Jakub Stachowski
Research areas and interests: international migration, integration, mobility, urban and rural areas, prison sociology, social theory, qualitative research methods
Stachowski, Jakub;
Laue, Johanna.
Arbeidsinnvandrere og helse- friske, slitne eller begge deler? .
Ramazzini: norsk tidsskrift for arbeids- og miljømedisin
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Stachowski, Jakub.
Sosiologisk analyse. Roger Hestholm og Ove Skarpenes .
Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift
Book review
Stachowski, Jakub;
Slettebak, Marie Holm.
Arbeidsinnvandringsforskningens blindflekker – en metodologisk refleksjon
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Sæther, Inga;
Stachowski, Jakub.
Mind the recognition gaps: layers of invisibility of farm migration in Norway.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Academic article
Stachowski, Jakub;
Rasmussen, Bente.
Growing superdiverse, growing apart—Modes of incorporation of international migrants in rural areas.
Sociologia Ruralis
Academic article
Stachowski, Jakub;
Rasmussen, Bente.
Arbeidsinnvandring og lokalsamfunn – stedsidentiteter mellom kontinuitet og endring
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Øversveen, Emil;
Stachowski, Jakub.
“Not a lifestyle disease”: the importance of boundary work for the construction of a collective illness identity among people with type 1 diabetes.
Social Theory & Health
Academic article
Stachowski, Jakub;
Rasmussen, Bente.
From Valued Stayers to Working Hands? The Social Consequences of Changing Employment Relations Among Polish Migrants in Farmed Salmon Industry in Rural Norway.
European Countryside
Academic article
Stachowski, Jakub;
Rasmussen, Bente.
Når hjemme er borte og borte hjemme: fortellinger om lokalintegreringens komplekse dynamikk .
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stachowski, Jakub;
Bock, Bettina.
Unsettled settlement? Translocal social anchoring and patterns of (im)mobility among Polish families in rural Norway.
Academic article
Stachowski, Jakub.
To be or to belong? Processes of (g)localised integration among Polish migrants in rural Norway.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (205)
Doctoral dissertation
Stachowski, Jakub.
Processes of socio-spatial exposures and isolations among Polish labour migrants in rural Norway: Exploring social integration as a lived experience .
European Urban and Regional Studies
Academic article
Stachowski, Jakub.
Positioning in ‘relational claustrophobia’- ethical reflections on researching small international migrant communities in rural areas .
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic article
Stachowski, Jakub;
Fialkowska, Kamila.
‘Living on the edge’? A comparative study of processes of marginalisation among Polish migrants in rural Germany and Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Bjørneseth, Frida;
Smidt, Martin;
Stachowski, Jakub.
Gender, parenthood, and feelings of safety in Greek refugee centres.
Journal of Refugee Studies
Academic article
Rye, Johan Fredrik;
Stachowski, Jakub.
Vagabonder i det globaliserte fengslet.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stachowski, Jakub;
Rye, Johan Fredrik.
Transnational Health Practices among Polish Labor Migrants in Norway.
Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning
Academic article
Journal publications
Stachowski, Jakub;
Laue, Johanna.
Arbeidsinnvandrere og helse- friske, slitne eller begge deler? .
Ramazzini: norsk tidsskrift for arbeids- og miljømedisin
Article in business/trade/industry journal
Stachowski, Jakub.
Sosiologisk analyse. Roger Hestholm og Ove Skarpenes .
Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift
Book review
Sæther, Inga;
Stachowski, Jakub.
Mind the recognition gaps: layers of invisibility of farm migration in Norway.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Academic article
Stachowski, Jakub;
Rasmussen, Bente.
Growing superdiverse, growing apart—Modes of incorporation of international migrants in rural areas.
Sociologia Ruralis
Academic article
Øversveen, Emil;
Stachowski, Jakub.
“Not a lifestyle disease”: the importance of boundary work for the construction of a collective illness identity among people with type 1 diabetes.
Social Theory & Health
Academic article
Stachowski, Jakub;
Rasmussen, Bente.
From Valued Stayers to Working Hands? The Social Consequences of Changing Employment Relations Among Polish Migrants in Farmed Salmon Industry in Rural Norway.
