Bente Jessen Graae
I am a plant ecologist focusing on land use and climate effects on plant communities in Arctic/alpine/subarctic ecosystems, temperate and boreal forests and savanna ecosystems. I did my PhD at University of Copenhagen on how forest history shape the plant communities we see now in Danish forests. I am still having fun with forest of questions through the network Fleur. After my PhD I lived three years in Greenland being the scientific leader of the Field Station Arctic station, run by University of Copenhagen and thereafter 5 years in Abisko employed by Climate Impacts Research Center, Umeå University. Since 2009 I have been employed at NTNU with the opportunities to continue my activities in subarctic and alpine vegetation (see for instance ECOSHRUB and Microclim GLORIA) and furthermore work extensively in the Serengeti savanna ecosystem leading a WP in the Horizon2020 project AfricanBioServices.
In our group we also work with the ecology of the invasive species Impatiens glandulifera.
We are furthermore interested in conserving biodiversity and restoration of vegetation in and after big infrastructure development. We therefore take part in the Green Moveand NorthWind projects. We even are trying to “Rewild” the NTNU university park with our project Det Grønne Gløs with support from Fremtidens Campus.
I enjoy teaching and am occupied by developing non-digital teaching such as our board game Savanna Life for Natural Resources Management students.
Currently working in my group are:
Post doc Kristiina Visakorpi
PhD student Lukas Seifert
Master students: Martine Hennig, Markus Andersen, Hanne Alise Heien, Tonje Rostad Solhus, Håkon Nielsen (cosupervised) and Marie Digre.
Previous people in my group at NTNU:
Post doc Stuart Smith
Post Doc Kenny Helsen
Now graduated PhD students:
Ronja Wedegärtner
Kristin Odden Nystuen
Mia Vedel Sørensen
Kamal Prasad Acharia
And many lovely Master students!
Amstutz, A.;
Firth, L.B.;
Spicer, J.I.;
De Frenne, Frenne;
Gómez-Aparicio, L.;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Taking sides? Aspect has limited influence on soil environment or litter decomposition in pan-European study of roadside verges.
Academic article
Vanneste, Thomas;
Depauw, Leen;
De Lombaerde, Emiel;
Meeussen, Camille;
Govaert, Sanne;
De Pauw, Karen.
Trade-offs in biodiversity and ecosystem services between edges and interiors in European forests.
Nature Ecology and Evolution
Academic article
Moreira, Xoaquín;
Van den Bossche, Astrid;
Moeys, Karlien;
Van Meerbeek, Koenraad;
Thomaes, Arno;
Vázquez-González, Carla.
Variation in insect herbivory across an urbanization gradient: The role of abiotic factors and leaf secondary metabolites.
Plant physiology and biochemistry (Paris)
Academic article
Vanneste, Thomas;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Kyrkjeeide, Magni Olsen;
Lindmo, Sigrid;
Michelsen, Ottar;
Naranjo-Orrico, Domenica J..
Two decades of increasing functional and phylogenetic richness in a mountaintop flora in central Norway.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Govaert, Sanne;
Meeussen, Camille;
Vanneste, Thomas;
Bollmann, Kurt;
Brunet, Jörg;
Calders, Kim.
Trait–micro-environment relationships of forest herb communities across Europe.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Academic article
Ojwang, Gordon O.;
Ogutu, Joseph O.;
Said, Mohammed Yahya;
Ojwala, Merceline A.;
Kifugo, Shem C.;
Verones, Francesca.
An integrated hierarchical classification and machine learning approach for mapping land use and land cover in complex social-ecological systems.
Frontiers in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Naranjo, Domenica;
Strimbeck, George Richard;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
How do lichens, willow shrubs, meadow, and heath plant communities affect microclimate?.
Masters thesis
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Nystuen, Kristin Odden;
Vandvik, Vigdis;
Eycott, Amy Elizabeth.
Effects of climate change on regeneration of plants from seeds in boreal, subarctic, and subalpine regions.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Wedegärtner, Ronja Elisabeth Magdalene;
Lembrechts, Jonas J.;
van der Wal, René;
Barros, Agustina;
Chauvin, Aurélie;
Janssens, Ilias.
Hiking trails shift plant species' realized climatic niches and locally increase species richness.
Diversity and Distributions: A Journal of Conservation Biogeography
Academic article
Jolivet, Anais;
MacDougald, Aidan Cameron;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Klanderud, Kari;
Wedegärtner, Ronja Elisabeth Magdalene.
Sticking to the trail: Seed rain, seed bank and seedling density are elevated along hiking trails in the Scandes mountains.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Gasperini, Cristina;
Bollmann, Kurt;
Brunet, Jörg;
Cousins, Sara A. O.;
Decocq, Guillaume;
De Pauw, Karen.
Soil seed bank responses to edge effects in temperate European forests.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Academic article
Hagenberg, Liyenne Wu Chen;
Vanneste, Thomas;
Opedal, Øystein H.;
Petlund, Hanne Torsdatter;
Björkman, Mats P.;
Björk, Robert G..
Vegetation change on mountaintops in northern Sweden: Stable vascular-plant but reordering of lichen and bryophyte communities.
Ecological Research
Academic article
Awuah, Joana;
Smith, Stuart;
Speed, James David Mervyn;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Can seasonal fire management reduce the risk of carbon loss from wildfires in a protected Guinea savanna?.
Academic article
Heinken, Thilo;
Diekmann, Martin;
Liira, Jaan;
Orczewska, Anna;
Schmidt, Marcus;
Brunet, Jörg.
The European Forest Plant Species List (EuForPlant): Concept and applications.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Depauw, Leen;
Hu, Ri;
Dhungana, Khumanand Sharma;
Govaert, Sanne;
Meeussen, Camille;
Vangansbeke, Pieter.
Functional trait variation of Anemone nemorosa along macro- and microclimatic gradients close to the northern range edge.
Nordic Journal of Botany (NJB)
Academic article
Meeussen, Camille;
Govaert, Sanne;
Vanneste, Thomas;
Haesen, Stef;
Van Meerbeek, Koenraad;
Bollmann, Kurt.
Drivers of carbon stocks in forest edges across Europe.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Lembrechts, Jonas J.;
van den Hoogen, Johan;
Aalto, Juha;
Ashcroft, Michael B.;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Kemppinen, Julia.
Global maps of soil temperature.
Global Change Biology
Academic article
Staude, Ingmar R.;
Pereira, Henrique M.;
Daskalova, Gergana N.;
Bernhardt-Römermann, Markus;
Diekmann, Martin;
Pauli, Harald.
Directional turnover towards larger-ranged plants over time and across habitats.
Ecology Letters
Academic article
Helsen, Kenny;
Diekmann, Martin;
Decocq, Guillaume;
De Pauw, Karen;
Govaert, Sanne;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Biological flora of Central Europe: Impatiens glandulifera Royle.
Perspectives in plant ecology, evolution and systematics
Academic article
Mallen-Cooper, Max;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Cornwell, William K..
Lichens buffer tundra microclimate more than the expanding shrub Betula nana.
Annals of Botany
Academic article
Kuipers, Koen Jacobus Josefus;
Hilbers, Jelle P;
Garcia-Ulloa, John Alejandro;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
May, Roelof Frans;
Verones, Francesca.
Habitat fragmentation amplifies threats from habitat loss to mammal diversity across the world’s terrestrial ecoregions.
One Earth
Academic article
Opedal, Øystein H;
Nystuen, Kristin Odden;
Hagen, Dagmar;
Holien, Håkon;
Sørensen, Mia Vedel;
Lang, Simone.
Herbivores reduce seedling recruitment in alpine plant communities.
Nordic Journal of Botany (NJB)
Academic article
Sanczuk, Pieter;
Govaert, Sanne;
Meeussen, Camille;
De Pauw, Karen;
Vanneste, Thomas;
Depauw, Leen.
Small scale environmental variation modulates plant defence syndromes of understorey plants in deciduous forests of Europe.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Academic article
Kija, Hamza;
Ogutu, Joseph O;
Mangewa, Lazaro J;
Bukombe, John;
Verones, Francesca;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Spatio-Temporal Changes in Wildlife Habitat Quality in the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem.
Academic article
Vanneste, Thomas;
Govaert, Sanne;
De Kesel, Willem;
Van Den Berge, Sanne;
Vangansbeke, Pieter;
Meeussen, Camille.
Plant diversity in hedgerows and road verges across Europe.
Journal of Applied Ecology
Academic article
Helsen, Kenny;
Acharya, Kamal Prasad;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
De Kort, Hanne;
Brunet, Jörg;
Chabrerie, Olivier.
Earlier onset of flowering and increased reproductive allocation of an annual invasive plant in the north of its novel range.
Annals of Botany
Academic article
Vanneste, Thomas;
Govaert, Sanne;
Spicher, Fabien;
Brunet, Jorg;
Cousins, Sara;
Decocq, Guillaume.
