas 2004-10-06 - 2004-10-09
Programme participation
PosterRognmo, Øivind; Hetland, Eva Veslemøy; Helgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan; Slørdahl, Stig Arild. (2003) High intensity aerobic interval exercise is superior for increasing aerobic capacity in CAD-patients. European society of cardiology - Annual congress , Wien 2003-09-03 -
Academic lectureHoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan. (2003) Elite Football Physiology. Liverpool FC, Trainers Conference , Liverpool 2003-07-18 -
Academic lectureWang, Eivind; Helgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan; Slørdahl, Stig Arild. (2003) Aerobic endurance training in patients with intermittent claudication: Effects of high and low intensity training. 8th annual congress European College of Sports Science , Salzburg 2003-07-12 -
Academic lectureHoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan. (2003) Utholdenhetstrening, styrke- og hurtighetstrening for fotballspillere - hva er nytt i forskning?. Norges Fotballforbunds Medisinske Fotballseminar , Oslo 2003-12-03 -
Academic lectureHelgerud, Jan; Kemi, Ole Johan; Hoff, Jan. (2003) Pre-season concurrent strength and endurance development in elite soccer players. 8th annual congress European College of Sports Science , Salzburg 2003-07-12 -
Academic lectureHelgerud, Jan. (2003) Fysisk trening som terapi - treningsfysiologi. Nidaroskonferansen , Trondheim 2003-10-23 -
Academic lectureHoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan. (2003) Physiology of Football. European College of Sport Science , Salzburg 2003-07-13 -
Academic lectureHelgerud, Jan. (2003) "Survival of the fittest" - Nye treningsmetoder for pasienter med KOLS. LHL's fagkonferanse om KOLS , Oslo 2003-11-21 -
Academic lectureKemi, Ole Johan; Hoff, Jan; Engen, Lars Chr; Helgerud, Jan; Wisløff, Ulrik. (2002) Fotballspesifikk testing av maksimalt oksygenopptak; fysisk kapasitet i fotball. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress , Trondheim, Norge 2002-11-03 -
Academic lectureHelgerud, Jan; Kemi, Ole Johan; Hoff, Jan. (2002) Styrke og utholdenhetsrespons før sesong hos elite fotballspillere. Idrettsmedisinsk Høstkongress , Trondheim, Norge 2002-11-03 -
Academic lectureHoff, Jan; Wisløff, Ulrik; Engen, Lars Chr; Kemi, Ole Johan; Helgerud, Jan. (2002) Fotballspesifikk aerob utholdenhetstrening. Idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress , Trondheim, Norge 2002-11-03 -
Academic lectureRognmo, Øivind; Hoff, Jan; Slørdahl, Stig Arild; Kemi, Ole Johan; Helgerud, Jan. (2002) Effects of endurance training on muscle blood flow and metabolism studied in the isolated upper arm muscles. European society of cardiology, working group of cardiac rehabilitation and exercise physiology, annual spring meeting , Leipzig, Tyskland 2002-05-04 -
PosterKemi, Ole Johan; Wisløff, Ulrik; Slørdahl, Stig Arild; Helgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan. (2001) Maximal strength training effects on blood flow and pulmonary oxygen uptake during continuous one-arm work. European Society of Cardiology Working Group Meeting in Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology , Bergen 2001-05-05 -
PosterKemi, Ole Johan; Wisløff, Ulrik; Slørdahl, Stig Arild; Helgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan. (2001) Blood flow, artery diameter, exercise. European Society of Cardiology Working Gruop Meeting in Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology. , Bergen 2001-05-05 -
Academic lectureKemi, Ole Johan; Wisløff, Ulrik; Slørdahl, Stig Arild; Helgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan. (2001) Blood flow, oxygen uptake, work economy, exercise. Artery diameter. 48th Annual Meeting of the American College of the Sports Medicine. , Baltimore, USA 2001-06-02 -
