Kristin Espeland
Espeland, Kristin;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
Lifesaving turning points: First-person accounts of recovery after suicide attempt(s).
Death Studies
Academic article
Espeland, Kristin;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
A call for change from impersonal risk assessment to a relational approach: professionals’ reflections on the national guidelines for suicide prevention in mental health care in Norway.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Hagen, Julia;
Espeland, Kristin;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Kan vi ha en reell debatt om selvmordsforebygging i Norge? Debattinnlegg.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Feature article
Espeland, Kristin;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
"Time to try something new" - Professionals` experiences and reflections on suicide prevention in Norway.
Academic article
Espeland, Kristin;
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Misvisende fremstilling av selvmordsstatistikken.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Espeland, Kristin;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Bedre omsorg, færre selvmord?.
Avisa Vårt land
Feature article
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Hagen, Julia;
Espeland, Kristin;
Nygaard, Tove Ueland;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Retningslinjer forebygger ikke selvmord.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Feature article
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Espeland, Kristin;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Bedre omsorg, færre selvmord?.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Academic article
Journal publications
Espeland, Kristin;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
Lifesaving turning points: First-person accounts of recovery after suicide attempt(s).
Death Studies
Academic article
Espeland, Kristin;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
A call for change from impersonal risk assessment to a relational approach: professionals’ reflections on the national guidelines for suicide prevention in mental health care in Norway.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being
Academic article
Hagen, Julia;
Espeland, Kristin;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Kan vi ha en reell debatt om selvmordsforebygging i Norge? Debattinnlegg.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Feature article
Espeland, Kristin;
Knizek, Birthe Loa;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie.
"Time to try something new" - Professionals` experiences and reflections on suicide prevention in Norway.
Academic article
Espeland, Kristin;
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Misvisende fremstilling av selvmordsstatistikken.
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.)
Feature article
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Espeland, Kristin;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Bedre omsorg, færre selvmord?.
Avisa Vårt land
Feature article
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Hagen, Julia;
Espeland, Kristin;
Nygaard, Tove Ueland;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Retningslinjer forebygger ikke selvmord.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Feature article
Hagen, Julia;
Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie;
Espeland, Kristin;
Knizek, Birthe Loa.
Bedre omsorg, færre selvmord?.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening
Academic article
LectureEspeland, Kristin. (2020) Sammen for å forebygge selvmord. LEVE Sør-Trøndelag Verdensdagen for selvmordsforebygging 2020-09-10 -
Academic lectureEspeland, Kristin; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2019) Fagfolks refleksjoner om brukermedvirkning i selvmordsforebyggingen. 10. nasjonale konferanse om selvmordsforskning- og forebygging 2019-04-02 - 2019-04-03
Popular scientific lectureEspeland, Kristin; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2019) Hvordan kan vi best forebygge selvmord?. Markering av verdensdagen for psykisk helse 2019-10-15 -
Academic lectureEspeland, Kristin; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2018) Professionals' views on user involvement in suicide prevention: Very important, but... 17th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour , Ghent 2018-09-05 - 2018-09-08
LectureEspeland, Kristin; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2017) Selvmordsforebygging i et recoveryperspektiv. Forskningsdag 2017-06-15 - 2017-06-15
LectureEspeland, Kristin; Hjelmeland, Heidi Marie; Knizek, Birthe Loa. (2017) Embracing the complexity: Reframing suicide prevention through a recovery approach. Critical Suicidology 2 2017-06-28 - 2017-07-01