Contrasting microclimates among hedgerows and woodlands across temperate Europe.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Academic article
Marsman, Floor;
Nystuen, Kristin Odden;
Opedal, Øystein Hjorthol;
Foest, Jessie;
Sørensen, Mia Vedel;
De Frenne, Pieter.
Determinants of tree seedling establishment in alpine tundra.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Vanneste, Thomas;
Van Den Berge, Sanne;
Riské, Enya;
Brunet, Jörg;
Decocq, Guillaume;
Diekmann, Martin.
Hedging against biodiversity loss: Forest herbs’ performance in hedgerows across temperate Europe.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Meeussen, Camille;
Govaert, Sanne;
Vanneste, Thomas;
Calders, Kim;
Bollmann, Kurt;
Brunet, Jörg.
Structural variation of forest edges across Europe.
Forest Ecology and Management
Academic article
Sundsdal, Anders;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Speed, James David Mervyn;
Bukombe, John;
Mtweve, Philipo Jacob;
Klementsen Arneberg, Marit.
Teatime in the Serengeti: macrodetritivores sustain recalcitrant plant litter decomposition across human-modified tropical savannahs.
Plant and Soil
Academic article
Lembrechts, Jonas J.;
Aalto, Juha;
Ashcroft, Michael B.;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Kopecký, Martin;
Lenoir, Jonathan.
SoilTemp: A global database of near-surface temperature.
Global Change Biology
Academic article
Helsen, Kenny;
Van Cleemput, Elisa;
Bassi, Lonardo;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Somers, Ben;
Blonder, Benjamin.
Inter- and intraspecific trait variation shape multidimensional trait overlap between two plant invaders and the invaded communities.
Academic article
Nielsen, Martin Reinhardt;
May, Roelof Frans;
Said, Mohammed Yahya;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Deliverable 5.4: Future scenario analysis - Implications of ecosystem service and management change.
Said, Mohammed Yahya;
Kifugo, Shem;
Kija, Hamza;
Ojwang, Gordon;
Ojwala, Merceline;
May, Roelof Frans.
Deliverable 2.1. Quantitative modelling of land use.
Sørensen, Mia Vedel;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Classen, Aimée T.;
Enquist, Brian J.;
Strimbeck, Richard.
Drivers of C cycling in three arctic-alpine plant communities .
Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine research
Academic article
Strimbeck, Richard;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Lang, Simone;
Sørensen, Mia Vedel.
Functional group contributions to carbon fluxes in arctic-alpine ecosystems.
Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine research
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Nielsen, Martin Reinhardt;
Kløckner, Christian;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Moe, Espen;
Said, Mohammed Yahya.
Savanna Life (brettspill/serious game).
Other product
Nystuen, Kristin Odden;
Sundsdal, Kristine;
Opedal, Øystein Hjorthol;
Holien, Håkon;
Strimbeck, Richard;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Lichens facilitate seedling recruitment in alpine heath.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Govaert, Sanne;
Meeussen, Camille;
Vanneste, Thomas;
Bollmann, Kurt;
Brunet, Jörg;
Cousins, Sara A.O..
Edge influence on understorey plant communities depends on forest management.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Helsen, Kenny;
Hagenblad, Jenny;
Acharya, Kamal Prasad;
Brunet, Jörg;
Cousins, Sara A. O.;
Decocq, Guillaume.
No genetic erosion after five generations for Impatiens glandulifera populations across the invaded range in Europe.
BMC Genetics
Academic article
Kuipers, Koen;
May, Roelof Frans;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Verones, Francesca.
Reviewing the potential for including habitat fragmentation to improve life cycle impact assessments for land use impacts on biodiversity.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Smith, Stuart W.;
Sundsdal, Anders;
Speed, James David Mervyn.
Teatime for termites: Understanding the impact of human land-use and climate on termite and microbial litter decomposition.
Masters thesis
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Smith, Stuart W.;
Coleman, Kjirsten Elizabeth Robyne.
Uncovering the Impacts of Fencing in the Mara.
Masters thesis
Huri, Huri;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Strimbeck, Richard;
De Frenne, Pieter.
How does a forest herb species change its reproductive allocation patterns in response to microclimate variation.
Masters thesis
Graae, Bente Jessen;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Sharma Dhungana, Khumanand.
Microclimate Effects on Functional Traits of Anemone Nemorosa at an Elevation Gradient in Norway.
Masters thesis
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Smith, Stuart W.;
Speed, James David Mervyn;
Marit Klemetsen, Arneberg.
The impact of wild and domestic herbivores on aboveground productivity in an East-African savannah.
Masters thesis
Smith, Stuart;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Bukombe, John;
Hassan, Shombe N.;
Lyamuya, Richard Daniel;
Mtweve, Philipo Jacob.
Savannah trees buffer herbaceous plant biomass against wild and domestic herbivores.
Applied Vegetation Science
Academic article
Blonder, Benjamin;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Greer, Burke;
Haagsma, Marja;
Helsen, Kenny;
Kapás, Rozália Erzsebet.
Remote sensing of ploidy level in quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.).
Journal of Ecology
Academic article
Haukenes, Vilde Lytskjold;
Speed, James David Mervyn;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Smith, Stuart.
Carbon stocks across the Serengeti ecosystem: Impacts of climate, land management and woody plant cover.
Masters thesis
Kolstad, Anders Lorentzen;
Austrheim, Gunnar;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Solberg, Erling Johan;
Strimbeck, Richard;
Speed, James David Mervyn.
Moose effects on soil temperatures, tree canopies, and understory vegetation: a path analysis.
Academic article
Kattge, Jens;
Bönisch, Gerhard;
Díaz, Sandra;
Lavorel, Sandra;
Prentice, Iain Colin;
Leadley, Paul.
TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access
Global Change Biology
Academic article
Helsen, Kenny;
Kapás, Rozália Erzsebet;
Rakvaag, Grete;
Speed, James David Mervyn;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Impacts of an invasive plant on primary production: Testing a functional trait-based framework with a greenhouse experiment.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Anderson, T. Michael;
Ngoti, Philbert M.;
Nzunda, Mawazo L.;
Griffith, Daniel M.;
Speed, James David Mervyn;
Fossøy, Frode.
The burning question: does fire affect habitat selection and forage preference of the black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis in East African savannahs?.
Academic article
Smith, Stuart;
Speed, James David Mervyn;
Bukombe, John;
Hassan, Shombe Ntaraluka;
Lyamuya, Richard Daniel;
Mtweve, Philipo Jacob.
Litter type and termites regulate root decomposition across contrasting savanna land-uses .
Academic article
Blonder, Benjamin;
Kapás, Rozália Erzsebet;
Dalton, Rebecca M;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Heiling, Jacob M;
Opedal, Øystein Hjorthol.
Microenvironment and functional‐trait context dependence predict alpine plant community dynamics.
Journal of Ecology
Academic article
Blonder, Benjamin;
Enquist, Brian J.;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Kattge, J;
Maitner, Brian S.;
Morueta-Holme, Naia.
Late Quaternary climate legacies in contemporary plant functional composition.
Global Change Biology
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Bloondel, H;
Brunet, J;
Carón, M.M.;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Cougnon, Mathias.
Atmospheric nitrogen deposition on petals enhances seed quality of the forest herb Anemone nemorosa.
Plant Biology
Academic article
Sørensen, Mia Vedel;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Hagen, Dagmar;
Enquist, Brian J.;
Nystuen, Kristin Odden;
Strimbeck, Richard.
Experimental herbivore exclusion,
shrub introduction, and carbon sequestration
in alpine plant communities.
BMC Ecology
Academic article
Helsen, Kenny;
Smith, Stuart;
Brunet, J;
Cousins, Sara A.O.;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Kimberley, Adam.
Impact of an invasive alien plant on litter decomposition along a latitudinal gradient.
Academic article
Vanneste, Thomas;
Michelsen, Ottar;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Kyrkjeeide, Magni Olsen;
Holien, Håkon;
Hassel, Kristian.
Correction to: Impact of climate change on alpine vegetation of mountain summits in Norway.
Ecological Research
Sørensen, Mia Vedel;
Strimbeck, Richard;
Nystuen, Kristin Odden;
Kapás, Rozália Erzsebet;
Enquist, Brian J.;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Draining the pool? Carbon storage and fluxes in three alpine plant communities.
Academic article
Vanneste, Thomas;
Michelsen, Ottar;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Kyrkjeeide, Magni Olsen;
Holien, Håkon;
Hassel, Kristian.
Impact of climate change on alpine vegetation of mountain summits in Norway.
Ecological Research
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Brunet, Jörg;
Cougnon, Mathias;
Decocq, Guillaume;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Hagenblad, Jenny.
Biological Flora of the British Isles: Milium effusum.
Journal of Ecology
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Hemphill, Elisa J. K.;
Lyamuya, Richard D.;
Mayemba, Emilian.
Travelling along the Road.
Bukombe, John;
Mujuni, Nelson;
Mwita, Machoke;
Lyamuya, Richard D.;
Mayemba, Emilian;
Hassan, Shombe N..
