James Dawson
Research Areas
Fluid mechanics: Turbulence, Mixing, Advanced Measurement Methods
Combustion: Turbulent Combustion, Combustion Instabilities, Gas Turbines, High-speed Laser Diagnostics
Jankee, Girish Kumarsing;
Yadala Venkata, Srikar;
Æsøy, Eirik;
Dawson, James Richard;
Worth, Nicholas Alexander.
Scaling and dynamics of vortex lock-in for circular cylinders in an oscillating flow.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Æsøy, Eirik;
Dawson, James Richard;
Moeck, Jonas.
Systematic modulation of the flame transfer function and its effect on thermoacoustic stability.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Ånestad, Aksel;
Æsøy, Eirik;
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas Alexander.
Mitigating Thermoacoustic Instabilities in Premixed Hydrogen Flames using Axial Staging.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Yahou, Tarik;
Detomaso, N.;
Selle, L.;
Poinsot, T.;
Dawson, James;
Schuller, T..
The role of preferential diffusion on the ignition dynamics of lean premixed hydrogen flames.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Yahou, Tarik;
Dawson, James;
Poinsot, Thierry;
Selle, Laurent;
Schuller, Thierry.
Flame front dynamics during ignition of lean premixed H<inf>2</inf>/Air and CH<inf>4</inf>/Air flames.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Yahou, Tarik;
Schuller, Thierry;
Dawson, James.
The Effect of Ignition Procedure on Flashback of Hydrogen-Enriched Flames.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Nóvoa, Andrea;
Noiray, Nicolas;
Dawson, James;
Magri, Luca.
A real-time digital twin of azimuthal thermoacoustic instabilities.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Ho, Jen Zen;
Jella, Sandeep;
Talei, Mohsen;
Bourque, Gilles;
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Dawson, James.
Assessment of the LES-FGM framework for capturing stable and unstable modes in a hydrogen / methane fuelled premixed combustor.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Æsøy, Eirik;
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Bothien, Mirko;
Dawson, James.
The Effect of Hydrogen on Nonlinear Flame Saturation.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Aligolzadeh, Farid;
Holzner, Markus;
Dawson, James.
Entrainment, detrainment and enstrophy transport by small-scale vortex structures.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Kwah, Yi Hao;
Wiseman, Samuel Michael;
Dawson, James.
The Effect of Methane–Ammonia and Methane–Hydrogen Blends on Ignition and Light-Around in an Annular Combustor.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Yahou, Tarik;
Dawson, James;
Schuller, Thierry.
Impact of chamber back pressure on the ignition dynamics of hydrogen enriched premixed flames.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Kwah, Yi Hao;
Agostinelli, Pasquale Walter;
Richard, Stephane;
Exilard, Gorka;
Pascaud, Stephane;
Gicquel, Laurent.
Effect of Strong Azimuthal Swirl on Ignition and Light-Around in an Annular Combustor.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Æsøy, Eirik;
Jankee, Girish Kumarsing;
Yadala, Srikar;
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
Suppression of self-excited thermoacoustic instabilities by convective-acoustic interference.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Richter, Martin;
Schulthesis, R.;
Dawson, James;
Gruber, Andrea;
Barlow, R.S.;
Dreizler, A..
Extinction strain rates of premixed ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air counterflow flames.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Wiseman, Samuel Michael;
Gruber, Andrea;
Dawson, James.
Flame Transfer Functions for Turbulent, Premixed, Ammonia-Hydrogen-Nitrogen-Air Flames.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wiseman, Samuel Michael;
Gruber, Andrea;
Dawson, James.
Flame Transfer Functions for Turbulent, Premixed, Ammonia-Hydrogen-Nitrogen-Air Flames .
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Ahn, Byeonguk;
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas.
Heat release rate response of azimuthal thermoacoustic instabilities in a pressurized annular combustor with methane/hydrogen flames.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Kushwaha, Abhijit;
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James;
Gupta, Vikrant;
Li, Larry.
