Guillaume Guillemin
I am a research fellow and teacher at the Department of Language and Literature. I have a master in French Literature at the University of Orléans, France. My MA thesis examines the teaching of poetry with students in high-school. My PhD research is focused on the eighteenth century in French Literature, and more specifically on the opéra-comique, hybrid genre between theater and musicology.
The relationship between composers and librettists at the opera-comique during the french revolution: the example of Marsollier and Dalayrac
My thesis is focused on the link between text and music at opéra-comique, an hybrid genre very popular during the eigteenth century in France, but also in all Europe.
« Gulnare, un opéra-comique oriental au gré des tourmentes politiques et esthétiques
du XVIIIe siècle »
This article, which combines literature, history and musicology, tries to understand the part and the place of this opéra-comique, the only one dealing with Orientalism, in the work of Marsollier and Dalayrac. Forthcoming.
« De Nina au Délire, un regain d’intérêt pour la légèreté d’Ancien Régime, face à la « terreur musicale »
This article, which is based on the comparison between Nina, opéra-comique by Marsollier and Dalayrac dating from 1786, and Le Délire, an opera by Berton on a libretto by Saint-Cyr dating from 1799, tries to testify to a certain return to lightness of Ancien-Régime in the repertoires of Parisian theaters at the end of the eighteenth century, after several years of "musical terror" during the Revolution. Forthcoming.
Popular scientific lectureStenkløv, Nelly Marie Patricia Foucher; Guillemin, Guillaume. (2024) Teaching French with Drama. ISL, NTNU ISL-dag , NTNU, Trondheim 2024-05-20 - 2024-05-29