Ilia Zlotnikov
Alexander Ulanovskii, Ilya Zlotnikov, Sampling in quasi shift-invariant spaces and Gabor frames generated by ratios of exponential polynomials, Mathematische Annalen, 391, 3429-3456, (2025), preprint:
Markus Faulhuber, Irina Shafkulovska, Ilia Zlotnikov, A note on energy minimization in dimension 2, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society Ser. B 11 (2024), 664-679, preprint:
José Luis Romero, Alexander Ulanovskii, Ilya Zlotnikov, Sampling in the shift-invariant space generated by the bivariate Gaussian function, Journal of Functional Analysis, Volume 287, Issue 9, 110600, (2024), preprint:
Aleksei Kulikov, Alexander Ulanovskii, Ilya Zlotnikov, Completeness of Certain Exponential Systems and Zeros of Lacunary Polynomials, Advances in Mathematics, Volume 421, 109016, (2023), preprint:
Alexander Ulanovskii, Ilya Zlotnikov, On geometry of the unit ball of Paley-Wiener space over two symmetric intervals, International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2023, Issue 8, 6329--6363, (2023), preprint:
Aleksei Kulikov, Ilya Zlotnikov, Contractive projections in Paley-Wiener spaces, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 151, Number 4, Pages 1637–1641, (2023), preprint:
Alexander Rashkovskii, Alexander Ulanovskii, Ilya Zlotnikov, On 2-dimensional mobile sampling, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Volume 62, 1-23, (2023), preprint:
Ilya Zlotnikov, On planar sampling with Gaussian kernel in spaces of bandlimited functions, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, Volume 28, Issue 3, (2022), preprint:
Dmitriy Stolyarov, Vasily Vasyunin, Pavel Zatitskiy, Ilya Zlotnikov, Sharp moment estimates for martingales with uniformly bounded square functions,
Mathematische Zeitschrift, Volume 302, Issue 1, 181--217, (2022), preprint:
Vasily Vasyunin, Pavel Zatitskiy, Ilya Zlotnikov, Sharp multiplicative inequalities with BMO II, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 515, Issue 2, 126430, (2022), preprint:
Alexander Ulanovskii, Ilya Zlotnikov, Reconstruction of bandlimited functions from space-time samples, Journal of Functional Analysis, Volume 280, Issue 9, 108962, (2021), preprint:
Kislyakov S.V., Zlotnikov I.K., Interpolation for intersections of Hardy-type spaces, Israel Journal of Mathematics, Volume 239, Issue 1, (2020), 21-38, preprint:
Kislyakov S.V., Zlotnikov I.K., Grothendieck theorem for some uniform algebras and modules over them, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Volume 251, Issue 2, (2020), 230-238
Dmitriy Stolyarov, Vasily Vasyunin, Pavel Zatitskiy, Ilya Zlotnikov, Distribution of martingales with bounded square functions, Comptes Rendus Mathematique, Volume 357, Issue 8, (2019), 671-675
Kislyakov S.V., Zlotnikov I.K., Coinvariant subspaces of the shift operator and interpolation, Analysis Mathematica, Volume 44, Issue 2, (2018), 219-236
Zlotnikov, I.K., Problem of ideals in the algebra $ H^{\infty}$ for some spaces of sequences, Saint-Petersburg Mathematical Journal, Volume 29, Issue 5, (2018), 749-759,
Zlotnikov, I.K., Estimates in the problem of ideals in the algebra $H^{\infty}$, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Volume 229, Issue 5, (2018), 528-533
Academic lectureZlotnikov, Ilia. (2022) On completeness and frame properties of certain exponential families. Analysis & Number Theory (mini workshop) , University of Oslo 2022-12-08 - 2022-12-09
Academic lectureZlotnikov, Ilia. (2022) On extreme points of the unit balls of the spaces of analytic functions (based on joint work with A. Ulanovskii). University of Bergen Analysis seminar (UiB) , Bergen 2022-02-09 - 2022-02-09
Academic lectureZlotnikov, Ilia. (2022) On space-time sampling problem for bandlimited functions (based on joint work with A. Ulanovskii). Clemson University Analysis seminar (Clemson University) , Clemson 2022-02-28 - 2022-02-28
Academic lectureZlotnikov, Ilia. (2022) On mobile sampling problem for planar curves (based on joint work with A. Ulanovskii and A. Rashkovskii). UiT Nasjonalt Matematikermøte , Tromsø 2022-08-31 - 2022-09-02
Academic lectureZlotnikov, Ilia. (2022) On extreme points of the unit ball of Paley-Wiener space over two intervals (based on joint work with A. Ulanovskii). Université Paris-Saclay and the École Normale Supérieure 44th Summer Symposium in Real Analysis , Paris 2022-06-20 - 2022-06-24
Academic lectureZlotnikov, Ilia. (2022) On extreme points of the unit ball of Paley-Wiener space over two intervals (based on joint work with A. Ulanovskii). NTNU Analysis seminar (NTNU) , Trondheim 2022-05-11 - 2022-05-11
Academic lectureZlotnikov, Ilia. (2022) Completeness of certain exponential systems and zeros of lacunary polynomials. Université Paris-Saclay (Orsay) Séminaire Analyse Harmonique, Université Paris-Saclay (Orsay) , Université Paris-Saclay (Orsay) 2022-12-13 -
Academic lectureZlotnikov, Ilia. (2021) Space-time sampling for the functions with bounded spectrum (based on joint work with A. Ulanovskii). NTNU Analysis seminar (NTNU) , Trondheim 2021-02-14 -