Asynchronous and synchronous quenching of a globally unstable jet via axisymmetry breaking.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Faure-Beaulieu, Abel;
Dawson, James;
Noiray, Nicolas.
Spontaneous and explicit symmetry breaking of thermoacoustic eigenmodes in imperfect annular geometries.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Aguilar, José G.;
Æsøy, Eirik;
Dawson, James Richard.
The influence of hydrogen on the stability of a perfectly premixed combustor.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Popescu, Elena-Roxana;
Dawson, James;
Brandt, Luca;
Colin, C.;
Tanguy, S..
Interaction between the turbulent boundary layer flow of superheated vapor and the velocity field induced by liquid vaporization.
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow
Academic article
Æsøy, Eirik;
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Gant, Francesco;
Cuquel, Alexis;
Bothien, Mirko R.;
Dawson, James Richard.
The effect of hydrogen enrichment, flame-flame interaction, confinement, and asymmetry on the acoustic response of a model can combustor.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Govender, Dirren;
Wiseman, Samuel;
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas.
Large volume scanning laser induced fluorescence measurement of a bluff-body stabilised flame in an annular combustor.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Faure-Beaulieu, Abel;
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Dawson, James;
Noiray, Nicolas.
Imperfect symmetry of real annular combustors: Beating thermoacoustic modes and heteroclinic orbits.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Ahn, Byeonguk;
Kwah, Yi Hao;
Wiseman, Samuel;
Mazur, Marek;
Dawson, James.
The effect of hydrogen addition on the amplitude and harmonic response of azimuthal instabilities in a pressurized annular combustor.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Æsøy, Eirik;
Aguilar, Jose;
Bothien, Mirko R.;
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
Acoustic-Convective Interference in Transfer Functions of Methane/Hydrogen and Pure Hydrogen Flames.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Ahn, Byeonguk;
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas.
Transient Thermo-Acoustic Responses of Methane/Hydrogen Flames in a Pressurized Annular Combustor.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Aguilar, Jose;
Dawson, James;
Schuller, Thierry;
Durox, Daniel;
Prieur, K.;
Candel, S..
Locking of azimuthal modes by breaking the symmetry in annular combustors.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Æsøy, Eirik;
Nygård, Håkon Tormodsen;
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James Richard.
Tailoring the gain and phase of the flame transfer function through targeted convective-acoustic interference.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Æsøy, Eirik;
Aguilar, Jose;
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
The response of an axisymmetric jet placed at various positions in a standing wave.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Faure-Beaulieu, Abel;
Noiray, Nicolas;
Dawson, James.
The effect of dynamic operating conditions on the thermoacoustic response of hydrogen rich flames in an annular combustor.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Gan, Lian;
Baqui, Yasir B.;
Davidson, Peter A.;
Krogstad, Per-Åge;
Dawson, James.
Experimental investigation of large-scale non-decaying rotating turbulence.
14Th European Turbulence Conference, 1–4 September 2013, Lyon, France
Academic article
Agostinelli, Pasquale Walter;
Kwah, Yi Hao;
Richard, Stéphane;
Exilard, Gorka;
Dawson, James Richard;
Gicquel, Laurent.
Numerical and experimental flame stabilization analysis in the new spinning combustion technology framework.
Academic article
Worth, Nicholas;
Mistry, Dhiren;
Berk, Tim;
Dawson, James.
Vortex dynamics of a jet at the pressure node in a
standing wave.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Kozul, Melissa;
Costa, Pedro S.;
Dawson, James;
Brandt, Luca.
Aerodynamically driven rupture of a liquid film by turbulent shear flow.
Physical Review Fluids
Academic article
Æsøy, Eirik;
Aguilar, Jose;
Wiseman, Samuel;
Bothien, Mirko R.;
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
Scaling and prediction of transfer functions in lean premixed H2/CH4-flames.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Mazur, Marek;
Kwah, Yi Hao;
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas.