Distribution of Alien Plant Species.
Helsen, Kenny;
Acharya, Kamal Prasad;
Brunet, J;
Cousins, Sara A. O.;
Decocq, Guillaume;
Hermy, Martin.
Biotic and abiotic drivers of intraspecific trait variation within plant populations of three herbaceous plant species along a latitudinal gradient.
BMC Ecology
Academic article
Lyamuya, Richard D.;
Hemphill, Elisa J. K.;
Bukombe, John;
Mawaze, Nzunda;
Mwita, Machoke;
Mayemba, Emilian.
Plue, Jan;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Acharya, Kamal Prasad;
Brunet, Jörg;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Decocq, Guillaume.
Where does the community start, and where does it end? Including the seed bank to reassess forest herb layer responses to the environment.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Vandvik, Vigdis;
Armbruster, W. Scott;
Eiserhardt, Wolf L.;
Svenning, Jens-Christian;
Hylander, Kristoffer.
Stay or go - how topographic complexity influences alpine plant population and community responses to climate change.
Perspectives in plant ecology, evolution and systematics
Academic article
Acharya, Kamal Prasad;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Brunet, Jörg;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Cousins, Sara A. O.;
Diekmann, Martin.
Latitudinal variation of life-history traits of an exotic and a native impatiens species in Europe.
Acta Oecologica
Academic article
Kavana, Pius Yoram;
Mahonge, Christopher P.;
Sangeda, Anthony Z.;
Mtengeti, Ephraim J.;
Fyumagwa, Robert;
Nindi, Stephen.
Panorama of agro-pastoralism in western Serengeti: A review and synthesis.
Livestock Research for Rural Development
Academic literature review
Blonder, Benjamin;
Moulton, Derek E.;
Blois, Jessica;
Enquist, Brian J.;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Macias-Fauria, Marc.
Predictability in community dynamics.
Ecology Letters
Academic article
Elst, Evelyne M.;
Acharya, Kamal Prasad;
Dar, Pervaiz A.;
Reshi, Zafar A.;
Tufto, Jarle;
Nijs, Ivan.
Pre-adaptation or genetic shift after introduction in the invasive species Impatiens glandulifera?.
Acta Oecologica
Academic article
Eide, Nina Elisabeth;
Evju, Marianne;
Nystuen, Kristin O.;
Jepsen, Jane Uhd;
Soininen, Eeva M;
Le Vaillant, Maryline.
Smågnagerne gir puls og liv til høyfjellet.
Reinecke, J;
Wulf, M;
Baeten, L;
Brunet, J;
Decocq, G;
De Frenne, P.
Acido- and neutrophilic temperate forest plants display distinct shifts in ecological pH niche across north-western Europe.
Academic article
Bienau, Miriam J.;
Kröncke, Michael;
Eiserhardt, Wolf Lukas T.;
Otte, Annette;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Hagen, Dagmar.
Synchronous flowering despite differences in snowmelt timing among habitats of Empetrum hermaphroditum.
Acta Oecologica
Academic article
Opedal, Øystein Hjorthol;
Armbruster, William Scott;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Linking small-scale topography with microclimate, plant species diversity and intra-specific trait variation in an alpine landscape.
Plant Ecology & Diversity
Academic article
Hagenblad, Jenny;
Hülskötter, Jennifer;
Acharya, Kamal Prasad;
Brunet, Jörg;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Cousins, Sara A.O..
Low genetic diversity despite multiple introductions of the invasive plant species Impatiens glandulifera in Europe.
BMC Genetics
Academic article
Wasof, Safaa;
Lenoir, Jonathan;
Aarrestad, Per Arild;
Alsos, Inger Greve;
Armbruster, W. Scott;
Austrheim, Gunnar.
Disjunct populations of European vascular plant species keep the same climatic niches.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Academic article
Carón, M.M.;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Brunet, J;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Cousins, Sara A.O.;
Decocq, Guillaume.
Divergent regeneration responses of two closely related tree species to direct abiotic and indirect biotic effects of climate change.
Forest Ecology and Management
Academic article
Lemke, Isgard H.;
Kolb, Annette;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Acharya, Kamal Prasad;
Blandino, Cristina.
Patterns of phenotypic trait variation in two temperate forest herbs along a broad climatic gradient.
Plant Ecology
Academic article
Hagen, Dagmar;
Hansen, Tor Ivar;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Rydgren, Knut.
To seed or not to seed in alpine restoration: introduced grass species outcompete rather than facilitate native species.
Ecological Engineering: The Journal of Ecotechnology
Academic article
Carón, Maria Mercedes;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Brunet, Jörg;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Cousins, Sara A.O.;
De Backer, L..
Latitudinal variation in seeds characteristics of Acer platanoides and A. pseudoplatanus.
Plant Ecology
Academic article
Nystuen, Kristin O;
Evju, Marianne;
Rusch, Graciela;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Eide, Nina Elisabeth.
Rodent population dynamics affect seedling recruitment in alpine habitats.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Bienau, MJ;
Hattermann, D;
Kroncke, M;
Kretz, L;
Otte, A;
Eiserhardt, Wolf Lukas T..
Snow cover consistently affects growth and reproduction of Empetrum hermaphroditum across latitudinal and local climatic gradients.
Alpine Botany
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Coomes, David A.;
De Schrijver, An;
Staelens, Jeroen;
Alexander, Jake M.;
Bernhardt-Römermann, Markus.
Plant movements and climate warming: Intraspecific variation in growth responses to nonlocal soils.
New Phytologist
Academic article
Lenoir, Jonathan;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Aarrestad, Per Arild;
Alsos, Inger Greve;
Armbruster, William Scott;
Austrheim, Gunnar.
Local temperatures inferred from plant communities suggest strong spatial buffering of climate warming across Northern Europe.
Global Change Biology
Academic article
Milbau, Ann;
Shevtsova, Anna;
Osler, N;
Mooshammer, M;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Plant community type and small-scale disturbances, but not altitude, influence the invasibility in subarctic ecosystems.
New Phytologist
Academic article
Pelabon, Christophe;
Diekmann, Martin;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Osler, Nora C..
Decoupled phenotypic variation between floral and vegetative traits:distinguishing between developmental and environmental correlations.
Annals of Botany
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Rodriguez-Sánchez, Francisco;
Coomes, David A.;
Baeten, Lander;
Verstraeten, Gorik;
Vellend, Mark.
Microclimate moderates plant responses to macroclimate warming.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Jan, Plue;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Acharya, Kamal Prasad;
Brunet, Jörg;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Decocq, Guillaume.
Climatic control of forest herb seed banks along a latitudinal gradient.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Rodriguez-Sanchez, F;
Kolb, Annette;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Decocq, Guillaume.
Latitudinal gradients as natural laboratories to infer species' responses to temperature.
Journal of Ecology
Academic literature review
Moles, Angela T.;
Peco, B;
Wallis, Ian R.;
Foley, William J.;
Poore, AGB;
Seabloom, Eric W..
Correlations between physical and chemical defences in plants: tradeoffs, syndromes, or just many different ways to skin a herbivorous cat?.
New Phytologist
Academic article
Giesler, Reiner;
Esberg, Camilla;
Lagerström, Anna;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Phosphorus availability and microbial respiration across different tundra vegetation types.
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Kolb, Annette;
Brunet, Jörg;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Verheyen, Kris.
On the use of weather data in ecological studies along altitudinal and latitudinal gradients.
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Brunet, Jörg;
Shevtsova, Anna;
De Schrijver, A;
Chabrerie, Olivier.
The response of forest plant regeneration to temperature variation along a latitudinal gradient.
Annals of Botany
Academic article
Gwynn-Jones, Dylan;
Jones, Alan G;
Waterhouse, A.;
Winters, A;
Comont, D;
Scullion, J.
Enhanced UV-B and Elevated CO2 Impacts Sub-Arctic Shrub Berry Abundance, Quality and Seed Germination.
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Kolb, A;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Decocq, Guillaume;
Baltora, S;
De Schrijver, A.
A latitudinal gradient in seed nutrients of the forest herb Anemone nemorosa.
Plant Biology
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Ejrnæs, Rasmus;
Lang, SI;
Meineri, Eric Pierre F;
Ibarra, PT;
Bruun, Hans Henrik.
Strong microsite control of seedling recruitment in tundra.
Academic article
Sundqvist, Maja K;
Giesler, Reiner;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Wallander, Håkan;
Fogelberg, Elisabeth;
Wardle, David A.
Interactive effects of vegetation type and elevation on aboveground and belowground properties in a subarctic tundra.
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Baeten, Lander;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Brunet, Jörg;
Wulf, Monika;
Orczewska, Anna.
Interregional variation in the floristic recovery of post-agricultural forests.
Journal of Ecology
Academic article
Eckstein, RL;
Pereira, Eva;
Milbau, Ann;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Predicted changes in vegetation structure affect the susceptibility to invasion of bryophyte-dominated subarctic heath.
