Ingvild Runningen
Kjemi 1, Gløshaugen
PhD Canditate at SFI (Centre for Research-based Innovation) PhysMet, where I work with the development of nanoparticle containing aluminum filler wires for welding of high strength aluminum alloys.
Runningen, Ingvild;
Westermann, Ida;
Furu, Trond;
Justnes, Harald.
In Situ Measurements of the Chemical Stability of a Cast
Aluminum Alloy Embedded in a Cement Paste with a High
Amount of Supplementary Cementitious Material.
Academic article
Journal publications
Runningen, Ingvild;
Westermann, Ida;
Furu, Trond;
Justnes, Harald.
In Situ Measurements of the Chemical Stability of a Cast
Aluminum Alloy Embedded in a Cement Paste with a High
Amount of Supplementary Cementitious Material.
Academic article
Academic lectureRunningen, Ingvild; Westermann, Ida; Reiso, Oddvin; Furu, Trond; Justnes, Harald. (2021) Enabling aluminum reinforced concrete by a high amount of supplementary cementitious materials. LightMAT 4th Conference on Light Materials , Virutal 2021-11-02 - 2021-11-04