Self-excited longitudinal and azimuthal modes in a pressurised annular combustor.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Knutsen, Anna Nina;
Baj, Pawel;
Lawson, John M;
Bodenschatz, Eberhard;
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas.
The inter-scale energy budget in a von Kármán mixing flow.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Brunsvold, Amy;
Tangen, Grethe;
Størset, Sigmund Østtveit;
Dawson, James;
Braathen, Alvar;
Steenstrup-Duch, Anne.
The Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS): facilitating industry-driven innovation for fast-track CCS deployment.
Clean Energy
Academic article
Wiseman, Samuel;
Rieth, Martin;
Gruber, Andrea;
Dawson, James;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
A comparison of the blow-out behavior of turbulent premixed ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air and methane–air flames.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Faure-Beaulieu, Abel;
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Dawson, James;
Noiray, Nicolas.
Experiments and low-order modelling of intermittent transitions between clockwise and anticlockwise spinning thermoacoustic modes in annular combustors.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Jie, Yucheng;
Xu, Chunxiao;
Dawson, James;
Andersson, Helge Ingolf;
Zhao, Lihao.
Influence of the quiescent core on tracer spheroidal particle dynamics in turbulent channel flow.
Journal of turbulence
Academic article
Mazur, Marek;
Nygård, Håkon Tormodsen;
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas.
Characteristics of self-excited spinning azimuthal modes in an annular combustor with turbulent premixed bluff-body flames.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Zettervall, Niklas;
Worth, Nicholas;
Mazur, Marek;
Dawson, James;
Fureby, Christer.
Large eddy simulation of CH4-air and C2H4-air combustion in a model annular gas turbine combustor.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Nygård, Håkon Tormodsen;
Mazur, Marek;
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas.
Flame dynamics of azimuthal forced spinning and standing modes in an annular combustor.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
Characterisation of flame surface annihilation events in self excited interacting flames.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Lawson, John M;
Bodenschatz, Eberhard;
Knutsen, Anna Nina;
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas.
Direct assessment of Kolmogorov's first refined similarity hypothesis.
Physical Review Fluids
Academic article
Mistry, Dhiren;
Philip, Jimmy;
Dawson, James.
Kinematics of local entrainment and detrainment in a turbulent jet.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Kozul, Melissa;
Koothur, Vipin;
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
A scanning particle tracking velocimetry technique for high‑Reynolds
number turbulent flows.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Tomasgard, Asgeir;
Berstad, David Olsson;
Blekkan, Edd Anders;
Karstad, Per Ivar;
Burheim, Odne Stokke;
Dawson, James.
Hydrogen i fremtidens lavkarbonsamfunn.
Center for Sustainable Energy Research (CenSES), NTNU
Mistry, Dhiren;
Dawson, James;
Kerstein, Alan R.
The multi-scale geometry of the near field in an axisymmetric jet.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, J R.
Effect of equivalence ratio on the modal dynamics of azimuthal combustion instabilities.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, J R;
Sidey, Jenni Am;
Mastorakos, Epaminondas.
Azimuthally forced flames in an annular combustor.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Knutsen, Anna Nina;
Lawson, John M;
Dawson, J R;
Worth, Nicholas.
A laser sheet self-calibration method for scanning PIV.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Mistry, Dhiren Vinodkumar;
Philip, Jimmy;
Dawson, J R;
Marusic, Ivan.
Entrainment at multi-scales across the turbulent/non-turbulent interface in an axisymmetric jet.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Lawson, J.M.;
Dawson, J R.
On velocity gradient dynamics and turbulent structure.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Bauerheim, M.;
Staffelbach, G.;
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, J R;
Gicquel, L.Y.M.;
Poinsot, T..
Sensitivity of LES-based harmonic flame response model for turbulent swirled flames and impact on the stability of azimuthal modes.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Dawson, J R;
Worth, Nicholas.