Annals of Botany
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Kolb, Annette;
Shevtsova, Anna;
Brunet, Jörg;
Baeten, Lander.
An intraspecific application of the leaf-height-seed ecology strategy scheme on forest herbs along a latitudinal gradient.
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Brunet, Jörg;
Shevtsova, Anna;
Kolb, Annette;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Chabrerie, Olivier.
Temperature effects on forest herbs assessed by warming and transplant experiments along a latitudinal gradient.
Global Change Biology
Academic article
Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda A.;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Douma, JC;
Grau, Oriol;
Milbau, Ann;
Shevtsova, Anna.
How do bryophytes govern generative recruitment of vascular plants?.
New Phytologist
Academic article
Moles, Angela T.;
Wallis, Ian R.;
Foley, William J.;
Warton, David I.;
Stegen, James C.;
Bisigato, Alejandro J..
Putting plant resistance traits on the map: a test of the idea that plants are better defended at lower latitudes.
New Phytologist
Academic article
Baeten, Lander;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Verheyen, Kris;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Hermy, Martin.
Forest herbs in the face of global change: a single-species-multiple-threats approach for Anemone nemorosa.
Plant Ecology and Evolution
Academic literature review
Auffret, AG;
Meineri, Eric Pierre F;
Bruun, Hans Henrik;
Ejrnæs, R;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Ontogenetic niche shifts in three Vaccinium species on a sub-alpine mountain side.
Plant Ecology & Diversity
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
De Schrijver, A;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Gruwez, R;
Tack, W;
Vandelook, F.
The use of open-top chambers in forests for evaluating warming effects on herbaceous understorey plants.
Ecological Research
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Kolb, Annette;
Brunet, Jörg;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Cousins, Sara.
Significant effects of temperature on the reproductive output of the forest herb Anemone nemorosa L.
Forest Ecology and Management
Academic article
Milbau, Ann;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Shevtsova, Anna;
Nijs, Ivan.
Effects of a warmer climate on seed germination in subarctic tundra.
Annals of Botany
Academic article
Shevtsova, Anna;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Jochum, Till;
Milbau, Ann;
Kockelberg, Fred;
Beyens, Louis.
Critical periods for impact of climate-warming on early seedling establishment in subarctic tundra.
Global Change Biology
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Verheyen, Kris;
Kolb, Anette;
Van der Veken, Sebastian;
Heinken, Thilo;
Chabrerie, Olivier.
Germination requirements and seed mass of slow and fast colonizing forest herbs along a latitudinal gradient.
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Kolb, Anette;
Verheyen, Kris;
Brunet, Jörg;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Decoqc, Guillaume.
Unravelling the effects of temperature, latitude and local environment on the reproduction of six forest herbs.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Academic article
Beyens, Louis;
Ledeganck, Pieter;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Nijs, Ivan.
Are soil biota buffered against climatic extremes? An experimental test on testate amoebae in arctic tundra (Qeqertarsuaq, West Greenland).
Polar Biology
Academic article
Milbau, Ann;
Stout, Jane C;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Nijs, Ivan.
A hierarchical framework for integrating invasibility experiments incorporating different factors and spatial scales.
Biological Invasions
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Ejrnæs, Rasmus;
Marchand, Fleur L;
Beyens, Louis;
Nijs, Ivan.
The effect of an early-season short-term heat pulse on plant recruitment in the Arctic.
Polar Biology
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Alsos, Inger Greve;
Ejrnaes, R.
The impact of temperature regimes on development, dormancy breaking and germination of dwarf shrub seeds from arctic, alpine and boreal sites.
Plant Ecology
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Alsos, Inger Greve;
Ejrnæs, Rasmus.
The impact of temperature regimes on development, dormancy breaking and germination of dwarf shrub seeds from Arctic, alpine and boreal site.
Plant Ecology
Academic article
Vellend, Mark;
Verheyen, Kris;
Flinn, Katheryn M;
Jacquemyn, Hans;
Kolb, Anette;
Van Calster, Hans.
Homogenization of forest plant communities and weakening of species-environment relationships via agricultural land use.
Journal of Ecology
Academic article
Ejrnæs, Rasmus;
Bruun, Hans Henrik;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Predicting community assembly in experimental grassland - Appropriate environment or timely arrival?.
Academic article
Marchand, Fleur L;
Verlinden, Marit;
Kockelberg, Fred;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Beyens, Louis;
Nijs, Ivan.
Species-specific responses and enhanced senescence in Arctic tundra species exposed to an experimental extreme temperature event accompanied by desiccation.
Functional Ecology
Academic article
Graae, B.J.;
Økland, Rune Halvorsen;
Petersen, P.M.;
Jensen, K.;
Fritzbøger, B..
Influence of historical, geographical, and environmental variables on understorey species composition and richness in Danish forest.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Økland, Rune Halvorsen;
Petersen, Peter Milan;
Jensen, Karin;
Fritzbøger, Bo.
The relative influence of historical, geographical and environmental factors for understorey species composition in temperate deciduous forest.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Pagh, Sussie;
Bruun, Hans Henrik.
An experimental evaluation of the arctic fox (Alopex lagopus, Canidae) as a seed disperser.
Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine research
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Hansen, Thomas;
Sunde, Pernille Bødtker.
The importance of recruitment limitation in forest plant species colonization: a seed sowing experiment.
Flora: Morphologie, Geobotanik, Oekophysiologie
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Sunde, Pernille Bødtker;
Fritzbøger, Bo.
Vegetation and soil differences in ancient opposed to recent forests.
Forest Ecology and Management
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen.
The role of epizoochorous seed dispersal of forest plant species in a fragmented landscape.
Seed Science Research
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen.
The effect of landscape fragmentation on forest floor species in two regions of Denmark, Hornsherred and Himmerland.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Sunde, Pernille Bødtker.
The impact of forest continuity and management on forest floor vegetation evaluated by species traits.
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Heskjær, Vibeke Steen.
A comparison of understorey vegetation between untouched and managed deciduous forest in Denmark.
Forest Ecology and Management
Academic article
Journal publications
Amstutz, A.;
Firth, L.B.;
Spicer, J.I.;
De Frenne, Frenne;
Gómez-Aparicio, L.;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Taking sides? Aspect has limited influence on soil environment or litter decomposition in pan-European study of roadside verges.
Academic article
Vanneste, Thomas;
Depauw, Leen;
De Lombaerde, Emiel;
Meeussen, Camille;
Govaert, Sanne;
De Pauw, Karen.
Trade-offs in biodiversity and ecosystem services between edges and interiors in European forests.
Nature Ecology and Evolution
Academic article
Moreira, Xoaquín;
Van den Bossche, Astrid;
Moeys, Karlien;
Van Meerbeek, Koenraad;
Thomaes, Arno;
Vázquez-González, Carla.
Variation in insect herbivory across an urbanization gradient: The role of abiotic factors and leaf secondary metabolites.
Plant physiology and biochemistry (Paris)
Academic article
Vanneste, Thomas;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Kyrkjeeide, Magni Olsen;
Lindmo, Sigrid;
Michelsen, Ottar;
Naranjo-Orrico, Domenica J..
Two decades of increasing functional and phylogenetic richness in a mountaintop flora in central Norway.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Govaert, Sanne;
Meeussen, Camille;
Vanneste, Thomas;
Bollmann, Kurt;
Brunet, Jörg;
Calders, Kim.
Trait–micro-environment relationships of forest herb communities across Europe.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Academic article
Ojwang, Gordon O.;
Ogutu, Joseph O.;
Said, Mohammed Yahya;
Ojwala, Merceline A.;
Kifugo, Shem C.;
Verones, Francesca.
An integrated hierarchical classification and machine learning approach for mapping land use and land cover in complex social-ecological systems.
Frontiers in Remote Sensing
Academic article
Wedegärtner, Ronja Elisabeth Magdalene;
Lembrechts, Jonas J.;
van der Wal, René;
Barros, Agustina;
Chauvin, Aurélie;
Janssens, Ilias.
Hiking trails shift plant species' realized climatic niches and locally increase species richness.
Diversity and Distributions: A Journal of Conservation Biogeography
Academic article
Jolivet, Anais;
MacDougald, Aidan Cameron;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Klanderud, Kari;
Wedegärtner, Ronja Elisabeth Magdalene.
Sticking to the trail: Seed rain, seed bank and seedling density are elevated along hiking trails in the Scandes mountains.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Gasperini, Cristina;
Bollmann, Kurt;
Brunet, Jörg;
Cousins, Sara A. O.;
Decocq, Guillaume;
De Pauw, Karen.
Soil seed bank responses to edge effects in temperate European forests.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Academic article
Hagenberg, Liyenne Wu Chen;
Vanneste, Thomas;
Opedal, Øystein H.;
Petlund, Hanne Torsdatter;
Björkman, Mats P.;
Björk, Robert G..