European Countryside
Academic article
Stachowski, Jakub;
Bock, Bettina.
Unsettled settlement? Translocal social anchoring and patterns of (im)mobility among Polish families in rural Norway.
Academic article
Stachowski, Jakub.
Processes of socio-spatial exposures and isolations among Polish labour migrants in rural Norway: Exploring social integration as a lived experience .
European Urban and Regional Studies
Academic article
Stachowski, Jakub.
Positioning in ‘relational claustrophobia’- ethical reflections on researching small international migrant communities in rural areas .
Journal of Rural Studies
Academic article
Bjørneseth, Frida;
Smidt, Martin;
Stachowski, Jakub.
Gender, parenthood, and feelings of safety in Greek refugee centres.
Journal of Refugee Studies
Academic article
Stachowski, Jakub;
Rye, Johan Fredrik.
Transnational Health Practices among Polish Labor Migrants in Norway.
Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning
Academic article
Part of book/report
Stachowski, Jakub;
Slettebak, Marie Holm.
Arbeidsinnvandringsforskningens blindflekker – en metodologisk refleksjon
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stachowski, Jakub;
Rasmussen, Bente.
Arbeidsinnvandring og lokalsamfunn – stedsidentiteter mellom kontinuitet og endring
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stachowski, Jakub;
Rasmussen, Bente.
Når hjemme er borte og borte hjemme: fortellinger om lokalintegreringens komplekse dynamikk .
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stachowski, Jakub;
Fialkowska, Kamila.
‘Living on the edge’? A comparative study of processes of marginalisation among Polish migrants in rural Germany and Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Rye, Johan Fredrik;
Stachowski, Jakub.
Vagabonder i det globaliserte fengslet.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Stachowski, Jakub.
To be or to belong? Processes of (g)localised integration among Polish migrants in rural Norway.
Doctoral theses at NTNU (205)
Doctoral dissertation
Academic lectureStachowski, Jakub. (2024) East and Central European inmates in the Norwegian prison system: moralities of mobility and fixity. Trøndelag fylkeskommune seminar , Trondheim 2024-10-30 - 2025-01-30
Academic lectureStachowski, Jakub. (2024) War’s Edges: local communities, mobility and long shadows of the history. A Northern perspective. . Migration Hub, NTNU seminar , Trondheim 2024-12-12 - 2025-01-12
Programme managementKjelaas, Irmelin; Gullikstad, Berit; Penner, Angelina; Sætermo, Turid Fånes; Stachowski, Jakub. (2021) Boklansering: Fortellinger om integrering i norske lokalsamfunn. Litteraturhuset i Trondheim Litteraturhuset i Trondheim [Internet] 2021-04-14
Academic lectureStachowski, Jakub. (2018) “Settling down in the countryside- Polish families in ‘New Immigrant Destinations’ in Norway”. The Institute for Research on Migration and Ethnicity and So 19th Nordic Migration Research Conference 2018 , Norrköping 2018-08-15 - 2018-08-17
Academic lectureStachowski, Jakub. (2017) Å være eller å tilhøre? Arbeidsinnvandring fra Øst- og Sentral Europa til rurale områder i Norge. Norsk sosiologiforening Sosiologiforeningens vinterseminaret , Hafjell 2017-02-02 - 2017-02-04
Academic lectureStachowski, Jakub. (2017) To be or to belong? Labour migration from Eastern and Central Europe to rural areas in Norway. Research network on Polish migration to Norway Polish migration to Norway: Facts and knowledge gaps , HiO Oslo 2017-10-20 - 2017-10-20
LectureStachowski, Jakub. (2017) Bruk og ikke bruk av helsetjenester blant polske arbeidsinnvandrere. Helsedirektoratet Nasjonal konferanse om likeverdige helse- og omsorgstjenester til innvandrerbefolkningen , Oslo 2017-10-24 - 2017-10-24
Academic lectureStachowski, Jakub; Rye, Johan Fredrik. (2017) The transnational rural other – reconsidering the idea of otherness in rural studies. European Soceity for Rural Sociology XXVII European Society for Rural Sociology congress , Kraków 2017-07-24 - 2017-07-27