The effect of baffles on self-excited azimuthal modes in an annular combustor.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Lawson, J.M.;
Dawson, J R.
A scanning PIV method for fine scale turbulence measurements.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas.
Flame dynamics and unsteady heat release
rate of self-excited azimuthal modes in an annular combustor.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
Tomographic reconstruction of OH* chemiluminescence in two interacting turbulent flames.
Measurement Science and Technology
Academic article
Cardesa, J. I.;
Mistry, D.;
Gan, L.;
Dawson, James.
Invariants of the reduced velocity gradient tensor in turbulent flows.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
Self-excited circumferential instabilities in a model annular gas turbine combustor: global flame dynamics.
Symposium, International, on combustion
Academic article
Lawson, J.M.;
Dawson, James.
The formation of turbulent vortex rings by synthetic jets.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
Modal dynamics of self-excited azimuthal instabilities in an annular combustion chamber.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Cardesa-Duenas, J. I.;
Nickels, T. B.;
Dawson, James.
2D PIV measurements in the near field of grid turbulence using stitched fields from multiple cameras.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Kariuki, James;
Dawson, James;
Mastorakos, Epaminondas.
Measurements in turbulent premixed bluff body flames close to blow-off.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Aydemir, E.;
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
The formation of vortex rings in a strongly forced round jet.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Gan, L.;
Dawson, James;
Nickels, T. B..
On the drag of turbulent vortex rings.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
Cinematographic OH-PLIF measurements of two interacting turbulent premixed flames with and without acoustic forcing.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Dawson, James;
Gordon, R. L.;
Kariuki, James;
Mastorakos, Epaminondas;
Masri, A. R.;
Juddoo, M..
Visualization of blow-off events in bluff-body stabilized turbulent premixed flames.
Symposium, International, on combustion
Academic article
Gan, L.;
Nickels, T. B.;
Dawson, James.
An experimental study of a turbulent vortex ring: a three-dimensional representation.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Journal publications
Jankee, Girish Kumarsing;
Yadala Venkata, Srikar;
Æsøy, Eirik;
Dawson, James Richard;
Worth, Nicholas Alexander.
Scaling and dynamics of vortex lock-in for circular cylinders in an oscillating flow.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Æsøy, Eirik;
Dawson, James Richard;
Moeck, Jonas.
Systematic modulation of the flame transfer function and its effect on thermoacoustic stability.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Ånestad, Aksel;
Æsøy, Eirik;
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas Alexander.
Mitigating Thermoacoustic Instabilities in Premixed Hydrogen Flames using Axial Staging.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Yahou, Tarik;
Detomaso, N.;
Selle, L.;
Poinsot, T.;
Dawson, James;
Schuller, T..
The role of preferential diffusion on the ignition dynamics of lean premixed hydrogen flames.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Yahou, Tarik;
Dawson, James;
Poinsot, Thierry;
Selle, Laurent;
Schuller, Thierry.
Flame front dynamics during ignition of lean premixed H<inf>2</inf>/Air and CH<inf>4</inf>/Air flames.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Yahou, Tarik;
Schuller, Thierry;
Dawson, James.
The Effect of Ignition Procedure on Flashback of Hydrogen-Enriched Flames.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Nóvoa, Andrea;
Noiray, Nicolas;
Dawson, James;
Magri, Luca.
A real-time digital twin of azimuthal thermoacoustic instabilities.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Ho, Jen Zen;
Jella, Sandeep;
Talei, Mohsen;
Bourque, Gilles;
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Dawson, James.
Assessment of the LES-FGM framework for capturing stable and unstable modes in a hydrogen / methane fuelled premixed combustor.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Æsøy, Eirik;
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Bothien, Mirko;
Dawson, James.
The Effect of Hydrogen on Nonlinear Flame Saturation.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Aligolzadeh, Farid;
Holzner, Markus;
Dawson, James.
Entrainment, detrainment and enstrophy transport by small-scale vortex structures.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Kwah, Yi Hao;
Wiseman, Samuel Michael;
Dawson, James.