Vegetation change on mountaintops in northern Sweden: Stable vascular-plant but reordering of lichen and bryophyte communities.
Ecological Research
Academic article
Awuah, Joana;
Smith, Stuart;
Speed, James David Mervyn;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Can seasonal fire management reduce the risk of carbon loss from wildfires in a protected Guinea savanna?.
Academic article
Heinken, Thilo;
Diekmann, Martin;
Liira, Jaan;
Orczewska, Anna;
Schmidt, Marcus;
Brunet, Jörg.
The European Forest Plant Species List (EuForPlant): Concept and applications.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Depauw, Leen;
Hu, Ri;
Dhungana, Khumanand Sharma;
Govaert, Sanne;
Meeussen, Camille;
Vangansbeke, Pieter.
Functional trait variation of Anemone nemorosa along macro- and microclimatic gradients close to the northern range edge.
Nordic Journal of Botany (NJB)
Academic article
Meeussen, Camille;
Govaert, Sanne;
Vanneste, Thomas;
Haesen, Stef;
Van Meerbeek, Koenraad;
Bollmann, Kurt.
Drivers of carbon stocks in forest edges across Europe.
Science of the Total Environment
Academic article
Lembrechts, Jonas J.;
van den Hoogen, Johan;
Aalto, Juha;
Ashcroft, Michael B.;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Kemppinen, Julia.
Global maps of soil temperature.
Global Change Biology
Academic article
Staude, Ingmar R.;
Pereira, Henrique M.;
Daskalova, Gergana N.;
Bernhardt-Römermann, Markus;
Diekmann, Martin;
Pauli, Harald.
Directional turnover towards larger-ranged plants over time and across habitats.
Ecology Letters
Academic article
Helsen, Kenny;
Diekmann, Martin;
Decocq, Guillaume;
De Pauw, Karen;
Govaert, Sanne;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Biological flora of Central Europe: Impatiens glandulifera Royle.
Perspectives in plant ecology, evolution and systematics
Academic article
Mallen-Cooper, Max;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Cornwell, William K..
Lichens buffer tundra microclimate more than the expanding shrub Betula nana.
Annals of Botany
Academic article
Kuipers, Koen Jacobus Josefus;
Hilbers, Jelle P;
Garcia-Ulloa, John Alejandro;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
May, Roelof Frans;
Verones, Francesca.
Habitat fragmentation amplifies threats from habitat loss to mammal diversity across the world’s terrestrial ecoregions.
One Earth
Academic article
Opedal, Øystein H;
Nystuen, Kristin Odden;
Hagen, Dagmar;
Holien, Håkon;
Sørensen, Mia Vedel;
Lang, Simone.
Herbivores reduce seedling recruitment in alpine plant communities.
Nordic Journal of Botany (NJB)
Academic article
Sanczuk, Pieter;
Govaert, Sanne;
Meeussen, Camille;
De Pauw, Karen;
Vanneste, Thomas;
Depauw, Leen.
Small scale environmental variation modulates plant defence syndromes of understorey plants in deciduous forests of Europe.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Academic article
Kija, Hamza;
Ogutu, Joseph O;
Mangewa, Lazaro J;
Bukombe, John;
Verones, Francesca;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Spatio-Temporal Changes in Wildlife Habitat Quality in the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem.
Academic article
Vanneste, Thomas;
Govaert, Sanne;
De Kesel, Willem;
Van Den Berge, Sanne;
Vangansbeke, Pieter;
Meeussen, Camille.
Plant diversity in hedgerows and road verges across Europe.
Journal of Applied Ecology
Academic article
Helsen, Kenny;
Acharya, Kamal Prasad;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
De Kort, Hanne;
Brunet, Jörg;
Chabrerie, Olivier.
Earlier onset of flowering and increased reproductive allocation of an annual invasive plant in the north of its novel range.
Annals of Botany
Academic article
Vanneste, Thomas;
Govaert, Sanne;
Spicher, Fabien;
Brunet, Jorg;
Cousins, Sara;
Decocq, Guillaume.
Contrasting microclimates among hedgerows and woodlands across temperate Europe.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
Academic article
Marsman, Floor;
Nystuen, Kristin Odden;
Opedal, Øystein Hjorthol;
Foest, Jessie;
Sørensen, Mia Vedel;
De Frenne, Pieter.
Determinants of tree seedling establishment in alpine tundra.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Vanneste, Thomas;
Van Den Berge, Sanne;
Riské, Enya;
Brunet, Jörg;
Decocq, Guillaume;
Diekmann, Martin.
Hedging against biodiversity loss: Forest herbs’ performance in hedgerows across temperate Europe.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Meeussen, Camille;
Govaert, Sanne;
Vanneste, Thomas;
Calders, Kim;
Bollmann, Kurt;
Brunet, Jörg.
Structural variation of forest edges across Europe.
Forest Ecology and Management
Academic article
Sundsdal, Anders;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Speed, James David Mervyn;
Bukombe, John;
Mtweve, Philipo Jacob;
Klementsen Arneberg, Marit.
Teatime in the Serengeti: macrodetritivores sustain recalcitrant plant litter decomposition across human-modified tropical savannahs.
Plant and Soil
Academic article
Lembrechts, Jonas J.;
Aalto, Juha;
Ashcroft, Michael B.;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Kopecký, Martin;
Lenoir, Jonathan.
SoilTemp: A global database of near-surface temperature.
Global Change Biology
Academic article
Helsen, Kenny;
Van Cleemput, Elisa;
Bassi, Lonardo;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Somers, Ben;
Blonder, Benjamin.
Inter- and intraspecific trait variation shape multidimensional trait overlap between two plant invaders and the invaded communities.
Academic article
Sørensen, Mia Vedel;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Classen, Aimée T.;
Enquist, Brian J.;
Strimbeck, Richard.
Drivers of C cycling in three arctic-alpine plant communities .
Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine research
Academic article
Strimbeck, Richard;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Lang, Simone;
Sørensen, Mia Vedel.
Functional group contributions to carbon fluxes in arctic-alpine ecosystems.
Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine research
Academic article
Nystuen, Kristin Odden;
Sundsdal, Kristine;
Opedal, Øystein Hjorthol;
Holien, Håkon;
Strimbeck, Richard;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Lichens facilitate seedling recruitment in alpine heath.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Govaert, Sanne;
Meeussen, Camille;
Vanneste, Thomas;
Bollmann, Kurt;
Brunet, Jörg;
Cousins, Sara A.O..
Edge influence on understorey plant communities depends on forest management.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Helsen, Kenny;
Hagenblad, Jenny;
Acharya, Kamal Prasad;
Brunet, Jörg;
Cousins, Sara A. O.;
Decocq, Guillaume.
No genetic erosion after five generations for Impatiens glandulifera populations across the invaded range in Europe.
BMC Genetics
Academic article
Kuipers, Koen;
May, Roelof Frans;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Verones, Francesca.
Reviewing the potential for including habitat fragmentation to improve life cycle impact assessments for land use impacts on biodiversity.
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
Academic article
Smith, Stuart;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Bukombe, John;
Hassan, Shombe N.;
Lyamuya, Richard Daniel;
Mtweve, Philipo Jacob.
Savannah trees buffer herbaceous plant biomass against wild and domestic herbivores.
Applied Vegetation Science
Academic article
Blonder, Benjamin;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Greer, Burke;
Haagsma, Marja;
Helsen, Kenny;
Kapás, Rozália Erzsebet.
Remote sensing of ploidy level in quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.).
Journal of Ecology
Academic article
Kolstad, Anders Lorentzen;
Austrheim, Gunnar;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Solberg, Erling Johan;
Strimbeck, Richard;
Speed, James David Mervyn.
Moose effects on soil temperatures, tree canopies, and understory vegetation: a path analysis.
Academic article
Kattge, Jens;
Bönisch, Gerhard;
Díaz, Sandra;
Lavorel, Sandra;
Prentice, Iain Colin;
Leadley, Paul.
TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access
Global Change Biology
Academic article
Helsen, Kenny;
Kapás, Rozália Erzsebet;
Rakvaag, Grete;
Speed, James David Mervyn;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Impacts of an invasive plant on primary production: Testing a functional trait-based framework with a greenhouse experiment.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Anderson, T. Michael;
Ngoti, Philbert M.;
Nzunda, Mawazo L.;
Griffith, Daniel M.;
Speed, James David Mervyn;
Fossøy, Frode.
The burning question: does fire affect habitat selection and forage preference of the black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis in East African savannahs?.
Academic article
Smith, Stuart;
Speed, James David Mervyn;
Bukombe, John;
Hassan, Shombe Ntaraluka;
Lyamuya, Richard Daniel;
Mtweve, Philipo Jacob.
Litter type and termites regulate root decomposition across contrasting savanna land-uses .
Academic article
Blonder, Benjamin;
Kapás, Rozália Erzsebet;
Dalton, Rebecca M;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Heiling, Jacob M;
Opedal, Øystein Hjorthol.