Academic lectureKemi, Ole Johan; Wisløff, Ulrik; Slørdahl, Stig Arild; Helgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan. (2001) Maximal strength training effects on blood flow and pulmonary oxygen uptake during continuous one-arm work. 48th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine , Baltimore, USA 2001-06-02 -
PosterHelgerud, Jan; Engen, L.C.; Wisløff, Ulrik; Hoff, Jan. (2000) Aerobic endurance training improves soccer performance. American college of sports Medicine , Indianapolis 2000
PosterKemi, Ole Johan; Helgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan. (2000) Comparing strength and endurance between elite and junior Ice Hockey players. 47th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine , Indianapolis, USA, 020600
Academic lectureEllingsen, Øyvind; Helgerud, Jan; Wisløff, Ulrik. (2000) Intensity controlled treadmill running in rats: VO2max and cardic hypertrophy. The Integrative Biology of Exercise , Portland, Maine, September 20-23
Academic lectureAmundsen, BH; Wisløff, Ulrik; Hoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan; Kemi, Ole Johan; Slørdal, Lars. (2000) Bood flow and oxygen uptake in one-arm elbow-flexion exercise and its relation to post-occlusion hyperaemia. ACSM Annual Scientific Meeting , Indianapolis, Indiana, May 31 -June 3 2000-01-01 -
Popular scientific lectureWisløff, Ulrik; Helgerud, Jan; Støylen, Asbjørn; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (1999) Utholdenhetstrente kvinner: atrioventrikulær klaffeplanforflytning (AVPD), venstre ventrikkel funksjon og dimensjoner. Kardiologisk vårmøte i Oslo 1999 , Oslo, Mai 1999
Popular scientific lectureWisløff, Ulrik; Loenneche, Jan P.; Falck, Geir; Beisvåg, Vidar; Helgerud, Jan; Smith, Godfrey. (1999) Increased contractility and calcium sensitivity in myocytes isolated from endurance trained rats. 4th annual congress of the european college of sport science , 14-17 July 1999
Academic lectureWisløff, Ulrik; Helgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan. (1999) Specific testing and training of strength and endurance in cross-country skiing. , 4th annual congress of the european college of sport science,Rome 1999
Academic lectureHoff, Jan; Helgerud, Jan; Wisløff, Ulrik. (1999) Maximal strength training improves work economy in trained female cross-country skiers. 4th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Sciences, Rome 14-17 July 1999 , Rome 14-17 July, 1999
Academic lectureHelgerud, Jan; Hoff, Jan; Wisløff, Ulrik. (1999) gender differences in strength and endurance of elite soccer players. World congress of science and football IV , Sydney 1999
Academic lectureWisløff, Ulrik; LOennechen, J.P.; Falck, G.; Beisvåg, V.; Helgerud, Jan; Smith, G.L.. (1999) Increased contractility and calcium sensitivity in myocytes isolated from endurance trained rats. Kardiologisk vårmøte , Oslo 1999
Academic lectureWisløff, Ulrik; Helgerud, Jan; Støilen, A; Ellingsen, Øyvind. (1999) Utholdenhetstrente kvinner: atrioventrikulær klaffeplanforflytning (AVPD), venstre ventrikkel funksjon og dimensjoner. Kardiologisk vårmøte , Oslo, 1999
Programme participationHelgerud, Jan. (1998) Høydetrening og hemoglobin-nivåer blant topputøvere. NRK radio Sporten NRK radio Sporten [TV]
Programme participationHelgerud, Jan. (1998) Betydning av styrketrening for utholdenheten. NRK, Schrødingers katt NRK, Schrødingers katt [TV]
Programme participation
Programme participationHelgerud, Jan. (1998) Helsemessige konsekvenser for skiftarbeidere. NRK radio nattradioen NRK radio nattradioen [TV]
Popular scientific lectureHelgerud, Jan. (1998) Styrke og utholdenhet blant elite fotballjenter. Skandinavisk idrettsmedisinsk høstkongress , Tromsø
Popular scientific lectureHelgerud, Jan; Wisløff, Ulrik; Hoff, Jan. (1998) Maximal strength increases the endurance performance. American College of Sports Medicine , Orlando USA
PosterSue-Chu, M; Sandsund, M.; Helgerud, J.; Reinertsen, R.; Bjerner, Leif. (1997) No ergogenic effects of inhaled salmeterol (50 _mg) and salbutamol (1.2mg). ATS Annual Conference , San Francisco