The Effect of Methane–Ammonia and Methane–Hydrogen Blends on Ignition and Light-Around in an Annular Combustor.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Yahou, Tarik;
Dawson, James;
Schuller, Thierry.
Impact of chamber back pressure on the ignition dynamics of hydrogen enriched premixed flames.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Kwah, Yi Hao;
Agostinelli, Pasquale Walter;
Richard, Stephane;
Exilard, Gorka;
Pascaud, Stephane;
Gicquel, Laurent.
Effect of Strong Azimuthal Swirl on Ignition and Light-Around in an Annular Combustor.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Æsøy, Eirik;
Jankee, Girish Kumarsing;
Yadala, Srikar;
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
Suppression of self-excited thermoacoustic instabilities by convective-acoustic interference.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Richter, Martin;
Schulthesis, R.;
Dawson, James;
Gruber, Andrea;
Barlow, R.S.;
Dreizler, A..
Extinction strain rates of premixed ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air counterflow flames.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Wiseman, Samuel Michael;
Gruber, Andrea;
Dawson, James.
Flame Transfer Functions for Turbulent, Premixed, Ammonia-Hydrogen-Nitrogen-Air Flames .
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Ahn, Byeonguk;
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas.
Heat release rate response of azimuthal thermoacoustic instabilities in a pressurized annular combustor with methane/hydrogen flames.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Kushwaha, Abhijit;
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James;
Gupta, Vikrant;
Li, Larry.
Asynchronous and synchronous quenching of a globally unstable jet via axisymmetry breaking.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Faure-Beaulieu, Abel;
Dawson, James;
Noiray, Nicolas.
Spontaneous and explicit symmetry breaking of thermoacoustic eigenmodes in imperfect annular geometries.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Aguilar, José G.;
Æsøy, Eirik;
Dawson, James Richard.
The influence of hydrogen on the stability of a perfectly premixed combustor.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Popescu, Elena-Roxana;
Dawson, James;
Brandt, Luca;
Colin, C.;
Tanguy, S..
Interaction between the turbulent boundary layer flow of superheated vapor and the velocity field induced by liquid vaporization.
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow
Academic article
Æsøy, Eirik;
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Gant, Francesco;
Cuquel, Alexis;
Bothien, Mirko R.;
Dawson, James Richard.
The effect of hydrogen enrichment, flame-flame interaction, confinement, and asymmetry on the acoustic response of a model can combustor.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Govender, Dirren;
Wiseman, Samuel;
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas.
Large volume scanning laser induced fluorescence measurement of a bluff-body stabilised flame in an annular combustor.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Faure-Beaulieu, Abel;
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Dawson, James;
Noiray, Nicolas.
Imperfect symmetry of real annular combustors: Beating thermoacoustic modes and heteroclinic orbits.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Ahn, Byeonguk;
Kwah, Yi Hao;
Wiseman, Samuel;
Mazur, Marek;
Dawson, James.
The effect of hydrogen addition on the amplitude and harmonic response of azimuthal instabilities in a pressurized annular combustor.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Æsøy, Eirik;
Aguilar, Jose;
Bothien, Mirko R.;
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
Acoustic-Convective Interference in Transfer Functions of Methane/Hydrogen and Pure Hydrogen Flames.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Ahn, Byeonguk;
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas.
Transient Thermo-Acoustic Responses of Methane/Hydrogen Flames in a Pressurized Annular Combustor.
Journal of Engineering For Gas Turbines and Power
Academic article
Aguilar, Jose;
Dawson, James;
Schuller, Thierry;
Durox, Daniel;
Prieur, K.;
Candel, S..
Locking of azimuthal modes by breaking the symmetry in annular combustors.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Æsøy, Eirik;
Nygård, Håkon Tormodsen;
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James Richard.