Microenvironment and functional‐trait context dependence predict alpine plant community dynamics.
Journal of Ecology
Academic article
Blonder, Benjamin;
Enquist, Brian J.;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Kattge, J;
Maitner, Brian S.;
Morueta-Holme, Naia.
Late Quaternary climate legacies in contemporary plant functional composition.
Global Change Biology
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Bloondel, H;
Brunet, J;
Carón, M.M.;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Cougnon, Mathias.
Atmospheric nitrogen deposition on petals enhances seed quality of the forest herb Anemone nemorosa.
Plant Biology
Academic article
Sørensen, Mia Vedel;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Hagen, Dagmar;
Enquist, Brian J.;
Nystuen, Kristin Odden;
Strimbeck, Richard.
Experimental herbivore exclusion,
shrub introduction, and carbon sequestration
in alpine plant communities.
BMC Ecology
Academic article
Helsen, Kenny;
Smith, Stuart;
Brunet, J;
Cousins, Sara A.O.;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Kimberley, Adam.
Impact of an invasive alien plant on litter decomposition along a latitudinal gradient.
Academic article
Vanneste, Thomas;
Michelsen, Ottar;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Kyrkjeeide, Magni Olsen;
Holien, Håkon;
Hassel, Kristian.
Correction to: Impact of climate change on alpine vegetation of mountain summits in Norway.
Ecological Research
Sørensen, Mia Vedel;
Strimbeck, Richard;
Nystuen, Kristin Odden;
Kapás, Rozália Erzsebet;
Enquist, Brian J.;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Draining the pool? Carbon storage and fluxes in three alpine plant communities.
Academic article
Vanneste, Thomas;
Michelsen, Ottar;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Kyrkjeeide, Magni Olsen;
Holien, Håkon;
Hassel, Kristian.
Impact of climate change on alpine vegetation of mountain summits in Norway.
Ecological Research
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Brunet, Jörg;
Cougnon, Mathias;
Decocq, Guillaume;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Hagenblad, Jenny.
Biological Flora of the British Isles: Milium effusum.
Journal of Ecology
Academic article
Helsen, Kenny;
Acharya, Kamal Prasad;
Brunet, J;
Cousins, Sara A. O.;
Decocq, Guillaume;
Hermy, Martin.
Biotic and abiotic drivers of intraspecific trait variation within plant populations of three herbaceous plant species along a latitudinal gradient.
BMC Ecology
Academic article
Plue, Jan;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Acharya, Kamal Prasad;
Brunet, Jörg;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Decocq, Guillaume.
Where does the community start, and where does it end? Including the seed bank to reassess forest herb layer responses to the environment.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Vandvik, Vigdis;
Armbruster, W. Scott;
Eiserhardt, Wolf L.;
Svenning, Jens-Christian;
Hylander, Kristoffer.
Stay or go - how topographic complexity influences alpine plant population and community responses to climate change.
Perspectives in plant ecology, evolution and systematics
Academic article
Acharya, Kamal Prasad;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Brunet, Jörg;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Cousins, Sara A. O.;
Diekmann, Martin.
Latitudinal variation of life-history traits of an exotic and a native impatiens species in Europe.
Acta Oecologica
Academic article
Kavana, Pius Yoram;
Mahonge, Christopher P.;
Sangeda, Anthony Z.;
Mtengeti, Ephraim J.;
Fyumagwa, Robert;
Nindi, Stephen.
Panorama of agro-pastoralism in western Serengeti: A review and synthesis.
Livestock Research for Rural Development
Academic literature review
Blonder, Benjamin;
Moulton, Derek E.;
Blois, Jessica;
Enquist, Brian J.;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Macias-Fauria, Marc.
Predictability in community dynamics.
Ecology Letters
Academic article
Elst, Evelyne M.;
Acharya, Kamal Prasad;
Dar, Pervaiz A.;
Reshi, Zafar A.;
Tufto, Jarle;
Nijs, Ivan.
Pre-adaptation or genetic shift after introduction in the invasive species Impatiens glandulifera?.
Acta Oecologica
Academic article
Reinecke, J;
Wulf, M;
Baeten, L;
Brunet, J;
Decocq, G;
De Frenne, P.
Acido- and neutrophilic temperate forest plants display distinct shifts in ecological pH niche across north-western Europe.
Academic article
Bienau, Miriam J.;
Kröncke, Michael;
Eiserhardt, Wolf Lukas T.;
Otte, Annette;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Hagen, Dagmar.
Synchronous flowering despite differences in snowmelt timing among habitats of Empetrum hermaphroditum.
Acta Oecologica
Academic article
Opedal, Øystein Hjorthol;
Armbruster, William Scott;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Linking small-scale topography with microclimate, plant species diversity and intra-specific trait variation in an alpine landscape.
Plant Ecology & Diversity
Academic article
Hagenblad, Jenny;
Hülskötter, Jennifer;
Acharya, Kamal Prasad;
Brunet, Jörg;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Cousins, Sara A.O..
Low genetic diversity despite multiple introductions of the invasive plant species Impatiens glandulifera in Europe.
BMC Genetics
Academic article
Wasof, Safaa;
Lenoir, Jonathan;
Aarrestad, Per Arild;
Alsos, Inger Greve;
Armbruster, W. Scott;
Austrheim, Gunnar.
Disjunct populations of European vascular plant species keep the same climatic niches.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Academic article
Carón, M.M.;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Brunet, J;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Cousins, Sara A.O.;
Decocq, Guillaume.
Divergent regeneration responses of two closely related tree species to direct abiotic and indirect biotic effects of climate change.
Forest Ecology and Management
Academic article
Lemke, Isgard H.;
Kolb, Annette;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Acharya, Kamal Prasad;
Blandino, Cristina.
Patterns of phenotypic trait variation in two temperate forest herbs along a broad climatic gradient.
Plant Ecology
Academic article
Hagen, Dagmar;
Hansen, Tor Ivar;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Rydgren, Knut.
To seed or not to seed in alpine restoration: introduced grass species outcompete rather than facilitate native species.
Ecological Engineering: The Journal of Ecotechnology
Academic article
Carón, Maria Mercedes;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Brunet, Jörg;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Cousins, Sara A.O.;
De Backer, L..
Latitudinal variation in seeds characteristics of Acer platanoides and A. pseudoplatanus.
Plant Ecology
Academic article
Nystuen, Kristin O;
Evju, Marianne;
Rusch, Graciela;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Eide, Nina Elisabeth.
Rodent population dynamics affect seedling recruitment in alpine habitats.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Bienau, MJ;
Hattermann, D;
Kroncke, M;
Kretz, L;
Otte, A;
Eiserhardt, Wolf Lukas T..
Snow cover consistently affects growth and reproduction of Empetrum hermaphroditum across latitudinal and local climatic gradients.
Alpine Botany
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Coomes, David A.;
De Schrijver, An;
Staelens, Jeroen;
Alexander, Jake M.;
Bernhardt-Römermann, Markus.
Plant movements and climate warming: Intraspecific variation in growth responses to nonlocal soils.
New Phytologist
Academic article
Lenoir, Jonathan;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Aarrestad, Per Arild;
Alsos, Inger Greve;
Armbruster, William Scott;
Austrheim, Gunnar.
Local temperatures inferred from plant communities suggest strong spatial buffering of climate warming across Northern Europe.
Global Change Biology
Academic article
Milbau, Ann;
Shevtsova, Anna;
Osler, N;
Mooshammer, M;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Plant community type and small-scale disturbances, but not altitude, influence the invasibility in subarctic ecosystems.
New Phytologist
Academic article
Pelabon, Christophe;
Diekmann, Martin;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Osler, Nora C..
Decoupled phenotypic variation between floral and vegetative traits:distinguishing between developmental and environmental correlations.
Annals of Botany
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Rodriguez-Sánchez, Francisco;
Coomes, David A.;
Baeten, Lander;
Verstraeten, Gorik;
Vellend, Mark.
Microclimate moderates plant responses to macroclimate warming.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS)
Academic article
Jan, Plue;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Acharya, Kamal Prasad;
Brunet, Jörg;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Decocq, Guillaume.
Climatic control of forest herb seed banks along a latitudinal gradient.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Rodriguez-Sanchez, F;
Kolb, Annette;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Decocq, Guillaume.
Latitudinal gradients as natural laboratories to infer species' responses to temperature.
Journal of Ecology
Academic literature review
Moles, Angela T.;
Peco, B;
Wallis, Ian R.;
Foley, William J.;
Poore, AGB;
Seabloom, Eric W..
Correlations between physical and chemical defences in plants: tradeoffs, syndromes, or just many different ways to skin a herbivorous cat?.
New Phytologist
Academic article
Giesler, Reiner;
Esberg, Camilla;
Lagerström, Anna;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Phosphorus availability and microbial respiration across different tundra vegetation types.
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Kolb, Annette;
Brunet, Jörg;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Verheyen, Kris.
On the use of weather data in ecological studies along altitudinal and latitudinal gradients.