Tailoring the gain and phase of the flame transfer function through targeted convective-acoustic interference.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Æsøy, Eirik;
Aguilar, Jose;
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
The response of an axisymmetric jet placed at various positions in a standing wave.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Faure-Beaulieu, Abel;
Noiray, Nicolas;
Dawson, James.
The effect of dynamic operating conditions on the thermoacoustic response of hydrogen rich flames in an annular combustor.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Gan, Lian;
Baqui, Yasir B.;
Davidson, Peter A.;
Krogstad, Per-Åge;
Dawson, James.
Experimental investigation of large-scale non-decaying rotating turbulence.
14Th European Turbulence Conference, 1–4 September 2013, Lyon, France
Academic article
Agostinelli, Pasquale Walter;
Kwah, Yi Hao;
Richard, Stéphane;
Exilard, Gorka;
Dawson, James Richard;
Gicquel, Laurent.
Numerical and experimental flame stabilization analysis in the new spinning combustion technology framework.
Academic article
Worth, Nicholas;
Mistry, Dhiren;
Berk, Tim;
Dawson, James.
Vortex dynamics of a jet at the pressure node in a
standing wave.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Kozul, Melissa;
Costa, Pedro S.;
Dawson, James;
Brandt, Luca.
Aerodynamically driven rupture of a liquid film by turbulent shear flow.
Physical Review Fluids
Academic article
Æsøy, Eirik;
Aguilar, Jose;
Wiseman, Samuel;
Bothien, Mirko R.;
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
Scaling and prediction of transfer functions in lean premixed H2/CH4-flames.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Mazur, Marek;
Kwah, Yi Hao;
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas.
Self-excited longitudinal and azimuthal modes in a pressurised annular combustor.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Knutsen, Anna Nina;
Baj, Pawel;
Lawson, John M;
Bodenschatz, Eberhard;
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas.
The inter-scale energy budget in a von Kármán mixing flow.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Brunsvold, Amy;
Tangen, Grethe;
Størset, Sigmund Østtveit;
Dawson, James;
Braathen, Alvar;
Steenstrup-Duch, Anne.
The Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS): facilitating industry-driven innovation for fast-track CCS deployment.
Clean Energy
Academic article
Wiseman, Samuel;
Rieth, Martin;
Gruber, Andrea;
Dawson, James;
Chen, Jacqueline H..
A comparison of the blow-out behavior of turbulent premixed ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air and methane–air flames.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Faure-Beaulieu, Abel;
Indlekofer, Thomas;
Dawson, James;
Noiray, Nicolas.
Experiments and low-order modelling of intermittent transitions between clockwise and anticlockwise spinning thermoacoustic modes in annular combustors.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Jie, Yucheng;
Xu, Chunxiao;
Dawson, James;
Andersson, Helge Ingolf;
Zhao, Lihao.
Influence of the quiescent core on tracer spheroidal particle dynamics in turbulent channel flow.
Journal of turbulence
Academic article
Mazur, Marek;
Nygård, Håkon Tormodsen;
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas.
Characteristics of self-excited spinning azimuthal modes in an annular combustor with turbulent premixed bluff-body flames.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Zettervall, Niklas;
Worth, Nicholas;
Mazur, Marek;
Dawson, James;
Fureby, Christer.
Large eddy simulation of CH4-air and C2H4-air combustion in a model annular gas turbine combustor.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Nygård, Håkon Tormodsen;
Mazur, Marek;
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas.
Flame dynamics of azimuthal forced spinning and standing modes in an annular combustor.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
Characterisation of flame surface annihilation events in self excited interacting flames.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Lawson, John M;
Bodenschatz, Eberhard;
Knutsen, Anna Nina;
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas.
Direct assessment of Kolmogorov's first refined similarity hypothesis.
Physical Review Fluids
Academic article
Mistry, Dhiren;
Philip, Jimmy;
Dawson, James.