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Brunet, Jörg;
Shevtsova, Anna;
De Schrijver, A;
Chabrerie, Olivier.
The response of forest plant regeneration to temperature variation along a latitudinal gradient.
Annals of Botany
Academic article
Gwynn-Jones, Dylan;
Jones, Alan G;
Waterhouse, A.;
Winters, A;
Comont, D;
Scullion, J.
Enhanced UV-B and Elevated CO2 Impacts Sub-Arctic Shrub Berry Abundance, Quality and Seed Germination.
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Kolb, A;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Decocq, Guillaume;
Baltora, S;
De Schrijver, A.
A latitudinal gradient in seed nutrients of the forest herb Anemone nemorosa.
Plant Biology
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Ejrnæs, Rasmus;
Lang, SI;
Meineri, Eric Pierre F;
Ibarra, PT;
Bruun, Hans Henrik.
Strong microsite control of seedling recruitment in tundra.
Academic article
Sundqvist, Maja K;
Giesler, Reiner;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Wallander, Håkan;
Fogelberg, Elisabeth;
Wardle, David A.
Interactive effects of vegetation type and elevation on aboveground and belowground properties in a subarctic tundra.
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Baeten, Lander;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Brunet, Jörg;
Wulf, Monika;
Orczewska, Anna.
Interregional variation in the floristic recovery of post-agricultural forests.
Journal of Ecology
Academic article
Eckstein, RL;
Pereira, Eva;
Milbau, Ann;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Predicted changes in vegetation structure affect the susceptibility to invasion of bryophyte-dominated subarctic heath.
Annals of Botany
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Kolb, Annette;
Shevtsova, Anna;
Brunet, Jörg;
Baeten, Lander.
An intraspecific application of the leaf-height-seed ecology strategy scheme on forest herbs along a latitudinal gradient.
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Brunet, Jörg;
Shevtsova, Anna;
Kolb, Annette;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Chabrerie, Olivier.
Temperature effects on forest herbs assessed by warming and transplant experiments along a latitudinal gradient.
Global Change Biology
Academic article
Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda A.;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Douma, JC;
Grau, Oriol;
Milbau, Ann;
Shevtsova, Anna.
How do bryophytes govern generative recruitment of vascular plants?.
New Phytologist
Academic article
Moles, Angela T.;
Wallis, Ian R.;
Foley, William J.;
Warton, David I.;
Stegen, James C.;
Bisigato, Alejandro J..
Putting plant resistance traits on the map: a test of the idea that plants are better defended at lower latitudes.
New Phytologist
Academic article
Baeten, Lander;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Verheyen, Kris;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Hermy, Martin.
Forest herbs in the face of global change: a single-species-multiple-threats approach for Anemone nemorosa.
Plant Ecology and Evolution
Academic literature review
Auffret, AG;
Meineri, Eric Pierre F;
Bruun, Hans Henrik;
Ejrnæs, R;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Ontogenetic niche shifts in three Vaccinium species on a sub-alpine mountain side.
Plant Ecology & Diversity
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
De Schrijver, A;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Gruwez, R;
Tack, W;
Vandelook, F.
The use of open-top chambers in forests for evaluating warming effects on herbaceous understorey plants.
Ecological Research
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Kolb, Annette;
Brunet, Jörg;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Cousins, Sara.
Significant effects of temperature on the reproductive output of the forest herb Anemone nemorosa L.
Forest Ecology and Management
Academic article
Milbau, Ann;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Shevtsova, Anna;
Nijs, Ivan.
Effects of a warmer climate on seed germination in subarctic tundra.
Annals of Botany
Academic article
Shevtsova, Anna;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Jochum, Till;
Milbau, Ann;
Kockelberg, Fred;
Beyens, Louis.
Critical periods for impact of climate-warming on early seedling establishment in subarctic tundra.
Global Change Biology
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Verheyen, Kris;
Kolb, Anette;
Van der Veken, Sebastian;
Heinken, Thilo;
Chabrerie, Olivier.
Germination requirements and seed mass of slow and fast colonizing forest herbs along a latitudinal gradient.
Academic article
De Frenne, Pieter;
Kolb, Anette;
Verheyen, Kris;
Brunet, Jörg;
Chabrerie, Olivier;
Decoqc, Guillaume.
Unravelling the effects of temperature, latitude and local environment on the reproduction of six forest herbs.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Academic article
Beyens, Louis;
Ledeganck, Pieter;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Nijs, Ivan.
Are soil biota buffered against climatic extremes? An experimental test on testate amoebae in arctic tundra (Qeqertarsuaq, West Greenland).
Polar Biology
Academic article
Milbau, Ann;
Stout, Jane C;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Nijs, Ivan.
A hierarchical framework for integrating invasibility experiments incorporating different factors and spatial scales.
Biological Invasions
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Ejrnæs, Rasmus;
Marchand, Fleur L;
Beyens, Louis;
Nijs, Ivan.
The effect of an early-season short-term heat pulse on plant recruitment in the Arctic.
Polar Biology
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Alsos, Inger Greve;
Ejrnaes, R.
The impact of temperature regimes on development, dormancy breaking and germination of dwarf shrub seeds from arctic, alpine and boreal sites.
Plant Ecology
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Alsos, Inger Greve;
Ejrnæs, Rasmus.
The impact of temperature regimes on development, dormancy breaking and germination of dwarf shrub seeds from Arctic, alpine and boreal site.
Plant Ecology
Academic article
Vellend, Mark;
Verheyen, Kris;
Flinn, Katheryn M;
Jacquemyn, Hans;
Kolb, Anette;
Van Calster, Hans.
Homogenization of forest plant communities and weakening of species-environment relationships via agricultural land use.
Journal of Ecology
Academic article
Ejrnæs, Rasmus;
Bruun, Hans Henrik;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Predicting community assembly in experimental grassland - Appropriate environment or timely arrival?.
Academic article
Marchand, Fleur L;
Verlinden, Marit;
Kockelberg, Fred;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Beyens, Louis;
Nijs, Ivan.
Species-specific responses and enhanced senescence in Arctic tundra species exposed to an experimental extreme temperature event accompanied by desiccation.
Functional Ecology
Academic article
Graae, B.J.;
Økland, Rune Halvorsen;
Petersen, P.M.;
Jensen, K.;
Fritzbøger, B..
Influence of historical, geographical, and environmental variables on understorey species composition and richness in Danish forest.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Økland, Rune Halvorsen;
Petersen, Peter Milan;
Jensen, Karin;
Fritzbøger, Bo.
The relative influence of historical, geographical and environmental factors for understorey species composition in temperate deciduous forest.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Pagh, Sussie;
Bruun, Hans Henrik.
An experimental evaluation of the arctic fox (Alopex lagopus, Canidae) as a seed disperser.
Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine research
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Hansen, Thomas;
Sunde, Pernille Bødtker.
The importance of recruitment limitation in forest plant species colonization: a seed sowing experiment.
Flora: Morphologie, Geobotanik, Oekophysiologie
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Sunde, Pernille Bødtker;
Fritzbøger, Bo.
Vegetation and soil differences in ancient opposed to recent forests.
Forest Ecology and Management
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen.
The role of epizoochorous seed dispersal of forest plant species in a fragmented landscape.
Seed Science Research
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen.
The effect of landscape fragmentation on forest floor species in two regions of Denmark, Hornsherred and Himmerland.
Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Sunde, Pernille Bødtker.
The impact of forest continuity and management on forest floor vegetation evaluated by species traits.
Academic article
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Heskjær, Vibeke Steen.
A comparison of understorey vegetation between untouched and managed deciduous forest in Denmark.
Forest Ecology and Management
Academic article
Part of book/report
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Nystuen, Kristin Odden;
Vandvik, Vigdis;
Eycott, Amy Elizabeth.
Effects of climate change on regeneration of plants from seeds in boreal, subarctic, and subalpine regions.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Hemphill, Elisa J. K.;
Lyamuya, Richard D.;
Mayemba, Emilian.
Travelling along the Road.
Bukombe, John;
Mujuni, Nelson;
Mwita, Machoke;
Lyamuya, Richard D.;
Mayemba, Emilian;
Hassan, Shombe N..
Distribution of Alien Plant Species.
Lyamuya, Richard D.;
Hemphill, Elisa J. K.;
Bukombe, John;
Mawaze, Nzunda;
Mwita, Machoke;
Mayemba, Emilian.
Eide, Nina Elisabeth;
Evju, Marianne;
Nystuen, Kristin O.;
Jepsen, Jane Uhd;
Soininen, Eeva M;
Le Vaillant, Maryline.
Smågnagerne gir puls og liv til høyfjellet.
Naranjo, Domenica;
Strimbeck, George Richard;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
How do lichens, willow shrubs, meadow, and heath plant communities affect microclimate?.
Masters thesis
Nielsen, Martin Reinhardt;
May, Roelof Frans;
Said, Mohammed Yahya;
Graae, Bente Jessen.