Kinematics of local entrainment and detrainment in a turbulent jet.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Kozul, Melissa;
Koothur, Vipin;
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
A scanning particle tracking velocimetry technique for high‑Reynolds
number turbulent flows.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Mistry, Dhiren;
Dawson, James;
Kerstein, Alan R.
The multi-scale geometry of the near field in an axisymmetric jet.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, J R.
Effect of equivalence ratio on the modal dynamics of azimuthal combustion instabilities.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, J R;
Sidey, Jenni Am;
Mastorakos, Epaminondas.
Azimuthally forced flames in an annular combustor.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Knutsen, Anna Nina;
Lawson, John M;
Dawson, J R;
Worth, Nicholas.
A laser sheet self-calibration method for scanning PIV.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Mistry, Dhiren Vinodkumar;
Philip, Jimmy;
Dawson, J R;
Marusic, Ivan.
Entrainment at multi-scales across the turbulent/non-turbulent interface in an axisymmetric jet.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Lawson, J.M.;
Dawson, J R.
On velocity gradient dynamics and turbulent structure.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Bauerheim, M.;
Staffelbach, G.;
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, J R;
Gicquel, L.Y.M.;
Poinsot, T..
Sensitivity of LES-based harmonic flame response model for turbulent swirled flames and impact on the stability of azimuthal modes.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Dawson, J R;
Worth, Nicholas.
The effect of baffles on self-excited azimuthal modes in an annular combustor.
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Academic article
Lawson, J.M.;
Dawson, J R.
A scanning PIV method for fine scale turbulence measurements.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Dawson, James;
Worth, Nicholas.
Flame dynamics and unsteady heat release
rate of self-excited azimuthal modes in an annular combustor.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
Tomographic reconstruction of OH* chemiluminescence in two interacting turbulent flames.
Measurement Science and Technology
Academic article
Cardesa, J. I.;
Mistry, D.;
Gan, L.;
Dawson, James.
Invariants of the reduced velocity gradient tensor in turbulent flows.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
Self-excited circumferential instabilities in a model annular gas turbine combustor: global flame dynamics.
Symposium, International, on combustion
Academic article
Lawson, J.M.;
Dawson, James.
The formation of turbulent vortex rings by synthetic jets.
Physics of Fluids
Academic article
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
Modal dynamics of self-excited azimuthal instabilities in an annular combustion chamber.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Cardesa-Duenas, J. I.;
Nickels, T. B.;
Dawson, James.
2D PIV measurements in the near field of grid turbulence using stitched fields from multiple cameras.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Kariuki, James;
Dawson, James;
Mastorakos, Epaminondas.
Measurements in turbulent premixed bluff body flames close to blow-off.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Aydemir, E.;
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
The formation of vortex rings in a strongly forced round jet.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Gan, L.;
Dawson, James;
Nickels, T. B..
On the drag of turbulent vortex rings.
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Academic article
Worth, Nicholas;
Dawson, James.
Cinematographic OH-PLIF measurements of two interacting turbulent premixed flames with and without acoustic forcing.
Combustion and Flame
Academic article
Dawson, James;
Gordon, R. L.;
Kariuki, James;
Mastorakos, Epaminondas;
Masri, A. R.;
Juddoo, M..
Visualization of blow-off events in bluff-body stabilized turbulent premixed flames.
Symposium, International, on combustion
Academic article
Gan, L.;
Nickels, T. B.;
Dawson, James.
An experimental study of a turbulent vortex ring: a three-dimensional representation.
Experiments in Fluids
Academic article
Part of book/report
Wiseman, Samuel Michael;
Gruber, Andrea;
Dawson, James.
Flame Transfer Functions for Turbulent, Premixed, Ammonia-Hydrogen-Nitrogen-Air Flames.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Tomasgard, Asgeir;
Berstad, David Olsson;
Blekkan, Edd Anders;
Karstad, Per Ivar;
Burheim, Odne Stokke;
Dawson, James.
Hydrogen i fremtidens lavkarbonsamfunn.
Center for Sustainable Energy Research (CenSES), NTNU