Deliverable 5.4: Future scenario analysis - Implications of ecosystem service and management change.
Said, Mohammed Yahya;
Kifugo, Shem;
Kija, Hamza;
Ojwang, Gordon;
Ojwala, Merceline;
May, Roelof Frans.
Deliverable 2.1. Quantitative modelling of land use.
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Smith, Stuart W.;
Sundsdal, Anders;
Speed, James David Mervyn.
Teatime for termites: Understanding the impact of human land-use and climate on termite and microbial litter decomposition.
Masters thesis
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Smith, Stuart W.;
Coleman, Kjirsten Elizabeth Robyne.
Uncovering the Impacts of Fencing in the Mara.
Masters thesis
Huri, Huri;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Strimbeck, Richard;
De Frenne, Pieter.
How does a forest herb species change its reproductive allocation patterns in response to microclimate variation.
Masters thesis
Graae, Bente Jessen;
De Frenne, Pieter;
Sharma Dhungana, Khumanand.
Microclimate Effects on Functional Traits of Anemone Nemorosa at an Elevation Gradient in Norway.
Masters thesis
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Smith, Stuart W.;
Speed, James David Mervyn;
Marit Klemetsen, Arneberg.
The impact of wild and domestic herbivores on aboveground productivity in an East-African savannah.
Masters thesis
Haukenes, Vilde Lytskjold;
Speed, James David Mervyn;
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Smith, Stuart.
Carbon stocks across the Serengeti ecosystem: Impacts of climate, land management and woody plant cover.
Masters thesis
Graae, Bente Jessen;
Nielsen, Martin Reinhardt;
Kløckner, Christian;
Ringsby, Thor Harald;
Moe, Espen;
Said, Mohammed Yahya.
Savanna Life (brettspill/serious game).
Other product
- BI3082 - Avansert bevaringsbiologi
- BI8031 - Planteøkologi III
- BI1002 - Faunistikk og floristikk
- BI8081 - Avansert Bevaringsbiologi
- RFEL3081 - Interdisciplinary Project for Environmental Sustainability
- RFEL3080 - Scientific Research Seminar in Natural Resource Management
- BI2034 - Samfunnsøkologi og økosystemer
- RFEL3083 - Bærekraftig forvaltning: Praksis
- RFEL3082 - Sustainable Management of Ecosystem Services
- BI3036 - Planteøkologi
PosterSeifert, Lukas Frank; Sivertsen, Katrine; Maugis, Matthieu; Graae, Bente Jessen; Hagen, Dagmar; May, Roelof Frans. (2024) Does Onshore Wind Energy damage Ecosystems? . SINTEF Energy Research NorthWind Annual Innovation Forum , Trondheim 2024-11-27 - 2024-11-28
PosterSeifert, Lukas; Graae, Bente Jessen; May, Roelof Frans; Hagen, Dagmar. (2023) Ecosystem Restoration in Onshore Wind Energy. OIKON, super natural 7th Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife impacts (CWW 2023) , Šibenik 2023-09-18 - 2023-09-22
PosterSeifert, Lukas Frank; Graae, Bente Jessen; May, Roelof Frans; Hagen, Dagmar. (2023) Ecosystem Restoration in Onshore Wind Energy. SINTEF Energy Research NorthWind Annual Innovation Forum , Trondheim 2023-12-06 - 2023-12-07
Academic lectureWedegärtner, Ronja Elisabeth Magdalene; Lembrechts, Jonas J.; Wal, Rene van der; Graae, Bente Jessen. (2020) Hiking trails as shortcuts into novel environments?! – Non-native plants colonizing mountain areas along hiking trails. Nordic Society Oikos Oikos 2020 , reykjavik 2020-03-03 - 2020-03-05
PosterHaukenes, Vilde Lytskjold; Speed, James David Mervyn; Graae, Bente Jessen; Smith, Stuart; Martinsen, Vegard; Lyamuya, Richard Daniel. (2019) Carbon storage across the Serengeti ecosystem: Impacts of climate, land-use and woody plant cover. Norwegian Ecological Society Norwegian Ecological Society , Tromsø 2019-02-11 - 2019-02-13
Academic lectureKuipers, Koen; Huijbregts, Mark A J; Schipper, Aafke M.; May, Roelof Frans; Graae, Bente Jessen; Verones, Francesca. (2019) Incorporating habitat fragmentation into the characterisation of land use impacts on biodiversity. SETAC SETAC Europe 29th annual meeting , Helsinki 2019-05-26 - 2019-05-30
Academic lectureGraae, Bente Jessen. (2019) The AfricanBioServices project. Maasai Mara Science and Development Initiative - Aarhus Univ Maasai Mara Science and Development Initiative – Symposium 2019 , Aarhus 2019-08-26 -
LectureGraae, Bente Jessen; Haukenes, Vilde Lytskjold; Sørensen, Mia Vedel; Strimbeck, Richard; Martinsen, Vegard; Smith, Stuart. (2019) Karbonfluks og karbonlagre i norsk fjelljord og afrikansk savannejord. Norges forskningsråd Fagseminar om økosystemer på land og deres betydning for klima , Lysaker, Oslo 2019-02-05 -
Academic lectureGraae, Bente Jessen. (2019) Savanna Life – a board game for reflections and solutions to human-wildlife conflicts in communities near protected park boarders . Ecosystems Services Partnership ESP 10 World Conference , Hannover 2019-10-21 - 2019-10-25
Academic lectureGraae, Bente Jessen. (2018) Windows of opportunities for seedling recruitment in Alpine ecosystems (Keynote). Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ) 31st Conference on Plant Population Biology , Innsbruck 2018-05-03 - 2018-05-05
Academic lectureGraae, Bente Jessen; Vandvik, Vigdis; Armbruster, W. Scott; Lenoir, Jonathan. (2018) The many ways topography buffers responses to climate change. Society for Conservation Biology 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology , Jyväskylä 2018-06-12 - 2018-06-15
PosterSmith, Stuart; Bukombe, John; Lyamuya, Richard Daniel; Mtweve, Philipo Jacob; Hassan, Shombe Ntaraluka; Speed, James David Mervyn. (2018) Wildlife and livestock impacts on plant biomass in and outside the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. Nordic Society Oikos OIKOS 2018 , Trondheim 2018-02-18 - 2018-02-22
Academic lectureSundsdal, Anders; Graae, Bente Jessen; Speed, James David Mervyn; Bukombe, John; Mtweve, Philipo Jacob; Hassan, Shombe Ntaraluka. (2018) Termites, teabags and tropical savannahs. Natural Resources Institute Finland International Conference on Ecology of Soil Microorganisms 2018 and 3rd annual TeaBag Index (TBI) symposium , Helsinki 2018-06-17 - 2018-06-21
Academic lectureSmith, Stuart; Bukombe, John; Lyamuya, Richard Daniel; Mtweve, Philipo Jacob; Hassan, Shombe Ntaraluka; Speed, James David Mervyn. (2018) Wildlife versus livestock driven seasonal biomass dynamics inside and outside the Serengeti National Park, Tanzania. Society of Conservation Biology 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology , Jyväskylä 2018-06-11 - 2018-06-15
LectureKuipers, Koen; May, Roelof Frans; Graae, Bente Jessen; Verones, Francesca. (2017) Advancing the representation of habitat fragmentation in LCIA. ISIE-ISSST , Chicago 2017-06-25 - 2017-06-29
Academic lectureAwuah, Joana; Smith, Stuart W; Speed, James David Mervyn; Graae, Bente Jessen. (2017) How does burning affect carbon pools in savanna ecosystems?. Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute 11th TAWIRI conference – December 4-6 2017 , Arusha 2017-12-04 - 2017-12-06
Academic lectureSørensen, Mia Vedel; Graae, Bente Jessen; Strimbeck, Richard. (2016) Carbon sequestration in the alpine-arctic Norway - How does herbivory exclusion and shrub expansion affect the terrestrial ecosystem functioning? . Elsevier ECOSUMMIT , Montpellier 2016-08-29 -
Academic lectureSørensen, Mia Vedel; Strimbeck, Richard; Graae, Bente Jessen. (2015) Carbon budgets of shrubs compared to meadow and heath communities - in a global change perspective . Norwegian Ecological Society Norwegian Ecological Society Conference , Bergen 2015-03-12 - 2015-03-13
PosterSørensen, Mia Vedel; Strimbeck, Richard; Graae, Bente Jessen. (2015) Carbon budgets of alpine shrub, meadow, and heath communities in Central Norway. Swedish Oikos Oikos 2015 , Umeå 2015-02-03 - 2015-02-05
Academic lectureAcharya, Kamal Prasad; Brunet, Jörg; Chabrerie, Olivier; Cousins, Sara A. O.; Diekmann, Martin; De Frenne, Pieter. (2013) Effect of latitude, temperature and nitrogen in traits of native and invasive Impatiens species. Ecological Society of America 98th ESA Annual Meeting , Minnesota, USA 2013-08-04 - 2013-08-09